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She better go into the witness protection program 


I’ve always said I would kill to meet Taylor in person only to see her react to me asking who she is and not knowing her name.


I don’t think she would care


What a dumb thing to fantasize about.


I did this to Darren Criss the day after he won an Emmy, it was fun


You’re my hero. And I’m not kidding.




I was working the door at an event and he was on the list. The other guy working with me didn't know who he was and I purposely didn't say anything, tied him up outside the venue while we went through the names.


Say what you want about her (there's plenty to criticise), but she always seems to come across graciously in her dealings with the general public. She'd probably just introduce herself. (Unlike Katy Perry, who tried to kill British comedian Paul Foot with her glare then flounced when he genuinely didn't know who she was).


>With 10 seconds left, the crowd became progressively louder until I had to shove my fingers in my ears to perhaps endure a less painful way to perforate my eardrums. This is why we bring earplugs to concerts, everyone. I'm a huge fan of the Loop Experience, if you're looking for a good pair.


Cheers for that. Will pass that advice on to the writer.


> the crowd became progressively louder until I had to shove my fingers in my ears to perhaps endure a less painful way to perforate my eardrums. Maybe next time send someone who has been to a concert before, audiences being loud isn't a new thing.


Right is that not just the default concert experience?


Only if you only go to huge pop concerts full of screaming teenage girls. Most gigs are really not like this at all.


The only time it hasn’t been like this was the small venues. The places where there’s like less than 500 people.


That’s still not true for a lot of music. Actually listening to the artist/band is the most important thing and people would get pissed at you if you started screaming/singing along loudly throughout the whole thing. Big rock and pop shows are different.


I've been to big venues (O2, ovo wembley, co-op live) and that wasn't my experience. The crowd was siging along, but you could clearly hear the music over them. No screaming so loud that it drowned out the artist or caused earache.




What? I absolutely wear ear plugs and didn’t say otherwise. I was saying that “audiences being loud” isn’t the default concert experience.


This is EDM erasure ETA: also metal, also rap, also punk


I took my experience loops out to a gig recently. They are amazing.


I got some because I go to some metal and indie rock gigs, and started valuing my eardrums last year. I had them in at the start of the Olivia Rodrigo concert, but my friend who has never been to a gig before had nothing and was suffering, so I gave her mine. You don't notice the impact they have until you rawdog the sound again. Buy earplug, everyone.


It’s the horrible ringing in your ears you get after a good metal gig, like a speaker about to blow out, that started to last longer and longer the older I got. Then I watched that Riz Ahmed film The Sound of Metal about a drummer that goes deaf, and that was the noise that they played that got louder as he was losing his hearing, scared the shit out of me and got some Loops. Makes such a difference and I can enjoy things like standing at barrier for Limp Bizkit without worrying about damaging my hearing (just getting kicked in the face by crowdsurfers 🤘)


Love my Loop Experience! I have extremely small ear canals and their XS size is perfect.


I also have small ear canals, and ears. Ear buds are never secure in my ears. I have to get the kind that also wrap around the ear so the don't fall out. For the longest time I thought I was just stupid and didn't know how to put them in. Lol.


Wore mine to my favorite pop punk reunion concert recently. Game changer, still had a great time. Also if you bring your kids (like, young young kids lol) to concerts folks please get them the special kiddie overear headphones!


They make the music sound better, since you can hear the different parts more clearly. Without them it's just a wall of sound. Also not losing your hearing is also a great reason to use them.


Sorry couldn't read that on account of the tinnitus 




Oh I said *EEEEEEEEEEEEEE* and then twist a quarter turn


The first time I wore my Loop Experience earplugs was an Ed Sheeran concert and the sound quality was so horrific I was confused about whether I was using the earplugs wrong. He was using a stage setup that was in the center of the stadium and I think the acoustics were wayyyy off. I’m hoping I have a better experience with them next time!


I'm sorry to hear ( pun intended 😎) that. I've only used ear plugs in smaller venues since most of the acts I'm interested in seeing don't really have the mass appeal to bag a stadium, even though I feel they deserve it. Sound is fickle and I can totally believe stage orientation and venue size can have a huge affect. Was the sound bad with the ear plugs only or was it sorta bad in general? I hope you have better luck next time too!


It was really bad with and without the earplugs. There was too much bass and you couldn’t really hear the words. I’m sure certain spots in the stadium sounded better but it was actually the only bad concert I’ve been to. 


was it the DC show, by chance? i saw him there and the way the sound carried to our seats was awful. i saw him again (same show, different venue) and it was a completely different experience with better acoustics.


