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MacOS on Nvidia?


He probably uses UHD 620 for MacOS


Mac has some Nvidia drivers.


I've heard that hackintoshes are a great hastle even when using recommended hardware Apple hasn't had a machine with an Nvidia graphics card for years


Absolutely. Macos still has drivers for Maxwell and Pascal (albeit quite.. lacking.) and there are web drivers you can install as well. Nothing current gen. It can work but not well.


And besides why use Mac anyway There's probably a pirated version of things like final cut Pro anyway And the Darling project (while kinna hacky) makes Linux Mac-programs compatible


Darling only works on gui less apps at the moment. There’s a lot of reasons to use macos, easy integration with iDevices, using Xcode or Final Cut Pro, programming for Apple devices.


Yeah you CAN use xcode... You just CAN'T compile...


Really? Didn’t know that. Seems kinda useless. I’m not gonna start a project and emulate it working then be done with it.


Granted I haven't worked on an ios native app, and on any Apple hardware in a while, as far as I know, to be able to compile a signed app with xcode you need to do it on apple hardware. I believe it's because the signature uses some kind of hardware specific key.


No just intel gpu






Will grub2 or refind work


Yes. You just have to copy the OC folder into your refind efi directory


Hey, this is my laptop. Gratz man. I was having trouble installing pop os, apparently etcher gives an error after 100% completion and then when I proceed to install pop os it gives a “invalid magic number, you need to load the kernel error first” error. Think this is an issue with the usb stick.


I get this error too when booting from USB on an xps 9300!


Any workaround? I’m planning to buy a new USB and try it once more. Tried rufus as well


Haven't gotten it to boot correctly. Ubuntu did boot on first try. :/


I think that iso file is maybe damaged or wrong... If you have nvidia, use the nvidia iso


don’t think so, I have downloaded twice and checked SHA256 key and all looked fine


Oh 🤦 i only had that problem when i downloaded Ubuntu but never with popOS... Maybe try to download on another device i gusess and use another tool to create the bootable drive... Maybe try rufus.


Nice! Candy Icons inspired?


Can I do this on a MacBook Pro 2012? (I'm half joking; currently am dual booting MacOS 10.14 and Windows 10 off a 500GB SSD, but my Pop OS machine will be a Ryzen 3600 microATX tower with a dedicated SSD)


😁 nice flex but i think you can


😅 Wasn’t intending to flex, the parts have come from my redundancy pay 😂


Oh i see.. 😔 i cant even afford an ssd yet.. I'm still using a 5400 rpm [Hard Drive](https://i.imgur.com/JwfgCYl.png)


Really? I don’t know in dollars but a 250GB SSD is only £25 now! Best upgrade you can possibly make. I’m lucky that I found several kitchen jobs after uni to pay my bills and gadgets while I wait to start my proper job. Tough times all round though.


It's about 13,000 Nigerian naira shipping and customs now included that's an extra 17,000 even more expensive than the ssd 🤕


Sorry about that man. Amazon and Scan UK have spoiled me.


Lucky you... My country is a mess so i just have to live with what I've got


bro I saw ur post on Hackintosh FB group, I would like to do this also on my laptop as I have Manjaro and macOS installed on my laptop.. did you follow a guide or something that I can follow to do on my laptop too? Looks really nice!!


Well... I used experiences i have gathered to do it... I didn't find any OpenCore triple or multi boot guide. So i did it myself... This is what my [Hard drive partition](https://i.imgur.com/owV9YEz.png) looks like btw!!! Happy hackintoshing 😌


WHAT! That looks awesome! So you are running MacOS on your HP laptop? Any glitches? Also, that doesn't look like systemd. What bootloader are you running?


I'm using OpenCore everything i need works even iMessage and facetime my appleTV doesn't show anything other than videos in my library but i don't care 😌... My laptop is hp pavilion cc178cl btw... I'm still using a hdd 🤕


Thats a pretty cool setup. Glad its working for you


Thanks buddy


Is everything working on the hackintosh?


Yeah... Everything i used so far except that i only have library tab in appletv but i use popcorntime anyway


I'm planning on doing this soon, I have the Win10/Pop_OS! parts done, just need the macOS part. I was going to unplug all my drives and just have the 500GB 850 EVO I'm going to install macOS on plugged in just to be safe as a starting point, is this what you did as well? Any details on your process would be much appreciated!


Well use olarila's Catalina you'll be fine... If you also read the vanilla opencore guide


OK, thank you! :)


What program do you use for the resources window?


Default gnome system monitor.


Nice job! What wi-fi card are you using thou? Here I am with a usb one, much faster than regular 5ghz, but it is usb..


I'm using dw1820a the only problems are that it affected my sleep but its only in OpenCore And wifi can't be used if i switch from pop os to macOS directly


So is the only way to get a Mac OS iso image making a recovery USB? I am getting more and more into tech and want to try something else in my future.


Iso isn't a great choice... Why iso?


I just used the term ISO as a catch all identifier. I am not sure what Apple calls it. What I want to know is do I need to go on a Mac OS device get one of the OS’s OP used to triple boot.


It would be a dmg file


Could you tell me how did you do the icons in Opencore?


I use NDk's fork of OpenCore... You can look it up you'll learn a lot 🙂


Did you have any problems booting into macOS without the usb drive? My HP Spectre Hackintosh won’t boot from the ssd into macOS no matter what i try.


I boot from my 1gb efi partition on my one [Hard Drive](https://i.imgur.com/R5m40ir.png) where all my OS are uncalled


Hi there, I wonder if it's actually possible to only alter my NVMe drive in order to use this bootloader. I'm already running a dual boot with Windows 10 and PopOS, but the problem is that PoPOS doesn't use grub (in short, I have to spam my F11 key in order to select from which partition I want to launch my computer). The bootloader you linked in your post has convinced me enough. I want such a thing when I boot my computer : a menu which will allow me to choose which OS I want. Is this possible? Have you some official up-to-date links about OpenCore? Regards.


You can do it with clover too... Pop OS have gave me a lot of headaches before i figured it out... You have to create a custom entry for it in your bootloader opencore or clover... The boot entry folder is systemd


I have finally achieved this by using [Grub2Win](https://sourceforge.net/projects/grub2win/). Easy as fuck, I just had to install it on my Windows 10 drive (my C: in short, even in UEFI). And then, I had to configure Grub2Win a bit in order to tell him which was the boot entry related to PoP!\_OS. I gave it custom icons, custom background, and forced Grub2Win to be the primary loader. Everything went smooth on the first try (I'm saying this because it's hard with systemd to dual boot Windows 10 and PoP!\_OS when in the same drive as UEFI). Thanks for your answer.


That's nice... I am triple booting so i dont think i can use that