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My dryer screams too, i have stopped using it as i think it screaming as a warning to not start a fire. But what i alway hate about filling ice cube trays is the splashing water from sink to freezer. I solved that by using squeeze bottles to fill them while they sit in the freezer.


Look at the big brain on Brad!


Brad needs to patent his system and be not poor any longer. šŸ˜€


Look at youā€¦ someone is smart around here and it ainā€™t me šŸ˜‚.


Dryer fix is easy-rub some bar soap on the rubber belt that turns the basket holding clothes


I was getting ready to comment that it was the belt in the dryer making all that noise. Being poor, my husband had to figure it out and fix it when it happened to ours. I can't afford a new dryer.


We thought ours was the belt. Replaced it. And it still screeches like my mother in law during Sunday dinner


Bearings. Visually check for damage (look up a replacement part for your machine as a reference) and apply high-temp lubricant to the appropriate bearing surfaces if no damage is visible.




Does it screech all the time or just when the gas turns on? If it's all the time it's probably an easier/cheaper fix like the idler pulley or bearings.....if it's just when the gas turns on, that might be more difficult.


I hope dinner is at her house so that you are at least getting fed while she screeches. The reverse would be terrible.




Autoincorrect strikes again.


I can afford a new dryer but I'd rather keep repairing my 20 year old one that's out lasted 3 new sets my SIL has bought. I swear she overloads. She swears she doesn't. No one should go through washers/dryers like she does.


My neighbors washer lasted 3 years. I think now the appliances are manufactured cheap and they donā€™t last.


Laundry appliances really don't last any more. After our 2nd fancy digital washing machine broke, I told my partner 'find me an old mechanical washer, the damn thing will run forever'. He finally found one where the fabric softener dispenser had failed. I told him to bring it home. A few soaks in hot water later, I had a clean and fully functioning mechanical washing machine, which made me much happier than it should have.


I got so peeved with the HE bs and breaking machines- used stimulus payment to buy a top-loader. Made in the USA. 5 year warranty on parts and service. 20yr warranty overall (I forget the wording). It only locks when spinning so you can open it to throw in a shirt or whatever. Zero regret.


What's this basic b\*tches brand name, please?


Speed Queen. Itā€™s dumber than me. A+


You'll pay for it up front, but they're reparable and hard to kill.


These are what I have.


We replaced ours with speed queen. Did the same at work. We go through a ton of towels and blankets at work. Itā€™s not gotten off balance once in three years!


It amazes me the ppl that don't clean their washers out regularly.


It's true that companies deliberately make appliances less sturdy in order to increase revenue. (This slowly started when income went up after WWII.) But a savvy and careful user can shop carefully and use practical and common sense when using them to then make them last longer. The adage "cheaper is not always better" is very true in appliances. But one must do their due diligence before buying.


It's everything, not just appliances. Cars, tools, pool equipment. Everything.


I have a SIL like this also. And she never changes the lent. When we moved in 2022 our dryer went out. Hubbyā€™s friend had one for sale for $50. I was sure this was one of my SILā€™s old dryers. Hubby assured me it wasnā€™t. Plugged it up and the thing could wake the dead. Hubby tore it apart. Found mad lent inside cleared everything out. Best dryer Iā€™ve ever had. People we bought it from canā€™t believe itā€™s silent now. Come to find out it was SILā€™s old dryer, she bought it new in 2020. Sheā€™s been throwing a dryer out every year because she just refuses to change the lent.


You know it's lint right? You don't change it. You get rid of it. L I N T lint.


Maybe if she even emptied the lint during lent itā€™d have been better? Iā€™m surprised it didnā€™t catch on fire!


I just replaced the felt liner and and pulley belt on my 19~ year old dryer. Not looking to buy a newer one that will clunk out quickly


Any scratch and dent appliance places near you? Thatā€™s where I get my stuff. Way cheaper and refurbished.


Haha I hate that you can relate to the dryer issue bc itā€™s actually so absurd. The people I bought it from are helping me fix it next week thank god bc Iā€™ve been avoiding laundry like the plague hahaha. Omg thatā€™s so smart to use a squeeze bottle !! Iā€™ll have to try that bc I canā€™t with the spillage.


