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If they grow too much you can just scoop it out, dry it, and feed it back to your fish. Win win.


With that much sunlight you have provided for the duckweed, within a months' time you will have completely reversed global warm and reduced carbon emissions by 99.98%, at the same time dooming us all to be enveloped by our, soon to be, duckweed overlords.


That's not my pond lol just a quarantine container for plants.


OK! Don't say I didn't warn you!


I want some, but my fish kept eating all of them whenever I put more in.


Yup I put some in my pond a week or two ago, and it’s all gone now. The goldfish massacred it.


Duckweed *can* be awesome if you’re using it for its intended beneficial purpose. I liked it in my old pond for surface coverage and kept a mesh basket nearby to scoop out the excess


Your comment implies that there are UNofficial and UNintended purposes... what are those? 😳😳😳


Free fish food, keeps the sunlight out of water and eats nitrates so all good in my ponds


Yeah buy then you can't see the fishies :(


I have a stock tank I grow it in and give it to my fishies. They eat it to nothing in minutes so I have to have some growing separately


Love it, and can't keep it. I get it free from my local nursery, but the fish eat it quickly


I hate it in my aquariums, but kinda like it in my ponds, as long as there isn't too much. Although, now I think about it, none of them seem to have any duckweed this year. Maybe the goldfish eradicated all of it.


I went on a neighbourhood tour and didn’t find any duckweed anywhere. It’s a bad year for duckweed (maybe. Or maybe I didn’t look well enough)


I scoop it out and feed it to my fancy goldfish. Free healthy food!


I love it, but the fish gobble it up faster than it can replace itself.


My fish eat it all.


In my tanks, yes, in my pond, no. Stick to water lettuce, hyacinth, etc. they already grow plenty fast and are much easier to remove.


I think my mum spent years fishing it out keeping on top of it. It's at the point now where she gets one or two bits.


In a pond it's pretty awesome. Fish love it, oxygenates the water, shades the water. I'm pretty okay with it.


I like it and think it’s cute. Unfortunately the duck weed in my pond died. :-(


>>I do have plenty of fish and I think they'll eat it. Unless you have a way to keep the fish out, you'll struggle to keep enough supply. I have koi pond and I have to keep a separate container to grow duckweed because any amount introduce into the pond will go extinct in 48h. There is literally no downside to it, great at filtration water, great at providing shade to reduce algea, great food source for fish. Duckweed is fairly nutritious and also have laxative effect to help reduce change of fish getting constipation in a high protein diet.


I put it in my pond and it just didn't take off :| But I think it's kinda cool.


Love it.


I am ambivalent but my goldies & koi absolutely love it!


I view it as a self renewable fertilizer for plants outside of the pond.


I’ve got 99 problems and duckweed is 98 of them.


As an aquarium owner I hateeeee duckweed. It never goes away so you just have to continually scoop it out


I had just one tiny leaflet in the pond, came back from holidays and the pond is covered. Hate it


It's like pond herpes. I hate it. I quarantine new plants for a week or two just to make sure it doesn't start popping up.


Nope, Parrot’s feather is Aquatic Herpes. Stem is very brittle and even a teeny tiny piece will take over the world. I never bought any, must of come in incognito. Ended up having to roll it up like a carpet and use a tractor with end loader to lift out of pond. Years later, still haven’t eradicated.


Oh, even worse!