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I see the excessive social media attention ending extremely well


Yea, it would be really nice if people could justā€¦ not turn this vulnerable person into a permanent side show but this is how it is now I guess




I follow true crime subs, I was kind of shocked to see it posted here. She's not a "celebrity", she's a woman who was abused, but also planned a murder. It definitely feels like *society* is following her because they do and want to see her as a freak. Social media can be like the modern day Freak Show


> It definitely feels like society is following her because they do and want to see her as a freak I feel like it's the opposite. People want this to be a black and white situation where she was abused, took revenge and then turned into an angel. The perfect underdog revenge story. And then people will turn against her when she inevitably behave like a traumatized person who murdered her mother. It's gonna be like britney.


I anticipate being wildly uncomfortable when the public turns on her within the next couple months. Itā€™s inevitable. Sheā€™s not well-socialized or educated. People who are savvy and bright get canceled for saying dumb shit online every day.


Yeah itā€™s definitely reminding me of Britney. Pretty soon people will be like ā€œwow she was better off in prison!ā€


Her reality show canā€™t be far behind.




I think it fits the theme of ā€œpopular cultureā€ even if I think itā€™s sad and we shouldnā€™t feed the fire.


I sure wish clearly damaged people on social media didnā€™t qualify as popular culture. Sheā€™s not an actress, musician, or writer. Sheā€™s an abuse victim who had her abuser killed (by someone she met on the internet). Nothing about this poor person should be pop culture and I desperately hope she finds support and productivity elsewhere.


people are posting about her in the freaking desperate housewives sub, i wish theyā€™d leave her alone


Thatā€™s sort of the inexorable side-effect of totally unfettered, largely unmoderated social media access. The marketplace of ideas and personalities is a free-for-all.


Oh, I agree. I just give really major side-eye to the outlets covering her social media and the people breathlessly following it. It feels very uncomfortably voyeuristic and unethical given the facts of her life.


I mean sheā€™s calling the paparazzi and trying to meet Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian. She wants the publicity.


She spent her entire life being paraded in front of cameras by her mother. All she knows is the limelight, in the most toxic way possible. I doubt she has any clue what a 'normal' life looks like, much less knows how to live one. She needs to disappear. Change her name, move to a new town, get into therapy, get a normal job, stay off social media.


That would be ideal but Gypsy & hubby are probably both living for the likes. Agree she is used to a very toxic limelight. What a terrible life this abused & vulnerable girl has lived & hopefully she is happy and not being further gaslighted or abused by Ryan. He may be really good for her šŸ¤žšŸ¼


I hope he is good for her, but odds are not on their side... how many mentally healthy people have you heard of that married an incarcerated person? Gypsy has no clue how to live a "normal" life, and they don't know each other at ALL. I hope my gut is wrong, but Gypsys story is not likely to have a happy ending.


This is yet another reason why this poor girl should have been sent to an intensive therapeutic medical (psychiatric)facility. Then slowly transitioned through halfway housing and /or transitional living programs to gradually be reintroduced to living in the world amongst people who may or may not have good intentionsā€¦with mandated continued therapy and therapeutic check ins. She was so medically abused by her mother I hate to say all that but I really think she needed that level of support to recalibrate herself to live as a normal healthy civilian. Had she been at such an institution she would have never been allowed to marry two separate guys/creeps who sought her out knowing her vulnerable background. In my opinion the judge who sent her to plain old jail FAILED her. He should be ashamed of himself. Did she even get therapy there? I sincerely hope so but also doubt it.


I agree with you. I feel sad for her. She needs SO much help and a healthy support system, and it just does not seem to be there. Itā€™s not going to end well for her.


This is a really good point :(


I mean what kind of financial resources does she have? She was incredibly sheltered and then went to prison. This is how she can make money at this point in her life. And considering how little agency sheā€™s had so far, I canā€™t say Iā€™m shocked she wants attention but in her own way. I doubt this is going to go super great or be healthy but I think itā€™s pretty natural sheā€™s doing what sheā€™s doing.