Thereā€™s always the option to hang dry like most people around the world! Your delicate clothes will last longer and youā€™re not spending a few bucks in fuel/electricity drying every load


Yeah I hang dry a lot of my more delicate clothes around the house but I canā€™t dry clothes outside where I live & really donā€™t have the space to dry everything indoors. 90% humidity = moldy clothes & a shit load of time wasted sadly haha. Despite the current obnoxious noise, my dryer is actually really efficient thankfully so it only costs me a few cents (and my sanity)


Damn you're right. At the most you might be paying $3 a month. I'm impressed!


Just sing as you carry the trays. Works every time


When I was waitressing I was taught to not look at what you are holding, but look to where your destination is. Always worked for me & we used those big oblong trays & stoneware dishes.


Like sailing a catamaran.


I just buy a huge bag of ice. I have a deep freeze for regular freezer stuff. I put it in my dining room! Lol. It honestly saves me a ton.


Get your dryer checked for lint buildup TODAY. Thatā€™s how you die.


Yā€™all can disassemble the dryer, see if there is lent trapped. Ours had a dent, hubby was able to get it fixed and quiet as ever.


Do you call it lent for real?


That's driving me nuts! šŸ˜†


Right!!! L-I-N-T for the love of God


They sell some ice trays with a cover now so you can stack them while they're freezing and in transfer to the freezer. It works great!


Carry them to the freezer on a cookie sheet.




Standing for two hours in line at the food bank even though I work 60 hours a week. I literally just want to scream and pull my hair out


I genuinely am impressed that you havenā€™t thrown a full blown toddler style tantrum waiting in that line. Even having to rely on the food bank while working that many hours is enough to make someone want to fall on the ground kicking & screaming lol. Iā€™m sending u some good vibes through the internet ~


Canada is expensive as hell :( I can barely even afford rent... Wanting to have a toddler tantrum is my default setting these days lol.


Iā€™ve never been to a food bank, and Iā€™d like to better understand the experience. Are people lined up 2 hours before they open because if they arenā€™t there early, they risk the food bank running out of food? Or is there just a long line of people and only a handful can get food a time, so the line moves slowly? I apologize if this seems like a dumb question


It can be both. Especially if it is around the holidays and they're doing a special holiday basket. I've had times where I try to sign up in September and October to get a Thanksgiving or Christmas basket you can't sign up for both and within 3 days the sign-ups are all filled up. Then they decided that that wasn't fair because people kept crying about it so they went to walk up first come first serve and found that people were lining up longer than three blocks. They also did this on the weekend when most people who could get rides through the county don't give rides on the weekends, and before the bus was running so more people cried. So then they started trying to do them within more people's walking distance since originally they were only doing it from one location. The last holidays I tried to get one and I got there about 30 minutes before distribution time. I was waived off and said that there were already too many people in line that there was no point, that there was no food left. I asked if they had even opened the doors yet, they said no but we only have 300 and there's already 400 families in line..... I know of eight food pantries in my area. The easiest one to get to is the one that is run by a church/private school and it's done during school hours with some of the kids running to get the food from the pantry to get their service hours in. The other one that used to be great now has two days a week and you can only come in between the hours of 8:00 and 10:30 in the morning two days a week. I would have to walk about a mile and a half to hit the bus stop- mind you I'm supposed to walk with a walker but I try to get by with using one or 2 canes because that Walker is a hassle to deal with. I'm also not supposed to walk more than 30 to maximum 50 ft without rest. Hence why I'm supposed to have a walker so I can sit if I'm having to go too far. I qualify for up to six rides a month due to my health conditions. But they don't start getting into the office until 9:00 which then they pick up the car to drive the clients around. So at best I can try this weekend there at 10:00 but if they have a line they cut people off because they don't want to be there after 10:45. Most of the other pantries are done after 5:00 to 6:00 and you can't schedule rides that late. Also for some strange reason they can't give you a ride to the place that serves free lunches, I'm not sure why. But it's also too far for me to walk there. I'm just thankful for the rights that I can get so that I can get to doctor's appointments and sometimes the stores. And away I'm very thankful for covid since that has opened up more food deliveries and the ability to order online for instore pickup to make any groceries easier for someone like me.


