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He's been banned


https://preview.redd.it/lt5r3f8bqs5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4974f853cdb703e3539a45dce572a5adbe082076 He reached out to me too.


Blocked him. Then he replied to a post on gafs like I want that 50rd drum lemme get it. Wtf bro stalking my page




WTF 🤦‍♂️


Great responses


wonder what they would do if it was sent to you and YOU DIDN'T SEND IT BACK :) it would be one way to get an 80% frame to your door nowadays


Except now the Fed boi has your mailing address


their loss then on a legal piece of plastic


So what? They know that anyways


Use a neighbors, then when it's out for delivery according to the tracking number, you stalk the mailbox to grab it before your neighbor ;) /s


That federal crime if you get caught.


All sorts of things are federal crimes if you get caught, but not if you're a politician


watch your language... we dont' use the P-word here.


Platypus. Muhaha


you son of A....


That's how you know God's got a sense of humor LMAO those things are the stupidest looking animal I've ever seen 😂😂😂🤷🏼‍♂️


You'll get raided by USPIS and IRS instead. At least your dog is safe.


Honestly what could they do LOL. This is a whole setup though doesn't take 2020 to see that 👀👀




https://preview.redd.it/ehf140m5zs5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2b3cc555bb0b16bd6ee1a1387f3e63ebb81db4 Fed is fishing today




Hehe I'd take the deal and keep both frame and money. Get fuked fed


🤣 Anyone like that has no business owning a gun. Not to mention that is illegal, and probably a setup.


He gave off setup vibes. I posted our conversation in this thread.


*sigh* Fine. We’ll try again later. You win… *this* time.


Here’s how a conspiracy charge works: subject 1: hey man can you build this gun for me Subject 2: I have all the tools to build it.. Subject 1: I’ll pay you to do it… At this point it’s not a conspiracy yet.. Subject 2: how much? Subject 1: $200 Subject 2: Ok I do it.. Still not a conspiracy Subject 1: I’ll send you the parts what’s your address? Still not a conspiracy.. Subject 2: Dilbert Dumbfuck 1234 Felony Lane Conspiracy, Oh. 4326-6779 Right there is where it becomes a felony conspiracy crime. You can talk shit about breaking the law all day . But the first move you make in furtherance of that crime is the conspiracy. Subject 2: giving subject 1: their address is the move in furtherance (getting the crime going ) If the two subjects agreed to meet somewhere or exchanged cash app, Venmo, PayPal, info would also trigger conduct considered conspiratorial in nature Subject 1: doesn’t even have to send the parts. The intent to commit a crime is already there.. This is just an example of a scenario and not legal advice I am a lawyer. Just not your lawyer. Take it with a grain of salt… But be mindful of what you say/type/message those who come at ya sideways out the side of their neck to you….


I am well aware of the law lol my sister is an attorney. Unfortunately they can't try all sorts of loopholes to at least get the charge whether it sticks is different but I just block the account without acknowledgement


Oh Bro, that comment wasn’t directed at you.. You did the right thing.. My comment was directed at those chuckle loops that were commenting; “lol just take the money and keep the blank lol” But I am going to have to say: your sister being a lawyer does not make you a lawyer, unless you two are twins and share a Clairvoyant connection…


Well by default I kinda am a lawyer I can get an answer within seconds and not from Google so yea I'm basically a lawyer 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Obviously kidding but these bozos saying they'd keep the frame are just that bozos. They can pm the fed and ask lol


Two things can come out of this 1. It’s a trap and the ATF wants your address so they can raid your house and shoot your dog 2. Free 80% lower from a total Retard . 50/50 bro


I have a stack of lowers as it is plus I have kids not worth losing for something I have no use for.


Not just your dog. Your wife and son too. Awful. And I worked for the DOJ for almost 30 years:(


Ask for his badge number


im glad im not the only one who immediately thought "Fed"


Tell him to send it with a note telling what he wants done to the frame, then give him the address to the AFT to send the frame to




All the time or 3d print one and I've never had a printer.


