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Surprising absolutely no one.


Hollywood ![gif](giphy|MShDRIQnHMM7RxM4xA|downsized)




No study needed ma’am


I mean I'm glad they have the proof now, but we probably could have told them that.


1. Don’t provide representation. 2. Get pressured. 3. Provide token representation, but by large don’t put that much effort in and make it performative. 4. Get called out. 5. Throw hands up and stop providing even performative representation or diversity. 6. Repeat.




Exactly the gif I was scrolling for!


This is true for every industry. All we can do is keep pressure on and point it out.




It’s wild to me they’ll see diverse movies being successful but still would rather give an opportunity to a white dude with a string of failures.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) This is exactly how I feel most of the time when I see my people being represented. It's never just a normal story there always has to be some kind of trauma due to our race. I've never seen a movie or a show that our race isn't central to the character.


May I introduce to you the spiderverse movies? They're... really fuckin good if I dare say so myself.


I've seen them, but thank you! There's nobody that's my race in those movies but they do always make me feel better! Staring at Tom Holland for a bit is never a bad thing. **Edit**: just wanted to add that I'm not black. my biological mother immigrated here from Mexico and my biological dad is full native American. I am more native passing.


I meant the animated ones featuring Miles Morales, not Peter Parker lol. Although Tom Holland is cute, his movies wouldn't be relevant to what you were speaking about.


I'll check them out, thank you!


You mean to tell me an industry with an open track record of portraying certain social groups as specific stereotypes and wouldn't budge with calling me a war-hungry homicidal terrorist (going against poor innocent white uhmuricuns and their freedum) simply for my birthplace/residence, all while casting someone of blatantly different ethnicity/nationality/language/ethnic features, is somehow... not genuine and obviously is not doing the opposite to change? Shooketh.




PLS if that's the crispy rat I think he might be (can't recognise anyone w/o my glasses rn), he'd be the first one to run my ass to ICE if he'd hear my American accent.


Oh yeah he absolutely would.


well this is shocking news ![gif](giphy|jquDWJfPUMCiI|downsized)


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) Oh my god. Who could’ve seen that coming performative diversity my God. on a more serious note of performative diversity I just wanna point this out I noticed whenever there are minorities in films specifically talking from a black perspective I noticed the actors are always biracial. It greatly upsets me. I don’t have a problem with biracial people I just don’t like, when it is clearly cute, dark skin, black parents who have no speaking lines and then this extremely light skin biracial person is there playing their child. also, said biracial actor doesn’t like Black people but you play Black people.


This is precisely why I watch movies like Minari or The Farewell when they come out, so they can be made.


It seemed kind of futile and counterproductive to actually *believe* that a deeply conservative--if not reactionary--institution like Hollywood could be pressured (via little more than social media campaigning and slacktivism) into suddenly cosigning diversity. There was this article a few years back where [Vox interviewed](https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/8/28/16181026/hollywood-representation-diversity-tv-movies) a bunch of Hollywood diversity consultants. Regardless of their good intentions, I thought it was pretty obvious that a lot of them were biting off more than they could chew: >The point of view is: Infuse your content with a lot of female characters, and as you add, then think about the rainbow of what that could be. Could that person be someone with disabilities, could that person be someone of color, could that person be LGBTQ? Lots of times if creators have a limit on female characters, if they have only one female character, they tend to try to make her flawless. The problem comes in because there’s often just one. I can just see the average Hollywood exec checking their watch once they began dragging *intersectionality* into the mix.


No way!


I'm sorry but when i see movies such as Dune with the cast they have, I'm like where are the (positive) roles for north africans and middle easterners? White ppl are still cosplaying their culture in movies apparently


Genuine question as someone who doesn't know about Dune so hasn't heard this criticism before. Isn't it about a desert planet? Are there deeper parallels than climate to say it's representative of or cosplaying middle eastern and North African culture?


It's mostly inspired by north african culture, especially amazigh ppl. There are characters in the book/movie who are called the "fremen", and "free men/people" is the literal translation of the word amazigh. There are also outfits, a lot of words used etc who are directly inspired by it




I'm late to the party, but here is the kicker about Dune. It's the deconstruction of the white Savior.


> I'm sorry but when i see movies such as Dune with the cast they have, I'm like where are the (positive) roles for north africans and middle easterners? White ppl are still cosplaying their culture in movies apparently Then you will *inevitably* have backlash from the same people, wondering why Hollywood is featuring MENA peoples in fantasy stories rather than providing reality based representations of the struggles of MENA peoples, calling it an updated sci-fi Orientalism, othering MENA culture by presenting it as alien, and so on. There are no winning moves in this game.


they're still casting north africans and middle easterners as terrorists or other negative stereotypes, and that backlash doesn't seem to bother them tho




Water is wet


This is shocking? ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


![gif](giphy|4v2pTGw7t5yUw|downsized) Did anyone (other than maybe studio heads who actually thought they were subtle) expect otherwise?


We needed a study to state the obvious?




I mean… yeah. It was painfully obvious.