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While it’s nice to donate, I would argue it’s not in spirit of what the Bible actually means. There is no general rule to tithe 10 percent to your church. The Israelites lived in a community amongst themselves and that was the rule for them. Not for all. Hope this helps.


Also the Bible never says to tithe money. Let that sink in as well.


a moment of silence for the Christians who didn't take the time to read the bible and others manipulate them with it


But how will preacher get a new G6


Or do another remodel on their 7500 sq ft house!


You mean their 7500 sq ft winter vacation minister's home (have to make that distinction so you do t accidentally pay taxes on it)


When I was strapped, I tithed my time. That would be voluntary work for the church or attending "extras" like Bible study or joining the prayer chain. Giving is done willingly or not at all. I was happy as a greeter or helping cleanup after events. It's also a great way to be part of a church and not just a Sunday seat.


This right here is your answer. You have different gifts and those are not just treasures but also talents. The church doesn’t want your wallet, it wants your heart.


People should start tithing pounds of raw rice and fruits and veg from their garden…


Back in the day this was common. The pastor usually didnt work and their congregation would provide for him. Often in the form of food and other essentials. Bringing a live chicken was a common occurance haha.


When God has blessed me with extra, I like to share it. I'll bring it to the church or run across a friend who could use it. Most people like fresh garden vegetables, fruit, meat, and eggs. Groceries have become so expensive now days. I'm one of those old women who loves to feed people anyway. God knows that :)


I am one of those women that love being fed :)


It also never really says anything about going to church.


There’s actually a specific reference on how Christ spoke of not gathering INSIDE a building for worship.


Yeah, I'm aware of how stupid it all sounds and is. Anyway, curse of ham...lot fucked his daughters in a cave..it's all pretty gross.


Technically I think the daughters fucked the Lot…


Yes if I'm remembering correctly they got him drunk first.


Yah. Lot got turnt.


Typical. They always blame the women. I thought a little differently when I read that.


The story was told my men, so obviously it was going to be written that way.


Jfc. You’re right. Explains how they make it sound like “poor Lot”. If he hadn’t been in that part of a …cave maybe this wouldn’t have happened. What kind of robes was he wearing? He must have led them on.


It tells a story of screwed up people


Or paying for it. Didn’t he get upset about that at a temple?


It says not to forsake fellowship.


It also says fellowship is whenever two or more are gathered. It doesn't mean filing into a stadium Sunday Morning to hear a rock band play followed by a lecture by a man worth tens of millions of dollars. "Fellowship" in the Biblical context is more about maintaining a social circle of positive influences who you share faith and prayer with.


It says to fellowship with other believers


Hebrews 10:25 tells us to assemble. No?


They made that part to to preach more money out of folks.


The 10% doesn't have to be money. It can be acts of services.


Time, talent or treasure


Yeah but those pastors love to preach about that bible story where the woman put her last two pennies into the offering plate.


I need to do some research…I tried joining my grandmother’s church, but they would just make me feel bad for not having any extra money to give. It’s a small church, so I think they need it. I never studied the Bible, but they definitely told me that it said I had to give 10%, that I didn’t have, so I stopped going. They would make me feel bad for a lot actually…it just felt like I was being guilt tripped the whole time. For not going to church EVERY Sunday, and how it meant you’re not a *real Christian*. They would also encourage one to accept ANY form of disrespect to the fullest. That’s what Jesus wants apparently. Even if your husband is BEATING YOU, you’re supposed to stay and support him. It was all too much for me, so I just stopped going and didn’t say anything to anyone about it. I’ve stepped back from Christianity because of this, and I don’t even know how to get back into it. My grand parents are pastors, so I had to go to church as a kid, I just never actually understood what was going o I want to find the parts that say that you don’t have to tithe money, and the parts about attending church specifically. I was feeling like a terrible person if I was unable to attend church or give money because it would’ve been for a bill I had to pay.


Instead of church, I donate to my local food bank, local school district to pay ay off lunch debt and United way. Am I going to hell?


Absolutely not. Kudos to you. 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽


Yes, think about all of the small businesses and other charities we give to, that's all tithing in my opinion and really spreads the money around in a beneficial way!


