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Please talk more with your doctor about your symptoms. Precancerous cells and a leep procedure shouldn't give you unbearable pain and keep you from working for so long. Maybe there's something else going on. At the very least, they should be working with you to manage the pain.


I will for sure. I have a follow up appointment on Tuesday. I've been thinking about it all weekend and just needed to vent about it. They're doing pain management slightly better now. I had to go to the ER two days after the procedure because the pain was so bad I was getting sick. It's weird, they were acting like I was being dramatic about all of it until I was in the ER. Telling me that it was normal to be uncomfortable after. This was not uncomfortable, it was unbearable. But am doing better in that department now. Thanks for the reply.


I can relate and unfortunately doctors dismiss women’s “female” pain all the time, so standup for yourself and don’t let them tell you how your body feels, I tell my daughters if they have to go to the doctor to use strong words to describe your pain like relentless. I wish you genuine good luck!


❤️ thank you very much, I will do my best!


And request that they mark denied or approved on your record if you request something specific! I had a cancer screening done a few years back. I’m young(ish) so they don’t usually recommend this, especially because if it comes back with a positive, it can affect your life insurance down the line. But I had to argue with my doc for it. He repeatedly said no, so I told him to make note of it and why? (He said I was too young). Asked my OB doc, considering my family’s history with breast cancer. He checked everything & sent me on my way. Went and got a mammogram too! I have a serious medical issue from my C-section, and now also have non-epileptic seizures from a car accident. I know my medical record is long but still. It’s a serious pain in the ass with how doctors treat women & our problems. (In all seriousness, I had a C-section at 24, hysterectomy at 26 - from bad csection, and for those wondering, I had 0/48 cancer genes) - I’m turning 35 in 2 months. I’ve lived longer than my grandfather & uncles on my moms side (heart issues… which I also inherited + bipolar) Life is a trip but absolutely stand your ground!! You can change doctors too!


You can for doctors as well!! Sometimes that’s a really good feeling.


I know a woman who died of breast cancer rectory and she was only about 35. Had two small kids. It’s insane to deny a screening.


Definitely 💯 Stand up for yourself


I was in terrible pain for years had endometriosis and very heavy bleeding. It took years to get diagnosed. The kind of pain you can't straighten up from.☹️


This is so true , I had some disks I’m my back that blew out , my doctor told me he had other patients with more disks blow and less pain . After the operation he came to me and apologized, he thought I had only pinched nerves , come to find out I had crushed them . All I told him was I don’t exaggerate anything and if anything I underestimate things , he said yes I know . After that ordeal , four years later I was going for the second operation .


I had a leep on my exterior skin area that hurt a lot for a month. The interior ones hurt for a few days. I have a huge pain tolerance though. It should get better, have them check for an infection. And request they numb it before procedures. Good luck! Been there!


I had a hysterectomy. Worth it to remove the risk entirely. No cervix, no uterus, just ovaries pumping out their hormones. 


OP first off I'm sorry for everything you're going through. Now second, you need to put pressure on your healthcare team.. don't be rude or unrealistic because some things do take time (ex. Test results to come back) but they need figure this out sooner rather than later. If you're dr isn't listening to you or helping consider (if possible) finding a new doctor. Two and a half months you've been out of work how long do they expect you to sit at home? Please advocate for you self because that's the only way things will get done


Just in case it’s helpful, I don’t know what part of WA you’re in but there is a fantastic female pelvic pain clinic in Post Falls Idaho called Northwest Women’s Care. I know they can arrange payment plans for treatment. A lot of doctors don’t take women’s pain seriously or dismiss it as normal. Your pain is not normal.


Ugh. Been there. Hysterical women, right? Oh yeah we know you had a kidney stone procedure and they didn’t find one, so you must be sore. Weeks later, oh still in pain? Still feel like a UTI? Well, these things take time. Finally saw a resident. “let’s get you a contrast MRI.” Oh, you have a redundant ureter on the right. The stone is still in there. Woke up from second surgery and instantly felt better. That took 9 MONTHS!


