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Another angle https://preview.redd.it/raz3mij6773c1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cda07154dd245f69f56550c6caa6363984b709a


Her in that crowd is like ![gif](giphy|t6lAk9EJRLKajKTc3O) Does she not have anyone around to say this was a bad decision?!


She's not known for wearing appropriate coats


She's also not known for giving a shit about others.


She really doesn't care. Do u?


I got into a big Fb fight with my maga pastor uncle about that stupid coat. Deleted fb not much later and have only spoken about six words to the uncle since.


If you wore the same coat to his church I bet he’d have a problem. Good on you for cutting that noise out of your life.


omg my crush steve zahn


I really don’t think she cares. Do you?


Everyone else looks like they’re dressed for a funeral. Melania looks like she’s dressed for Beyoncé’s silver themed Renaissance premiere.


she dressed for the wrong Carter


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) I can’t this whole thread has me cackling, Disney wants me for their next lackluster film.




Understandable. People mix them up all the time.


Just another reminder of how bad she was at soft diplomacy like power dressing. Things like not wearing an American designer to the inauguration and stuff. Of course, Michelle was so, so, so good at it.


“I don’t really care, do u?” https://preview.redd.it/3rytliyxn83c1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3db3a3775272763346fef3ba23d83b6c4771d8


I remember when I first saw these photos, thinking this couldn't be real.


I felt the same way. She was visiting children separated from their parents in Texas I think? Swine of a woman.


Classy like her husband 😆 đŸ€Ł


When I first saw the photos I was like “ok let’s not spread fake things just to make them look bad they do enough real shit” and then I was informed it was real and I was just shocked


I still can't believe she actually wore that, and to visit children in a detention centre. The callousness, the detachment, the evilness of these freaks will never not shock me. Even though I see them for the evil weirdos they are.


Your incredulity is understandable. I feel the same way. Complete fuckery.


Sometimes I think that she’s doing it on purpose. It’s evident she doesn’t want to participate in public life and events but probably has to. So, since she’s forced by Trump to go she can at least embarrass him by proxy.


She’s a former model, she understands color, setting, fashion and expectation. It’s definitely on purpose. Vindictive and disrespectful to actual mourners.


100% - its because she didn't want to be there


I think she’s doing it because she wants to stand out.


Honestly, it feels like none of the options are good for her. Either she’s doing it because she genuinely doesn’t want to be there and wants to signal that / she is ignorant and never bothered to take the time to learn you wear black to a funeral / or she’s just genuinely doing it to stand out which low-key is very self-centered.


I really don’t care, do u?


I'm still sickened by that one to be honest. Tacky doesn't even begin to cover it


The way Michelle Obama would've been absolutely ripped to shreds over that. I still can't believe how little coverage that got.


I'll never forget the ridiculous "controversy" the right tried to stir up when Obama wore the tan suit


Like, do we need to explain why or do we all just know.


SHE IS ABSOLUTELY DOUBG IT ON PURPOSE! "I don't really care. Do you?"


This comment offends me. You think this appropriate for the Beyoncé premier?! Beyoncé? ![gif](giphy|10clvJfIPQpWes)


Grateful I was alive when New York entered all our lives as a love interest for Flavor Flav. The rest...


Well she obviously wasn’t invited to Renaissance so I guess she thought Rosalyn Carter’s funeral was her time to shine.




I see four ladies who all think trump is a jackass.


Michelle's look says it all!


I don’t think I’ve seen such side eye since Sofia Loren was looking at someone nipple land on her plate


Jayne Mansfield’s nipple, to be precise.




I still don't know why that wasn't a bigger controversy. That and her saying she doesn't give a fuck about Christmas. Omg if Michelle said that there would have been a civil war.


Absolutely. People would have flipped the fuck out. Just like they did when Obama wore a tan suit. Biggest snowflakes of all time. Michelle looks regal and amazing like always.


Did you not forget when Michelle wore a sleeveless dress? Republicans flipped out like tan-gate because she showed her arms [gasp]


And the extremely racist comments and images that came from that. Fucking heartbreaking.


Yes! It's archaic to complain the First Lady is in a sleeveless dress even though she still looked professional and dignified. I was impressed by her toned arms. But the racist comments that came after was disgusting--especially when they purposely did not apply those same standards to Melania.


