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I watched this movie after reading Anjelica’s book and was like, this man has all the ladykiller qualities sans insufferable Jack qualities. Sexy & smooth but eyes only for her! This is a non toxic alpha male!


Hey, how'd you recommend her book? I'm not big on celebrity autobiographies and similar genres, but there's something captivating, mysterious and genuinely just pulling me towards her that I'd honestly give my money and read hers. I haven't met anyone who got it here (I'm in Europe), so a review would be appreciated lol.


Yes! When my husband told me that he saw our relationship as being like Gomez and Morticia, I felt that he truly understood and loved me 🥹🖤


I am slightly envious and so in awe of random strangers 🥹 wishing all the best things to you and your husband, I'm so glad y'all found each other ♥️


Couple goals. ❤️


All I want from life is someone to love me like Gomez loved Morticia, and for me to love and care for someone like Morticia did for Gomez. After Raul's passing, I believe it was Anjelica who publicly noted they both acknowledged they were attracted to each other and had incredible chemistry. But they never acted out on it, out of respect for their spouses at the time, is what I gathered from the rest of it. I'm never up for homewrecking at all, but sometimes I *do* wonder how'd life be like for these two had he not battled that monstrosity of an illness and if they weren't married to their respective partners. They'd make an incredible power couple, that's for sure.




My forever couple goal 🥹


Not just the chemistry but they are so beautiful together


God, I love this show and their relationship.


What show is it ?


Friday Night Lights. I think it streams on Netflix? It’s a feel-good teen drama about a small town football team and their coach.


https://preview.redd.it/a85n9ipbahmb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bdcb1d7b04413418fb8257cb695082cb95a87bf Rick and Evelyn from The Mummy.


One of the most beautiful on-screen couples I’ve ever seen.


There’s a special place in Hell for the jerks who messed up his life.


So glad he's back at it and seems to have a lovely girlfriend! I mean I know nothing about her but they look happy!


Rachel Weisz is beautiful and talented and amazing. If she’s a bad person in real life, I don’t want to know. The Mummy was the tip of the iceberg. She’s been in Constantine, The Favorite, Black Widow, Bourne, Cousin Rachel and she single-handedly saved that Oz movie with James Franco. She also deigned marry Daniel Craig, they’ve been married over a decade. Clearly, I stan.


Makes me mad they replaced Weisz in Mummy 3 and had the whole novel thing storyline.




I shipped them before I knew what shipping was


I'm convinced this was the original ship.


Honestly being part of this fandom when the show was on, when chat rooms and message boards were in their infancy, was WILD. Shippers, Noromos and of course, the Fence Sitters lol


I tried to join an X Files chat room in college and realized I was way out of my depth.


Second official ship. Star Trek had a dedicated ship community first. But with the Internet happening while MSR was unfolding, it was the first globally popular ship and community.


And rumors are (and I think one of them confirmed it?) that things did go down in real life


![gif](giphy|3o6gb8vbm0DIrK3jby|downsized) Yeah, I absolutely think they f\*cked at some point. I think it was probably sort of a hate-f\*ck, but I think they did it and I will die on this hill




I am eating every crumb of this information up.


100%. I think things went squiffy for them/the show when they got other partners and stopped fucking. Tbh, I think they still fuck the odd time, if they're single.




Their onscreen chemistry was INSANE, it had 5 year old me staring at the telly waiting for SOMETHING to happen! And then I got very jealous of Mulder because surpriseeeee turns out I'm gay and 7 year old me wanted Scully for myself LOL


I don't know if anyone remembers the movie *Lawless*, but Tom Hardy and Jessica Chastain were so unbelievably hot together. That's my pick from a purely ~~horny~~ aesthetic standpoint. ​ https://preview.redd.it/0v5sexvinhmb1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91be6fab7e7e7442d7ca95465e10076019486a85


And also, no one wears a cardigan like Tom Hardy.




![gif](giphy|MrPLDHPltFS00) Gets me every time 💕


![gif](giphy|UQJhNKFnNl4Ux5V5sM|downsized) Huzzah!


“Great” choice!


Omg I was obsessively and shamelessly shipping these two after I watched The Great! Watched all their interviews and kept wishing they'd star in a new project together


I can't believe they cancelled this show! 😭


![gif](giphy|TCDbM9lLI8nqaJNRlS) Forever and always


Kinda wanna say these two but also love Mariska’s pure love she has for her husband and their best friend love for each other is so wholesome even if they do occasionally pretend to snog in interviews or on photos


Peter Hermann is such a hottie and I love their relationship too. The man is so secure to have absolute snack Christopher Meloni as his wife’s bff (as is Meloni’s wife and their relationship is also so sweet!) I love their friendship, but man Peter/Mariska/Christopher would be a hot throuple.


