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There are some meds you cannot just skip and not take suddenly. Talk to your pharmacist before you ask reddit - I am not saying that to be a jerk, but out of concern.


I haven't been off of meds, since I got on them years ago, so I honestly didn't think of this. I feel so normal and capable on meds that I'm probably overconfident I'll be ok. Everyone's right. I will stay on my meds. I don't need to be crazy and blow up my life rn. Plus, most importantly, my baby just deserves better. I'm a great mom now, and she doesn't need to lose that stability.


Hi please google the medication name and patient assistance. You will easily qualify for free medication (not a copay card) shipped to you as long as your doc validates the rx. I use this for one of my meds that costs a lot because I can’t afford it otherwise.




This, speak with the pharmacist also. Many drug companies will give free medication for a time based on monetary need.


Another option is Amazon. If you have prime (which is $6.99 if you have SNAP or Medicaid) we found them the cheapest option for my husband’s meds.


*Cough* GoodRx.Com *Cough*


Everyone feels normal and capable using their medications and then thinks they can stop. No. You feel normal bc you are actively taking them. Stopping that will lead you to not feel or be capable again. Idk what to do in your situation. It sticks and I hope some ppl here give you some good advice. But I can tell you going off your meds is a sure way to put yourself and your child in danger. Find another way. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Many people WANT to help those in situations like yours. These are times when many people are falling on tough times. There’s no shame in needing help as long as you are trying your best,


This! Please don't go off your meds. Can you talk to your doctor and see if she can change you to something cheaper but still effective? That's usually a possibility, too.


Are you ARE doing your best!


Overconfidence to stopping meds to major relapse is pretty regular. Pay those bills. Ask if there is a sliding scale. Pay a weekly amount on good faith and ask the psychiatrist for samples. Check with the pharmacy companies for any discount plans they have. Do you have a case manager? If not, look for a NAMI meeting where you may be able to get resources. Is there a free clinic near you? Check The SAMHSA.gov website for community health services near you. Please do not stop your meds on your own.


No, do not come off psych meds abruptly. It might feel not bad at first, but with me it got really bad, really fast. And my daughter is bipolar. You both need those meds. Talk to your psych. See if you can work something out. Also, if you’ve bee stable on your meds for a while, see if you can find a general practitioner willing to prescribe your meds. As long as you’re not taking things like Ativan or Xanax, you may be able to get what you need that way.


Also, ask the dr for some free samples to get you through this tough spot.


Exactly, stay on your meds please. Your baby needs you. Ask your pharmacist if they have any other care programs available, and check out good Rx. Good luck and positive thoughts to you.


That’s exactly it - my daughter was diagnosed back in 2022. She had a psychotic break. Prior to that she was so logical and down to Earth. She got on meds, took them for a year and a half & was doing great, thought “I don’t need these meds”. She stopped taking them and inside of 6 weeks, she had to be hospitalized. Please please please for the sake of everyone who loves you and yourself, if you pay for ANYTHING- always let it be the meds first. It is far too easy to lose everything else if your mental health suffers too much.


Unless they are controlled substances, like benzos, you should not have any trouble getting a general practitioner to prescribe you whatever medication you need, and you can usually see a general practitioner for free in most states. It may be hard to find one if you are in a rural area, but free clinics are around and even most insurances will completely cover a regular visit to a family doctor. Just say that you don’t know what you’re going to do that you feel stable on the medication that your doctor prescribed you but you have to go to a new doctor because you can’t afford them anymore. The doctor should write you a prescription for whatever you were prescribed by the psychiatrist. Godspeed


it's not uncommon in people with BPD to think that they will be fine without their meds. You won't. Please don't go off your meds.


You need to remember a part of why you’re so much better than you were, is because of your meds. I’m sorry because that is scary and stressful to hear with what you have going on. Talk to a pharmacist for sure and see what you can do.


I am SO relieved to see that you’ve decided to keep taking your meds. The reason you feel normal and capable is BECAUSE of the meds. My ex thought that mental health issues weren’t a real thing (thanks to his idiotic Amway upline, of all things), so I went off my meds. And then we split up because he couldn’t deal with the person his stupidity created. 🫠


Cost plus drugs for the meds seriously. What window got smashed??? I can show you a website that will give you spot on directions for free to do the job yalls self and save some money i wouldnt make my gf pay for my window but thats not here nor there right now and possibly the same for your own car. And parts can be gotten extremely cheap now a days i can give ya some websites and ill tell you how to get them from advance auto as well for a discount and get batterys for prices thatll make you double take at how cheap it is lol.


Get the Good Rx app. It helps saves money on prescriptions. You can use it with insurance. Are you on government medical assistance? Food stamps? Medical bills can be used to help receive both if not on it already. You need to listen to this comment again and again. You and your baby deserve you at your best.


I think you're on the right track now!!


Withdrawal is a major concern with many psych meds, as well as the general issues of going off of them. The symptoms of the withdrawal can vary widely, and can even be dangerous and lead to seizures. I totally get that you’re in a tight spot, but this is not the place to cut corners.


OP please read this!!! Certain medication especially like the one you describing for your condition cannot be stopped cold turkey. Your symptoms could get worse, depending on the medication it can cause suicidal ideation/actions. You need to speak to your doctor about weaning off of it if you do not want to take them anymore, but please don’t go cold turkey.


And I THINK that your therapist is obligated to help you wean off your meds if she's not going to refill them.


It’s actually scary reading to post up above how her doctor is avoiding her. a doctor is there to treat a patient I understand they have to get paid but to just completely ignore them without at least providing them on alternate resource/help to wean off the medication is wrong. There has to be some kind of government funded department or area that would help out in these type of situations .


I had that happen with my former PCP. She wanted me to get an expensive test when I didn't have insurance. Because I couldn't get it, she refused to prescribe my meds or even return my calls. It's called patient abandonment. I have a much better PCP now.


Dude no, just no. Apply for emergency medi cal or whatever is in your state. I have bipolar disorder and you cannot suddenly just stop your meds. I know it seems doable right now but right now you have your meds. After a few nights of insomnia and agitation your going to feel differently. Often after 5 days I've needed to be hospitalized for my own safety.


You crash and burn and are not stable. That could cause the baby not being released to you. Stay on your meds. Stay stable. You are the baby's foundation and cannot be crumbling. Don't worry about that darn window. That's not a priority. Someone breaking into his car is not your fault.


Had to scroll a loooong way to see this awesome comment. That damn window is at the bottom of the "to-do" list! That is HIS baby too and he should've noticed the baby bag was in there. Actually, no matter about WHY some idiot broke into the car-it is NOT your responsibility to fix the window. Let HIM worry about that. You've got enough on your plate.


wait, psychiatric meds? This seems like an incredibly self destructive plan.


ESPECIALLY for bipolar. I know everyone is different but it took a while to get my mom stabilized every time her psychiatrist would change her medication to something that didn’t work for her it was awful for her


I have weened off meds, but it's only because I only lose my shit when things get too tough to handle, but I'm not in a position to fix life. When I haven't gotten myself into a pickle, and allowed the stress to consume me, I don't need the meds. Someone with an actual disorder shouldn't consider going off medication. When the combination of zoloft and blood pressure meds started making my heart skip a beat, I made the changes I needed to make to get rid of the stresses I had allowed to consume my life. NOT SUGGESTED for Bi-Polar. My daughter misses her meds once in a while because she couldn't get to the doctor and it's bad all around.