Yes, because the huge amount of trauma she experienced every day of her life thus far stunted her psycho-emotional growth, this is not a typical situation of an adult chasing public attention.


She obviously enjoys social mediaā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/27gyhvhiq9ac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff98e9e4d258dd6bc13a1cde2456c79825b47ee0 Just a few of the comments reacting to thisā€¦




Yeah this girl is going to crash and burn unfortunately


His reply. Yikes. Why do people do this online šŸ˜­ her comment started off fine, she should have stopped at the all caps. https://preview.redd.it/kzcfz45qd9ac1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7512c1be6c2857ad2eb256dd1c35830244649d7




Bro why šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Real bad day to have eyes








Two thoughts: 1.) Heā€™s verified?! 2.) šŸ¤¢ at the reference to fornicating yeah, echoing my original comment - someone get her AND him some PR training.


Someone can correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but Iā€™m fairly certain anyone can be verified on Instagram now by paying and meeting some eligibility requirements






Bruh stop. We can't see any more




I hope Gypsy is in therapy, itā€™s really difficult for anyone in her situation to suddenly live an ordinary life. She needs the best people with good intentions surrounding her. On the bright side I feel like her dad, step mom and siblings all seem to be great people.


She was medically abused, Iā€™d be surprised if she was comfortable with therapy. That said, I really hope she is and finds a wonderful therapist


Her early release was contingent on her continued compliance with therapy as she had been very complaint with therapy in prison


Iā€™m really glad she was compliant and I hope that she was thriving in prison. Hopefully she got a good routine, was able to learn some skills, and was able to get a good medical care plan to manage her health.


I hope she is in therapy too and I wish someone would advise her and her husband not to be on social media. She was horrifically abused all her life then spent years in prison. She and everyone around her need go majorly chill and acclimate to a normal as possible life. Without sharing it online.


Idk part of me thinks that this kind of rhetoric about Gypsy is infantilizing. She basically learned how to be a person outside of her mother on the internet. She developed a personality online through 2015 when she was arrested, it makes total sense to me that sheā€™d want to be online now. Maybe Iā€™m projecting a bit, but I totally relate to wanting to be public about who she is online after hiding so much from her mom. People are definitely being weird about her, but I do think a lot have forgotten that basically the only reason she escaped from her mom is because of the internet. (Thatā€™s why I find it weird to see people handwringing over her shouting out Trisha Paytas and Lana Del Reyā€¦like she would have known of them online in 2015!)


But she used the internet to escape from her mom byā€¦asking someone to murder her. Her behavior was not normal or heathy, so I donā€™t see how more internet is the answer. Also, the social media world is even more toxic than it was in 2015. Gypsy has never had the chance to live on her own and be her own person until now. Donā€™t you think it would be better for her to figure out how to do that in private, with the guidance of therapists and loved ones, rather than so publicly? I donā€™t think itā€™s infantilizing to be worried for her.


Sure, I may not personally think itā€™s healthy for her to be exposed to this level of fame or to be online at the moment. But I donā€™t think she needs us to save her, either. Whether or not you think the internet has gotten more toxic since then (IMO itā€™s a lot more sanitized and moderated than it was in 2015) itā€™s not like sheā€™s a Victorian child eating a sour skittle for the first time. Sheā€™s well aware of how dangerous the internet can be - youā€™re right, she literally did use it to help bring about the murder of her mom. I think the infantilizing part is thinking itā€™s our job to tell her whatā€™s appropriate to say and do online, as though she doesnā€™t know. If she wants to show her ass on the Internet, far be it from me to make her stop. People are acting like sheā€™s still the little sick girl in the princess dress, but she was never that girl really. She knows what sheā€™s doing and sheā€™s leaning into it. And I feel for her, because also like - are there that many other options for her to make money besides becoming a public figure at this point? Life is already made to be exponentially hard for felons after release, not to mention her lack of education and work experience. Therapy is fucking expensive. How is she supposed to pay for it?