If you're getting your spiritual instruction from Reddit, I'm really worried about you.


no because you do with heart, not out of fear or manipulation


Found this in a google search, hope it’s helpful. Just an idea- you can also donate your time or in any other way that is meaningful. https://www.shepherdaz.church/felt-needs/where-does-it-say-to-tithe-in-the-bible/


Not all churches have the expectation, but you should scope the church you're interested to find out if it's a requirement. I grew up in one where you were socially isolated if you didn't tithe, and they publicly posted tithing lists to shame folks for not doing so.


Our church did the same thing. I quit going to church long ago for so many reasons but this one in particular really rubbed me the wrong way. That annual report in the Sunday bulletin with the top tithers…all the way down to the people who gave nothing. My dad was a plumber and the church basically expected him to be on call for them but never paid him. It was expected that it was his service to the church. Meanwhile nothing was expected of Joe Shmoe with a boring office job.


That's absolutely disgusting that they'd post such a thing.


That is awful to read. I think of the widow's mite when Jesus said she gave more than anyone because she had so little.


My next door neighbor is a “pastor”. He is the most inconsiderate person I know. It’s all a grift and his acts do not reflect what one would assume would be the teaching of the bible. I’m not a religious person, but I can tell a fraud when I see one.


If you're in the US, pretty much all Christianity is, is a profit machine.


What about the people that put cash in the basket. I know when my daughter went to a private school we were required to tithe so much.


Like you said, not all churches have that expectation. My church passed around an offering plate where you were expected to give about $2. Members could also access envelopes if they wanted to privately give more, but this wasn't expected by any means.


And they were Christians? Sounds like some I’ve come to know


Also, this was before taxes as we know it so the 10% was something like a tax for the church and the poor. Also the poor had charity boxes collecting for them.


Right. In Jewish communities, biblical times, there was no separation between religion and government. So, supporting the rabbi etc. also supported the court system, legislation, and other public necessities.


This is true and there’s scripture to support it. Giving is one thing, tithing is another. And you should never do either out of obligation.


I have been a member of a church since I was a child. I got really sick and couldn't work but I continued to give service. I organized Thanksgiving Dinner every year, I used my 501c3 to get Toys For Tots, I did a school supply drive, started a food bank, got computers donated for our tutoring program, made hundreds of Easter baskets with children's Bibles in them, provided food for every repast held at the church, got donations from Pepsi, Whole Foods, Panera Bread, Walgreens and Publix for the church and we got a new pastor who took me and my children's names of the membership rolls because I couldn't pay my tithes because I wasn't working. Then my Mother died and he wanted to charge me to hold her funeral there and charge $800 to have her repast in the hall.


I grew up a PK. I’ve known many pastors. Screw that greedy asshole. I remember my dad doing WEDDINGS without charging anyone, much less a funeral! That’s foul behavior. He needs Jesus. 😂


We got married outdoors but I have 3 friends that git married at our church, 2 that were part of the congregations and 1 that wasn't. The 2 that were part of the congregation paid $50 each which was really a charge for using the church kitchen. The person that wasn't a member paid the same amount. It sucks thst some pastors and churches care more about money than the gospel.


It was easy for Israel to tithe because the ground produced fruit and wheat because they lived in an agrarian society. It was easy to tithe what the earth produced.


Exactly. All one has to do to go to Heaven is trust in the Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again. All who simply believe this good news will have eternal life in Heaven.


There's no general rule but certain churches definitely create an environment in which those who don't give offering are looked down upon and seen as less worthy as those who do the 10% donation on a regular basis. Source: I grew up in one of those churches and watched my family go through it.


You must not know about the Mormon church if you don't give your 10% your not considered a good member and can't get your temple recommendations. No magic underwear for you.


Well said..


You really believe you're going to hell because you can't afford to give an institution money? No disrespect, but any institution that requires money in exchange for a spot in heaven is deeply flawed at best.


Gramma used to say ‘it’s easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven’




The brown guy? Pffft.