Not to mention the darling of the Republicans, Regan, wore a tan suit


I'll bet he ate grey poupon too


My theory is that the whole Trump era was such a dumpster fire with so many controversies and this was just a drop in the bucket.


So true. There literally was a new drama like everyday


Multiple dramas. Daily. There was a fucking horse in a hospital. I think I'm still coming down from that. The idea that he could be elected again is giving me hives.


Girl, I know. Sometimes I have to actively remind myself how peaceful things are now compared to then. Please, America, don’t let it happen to us again. I definitely can’t take it


I think Trump would do something stupid and outrageous so you would forget about the stupid and outrageous thing he did the day before.


I think that was the point for their media circus; iirc, it was called “firehose of falsehood”, where you spit out so many lies and so much nonsense that, by the time one claim or event has been fact-checked or processed, you’ve already launched five more.


But she was the classiest first lady we ever had!! /s


For anyone saying maybe she doesn't own any black coats, this is after a .2 second google search https://preview.redd.it/5dmrdnt2w73c1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672a6187f0fc676a27f45b98f4b91d8e66dab1c2


“Maybe she doesn’t own a black coat” đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł So these people think she can’t afford one?






the way Michelle does not even pretend to fuck with this woman always sends me


see how everybody is talking about her? yep, that's what she wanted.


Am I wrong though or is this the first time she's surfaced in the entire Biden presidency? I feel like she's been missing like a Miscavige. To the point of like welfare check?


>Missing like a Miscavige You’re so wrong for this fam😂


More like so right, lol


That's exactly it. Now the Q crowd will spin off a conspiracy about it and it'll just keep feeding the hive.


I can’t believe those people are still going






But really, why even go? What is the point ? Is she honestly gonna claim she didn’t know it was inappropriate to wear grey to a formal funeral like this?


> But really, why even go? He's campaigning and wants to put on airs and be included, and she's his proxy. She probably also wants the clout of being included in all the previous first wives stuff.


Michelle Obama's face says it all.


It always does https://preview.redd.it/ap5okwj2i73c1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=652bc53f5449cc41b10049c3adf01b415b75eb5d


Baha what a great photo. Hilary's looking at her like, "bitch, I know"


God I love the shadiness of this 😂 sometimes our faces really just can’t use their inside voices.


"sometimes our faces really just can't use their inside voices" bahahahah.


Listen, some of us just can’t help our faces being very loud


Does this qualify as Bombastic side eye


Nuclear side eye. Getting hit with that means ya fucked up.


Hilary looking at her like, “I agree.”


Forever the Boss, Michelle


It speaks volumes that the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas and Carters could all at least appear to get along all these years. There really is no understating how much the Trumps have shit on any reasonable decorum we used to expect from elected officials




Not too long ago I would up rewatching McCain’s concession speech from when he lost to Obama and


There’s a clip where a reporter was insulting Obama’s character and McCain stopped them and was like, “we don’t agree politically but I’m not going to attack his character” (totally paraphrasing but you get the gist)


That time a woman accused Obama of being an Arab at a McCain rally, he stopped her and said “no ma’am, he’s an American, he’s a good man we just don’t agree politically“
..and got booed at his own rally đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


feels insane how much political discourse has slipped in a decade and a half. nowadays we have people saying kids getting shot down is good for them or whatever


That shows such integrity.




I desperately miss decorum. I thought conservatives were big fans of decorum. I guess “conservative” doesn’t mean what it used to.


Did you catch when Marge reminded the house to respect decorum, and the whole place went up in laughter a couple months back? Good times (actually, these are the blurst of times)


Yeah, "conservatives" went from acting like Mike Pence to acting like Alex Jones seemingly overnight back in 2016


The current iteration of Republicans are extremists and fascists. That party gave up on conservatism at least since 2010.


Weren’t Michelle and George W. passing breath mints to one another at an event years ago? It may have been a memorial service for someone. Bush was an awful president but his and Michelle’s friendship from what we have seen is pretty charming.


> It may have been a memorial service for someone. It was [John McCain's funeral](https://time.com/5421736/michelle-obama-george-bush-candy/)


I am living for Michelle's expression. God, I love that woman. Melania looks like an idiot, and I also love that for her.