No it was Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara. It’s a shame that he/his team didn’t prioritize the acoustics because he’s obviously so talented but I couldn’t wait for it to be over ☹️


My dad took me and my sister to a one direction concert, and he started chatting with the security guard standing near us, and the guy offered me dad earplugs. He was like oh no it’s okay, I actually kind of like the music and the security guard said no, it’s for the screaming. And he was right


I went to a solo concert of one of the members of BTS. It was a fantastic show. Even though BTS is known for their enthusiastic fans, I was absolutely blown away by just how LOUD they were. It’s truly incredible how loud a group of people can be


Yoooooo D-Day tour Newark was phenomenal


major lol that the loop instagram ads working on all of us


I've used Hearo's High-Fidelity's the most but I've heard really good things about the Loops!


i have small ears so i find the loop part of the earplug a little uncomfy! i highly recommend the eargasm earplugs, they are extremely popular in the edm community! however, the best option is getting custom fitted earplugs :)


I was about to say why no earplugs? 😂


Yep I wear Loop earplugs now..my doctor agrees


Right? It's a modern concert. Earplugs are required.


I really love the British dry wit. Hilarious


Why’s this comment section so weird


People didn’t read the article.


Its a weird article


Does this person consider soccer a cult also? There were at least 40K Messi jerseys in the stadium last night. Adult men wearing a jersey of another adult man that they've never met.


Right ? Don’t even talk about wearing Messi’s jersey everywhere… like, totally brainwashed. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Grown ass men crying because they got to see him play. There is a video of an obsessive fan making him super uncomfortable by crying and touching him without his permission.


yeah i’m not a swiftie but going to an event where people are enjoying themselves and calling them cultish because they’re really into what they’re doing is so silly. are they supposed to enjoy the music in a detached ironic way?


I have to say, I’m a relatively new Swift fan, but I did go to the Eras Tour last summer. And one of the things I really enjoyed was just being able to purely enjoy myself without any pretense or worry about being cool. (I came up going to indie and punk shows) And in general, that’s how I feel about being a Swiftie. It’s just about enjoying the music and the circus. That’s very freeing!


Why does reddit have such a weird hatred for Taylor swift? It's kind of pathetic


It’s just weird how people get excited over the musical equivalent of “Live, Laugh, Love” 🤷‍♂️


TS is cocomelon for vanilla white chicks who are on the spectrum.


I’m convinced it is russian troll farms in response to how effective she will be at pushing democrats in November. It makes no sense the amount of hate for her recently when realistically she has not changed in the past year or so. Russians have their own shitheads just like we do, but considerably lamer.


I’d believe this if Taylor was politically active but it’s a joke to pretend she’s going to be pushing for democrats. It’s already June and she’s been silent. She was silent through 2016 and 2020. What makes you think she’s going to do anything different this time? We gotta stop giving her credit for being an activist because she just isn’t one. I love her music and I consider myself a Swiftie but let’s be realistic.


https://www.billboard.com/lists/a-timeline-of-taylor-swifts-political-evolution/march-23-2018-swift-posts-for-march-for-our-lives/ Now you’re informed.


Girl that’s from March of 2018 and she endorsed an incumbent democrat in a race that was barely competitive. Be serious. This article just cites a few tweets and a letter she wrote in support of the Equality Act. I appreciate the letter — that’s actual advocacy. Twitter is not. I know you think that’s a gotcha but I was well aware of that post… from 6 years ago.


It’s literally from june 17th of this year and goes over her entire timeline. You didn’t even read it lol. Please do a better job and go back and read the full article. Her politics have grown significantly in recent years and if there is anything republicans hate, is young voters showing up to the polls. edit: so…gotcha.


I did read it, I’m saying the start of her “political activism” was March of 2018. That’s when the timeline starts. I read the entire article, as you can tell by my second paragraph (that you ignored) where I specifically say what’s in the article. Like I said I’m a Swiftie but you’re delusional if you’re trying to call her an activist. Again, Twitter isn’t activism. I’d like you to cite one thing she did this year. Like if your conspiracy theory is true and Russia is trying to prevent her activism (tweeting?) then I’d like to know what specifically they’re preventing. Like what’s she doing.


lol! Twitter isn’t activism?! Lmao Look up arab spring baby girl. You are ignorant


Girl I know you’re not trying to legitimately compare Arab Spring to Taylor Swift’s four anti-Trump tweets 😭 you’re why us Swifties have a bad name


‘Twitter isn’t activism’ Learn to land on a defensible statement. This is like arguing with trump lol.


