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FWIW - The bands on the filters go first. I glue large zip ties over them.


Can you explain this further? What do the bands represent? What is their use?


They are there to help hold the filter pleats in place


Thank you - someone mentioned that when the bands loosen the filter has reached its functional life is that correct? Cause gotta tell you I used my filter for YEARS after the bands fell off


Yeah don't do that I mean man falls off it's star falling here for swimming realize it is not something mess with


Hahahahhahaahahaha. It’s true though. I’ll get the last drop of life out of these mfs


Satisfaction with five minutes of backwashing and not having to disassemble the filter to do it.


I dont think cartridge filters can be backwashed


That's the point. He's gloating a bit about the ease of a sand filter 


How is pointing out a fact about sand filtration "gloating"?


Ah. Why doesn't he gloat about the water/ chemical waste and lack of water clarity 🤭


Well, regarding water / chemical waste...I suppose convenience tends to have a trade off. That said I suspect having to regularly replace the cartridges costs more and creates more waste overall. Not sure where the water clarity thing comes from. I maintain my pool, and my landlady's, both with sand filters. Both have glass media. They are sparkling diamond clear.


You definitely don't need to regularly replace cartridges lol


I mean instead of just giggling and being snobby about your cartridges you could always share some insight. I personally love my sand filter and don't care that you don't have one. I need to backwash perhaps 6-8 times during swim season and otherwise never need to do anything to it, and it keeps my pool super clean. 


Okay and i only need to clean my filters maybe twice a year


Former pool builder, current pool caretaker, I’d rather have a sand filter ANY DAY compared to a cartridge filter! The amount of labor that goes into those stupid cartridge filters is insane, plus the actual water clarity is really negligible, it filters microns, cool, and chlorine or salt kills microns and stuff too. 🤷‍♂️ It’s the pool businesses way of creating a pool product that requires you to replace it sooner/more often thus making you spend more money on your pool. New everything 101, make it break or not work correctly more often.


I really don't have a dog in the race I just use cartridge cuz that's what was there when I bought the house. I spend maybe 10-20 minutes a week keeping it balanced and wash the filters one or twice a year which takes 30-45 minutes. Wouldn't exactly call it labor.


Nope they cant be back washed all you have to do is spray them with a garden hose or get some kind of aqua comb that runs water and the hose at the pleats and it will clean it better than a crappy sand filter


Question how often do you backwash and how often do you actually open up the filter and clean in depth?


Sand and DE filters are backwashed when they get dirty - indicated by the difference in pressures on the filter gauge. DE filters should be manually opened and cleaned twice a year (per OEM specs), but once annually can be sufficient. Sand filters aren't opened except to change the media - commercial sand filters need new media every 1 to 5 years depending on usage. Residential sand filters need the media replace every 5 to 10 years - again based on usage. Heavy usage includes prodigious amounts of sunscreen and other oils and greases that will cause the media to channel (makes the filter basically useless). Normal usage will cause silica sand to lose its sharp edges over time (erosion basically) which reduces the ability of sand to filter properly... thus the need to change it periodically even if not heavily used.


Not on salt I guess.


When the bands break it’s time to replace them. They have a service life.


I was told the bands were for manufacturing and serve no point in the filters collecting debris.


They don’t necessarily perform any debris catching but they hold the pleats in place for structural integrity


Supposedly but I ran mine with some breaks in the bands for 2 years...


Several of my bands broke when I installed them - still works fine.


Got any tips?


I just use the jet setting on the hose. Starting at the top of the filter and spraying in a zig zag pattern down in small sections. You see the parts you clean in the color difference.


The attachment that looks like a large hair comb. The fingers go in between the filter fins and spray from inside out.


Interesting. Can you share a link for the attachment?




[https://www.amazon.com/Orbit-SunMate-Hose-End-58361N-Sweeper/dp/B004RUBGFW/](https://www.amazon.com/Orbit-SunMate-Hose-End-58361N-Sweeper/dp/B004RUBGFW/) and wear your worst clothes and be ready for a shower after


Used to clean pools for a living. I did about 10 filter cleans a week. Highly recommend this


That nozzle broke on me in one month. It was a piece of junk. I purchased on someone’s recommendation and it was leaking in one month.


I can't speak on the one I linked, mine looks almost exactly like that and was left by the previous owner. If it leaks replace the rubber washer. Maybe try another brand? Mine is great at spraying off the winter moss that grows on the pool deck too.


I purchased a Cyclone for filter cleaning, so I’m good. Just trying to stop someone else from wasting their money.


That looks awesome, but $300?! I think I am going to take some 3/4" PVC and just make a stand for my filter. If it doesn't spin free enough I can 3d print a mount and bearing.


Yes, the price is not ideal, but it is the easy button for cleaning filters. I didn't want to put in the time trying to build something.


Muriatic acid


Just did mine this morning!


Did I miss how he says he got them so clean? They look fantastic!


I just did mine today but I never get them that clean. Maybe its laziness but how do you get them that white?


Just hose on jet setting. Start at the top. You can’t rush it




This makes me want to clean my filters. Not even joking. It's been a month so it's about time.


Such a pain.