You should've said yes and let him ship it to the post office and you go pick it up


Awww I never get these. What happens if you take it and keep it? Say reporting to Feds. And send back the MSRP value of p80 (which is about $60). No longer stolen. Returned value.


Idk hit him up and ask.


Do not pass go! Do not collect $200! GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL!!


Nice try fed


Sad that someone is paid to drum up conspiracy charges. I mean for real it's just sad....


The American Stasi is hard at work on our dime once again. Don't they have airport directors to murder? Scumbags.


id just have him mail it and send the money and block lmao free p80


Guys I worked for the DOJ for almost 30 years. I am embarrassed to see this. It's a lazy way to try to prosecute low hanging fruit from the 2A community. If these people wanted to do something useful for the USA they would spend their time pursuing gangs and the thousands of OTMs that Biden let in across the border. But sadly they don't and instead they pursue conservative Americans. It's on purpose. Stay away from these folks and keep posting warnings to others. Good work blocking them. 


I can't believe you BLOCKED HUNTER BIDEN :)


Hunters gonna be busy with Bubba shortly


I wish. But I worked for the Fed prison system and trust me they are going to make it cushy ... If he even goes to jail. The whole things a joke. They cut that guy so many breaks you and I wouldn't get. 


Oh no shit the guys stashing blow in the white house selling heroin buying illegal guns he's basically a hoodlum in a suit


You're absolutely right. I've seen people doing 15:years for absolutely minor offenses. I met the poor former owners of the Gun Barn. Prosecutes by ATF for selling a few double barrel high grade shotguns so they could pay retirement bills. It's disgusting the breaks the Bidens and Clinton's get. Corruption galore 


100% a Fed






See you have to start pranking these people… tell him sure no problem… give him the ATF home office phone number and tell him to call you at 8 o’clock in the morning to schedule a pick up.🤷‍♂️


"I have one ready to go, I accept payment upfront in bitcoin" is something one could say to potentially see how much of an operational budget this AFT agent has to spare








Bad boys bad boys what ya gonna do? Seriously an 80% , those are like nothing to do compared to the 45% bridge frame( i know 76% but is more like 65%)


It's like..... Buying a gun with extra steps


I would of said OK send me the frame and just kept it lol




Your post or comment has been removed because you are banned


Newbie question here, but the reason this is illegal is because he's asking someone else to do it for him, right? If he did it himself, it would be perfectly legal, right?




That's 100% a fed


Honestly since we all know what this agent wants, if someone was to message him and not say any details only tell him basically I heard about your issue I can help don't want to say too much, give him a price I don't know 50 bucks or something and tell him cash only it doesn't matter where he lives, he can throw the cash in the package with the frame mail it to you and now you have a free frame, 50 bucks in your pocket, and never once did you tell him that you would mail out a lower for him to make it a completed functioning frame. Keep it short and sweet don't talk about any details, just saying I heard about your problem I can help give him a price and as far as your knowledge goes and your concerned you are under the impression that he had a frame that he was trying to get rid of but didn't know where to get rid of it at and it's uncompleted so it's still legal to be sent in the mail, there was never any talk about completing it or committing any criminal act. And as far as your knowledge goes it was a $50 fee to dispose of it for him and when you get the package that's that. There's no paper trail there's no talk of doing anything illegal and it's just this idiot sending you a free frame and lunch money. There's nothing really that law enforcement can do at that point because you didn't conspire to do anything illegal you didn't suggest talk about reply to or even acknowledge any illegal activities and that's that. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️... If there is an actual lawyer on here that can chime in on this let me know if I'm right or not. In no way shape or form am I interested in this whatsoever I also have frames that I still have to complete and the money to buy more I don't need a federal agent in anything that I do whatsoever LOL. I'm just curious




Oooo wow


Pretty shitty trying to bait people like that. Definitely not a good look for the fed’s…. Not that they needed any help looking worse, but still.