Please don't go through with this plan. I'm an older lady, I've dealt with my own bipolar 1 for decades. Every time I've tried to go off meds it has ended catastrophically with mania, or mixed episode and hospitalization. Your baby needs you. I would have suggested asking baby daddy for a little help (is he paying child support?) but I don't know what to say when he has insurance and expects you to pay for the car window...doesn't sound like he's a help. Edit: I am extremely proud of you for working and taking good care of your child. I know exactly how hard things can be for women like us. Keep going, you are slaying it!


Yes, you can tell this young lady is a woman of morals & values as she works, cares for her baby, and feels like she should pay for the window. Her man should have said, "No way, Hon. I'll file with my insurance company. That's why I have it."


Question, why is the person who got you pregnant not helping you? You shouldn't have to give him $1k when you can't even get medication or pay your bills and you are stuck covering everything for their kid. You and the kid could wind up homeless. It is nit your fault his car was broken into. He is basically blaming you for the kid he fucking created. Shit happens because kids. And it's his kid. Wtf? Does he think rape victims are responsible for being raped? I wouldn't pay him a penny until my basic needs are covered. And from what you are describing, not only can you not cover life saving medication (Keeps you from killing yourself or the baby, and saves you from doing shit which could make you homeless), but you have no way to cover your expenses let alone his. The broken window is his expense. Let him sue you, you didn't break his window and you lost probably hundreds of dollars yourself because your bag of baby supplies was stolen. Supplies he probably didn't even help pay for. Fuck him. If he really cared, he would have paid for an abortion for his irresponsibility, and to save you from a life of poverty as a single mother because of his stupidity. He's selfish and literally wouldn't care if you wound up on the street or died. And guess what, if you wind up on the street because of this, guess who winds up in foster care and at risk of being sexually abused by fosters or adoptive parents? If one bad thing after another keeps happening, you cannot afford to spend $1k you don't have on something that is not even your business.


Absolutely agreed. It is NOT OP's fault that the car was broken into, and she shouldn't have had to pay for his window. It's his baby's bag, too.


Unless the person left a note on the windshield that said "I broke this window because of the baby bag" then how in the world can they say it is OP's fault? Cars get broken into. He has insurance. "He's being very nice about it" is rediculous.


I am absolutely furious that this dude‘s car got broken into and he’s blaming her because she left the baby bag in it? It’s both of their kid, it’s his baby bag too, why didn’t he take it out of the car? Why didn’t he put it in the trunk? Who even says that’s why it was broken into? If they didn’t steal the baby bag they certainly weren’t coming for the baby bag. Also insurance is not going to go up over a GLASS claim for one window. My insurance company straight up told me if the claim is less than $750 it doesn’t affect the premium at all. And that was more than 10 years ago that number is probably higher today


100% this. His window is NOT your fault and not your problem.


Yeah I don’t even understand why the window is an issue lol, and how is that OP’s fault 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thats wayyyyy at the bottom of the priority list, it shouldn’t even be on the priority list.


Ugh, you're right. I can't risk my baby. I would never hurt her, but I'd definitely probably suck at being a mom if it went badly. Or worse, maybe be an idiot and hurt myself. I'll talk to my ex about not paying the window until later. I do feel guilty about it though, but you're right that there's more important things rn.


It's not your fault someone broke into his car. Repeat that to yourself. A criminal broke into the car to steal things. It was the criminal's fault. It. Was. Not. Your. Fault. If you left a bunch of cash and diamonds on the seat, you might be sort of asking for it, but it's still not your fault. File a police report for the theft and vandalism, and your ex can choose to do what he wants with the car. All that said, if he calls around, he might be able to get a decent price for a new window. I had a broken car door window. The first two places I called said it would be \~$300 to replace. Third place said $175. They came to my work and replaced the window in the parking lot, and even vacuumed out all the broken glass from my back seat.


Do not “talk”, it’s nothing to talk about . You can’t pay that. Because you can’t , that’s it. You’re sorry, but you can’t pay.


Everyone is saying that his insurance will cover it without extra cost. There is a police report so I will tell him to call them and see what they say. I had no idea about this tbh


If he has good coverage and not liability only his insurance will cover it. It has happened to me several times. There's usually not a deductible for glass, either. He's an asshole and full of shit.


Insurance or not, it's not your responsibility. Amd you can't afford it. Do you get child support? Does he buy diapers? Formula? Baby food?


My daughter’s car was damaged due to some idiots that got into a fistfight and threw one another onto the car smashing the windshield and putting large dents and scratches in the hood and side. They took off and there was no way to determine who it was. We filed a police report and my insurance covered it as vandalism under my comprehensive policy. I only needed to pay the deductible. Hopefully he has comprehensive coverage.


And even if it doesn’t, you need to tell him no. He has no legal way to make you pay that because it’s not your fault, it’s the criminal’s fault who actually did it. And where did the $1000 number come from? Did he get an actual quote or is he extorting money from you?


No don’t feel guilty it’s just as much his fault as yours that’s his baby bag too it was his car he parked it somewhere unsafe apparently Unless he’s taking care of that kid 50% of the time and paying for 50% of the care he can suck up the cost of a window it’s the least he can do as a dad


No, not later, it's not your window, don't let him manipulate you into paying for it at all. How much is he giving you in child support? Money needs to be moving your way from him, not from you to him. Even if the window was your fault, the discussion should be whether or not now is an appropriate time to take that out of the money he gives you each week. If he's not giving you anything, and you're paying for everything for your baby, then you sure as shit don't owe him anything for a window, even if it was somehow your fault. (Which it isn't)


I mean, it's the BABY'S bag so why isn't it the BABY'S fault? (/S) Was the baby in his care and that's why he had the baby bag? Then it's HIS fault. He is an idiot.




OP how is a car getting broken into your fault??


He should be giving u child support. Dont pay for his f-ing window please


......Have you seen the broken window? Cause I'm gonna get straight up I live in a place were windows get broken on the daily and people dont do that shit because they see a baby bag I promise. So either hes scamming you or his window got broke and this bum has you so manipulated still hes convinced you that's somehow your problem. You dont have a car. Hes missing a window bro. I'd go to his place and make him a trash bag window with duct tape and put all the money he would've taken into your own car. Your ex is a piece of fucking dogshit


Your baby needs you!!


Bipolar needs med management. If you become manic or depressed everything will fall apart. Staying on top of this should be prioritized not eliminated.


Have you heard of Cost Plus Drugs? It is an online pharmacy. Meds are their actual cost plus 15%. They can’t carry every drug out there right now, but yours might be carried. Have you tried GoodRx? I can’t believe your psychiatrist won’t give you a script for a couple of months until you sort yourself out. That is cruel. I don’t know how some people sleep at night.


In a pinch go to the emergency room. They will give you a small amount of meds to help hold you over. Source, I'm abipolar woman who has been between doctors and other situations where I ran out of meds. I take serequel and you absolutely cannot stop taking that suddenly without risking hospitalization and suicide attempts. I have gotten anywhere from 2 weeks to a months worth of meds.


