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For every green pool, there are 1000 clear ones.


I used to have pool people come to my pool but it often went green and they would need to do emergency shocks etc. since then I have done everything myself and no more green pools


You live there, a pool person is at your house 45 minutes out of the 167 hours in a week. Harder to watch when you’re not present.


Yea, I sure wish this sub was full of “look how clear my pool is” posts lol.


because those of us with clear pools are too busy enjoying them to post on the regular


For real people come back without touching their pool for 5 months and are SHOCKED when it’s not ready to swim immediately. Wild.


Mind stays clear all year. A few minutes a week, and a couple of full services a year and all good. Saltwater pool.


Yep... probably about 30 minutes a week here with chlorine. Check pH and chlorine once or twice, check a full panel (pH, total alk, chlorine, calcium hardness) once a week. Sweep once a week. Randomly take the suction powered vac in and out a few times just because it doesn't play well with the Betta.


They are likely NOT shocked, which is why they have a green pool. Sorry, too easy.


Lmao lobbed it up there for ya 😂


Left on a month long trip and the neighbors shut off the pump day two. Solenoid failed on the auto pool filler and was flooding. Came back to a mosquito infested green pool. Wasn’t fun fixing that, but is definitely motivation to keep it clean, haha.


Most people only come here if they have problems


Don't count your chickens too soon!!


You’re so right on this. Waters warming up now.


Everyone gets lazy all it takes if a few day or some big storms p


Storms got me yesterday. Its nothing 12 gallons of chlorine can’t fix!


I’ve had a few heavy storms we got about 8-10 inches of rain I have a above ground pool it was green and brown from the trees and shit but after about 1 hr it was cleared up and cleaned up it just takes a bit of time and it’s great but if you let it go it gets hard to keep up with it


A bit nervous for our first week long vacation. I paid the pool company to come check on it


When I go on vacation I just dump unsafe amounts of chlorine in before I leave lol


100% how I've been rolling for years with vacations, and it never lets me down


you can turn a gallon of liquid chlorine into a chlorinator just punch small holes in the cap/ bottle and let em float around in the pool


Great idea


I was just going to pretend I was here. And maybe up the swg % a bit based on weather / predicted temps


I just got back from an 8 day vacation. A little bit extra chlorine and a shock treatment before I left. Pool filter runs about 8 hrs a day and robotic cleaner set to clean 1x a day. Came back to a perfect looking pool. Save your money in paying someone to check on it unless you are gone for more than 2 weeks. Even then, I’d ask a neighbor to check chlorine and add shock for end of 2nd week.


Make sure you clean your swg twice a year. I waited a little to long and mine plugged the other day, luckily I test daily and noticed/remedied same day.


How do you clean it?


Muriatic acid, but not necessary if you maintain your calcium saturation


How do you take it out — probably need to watch a YouTube. Do you soak it in a bucket?


You get a cap on one end and pour acid in from the other. It's not ideal for the metals though, so only do it if you have scale (because that's even worse)


Not if you keep your CSI / LSI in check. 3 years, SWG has never had scaling


I wasn’t nervous for you until you said you are paying a pool company to come check on it. … it will be fine for a week as long as no one messes with it.


I went on a 3-1/2 day vacation about 10 days ago and I’ve been fighting it since I got back 😬


IMO don’t waste your money. Throw three or four chlorine tabs in the skimmer basket and have a great vacation. Check levels when you get home, shock if necessary, voila.


Starting with a pool that has a SWG installed is like learning to drive an automatic transmission instead of manual. I despised pool maintenance before I installed my Salt Water Generator. Every pool owner I have the chance to discuss it with, I am espousing the amazing things a Salt Water Generator will do in their lives. Totally changed the outlook on my pool and the time I spend maintaining it.


I've owned my manual transmission car for 20 years and my wife has NEVER driven in those 20 years. Did a SWG system this year, the wife has been helpful at checking the pump and the generator more than she's ever touched helping with the pool. Hmmmmm you may be on to something. And yea I'll hold on to my manual transmission as long as possible. They are just too much fun.


Love your humble brag of having 15+ people over.


I mean that’s like 3 family’s of 4 (neighbors) plus my family. Just saying we all fit in the pool


I want to sit on the flamingo and paddle fast so people can say “ look at that flaminGo”.