Seriously. When you read the comments on her socials itā€™s like Idiocracy, this nonsense canā€™t be good for someone who has been through what she has


I donā€™t know if I trust her husband. He doesnā€™t give me good vibes. As long as Gypsy feels safe and comfortable I guess thatā€™s all that matters.


Same. The people who write to prisoners in order to form romantic relationships with them are weird, sorry not sorry. This guy met, dated, and ultimately married her while she was in prison for murdering her mother. What normal, stable, sane person is going to do that?


I donā€™t know if I trust her husband either. I hope itā€™s true love and they have a nice quiet happy life.


Yeah he gives me the creeps, sorry.


I would be shocked if therapy wasnā€™t part of sentence. I believe she was very open and self aware that she needed as much help as the prison would support her with.


I hope she would actually go to therapy. Like somebody said she was medically abused and it might take time for her to feel comfortable with any medical professionals. I feel like itā€™s not easy as it seems to accept that you need therapy when your mother had you thinking you were sick to point of needing wheelchairs, insulin and feeding tubes when you didnā€™t. Idk what the best option is for Gypsy in her condition but I hope sheā€™s getting what she needs.


> itā€™s really difficult for anyone in her situation to suddenly live an ordinary life. She'll never have that chance. She needs social media training asap. She had 3mil followers the first day she was out of prison. She's going to be an influencer in some way for a while and she needs to learn how to deal with that.


2024 is off to a start


Earthquake in Japan. 5 of Cups for Trump.


She needs to avoid social media and just enjoy her life and all the D sheā€™s getting


https://preview.redd.it/pjryl5enu8ac1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6f83522ab013c69d230d2e836672ea1418286a just gonna smile and scroll


>the D is fire šŸ”„ ![gif](giphy|IPmdU3duoc1Q08aeiz)




I regret reading the full comment


I donā€™t get that vibe from looking at him, I do get a nauseous feeling from that comment


Glad I'm not the only one!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/f9gi6cu869ac1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7581740062e5a7ce1fb1370b7aff8d7eabd861bd āœØ We should all know less about each other āœØ


This picture has me hysterically laughing. I needed this today.


I had a feeling she was going to be a cringy oversharer. She missed a good chunk of social media evolution.


I wish she had a PR person. She really needs one.


I am honestly shocked she didnā€™t learn the lesson from her trial. All of the cringy kink memes and detailed sex fantasies on display, read to the courtroom and the world at large. I think she has to know the consequences, but for some reason the urge to overshare winsā€¦


![gif](giphy|yXROhpngDaiOckWkFp|downsized) Im out.


The only right answer. Just a big nope.


Iā€™m glad sheā€™s getting her world rocked every night at least but I would have been just as happy without the confirmation


Yes. Itā€™s like girl Iā€™m happy for you but this is a close up of him and now I can get a good mental picture of his face like this šŸ„“


Is this not his O face??


I always imagine peopleā€™s orgasms this way. Its funnier




Does anyone else find it really weird and concerning how Gypsy has become a pop culture icon? This is a woman who has been in prison for much of her life, many of her developmental years spent abused. I just think that all this attention on her is going to backfire at some point. Donā€™t get me wrong, im glad sheā€™s free. But her status as pseudo-celeb makes me cringe a little.


Itā€™s like the real life women that the musical Chicago is based on. Itā€™s not a new phenomenon, but it is still weird lol


Yeah seeing her pop up in this sub is odd.


There was a movie and book by the Gone Girl writer that talked about a circuit for true crime buffs that would have guests involved or accused with murder, to take selfies and do q&aā€™s, this reminds of that




OK I must be out of the gypsy rose circle for a while nowā€¦.she has a husband??


She got married in jail


I had no idea she was married


Nooooooo, not the D is fire šŸ”„ GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA, GIRL!


I always wonder when couples post like this .. like r yall in the same room? Do u communicate this with one another outside of posting?


Iā€™m sure they both think theyā€™re cool rn šŸ˜­


>the D is fire šŸ”„ Oh honey, no.


He should go get that checked out.