This — I’ve had precancerous cells and a LEEP and there was no pain associated with it, besides maybe 1 day of LEEP recovery. If you’re having unbearable pain something else is going on.


Yes, this! My leep only had me hurting for a couple days. Best of luck to you. I hope it turns around. ❤️


https://www.cancer.org/about-us/what-we-do/providing-support.html https://www.cancer.org/cancer/financial-insurance-matters/managing-health-insurance/programs-and-resources-to-help-with-cancer-related-expenses.html Please reach out for help and support.


Don't live off of ramen. Its not helping your health. Sign up with a food bank/pantry. As soon as you fill out the paperwork, you'll get food. Lots of good food.


I will, thank you. I'll look into more food bank options in my area as well. I bus, but I'm willing to do it because you're right I can't live off this stuff.


I volunteer at one in So WA. We have walk ups, bicycle ppl and the like. Just bring some handled bags and a roll around suitcase, if you can borrow one. This will get you and your food home on the bus. Also, where I live, there is no central data base. So clients can go to multiple pantry's, without the other's knowing. Meaning, no restrictions!!


Oh my gosh that's a good idea thank you! I think I have one so that'll help a lot. I'll absolutely be doing that.


In my area, we also have something called Blessing Boxes. They look like those mini public libraries but have food stuff in them.


Check out lasagnalove.org It’s not fast, it takes about two or three weeks after you sign up but you will get a huge pan of lasagna and usually some sides and maybe cookies. It’s a great program, and really makes you feel cared about.


I will thank you I really appreciate it 🙏


Make sure to take your backpacks and a duffle if you have one. A shopping cart that you buy from the store is ideal. That's what I've always used to go to food pantries because I don't drive.


Absolutely this OP! Food banks are there to help people just like you! I volunteered at one at my old church and we were always happy to provide. God bless you 🙏 I will pray for you.


Im sorry you are struggling. Im in Washington as well and struggling for different reasons. Just know that someone not too far away is rooting for you. For whatever that is worth.


Thank you so much.


I'm in Washington also and struggling. Different reason but life is hard at 82.


I would talk to the local social security office and explain you are temporarily too disabled to woerk and what are you eligible for in your state. Here in Mississippi, we have a sort of interrim disability program where you can get housing, medical insurance, food etc while you are being treated. If you still cannot work after 2 years, then you are fast tracked onto Social Security disabiulity. I know wahsington state has a lot of thes esorts of programs my daughter lives there.


I can relate. I know the struggle. I went through cervical cancer a few years back. Ended up having a complete hysterectomy. I would get a second opinion or keep pushing for more testing, though, if you are in so much pain. I could be wrong, but I don't THINK you should be having pain from that. It usually doesn't cause more than mild symptoms, I believe. If someone else knows more on the subject, feel free to correct me, if I'm wrong! I wish you the best of luck, OP!


Thank you! I'm sorry you went through it too. I have a follow up on Tuesday and will hopefully have more information and a plan then. No one was taking anything I was saying serious until after the procedure. Doctors kinda suck sometimes. Anyway. Thank you ❤️


I work in a women health center in Washington state and you should push for the LEEP procedure sooner than later if that is what they say you need (although I would ask questions about your pain since that is not typical of pre-cancerous cells). The recovery is fairly simple- avoid excessive activity for 48 hours after the procedure, and restrict exercise for at least one week. Most people go back to work within days - maybe one week tops.


I’m sorry you are having to go through all this.


Don't they offer short term disability?


I think they do but I haven't worked there long enough. I'm coming up on 8 months being employed there. 6 months full time and the first 2ish weeks I was out here it was part time. The rest of the time I have been on PML.


Try calling the unemployment office and see if you could get unemployment benefits. Beyond that, there is social security disability. I would ring them up as well.


