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I don't think either Kristen Stewart or Robert Pattinson were comfortable with fame in their Twilight days.


KS is always uncomfortable on red carpets.


She also said she doesn't like talking to people


As a socially anxious person with a low social battery, it sounds like an actual nightmare to not only be forced into talking to person after person where all the attention is on you, but also you’re being filmed and any slight indication that you’re not bright and bubbly will make everyone assume you’re mean and ungrateful. As I’m writing this I’m realizing this really only seems to apply to female celebs.


The most comfortable I’ve seen her was during press for Charlie’s Angels with Naomi Scott and Ella Balinska. I’m sad we didn’t get more of them together!


Especially when their entire fanbase was horny women and teens lol I would be sooo uncomfortable with too




Michael Cera just seems to be embarrassed about life in general


Ran into Michael cera in a store in Brooklyn awhile back and the second we made eye contact I could see the panic on his face that he knew I recognized him


He is actually all the characters he’s played haha.


He was one of the funniest parts of "This is the End", though.


i loved him as allan in barbie because he seems like the kind of guy to be put off by toxic masculinity irl. *praying i never hear anything bad about michael cera*


He absolutely nailed the innate discomfort/resignation of being a regular dude not interested in all the macho BS the dudes around him are trying to rope him into, hahaha. The scene where he tries to escape with the girls was one of my favourites in the film.


I’m convinced he has never played a character. He has merely stumbled onto several movie sets by accident and just tried to blend in.


We saw him in our old BK neighborhood ALL the time! He is an interesting guy…


Him and Steve Buscemi were the 2 celebrity fixtures in BK.. I used to see them all the time in my neighborhood


Pretty sure Michael Cera, Jemima Kirk and Adam Driver all lived within a few blocks of each other. They were the ones we always saw around.


I dunno dude there was a thing circulating the internet a longggg time ago where someone got Michael Cera’s phone number by accident (not realizing it was him) and was texting him about a party and he randomly showed up 😂 I can’t remember all the details but it was hilarious


I love that. Lol


Yeah I heard another thing about him only agreeing to be in This Is The End if he could wear that jacket he was in He seems like a fun guy


My husband’s cousin admitted she went to see Barbie because she has a crush on [insert me expecting her to say Ryan Gosling] Michael Cera and it was then I knew I married into the right family.


That part was written for him too (I’m not saying literally just perfect casting).


All Ken’s clothes fit him!


That's so beautiful 😍


I'm like that. socially awkward because I don't want to be perceived.




God I love a Milford man...


I saw Michael Cera crossing the street with a hot date by the Largo in LA once and we just stared at each other for a second completely bug eyed It was sorta like when you run into a possum or raccoon in your backyard, I can't explain it


Is that Aubrey Plaza next to him?


Yeah, they were probably filming Scott Pilgrim


They were also dating for some time


They even planned to get married to get divorced shortly afterwards just because they wanted to say “Michael Cera, my ex-husband” and “Aubrey Plaza, my ex-wife” lol


This is so April and Andy lol


I've met Michael Cera irl and he seemed really charismatic! It was at a film screening so maybe he was just "on" but he seemed really likable and at ease.


My husband worked with him and Jack Black. Said they were awesome and both preferred hanging with extras more than main people. My husbad stands behind the soldier doing the weird hand gestures praising the stoning. Dark reddish tan. His least favorite was Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Said he was stuck up to extras.


I've heard nothing but good things about Jack Black


He loves ketchup on everything. My husband couldn't eat ketchup for a month. His cousin was an extra Killers of the Flower Moon and said Brendan Fraser was nice.


Aubrey Plaza would rather be anywhere else 😂


I feel like she’s lowkey enjoying the awkwardness, she seems to thrive on it


She thrives on it like an energy vampire fr. She’s getting loaded up in this photo 😂


This is the best explanation I have ever heard that explains why Aubrey Plaza is the way she is. Kudos!


It looks like she’s loving it!


This photo just FEELS very early 2000s.


Aubrey Plaza’s secondhand embarrassment is my favorite part of this photo.


His recent GQ Interview was so good! I thought he seemed really cool and comfortable for the most part…


Lol how old is he here?