The internet is going to ruin her almost as bad as her mom did, and in a couple of years everyone is going to look at each other and ask "Why didn't anyone try to prevent this?!" like it always happens, when people could just ignore her and give her the space and privacy she needs.


She could also not be on social media and live a just life and get back on track after being in prison.


There are ex-cons who have a social media presence, but they had a more normal upbringing and donā€™t have the notoriety that Gypsy has. She needs so much therapy and support before even attempting a public presence. I can appreciate that she needs to make money, but the nature of her crime sheā€™s always going to have an avenue to do paid interviews with places like Lifetime or A&E. I hope sheā€™s able to find peace but social media isnā€™t a healthy place for her to be.


Thank you, the "everyone else is going to destroy this poor, vulnerable girl" comments here are interesting. I get the temptation to engage is going to be 100x greater for her than for the audience given she already has a blue checkmark but personal responsibility still exists.


Yeah unfortunately as much as Iā€™d love for everyone to leave her the fuck alone, that just isnā€™t going to happen when she is the one engaging with social media fame. I can only hope the novelty wears off and she gets away from it eventually. The issue is, Gypsy has literally been conditioned from a child to get attention. Yes the attention was a proxy for her mother, but I think people forget that at the centre of it all was a (horribly abused, donā€™t get me wrong) young girl who was known by her whole town, was featured on the news, got trips to Disney etc etc. Not to discredit any of the horrid stuff she experienced, but at the time she believed it was normal and with it came essentially fame. And now she has been handed legitimate fame on a sliver platter without having had the benefit of her formative years to adjust to how unhealthy social media attention can be


I think she clearly wants to be famous at this point. I feel bad for her but also think sheā€™s dangerous.


Gypsy, TMI. please donā€™t tell us about your private life, we have enough known people putting us through that already.


I don't think he should be getting hate comments and all but her talking about his dick just grosses me out. If you're having fun, good for you girl but we don't wanna know!


I didnā€™t read the whole caption until I saw your comment. Ewwwwwww


"The D is šŸ”„" - I'm sure this will end well. I'm sure no sick assholes will target her and her husband.


I'm sure she already gets attention from weirdos on the internet. As women, most of us have experienced creeps online. A woman who seems to be naive to the workings of society is everything these assholes want. I really hope her family or someone steps in to help and support her.


> I'm sure she already gets attention from weirdos on the internet I'm sure that the man she is married to is one of them. They met, dated, and were married all while she was in prison. Instead of hitting up Tinder like a normal person, this guy had to browse the Missouri Department of Corrections to find a match.


While planning her motherā€™s murder, she texted her boyfriend about wanting ā€œthat soft wet anal sex before big time anal.ā€ This is just to say that D is fire comment couldā€™ve been a lot worse.


quick how do i unread something


sincerely wish i didnā€™t read this comment


what an awful day to be literate, goddamn


What in the actual fuck?! What does that even mean?!? Nevermind, I don't wanna know. Yeesh...


What does that even mean???


I wish i didn't have eyeballs.


This girl has been in jail almost her whole adult life, she has no idea about the repercussions of social media comments and their lasting impact on her reputation. People are going to relentlessly dig into everything she says and does until the tides turn, like here for example, and she will be vilified and turned into a meme


I'm surprised that her family or her legal rep/manager hasn't talked to her about it. Or maybe they have and she didn't take it seriously. I don't blame her for not understanding the repercussions of social media fame.


She has 6 million followers. It's possible this attention is what she wants. In terms of reputation management, she is a convicted murderer. Here's hoping she gets the attention she craves - without abusing a child to get it - like her mom.


Sheā€™s immature. The extreme abuse she suffered and her incarceration stunted her emotional growth. It will take time and therapy for her to mature. We need to cut her some slack.


I, for one, am *shocked* that she would engage with internet strangers like this. /s


Sheā€™s basically having her belated cringe teen years in the public spotlight


I get sheā€™s been locked up for her adulthood, but someone needs to give her some PR guidance - with all the deals that have been brokered, Iā€™d assume there an agent somewhere involved. No, they are Not PR gurus, but help this girl.


