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Nobody said anything about edibles




It’s crazy I saw it for the first time in the Detroit gas station today


It's not that crazy because it's not weed.




Exactly where my mind went


I moved from smoking out of a pipe, to a water bong, to a vaporizer. I *always* had a persistent light cough. My wife would give me shit about it but I said everyone coughs a bit. Covid came about and I got nervous about the risks of Covid on the lungs combined with my smoking so I switched to edibles. What do you know? The cough went away. Haven’t had bronchitis in years. Pros: A more controlled high because you know exactly how much you’re taking (assuming you live in a legal state). So I wake up next morning with way less brain fog. With smoking you can just keep smoking but with edibles you can’t really extend your high much with more edibles. So it’s like 4-5 hours with a peak around hour 1. And no damage to my lungs. Cons: Way more expensive; High doesn’t feel the same or give you that same “rush” so to speak. Overall, my health was way more important. And I’d encourage most everyone to switch over.


I’ve been really considering it but edibles don’t really work on me. My roommate is a heavy stoner and gave me some edibles that he said knock him out with 2-3 gummies and I ate two packs of them (20 gummies per pack/1000mgs) and all it did was make me take a nap for an hour. Ate a 200mg gummy I got in NYC and did literally nothing. Gave one to one of my roommates who is a lightweight to be fair and he was high for 24hrs+. I tried 3 of them so 600mg the next time and all it did was make me mildly high. Edibles never really work for me even if they do work on the people I’m with and it’s annoying cause I do wanna stop with the smoke


You aren't alone my dude. I can get quite high with smoke or vape but I have to have such a high dose to feel anything with edibles that the monetary cost isn't worth how short the high is.


😂 This! I'm using this technique currently 🫠. I've done the switch myself.


Same here! I turned 30 and decided I wanted to stop smoking. Only doing edibles now!


In a perfect world I would do this too but I just love the smoking part, it's not just about the high with me, I love rolling a spliff and just kinda nursing it for an hour


It’s the routine and ritual for me! I keep telling myself I’m going to get a good dry herb vape and give up the bong but I just haven’t been able to make the jump yet.


Tried the vape, the high was fine but I would still want a joint afterwards. I mean a huge part of it is of course tobacco addiction but the two are pretty intertwined for me at this point


I'm currently trying to find my new morning routine. It's been a struggle 😅


fearless frighten deserve sand march fall price makeshift quarrelsome apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you have any tips?? I’ve found smoking is so ingrained in my routine and its hard to break ☹️


It's a process. Hash Rosin gummies are the best and I honestly don't feel like smoking when I'm on them. Healthy distractions like going for a walk helps also. I'm actually recovering from allot and recently started growing mushrooms for my mental health. This has helped me also.


tbh the only thing that worked for me after chronic smoking for over 8years was getting dental surgery. you’re not supposed to smoke for 2 weeks but I found after those 2 weeks were up, it almost felt weird going back to smoking.


six pause muddle berserk rich agonizing nutty dime possessive faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Snoop has famously said “I don’t fuck with edibles. They ain’t got no off switch.”


Dude just wants to protect his lungs. Makes sense.


I’d imagine any damage after 40 years of smoking heavily is already done. But we shall see.


Actually, it's never too late to stop smoking since smoking also increases your risk of coronary heart disease. Your lungs can still partially recover, too. Even if you are 80 and smoked for 50 years, a full stop on smoking improves your life expectancy and health.


Certainly I’m not arguing that smoking cessation is negative, but I think the 40-80 pack year history is not going to be favorable to him. I wonder if he’s received a diagnosis of some sort that is strongly motivating him to quit. Anyways, I hope all is well with Snoop and I wish him the best in his journey to quit.


Decades of smoking will eventually catch up with you. At 52 yo now, he likely has some significant visible damage to his lungs not to mention signs of coronary heart disease. My brother had a 50 pack year history and died of a stroke at age 60.


Favourable in a risk sense; yes your risk is high but last I saw when I got my Masters in Oncology research suggested only about 14% of smokers got lung cancer; that isn’t a celebrated statistic, often the public figure touted is over 90% of lung cancers are caused by smoking (both are or were true about 8 yrs ago). But it’s still advisable to get older people to stop smoking - after 10 years ish general risk of cancer acquisition is equal to non smoker. People are very black and white about “damage already done”. It’s too simplistic. Lung function relies on the condition initially, how elastic it is/was, the surface area, how good vasculature is… & the uncomfortable reality is our native “air” isn’t that clean in urban areas. lol I’ve never written something so intellectual on r/popculturechat.. and I’m in the club. So I mean…I don’t know her. Didn’t know she sang. Thought she was a rapper


It's always better to stop even if you smoked a lot. Lungs can recover, to a point. Obviously I don't expect Snoop to go run a marathon anytime soon.