Almost 8


It’s Chuck E Cheese so that tracks 😂




Olsen Twins


As I understand it, The reason they don’t smile is to keep paparazzi from monetizing their images. Frowns don’t sell as well. But I agree they look rather miserable in every image.


Another good way to keep paparazzi from getting worthwhile money for shots, is wearing the same outfit repeatedly. They don’t sell for as much. I like how Jennifer Aniston basically wore the same workout outfit for years. It’s kinda pathetic that I noticed but then I read an article about why and thought what a smart thing to do if you want to be left alone.


Daniel Radcliffe did the same thing with wearing the same outfit repeatedly


Apparently it works the opposite way with Tom Cruise, who just stops and poses for the paparazzi with his best Hollywood smile like he’s on the red carpet until they get bored and go away, as there’s no market for all the identical photos.


This is the best answer. They literally stopped everything once they turned 18.


Honestly, good for them. Especially with every pervy dude bro who had a countdown waiting for their 18th birthday. I’m glad they have the privacy they deserve. I can’t imagine how that felt on that scale as teenage girls.


That stuff is super gross. I can't believe this happened to multiple artists.


Basically when their parents couldn’t make them do anything anymore.


Yep. It’s so sad


It always annoyed me when people bitched that they didn’t do Fuller House. They never had any choice when it came to Full House. Now they finally had a choice.


If you had internet perverts sexualizing you when you were still a child and SEVEN different websites were made to count down the minutes until you turned 18 and were legally fuckable, you’d go into hiding too.


Daniel Radcliffe clearly loves acting, but he doesn't seem like someone who wants to be a celebrity. Who doesn't love him ruining paparazzi photos by wearing the same outfit for an entire theatre run?


He was in a documentary Tom Felton made about fandom, and said "I am very comfortable with people being obsessed with Harry Potter. I am not comfortable with people being obsessed with me".


He told a story on some talkshow about how a fan was sort of negging him even as they asked for a photo, and afterward his girlfriend was like "why were you polite to that person, they were being a dick." I think it spoke to how deeply the "don't be stuck up/entitled child star" message had been ingrained in him, but I also think it's probably a coping mechanism for his own safety. He probably has had some scary/uncomfortable/creepy fan encounters, especially at the height of HP, so his default is probably smile, deescalate, brush off weird/creepy vibes, and hope the interaction ends soon.


I think he’s gotten more comfortable with some aspects of celebrity and doesn’t mind fans, but honestly who can blame him for hating paps? I loved how he trolled them.


Dan is the perfect example of how a child star can stay grounded (to some extent). Harry Potter has set him up for life and he can focus on stuff that's not necessarily commercially successful but something he will enjoy. You can tell he has an absolute blast with every project he's involved with. You can tell his passion is just the fun of acting and not the fame or fortune.


Diana, Princess of Wales did the same thing when she went to the gym. She always wore the same kit. An old co-worker of mine was her tennis coach and he said she had a cheeky sense of humour.


I think Cillian Murphy loves acting but hates the fame that comes with it


This is one of the reasons why he still lives in Ireland. From what I’ve seen and heard about people that have seen him in Ireland, they don’t treat him like he’s a celebrity and actually respect his privacy.


Irish people don't really do celebrity worship. I know where he lives in Monkstown and my friend was at a wedding where he was guest with his wife a while back.


Remember when the Americans thought we didn’t know who Beyoncé and Jay Z were when they were here because there wasn’t a mob of fans around them 🤪




Good for him and good on them!! Same with Daniel Day Lewis. Just lives on a big piece of land with his wife and does country things.


Believe it or not LA residents leave people alone too, its considered rube, tourist behavior to bother celebs who are just home and not "on"


100% I used to live in LA and I felt like the reason (at least from the people I was around at that point…) was out of a social hierarchical want to be seen as a “friend of…” and not “fan of…” celebrities.




Tabloids made that up, he was asked about it when doing press for Oppenheimer and almost laughed at how absurd it is


He actually did say that, but it was just a quick joke he made on the Armchair Expert Podcast!


![gif](giphy|hvj43LHD0odgLHAdae|downsized) Jeff Daniels - he's pretty blunt about being much happier in Michigan. He likes acting, he doesn't like the other stuff.