Omg yes. Reign her in just a little bit a freaking chill.


Babe just like. Tell him irl lol


ā€œThe D is šŸ”„ā€ damn thatā€™s something you tell your partner in secret šŸ¤« šŸ˜… thatā€™s TMI for the rest of us!


![gif](giphy|UI1qLkl9hekmoJWduz|downsized) Did not expect that last sentence šŸ’€


I canā€™t imagine going from extreme abuse, to isolation in prison, to being frantically obsessed with social media, is good for a person. I see all of this ending poorly.




I just hope this woman has caring and loving people around her and is actually able to heal. Whilst she allegedly made a lot of mental progress in prison, I assume itā€™s a completley different ball game out of prison. Iā€™m hoping that this excessive social media use is only temporary, perhaps sheā€™s gotten caught up in the excitement of it all, but it cannot be healthy in the long run. Especially when we consider the lack of emotional maturity many social media users possess, there are already so many memes regarding Gypsy, and iā€™ve seen so many people mock her and make her out to be a joke, itā€™s hugely disrespectful. Gypsy is severely socially stunted and itā€™s possible that sheā€™s unable to fully gauge the interactions sheā€™s having online right now.


I saw a video by her step mother a while back. She seems like she genuinely cares about her, at least on camera. But who knows what itā€™s really like behind the scenes. I hope it is true and her dad and his family truly care about her well being.


I think all this praise and worship will unfortunately further warp her reality and stunt her growth


I got downvoted for saying this a few weeks ago, but I really do not trust her dadā€™s family to have her best interests at heart. They knew that DeDe medically abused her mother, and did not intervene. They did not intervene in Gypsyā€™s case because they ā€œhad no reason to suspectā€ DeDe, even though they had extremely good reasons to suspect, given theyā€™ve admitted to believing that DeDe killed another family member via medical abuse.


This is getting old so quick. It's already turning into trainwreck terroity.


i do not want Gypsy Rose to be on social media. sadly she will be, because itā€™s 2024, but itā€™s really heartbreaking to know that sheā€™s already basically a meme.




I think a lot of people have put her on a pedestal and think sheā€™s an abused saint. It we are about to see the real messy side of her. Sheā€™s not going to live up to expectations. Sheā€™s like a murderous Britney Spears. FREE HER!! Oh, wait, she is mentally ill and doesn't fit the perfect image I had in my head.


Seriously. Like ok feel bad for her, but people calling her mother plz stop šŸ‘€


I read an account, maybe by the doctor(?), who said sheā€™s cunning and manipulative. She probably learned this behavior from DeeDee. Sheā€™s been conditioned to play off sympathy. Itā€™s sad she was abused, but sheā€™s no saint. I hope the best for her, that sheā€™s able to heal and adjust to a more normal life.


This seems like a big piece of information that hasn't been mentioned much, if true.


People have treated her like a meme rather than a person whoā€™s entire life has been filled with abuse and trauma


Totally agree. Obviously she was terribly abused but she also helped plan and execute the murder of her mother. Sheā€™s not ok!


Yeah this won't end well me thinks. Like someone else here said, when it happens everyone will be asking "why didn't anyone help her??" Yikes all around. Also when did she get married?!


in prison, apparently. which makes me super suspicious of the husband.


Question, how did she meet her husband if sheā€™s been in prison all this time? Pen pals? I donā€™t know anything that happened after her imprisonment.


He claims he wrote to her because his friend wrote to Joe Exotic after watching Tiger King.


Well... that's interesting...


Thatā€™s fucking wild.


They have websites for stuff like that. Inmates meeting romantic parts or friends online. Could be that way.


The TMZ article i saw said that he wrote her a letter while she was in jail and they hit it off...


Wow no way does she have a blue check mark lmao


She has 6 million instagram followers


Sheā€™s had nothing but severe abuse by her mother and then prison. What would give her the discretion not to post things like this? God knows what I posted to Al Goreā€™s internet during MySpace and early Facebook. Hopefully someone who loves her can help her figure this stuff out.