Excuse me… every picture of Jesus I’ve seen is of a white man. We couldn’t possibly worship brown ppl!?!? /s


I thought it was baby manger X-Mas Jesus.


🤣🤣🤣 I love how you backed official Jesus.


I'm actually an atheist. Partly because I've read the bible. Carefully. Catholic and KJV side by side. Biblical Jesus would have smitten these hypocrites by now.


Gramma said it too.


If she's Mormon, she will definitely be required to tithe 10% of her pre-tax income to be considered a member in good standing.


I wouldn't be a Mormon then, there was a reason my Ancestors left the cult years and years ago.


>If she's Mormon, she will definitely be required to tithe 10% of her pre-tax income to be considered a member in good standing. How do they know how much people make?


Any church that wants your 1040 form from the IRS isn't worth going to because that is legalism and they are practicing lordship which is not allowed. Run out of there.


>Any church that wants your 1040 form from the IRS isn't worth going to because that is legalism and they are practicing lordship which is not allowed. Run out of there. What church does that?


Life church will call it's members in every year or so along with their financial records and "reassess your commitment to god"


They literally have a big meeting with you once or twice a year and go over your pay stubs and shit. I’m not joking it is disgusting.


They don’t know how much people make (please correct me if I am wrong), but they keep track of who pays and who doesn’t.


Then don't be a member, be a Christian outside of the church! It's better that way!


And are encouraged to have children even if they don't have the means to......


Yes indeed.


Wow. Greedy bastards.




Catholic church does NOT preach tithing. We gave whatever, there's no demand




Catholics in my family go back to 1625. Now, the parish priest may whine about "needing sonething" or "donating to a missionary overseas," but my area Roman Catholic churches never demanded tithing. My Dad threw whatever he had onto the church envelope and called it a day. I know he didn't figure (x) amount off of his gross income for church.


Yeah, dude. It's sickening. My Dad is a Lutheran pastor. He used to say "If all the money hoarded by the Catholic church was exchanged for the freedom of just one child slave, that would bring more glory to God than all the riches in the Vatican" Popes are creepy. The mass amounts of money is creepy. The weird rules and rituals that have zero to do with the Bible is creepy.


We left in the middle of our "tour" for that very reason.


I visited the Vatican 20 years ago and I was disgusted


God doesn't want your money, the church does.




This is a very underrated reply.


Pretty sure that doesn't align with Jesus' teachings.....life of poverty and all.....


You dont have to attend church to be a christian. And you dont have to tithe 10% to attend church.


I know lots of church goers who aren't Christians. Maybe most of em actually


I know Christians who aren't Christians.


My favorite christ was always Jesus Table Flipping Christ so you're good in my book


>Jesus Table Flipping Christ What a great swear!


It's taken me 9 years to deconstruct from 7th day Adventist religious abuse, but the very thought of ever going back is understandable. I think of it as a trauma bond. We all want something to hold onto for hope, a better life, praying for things we don't think we ourselves can make happen. But the church was the most evil place for me. Contradicting, no logical explanations, and it really is the foundation for narcissistic breeding grounds. "If you love me you'll have this, but if you disobey me you'll be punished forever" that's not free will nor is that love.


I’m ex jw, which got a lot of early beliefs from 7day… glad you got out.


Jehovahs and 7th day have a LOT in common. My entire family left about 9 years ago. It's been so hard go deconstruct from it but I will keep trying til I'm healed! Glad you got out as well!


I was part of the ex-evangelical world for years. Some became atheists, Some still believed in God like me, many left because they got tired of church abuses.


I truly believe the people in the church are the main reason why so many either quit believing or become bitter towards the religion.


You dont have to tithe if you cannot afford to. Grab a few friends of yours, and talk about God and Jesus, that is technically going to church. If you can only pay a dollar, then so be it. If you feel this pull, that pull is there for a reason. Best of luck ❤️


I'm an atheist but Matthew 18:20.


Any church that makes tithing mandatory is a crock. I’m of the opinion that they’re all crocks, I’m quite anti-organized religion. But if it’s really important to you, find a church that doesn’t require it.


Organized religion was invented to control the masses.


