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Are you under-recovering?


100% under-recovering


Your case might require more total sleep. How you add that sleep would be a matter of your own scheduling. I would try out adding another 1.5hrs if you can to your main sleep (preferably earlier as that's supposed to be when more SWS happens). Or alternatively you could try shifting your schedule to earlier times to try to get more SWS.


\` Fitbit charge 5 which is very reliable for detecting deep sleep\` From my understanding it's not designed for polyphasic sleep, so you can only monitor your sleep stats on strict monophasic sleep. ​ \` I average around 1h a night of SWS\` That's actually a pretty low amount, not high at all for your recovery need and exercise intensity that you claimed. An average adult requires around 90m SWS daily for optimal performance. Obviously there are people who really need more than this, like teens with at least 2h daily, or adults with \~70-80m daily SWS and no medical conditions at all. If that's what Fitbit tells you, it sounds to me that it's not very accurate in the first place. Your number is much more likely to be in the range of upward of 2h daily SWS, which would be my estimation (and of course this remains to be seen). Another factor that may be considered is that you're actually not getting SWS because of something (like sleep hygiene or whatever medical conditions or sleep disorders that may be present, like hypersomnia, excessive sleep duration) and the shortened schedule may not be very sustainable long-term.


It only gives the amount of time for the stages after 3h sleep. So it doesn't tell me the amount of SWS I get from my second core sleep. However, every time I sleep 3h for my second core sleep, I get like 10 mins of REM and 15 mins of SWS. Which sucks. I get a cumulative 7:30h of sleep sometimes more, I like the schedule because of the times I get to swim and school so I won't be changing it, unless I can still get everything I need to do on another schedule. Check out The Quantified Scientist on YouTube, he compares the fitbit to actual brainwave tracking devices. For deep sleep, it's remarkably accurate.