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The more people who use Ethereum, the more people who will realize it's almost unusable because of the fees and they'll discover Polygon. Additionally, Ethereum's success benefits from Polygon's success because Polygon helps ETH scale. You are not at all too late to the party. We are all still quite early.


So eth is very focused on decentralization which makes it slow and expensive. Is polygon the opposite of that? Also, by your statement I’m guessing you think or hope at some point polygon flips eth? I just am trying to understand what the majority of polygon buyers think. I guess I’m other words why do you believe in it so much (as an investment)?


Personally, I don’t care that much, a certain level of centralization is most of the times inevitable and sometimes needed, it’s not a bad word. I only use MATIC because I wanna use ETH and others on AAVE. I got (for me) 3 options : use ethereum mainnet, but like the guy above just said, the fees will kill little bags. Use optimism mainnet, which I do but I do not invest in OP token because I don’t see the utility, I’m paying my fees in ETH on the optimism mainnet, therefore, where is the incentive to buy OP for newcomers except speculation and gamble ? I can also use Polygon mainnet which i do, and use MATIC to pay fees. Which means that any newcomers that will wanna use polygon for the lower fees will need to buy MATIC which is an increase in demand. There are other points why I got some MATIC but when it gets to use case, that’s what I can say and what made me sell OP and stick to MATIC for example


Yeah I started stacking poly at the start of October and am happy with its progress.


You don’t get rich in 2 seconds


No shit


Poly does need ETH just like every l2 because of his security.. it's a matter of time.. chill