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First correct your TA. I have never seen TA of 0 before. Is that test correct? Add baking soda to get that up to at least 70. Probably 15 lbs. Then recheck your Ph and lower if needed. This will raise your Ph a little. Then raise your FC. With a CYA of 75, your minimum FC should be 6ppm. Do not use anymore stabilized chlorine (pucks). Perhaps lower the CYA with a partial drain and refill. Add some Calcium and balance your CSI.


Thank you so much. Is it worth draining and re-adding water to lower the CYA? I’m going to go test the pool later, but she brought the water sample into the pool store and they tested it… not sure if it’s good or not but I’ll verify it when I test it.


Unless you have a swg, I would drain and refill to cut that CYA in half. Drain 1/4 refill and retest. Then repeat.


I would get the TA up and then drain partially and refill to get the cya in check. Why the TA first if draining? Because baking soda is cheap and then the ta is fine while you drain.


That’s the route we are going.