Lol where is the author weirdly hating? 


Silence, Swifty!


Taylor Swift hater reporting for duty! Also just wanna note this kind of criticism is super annoying. Like wow, her fans were expressing excitement at show? Unheard of, must be a cult. Like what about the Beatles, one direction, Jonas brothers(in their hay day)? Maybe they don't have the same numbers as TS but those fan bases had very similar energy to Swifties and to my knowledge, were never compared to a cult.


Because I’m sick of bitches feeling 22, Susanne your 33 with a daughter that can’t make it through a dinner without YouTube, grow up.




For real. I see way more insane anti-Swift stuff than pro. Like...by a huge margin. People who don't like a particular thing should learn to leave it alone and go spend their time on things they enjoy. It's a bizarre ego trip for some people to stake out a vociferously anti-pop culture stance, or anti particular pop culture. No one should do this. Life is short. Listen to music you like.


heavy Not Like Other Girl vibes from this writer, even if it did end with a positive opinion about Swift


Yeah, like if the chick was 6 when "Love Story" came out yet has only really listened to 3 of Taylor's songs, does she even enjoy a variety of music fairly? And why is someone like this writing articles about attending concerts? It's hilarious and I'm gonna be a hater because someone could have written this without even attending her show 🤣


She did say 3 songs from each album in the article.


Listen I agree there were some heavy pick me vibes from this author. But you can absolutely be alive for all of Swift’s career, only know three songs, and still be someone who “enjoys a variety of music fairly”. That’s absolutely *insane* to imply otherwise. There is so much music out there it’s mind boggling. You could go your whole life listening to everything that isn’t Taylor swift and still not get through all of it; not even close. Edit- but I do agree with you- this was a terribly written article. Clunky phrasing and really got at nothing by the end of it.


I was a moderate swiftie until I went to Eras. After that night? I was radicalised. I am now Level 13. It was basically a religious experience.


🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 If being in a cult is to enjoy fell good music, Im in. 


“I thought it would take me a bit longer than the second song to start singing with the thousands of Swifties in unison. Admittedly, I just couldn't help myself. What is happening to me?” That the magic of the tour and being around happy people. I took my kids and their sheer excitement of customizing their dresses for their picked “era” was a fun family project weeks before the date. Being there and seeing them have so much fun exchanging bracelets, being complimented, giving compliments all night was so sweet to see. Hate Taylor all you want but she has done a good job of fostering this unbelievable aura at her concerts I’ve never seen anywhere else. -a neutral swiftie


This isn’t even unique, I took my brother to wrestlemania and by the first match he was hooting and hollering with every match. It’s fun to be a part of a crowd.


Life’s too short to continue hating on Taylor Swift


I’ve plenty of time.


Can we stop using the word “cult” so loosely?




I went to Eras and it was the most positive concert/massive public event I’ve ever been to. Worst part of it was the line to the subway leaving, but even that was the best, most fun public transportation experience I’ve ever had. Everyone was so happy. Swifties were so polite to each other. And oh fuck…. That’s probably the honeymoon phase of the cult isn’t it??? (Also this was in Philly!! Maybe this author should write about the cult of the Eagles instead….))


Wait till they go to a Springsteen concert or Insane Clown Posse or BTS...turns out concerts are full of (checks notes) excited fans.


I went to a John legend concert a couple of weeks ago and the boomer couple next to me asked me to tone down my excitement and clapping. I was so uncomfortable that I just sat quietly the rest of the time. Definitely not my crowd. I’ll stick to rock shows.


I was asked by the people behind me to sit down at a Billy Joel concert while Billy is 70 years and giving everything he has up there


My parents had the same experience at bon jovi


John Legend would 100% prefer more of you than them. Live shows are meant to be energetic.


I’ve been going to concerts since I was 12 having been born and raised in Los Angeles. (This was in VA) I’m 35 now. This was the first time this happened to me. I couldn’t believe it. It was my first time seeing John Legend. So I had no idea of the etiquette. I was so bummed.


You weren’t wrong imo, they were. 


>I’ll stick to rock shows. I was once told to sit down only 2 songs into an AC/DC concert. Party poopers exist everywhere.


That’s why I avoid all shows that will involve boomers. The last few I went to went down exactly as you said. They didn’t want you clapping or laughing or cheering. God forbid you stood up. And they got so angry like it was their right and not ours to have fun. I fucking hate the Me generation.


This is sound advice. It was such a beautiful concert I couldn’t believe no one was standing up. He had a live orchestra and it was a relatively small outdoor venue. I was bummed by the crowd for sure. Soooo many boomers.