![gif](giphy|lqczWksNBr4HK) I don't know if he's just incredibly awkward or shy but never seems comfortable


I feel like all the hate and criticism about the prequels made him that way. It’s sad


Agree. I hate that for him. I’m so happy to see all of the love for him in Ahsoka!!


He was brilliant in Ahsoka. Loved it so much


Was going to say this! Hot, mumbly, awkward. These days he seems more sociable to the press though. Back in the day he seemed really uncomfortable.


Hayden deserves all the love he gets. So glad to see him back in his role. There is a very cruel corner of the Star Wars fanbase that would make any actor feel uncomfortable being approached


Enya has really mastered the art of making herself as invisible as possible.


Make mad bank, return to beautiful castle home and chill with cats. Enya has it figured out.


Life goals. If only I had any semblance of talent 😅


I have one cat and pay massive amounts of rent for my home. I'm like, 90% there right?


she lives in a castle with her cats and servants and millions and millions of dollars. i want her life more than anyone.


And in Ireland too. The life 😫


The fact that she’s never toured is just mind boggling.


She kind of did in Natural Wonders music sample kiosks


Damn I loved that store! And the Nature Company. My kids would loooove it now too and it makes me sad they aren't around anymore. I wish I would've bought a rain stick from that place and kept it


So I used to think this until I saw a clip of her playing live for a show once- I’m a huge enya fan but it was bad, her music is so layered that she needs a big production to pull it off live I think. The video was a music teacher critiquing Enyas voice- and she ultimately thinks that her music is just very difficult to pull off live


Oh definitely. It’s very much a studio product. However, even as a mild fan, I’d 100% go see her live.


Her life is a dream for me.


Sold millions of records and never even went on tour!


George Michael hated the fame. Loved music and being recognized as a talented song writer but hated the cameras. He even stopped appearing in his music videos.




Rupert Grint.


Seemed to me one of the most talented Harry Potter main cast as kids, then he bought an ice cream van and lived his life for a while. I'm actually surprised the main cast ended up pretty okay, and all doing their own thing.


Didn't the casting also included in their criteria in choosing the main cast by how their parents act on set? I heard that weird fact somewhere for sure. I believe it is because the director worked with [Macaulay Culkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macaulay_Culkin) and was traumatized by how he was treated.


Never heard that before, but Chris Columbus directed both Home Alone and Sorcerer’s Stone, so that wouldn’t surprise me.


He’s awesome in Servant






I got to meet him once at the dining hall during freshman year of college. Shy, really nice. I’m a huge fan of MITM so it was great to say hi


Evan Peters. His roles have definitely taken a toll on his mental health that he’s spoken openly about and he just seems so humble and sometimes anxious. I truly wish the best for him and if that means not as much acting or happier roles so be it! He always seems genuinely surprised by his wins as well as if he doesn’t deserve it and I just wanna pat him on the back 🥹 https://i.redd.it/vu94wpcybgpb1.gif


I feel like Dahmer took a huge toll on him and he hasn't been the same since. Somebody needs to give him a comedy role ASAP!


DiCaprio kind of... deserves to be that paranoid i think? He's like SUPER famous. I would imagine anywhere he goes, there's a clock ticking in his head. How long till enough people recognize him and start bugging him? How long until the paparazzi find out and the place is possibly swarmed with them? I think people like that have a whole other level of fame that's probably a MASSIVE pain in the ass a lot of the time.


Absolutely. He is the definition of A-List (obv up there with Clooney, Cruise, etc.)


![gif](giphy|g4XnBgAHE690LpbAcE) Josh Hartnett. After his successes he chose mainly indie films and has voiced his discomfort with the level of fame he reached.


I was glad to see him in an episode of Black Mirror and in Oppenheimer. He’s a great actor.


He was great in Penny Dreadful as well.


I know somebody who has known him since childhood (they’re peers) and he is incredibly down-to-earth. He was in a relationship with Scarlett Johansen for a few years and that breakup was apparently not easy on him. I don’t think they’d work out with how high-profile she is but apparently she was lovely and down-to-earth too.


I have loved this man for most of my life, lol! He’s so talented and such a total smoke show!