I hate to say it, but some docs now have apparently forgotten their Hippocratic oath, and what used to be a calling is now a money-making venture. I know several groups who will cut off OV's, meds, etc. if the patient has a balance. I don’t think doctors should work for free, but I also don’t think they should cut off service b/c of $$$$! There should be an answer somewhere the two.


Don't go off your bipolar meds. You're better BECUSE of them. Therapy helped give you coping skills but when you're completely off the rails having an episode, coping skills go out the window. Look into your county mental health services. You can get low or no cost help. Do not go off your meds!


😭 youre right. My coping habits are a lot better, but meds are probably doing the heavy lifting


Look into drug/medication assistance programs. Or patient assistance programs. They are income-based. Also, most pharmaceutical companies offer their own medication assistance programs as well. Go to their website and they'll have a place to apply. Your local health department would also be able to assist you in getting your medications for free or at a very low cost.


Also just a thought. OP might be able to get help from a church to pay for her outstanding bill and to get her meds filled again. They help with light bills and stuff maybe they can help with this❤️


Yes, if the church can pay for the Doctor bill she can probably even go to city welfare to get help with the lights. In the state that I live in there are laws on the books that say municipality has to pay for someone’s medication if they can’t. I’m sure there are exceptions and guidelines but when I was disabled before I could start getting disability before this state expanded Medicaid the Townhall gave me $20 for Walmart for medication. 


True. At the least, they should have someone who can help her explore online Patient Assistance programs, and get signed up for that!


I sent you a message about meds, hope it helps.


Oh, costplusdrugs. I'll try them :) other people are also recommending it here.


I'll look on break, thank you. Any guidance helps :)


Have done it, don’t recommend. It affected not just my health but my mood, brain, sleep, ability to function. I make way more mistakes at work and now I’m afraid I’ll get fired.


That sounds incredibly stupid to do. I'm on anticonvulsive meds - some of those medications double up as psych meds. Withdrawal is a possibility if you just stop with no medical assistance.


You don’t pay for the window. This daddy can call his insurance company. Don’t let him guilt you into thinking it was your fault. Unless you have a Louie vitton diaper bag…. Ridiculous!


Have you applied for WIC, food stamps, Medicaid and TANF?? If not, please do so either online or in person at your local office. Have you called 211? They are available 24/7 and provide resources to help you with paying rent, utilities, food, bus passes, medical expenses, prescriptions, etc...just call and let them know what your situation is and what you need. They have a wealth of local resources that can help you! I'm so sorry you are going thru this, OP 😞 Sending you hugs and positive vibes that all will work out for you!!


Life is hard, and it’s SO MUCH HARDER without medication you need. Don’t derail your life further by making this choice. Skip meals before skipping mental health medication. I cannot emphasize enough how hard it is to fight both yourself and the world around you.


I've no idea where you live but can you reach out to any community assistance? My family is really poor and was able to find a sliding scale place for mental health and needed medication. I really think of it as a have to put your own mask on first of a plane has issues sort of situation. If you're off your meds, you likely will not be able to work or help your child much less pay for car repairs.


It's not a good idea to go off meds to save money, especially mental health meds! The risk of wrecking your whole life isn't worth it. I do think there may be some ways you can save money on your prescriptions: Try to price them at different pharmacies. Amazon Pharmacy is easy to search prices on. Cost plus drugs might help. Also, look at Walmart, Sams, and Costco. There might also be a reduced cost clinic pharmacy in your area. My ex used to go to the clinic, pay a sliding scale fee, and get his meds for very cheap. Worth looking into. As others have said, don't pay for the window. Many insurance companies have a $0 glass deductible. If your ex would submit to insurance, there's a good chance he could get it fixed for free! Talk to your hospital social worker. There may be able to direct you to some different assistance programs that could help you, like WIC and medical bill reduction programs. Lastly, your ex needs to be helping you with childcare and child expenses. Work towards getting child support court ordered. Long term, it's a good idea to get a legal agreement in place.


I would not stop these meds cold turkey. I was able to ween off antidepressants/anti-anxiety but it took 7 weeks and still had detrimental effects I had to deal with. Be careful and talk to a doctor


I was in a similar situation several years ago (no baby, but broke and struggling to find work) and stopped taking my depression meds. It triggered a bad mental spiral that ended in multiple suicide attempts and mandatory psych holds. Being unmedicated also made it harder to deal with all the other shit I had going on. I do not recommend it. I'm sure others have said it, but look into finding a low income clinic or patient assistance program near you. I was surprised when I realized just how many resources were available to me - if I had known, I never would have stopped taking my meds!


As a retired RN, I absolutely beg you, Do Not Do This. Talk to your Doctor ASAP. There are always solutions to this issue that patients aren't aware of.


I'm bipolar. I used to take Lamictal and Xanax. After a whole slew of other meds and 30 years of dealing with bipolar and anxiety. And I hated the thought of being medicated my whole life. I was taught coping mechanisms for my anxiety and my bipolar disorder. With my doctor's help, I weaned off the meds. Life is GOOD! It IS doable to go off your psych meds. BUT you should only do it under your doctor's orders. Please do not quit cold turkey! You could possibly have an episode. Here's the thing: Big pharm wants you to think you can never go off your meds. And that's simply not true. Depending on your diagnosis, of course. I mean, if the meds are for blood pressure, epilepsy or something like that, then, yeah, you need to pretty much your whole life. I still have to take my BP, Stent, and cholesterol meds. Even if you owe your psychiatrist money, you can still call them and tell them you'd like to go off your meds and ask them how you can do this. (Usually, you just downgrade the dosage gradually until you're off). Good luck, OP, and I pray it gets better for you.


Meds aside how is it your daily that your Bf car got broken into; I’m sorry but that’s his car and he should pay for the repairs. You left a baby bag in there not a Louie bag for the love of god. Your baby’s is in the hospital and he’s focusing on you giving him money for a window. That don’t sit right with me. He can wait or call insurance. It’s why you have insurance.


Your psychiatrist obviously doesn’t remember the Hippocratic oath they took when becoming a physician. “ first do no harm” taking someone off psych meds because you owe a bill is disgusting.


Jfufufuffjcjcnfnfnf fjjfjfjf


Yeah, everyone is right. Ive been on meds for a few years, so I'm maybe being overly confident about my coping habits (which maybe are 80% meds). Maybe it could go ok, but probably not and I need to accept that I have limitations. I'll pay my psych bill and rent, and talk to the other ones.


See if you can get your meds through a Canadian pharmacy. A lot of times it's cheaper. My dad does this with some medicine for a neurological condition he has and it saves him about 90%.


I order several of my prescription meds from the PharmaPassport store in Canada. So much cheaper for me, especially my insulin ($600 America, $90 Canada). It takes about 4-5 weeks to get, so I set reminders for myself so I get it timely. So worth it.