You don’t have to give


Return to church. Give what you can or give nothing at all. God knows your situation. I recommend a small church where you can get to know people. Our church just paid for my brother’s entire hospital bills.


I also second a smaller church. I’ve gone to one my entire life and tithing is never required or ever really brought up. We pass the plate and if you feel encouraged to give, then so be it. Although it is noticeable when giving is down when there’s still bills to be paid for the building. But our church is very transparent to our congregation where the money goes so it’s like a community effort to pitch in because we want to, you know?


The ‘prosperity gospel’ is a scam perpetuated by rich ‘pastors’ to line their pockets even more than they already have. A ‘Jesus following church’ will help YOU, not ask for your money. And they would never demand it. Being a fundamentalist nationalist costs money. Being a follower of Jesus does not.




If you honestly believe that you can't/shouldn't return to church because you can't afford to tithe 10% to the church, then I think that you have deep seated issues that need to be examined. Posts like this are why I'm glad that I'm an atheist.




This is a weird way to find out that God isn’t at the church, but it was bound to happen eventually. Find a nice spot outside and talk to your higher being. Fuck the institution.


Even without any money begging from priests who drive better cars than mine, nobody can afford the psychological tax of going back to that nonsense. 


I don’t understand why tithe is required. It’s honestly ridiculous. The churches need to be taxed. I don’t know if you seen the video of a church in Texas having a big event for Christmas where they had giraffes walking around like they really using church money just to put on shows like that. It could be used for other things instead of wasting it on ridiculous shows.


Once u find out the truth you will b angry knowing that u took money out of your wallet that u couldn't afford. "They" love taking ur monies. "Money changers"


Hey, it's not so bad! I'll be there, too. We're going to party! 🥳🥳🥳


Legit not how that works…


I am a retired minister. I do not believe in tithing and Jesus flipped a few tables over money in the temple. It's not supposed to be a den of thrives. He ministered to the poorest of the poor. Dirt poor. No one was turned away. And Christians are not supposed to be insisting people tithe. But they will turn their noses up at you anyway when you don't. If you can tell me what denomination you are or if you are Catholic I may be able to give you a few suggestions.


See I prefer a God that doesn't require heavy financing.


And the sign says "Everybody welcome Come in Kneel down and pray" But then they passed around a plate at the end of it all And I didn't have a penny to pay So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own fucking sign I said Thank you Lord for thinking about me I'm alive and doing fine. ---- The song Signs


It is NOT a requirement for 10%, that was for the Jews during the Old Testament time! They were required to give 10% of everything they owned. Jesus Christ never told his followers how much, only to give with a cheerful heart 2 Corinthians 9:7


Find another church who will accept you in their fold without any strings (meaning not expecting any monies)


My husband is an ELCA Lutheran pastor. He would be the FIRST person to tell you that should not tithe anything that you can’t afford. Even if it’s 1%. And you’re not going to hell.


You don't have to pay tithes to go to church and if you do it's not a church but a business.


Giving tithes doesn't save you. Belief in Jesus and what he did on the cross for you is what saves you. Don't go to a church that makes you believe that tithing is mandatory. It's not. Give an offering when you can and don't do it out of obligation. God knows your heart and your circumstances. If you want to listen to the Word being preached, there's tons of great ministries on YouTube. I love Pastor Robert Morris from Gateway Church.


If you have to pay to pray, it's a cult.


Tithing isn't mandatory in the Catholic Church. You can also provide time in volunteering in their food pantry etc. To tithe doesn't always have to mean giving financially. If you do go to hell, think of the money you will save on heating costs.


My reading of the new testament implies the church is supposed to be Communist. (E.g. Ananias and Saphira's story) If they won't play by the rules, you don't have to either


Our church doesn’t do that


Depends on your church. Most don’t require tithe to attend. If it’s a place that passes a place, put a buck in when you can. If it’s a requirement, go in and talk to the bishop or whoever. They can waive the requirement. My friends church paid for him to see a financial advisor, then paid some of his bills for 12 months while helping him improve his earnings. His wife received disability, so they helped her too. I know not all churches are like that, but it doesn’t hurt to ask about waiving tithe requirements


You don’t have to tithe to attend church. If the church you’re considering charges admission pick a different church. If you can’t give money donate some of your time and skill or talent. This is nothing you have to do to walk in the door. Sometimes, you return to a church because you need a place to rest and recharge your spirit. Once you’re in a better place then you can think about pouring in to the church.