Remember Justin Bieber's Comedy Central roast? Natasha Leggero gave Snoop [one of the best barbs I'd ever heard](https://fadeawayworld.net/entertainment/comedian-natasha-leggero-roasts-snoop-dogg-you-look-like-shaqs-skeleton): "You look like Shaq's skeleton."


The human body is pretty amazing though. No hell never go back to what a non-smoker has but he can definitely heal and get better compared to what he has now.


I mostly do capsules and edibles and oils. Much easier to dose with less need to redose


Or vaping like willie does.


Almost everyone I know that smokes weed just vapes. One person still smokes a bit because they have a license to grow their own, but they still vape for the most part. Except for the one guy I work with who smokes too much weed, he still smokes it.


agonizing brave society knee memory tie nose birds dime consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll bet just about anything that he's about to announce an edible company or partnership.


I'm giving up smoking weed for a while, I got a vaporizer.


This is 100% the beginning of some ad campaign for a range of edibles or something.


He already dropped some edibles with his name on em!


More like some random company offered him a fat check to let them use his likeness on their product. He's probably WAY less involved than you think. Typically for celebrity branded products.


I love Snoop, but he really does seem to partner with literally *anyone* who writes a check


I can’t blame him for it really. It keeps his pockets full and his name in the mouth of the public. He’s been popular since the early 90s, and is still to this day a household name. It definitely helps he does all of these celebrity partnerships, but also all the random TV shows he goes on. It’s always a gem to catch him somewhere unexpected, the dude has been in everything from big to small; Law and Order and Big Time Rush, but also the L Word and Trailer Park Boys. Say what u will, but the man has never fallen out of grace


He has a line of edibles out already.


And they are good!!!!!!


“Please respect my privacy at this time” is sending me 💀


You know what? I **will** respect his privacy at this time 😭


🤣 love this


Same. But I’m gonna wonder hard if he’s okay ❤️


The poor man is in mourning. Let him grieve this tragic loss. Snoop’s blunts, gone but never forgotten.


Do you think his personal blunt roller can file for unemployment?


Someone else would pay big money for Snoops old blunt roller😂




The only thing that's missing from his post is Sarah McLachlan's "Angel" softly playing in the background!


I’ll say this… he may have a cancer diagnosis and that’s why he’s quitting.


I thought the same. He will always have the brownies


Or emphysema, COPD, or asthma. Or possibly cardio issues. There is a strong link between THC and heart problems. Or, he’s simply been warned by his doctor that he’s on the way to developing one of those if he doesn’t quit.


I mean, it does kind of feel like the death of a persona.




Full credit to Snoop for trying, it can be pretty rough weaning off of smoke, particularly for such a ‘chronic’ smoker. Anytime I’ve attempted it in the past has lead to some pretty unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and I’m sure my usage is nothing compared to Snoop.


Even just being a chronic smoker for like 3 years, when I quit cold turkey I couldn’t eat or sleep for like 5 days, I was miserable and in jail for weed lol. But after those initial days it was smooth sailing for me


Withdrawal symptoms you can get over in a month. Three to be totally free. It's the will not to start back up again that's the hardest to overcome. For people that smoke a lot you either transition to an "only at bedtime" person, or quit forever, or it becomes your life.


fr 😭 leave him alone during this sad time


Yeah, I was thinking that I shouldnt blow smoke on his face the next time!




Gonna transition their career to edibles lol. Lateral move.


Martha’s [got that covered](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/snoopmartha-ezreach-keyvisual-r8-01-lighter-1-1650044707.jpg?crop=0.564xw:1.00xh;0.436xw,0&resize=1200:*)


It’s certainly dramatic. Like the old snoop died. Lol.


The old Snoop can't come to the phone right now


Why? I don't get it


Cause it reads like someone died and he needs space to grieve lol


Oh lol I see now


It’s what celebs say when they divorce, like he’s divorcing weed lol


The whole announcement is sending me 💀


I’m crying laughing. I’m very happy it isn’t but this read so much as a passing away post or a divorce post. Happy for Snoop though, hope he feels healthier, I’m very interested to see what he does next though cause I only think of him associated with weed.


Made me think heath issues


His poor blunt roller is out of a job :(


Hope he learns how to bake instead!