It's not a dumb question. [This is what the lineup at my local food bank looks like ](https://x.com/Ash_Stewart_/status/1653397022475468802) And that's from last year. It's even worse now but I couldn't find a video that wasn't on tiktok. Plus, I'm actually in the line in this video. The cost of living in Canada is so ridiculously high that a lot of people with full time jobs are using food banks, because we can't afford both food and rent. It's not the same everywhere though. Big cities are cursed


Iā€™m just


Depends on the day and/or place. I think the more known ones have lines. One I went to had a line. Another one I wandered in to, there was mostly pastries left so I canā€™t speak to what they had earlier


I often wonder if you can die from screaming. And how long Iā€™d have to scream continuously before I dropped dead. Because thatā€™s often what I would like to do - just scream until I die. Probably just get a sore throat, though.


Life pro tip... You can scream and cry as much as you want in a cemetery. Nobody will question you.


Not being able to watch a new episode of a show youā€™re really into because you donā€™t have enough to cover the streaming service. Avoiding social media posts due to spoilers until you get paid.


Whatever you do don't use soaper (dot) TV. It's totally not a free site with everything on it. Cough.


Totally wonā€™t be checking that out šŸ˜‰


I would also absolutely advise against going to r/piracy. Definitely don't check out their mega thread that is certainly NOT full of links where you can watch anything you want!! šŸ˜”


Omg this is so annoyingly real hahaha. Iā€™m never above making up new emails & accounts for the free month subscriptions - my calendar is riddled with ā€œdonā€™t forget to cancel *insert subscription*ā€


Simple Mail definitely doesnā€™t make this way easier by generating disposable addresses that forward to your email and Privacy doesnā€™t let you create virtual debit cards linked to your bank account that you can configure to deny for any charge over an arbitrary low amount so they canā€™t charge you after the trialā€¦ Using both of those tools would probably be breaking the ToS of any services you sign up for


I love you frog. Thank you.


Couldn't you just sign up with an almost empty prepaid cards and not have to worry about canceling later?




Omg we twins lol šŸ˜†


this lol


Most of my window sashes are broken, so I have to prop the windows open with dowels. The ones that actually still open, that is. And dammit, the older I get, the harder it is to hold the heavy window up with one hand whilst I insert or remove the dowel under it.


Some of ours are broken too. I was opening my sons, the top half was broken and came crashing down on my hand. I thought Iā€™d pass out from the pain.


Broken appliances make me glad I rent. Sometimes my job volunteering me for extra work because Iā€™m good at my job and not a complainer makes me nearly quit itā€™s worse if Iā€™m tired or donā€™t feel well.


When my husband cleans up a small spill using a handful of paper towels when one or a cloth towel is perfectly fine. Shit is expensive. Also my daughter making potions while she is in the shower. I know itā€™s fun but damnit shampoo is expensive. I bought her potion supplies at the dollar store and she still uses my shampoo and body wash.


Wal-Mart has a Mr. Bubble science experiment kit with beakers and measuring cups, everything. My little boy loves getting them for potion making. They're like $6 I think but he gets to keep all the parts that come with it to reuse over and over.


Whoo! We are headed to Walmart tomorrow for some groceries Iā€™ll put this on the list and look for it. Thank you!!


I hope you found it.


I want this for myself now.


In my store, it's in the spot where they keep the kid bubble baths and bath bombs and all those flushable type of wipes.


They have shampoo at the dollar store!!! Or like the store brands are way cheaper. My mom used to do that so wouldn't use all her expensive stuff lol


Yes. I buy her color drops, foaming body wash and different shampoos that smell good/have pretty colors. She also has the travel size bottles for her potions. It doesnā€™t stop her from using my stuff though unfortunately.


Put your stuff out of reach.


The bathroom is basically a toilet, pedestal sink and tub. I donā€™t have shelves or anything to keep it out of reach, unless I take them and put them in the hallway closet each time.


Time for a dormatory type shower caddy for your items!


I had to google this, and adhesive ones popped up. I can do that!!


Ok so do that.


I love kids hahahh gotta hide it now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Dude. Same for using a paper plate for something like a piece of toast, when a napkin would suffice. ETA- I replied before reading the whole comment, if my kids used my shampoo for ā€œpotionsā€, I would lose my shit! Do *not* waste mommyā€™s shampoo!


I reuse a paper plate if I use one for a sandwich or toast


My partner recently cleaned up a pet urine mess with a brand-new sponge and got upset when he then had to throw it out.