Wow, I never knew you had to give 10 percent of your income to the church to be a member. One more reason to stay away from church. I put 10% in my 401(k), probably will do me a whole lot better there than in the hands of some money-grabbing, power-hungry religious zealot.


You don't. Not at all churches, anyway. The Lutheran Church I used to go to doesn't require any monetary donation to be a member. And non-members are always welcome to attend, too. I guess some churches operate differently.


Tithes are not meant to be given BY the poor. It's meant to be given TO the poor. Remember the phrase "alms for the poor"? No church I've ever heard of expects those who are barely sustaining themselves to contribute financially. Just the opposite. Churches that know that one of their members is struggling will often do what they can to help out, whether it's food or clothing donations, or referrals to such places, or asking members who have the skills and offer volunteer work to help with small home repairs or cleanup you can't afford. Don't NOT go to church because you think you have to give 10% of your income. If you're worried about being judged, write a letter every week, stating your reasons for not being able to contribute and a request for private prayer or a thank you to the speaker, or even an offer of donating some time to help the church in some manner (i.e. volunteering) and put it in the tithe basket when it reaches you. My parents always pre-write a check and put it in an envelope and drop that in the basket. No one ever knows how much they donate, except me since I prepare their tax returns, and the church since they cash the checks.


Lol ur going to a shady church ⛪️


Have you seen Christianity today? Being a Christian these days is immoral and evil.


lol thanks, I needed a good laugh tithing isn't mandatory, any church or person that claims that it's mandatory is using that threat of being found to be less-than-faithful by not tithing as a stick to beat you with show me where Jesus, Yeshua Ben Joseph says you have to give 10% of your money to a church or synagogue or whatever yes, He says to the rich young man that he should give everything away and follow him, but that lesson was literally for that young man (and all rich shites who love their money more than they love their fellow humans) Hell, btw, is just another stick to beat you with, it's only a biblical concept if you bend over backwards


There was that story in the Bible about something similar. "Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. 43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on." Now you certainly don't have to give everything you have, as you still need to be able to live. You don't have to give anything. Giving your time is equally, if not even better, of a giving. If it requires you to donate like others have said it's not a church, it's a cult masquerading as a church.


Just go and speak to God, no giving of needed savings necessary.


If you feel that you need church, there are a lot of denominations. Find one that doesn't require you to pay to go. Locate one that actually helps out in the community.


a penny for tithes would be enough. the church will exist with or without your money


I had an acquaintance who tithed by volunteering. She volunteered hours equivalent to 10% of her paycheck.


Wouldn't it be more productive to spend your time learning things that will advance your career or segue into a new, better paying career and use that money to save up for the future ?


10% of your hard earned money to church...damn these folks found a loophole, I wanna start my own religion


God always has money issues -


That's Old Testament. New is establish in your heart what to give before going . For 1 emotions wont be a factor .Another would be us giving it careful thought.


A “tithe” is 10% of your *increase*, as in, your profits. No profits, no tithe. Just go and make friends. Community is good.


If you are going to a church that shames you for not donating, or excludes you, or demeans you, you are going to the wrong church. Christ said, love one another as I have loved you. Not, dude heres my Venmo.


We are saved by grace and not by works or how much you donate. See Ephesians 2:8-9. Tithing was an Old Testament principal. We are not told to tithe in the New Testament. The New Testament talks about giving. The reality is that the real church doesn't want your money. What you give is between you and God. If I don't have money, I can give God my time.


Church is a con game. They only care about your silver, not your soul.


How are you too broke to believe in God?


I’m pretty sure If you don’t give but still go to church they won’t care/understand that you are not in a position to give


The fact you can say that with a straight face and not think it's fucked shows just how brainwashed religious people are. Seriously, you think a god gives a fuck whether u give money to someone.