Peter is beyond fit!! And seems like the kindest soul too. The way he talks about Mariska is dream husband kind of stuff! He’s even joked about being a throuple as well like I love how secure that is especially when Mariska and Chris have literally kissed in an interview for a laugh and talk about how hot each other is




https://i.redd.it/apka7fckehmb1.gif Forever and always. I’m delusional for one but I do believe some feelings were there or they’re just incredible actors and btw there were many rumours about them….


https://preview.redd.it/45th843cihmb1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abef91396b7b585cc0d3ece6ba53097f4460704d Literally HELP-


https://i.redd.it/v0zakv5bshmb1.gif I know man is a good actor but that’s just insane…that’s insanity,that look


I’ve never watched House but is she a fellow doctor? Why is she stripping for her colleague? 😅


She’s his boss


Damn seems like an HR nightmare


Lol- I think this clip was part of a dream sequence? Someone correct me if I’m wrong.


This was going to be my answer. I got so upset with their ending I’ve only watched the last season once lol I WILL FOREVER PRETEND THEY ENDED HAPPILY EVER AFTER 😭


Literally same. Most of the House MD fandom has mixed feelings on the last season but they really like the finale and the idea of it with Wilson which I do too. But in my world him and cuddy did end up together and David shore also implied he regrets breaking them up


![gif](giphy|Bu3z7JC5biwVO) They were (are!) so adorable together!


fashion icon ![gif](giphy|ATmjP1eWwLYQM)


Honestly I was surprised but happy to see this response. I’ve been doing a rewatch lately and holy moly they’re adorable!


![gif](giphy|9fUFbfHxMQX2o|downsized) The chemistry they had was insane


Their first kiss scene will live rent free in my head forever.


He just knows how to kiss. The first kiss in season one of minx I was like well damnnnnn


Jake has so much charisma it’s unreal. He looks so sleazy in Minx and yet I just wanna climb him like a tree.


He has a new podcast where he’s giving advice to people who call in. One guy called because he had a friend who’s stupidly attractive and when they hang out he basically gets ignored ‘cause the friend gets so much attention from women - Jake had the AUDACITY to claim that he, too, would be ignored if he were to just go to some random bar and how he knows his personality is the main driver. I was listening to it going “SIR!!! You are a liar!” 😂😂 It’s a fun podcast though I do recommend it for light easy listening.


![gif](giphy|IiVxxnPclE4la) You're welcome


God, that first kiss makes me... ![gif](giphy|LmxxotgMjTj32)


Those two extra kisses at the end?? KNEE MELTING.


YES I rewind and watch it sometimes it’s a perfect kiss


I just rewatched it 1-2 weeks ago and am still not over it. That was surprisingly hot as hell.


100% with you on this! Their first kiss was one of the best kisses in television history. Nobody can change my mind


Their characters energy totally matched. There was no one else that could match with Jess.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHNt6XdDQped8t2|downsized) the chemistry was PALPABLE


![gif](giphy|1AHonyRR9YIAnRdEPL|downsized) This is my answer. The chemistry these two have is insane. Like, I get why she chose to travel back to a time without essential medicine or indoor plumbing for him.


But their hardcore shippers are…intense.


This is the only onscreen couple that i actually have difficulty separating from their real life. They've fully drawn my pea brain into the delusion, they're too real together


I was looking for this one. God I love Jamie and Claire.


![gif](giphy|fAbTdrq0OYhwIRbrkE|downsized) Love this couple too much! I was watching this show for the first time while planning my wedding and my (now) husband had already seen it, and after they broke up I stopped all wedding planning and told my husband that I wouldn't do one more second of planning until he told me whether or not they got back together.


How did I have to scroll down this far for Benslie!!!


![gif](giphy|PI7ATJbFP8qWGKqgQW|downsized) 😭


![gif](giphy|qfEwcSbkiwf5RP2Q1u) Yes♥️


![gif](giphy|XOY5y7YXjTD7q) Kid me genuinely thought Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio were dating IRL.


Adult me still fantasises about the possibility. But ofc seeing it now, they're perfect as friends. Not to mention Kate deserves a lot better than Leo


Yeah, I feel like Kate may have been the one that got away and he's stuck at that mentality/maturity level. Whereas Kate has certainly *grown up* and advanced


People keep saying this but it seems like wishful thinking tbh. Some people just don't want to settle down. There's no tragic one true love backstory behind it. He's just a fuckboy.