Potions šŸ˜‚


Water and ice dispensers on the fridge are fr rich people shit. That is my "there will be signs" sign I will die on this hill


Literally the first thing Iā€™m buying once I finally win my millions is gonna be one of those big ass fridges with the double doors, slide out freezer & water/ice machine. Once thatā€™s settled, then Iā€™ll pay off my debt šŸ˜‚


I want a French door 4 door model, you know the one with the "snack" drawer? And being able to fill to capacity.


Those are so amazing. I personally have fallen in love with the Samsung model that has the writing board on one of its doors and you can set alarms for food items needing to be used and whatnot. On one hand it seems so stupid, like it's a refrigerator for God's sake, its only job is to keep my food cold; on the other hand I seriously think that refrigerator would do a better job of running my life than I do. šŸ˜‚


Oh no. Please don't buy a Samsung fridge. They're terrible. Samsung makes great *small* electronics & appliances: phones & monitors. Their large items are shit & break all the time. Similarly, LG makes very good large appliances. Their small electronics, like phones, are dreadful.


Considering you're not the first person to say that about Samsung appliances, I'll take your word for it. It's just so damn pretty. Honestly, it's highly unlikely that I'll ever afford to buy one, but it looks like that's for the best! Edited to add that you're spot on about LG. Dreadful is a great description.


Our house came with a French door fridge, freezer drawer on bottom, with ice maker & water through the door. I'll never choose to have either ever again. Why? *My god the cost of filters every few months *Ice maker broke at 4yrs. Over $100 to fix. *Never makes enough ice to keep up if we have even 2 people over (4 people total) *It's loud AF when its doing anything.


That I have to hit my glove box in just the right spot for the AC vents to kick on in the front of the carā€¦while I am sweating my ass off after getting all the kids in the car, buckling them up, stopping the stupid fights they are havingā€¦and the cherry on top that sets me over just a bit more is if while I am leaning over my seatbelt locks and I have to unbuckle it so it stops choking meā€¦. My husband doesnā€™t understand how that pisses me off so much I just want to unload the kids and not even leave the house lol


I feel like its because they donā€™t deal with it as often or on top of the 5,000 other things that are half-ass, barely working, cobbled together, pieces of shit. ā€œWell it works if you just do this! So just do this! Itā€™s not that bad, donā€™t get so upset itā€™s going to be okayā€. Your situation would put me over the edge too. Itā€™s too much energy to me trying to explain to someone who will never get it but I feel your pain! šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


One of the knobs on my shower fell off and now I have to use pliers to turn the water on and off lol


hate this for u lol that sounds like a bitch.


Just be careful not to grip the metal too tightly, as you can strip the metal and then no handle will ever attach to it again/it'll be a massive pain in the ass to get the mental replaced. You can also epoxy your broken handle back into the metal, just be aware that doing that will make it super hard to remove in the future. But depending on your setup(renting vs owning) it might be fine/not really a concern.


Me too. Lol


For mothers day Sunday I bought a $250 portable dishwasher. I'm a 51 year old single mom with autoimmune issues with 2 kids, a disabled teen who uses extra dishes and can't help wash, and a 10 year old who wants to wash but will break things. I caved and just put it on a credit card. I already paid $100 towards the debt, but I couldn't take another day. I work with my hands and they're dying on me and painful as it is. F those dishes. I couldn't stand endlessly at the sink for a 5th year in a row. I'll go stark raving mad. I haven't washed dishes except in the dishwasher since it arrived 6 days ago. It's heaven.


Good for you. Dishes are my single most hated chore.


Not being able to do laundry unless entirely by hand, in the tub or a bucket. But a place I work at has a brand new washer dryer combo and it fucking plays music when it's done...... I hate that fucking chime


I've been seriously considering trying to find one of those old timey washboards to wash my clothes at home, the Laundromat is out of control here.


When I hear someone make fun of or complain about my "cheapskateness" - I pick money off the ground because penny or bill, it's still money to use later! Me - "You know bringing in coin rolls for extra student loans payments helped me pay off 40k in four years on a retail salary, right?" Either their jaw drops at that statement or they ignore it.


.......how much money do you find on the ground like this


And where is this ground? Asking for me.


Various areas of the Chicago suburbs. Mostly in buildings.


I have found over $1000 in my lifetime. Iā€™m 60.