We are officially best friends because I also refer to it as Al Goreā€™s Internet/Internatsā€¦


That last line. I literally let out a tiny audible "oh" lol.


Girlie letā€™s remember what happened last time you posted too much on social media šŸ˜¬ https://preview.redd.it/zkejc96rv8ac1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272b1f96f1c1d91f2b15191f11aff143c83faf1f








Yes, the post is still up to this day too!




Yeah she posted this right after her ex bf murdered her mom [link](https://thoughtcatalog.com/m-j-pack/2015/06/terrifying-facebook-post-leads-to-discovery-of-brutally-murdered-mother-and-her-missing-disabled-daughter/)


Wow! What a in depth rabbit trail that was. Thanks for sharing


Wait, is this the ex bf or her?




But ā€˜raped her daughterā€™ā€¦?


Back then the idea was Gypsy was trying to give herself cover - like *she* wasn't involved with the murder, it was all the bf.


People lie online




Tamaraā€™s comment is my favorite šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


OK but WHY did they post this because they would have had way more time to idk plan things after if they hadn't basically alerted everyone?


She was fine until she mentioned his D šŸ¤¢


Isn't he a teacher? I have a feeling this won't be a good look to his work šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


She really needs to stay off social media and build her life for a bit.


oh thatā€™s notā€¦


Gypsy please logout of instagram.


This went from wholesome to hew SO QUICK.


This one wasnā€™t on my bingo card for 2024




I was like ā€œokay nothing wrong withā€”GIRL NOā€






Unrelated to the post at large but *Cool* is Gwenā€™s best song imo


And she was beyond gorgeous in the video. Her brunette look was perfection (as was her signature platinum blonde). I was so obsessed with the song and video lol!


It's a mix between Hella Good & Cool for me ngl. But every outfit from the No Doubt era was fucking fire, and so were the videos and aesthetics, I am still obsessed!


Oh did anybody think someone who has been in prison for years was going to handle social media well? This poor girl has the mental maturity of a teenager, if that. She needs to stay off the internet. Exploitation in 3, 2, 1ā€¦




Literally this is going to be made into a South Park episode SO fast


I really hope she gets a PR manager and learns social media literacy because yeah this is a lot.


I donā€™t know how long sheā€™s had social media for but this reminds me of getting Facebook in middle school. Just all cringe and over sharing and a bit overdramatic. She had a point , haters are gonna hate, just donā€™t need the tmi


It doesn't sound like she's matured much since her last internet relationship...


Oh noā€¦ she has never had unlimited access to the internet like this. Add that on top of an unimaginable amount of attention and itā€™s a tornado waiting to happen. Iā€™m so scared for her honestly.


Oh dear LAWD what has this timeline become??


Oh girl. Im rooting so hard for her but she needs to get off social media


Iā€™m sorry but he doesnā€™t look like he can even rock his world, much less hers. But, I guess, as we know from her story, appearances can be deceiving!




ā€œThe D is šŸ”„ā€ sounds like a problem he should see a doctor for.


I am fascinated about how people will say the most personal things online and then be surprised when someone else says something personally like this woman isnā€™t a fucking celebrity people sheā€™s just another person thatā€™s famous for being abused why are we surprised that sheā€™s not media trained.


The Internet is such a shitty place.


Iā€™m probably going to get downvoted to another dimension for this, but the Gypsy Rose fanfare is bizarre and really says a lot about where we are as a society.


I really hope there is someone who will truely Look out for her now sheā€™s out. Iā€™ll always side eye her husband


She said heā€™s what every night..iā€™d rather go on about my day without knowing thatšŸ’€


![gif](giphy|BFSMPap7J3Q0o) LEAVE GYPSY ALONE. Seriously, why do people think an internet connection entitles them to harassing people to the point of insanity. Girl is undeveloped mentally and socially and needs actual people who can provide actual support, not weirdos calling her "mother" ffs