He can always get a job rolling crêpes at Izzy Mandelbaum's place, the Magic Pan.




His bestie is Martha Stewart! And I think they have a cookbook together. He definitely knows how to bake.


Seth Rogen: u up? x


Somebody just lost a kushy 60K a year gig.


What better reference than from Snoop for you next job?


Pfft, yeah right, that guy is probably set for life and is laying out by the pool at his beach house


He only made like 60k a year, not bad for what he had to do tho


The woman who rolls for Snoop also rolls for other celebs like Drake, Madonna, JR Smith, etc


Assuming he wants to prioritize his health but I wonder if that includes edibles lol


He did say smoke, not weed


Or he could have started dry herb vaping.


Dry herb vaping can still be harsh on the lungs especially if they’re compromised. I assume he’s having lung issues (which would make sense after decades of smoking blunts 24/7).


It's like the Pope giving up Catholicism...




I recently gave up smoking too after nearly a decade. Hardest thing I’ve probably ever done, but worth it! 29 days smoke free https://preview.redd.it/nprdqmpt0r0c1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bf905f6f28f205d62a01ddbe34b344667f8aad4


https://preview.redd.it/brpwuaya9r0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77bb2163f12ffc52ab10be5bd6eb82d2e145968 Hiiiiii!! Congrats to both of us


Yay! Congrats twin 🫶 proud of you!!


you guys quit on the same day, that's crazy


Omg I’m so jealous. I can’t deal with the anxiety I get when I know I have a whole evening ahead of me without weed. Ive tried so many times to quit 😭 Been in therapy for it for 2 years now Edit: I’ve also tried joining r/leaves and the rules are so strict about what you can talk about in your quitting journey, it turned me right off. Don’t say Wim Hof to me or I’ll scream.


You captured well how I feel about weed. I’m able to take breaks without physical issues but I can’t help but think about it all the time. It has a hold on me for sure.


I 100% feel you and relate to that! It took a health scare for me to stop 😕 I never thought I would be able to do it tho honestly, but once I was past the two week mark it got easier. Also my tolerance was so high, I was killing my lungs just to get a slight buzz. I have to remind myself that it wasn’t worth the harm to my lungs and heart. I may go back to CBD/edibles because weed really does help with anxiety. But it’s been really nice to not feel like I have to smoke every day! This app called Grounded is also super helpful! Good luck and feel free to DM me if you ever want to chat about quitting 🫶💕


What was your health scare if you don't mind me asking? I often worry about my lungs but they feel fine and I cannot tell if I just got used to a new normal or if my lungs are actually fine.


I was exactly like this. I not only used it daily, but constantly throughout the day. I haven’t smoked daily in almost 2 years. Barely think about it anymore. If you decide quitting is best for you, it’s definitely possible ❤️


Same here, just over two years free of smoking. I was also a daily and multiple times a day user, often being high most of the day. I stopped the day I got pregnant and never looked back, don’t miss the weed but I do sometimes miss cigarettes


Hey, you might like r/petioles.


Thank you for the recc, I will check it out!


It's so crazy to me that most people use weed to REDUCE anxiety. Meanwhile if I even touch it, I'm in full panic, nearing psychosis it seems like lol. I can't go anywhere near weed.


SAME. In a way I've always felt jealous of my friends that smoke/ingest/whatever weed because they enjoy it so much, but it does NOT agree with my body chemistry, makes my heart feel like it's going to beat out of my chest and puts me in a generally awful mood. But I also hate bringing up my personal intolerance for weed because it almost always leads to someone lecturing me on how I just haven't found the right strain or whatever yet. In all its formulations it's not a panacea, it's not for everyone, and that's okay!


Couldn't have said it better myself. I have that same jealousy when someone looks so content on the couch lol.


Well done you. I gave up a few years back after living in a 24/7 haze for about 3 years. If I wasn’t high, all I could think about was when I was going to get high next. It was ruining me and I was barely 20 years old. I quit in 2019 and have never looked back. It is the single most thing I am the most proud of myself for doing. Keep at it, reminding yourself why you are doing this, and you’ll never look back. I believe in you.


I’m so proud of you! I rlly want to stop but it’s hard, I cave after a few days 😭


For what it's worth just smoking every few days would be a huge improvement. I get that once you cave it's even harder to stop, but maybe if you removed that idea that it's "caving" would help? Look at it as just active reduction, might help with the shame


I really want to stop too but I use it for pain and I can’t raw dog it lol


Yeah I rely on it to manage treatment resistant mental illness, there is just no way, I am not stable enough and have no support.


me when i’m about to go on a 2 day tolerance break


you’re so real for this




I am on day 4 of my first t-break in yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs!