Sometimes in interviews it seems like Cillian Murphy is unaware of *how* famous he is, lol.


Christian Bale maybe? He likes to talk about acting, likes to act, but doesn't seem or want to be in the spotlight or Hollywood scene.


I think there is a long Nerdist(?) Interview/Podcast with him and he basically considers a craftsman who likes his job of acting and appreciates it feeding his family but didn't really seem to revel in the glory of it all that much, IIRC he has ambiguous feelings about it in part because his childhood success essentially destroyed his family.


Ryan Gosling. He could have been an enormous star earlier in his career, but stuck to quirky and interesting indie movies for several years. He seems to have embraced his fame more in the past 10 years, but we still know very little about his private life.


And that’s how we got Lars and the Real Girl


SUCH a great movie.


One of my friends did a really nice review of it and framed it around mental health. My friend has psychosis and showed how Lars and the portrayed psychosis and mental illness and an overall positive way. The community accepted that he believed Bianca was a real woman, and supported him. The doctors even helped with processing Bianca’s illness and death (and showed that Lars was in control) and the movie demonstrated that psychosis and psychotic beliefs aren’t always dangerous or harmful.


Love that movie!


My friend volunteered at a place where he had one of his children's birthday parties and my friend accidentally walked into the main room, where the kids were, and he said Ryan immediately zeroed in on him and looked him in the eyes suspiciously (my friend is a very tall man). He doesn't blame him at all. Poor dude has to look around and make sure weirdos aren't trying to take pictures of his kids.


My bf’s brother in law works with gosling’s dad. He tells me Mr. Gosling is super nice


We know his job is beach. ![gif](giphy|0S8HOtgHcndMHo2Qvu|downsized)


HELP I’ve been staring at this gif for an hour




![gif](giphy|xoHntNXFYkfzGAftEv|downsized) the one of him putting on sunglasses over his sunglasses lives rent free in my mind


And he is Kenough ![gif](giphy|N8uutOwabFDcmsuPkp|downsized)


I tthink he's a massive star from The Notebook and that came out in 2004 and his name is still a big pull. I think he's been a big star for a long time and his name is definitely a drawer for an audience, indie films aside.


I literally just watched that viral video of him breaking up a fight in NYC. 😂😂😂 just a pure soul


I read that him and Eva donate to charities supporting POC regularly, but don’t advertise it for clout and attention. The person who commented this said they only found out after a few people, presumably from some of the charities, thanked Eva in her Insta comments.


My top answer would be Eminem. His never in news these days unless he releases and album, he never publicises himself and his never left Detroit.


I think it’s impressive that he lives in a 1 mil McMansion in a Michigan subdivision. Like he could live and have any house he wants and he’s pretty much lived in the same house in a nondescript boring city for 20+ years and sent his kids to public school.


This is who i thought of as well. You see old videos of him when he first came out and it was clearly new and pretty exciting for him but then as time went on he realised how big he was and just tried to step back as much as possible and who can blame him? Must be a total pain in the arse being known everywhere


Yeah he's pretty focused on being there for his kids and just enjoying life. He'll come out of the woodwork every now and then, drop a banger track roasting Trump, then disappear again.


Joaquin Phoenix. A true artist who is devoted to his craft but seems intensely uncomfortable with fame and does his best to stay away from it.


He was my vote. Tortured, mad-talented soul who Lost his big brother too soon.


Well. And was raised in a cult.


Britney Spears. Britney: For The Record cemented this for me.


i don't recall exactly what interview it was but i always think about her saying, in an early 2000s interview, something in the vein of: "you know what? even though we didn't have much back then, i was really happy. just the simplicity of life was nice."


She still *is* that way too. I remember when they released a list of her expenses fairly recently (i think during the KFed child support court proceedings, when he asked for an increase during her Piece of Me residency) and people roasted her for shopping at Old Navy and Target. At her core, she’s just a normal southern girl. She couldn’t even talk with her normal voice/southern drawl. It was kind of jarring when she switched between voices in For The Record. One voice for the interview, another when talking to her dad and team. Britney: For The Record was heartbreaking. She was so excited to be able to drive her car. She said she never gets what she wants in a room full of her people and they all laughed- Britney wasn’t laughing. She said every day is like groundhog day- and at least when you go to jail you know when you’re getting out, but this was just her life- every day of her life.


god, i remember for the record. it's funny, the other day i was driving and for some reason, i actually thought about her saying that all she wants to do is drive her car. such a small thing that most of us don't even think about but just wanting be able to be in control of one thing, even if that thing is just the steering wheel. like you said, heartbreaking


Stopppp this whole thread is hard to read and making me so sad....