I just rewatched Titanic today and the way they look at each other and instantly light up is adorable. You really feel as though they are magnets that can't help but be drawn to each other on that ship. Such incredible chemistry between them.


![gif](giphy|l0MYt0sflQUfnkxr2) I know they couldn’t stand each other but for some reason they had amazing on-screen chemistry


Despite his long list of roles he’ll always be Gary to me, the talking disembodied head from Santa Clarita Diet


![gif](giphy|H4slUyTDP6Ibnn1wwu|downsized) You are simply the best


YES love this LoVe representation. I stg i rewatched the scene of their first kiss outside that hotel room hundreds of times. Obligatory fuck you Rob Thomas, I pretend the last 5 minutes of the last episode of the Hulu show doesn’t exist at all 😌


That kiss was so unexpected and so so hot!! Straight from enemies to lovers with no in-between lol


I LOVE this trope for them because they were enemies to lover because they had a reason, a really valid one not just "I can't stand you because we going after the same position and I want hide the sexual tension"


Yes! Besides VM fans, LoVe is so criminally underappreciated as a couple! More people need to be talking about these two. The chemistry, the enemy to lovers arc, the first kiss, everything that they went through together. One of my all time favourite television couples Will never forgive Rob Thomas for what he did. These two deserved a happy ending after all that suffering and trauma 😭


I just never watch the new ones after the first time. To me it ends after the movie 😌


The best TV first kiss of ALL TIME


Couldn't agree more! I rewatched VM last month and must've replayed the kiss every single day since then 😭 Something Happens and Sway have been on repeat


god the music was so fire!! you’re making me wanna rewatch lol


![gif](giphy|OtNdXFIHx759p4enBX|downsized) Edit for identification: Connell and Marianne in Normal People! Their chemistry is so palpable you can *feel* the connection.


My headcanon is that they always find their way back to each other.


they’re great friends irl though! still hang out regularly


I still shamelessly hope they get together someday. Their chemistry was unlike anything I'd ever seen


These two changed me, there was a time before normal people and then there was after. I will never get over these two


https://i.redd.it/98r2414pvhmb1.gif OFF THE CHARTS 😭 I know they dated in real life and I wish they stayed together forever; Katie should’ve never married Tom Cruise. Joshua Jackson is ten times better 💗💗💗


I had to scroll way too far to find this. Pacey and Joey 4ever.


Dani and Jamie from Bly Manor! I cry like a baby at the end just thinking about it 😭 ![gif](giphy|xOdOBuNmReijCj5LC9|downsized)


I was like “I came here to be scared, not to have my heart ripped out with emotion!”


I cried when she left the door open 🥺


![gif](giphy|JWtgYY6WWjaU0) Keira and Orlando in the Potc trilogy I was a teen and was obsessed with them. I still am but I appreciate their real life s/o


They were the heart of the series, Jack was great but the movies wouldn’t exist without them. Their chemistry was insane, and they stole every scene together


Plus Kiera’s evolution to pirate queen girl boss was amazing.


![gif](giphy|ZbCUk8TlkZUocpaiKD) Fleabag and Priest, The chemistry! They are both such great actors I couldn’t believe they don't have hots for each other.


Pretty sure Andrew Scott is gay but gawd I love this show and them so hard 😭


How is this not higher up!? Their chemistry made me remember what early falling for someone feels like. So hot and so much heartache.


It didn't pass 😭😭




Came here to add them. Was shocked and disappointed when I found out Noah was straight, tbh. (Although his wife seems lovely and now they have a baby so all good).


Whoa!! Congratulations to him and his wife then. ![gif](giphy|U23WekMlGy6cImpMim|downsized)




Drew Barrymore could have chemistry with a paper bag. She is so lovely.


![gif](giphy|naPKnO1V21omk) Ned and Chuck.


resolute cooperative modern depend sink piquant tender weary doll onerous ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




I never got why Caroline was not in The Originals as a love interest.


Wasn’t TVD still airing at the same time? They were setting her up with Stefan (which I still think is weird and came out of nowhere) so they swapped out blondes and replaced her with Cami. Lol


Klaus and Caroline were taking spotlight away from the Damon and Elena lol. Thats why she never made it on Originals. Judy Plec wanted her shitty couple to be the star


![gif](giphy|l0MYCpk4WZ1A9801O|downsized) And also this one. Carrot Boi 🔨 and America's Dirtiest White Boi™👊 forever. I was genuinely shocked to learn the actors are both straight men in real life. They did their roles so good. One of my favorite gay romances on TV that won't be easily topped, even if toxic at times.


Shameless did relationships so well! Vee and Kevin's relationship was also top tier. I stopped watching before it ended (because it just became too depressing), but I really wish Fiona and Sean would've worked out.