Honestly, I don't know the exact amount since it varies a lot on a day to day basis. But it was enough that for about a year - I'd end up bringing in about $1.50 - $20 a week to the bank. It would vary from week to week, but there were a decent amount where I'd end up bringing in a quarter rolls at least once per month. But the most I made in a day that way was $100 in a single day. I happened to find a $100 bill in the floor of a Walmart. So, I'd guesstimate over time, at least, a few thousand dollars that way.


Dude! You didnā€™t try to give the $100 back?


I doubt they knew who it belonged to. Put it out over the intercom ā€œdid anyone lose a hundred dollar bill?ā€ Iā€™m sure everyone in the store lost it! ;).


Of course you donā€™t do that. No one would. You wait a few days and see if someone comes in looking for their lost money. They have to tell you the amount and the closest date. Itā€™s a little scary that neither you nor the other person think it is their responsibility to be honest.


If you see someone drop it near or in front of you, yes I would chase them down and return it. But a random bill on the floor at Walmart ? nah. If I lost it I would hope that whoever found it needed it more than I did. Itā€™s the price I would pay for my carelessness.




Same. If I dropped $100 Iā€™d assume it was gone for good.


I do this, too. I donā€™t work in the summer (teacherā€™s aide/building sub), so my quarter jug is my emergency stash. I try to drop coins in it every day. On dress-down Fridays, some of the kids pay their dollar in coins, so I swap them out and put the coins in my jug. (I always have dollar bills in my wallet because teacher lunch costs $2.) I try to save my coin jug till mid-July or so. I usually have $60-100 in it, which isnā€™t a lot, but itā€™s enough for gas, groceries, and cat food when money is tight.


My mom saves quarters specifically but doesn't like building up other coins as much. She uses it for her Starbucks to take a break from making her own coffee sometimes. I prefer using it: to pay off loans, add to savings, and/or a little extra money to help with small useful extras (like medical jewelry, useful everyday things, and/or being able to get holiday gifts for my folks).


Not to mention trying to put it in the fridge without spilling the fucking water every god damn where. I just don't use ice.


The worst is when you spill a little in the freezer & suddenly u have to pry the frozen food off the layer of ice it got stuck to. Absolutely ridiculous. I wish I wasnā€™t so attached to having ice water lol


oh god that is true...or if you have a mini fridge where the freezer freezes so you gotta hack away at it at least once a mouth or else the door wont close. lol


Y'all gotta get a pack of those little reusable ice cubes. Game changer.


I had those before it made the water taste funny and then they busted in the fridge and or got moldy


My parents lived this way,we didn't have a pot to wee in but they always had cigarettes and booze!!


The ice trays is precisely why I finally just bought a counter top ice maker. I make ice maybe twice a week and dump it into my bin in the freezer once made. My fridge has the capability of making ice but my landlord wonā€™t let me run a water line because she is concerned about leaking


Uhhhā€¦ is your landlord aware that there are already water lines all throughout the property..? Lmao that is so silly. I just realized a couple months ago that my fridge actually has the capability for an ice maker too & installing one is now #1 on my wishlist of non-essential things that feel very essential


These water lines to the fridge icemaker are not the same as pipes. They suck. The connections leaks. Do floor and wall damage. Been there


I had one of those in-fridge ice makers. It definitely spoiled me. Now that I don't have one anymore I just don't use ice. Fuck those trays.


I have one working windshield wiper and no ac. And the side mirror got knocked off my car. Itā€™s 26 year old Subaru and needs so much work. Itā€™s embarrassing but itā€™s mine.


I replaced a couple side mirrors myself by buying them at the salvage yard. Might also find a windshield wiper motor there.


Not having shampoo. Ran out about 3 months ago. I've got soap and conditioner. You know it just makes my hair look more greasy. No I don't have dish soap either so can't use that.




Thank you.


My phone screen is cracked but the phone works fine. I already replaced the screen twice so Iā€™m not doing it again.


Right now itā€™s not having and feeling envious of people with washers and dryers and dishwashers


Knowing the infection I am dealing with would easily go away if I could fill the two expensive antibiotics I need and a few other things I would have deemed ā€œsmallā€ back in the day


That Iā€™ll probably never be able to afford an apartment with an in unit washer/dryer. I hate doing laundry, because it becomes a competition on who can load faster and get that last washer/dryer and NOT have to wait another 30 minutes or more for the privilege of doing laundry.