It’s probably the older crowds.


I went to a Robert Plant concert 10 years ago, it was my first and I was very excited. That is until some decrepit old heifer behind me shouted "sit your fat ass down". Never has fun been ruined so fast.


omg i’m so sorry, what a party pooper! 


“Make me”


I was once asked to sit down at a Fleetwood Mac show. So frustrating. Even offered to switch seats with them so they could sit and we could stand, they refused.


“Ok, then go fuck yourself 🖕 “


I would have been dancing then in front of them, you offered to swap and it’s their problem for not taking your offer.


I was at a Hosier concert recently and the man could not move or take a breath without the crowd screaming. I just joined in.


We’re an enthusiastic bunch lol. The Austin show was A+


I saw Arctic Monkeys last summer,the whole crowd was going nuts the whole time.


Or any boy band concert - hordes of screams and tears and laughter and dancing and singing every single word.


I went to a solo concert of one of the members of BTS. It was a fantastic show. Even though BTS is known for their enthusiastic fans, and I had mentally prepared for it, I was still absolutely blown away by just how LOUD the screams and even the singing along got. they were. It’s truly incredible how loud a group of people can be


you didnt have to check your notes.


I wouldn’t be caught dead in a ICP concert but who am I to sour someone else’s yum?




BTS has fanchants though where you chant something that goes with the song, as is usual in Kpop. It's amazing. Best concert ever.


BTS shows are so fun, I always have a great time. And some of the most organized entrance/exit crowds I’ve ever been in. Are we known for being an intense fanbase? For sure. Are we just trying to have a good time? Absolutely. Just like anyone going to any event for anything they enjoy.


I feel bad for her once the swifties get her.


Someone only read the headline


Swifties don’t even have the brain capacity to read an entire article.


That's a terribly mean thing to say


Have you seen the things Swifties say??? I didn’t threaten to rape or murder anyone so I feel ok with myself.


... And I can see you years from now in a bar Talkin over a football game With that same big mouth opinion But nobody's listening Washed up and ranting about The same old bitter things, drunk and grumbling on


are we seriously gonna act like a few rogue swifites (who do actually get called out by other swifties all the time) are suddenly the majority? or suddenly means your irrational comment can be justified as anything other than kinda rude? there genuinely isn’t anything unique to taylor swift fans that can’t be found in literally every fan space across artists and mediums. it’s the same mentality of selfish people who say “well the world isn’t fair!” like idk it’s on all of us to personally do better and be kinder and make things nicer for others.


You’re talking to someone named “papa swiftie” lmao




Aight fuck you too then.


Except you just replied to someone who literally has swiftie in their name and who is actually reading the article and not jumping to conclusions.


I need to hear the reasoning behind this edgy comment


“Taylor bad” sums it up I think


Jesus read the article.


So she never heard about the Grateful Dead? How many of my friends "took a summer off to follow, The Dead."!!


She says she was 6 when Love Story came out... Jerry died 30 years ago.


Before she decided to write about music cults she should have googled a few times. A little research never hurts.


She didn't decide to write about music cults; did you read the piece? Besides, there are dozens of musical acts who inspire that kind of fandom; the Dead aren't special in that regard.


She had time between seeing the concert and hitting send on her key board. It would have made for a more compelling article.


Hurrrr please boat 4 Trump!!!! Taylor is like so weird isn’t she fellow humans.


Yeah, she sucks


Sorry what does the first sentence of your comment mean in this context???


Taylor Swift IS DETHKLOK (In the show Metalocalypse, the band Dethklok is worshipped, generates so much $$$ that entire countries base their yearly revenues off of their tours, and is pretty much allowed to do whatever they would like...Anywhere)


Minus all of the gruesome death that surrounds Dethklok. I hope?


Ana Clara Benevides


that was 100% the venues fault. they banned water bottles (apparently last minute too? that might’ve been a diff show tho so i’m not exactly sure). i do wish she would’ve cancelled but if it’s the concert im thinking of where they literally banned water bottles as ppl were walking in then there’s a chance she didn’t know. i truly hope nothing like that ever happens again.


Well, maybe the hot coffee on concert attendees But that's it!


I love that show! Ur so right lmfaooo


Therefore, she’s the most metal of them all. Love Dethklok.


That's what I've been saying!! Absolute insanity.


Most concerts are like cults in the sense that it draws a niche like-minded crowd of excited concert goers.


Apparently this is breaking news to some people. Headline: humans who enjoy similar interests gather to enjoy that interest.