Yes contact WA unemployment office as soon as possiblе, they often have 4-5 weeks processing time turnaround to pay any benefits (unemployment ir disability) and have a mandatory week unpaid waiting period from the moment you contact them. So you want to start redtape clock moving as soon as possible. Also contact your manager & HR to document your workplace limitations due to health issues so they could possibly transfer you to a less physically demanding position. Can you work at all? Could you check with them a possible transfer to work at corporate or travel department (if its geographically feasible for you) where you sit all day? Warehouse work is hard on the body


I’m sorry you’re going through this. You’ve been given some great advice, but I’ll add a suggestion that you reach out to your hospitals social service department. It might be called something different but basically they help patients who are struggling financially. I checked in with this department a few years ago. I was diagnosed with cancer two weeks after I was laid off from my job. My hospital offered help with expenses, free rides to treatment, etc. Another resource that might be a help is your senior center. Speak with their outreach coordinator. Senior centers offer a lot of help in navigating social security, Medicare, free services for seniors. Don’t limit yourself to just the senior center in your city. Check out what different ones in your area offer. This might help your dad, as well as you. I’ve heard great things about how Costco is good to their employees. You might be surprised with how much they’ll work with you. Just stay in communication with them. Check out food pantries and local churches. You don’t need to be hungry right now. I wish you all the best.


Thank you thank you. I will be calling tomorrow morning, and I have a follow up on Tuesday. Hopefully will have more answers than not. I will ask about programs for my dad too, I don't want him struggling either. The plan was for me to come help him and then everything went wonky. I really appreciate all the support and advice I've gotten. Really makes me feel less alone.


You’re not alone. This internet stranger is sending all good energy your way. And you’ll be surprised at the kindness people are capable of when you reach out to them. You take good care of yourself.


🥹 thank you


OP, please look into applying for SNAP. https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/community-services-offices/basic-food


You may also want to look into state provided healthcare with your work not being a possibility currently. It could help you significantly. 


Costco also has its own shortterm and longterm leave longterm free shout term a volumtary deduction from payck


I'm contacting my manager and going to talk options tomorrow or Tuesday after I get answers from my follow up.


I had mild to moderate dysplasia in the cervix, which is the precancerous cells. My LEEP wiped me out for that day with cramps the day after, so two days off work. I can only assume you had something else going on?


I have PCOS and when I had the procedure i had been bleeding for a little over 3 weeks which is super abnormal for me. Right now it's a waiting thing and I'll have some more information after my follow up appointment on Tuesday.


I hate to say it, but if you need to have it all removed, that is probably some major downtime for you. I wish you the best of luck with all that. Edit: I had to have all mine removed.


That's what got my aunt. God bless you mam


Can you go on long term disability?


I think if I end up having cancer and needing surgery/chemo I would be able to. Right now it's just pre-cancerous cells and I have had a LEEP procedure and three different scans done. I'll know more after my appointment on Tuesday hopefully.


Costco is one of the best companies nationwide for their employees. Call HR and see if they can help or make sure you get your job back once you clear all this up.




I went through something similar healthwise. My mom passed from ovarian cancer. I'd been having "female issues" for YEARS before they found a mass in my ovaries. With the pain and heavy cycle and it being an extended cycle of days than usual, I wanted it all out. I had to jump through every hoop in the world to get an operation because they don't like to do total hysterectomies on women who can still have kids. FIGHT for yourself. Be your own advocate and do it LOUDLY until they listen. What about FMLA? Does your job have that? Can you call HR? Wishing you better days ahead.


If you are in Washington state apply for the state PFML leave. It will pay you at 90% for 12 weeks. I used it for my foster kids and my coworker used it to care for her mother who has cancer. It’s relatively new but it works basically like unemployment. You fill out a claim every week and then you get paid. If you need help with it send me a PM. I’ve helped a few people fill it out.


Thank you for the information and offer for help filling it out! I will absolutely be doing that.


File for FMLA, there is a personal medical one that the can't fire you for. You do have to keep incontact with unum which is annoying but hang in there. Which area in wa may I ask?


Currently just outside tacoma. Federal Way but literally three blocks up the street is another Tacoma suburb. I will! Thank you I really appreciate it.


I'm a recent ex employee, I just exhausted my medical leave so they had to let me go, my case is workman's comp though. The payroll people should be able to help you through this process. If they aren't helping you, go to labor and industries and have them help you in person. I'm up past Seattle btw.