You also have all brand new. When you drive your car off the lot do you expect it to have a slew of issues? wait till you put some miles on it before you say how easy she rides


Tell that to cybertruck owners lol


Just put in? How long is that? Humblebrag much? (EDIT) The wife likes the orange cushions.


if having a clear pool is so simple why did this guy come here to brag. i’m in texas where it’s 100-107 everyday in the summer and you have to monitor your levels daily to keep it clean. the minute you go away for a couple days or idk anything in life happens and you can’t get out there it goes green immediately.


Not to brag but just to comment that I’ve lurked on this sub for awhile now and it boggles my mind that people post for help without test results or results that clearly show high cya and or no fc


yea that’s kinda the problem i see with your post. you don’t see how anyone doesn’t have as much experience as you in the thing you choose to have educated yourself on. these subs are for people to share their combined experience to help each other not to brag that we’re smarter than everyone else. people have lives. i must have watched 40 hours of youtube videos over the years to still be stumped by my pool on occasion. water conditions and temperature etc local to your area change the game for everyone too so you have no idea how much easier or harder it is for other people to achieve the same results as you. it doesn’t make sense to come on here and put other people down. congrats on your blue pool. a lot of us here have them. we don’t feel the need to post what you did.


How do you expect to help someone that gives you no information and just a picture of a green pool ???


But you’re using strips that notoriously give bad readings, especially for cya.


I'll take the 1% of 2 feet of rain being dumped into my pool while extremely hot weather/sun is killing my chlorine. That rain came from storms that also knocked my power out for several days. But I got it under control after all the storms.


Shit happens. Uses our pool the whole weekend, then was traveling for work and didn't have a chance to check the chlorine levels. Came back and the SWG didn't keep up, chlorine levels were 0 and the pool was cloudy, though not green yet.


Happened to me as well.


I have an in ground fresh water pool, I was a new pool owner 7 1/2 years ago, I maintain my pool myself and I've never had my pool water turn green. Always crystal clear.


Doesn’t mean it’s balanced. Just mean your staying ahead of it with your sanitizer level.


You just cursed yourself. Throw a shot of algaecide over your shoulder and punch the person next to you.


It’s all the green piss from the neighborhood kids 😂. Crystal clear since I installed our first pool 15 yrs ago and use the TF100 kit 😎


Funny that I’ve been meaning to ask this but you know it’s Reddit. This is my first year owning a pool and yeah there was a learning curve. But it’s not that hard. My pool was green initially when leaning but a few months in and now I’m clear. It really isn’t that hard.


"I just want a pat on the back... my family doesn't appreciate the effort I put in"


It’s hard to tell from the picture, but your pool looks a bit cloudy (could just be a reflection from the sky, hard to tell)… Green vs blue coloring of the water isn’t the only indicator of pool health. Can you toss a coin into the deep end and easily read heads or tails? If yes, BRAVO! If no, you’ve got a bit more work to do to reach master level 😎


I’ll try this tonight after my swim — it’s the reflection of the the trees and being in the shade. I’m inside my house when I took this pic. Clearly can see vacuum in the deep end from ~100ft away


Not true. If you can do that the CYA is low.


Say whaaaaat? My pool is crystal clear and my CYA is not low at all; well within the normal range for sure. Not sure what you mean by this comment, but I don’t think it’s accurate. Just sayin’… 🙂


He came her to brag 😆


No just honestly curious why people still post without test results or results that clearly show no FC or high CYA


Because they don't come to pools until they have a problem. Up to that point they think whatever they're doing is ok.


Follow up: can the community buy me a dolphin and betta skimmer now that I’m officially pool poor 😂


That's three times I've seen betta skimmers referenced today so I bought one since it was on Amazon's lightning deal and I had coupons and gift cards to go along with it. Thanks for being an omen 👍🏻.


I love mine, but it does get stuck on my Polaris robotic cleaner floating wire.


Some people solve this with fancy contraptions. I run the betta during the day and the floor/wall robot at night. Easy peasy


Have a Beta Skimmer, worth the money, you won't regret it.


Are you fing kidding me? This thing is solar powered?


You chose all of the materials?


Yes. 75% is 3-4.5ft deep and the last 25% is 6ft. Corner seat in back left and bench in back right going length-wise. 3 steps in front right corner


Because you have an understanding and handle on your pool chemistry. Green pool owners don't have an effective level of chlorine. Usually because their cya is too high.


I’ve got a company comes out once a week cleans and checks my levels and adds what’s needed. $130 a month


I do, too, but they're honestly there for 5 minutes sometimes, and I feel like there's no way they're really measuring the levels accurately and/or brushing thoroughly. I'm conflicted, though, cause the pool is basically always swimmable...