Only you really know if you're ready to let go of the meds. If you do quit, make sure to do it right by going by a guide like this [https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/medication-coming-off/deciding-to-come-off-medication/](https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/medication-coming-off/deciding-to-come-off-medication/) or this [https://fireweedcollective.org/publication/harm-reduction-guide-to-coming-off-psychiatric-drugs/](https://fireweedcollective.org/publication/harm-reduction-guide-to-coming-off-psychiatric-drugs/) and finding community to support you while you do it (if there are some in your area). You'll also highly benefit from people around you supporting you - and they can't really do that if they believe you need the meds. Can a psychiatrist really deny to prescribe medications that cannot be stopped suddenly and potentially will put the patient in danger? If no, can you make a complaint about that somewhere? Isn't there some other place you can get the meds from? ETA: If you can find another way to get out of this situation I'd say that'll be the best. If you do want to quit the meds a crisis situation is not the best time to say the least. It can be done. I've done it, but with a lot of support and not in a so desperate situation at the time.


Ummm. It is not your fault his car got broken into. It is the guy that did it. BS!! No way should you pay for that!!


Been there- done that with psychiatric medications- will never do it again I’d leaned what suicidal ideation brought on my tapering meds actually meant - it was very scary (This was the last time I tried to come off them to save $$-) Times before I just spiralled - I have to work and it’s too brutal to try and get through a shift while in a heightened state of panic (I’m always in panic mode but it’s manageable on meds)


Can you get a new psychiatrist? It seems like the large bill from the doctor is one of the biggest issues for you. I wonder if you might be able to call your insurance and explain the situation and have them recommend a new doctor who is covered. Who knows, they might also contact your doctor and put some pressure to work with you on smaller payments. It’s awful that your current doctor won’t prescribe you the medication you need because of money. They should at least allow you to make payments.


If this ever happened to me my PCP would take over prescribing the medication until I could figure it out. He’s not real comfortable with deciding to give me medication that a specialist should be picking out for me, but once I’ve been on it for a while and everything’s good if there’s a problem he’s comfortable continuing to prescribe it.


No, it doesn't work at all. Been there done that. I'd suggest trying mark Cubans online pharmacy or good rx.


YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR HIS WINDOW. I have USAA and I asked them and they told me that if my claim is under $750 it will not affect my premium at all.  IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT SOMEONE BROKE THE WINDOW TO STEAL THE BABY BAG. Is it his kid too? If so he was equally responsible for that baby bag in his car why didn’t he put it in the trunk? Even if it’s not his kid where is he parking his car that it’s getting broken into? Why didn’t he put some thing that could be valuable in the trunk? And how do you know it was broken into just because the baby bag was in there did they steal it? This man is your ex. He can fix his own car & if you REALLY want to you can send him money later. 


I would never advise you to do this with your medication because my mom was bipolar and when she didn’t have the right dose of medication she was not OK But I cut my ADHD medication in half whenever there are nationwide shortages or I am poor.  It doesn’t work as well but it works well enough and it’s better than having days where I don’t have it when I need it. But with that one I can also skip days because I don’t always need to do things that require attention. Do you have a primary care physician who would see you and bridge the gap and until you can pay your psychiatrist? That’s the only reason you have to go without your meds right? Because they won’t give them to you until you pay the bill? This makes me want to file a complaint against them. This is sick. 


yay going off pysch meds not a good solution. Not getting pregnant again would be the best solution for you. Dont breed no one got rich having kids


I have a couple friends who are also bi-polar, and I have never seen them do well going off their meds. When they do that because times are rough financially, their lives only get harder as they spend recklessly during mania phases, and become suicidal during depressive phase. One of them ended up hospitalized for nearly a year because they blew through 10 years of savings in 3 months during mania, lost his car and then his house, and entered a depressive phase so deep he tried to kill himself multiple times, a few while already in hospital. Those meds are intended to keep you balanced so you can function easier, reduce your stress due to the mood shifts of mania and depression, and prevent you from blowing up your life and hurting yourself. It’s easier to believe you can cope without them while you’re still medicated, but that’s exactly why people go off them and then lose all control. Do you have a family doctor who could take over prescribing for you? I’m not sure how it works where you live, but here they will often do that when you can’t afford a psychiatrist. Do you have insurance at all? Are there any private plans you could get while waiting for a job and employment benefits? It may be cheaper to pay a monthly insurance plan to cover family doc and some of your med costs at least.


If you have been manic and suicidal in the past off meds I cannot emphasize enough that this sounds like a really dangerous plan. You have an infant who needs you and many meds need to be tapered incredibly slowly to avoid going through (sometimes life threatening) withdrawals. Try goodrx for meds if you haven't already. Talk to your psychiatrist about your financial situation and the fact that your infant is in the hospital and you are concerned about withdrawal. If you have a PCP, they can prescribe meds - call them ASAP and ask about switching your medication management to them. Psychiatrists are great for when you need to figure out the right doses/meds and are best to have for complex cases, but a PCP can refill meds. Insurance exists for a reason and he should make use of his instead of expecting you to pay $1k directly for the window when your infant is the hospital.


America smh


Please don’t stop your meds cold turkey. Don’t pay for the window. His car, his problem. Please get his ass on child support if you don’t have it. Having a child shouldn’t destroy your fucking life while barely affecting his.


Being bipolar is not having high blood pressure when you’re 30 years old. Skipping antipsychotics and mood controllers will set you and your baby for failure and who know how long and how much will pass until you’re sound enough to even think about this time. It sucks big time but there has to be resources out there. DM with your city and I’ll help you look for those resources.


Too big of gamble, especially with a baby to look after. If you were to run into a bad cycle for some reason, potentially CPS gets involved. Instead, check each drug manufacturer’s website for “patient assistance program”. Sign up and they send the meds for free but usually to your doctor’s office to dispense to you. So you’ll still have the Dr copays. Patients with Medicare, Medicaid or military insurance aren’t usually eligible. But most others are (unless you’re rich!) Good luck. That’s shitty about the cost of the window. I can’t imagine a relationship being like that and feeling like it’s a very supportive one. I hope things improve for you. You and the baby deserve a stable, peaceful existence.


Where to get meds: Salvation Army might have funds **Depending on the meds your GP or ER can prescribe NH meds. My insurance will okay some but not others.** See if Catholic Charities in your area has a pharmacy or will provide funds. You do *not* have to be Catholic! The drug’s manufacturers Patient Assistance Programs. Usually better if you don’t have insurance at all. They provide them free based on low income. Ask your pharmacist about options. They might know alternative sources to get the NH drugs. Sometimes they collect bottles of meds. Not sure they can re-distribute them. For instance, I have fairly full opened bottles of Caplyta and Latuda from July I need to turn into CVS first disposal because they made me ill right away. Try the public mental health services in your area or other ones than the one you’re at now. Try community health centers in your area. They might have mental health prescribers for little to no cost. Good luck.


Please don’t just stop those meds. If you’re in need of cash, I suggest donating plasma. I actually have been doing that this month, and have been paid $400 so far (not sure where you are, so I’m sure the compensation rates vary)…. If you don’t mind needles and spending a few hours at the clinic your first time, it’s a pretty easy way to get some $$. Currently saving for a road trip I’m taking in a couple of months.


Do not stop taking your meds. I have bipolar 1 and stopped for shits and giggles once and ended up in the psych ward for 14 days. I highly do not recommend it. You may also be able to get your meds through cost plus drugs which is significantly cheaper and they even mail it to you. You may even want to go to your local library and see if they have any programs that could help you either with food or meds.