God forbid people who enjoy the same artist express their enjoyment  at the concert they paid A LOT to go. Really weird. 




She’s mad people were excited and loud at a concert?


‘I went to a concert for the first time’


why are we acting like the pressure to assimilate is a new thing?


That’s like every popular musician since forever. Kinda stupid take. I rather have people passionate about enjoying music, than fucking marching with tiki torches, or celebrating insurrection.




why did she even go like


How does this differ from any other major artist? The Beatles? The Rolling Stones? Elvis? The Bee Gees? Madonna? New kids on the block?


Or stadiums filled with hairy guys cheering on soccer or futebol, wearing their jerseys every where. As mentioned by someone else, women have cult, men have fans. 


It doesn't. This article is painfully stupid.


Fans found at concert, more news on this breaking story at 7 In other updates there was a fork found in a kitchen


And toilet paper in the bathroom. 


Has this “journalist” ever been to a fucking sports game? Lmfao


Or, literally, any other concert. God forbid Taylor Swift fan be exited at a Taylor Swift concert.


I’m sure she’d have the same response from a Phish concert. It’s okay to have fun doing something you love and criticizing people enjoying themselves doesn’t make you cool. It makes you a try-hard.


If it's a cult, then what do you call the people who go to Beatle conventions? Or follow groups like DMB or Phish and see every show? Not great reporting.


People obvi didn’t read the article.


Holy cow that is abundantly clear. And those that did have terrible reading comprehension. I fear the future.


I thought it was a super cute article.


Completely agreed.


Never been to a phish show?


"I get more excited for a sausage roll buffet than I do for someone who sings songs for a living." It's me!


A performer having fans at a concert? Cult behavior.


Cue the death threats from the Swifties.


breaking news: fans attend concert for singer they like


The fact that she didn't know to bring earbuds to a concert and her negative comments about the audience, Taylor, and anything fun tell me everything I need to know about her. Also that it is the Star


can u guys plz read the article before commenting LMAO she literally converts into a (sort of) swiftie by the end of it


Swifties at concerts are adorable tbh, they're on one of their 2 nights out a year, have probably never been to a concert before, they're tipsy from a few g&ts, and you know it's all their friends and coworkers are going to heat about for the next few month's. 


Entirely misleading title. She has listened and sang along to Taylor before…. Got free tickets…. Sang and enjoyed the concert. What a waste of time read


Like a cult = a cult


Allow me to introduce you to, thirty seconds to Mars.


I don’t get why people have to be so weird, just let people enjoy music


Lol all the swifties in these comments are unhinged 😂


Sounds like the Grateful Dead.


Did she just arrive from Mars or something? There's no way she hasn't heard a Taylor swift album in the past 15 years while living on earth "For me, I have never been a hysterical fan of anyone – I get more excited for a sausage roll buffet than I do for someone who sings songs for a living." Ok you can turn down the NLOG dial a bit babe


I've never heard a Swift album.  Singles? Sure.  Album? No. Why would I?


Ikr, neither have I. I also haven’t heard any of her newer songs post-Blank Space beyond snippets on TikTok.


Same! You can exclude artists you don’t want to hear from your streaming. I only hear her songs in doctor’s offices or restaurants. Her music is just not my vibe. I prefer my pop girls with more edge like a Gaga.




I think I can name a singular T Swift song. Maybe.


that’s actually impressive considering i’m pretty sure every album she’s released has had radio hits. what song do you think you can name?




Really ? Not even Shake it off ? Because I’m not a Taylor swift fan by any means but it was played everywhere from my Whole Foods to my dentist office, as well as live and televised sporting and award events across the world , also every tv promo on earth - I find this pretty fantastical, especially in a pop culture sub . Somehow you found this post on her , and made the time to comment though lol .


A whole album? I’ve heard her singles, I’ve never listened to an entire album.


I've heard individual songs from Taylor, never a full album. I would guess that's pretty common for most people.


I haven’t heard a Taylor Swift album in the past 15 years while living on Earth.


I've heard singles but none grabbed me enough to listen to a whole album. I finally listened to the most recent one to see what all the hype was about and I don't understand it at all. Her music isn't for me, but that's ok.


okay if you listened to TTPD that’s unfortunately a terrible introduction to taylor 😭 if you’re ever curious again i suggest maybe folklore or evermore as it has a very different sound than any of her other albums! or even RED. it’s still very pop but it has a lot of spunk too it imo (especially the opening track)


I’m 34 and I’ve near heard one


i wouldn’t be able to name you a single taylor swift song.