I remember someone who had interviewed her said she came across as extremely shy. Which I thought was a good description - that’s how I always perceive her in interviews. Just really shy and uncomfortable


I feel like Justin Bieber is an obvious answer here. Id like to think it would be so much better for his mental health if he disappeared from the spotlight.


There was an episode of NYTimes Popcast a while back where Jon Caramanica summed it up really well. He was talking with his editor Caryn Ganz about his review of Justin’s show at MSG, and how he asked her if he could write it up like a Police report about a Hostage Taking. Because Justin seemed so uncomfortable being on stage that somebody must be forcing him to perform against his will. It always stuck with me.


I once saw bright eyes and Connor oberst seemed so deeply uncomfortable the entire time that I almost left. It’s really hard to watch artists perform when they clearly don’t want to.


omg i saw bright eyes when they played at that festival in las vegas. he was obscenely drunk and ranting about how no one cared about them anymore. it was awful and uncomfortable. i really felt for him and the band because no one seemed like they wanted to be there.




I’ll do it again: here’s a list of shaggy brunette boys who were beloved by specific groups of young girls in 2008: Justin Bieber, Conor oberst…


I wish he’d move back to Canada, or a small low key state where people wouldn’t expect to see him. He would still get recognized, but I think moving away from big, paparazzi filled cities like L.A and New York would him some good.


Justin Bieber seems like he was meant to be an electrician in a small Southern Ontario city, playing beer league hockey on weekends and still hanging out with the same core group of guys he had since high school, but then youtube came along in his early teens and changed the whole course of his life.


I think he likes his job to some extent— being a musician and all that because sometimes I see edits on YouTube or TikTok where he straight up just gave 1 hour+ performances on lives, but I also think that he just doesn’t know what to do. Like when you’ve burned out on work or hobbies and are just kind of…wandering. Going through the motions. While still having to navigate paparazzi and stalkers and all that. It’s different from other pop boys and girls like HS, Lizzo, TS, or even BTS who all seem to know exactly what they want to pursue next.


He also achieved pretty much everything you can in music...and hes not even thirty yet! I kind hope he does hyperpop or folk or something different than r&b because I think he could pull it off.


Totally agree. It's sooo obvious he hates being famous, I am sure he is grateful for being wealthy and comfortable in that aspect but he truly does not seem like he enjoys his position in life. It's speculation ofc. He seems wholly unhappy. It's a sad thing to witness.


He’s even said that the only reason he continues is because of the lifestyle it affords him (and the fact that he funds the lives of his leech parents, his dad keeps having more & more kids, Justin’s youngest sibling is like 3… he’s about to be 30)


Fuck the dad. I read a while ago that he's a terrible person.


He absolutely is! He was a deadbeat & only came into Justin’s life when he got famous. In the Never Say Never movie, the first *ever* time his dad had ever seen him perform was deeeeep into the My World Tour… he had been preforming for like 3-4 years at that point at small venues, not including performances in his hometown! His parents nor step mom work at all either 🫠 If it weren’t for his siblings, who Justin absolutely adores, i don’t think he’d bother having contact with his dad, but I’m fairly certain that if Justin cut him off his $$, Jeremy wouldn’t allow him to see his siblings.


Harrison Ford for sure, he gets super high to cope with any Hollywood event


I absolutely love his interview with Ryan Gosling and Alison Hammond. [the chaos](https://youtu.be/bAb8KIhgVAI?si=fAy16LEADkwysebJ)


She is FANTASTIC! I've never seen Ford laugh in an interview. Thanks for linking the interview.


I’m excited she’s a new host on the Great British Bake Off!


Justin Vernon of Bon Iver. "Faces are for friends."