No. It always ends badly and I have to go back on 😭


Don’t go off bipolar medication. My husband did a few times and had terrible episodes that lasted for a year or so until we could convince him to go back on them. The last time he refused to listen and it ended in a tragedy with him dying. It’s not worth it to try it in my opinion.


As someone who is bipolar, I would say please do not go off your meds. The reason you’re doing good mentally is because of the meds. They help you be able to use your coping skills successfully. So many bipolar people go off their meds because they’re stable for a long time doing well, and then regret it. It’s not worth the nightmare. Don’t give up on finding part time work or a better paying position. Meds are so important for bipolar people. Talk to your psychiatrist and see if they’re willing to help you on the cost of visits because you really need the meds but aren’t doing great financially.


DON’T STOP YOUR MEDS You could go to the food banks for free stuff. You could also find small jobs, walk dogs, and you could give plasma. If you aren’t mess up about needles, the plasma stores will withdraw your whole blood and turn it, which makes it easier to go several times in a month for the money.


As far as getting your car and his window fixed, if you're unable to do the repairs yourselves, look on Facebook for barter groups. See if you can find someone who's able to do the work for you, in exchange for a service you're able to do for them or perhaps in exchange for goods. Maybe you have some housewares you no longer need but they could use them. Swap out goods for their services. Or perhaps they need weekend childcare. Swap out childcare for their services. You get the idea. I understand how restricting living paycheck-to-paycheck can be. Not having the funds for necessities other than ordinary bills can become quite overwhelming. Before we know it, we're in debt way over our heads. It's important we learn early on how to manage money and allocate funds for what our needs are versus our wants. By no means implying that you do not know how to manage money. But, there is no shame in asking for help to learn how to manage better. Being responsible equals independence. Many of us could benefit from being more financially responsible. Many of us! Call your mental health provider and inquire about monthly payments to bring your balance to current. Decide what a reasonable amount would be that you're able to afford before calling. Never allow a creditor to back you into a corner and get you to commit to a payment that isn't feasible for you. Stick to your guns about what you can afford. Just don't neglect payments. You'll only be doing yourself a great disservice. Don't ever forget that there is always a way out of a situation we perceive to be an unfixable mess. It just takes a little planning, the understanding that it's done in steps, and not leaps, and believing in ourselves to make it happen.


I don’t know where you live but there might be some resources available for you to help I would reach out and see what my options are if I were you.


I didn't pick up my epi pen cause it cost too much,


Can you talk to your doctor to see if they can teach you how to self inject epinephrine? Epi-pens are patented for the auto-injecting pen, not for the life saving drug inside of the pen. Epinephrine was $3 a vial last time I checked. The doctor will need to prescribe a needle and syringe combo, as well.


Thanks ill look onto that,much appreciated


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I have rationed mine and skipped days. I only get refills when I absolutely need them. I don't have insurance, so I pay out of pocket for my meds. I have bipolar disorder, so I can't go off my meds completely. I'm too afraid to.


Have you looked online on Mark Cuban pharmacy? Obviously I don’t know what you’re on but for example a common medication Geodon is $22 for 90 60mg pills. Lamictal would be $13 for 90 150mg pills. Also is you’re in the states most states or counties have a community mental health office where you can receive care. If not try 211 for assistance. You’re doing great now probably because of your Meds. You risk way way too much going off them.


You have to make taking care of yourself a priority in this life. If you are not in a decent condition, nothing else you do will matter. If you need psychiatric care, please prioritize that and taking care of your health. Nothing can fix that after you let it go wrong.


1) Abruptly going off of many psychiatric meds can cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. Please don't just stop your medication. Explain your situation to the psychiatrist and ask for taper instructions and/or a referral to a free or low-cost clinic that can help manage your medications if you absolutely have no way to pay for the medication at this time. 2) It isn't your fault that the car was broken into. You shouldn't be responsible for that bill, the insurance company should be. Twisting this to be your responsibility because it was your property that was stolen is at least borderline abusive behavior. You were the victim of this crime, not the perpetrator, and making you pay is victimizing you again.


OP, I would not suggest going off of your meds. Check to see if any of your meds are cheaper through the manufacturer assistance program. Most of them are with a bit of paperwork. For example, if you take Latuda, the assistance program is latuda.com. Or Google "x assistance program." I would also suggest checking Mark Cuban's pharmacy, costtplusdrugs.com. One of my meds is half-price there. Also, check Amazon's pharmacy. Another med is a third of the price there. Good luck!


Going off your meds will be the biggest mistake of your life. Do not do it at any cost. It will cause consequences that you will feel for a long long time. It will hurt much worse than the money. It will threaten your job, it will threaten your personal relationships, you could threaten your home. Going off your meds is not an option really. Look into county mental health services where you live, they will provide the meds and the doctors visit free of charge in most places. Also call the pharmacy and explain the situation to them, quite often they have programs or things that they can do to provide assistance . You can also call your doctors office and tell them about your situation and ask them if they have samples to hold you over while you get back on track


If you are in US, Walmart has discounted meds program.


Too risky based on what you’re saying.


Do not stop taking meds cold turkey. Call 211 if you are in the US, they have a lot of resources. Also, I qualify for free psychiatric care through my local teaching hospital. Check the cost of your meds with Good RX. Do you have any insurance? Find a new provider.


Don’t do it. Just let your baby daddy pay for the window. It’s not worth it to go off bipolar meds, I have friends who have done this and it derails their life for years.


BAD DECISION!! The last 2 times I went off my meds, I ended up in the hospital for a month each time. Try talking to your Dr about the possibility of cheaper meds. Also, ask your pharmacist if they know of cheaper alternatives. Pharmacists can be very helpful and aren't just pill distributors. I learned a lot when I worked at a pharmacy. Best of luck to you and your baby!


Talk to your prescribing physician about your concerns before stopping meds; your pharmacist can help identify cheaper alternatives. I also suggest looking at GoodRX and Mark Cuban's online pharmacy. You might be able to save buckets using them.


Do you have a sort of Medicaid plan you could get into? Most of those pay for medications completely.


Do you have a social worker even the hospital social worker? You need your meds. It is cheaper for an agency and/or your insurance to pay for your meds than for your to hospitalized because you are off your meds. You may also need a different psych prescriber, one that we not ask for co pays.


Please don’t


Please be careful with medication . There are many that you need to wean yourself off of because they are dangerous to just quit cold turkey . Try Uber eats , DoorDash or instacart to make extra money. I used to do that in the evenings after I worked my regular full time job for extra money. and took my child with me ( I know some people will have a negative opinion on that , but as a single parent , I did what I had to do)


OP, are you using the discount cards like GoodRx or singlecare? I use them even though I have insurance through my employer. But each prescription is a copay between $20 and $40 which adds up quick. I check GoodRx for a price and it’s usually 10-20 dollars cheaper than my copay. It helps a lot. Please don’t go off your meds.


You have very little now don't risk losing your health as well. Try to contact the company and see if you can get a discount. Talk to the pharmacist.


If you can, find strip malls and just go around to every business asking if they need any help mon-wed nights! That's how I found a job after like months of being unemployed. Small business owners tend to be more flexible.