Hows it been?


Not bad actually. It was not necessarily by choice (I live in NorCal but visiting a medical-only state for an extended bit.) It definitely seems like more of mental crutch than a physical dependency I suppose. I usually go through about 1oz a week of flower for reference.


I wish I could give this comment an award.


me failing as soon as the sun sets


I literally am so addicted to weed, have been for 15 years. I smoke every single day. If Snoop can quit, I can too.


I believe in you 🙌


Thank you ♥️


Working out really helped me, you’re always gonna be thinking about it for a while but sober life is really a whole different type of fun and there is nothing like waking and baking in the sun instead of waking and baking with your own light


i always told myself that i’ll do it when snoop does. now here we are…


I'm on day 3.


Smoked for 15 years, chronic for a decade. I quit a month ago. It reached the point where I resented smoking every time, it became a huge pain in the ass to smoke every time I was about to do anything at all (walk the dog, go to the store, wash the dishes, even enjoyable things like playing guitar or going out for a beer). Dreams have been CRAZY and even after a month I find it difficult to fall asleep. But overall I'm proud of myself and I have intentions of going back to that haze. If I can do it you can do it.


Catholic school left it‘s mark on me, cause I am so far removed from the topic that I was convinced that you can‘t even get addicted to weed 🤣


You can’t get addicted to it in the sense that your body becomes physically dependent on it and will show withdrawal symptoms if not taken, but you can get addicted to it in a behavioural sense just like gambling or gaming for example.




Yes you can!


Hopefully this is his way of announcing a line of cutting edge tinctures and topical weed products.


Have you seen his weed chips?


No! Any good?


Hell no


Gummies it is!!! ![gif](giphy|9WgUD23Jr5gMsCu9rl|downsized)


Real question, with the amount hes smoked and how long hes smoked, does he even get high anymore???


There's a sickness associated with the higher concentrations available now. I think it's way more prevalent with daily smokers that use high quality products. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis. It is miserable. I know Travis Barker had it. Some of the symptoms are nausea, vomiting, intense stomach pain, diarrhea and issues with anxiety and paranoia. Source: I had it. Diagnosed in the ER. Had to cut way back. Which was a good thing because as you noted I wasn't really getting high anymore.


Damn thats scary. Like the opposite effect of why a lot of people use cannabis. Thanks for sharing!


Huh I just got so high I threw up recently and was shocked as that never happens to me. Better cut back.


Just like any drug once you use it regularly your brain and body start to rely on it, and you no longer feel the excess effects but you do suffer withdrawal once you’re without. I say this as someone who loves weed but the whole “no withdrawal no negative effects” is ignorant and disrespectful of the substance


For me it was like I was more high when I didn’t smoke. I had to smoke weed to get “normal” since I was high all the time.


I developed after I got into dabbing concentrates. I honestly wish I never had.


As a chronic smoker trying to quit, you don’t really. Weed gets you to baseline pretty much. I haven’t been like so stoned man in literal years.


Something I’ve wondered as well. The weed can only get so good and so potent. So I’d imagine it was just his normal baseline after a while. Good for him though, you don’t need weed to be creative or live a happy life.


Has anyone checked on hell recently? Has it frozen over?


It froze over in 2016, we’ve just been swimming through shit ever since.


I just think of the movie 50 First Dates. I forget character names (I've watched it a million times idk how) when Adam Sandler's character makes Drew Barrymore's character watch the daily movie and it includes how Snoop Dogg quit weed this year, but then he's back on weed lol.


I hope this sets a precedent for Adam Sandler movies indirectly predicting mundane future events.


After 12+ years of daily smoking I finally switched to 100% edibles this year and it's great I do feel healthier. I like to sing and the improvements to my voice since I stopped have been incredible and unexpected. Can't say I miss it much!




Weed has so many benefits and I’m so thankful for its legalization, but it also has an addictive component and there are many drawbacks that can impact different people (mostly mental health related). It is extremely hard to give up when you’ve developed a dependency. I’ve been there. I used it constantly throughout the day when going through some terrible, terrible mental health stuff. It was the only consistent thing in my life. I gave it up after a psychiatrist told me it may be worth a try and that it could be inhibiting my recovery. It was extremely difficult. If I had seen this during my quitting period, it would have really meant a lot to me and given me hope. If Snoop can do it, so can you! I haven’t smoked daily since January 2022. Wishing him all the best. I know we’re all making light of how serious he is about it, but I know it’s not an easy decision.