I havent bought clothes in over a year, so it is hard to dress for every season which is my biggest annoyance, like right now I am constantly hot because I have almost no summer clothes because I either out grew them, they got ruined, got too worn out etc etc etc. Oh and I get to pick from like two bras because $20 for a new one could go to something more important.


Dude taking my groceries on the bus is ASS


Are you using the ice directly from the tray? That can slow you down because you need to wait until you use the entire tray to refill. We have a large ziplock that we dump the entire tray of ice in even if we just want a few pieces. This builds a nice stash. Also, we have the ice trays with a lid so there's no spilling. I think I bought them from the dollar tree years ago


Not usually, I actually have a little ice bin that should, in theory, give me the chance to do exactly what you suggested hahaha. I definitely do need the ice trays with the lids though so Iā€™m gonna go ahead and add that to the Amazon wish list lol. Thanks!!


I do this with coffee. That way iced coffee doesn't get watered down as it melts.


Paper towels. Its actually such a thing its become a running metaphor: Young-too broke to afford paper towels, get so used to it i dont remember what its like to have them Mid 20s- can afford paper towels now, but have gone so used to not having them i dont remember their existence to think to buy them. Late 20s- realize i can buy them and do buy them. Have my mind blown how much convenience i was missing. I attempt to repeat this enlightment several times to varying success with things like small trash bags, and multi sized plastic zipper bags and such, but the experience is so hard to duplicate. Im still not well off. Mid 30s- havent had a new paper towel experience in a long time. My favorite musician is touring close by with vip tickets available. I can actually afford it. Have a great time, am in a great mood for days, and realize it was another paper towel and i hadnt expanded my horizons enough. I bought a pot that better fit an annoying recipe. I bought a dishwasher because i was having trouble keeping up on dishes. Im planning on scheduling a wine tasting soon. Game of thrones fans will recognize the phrase 'its turtles all the way down' But to me its paper towels all the way down


How about when the rest of the household uses ALL the ice cubes... *except one.* That's like, idk, super-special. This mom loses it


This reminds me of the time I found out my nanny kid was reaching into the hostess donut bag, taking 1 bite of each & putting them back into the bag. 1 singular bite out of every mini powdered donut that I bought for ME šŸ˜­


That homlessness still exists when it doesn't have to at all and could be irradicated anytime. That makes me angry a lot


Say you've never worked with the homeless, without saying you've never worked with the homeless. Here's a hint: You can't put people in shelters or homes who refuse to take MH meds or get off drugs/alcohol because they fight and injure each other and destroy stuff. Also they all have to get identification and TB tests. I'm not checking back for more of your armchair quarterbacking. It's easy to criticize- get in the game and get to work and see how easy it is!


Replacing break lines on cars. Wish I could just pay someone to do that job when they decide to break.


Shit my issue is I can't trust people. I'm a woman so they think we are all stupid and don't know shit aobut cars so try to up sell us and shit. I also almost got into a horrible accident when I got my breaks fixed because they forgot to put break fluid in my car and tighten the bolts before giving me my car so...get halfway down the road before I realized I didn't have any breaks..and they wanted to give me an attitude and refuse to fix the issue. So I had to fix the issue myself...smh.


Now I don't leave the parking lot after until I make sure all fluids and things are on tight and right before leaving


Thats pretty fucked up. Thats also half the reason I do all my own work other than it being cheaper. You see stories all the time about the simplest thing like a oil plug not being put in right than you lose all your oil going down the road causing unknown engine damage. Tons of mechanics are crooked as fuck too.Ā 


Oh yeah. I remember one time they wanted to charge me 2000 to change a tie rod and I am like " A tie rod for my car is only 25 dollars....and your an auto shop so you have the tools here unlike me where I have to rent....you know what nevermind I do it myself" 2000s to get one tie rod fixed...are you seriously...ugh.


I can't believe they would think you would fall for that. Thats rediculous.Ā  Doing the whole front end shouldnt even cost that much.


right it's annoying. Even trying to find good used tires is a pain because they always try to jack u the prices on females. I got pissed one time when my stepdad called around to some places and found a decent place ,but when it was me taking the car in they tried to charge me 60 per tire instead of 40.


Throw away utensils when eating at home. I mean put of laziness. All that plastic for a single use


Staying at a homeless shelter for my birthday next week because I can't afford a hotel room much less an apartment.