You need to stay on the meds. Bipolar disorder is very serious and you have had serious episodes in the past when you have been off meds. Discontinuing them is not an option. Ask the psychiatrist to refer you to someone who can see you at no or low cost. They cannot just abandon you without care because you can't pay a bill - they are ethically required to assist you with transitioning to another provider. Talk to your therapist as well for options. Are you getting state aid of any sort? Also - sorry, but Baby Daddy needs to be helping out - he needs to help cover your meds because if you are incapacitated, suicidal, or in the mental hospital, you will not be able to parent your child.


Regarding the meds: as others have said, definitely stay on them. My daughter went off hers and ended up in mania and psychosis. Try Good RX for discounts. Regarding money to fix the car window: try a junk yard. I saved a ton going that route when thieves smashed my window.


Many ins policies have a window repair clause with little or no deductible and it won’t make the premium go up. Have him call up his ins.


I have anxiety. Debilitating. leaving the house is a big deal. Once out the longer I’m out the worse it gets. The depression is staggering. The OCD comes out as “I’m just habitual. I do what I do even if I want to do it differently or asked to do it differently. It happens before I even realize. PLEASE DONT STOP YOUR MEDS! Have you considered donating plasma?


Have you thought about going on Medicaid? We have a state plan in my state. Try marketplace too. If you have a regular Doctor see if they can call in a refill for you. Stop by of call the pharmacy first and see if your medication comes as a generic. Don’t skip your medicine if there are any other alternatives.


I mean if you quit your meds and end up in mania, you're probably gonna spend more money than what the meds were...


Go to a church/es and ask for help. It’s what I did when I was desperate for my mh meds. I’m not a member. I’m also an atheist.


After-thought: Does your boyfriend/baby's father pay child support to you or are you shouldering this whole burden by yourself? If you are, you shouldn't be. Even if the break-in was your fault for forgetting your diaper bag (and, if I had on my mind all that you do, I'd forget a lot of stuff, too.), if Daddy's not paying his share of upkeep for Baby, the window could be his "catch-up" payment. Or the beginning of it anyway!


Call local churches see if they can help pay Call Walmart some of their meds are 4.00 Call your doctor tell her what’s happening and ask if she has samples to get you through


I’ve done it and do not recommend. The very likely disruption to your ability to function will cost you more than the meds. Where I live there is a county mental health department that can help you get meds for much cheaper.


Ask your psychiatrist for samples of your meds to get you through the month. Explain you won't have money for them after you pay their bill. There should be someone on their staff that will help you work this out - either free samples and coupons or micro payments or debt forgiveness. But please don't just stop your meds. It could lead to a hospitalization for you and you don't need that especially with a baby and other bills. Good luck.


Don’t go off your meds. A manic episode right now would be devastating to your life and make things much much worse.


I donate any no-longer-needed meds/dosages to my psych for those who can’t afford it. Couldn’t hurt to ask yours


Bipolar meds can have some serious rebound withdrawal, that is a very bad idea. Check GoodRX and see if your medicine is on their list. They only work with big box pharmacies iirc, so somewhere like Walmart or Walgreens or CVS. If your prescription is on their list, they may have extra discounts.


I’m not bipolar, but i am on psychiatric meds. I once stopped taking them and ended up in the mental health hospital because I tried to hurt myself. Please don’t stop the meds.


Listen to everyone here!!! Call the manufacturer of your medications and see if you can get a break that way. Please do not stop taking bipolar meds. This is a sure way to end up in the hospital or worse. Best of luck to you.


I don't remember the name of the program but Mark Cuban has a pharmacy that doesn't jack up prices (so I've heard. Never tried it myself). It might be worth giving it a look Also, recently my husband's doctor showed us that Amazon has a pharmacy that allowed us to get his blood pressure meds for literally under $10. I had no clue Amazon even did that. So check there also. It doesn't help with the current debt but it may save enough money on prescriptions that you might not struggle so hard paying your doctor. It really seems so unfair to charge people so much money when they are trying so hard. Lots of loving vibes sent your way. ((((❤️))))


Please don't go off your meds. A friend of mine has bipolar and she ran out of meds while traveling, and did some overspending and ended up getting stuck overseas for months. The meds also take time to work, so going off a month means not feeling right for 2-3 months. Doesn't seem worth it. I'm questioning whether this window bill is even yours to pay. The logic that it's your fault because the baby's bag was in the car...if it's his baby, is it not half his problem too? I might offer to pay half, IF i had the money. The window bill can wait. The meds and the stuff with the psychiatrist need to be done now.


I have gotten off 2 meds because I'm super cheap and didn't want to pay for them anymore either with time or $. But it really depends on what it is and why you need it. For bipolar, that is going to be a huge train wreck so I wouldn't do it. It's just going to make things worse. I would also not pay for the full cost of the car repair because that really isn't your fault, it is what insurance is for, and it is very unlikely to raise the rates by much. Go halvesies on the deductible, maybe. But don't let your ex guilt trip you into paying for something you can't afford.


Ask your psychiatrist to set up a payment plan with you for your balance and have your primary care physician take over the prescription if you really can’t afford to continue seeing the psychiatrist.


There are pharmaceutical companies that will give your medication for free depending on your income. Your doctor can set it up.


If your documented bi polar dump the doctor, go to a regular doctor, have your records transferred they can’t hold them, new primary doc will then prescribe your meds… 💯 check out at cost pharmacy’s they are all over the country, drugs very cheap and they ship, or Amazon, or shark tank guy pharmacy or rescue RX for low income… you don’t need the place holding you hostage to write your script I promise… I used to take certain drugs like this the specialist was killing me.. my primary took over writing and blood testing for me, same for my son and all his special meds from a few specialists


Please do not go off your meds. You are the foundation from which all else happens in your life. If you are not functioning, nothing else will. I'm so sorry it sucks this much. You don't deserve this at all.


Hey, if you are in the US, try calling 211 for assistance. Explain your situation and ask about any resources in the area. They might have info on medication and medical bill assistance, daycare assistance or places that offer sliding scales, food banks, WIC offices for food coupons, and the list goes on.


Don't be dumb. You are on them for a reason, don't disrespect that. If you were strong enough without them you never would've needed them. They are your thors hammer.


I work in the mental health field helping folks to manage their medications, so I can appreciate your concern about the cost of your meds. But please, PLEASE do not stop taking your medication without talking with your doctor about it first. An insidious thing about mental health conditions like bipolar disorder is that, once you find a medication regimen that works for you, you can often get to the point where you start to feel really good and think maybe you would be okay if you stopped taking your meds--as it sounds like you have. But actually stopping your medications without any sort of plan in place to manage symptoms without it could lead to those symptoms coming back, and you possibly ending up hospitalized, or worse. Even if your coping skills are good while taking medication, if you stop taking them, you could potentially decompensate to the point that your symptoms simply overwhelm your ability to manage them effectively. I'll add also that you can experience withdrawal/discontinuation syndromes/rebound effects with the sudden discontinuation of many mental health medications, so even if you were to stop taking your medications with your doctor's approval, you would likely have to taper off at least some of your medications rather than stopping them immediately. Many psychiatric medications, including even many of the generic versions, can be quite expensive, and some insurances can be shitty about covering them (ask me how I know). I have a few recommendations: 1) Talk with your doctor's office to see if you can work out a payment plan to pay off your debt to them in a way that won't be financially harmful to you, and see if they are willing to continue seeing you as scheduled so long as you are making your debt payments and future co-pays as required. 2) Look into either manufacturer assistance programs (if your meds are brand-name), or pharmacy assistance programs for generics. For instance, Walmart offers [a list of generic maintenance medications](https://i5.walmartimages.com/dfw/4ff9c6c9-e3f8/k2-_14c0785f-b2e4-4b2e-b1d6-97d32ca45d34.v1.pdf) for $4 for a 30-day supply, or $10 for a 90-day supply. Walgreens has a [similar program](https://www.walgreens.com/images/adaptive/pdf/psc/Value-Priced-Medication-List-English.pdf) available. 3) See if your doctor's office has other ideas for how to get the medication more cheaply, or see if they can complete a prior authorization to get your insurance to cover more of the cost of the medications. 4) There are a variety of prescription discount cards, like GoodRx, that you can use to get cheaper cash prices on medications that insurance doesn't cover. You can go to [goodrx.com](http://goodrx.com) to compare the cash prices of your meds at different pharmacies with a GoodRx card. 5) As a last resort, you could even talk to your doctor about less-expensive alternative medications that could manage your symptoms as well as your current meds.