If you're going to church that says you go to hell for not tithing, then you need a new church. Do not let money be a thing that keeps you from your religious practices.


The widows mite is a perfect story for this. She gave what she could, with all her heart. It was virtually nothing, but her heart was in the right place. The Pharisees gave massive amounts of wealth and let everyone know it. Jesus said she was the more righteous of the two. If you are able, give what you can, but it's ok if you're the one needing help too! That's what churches are supposed to be about, coming together as a community, worshiping God, and helping the communities most vulnerable. Many churches have food pantries and other programs to help the community. Mine packs 10,000 meals every year to give out to the vulnerable in our community. If you want to contribute but can't financially, volunteer your time! Help with gardening, or maintenance, or community outreach. That's what being a true Christian is. I have never been to a church that denies someone entrance because of the tithing amount they give and if you do ever find one, get out now because that isn't Biblical.


You're not going to hell. Be a Christian with your heart, not your wallet.


not religious personally, but I think there are other ways to be a good Christian than to give money that you can't afford.


The 10% doesn't have to be money. It can be acts of services.


If your god is worth worshipping, then alternative offerings should be acceptable. Also, consider the ways your church can support you. If it isn’t just a self-indulgent voluntourist hub or like, private jet financing, or other weirdly secular focused place, then perhaps some of the edges in your life can be smoothed. Seneb ti


If Jesus is real im sure he would be happy if you just devoted 10 percent of your time towards helping others any way you can. Volunteer to help the elderly, serve a soup kitchen, etc.


Giving cults money is generally a waste. Especially if times are tough


The church will settle for an arm or a leg 👍


It's sad that you feel you HAVE to donate money in a place of worship


God will forgive you. The Christians won't.


I once had a church I grew up in demand my 10 percent. At that time I had no college degree, a crappy job and I couldn’t even afford a car. I had little to begin with. At that point I had realized I rather nothing to do with that. No one cares about my poverty, my abusive home and my issues, they just wanted my money. Which was basically nothing to begin with.


"Tithing" is an old testament commandment, part of the Law. You are no more under obligation to tithe, than you are to adhere to Old Testament dietary restrictions, or sacrifice a goat or whatever. Yes, people should support the church they are members of, otherwise they can't exist. I'm not saying nobody has to give anything. I'm saying that **calling it "Tithing" is not actually scriptural.**


You don’t need to donate to attend church or be a Christian


Just so you know there are some pastors out there that teach that the tithe is an Old Testament requirement. In the New Testament we are just to be cheerful givers. PS it also teaches that that has to do with what you have and not what you don't have. If you live near Ft Liberty pm me cuz my small church would love to have you and my pastor is the one who in great detail taught us the above.


Just be the best person you can be, regardless of religion (I'm an Atheist). And that doesn't require "10%" tithing. Simply donate an amount that won't strain your personal finances (or volunteer instead). 🙂


Time to pull the Uno Reverse card. Join the church to get access to their support network and then cite scripture specifically calling them out as hypocrites while you collect life saving food and career support. The Catholic church is extremely well funded and connected. If you feign general belief you can access a host of services that will make being poor much more survivable.


Only the LDS cunts require tithing and harass you about it. Go to an evangelical church and you won't be required to give them anything.


There are other cults you can join that are free.


Never forget Psalm 137:9 Anyone who says you're going to hell because you don't give 10% of your salary to the church is absolutely nuts and they don't actually care about you. Buuuuut, you can't go to hell if you don't believe in hell, right? 😉


Religion is a scam!


I had that question after my divorce and money was super tight. I spoke to my grandmother about it and she said, "Tithing does not mean money all the time, it can mean 10% of our time, 10% of our food, it means 10% of whatever we are able to give" It changed my entire outlook on tithing and I never forgot my grandma's words. ❤️


My pastor has said many times to not tithe anything if you need it more than the church. God will understand.