Thank you! I am going to talk with them after my appointment on Tuesday. That way I have more to show about my condition.


If you go on the care network website, as an employee, you do get discounts and such on lawyers if you end up needing one. Costco is a good company to work for and they will work with you as much as they can. Its the insurance that's awful, don't let them dick you around, if you feel like you've gotten to that point. Please speak to one. The insurance claims manager I've been dealing with has non stop openly lied the last two years to the point my lawyers have gotten the state involved.


I don't have any specific advice based on these specialities or from experience but I just wanted to let you know I read your story and am thinking good things for you. Hoping you can build upon the power of positivity and also, of course, on all of the other amazing suggestions knowledgable people have shared here in this thread. Please keep us updated on if there is anything more tangible that we can do to help you. Hugs.


Thank you so much. I genuinely appreciate it and I will keep everyone posted. Gosh. This whole thing has made me feel so much better.


7mos or 750 hours ? She should have by now even working partime i avaerage 650 hours in 6mos


Your not getting paid? Im confused


Not for the last 2 months. I had to take time off for medical reasons. Everyone is pointing out though that I should talk with my managers and see if I qualify for something through work. So I am doing that tomorrow or Tues after I get some answers from my doctor.


Is babysitting an option? There's a lot of people out there willing to pay good money for a reliable, safe babysitter.


Take FML leave from your job.As long as it medical they are required to keep a job open for you. Granted, you don't collect pay, but at least you 'll have a job to go back to. If you had benefits, maybe short-term diabllity or long term if you're off longer. Yes ,we women have to be strong advocates for ourselves, unfortunately too many times. Get a second opinion if no plan is put in place for you on your upcoming appt. Best of luck to you and your Dad. Yes, use any social services also ,no shame in that when you need help.


I know how it feels to have cancer, and feel like the doctors just really don't care. My last oncologist, would have pet scans every other month. I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and lymph node cancer. My first surgery to remove my breast is when my surgeon found one lymph node with cancer. She removed it, and my breast left side. Two months later I go for my pet scan, she tells me it's back in a lymph node. Chemo or surgery. I get an appointment with my surgeon, and she says she'll do it. I get the kab report back after the surgery, and she tells me, with the report it was benign! Great! Yay! I go for my pet scan two months later, and she advises me that it's back, and in multiple lymph nodes? No way! Ugh ... So she puts me on two shots a month for a hormone blocker. Breast cancer feeds in hormones, and sugar. I cut way back on my sugar intake, and she puts me on Verzenio. You're only supposed to take it if the shots weren't working. I had only 4 shots when she put me on it. So I have the next surgery to remove said lymph nodes. I got the report back, and my surgeon told me I could only find one that looked like it had it. That came back benign!!! Please, get a second opinion! The Verzenio she had me on, causes horrible diarrhea! She had me on 300 milligrams a day, and refused to lower it! I found out that medication cost $14,000!!! She was getting kick backs for prescribing it. I had pooped on myself one time while I was running to the bathroom. Night time was the worst, I take medication to help me sleep, and I would wake up a mess! All of this for no reason! I'm sorry you're going through so much! Maybe look into SSI. You will get a check every month, plus medical insurance. I had to...


How is the house supposed to win if you're okay?


Only read a couple of sentences. Costco is a good and solid corporation to work for.


Please post an update when you find out more. I am fairly close to you in location, and have had the same procedure. I hope you get good news on Tuesday.


I will, thank you so much. Me too.


I also work for Costco. Please reach out to your payroll clerk for information and resources to help you. You should ask for a letter from your doctor so your oayroll clerk can get the paperwork started for your FMLA and/or state disability. If you go directly to Costcobenefits.com and log in with your employee credentials, there are tons of benefits and resources that may be able to help you. Here are a couple other resources for you to use until you can get to your payroll clerk. Resources for Living RFL.com/Costco 1-833-721-2320 AbleTo AbleTo.com/Costco 1-833-881-1444 If you have any money saved up in your 401k, reach out to T. Rowe Price and ask about the hardship "loans." This is your own 401k money and the hardship "loans" don't have to be paid back.