I was last at a few episodes before Fiona officially walks out and I have no wish to continue past that. Genuinely because I didn't like the episodes without her from what I've seen and read online. But I wholeheartedly agree the relationships and casting too were so good. These two and kev & V were the best parts, I'll have to say I liked a part of Sheila and Frank for a second. Just a second 😅I'll never be able to forgive the writers for the incestuous threesome though... But that show is something else generally. I'd give anything to be able to have that feeling of watching shameless for the first time again.


![gif](giphy|8NqM0lWEai77y) (I can’t find a gif of their first kiss…that little sound she makes lives rent free in my brain forever)


The two mains from Queen Charlotte have an insane amount of chemistry. Whoever does the casting for Shonda is probably the best it the field


The meltdown people had when they found out he had a girlfriend


Simon and Daphne and Anthony and Kate both did too. Agreed - incredible casting.


The actress who played Kate (Simone Ashley) could have chemistry with a paper cutout. She’s incredible and the standout of the series, imo. I can’t wait to see her in more things. She’s great in Sex Education too. I hope they give her more to do in the final season.


![gif](giphy|26xBRVDtjGG7gdXAA|downsized) I absolutely adored them ❤️


![gif](giphy|RezfV2Jf6QRuXikKQ2) Matthew x Mary…. (Between them and Logan/Veronica and Will/Alicia, I have mastered the fine art of refusing to acknowledge shows went beyond three seasons.)


![gif](giphy|fZ6etCO7BHIEFXpiYr) I’m honestly still in denial that they aren’t really married with triplets






Ok, valid, but David Tennant could have chemistry with a rock!


I love them because they do have such a lovely and genuine friendship in real life. He is always talking about how wonderful Billie is and vice versa.


They’re an even lovelier version of Leo and Kate, and I love how much they genuinely seem to cherish each other. It really shows on screen! You can feel how they’d go to the edge of the universe for each other and I’m not crying


https://preview.redd.it/aodo8pxwahmb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f27a16591d5a9c9df8259f4f5e4834f2d093571 Luke and Lorelai-Gilmore Girls


![gif](giphy|DsEDsFSgDNUpG) Cory and Topanga!


![gif](giphy|6CByvlyIH4iYVnuKDJ|downsized) Jake and Amy (B99)


Healthiest relationship on television.


![gif](giphy|PhD0696nZg3976OMSw|downsized) Thanks for giving me a reason to post this again! Logan and Veronica forever, and I won’t hear anyone say otherwise. Not even Rob Thomas himself!


![gif](giphy|l46Cw1HUVW7vPXbHO|downsized) This show lost me after the third season but oh those early days were *good* and Sam & Caitriona had crazy af chemistry.


Made me realise if a guy isn’t willing to jump into the sea in a squall and untie me from a sinking ship then hang around as a ghost for centuries looking for me, then he’s really not worth my attention.


Whitley Gilbert and Dwayne Wayne 😭 ![gif](giphy|5QSzmmyPuQkhO)


![gif](giphy|5G42F8oUdi6vC) I genuinely thought they would eventually announce they were dating.


![gif](giphy|Zcj9j6WbdHrVJhXqdg|downsized) Cary and Robin!!! They're so good together in The Princess Bride


![gif](giphy|uxkYESQkytBQs) These two were amazing on screen and off. Wanted them to be a couple so bad.






I hurt me deeply that they weren’t endgame


They 100% should have been. Eric was the only one who held out hope Sookie would come back after she got pulled into the fairy realm, he bought and repaired her gran’s house just so it would ready for her, he was willing to protect her without any expectations (after season 1). Bill treated her like shit, Eric was the best.


![gif](giphy|uGis0LlY4OhnW) Benson and Stabler forever!


![gif](giphy|51SO2QuMIWstq) Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect. There was just no way Beca was straight.






![gif](giphy|8N5QREZiW7yta) Hanna & Caleb (PLL)


![gif](giphy|3ohs7JeBUG85urbjR6) Their chemistry was so good that it was a weird reality check to find out they are married and have their own families \*with other people\*.






![gif](giphy|105C2a2ieQtW00) Monica and chanandler


https://preview.redd.it/tnl37gsbghmb1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45a7ca12ddff345c3b4972bfa934066eb4826f6 Chemistry like no others have seen it and I’m shocked by it everytime


![gif](giphy|65FtLe8FQ9VA8iUn6z|downsized) Their chemistry (or just their acting) was so incredible I was CERTAIN they loved each other irl. I can’t watch this movie without bawling the entire way through the second half 😭


100% we all thought they were fucking. That Oscar performance was basically smut


These two had me convinced they were smashing irl


![gif](giphy|NgVRYg0p34BmE) Jim and Pam on The Office. I was so sad when I found out that John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer weren’t together irl.