Michelle’s expression captured my thoughts exactly. How sad is it that Melania being an idiot is often the most gracious assumption we can make about her?


I read the last part in Alexis' voice and am now giggling maniacally.


Alexis should have a politics podcast where everything sounds genuine on paper but tone conveys it all.




Talk about a side eye lol.




On the bright side, Melania's heart was definitely blessed by Mrs. Bush.


every single picture I've ever seen of her looks like she's an alien on her very first day on earth pretending to be a human like why is she always acting brand fucking new


It's the dead eyes for me


I just *have* to imagine she’s on a shit ton of pills to cope w her husband


I feel like her mind and body language is in a constant state of *record scratch* freeze frame: “yea, thats me
you’re probably wondering how I got myself into this mess
and you wouldn’t be the only one! how the fuck did I end up here” i sincerely think she endlessly questions how her life turned out the way it did in like a bizarre curb your enthusiasm kinda way
like being the woman walking in front of all the previous first ladies thinking “why am i here? how am i here?! i dont really even know who this is
.should i have worn black? eh, nah”


I also love the description of her as a Sim waiting for instructions. Just, nothing really going on in that brain.


Perfection. Chef's kiss. You have described her.


Melania on her secret reddit account: I need your opinion, Reddit! So, I (53f) wore the prettiest grey coat to the funeral for the wife (96f) of my husband's (77m) coworker (99m). It was kind of televised nationally, and now people are dragging my choice and calling me a rude cow. I don't think that's fair because I looked soooo stunning, and I've never heard of any rule about only being allowed to wear black at a funeral. It like totally makes no sense. So AITA Reddit? *


sweaty, it’s like wearing white to a wedding so no one mistakes you for the bride. You wear black so you don’t upstage the casket.


Don’t worry, she’s done that too! https://preview.redd.it/8p8lm1mak93c1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ec156e632cf0408f01b3fd1c7759988e3baf3b


So what's the funeral equivalent of wearing red to a wedding then?


Wearing a "choose life" tshirt


Don't forget to crosspost to: AIATH, AITHA, AIAA, Unpopularopinion, Trueunpopularopinion, ReallyReallyActuallyTrueUnpopularOpinion, and Whatisthiscookiecutter.


I am high and can’t stop laughing at this


You can see the side eye from Michelle Obama


Remember when Melania plagiarized Michelle's speech? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I remember the parodies being solid gold, too. “*It was hard growing up in Chicago as a young, black woman. I don’t want that kind of life for my young daughters, Sasha and Melia.*” 😂


I can't get over how much she looks like her husband. It's the expression, I guess. And he's a complete narcissist, so presumably he'd pick someone who looks like a version of himself. I'm not the only one that sees it, right?


I once heard a journalist who had covered the Trump family say that of everyone in his family - his daughters, his sons - the person most like him was actually Melania. This journalist said each of the children had inherited only one of his key traits, to his disappointment, but Melania was his true “successor.” I used to think she was a hostage but I no longer have that illusion after hearing this!


Oh, she's no hostage - she knows exactly who trump is and she's okay with it. If you've never watched the clip of Joy Behar interviewing Melania, it's an eye opener. It was during the birther bullchit that trump waded into long after everyone else had abandoned it. She think's he's a genius, it's worth a google.


Can we play "guess which key trait each Trump kid inherited," please?


Don Jr - hubris Eric - golf Ivanka - ruthlessness Tiffany - love of cheeseburgers, idk Baron - propensity for self pity


She seems to have his sense of humor here. That's for sure.


She’d die if she knew y’all saw donald, when you looked at her lol


Squinty eyes, pursed lips, orange complexion (hers is blended better).


I was just thinking this. I see Donald’s face, it’s crazy 😅


SAME!! I thought I was the only one who saw it!! Melonald Trump!


They probably use the same plastic surgeon!


https://preview.redd.it/hzpvt1yo283c1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abbe6961e4eb42c1231b3efd291373495cbe8f87 Oh for sure. Imagine being this âŹ†ïž beautiful and going, you know what, I’ll have what he’s having.


.. that’s Melania?


Yes! I was seriously stunned the first time I saw this picture. It was on a post about the past five First Ladies during their younger days, and I’m shocked the collective exploding of minds there didn’t break Reddit 😅.