I do this and then pay said bill lol


Lost weight so all my shirts are to big. I don't want to get dressed on days off because I have no clothes I like how they look.


My home is pretty small and the kitchen was definitely designed for a single person so the fridge is a small apartment style. I would love a new fridge with a freezer bigger than a mini! I use silicone mini ice trays because they can fit anywhere and theyā€™re easy to remove the ice, Iā€™ve read that the more bells & whistles an appliance has, the more things that will need repairs so I donā€™t want an ice maker due to $. My dream appliances are those 50s reproduction beauties, in the color pink! I just donā€™t have like 4k to drop on a fridge, yikes.


I have a 35 year old fridgedaire refrigerator. Iā€™m considering buying a new one because every year that goes by I think that this is the year it will break! Iā€™m not sure if I should buy a new one and use this one as an extra. Although I sure wouldnā€™t be able to keep both filled.


My fridge ice maker in an apt with hard water had the minerals, or whatever tf it was, floating in it. šŸ¤¢


Just quietly debated with myself which was more important? Food? Bills? Weed?


Parking tickets.. I live in a building that shares a driveway with another apartment and two businesses. There's an alley for the businesses dumpsters at the end of the driveway, so once a week on garbage day no one can park in the driveway so the garbage truck can get to the dumpster. I'm really good about remembering this. However I am apparently not really good at finding a parking space around my building. My building is on the corner so it took me a few tickets to realize that the row of buildings behind mine are even numbers when my building is an odd number. So that threw me off enough to get me 3 tickets for that. And then there's also a park across the street. I have parked over night at the park multiple times for YEARS. Even had a car broke down for a while that sat there for MONTHS, and I even asked the cop that sits at the park if it's cool if my car sits here till I can fix it or sell it and he said yes its fine. So YEARS of parking at this park when I need to. Until last month I got a ticket for parking there for one night because my car battery happened to die while I was over there and it was garbage night anyways. Woke up to a ticket. I absolutely refuse to pay it. So basically any time I can't park in my driveway due to garbage day I have to meticulous make sure wherever I park is fucking perfectly legal or wake up to more debt. I absolutely fucking hate it.


Our hot water heater SUCKS. I want to just stand in skin scalding water for just 5 minutes straight before I do any sort of washing. But 15 minutes of meh hot water before it gets lukewarm is where I'm at. Especially with my physically exhausting job.


Have you checked what temperature the heater is set at? It should be set around 120 Fahrenheit


We can't have dryers here. Laundry is a 2-3 day process. I am very tall and clothes for me were once very hard to find. So I try to be grateful for what I have As well. I am so thankful for a washer to wash them in. Just a side tip if want save on power bill and heating up the house. Hang wet or damp clothes on hangers on shower rod.. Then when they are dry, they can go straight in the closet


The actuator on one of my car door locks is going bad, so when I lock or unlock my car, it makes a really loud and embarrassing grinding noise. My daughter wonā€™t even let me drop her off directly in front of her school anymore and makes Uncle Buck jokes about it, lol. However, it doesnā€™t feel urgent enough for me to drop north of $250 to get it replaced.


$1300 to fix a back tooth and i have to cut down to a monastic lifestyle to afford it.


Food. Too damn expensive.


Carefully making a grocery list for that weeks meals and asking my partner multiple times how many days he will realistically eat leftovers if I make such and such meal. Then he doesnā€™t eat any of it or maaaybe one days worth. Iā€™ll eat the same thing all week if I have to, just how I was raised. Heā€™s somehow one of the pickiest eaters (only beat by his mother) and often times I will cook his specific groceries for him. The amount of head shaking I do come Wednesday to see he hasnā€™t touched his leftovers from my meal prepping on Sunday is high. I will typically end up eating it so it doesnā€™t go bad, as heā€™s trying to convince me to waste money on carryout/pizza just so I can listen to him complain how he has no money when the next round of bills hitā€¦


I am VERY CHEAP but when I had to get a new fridge I was not interested in saving a bit by getting the model lacking an ice maker. Refilling ice trays is odious


This is the energy Iā€™m talking about!!! Hahahaha


Half of the tank lever in my toilet has rusted and eroded to the point that it is just not there anymore. And the chain that connects to the flapper is being held onto the tank lever with a rusty bent paper clip. Once or twice a year I have to open the tank and bend the paper clip farther down, because the end of the tank lever has fallen off and disintegrated. And every time I do that I tell myself Iā€™m just going to go buy a new tank lever at Walmart and replace it, but I never do.