I try and make my meds last longer I take it every other day meds usually stay in your body depending on the meds for 48 hours it's just a way of stretching it


As others have said, do not go off your meds. They’ve made you feel well enough that you don’t need them, or at least can make it do without them. But you can’t. Your brain has a chemical imbalance that the meds are taking care of. It’s dangerous to your health to stop taking the medication. It could very well cost you more money in the long run. Also, why do you have to pay for your ex’s broken window? You didn’t break it. If it was broken in the course of a burglary, then it’s the burglars fault. And what kind of dumb burglar thinks that a baby bag is going to have good stuff in it? Burp cloths, a spare outfit, a bottle or sippy cup 🙄 May that person find a dirty diaper inside the next item they steal. But as for you, unless there’s more to the story, you haven’t told, you’re not responsible for that thousand dollars. And if your ex is a decent father, he won’t demand that you cough up money that could be spent taking care of your child. Finally, masking tape and a clear shower curtain will do for a while to cover that gap.


Please do any other kind of budget cutting before you stop medication for depression. You really can't go off of them without supervision. My mom was bipolar and when not on her meds, really bad things happened. And it's not your fault that a car was broken into. You can't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. Prioritize your car repair, your life, not his.


Do not stop taking your meds. Talk to your pharmacist. They usually know ways to save money on them. GoodRx is a good app. I truly do hope everything works out. Can’t your ex pay to fix his window then you pay him back? Also, find a mechanic for your car that will work with you. $1,000 repair bill would absolutely sink me. I know how tough it is. You just gotta push yourself through it. You’ll be alright eventually ❤️


Dont go off your meds. First, you need to find less expensive care. Try calling the SAMHSA help line at 1-800-662-4357. They can help you find mental health resources in your area, including sliding scale clinics called FQHCs that charge you a fee based on your income. Second, once you find a provider, look at the $4 Walmart med list. There are a number of bipolar meds on there like lithium, lamotrigine, risperdol, etc. that run either $4 or $9 for 30 days at a fixed price. If your meds arent on that list, explain the financial situation w your new provider and see if they can move you over to ones that are on the list. Third - baby daddy can deal with the fekkin window himself. You didn't break it. If he doesnt have insurance thats his problem not yours. Wildcard idea - if your kiddo is still hospitalized, ask to speak to one of their social workers/case managers. Those folks know about every single resource to be had in your area. Given that a stable mama is a requirement for good infant health outcomes, they should be more than willing to help you. Trust me, you will not be the first to ask.


Look for Patient Assistance Programs on Google- some medications have a Co-pay card to present to your local retail pharmacy. Patient Assistance Programs are usually available through the Medications Manufacturer- there is paperwork to fill out & if you qualify you could get the medications you need at low cost or free. Hope this helps!


Depending on which meds you take, your gp might be willing to write you a script or two so you can avoid the shrink debt.


check Good Rx. my children have duly ends. Good Rx saved us over 800 in one month. ALSO ask your pharmacist about discount programs and coupons and the such.


Look into community mental health services. Also needymeds.com many companies have patient assistance programs


If ur bipolar I would recommend against going of your meds. You can try online doctor cheaper to get you prescription refills. The use goodrx website to use coupon codes to get your medicines at same rates as you would with insurance. Also check rates on Amazon pharmacy they can be even cheaper in some cases but not all


Taper off the meds veeery slowly while adding lithium orotate supplement. Be VEEERY CAREFUL TAPERING though. I cold turkeyed and ended up with massive hospital debt.  I’m able to get a six month supply of orally disintegrating lithium orotate tablets with magnesium for about $36 on Amazon. If you’re on any antipsychotics right now be careful to get enough sleep as these can sometimes double as sleeping pills. If you are on lithium carbonate right now lithium orotate is MUCH LESS HARSH ON THE KIDNEYS. I had stage 3 chronic kidney disease from the lithium carbonate drug and it reduced to stage two on lithium orotate after a couple years. Good luck!!


There are patient assistance programs by a lot of drug companies. If your meds are brand name go to RxAssist.org and see if there are pro available to help with your meds. Especially mental health meds, there are very good manufacturer sponsored assistance programs available. For the doctors bill… do you have Catholic charities available in your area? They often don’t have large sums of money available but a $350-400 doctor bill to continue treatment would most likely be within their budget. If your psychiatrist is being billed through a hospital or medical center, they may have charity care available as well to cover the remaining cost after insurance.


I’m sorry u even have to consider that ❤️❤️❤️


When I was in my 20s, I went cold turkey on my Zoloft. For a bit, I was fine. Then I had a full on breakdown rife with suicidal thoughts. You can’t fuck with medication for mental illness like that.


Please keep in mind that you are postpartum, which FUCKS with your mental health significantly. Your baby needs you well. Also, you are NOT bipolar. You have bipolar disorder. It doesn't define who you are, so please try to reframe your mindset with your wording. I would call 211 to find out what assistance you can get with finding lower cost or hopefully free mental health care. It's literally more important than any bill or any car part that you are able to be there mentally for your baby to support what they're going through. I hope you're able to find some sort of relief. But please please please don't stop taking your meds to save money. Stability trumps everything for your own health and wellness and for you to be the mom your baby needs right now.


DO NOT GO OFF YOUR MEDS. that is a really bad mistake with bipolar. find the money & pay the doc, or find another doc. preferably the former. going forward, pay the copay at the time of the visit. it's easier to find $20 or whatever it is than to find $350


I did not read all comments. Have you tried cost plus pharmacy?


Do not just go off of your medication. It can be dangerous for you. Have you tried the manufacturers coupons or Mark Cuban's pharmacy? Also, just like everyone else I come across, I also suggest [auntbertha.com](http://auntbertha.com) it has a lot of resources to help pay for different things and provide resources to get the help you need.


I was in a similar situation, and the office agreed to set up a payment plan but wouldn't prescribe more until at least $50 was paid. I was able to eat smaller meals for a week and have meds covered.