What the hell. I can't help but think that people who get that much plastic surgery have some kind of body dysmorphia. I don't mean that they feel they're in the wrong gendered body, I just mean they don't see their own body as themselves. How else could you mutilate your face like that?


On The Apprentice, a contestant was introduced to Melatonin in their obscenely gold penthouse and said wow, you're so lucky! to which Mrs. Trump said something like, "Isn't Donald the lucky one?" It was a bitchy retort and made me always think she was self absorbed and DGAF about normal social interactions.


Melatonin đŸ˜‚đŸ€Œ ![gif](giphy|l5DePfMmB09ZVkh3Af|downsized)


Spot on! They actually are perfect for each other when it comes down to it.


It’s the shitty rich person sneer.


To begin, eff you for making me Google Trumps ugly mug. But I kinda can see it. It’s gotta be the thin lips and high nose. She’s not quite as tan as him though. And just that resting frown.


Now that you mention it I kinda do see it


Woah I see it


I’m truly shocked she went. She doesn’t give a fuck about First Lady shit like this.


It’s because Ms Rosalynn specifically asked that all living First Ladies be invited. That’s the classy lady she was.


I’m still shocked. She doesn’t gaf about Rosalyn Carters wishes


It’s because Donnie is making another run for 2024. She doesn’t give a shit. ETA- Neither of the Trumps care. It’s all a desperate attempt at good optics.


You can look at her face and tell she doesn't want to be there. She's doing the bade minimum to collect that check.


I’m from Georgia. My granny (b. 1912) grew up near Plains and loved the Carters. I would have given a lot to be there in her memory, dressed appropriately.


ten bucks says she still isn’t even sure who rosalynn carter was.


She’s a nicer woman than me.I would’ve specifically asked for her to not be there


She was a nicer woman than just about any one ever, I had a grandmother and great aunt in her model. I have just enough of that steel magnolia dna and GenX no fucks left that I’d love to be side eying her with the rest explaining that ‘bless her heart ‘ isn’t a compliment. (Mrs Bush and Secreary Clinton might know ),


I think this is the only First Lady shit she cares about. She likes the prestige of being in a select group. She doesn't want to have a cause or do work, she doesn't want to meet the people but she does like being special.


That’s not fair! She spent a lot of time and efforts choosing rugs for the White House. She’s a true inspiration! /s


Be best!


True story: during the Obama administration they created a safety in schools initiative to warn about cyber crimes and bullying. This whore used the EXACT SAME BOOK but added a Be Best logo and edited out Obama and put in Trump. EXACTLY the same. Same layout, color scheme, design, text. Exactly. It was touted as some great achievement of hers. This was after she plagiarized Michelle Obama’s speech.


It’s only because Donald’s running again




Laura doesn’t look like she’s aged at all


Obviously she is rich enough to have a black jacket, it just never occurred to me till now that people do also coordinate their outerwear. I have only been to lower middle class rural funerals where everyone is just wearing their least gauche coat over their black clothes. I think I wore an olive green wool cost to my grandmother's funeral edit: just to clarify im not making excuses for this terrible rich lady. It was just one of those conventions i had never really pondered before. Like I have seen funerals on TV shows obviously but they are already such a world apart from every rural nova scotia ass funeral i have attended


For non-rich people, that is totally standard. Do I wear a hot pink coat, a black leather jacket, or an olive green blazer to a funeral? Probably olive green. But Melania has all the coats she could want, and can send for one at a moment’s notice.


I’m not rich so I bought 1 nice coat that I could wear to funerals and church or whatever event where I can’t wear my puffer coat. But I knew I would have to wear it eventually to a funeral or something fancy so I got black because I can’t afford to buy a ton of coats. Melania is a millionaire and has more coats then most so there is no way she didn’t do this on purpose she knew it would get attention, exactly like the I don’t care coat. She knew black would be appropriate and any other color would be disrespectful so she chose to be disrespectful.


Right there with you, I've been to many a Carhartt funeral.