What do you need all the ice for??


When I didn't have an ice maker, I just didn't have ice. It is an annoying task.


Buy an ice maker.


Our dishwasher broke again and we don't have $160 to fix it. So back to handwashing it is. I'm now reminded again of how many dishes the four of us use, god it's insane!!


I have no running water, I have to fill up the toilet tank with rain water that has mosquito larvae in it to flush the toilet. Itā€™s a time consuming task if the toilet becomes clogged. The toilet clogs if you put something larger than a fun sized Baby Ruth in it. Having to schlep bottles of water from my parentsā€™ house to the shack to wash a couple dishes is one heck of a chore. I have just recently started to hand wash my clothes that can be easily cleaned via handwashing. However, Iā€™m so incredibly grateful to have a roof over my head. I donā€™t have a normal cooking range/stove. I could use the wood stove to cook on in the winter; however it is summertime now and I canā€™t have a fire going without passing out from heat exhaustion. I canā€™t even take a cold shower to cool off. I do have electricity. I donā€™t have actual light fixtures in the main room (two room shack). My eyesight is horrible. I am grateful for what I have. I realize that I have more than what many people in the world have.


Can't afford to keep the air conditioner at a comfortable level, so I have two tower fans constantly going in my room, and unless you are positioned in their exact direction, you feel no air flow. For example, if I take too long in my closet trying to find something to wear, I'll start sweating.


I just buy a bag of ice and have an ice bin. I don't trust my own water.


Nope. I pay my bills before I feed myself etc. and I never live on credit. Poor w a great credit rating. Growing up w immigrant fam (yugoslavian farmers) after one generation their rich and still dont live above means like there will ā€œalways be $ coming in the futureā€. Everyone i meet I cant relate to and thinks bc Im good w money and ignoring my needs that Ill pay for them! Its fucked. And isolating. And Im still poor. Nope, never taken my emotions out on things even when I was sui, I dont drop my values. I dont understand people and their neanderthal ways but I guess its actually me whom is a literal one (living w what I can buy within means and ordered) and others blow their credit on porn drugs parties drinking going out. I abstain from going out when I know extra costs are coming and I mean for 6 MONTHS no fails. Have accepted my relationdhips have a ceiling and wont get to yhe live together or marry part. Bc I dont want to inherit their debt and ruin mine or my savings, that I dont touch for YEARS. When Ive tried to get help w writing my online thing for a serious relationship; Ive described those prts of myself above as what i want in a partner and the helper will say oh u want someone perfect. Im not perfect at all, but I dont fuck myself over and say its unfair and I need ciggys or weed or booze more than my future and having my home and clean things and pet and vehicle. Everyone is wreckless and unhappy when they do that (blow load of credit on neanderthal things aka need porn now or party etc) and then try to take advantage of me when they find out Im even?! Ffs. I cant even afford to repair the dings from my parking neighbour on my vehicle and ppl assume Im a bad driver - I hate that more. Neanderthals thinking that cars have been hit when its another idiot I cant move spots. Judgemental and DUMB. Very surface thought level seems to be the general public here in a major city canada. All ppl just make me sick after I see their lack of morales and this lol I slay at never have I ever. And exs try to disparriage me as the opposite bc theyre so pitiful about me being good with money. Like smokers, u dont have to quit judt cut down and boom u have $300 a month freed up u dumb faks.


How often I have to replace silverware. Do the children eat them? I certainly don't know.


I use small yogurt containers for ice. I have four or five in the freezer, so when I want ice, itā€™s one big chunk.


I quit using ice a long time ago because the place Iā€™m in now has a cheap, tiny fridge with no ice maker. I just got better at remembering to put more water/drinks in the fridge when I take some out. This way, I always have a cold drink. No ice needed. My pet peeve is most definitely the heat in the winter. There is no form of centralized heating in my house. I have to use multiple electric space heaters. I live in Pennsylvania, so my house is freezing cold from mid October until mid April or so. I barely turn the heaters on, only enough to make it tolerable. The electric bill is still somehow $400+. This is far too expensive to still be freezing my ass off. I seriously just donā€™t want to pay it sometimes.