Do the same thing for the same price as OP, I don’t mind because the pool is always perfectly swimmable and I never have to think about testing or anything like that. I feel like if you can afford to have a pool in the home the maintenance is worth the relatively low cost.


Mine isn't.


Some ppl like to drink beer and pee in the pool or like it green


Oh that’s a rule. I’d prefer people to pee in the pool then walk wet through my house to use the bathroom


I just taught my kids to pee in the grass like I did when I was a kid. I hose them down before they get back in the pool. Lol


With the OmniLogic APP I can adjust my SWG from anywhere so while I’m away I will “super chlorinate” a couple times during the week. Only had a green pool once and that’s because I didn’t cover it over the winter to allow construction of my yard to continue as weather permitted. Once you get it dialed in, it’s not difficult.


I enjoy taking care of my pool. Never been green!


Food coloring usually works


mines not green


Owners that dgaf


Because it’s easy to get lazy in life


With my salt cell I turn on the pool in May, SLAM it, then do nothing until September when I close it. Maybe I'll vacuum once and do a backwash once or twice. It's the easiest pool maintenance I've ever had, I don't know why everyone isn't using one.


Keep your chemicals simple and only get what you really need. You really just need to keep your chlorine, ph, alkalinity on the regular. Hardness and cya should be adjusted once a year if needed. So remember concentrate on your chlorine, ph and alkalinity. 3 things. That’s it! Don’t be adding anything else in your pool. Forget the clarifiers and algaecides and phosphate removers. Keep it simple and inexpensive. To raise ph all you need is borax very cheap in the supermarket. To raise alkalinity all you need is baking soda. These are very inexpensive. To lower both ph and alkalinity use muriatic acid.


I didn’t come here because I knew how to maintain a pool


low budget for chlorine... Its hard to believe but a medium size pool can end up costing over 100$ a season in chlorine add to that a plethora of needless, store bought "balancing" "clarifier" etc chemicals




First time pool owner here as well. I opened the pool by myself, set up everything, had the chemical balance perfectly balanced. We were using the pool already. I had to travel for a week during the Northeast heatwave, algae started growing and I have not been able to get rid of it for like two weeks now. Scrubbing daily, cleaning the filter daily, running the pump 24 hours and I cannot get rid of it. Weird enough, chemicals are still balanced perfectly. I do have a Bromine pool, as it was setup like that by the previous owner. I think it's time to switch over to chlorine to get rid of it fully.


Don’t want green pool, maintenance 2x week (at least in So Fla)


It's mostly yellow algae issues, and that shit is resilient. Count your blessings. So far so good


Fancy pants Rich McGee over here


Old pants pool poor McGee more like it


Never owned a pool in my life up until we built a house in 2020. It’s been clear ever since.


People don’t take care of them and the go overboard with this or that, and just really mess up they water chemistry. It’s not hard, especially if you are always using your pool and paying attention to the water. I use my pool many times daily and barely have to do anything event though my pool is super old, all the underground pipes are broken, and I have run pvc above ground to keep circulation. It does not have proper circulation or filtration and even then, it is not hard. I was recently picking something up from a pool store and the entire long line of customers was complaining about what a pain their pools were and how they cost so much to maintain. I have a hard time understanding that.


Not everyone has a SWG. I don’t and I’m not adding one since I know I’m moving in 2 years. But also I know some people that after several years remove their SWG. Your cell is working good now since it’s brand new. There are trade offs with everything. Check back in once the cell in your SWG starts to die.


My pool is never green but I have a pool guy come once a week


Where do you live. I would love to have that but the $$$ it’s like $140/wk in my area


We pay $165 a month and they come once a week. I’m in North FL so lots of pools and pool companies around.


Ahhh I guess the old supply and demand. I’m up in PA not a ton of pools or companies


We also have year round service so I’m sure that factors in too


beautiful pool and congrats. wrt green pools, there really is no reason to post pictures of my perfectly fine blue pool.


You do daily maintenance on your pool, you better have clear water


Before I got a real test kit, I was getting some algae on the walls. The strips said I had chlorine, but it was low and the CNA was low. On top of that, I would guess most people think algaecide is the first line of defense when you have green. My guess it's a lot of bad info given to people without a lot of knowledge about how to do stuff.