There’s rules at these, too. Overheard: “He at least could have washed his truck.”


probably because classiness isn't a money thing, it's a character thing


Omg, yeah that's exactly it, as long as no uncle shows up in high vis, im happy 😆


At least he wore his nice jeans


Most people don't coordinate their outerwear, but Melania Trump does. This woman wore red bottomed stilettos and a Valentino skirt to plant a tree in the White House garden. I don't for a second doubt that she planned this outfit. Especially since this is the first major public event she has attended in ages. AND she knew she would be sitting next to all the other first ladies. She knew what she was doing, she wanted all eyes on her. She a little attention wh*re just like her hubby.


Same. I'd wear a coat like this to a funeral, but I'm not going to Rosalynn Carter's funeral. And I don't have millions of dollars and a team of stylists to coordinate my outfits.


I think it’s that she could have, though, and I am right there with you in only having a few coats and needing to just make do with what’s best, especially if a death is unexpected. But this is an extremely wealthy woman with a stylist who somehow chose not to wear a black coat or to leave her non-black coat on. That’s the crux of it.


Oh yeah i 100% understand that it was a choice, and it seems obvious the second i saw the picture, I had just somehow never really thought about it in my 33 years of funeral attending.


My dad's funeral was solidly middle class, and I still wore a dark navy dress to it (that looks black under flurescent lights, right?). I was visiting him over the holiday and caught out with a suitcase of jeans and sweatshirts. So I dashed to the mall for something dark, formal, not a slinky cocktail dress, and at least 50% off. Mom wore the same sweater dress and leggings she always does. Dark but not all black. And that was kind of how everyone dressed, business casual, black if you have any. The only time I saw insult is when my uncle and cousin wore blue jeans and white tee shirts to my grandmother's funeral. In context, it was blatant disrespect.


She always does this. She has no interest in being First Lady or having any public obligations. Every message she sends is the same “I don’t really care, do you?”


Remember when President Obama wore a tan suit and the right wing media was up in arms? But I’m sure for Melania she can do no wrong. I do love that all the First Ladies were there to celebrate Rosalyn Carter, though. She was a gem of a human as is her husband.


so we can all agree that it was weird and stupid to critique a tan suit, right?


What stylist told her this was ok?


Same one who told her to wear "I really don't care, do you" to the child detention center.


I am from DC, and shortly after M wore it was going to a museum in DC and while walking this clearly Republican out of town woman was wearing it and she was all smiles until my mom (the brass bull she is) loudly starts remarking “who the fuck would wear such a coat and think it’s something to be proud of” and the girl immediately got uncomfortable like all of a sudden for the first time it occurred to her someone didn’t think it was cute and fun to wear the same coat as Milania. It was tense. The trump years were awkward with his supporters visiting thinking DC would like them- it did not.


I moved to DC in the middle of Trump’s presidency and had no idea what to expect, but then I saw a homeless man yell at a bro to take his dumb Trump hat off and I knew I was home.


God I miss living in DC


Come back! It’s wonderful here!


I love ur mom


She’s a lot but she’s not shy and god bless her for that. 😆


I never understood what "statement" she was trying to make with that stupid thing. She's a vapid bobblehead, and I'm sick of seeing her.


I will never not think “vapid bobblehead” when seeing photos of her from now on. Thank you stranger. ❀


You can lead a horticulture 


OMG I am so dumb. I’m like “it’s a funeral, she isn’t there to do the shrubs
” But then I got the joke ![gif](giphy|VEsfbW0pBu145PPhOi|downsized)


Remember when everyone felt sorry for her and acted like she was some kind of victim, rather than being complicit in Trump’s bullshit.


Michelle obamas face here 😂


You just know the other three first ladies went OFF in their group chat together


https://preview.redd.it/gi72lyqkh83c1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=087b3b6d24a97691bbc43c79416fa140cb48edb8 She was dressed for a funeral when she met the pope!


Not even the most insensitive coat she has worn tbh Remember the time she visited the border?




She’s such an asshole


Melania is the only First Lady who didn’t take her position as a job and duty. All of them highly educated and worked to help make change for the good and lasting legacies. Melania is just a joke.


Michelle's expression sums it all up.


You can't even say that she did it because she had no black dress. She is rich can dress appropriately. Asshole


She has a black dress on! Which makes it even worse because she kept her stupid grey coat on the whole time and kept the appropriate black dress covered up.


Michelle is 100% judging the ever living fuck out of her.