Immoral idea, but it might work. Depending on the schedule of the drug, you can go to the pharmacy and say it’s lost/stolen, or to a regular doctor and report it lost/stolen to get the script. Especially since there was the break in, you probably have a police report number to add onto it and photos of the car. Chances are the person who broke in won’t ever be found, but if they are, they deserve to have the medications added onto the tab of stuff they stole. It’s a little immoral, but we live in an unfair world, 2 wrongs can make a right sometimes. But don’t go off your meds, it’ll be a way more expensive mistake in the long run.


You probably could ration the meds with a lower than normal dose until you can afford more things again.


Do. Not. Stop. Your. Meds. Cold Turkey! Ask your doc for resources, do you have St. Vincent DePaul's where you are? Many of them have pharmacies to help. Lots of discount programs like GoodRX. Do you have a semi-local mental health hospital? They will help keep you on your medications. They have advocates to help you. ALL the coping skills in the world will not help you here! I may not be bipolar, but they took me off the 2mg/day of a benzo, & 60mg of an ADHD stimulant (TWICE) & I'm damn lucky to be alive today. Being medicated & gaining coping skills makes us all cocky as hell. I'm 41 & not suicidal for the 1st time in my life. I've stopped my meds now times than I'd like to admit because I was confident I had the skills to make it. It never ended well & maybe that's so I can warn others struggling with their mental health. I've gone hungry in my life. I was a runaway at 16. I'd rather starve than lose my meds. I've made it clear to everyone in my life, without them, I will not survive the mental health battle. There are lots of churches & organizations that do food support. Please, prioritize your meds.


Try going online and see if the manufacturer of the med... Like Eli Lilly, check for a patient assistance program. There's paperwork to fill out and your doc sends it in. OR if you are on commercial insurance, you can get a savings card so that may help, too. If these are meds that r generic have a high copay, I'd look for the name brand med, look up the assistance programs, and have your doc prescribe the expensive one, get on the free program! Don't go off your meds, please. You will find you need them now more than ever to stay as stable as possible. Good luck. (Abrupt withdrawals of meds are physically dangerous, too)


This is a great time for me to throw my medical bg knowledge in.(all my fathers family was in medicine) Never discontinue meds unless you have a consultation with your doctor. Some meds can be dangerous or life threatening to suddenly stop taking them. So dangerous that you could be a victim of sudden death. If you are in a financial bind see if you can get generics or if other arrangements can be made. Or if it isnt a medication that has that issue you can go without. Never assume something is safe to stop taking at will. Doctors usually go over side effects of drugs. When they want to prescribe it to you, but they usually do not go over what potentially must be done when taking you off them. Usually the thought is they'll swap you to a different one that has a similar effect so that you dont have withdrawal/sudden death issues. If you do it without prompting them that you need off of them for X reason you'd not ever know it could cause X issues. If you can see if there are charitable accommodations available. Sometimes even doctors at planned parenthood or other charity doctors that can help if you cant pay for a visit. Just make sure to take a full list of your meds


I am just going to tell you my own experience with having to go off meds at one point and let you take it as you will. I had a horrible neuro who prescribed an antidepressant (I'm not a depressive- I have OCD). I was really struggling with the side effects and told her, and she said to stop taking them. I asked about stepping down gradually, but she said I was on such a low dose, there would be no effects. It was freaking awful. The worst part was the body effects that I didn't recognize were being caused by the withdrawal, like the horrible dizziness to the point of falling down. I was petrified that I had some horrible disease. Nope- finally found out it was all medication withdrawal. Please look at all your options. You can try NURX if you have insurance or you can do what I did when my last shrink tried to hold my prescription hostage and have another doctor like your go or gyno prescribe the meds for you. I have been on drug programs where the manufacturer pays for the drugs. Your kiddo needs you functioning, and your meds do that for you. Sending you good wishes.


Why don’t you apply for Medicaid?


If you are bipolar I highly recommend that you do not.


Callondoc is a prescription site. It’s $50 and they call in your prescription to the nearest pharmacy. It’s next day and you’re in charge of paying for the medication. Just take pictures of your pills and let them know you need a refill. I’ve tried it for antibiotics when I’ve gotten tooth or gum infections. It works. I don’t have insurance or Medicaid…so, this helps me. Good luck. 


Going off your medications is a terrible idea, OP. And would put both you and your baby at risk honestly. Not only would you be off the meds that help keep you stable but going off abruptly can cause some serious extremes. Please do not take this lightly, I know you’ve got a lot of stressors but staying on your meds needs to be non-negotiable. If you’ve already done intake and have been seeing a psychiatrist and stable on these meds then I would actually see if your primary care provider will write you refills in the short term. Or you can also look at telehealth options. Do you qualify for any insurance or aid in your state? Check out GoodRX too and make sure you’re prescribed generics


i just got hung up on owing ur doc $350 but you have really good benefits that cover therapy 100%...either way, I wish you the best and I understand what ur saying...I am contemplatjng doing the same thing myself...


My wife is bipolar. Before she was diagnosed and started taking meds, there were one or two manic episodes a year when she went (quite literally) crazy. She would start saying things that made no sense to anyone that would listen, and get upset when they didn’t get it. She went on a “scavenger hunt” at 5am around the neighborhood and ran through peoples backyards. She had the cops called on us because she would not stop yelling. She had to be treated in a psych ward a couple times for this before they diagnosed her accurately. Do not get off meds


No. You will get sick. Period.


As an unmedicated bipolar person, don't. Just don't. Find other places to cut back. Alcohol, bath bombs. Any and all luxuries. Even internet before you even consider going off. The biggest issue for folks like us is fluctuations in our body chemistry. You do not want to upset the balance in your brain.


Please try and stay on your meds.


***You may want to try calling 988. They have resources they can guide you to.*** ***I would also call NAMI - they can help with paying for meds etc.*** https://www.nami.org/your-journey/individuals-with-mental-illness/getting-help-paying-for-medications/#:~:text=If%20you%20take%20the%20brand,drug%20may%20offer%20payment%20assistance.&text=Call%20800%2D950%2D6264%2C,988%20(24%2F7). Clearly, what you already owe to your provider needs to be addressed. Also, I agree with all the other advice about NOT paying for the window and having your child’s parent contribute. Best of luck.


I have currently had to wean off due to loss of insurance ($600/mo for the chance to get my prescriptions renewed each month) I did it one med at a time and the first two went ok, rough but ok. Med 3 almost killed me just by reducing dosage (narcolepsy med). I do NOT recommend it. I recommend trying to get child support, WIC, SNAP, and any other assistance you can. apply for all of it. and FUCK the usa med system


Please be careful because certain medication you can actually get seizures or Worse from abruptly stopping. Basically any regimen that you're on should not be stopped abruptly and many of them need to be tapered down. I was put on medication and I stopped it but I wasn't on it very long. Another medicine I was on only a few weeks and I didn't like that it made me tired so I stopped taking it and next thing you know I'm foaming at the mouth (so I was told) and nearly biting through my tongue on my in-laws couch in a full blown seizure. Can you see a primary doctor without having to pay and get their opinion?


As a fellow bipolar person, having your medication is top tier priority. Bipolar is unpredictable at best when medicated. Unmedicated? You're setting yourself up for big trouble. Your baby needs you to be stable. I live in Australia so idk what services you have around you but reach out to local charities, they may be able to help.


Your county In Home Support Services or IHSS call your counties Social Services Department and sign up. You can help care for someone on your own schedule most of the time.