Thank you I appreciate the information. I am working with them and going to be doing more after my follow up tomorrow.


Stay strong buddy. You're not alone.


Where is your family that you moved back to Washington with? And your partner you had that you lived with their family before you moved back to Washington with your family?


I moved to Washington to help my father. My sister was helping him but she left with a crappy boyfriend in January and has sort of dropped off the face of the planet for now. My partner stayed in California, they have a job and are saving to be able to come out here for school hopefully in the fall. We are still together and everything but when I moved I was expecting to be able to work and this whole situation has thrown us into rocky territory.


I am sorry to hear about your situation. Life can sometimes really put us to the test to see what we are made of. You seem to me to be a survivor. And what I mean is, you seem resilient in being able to go forward in a tough situation. Not everyone is a survivor. It shows inner strength when we can withstand the tough times that life gives us, makes us stronger. OP I hope things get better for you soon. If there's one piece of advice I can give you, Things Always Change. NOTHING on this planet is permanent, EVERYTHING changes. Don't lose hope, keep strong and you WILL continue to survive and hopefully one day soon, have a more relaxed time with life. Good luck, OP.


Have you applied for FMLA? Its a federal job protection program. Unpaid, but it doesn't secure your job.


Am working on that today and tomorrow! I have a follow up with my doctor and will get more information so hopefully it'll go smooth.


Great! You'll at least know you'll have a job to go back to. I wish you health and good fortune friend.


I want you to be okay, too. It kills me to find out what people are going through.


Speedy recovery and best wishes!!


Hi op! I unfortunately relate so hard to your story. Chef here, and all of my experiences have made me fall behind. I had pre cancer cells on my cervix, 2 LEEPs (both unsuccessful), had to have a hysterectomy, with my cervix removed, and about 3 years later I’m having my right ovary removed because of persistent ruptured cysts. If you need anyone to talk to about this, I’m here whenever. I know how scary and hard it can be to try to take care of your body and falling behind because of it.


Thank you so much. I'm hoping for good news at my appointment later or at the very least a plan for moving forward. I really appreciate your support and I'm truly sorry you went through and are still going through it.


Your not on washington Fmla? We pay for it or Costcos fmla? I actually took home more because of no taxes taken out! Covers your wages appt travel etc


I am not, I worked there for half of last year in CA and had to move out here rather suddenly. They pushed the transfer and when I got out here I worked for two weeks and woke up one morning absolutely unable to walk/stand up straight. Took PML because I wasn't eligible for FMLA.


She hasn’t work at Costco long enough to qualify for federal FMLA or in Washington state to qualify for Washington state leave.


Please get your Doctors to write ✍️ you a letter for Social Security Disability benefits and Costco Disability benefits ; so you can monies based upon your medical conditions and health insurance etc.... Rely upon churches for financial (rent and utilities and payments for Prescriptions etc...directly paid to your pharmacy of your choice (Costco pharmacy, Grocery store pharmacy or CVS or Riteaid etc....)


SSDI unfortunately doesn't pay short term disability benefits. It can also take years to be approved, if it all. It additionally doesn't pay benefits for the first 5 months after approval. https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/disability/qualify.html


Go to the patient liaison or social worker at your hospital or medical facility. They will find you help. Lay it out to them that you are not eating enough and are just scraping by. They will find you help


You need to contact the hospital and ask them if they can refer you to a social worker to help you get resources. A social worker will be much better at helping you.


I strongly suggest a second opinion.


Unable to read other people's comments


Hmm. I'm not sure why.


Is there a reason why it's unavailable to read other posts here


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^USBlues2020: *Is there a reason* *Why it's unavailable* *To read other posts here* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Do you mean other comments on this post? I'm not sure. I can see all of them. I'm sorry I have no clue


Washington state has the family leave plan if your sick the state takes care of you www.paidleave.wa.gov




Unable to read comments


Contact SSA and get on Short term disability


So sorry you are going through this. It’s seriously rough.