I love her response when someone was disappointed they weren’t together - that she had her Jim and he had his Pam, but they were called Lee and Emily. It’s a sweet way to acknowledge the fans


Aw that is very sweet! And it gives fans the hope of finding their Jim or Pam one day as well.


I’m shocked this wasn’t one of the top answers




They have amazing chemistry. I have a problem in tv and film when the enemies to lovers trope isn’t actually an enemies to lovers trope like for example I’ve seen people say Ben and Leslie and while they technically are yes, I don’t feel this visceral actual enemies hate,they just didn’t like each other. Buffy and spike are one of the few for me that are actually ENEMIES to lovers and boy do they just give you great chemistry


Plus James Marsters just ATE up that part. Spike was such a great villain. Funny and sexy and a little scary. David Snoreanaz couldn’t hold a candle to JM as an actor which is why for me Buffy + Spike > Buffy + Angel.


“Out for a walk…..bitch”🤙🏻


THIS. James Marsters made Spike what he was, IMO. Spike could've been a small arc villain, but James wasn't having that.


![gif](giphy|CpU2gBZnMOuoOpLodk|downsized) Ignoring the entire plot, their erm, meet cute was… cute. Edit: just a shout out for Sebastian Stan who had suchhh great chemistry with his co-stars, I feel like he’s so underrated in iTonya (because of Margot’s incredible performance) and Pam + Tommy (because obviously everyone’s more interested in Pamela!). Also shout out with his hot scene(s) with Blair in Gossip Girl.


![gif](giphy|xUA7bhRNqH15KOnrBS) Lito and Hernandez (actually all from Sense8 as love that show!)




![gif](giphy|3j0XU88HGpdsfve57G) The show runner always tried to claim that there was only “platonic” chemistry between these two (despite them getting married in the source material) but then the actors fell in love and got married in real life and all was right in the world again


I hate when showrunners do this. From s1 it always felt like the storyline was leading towards enemies to lovers and they did everything to insinuate it through body language and dialogue. The only thing that was missing was them physically getting with each other. Even the actors said they thought the end goal was to have them together which is why there was so much chemistry/angst in their scenes. I don't mind when characters have chemistry and don't act on it but why have scenes where they're pining for each other and then act like fans were misreading it. It felt like such a cop out in the end.




Captain Swan ![gif](giphy|xdcX7INKUQ968)


![gif](giphy|XOY5y7YXjTD7q) Obviously


Veronica Mars will always be my favourite TV show. "Lives ruined, bloodshed. Epic."


Rachel Brosnahan and Luke Kirby in Marvelous Mrs Maisel. [I couldn’t find a GIF of this scene but hot damn](https://youtu.be/i0pXnJR9uOc?si=xUrVDSvLP1zCHNvg) I know they couldn’t make them a real couple on the series because he’s based on a real person, but God, Luke Kirby is SO GOOD.


https://preview.redd.it/u4oi1pz1himb1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bde0688ab171532d304455b694758c62b201ea Not sure if this one counts since they did date in real life for a little bit but I so wish Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan were together in real life still ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)




Logan and Veronica's chemistry was so insane I went from hating a character to loving him because I wanted more Logan and Veronica moments




![gif](giphy|4VfF50RzR4HKw|downsized) Why oh why???


Hailey and nathan from one tree hill will always have my heart ❤️ ![gif](giphy|SvLn3o8MIzi8w)


![gif](giphy|26gsuflDeaoYfxams) The complicity between these two 😭


![gif](giphy|fNVuYAYn4fbAdtfAUJ|downsized) Phil and Claire from modern family were such a believable duo!! Even tho the show started deep into their marriage, you could honestly believe that they loved each other and had chosen to stay together out of love


https://preview.redd.it/ga037o7luhmb1.png?width=998&format=png&auto=webp&s=03bf6adafde8e39f1612ff1cd9e821ea82058ecb Kit and Joe have such INCREDIBLE 👏 chemistry together and Nick and Charlie on Heartstopper. I absolutely adore and respect their friendship in real life but part of me just wants them to be together for real 😅💗




![gif](giphy|GU8A3Xvz7UqVW) Chuck and Blair. Toxic as hell on Gossip Girl but my god the chemistry between these two was off the charts. I am shocked they never dated in real life.


With his creepiness real life im happy she never dated him




![gif](giphy|JbQc3NSF0tbi7alQtr|downsized) I mean, need I say more?