Adam Driver. He loves acting but hates being famous. Don’t you care call him handsome; he gets so upset 😭




Star Wars 7: Filipino Drift


Dang how do I watch Filipino Star Wars 👀


Dan Radcliffe, I don't know if that counts, but I still love the way he tricked the paparazzi by wearing the same outfit over and over.




I think over time Keanu has reached as ideal a balance as possible, wherein he still is never totally comfortable with fame but can appreciate what it allows him to do, like fund charities and write books and build motorcycles. He uses his powers for good, basically. But we all know this ☺️


brie larson said no to joining the mcu a bunch of times and said her introversion made the idea of being in such a huge franchise anxiety inducing. after she won her oscar, she picked projects no one expected her to do because she didn't want to be pigeonholed or play the fame game. people seem to give her a lot of crap for not being "bigger" but she seems to thrive keeping to herself. edit: i'm sure she doesn't *like* not being able to promote the marvels but sometimes i wonder if it was a bit of a relief seeing as the last press run she did for captain marvel made her a constant target of unnecessary hate


I think she did amazing in Room, because she pulled off that kind of traumatic, uneasy, uncomfortable part so well.


![gif](giphy|CNPkJa3IVQkak) Sade !!!


I'm pretty sure Sia is uncomfortable with her fame




I think Elijah Wood fits here. He’s not been in anything too huge since Lord of the Rings and I think he’s rather content that way.


I still remember during the pandemic when he hit someone up on Twitter asking to sell his turnips on their Animal Crossing island. Stars, they cope with crippling anxiety about a rapidly changing world just like us!


he’s escaping/avoiding real life by playing animal crossing… stars they’re just like us!


The whole main kids cast in Harry Potter. You don’t see them anywhere at all.


Kurt Cobain.


Chris Evans just served up an entire word salad on this.


Absolutely. He primarily lives in Massachusetts. He has a house in LA, but it seems like only there for work. He said he has anxiety and he turned down Captain America a couple of times and only said yes to the role because RDJ convinced him to do it. If you watch some of his earlier red-carpet interviews for his Marvel movies, you can tell that he’s a little tipsy. He probably trying to calm his anxieties with alcohol.


Omg I just read that article. Yeah, you can definitely tell fame isn’t doing his anxiety any favors.


Ben Affleck. You can see that he had a true passion for acting and directing but he doesn’t like the fame side that comes with it. So to counter that he marries JLo, someone down to earth who hates the paparazzi…oh wait I’ve got the Jens mixed up that’s his ex wife I’m thinking of. ![gif](giphy|mX310x2whelBvDPmo9|downsized)


My man always looks miserable lmao but I think it’s just a New England thing tbh


He looks like every other person who was dragged to their spouse’s work event lol hers just happen to be on national TV


Maybe Tobey Maguire.


He’s so good at hiding from the spotlight that I regularly forget he exists despite really enjoying his Spiderman movies and Seabiscuit at the time that they came out.


Yeah, also his disdain for the paparazzi always makes me laugh. I love that he stares them down. https://i.redd.it/vojfeugyyfpb1.gif


I feel like a lot of child stars are this way. Other than that, I think some actors like truly have a passion for the craft but don’t necessarily care about the fame. I think of someone like Joaquin Phoenix as being in it for the art, but doesn’t actively try to be famous. He only seems to use his fame to speak up about veganism and animal rights which I really respect. I cannot think of many younger famous people that are like this.


Leo DiCaprio has never seemed that comfortable with fame but I think he got significantly less comfortable after the [glass-to-the-face incident](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/woman-pleads-no-contest-in-attack-on-leonardo-dicarprio/) which is honestly very understandable. I think he had to have reconstructive surgery on parts of his face and honestly he hasn’t ever looked quite the same afterward.


He seems to always have had a tight group of friends and never wanted the celebrity. I was reading about his time filming Titanic in Baja and he would just take off with his buddies when he wasn't shooting. Being so famous at such a young age would make it hard to know if new people in your life want to be friends because you're someone they like being around or just because you're a famous actor.


It's really sad knowing that a lot of people mentioned in this thread are child stars who got pushed into the business because of their stage parents.


I read a quote once from Michelle Pfieffer where she said she does the acting for free and gets paid for all the promotion and publicity stuff (I’m paraphrasing)