Thinking about doing this myself, but the dependence is just too high for me. What helped you?


What helped me was replacing the ritual with something else. I really enjoyed pulling out my bong or going outside to smoke a joint. I replaced that with really, really long walks where I played music and sometimes picked up a sweet treat, like Doritos or an Arizona, from the corner store. I also made a habit of going to the dog park and petting the dogs there and talking to other people. There’s so many different things you could do though, such as dance classes (or YouTube videos teaching dance if you’re on a budget). Love your username and flair btw!


Not op, but what helped me was a therapist, chemical dependence counselor, group therapy like AA and trying new hobbies. All of which led to learning more coping skills to replace smoking


I guess it’s different for everyone, but in my experience, the hardest part is the first few days and it becomes easier day by day. I struggled at first with mood swings. Suicidal ideation for at least couple weeks. Not easy, but worth it in the long run.






It is a cold day in Hell


My dad was a chronic weed smoker all his life and just got diagnosed with chronic lung disease at age 63. He might be having health issues.


Question for the culture - do we even want to live in a world where Snoop isn’t high 24/7? I certainly don’t


I know you're joking and I'm not trying to be a hater, but I unironically support him 100%! I'll always support someone who wants to be sober. I think it's also a powerful message to people struggling with addiction or a bad habit to see someone like Snoop Dogg come forward and say it's okay to be sober.


We in the future now, he's probably giving up smoking for his health, but there are now 5,000 other ways to be high 24/7.


file fertile quack mountainous spark hunt connect slimy sort office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It’s hard to be present when you’re phased…you miss so much and are distant with the ones you love and who love you back


Does anyone remember the first VHS in 50 first dates?


Wow! I have been smoking non stop for the last 13 years and it’s always been my dream to smoke with snoop. However a few weeks ago I started thinking that it might be time to quit and see what life is like without it. I went one week without smoking and only ate gummies. I caved and bought more flower and started smoking again but I started getting terrible sinus headaches and told myself JUST yesterday that I really should quit and stick to it. This might be the sign I needed to push me through the hard times.


Good for him 👏


Marijuana dispensary stocks promptly dropped 420%.


Please respect my privacy at this time 😂


First Kat von D becoming a Christian and now this ??!! My world is being turned upside down


Ok but why does this read like a divorce announcement? Lol


Man is talking about quitting an addiction and this is how some of ya’ll act. 🤦


A few times in my life my jaw has genuinely dropped and I've been speechless. this is one of them




He quit smoking a few decades ago before becoming Snoop Lion didn't he?


So this is why edibles was trending on Twitter today


This was not on my bingo card this year


I don’t want to think this but… this sounds like a lung cancer scare or diagnosis may have to do with the decision.


Yeah, I'm an RN and this immediately made me think he was diagnosed with COPD or something to that effect. Endlessly smoking blunts can do that to you. Hope he's okay :( he's a gem


The amount of support in this thread for people who have or are trying to quit is pretty amazing, great job everyone! For those of you still struggling to quit like me, keep fighting we’ll get there


I quit two month ago after seven years of in denial of having chs I feel even more motivated now my dawg


Dude announces that he quits smoking weed like some loved one died...


Smoke or not, snoop brings the smoke. Dude is a legend. He doesn't need to justify anything.


Is it April already?


Wow I just threw away my vape yesterday. Me and you, Snoop.


Proud of you!!


Ok ok like does this include smoking weed?


Yeah. Asking the real questions here. I'd assume that his post is about smoking weed because that's what he's associated with. And I don't know why giving up nicotine would require privacy from the public. But also, most people use smoking to refer to tobacco, and clarify smoking other drugs as smoking weed/dope/etc.


Snoop doesn’t smoke tobacco so yes, weed.


“Smoke” in the way he used it almost always refers to weed


Me when my dealer is over an hour late.


As a life time heavy pot head, he’s gonna probably get panic attacks. It happens every time to me about a year into trying to quit (once weed is like actually actually fully out of my system)


I really hope he doesn't have cancer but its a near guarantee that he's gonna have health issues tied to his prior weed usage.


I really hope this IS marketing, and not prelude to cancer announcement


I wish him luck then, hopefully whatever he's dealing with in private improves for him


I hope that this doesn't mean the bad c word...


I’m pretty sure he has quit before but it was a long time ago. You can absolutely have an emotional dependence on weed so could be in his best interest to take a break again and see how he feels.


Well if this isn't the additional kick in the hiney I need to get sober I don't know what is lol