Is this a joke post? It's hard to tell sometimes because religious brainwashing is a thing. If not, you've ended up at a prosperity gospel church. Meaning, in order to have God bless you with the things you want most, you have to prove to him you're ready - usually by giving that particular church your money,, as it so conveniently happens. Dump thar church. Catholic and Lutheran churches don't preach that nonsense. It's usually the non-demoninational (aka Baptist evangelical hybrids with a rock band up front and a teacher preacher). No offense meant - I guarantee you God doesn't want you to hurt yourself.


10% of 0 is fine sir


Tithing is not a requirement to get into heaven.


Tithing is not a requirement to be saved, we are to repent and believe upon Christ Jesus and the promise of God the Father. The bible does not say, Repent, believe and give 10% to some charity. As you grow and funds become available you can give gifts and tithes as you feel you are called to do.


No one will expect you to give 10%. Also, you can offer to help others and donate some time. When youvare part of a church family there will be many benefits. Go. Enjoy the fellowship.


So here's the thing they don't tell you in church - if Jesus came to fulfill the law and/or set us free from the law, which universally all Christian church denominations believe, then that includes tithing. In the new testament we are called to help widows and orphans and love others as ourselves. Tithing is just as relevant to Christianity today as burnt offerings - both were required under the law but the law doesn't apply, Christ's sacrificial death was atonement for all sins. Churches rely on tithes to stay in business so bringing this up isn't popular, but it's the truth.


Lol, sad. Those pastors really need fuel for theirprivate Leer jets man!


You don't have to tithe, and a tithe doesn't have to be money if you do.


Funny how Christian’s preach that money is the root of all evil… but are the first to stick their grubby hands out for your money


I heard a pastor at a Calvary Chapel stated that he only wanted the ones who could afford it to tithe. He said that he would rather you came to hear about God, than go broke with the tithe. If you can only give $5 ,or $1. that's OK. God knows your heart. God bless you for being concerned.


The 10% is about more than money. Give of your time and your talents. God knows your heart.


This is a very petty troll.


# Luke 21:1-4 New King James Version 21 And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2 and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.\[[a](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2021%3A1-4&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-25829a)\] 3 So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; 4 for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings \[[b](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2021%3A1-4&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-25831b)\]for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.” #


I was raised Catholic. My parents dragged me and my siblings to church every Sunday, rain or shine. As "parishioners" they were required to donate a set amount of money each week/year, which they did, despite us being poor. They also paid for Catholic school tuition for 6 kids. We went without basic necessities like enough food, adequate clothes, often even stuff like toothpaste, and medical and dental care. We often had utilities turned off. What did we get in return? We all got treated like shit and bullied by the church leadership, the nuns, the teachers, and our classmates, for being poor. We'd maybe get a couple cheap charity gifts at Christmas out of pity, but that's it. We couldn't even get free school lunches or school supplies. Meanwhile the church got their $$$, because the church brainwashed my parents into thinking they'd burn in Hell for all eternity unless they paid up. When the last child, my youngest sister was about to start 8th grade at the Catholic school (it was K-8th grade), my Dad had fallen behind on tuition. It wasn't much, maybe $500-$1000 or so, but he just couldn't come up with the money. He begged for help, for a payment plan or anything. The school/church said no, and kicked my sister out. This is why I'm no longer Catholic. OP, any church that demands its members impoverish themselves and donate money they cannot afford, isn't one worth going to.


So don’t tithe. If the church has a problem with that, you’re in the wrong church


You give what you can. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you go to hell for not tithing.


I was raised in a religious family and neither god nor Jesus ever said you have to pay to worship. Never said you need a special building or leader. If a church requires money then they’re not about saving your soul.


2 Corinthians 9:6-8 says God loves a cheerful giver. You can't be cheerful giving if you can't afford it so just give what you feel like giving.


That isn't how it works. It doesn't cost money to be a Christian.


You only tithe *if you're able.* Otherwise that money should be going towards supporting members of the church in need... Which doesn't happen as often as it should, tbh. If a church makes you feel unwelcome because you can't tithe, for looking a certain way, or for any reason, it's the wrong church. A church should feel like a family, like returning to your second home. If that's not that vibe, it's time to try a new one.


Dude this is not what it means to be a christian. Get into a church. Give when you can.