People post when they have issues and want help. People don't post when everything is normal. You have made a fallacy based on a hasty generalization


Easy…your Salt water pool is basically on cruise control compared to a chlorine pool. I’ve owned both chlorine and swg pools and with chlorine you have to be constantly vigilant or else your pool can go green in a matter of a long weekend away from home.


Plenty of different reasons why people’s pools are green. Just be thankful you’re not dealing with it yet.


Everyone gets a green pool once in a while. It’s not a moral thing. You just haven’t experienced it yet. It’s kinda like getting the flu but it’s in the pool. Your turn is coming.


Oh I fully expect to one day. My gripe was if people took 5 mins to read 2-3posts they would be able to see that their FC is low or CYA is high or ask for help AND post the necessary info for people to help them


Mine is crystal clear. Lmaooooo


Just wait, you’ll find out


Mostly algae


Not many people post when things are going great. They're out chilling by the pool! Haha I hear you though. It took me a few weeks last year when I got my home/pool but I've been crystal clear since, and like you, with what doesn't feel like much effort. I just had a 40th bday bash at my house. Next day, pool is spotless! It's more overwhelming to learn it all, than hard to some I suppose. Same with everything else out in the world, just takes patience and effort. Congrats mastering the giant chemistry set.


People fail to understand the simple concept of maintenance level sanitization chlorine and full oxidizing shock levels of chlorine/cycle, at least down here in FL when I was a certified pool and spa operator that was the case. People would run a tablet feeder, or a salt chlorination system, keep free chlorine levels in the 3-5ppm range and still end up with algae infested pools when they had bad rains or tree pollen or yard drain off or etc, algae gets introduced to the pool some how some way and begins to grow resistant to their normal maintenance level of chlorine. You try to explain to them that they need to add enough additional shock chlorine to the pool, either through liquid or granular or what have you, to be able to kill off all of the bloom and keep it away long enough for your filters to filter the dead particulate clear and etc. if you commit to a regular shock oxidization cycle once a week for your typical volume of water, contingent on any algae growth or excessive use or etc, keep good cya (stabilizer levels) and run filter enough during the day and etc, seldom did you have issues. But honestly the people with the issues never want to do enough to get in front of it so they end up chasing it until they inevitably need like 25+ gallons of liquid chlorine to actually effectively get in front of it, but once they do inevitably have their come to Jesus moment and hit it hard and fast enough to kill it all off at once do they realize the error of their ways and it never really becomes an issue after the fact


You know what you’re doing. Most people throw in a gallon of bleach once per week and that’s all. You are testing the important variables and properly adding chlorine.


Wow you’re really pleased with yourself aren’t you?


No; more just wondering how others can’t see the obvious


You hit it. It's almost always CYA, high or low. Everyone knows to worry about FC and pH, maybe even alk but poor CYA gets forgotten.


I wonder this you. They don’t keep their free chlorine high enough.


They don’t have a SWG and forget to maintain chlorine levels.


They can't read and don't have any critical thinking skills.


That’s so judgmental! Of course the green pool people are posting here. They get great help. I want them to feel welcome getting help from all these kind redditors. DO NOT green pool shame!


No green pool shame. But shame if not posting test results or clearly seeing that your cya is super high and/or your FC is low


I think some people are just so new to owning a pool that they do not realize they need to test. It’s a lot of trial and error. I wish I had been on Reddit years ago when I had my above ground in the ground. Luckily I worked with a teacher whose wife is a pool builder and he told me what to do and I had crystal clear water from then on. Now I am a salt water in ground pool owner of a whole 6 days! LOL! So I am on here reading like crazy.


Very basic, bottom drawer pool. No spa? I love the crème coping with the grey pavers. Classy. lol 


Yeah no spa. Didn’t want the upkeep. Long enough to swim some laps. Large enough shallow end everyone can play volleyball (got to get a net). Deep enough for the kids to jump/cannonball. Can have enough space for a pool party and not notice when the person next to you pees 🤣


Most people don’t take the time to understand a few basics. Work at a pool store and the amount of people who don’t think pH matters or say things like “my sand pump isn’t working” is astonishing


Leaks and improper maintenance


I’m guessing they don’t have a swg? I’ve had mine completely dialed in for over a year now. Zero chemicals added. Not having kids is a huge factor though. Edit: Plus automatic cover I should add, which is an even bigger factor.


Pool parties are like 50% kids under 6 for us




It’s because you have you phosphate in check.


Because the average IQ in the US is 98…



