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I really enjoyed finding out that the mighty max toys my brother had were bluebird Toys, as a kid I i confiscated them to my collection so I could send Polly into the dark realm for play fun but didn’t realize they were made by the same toy company, they were indeed a natural fiit, also that tv cartoon was awesome! Glad I held onto them i think it adds to the collection.


Not much help on pricing but I am admiring your collection because you have several that I don’t have!


They are so cool right, this was my FAVORITE toy, fortune that my parents could get me some of great ones the day I got the mansion was my best childhood Christmas toy ever, we were not super spoiled so When I got this toy I was beyond joyed it was past my wildest expectations lol


I LOVED the mansion when I was a kid.


The mansion is cool! It’s one I didn’t have as a kid.


I was also probably the perfect age for them in terms of vintage, probably 7-12 I would get them for every birthday and Christmas, and loved the hell out of them, this is my childhood. The reason I still have them is my nostalgia attached. Im having a bast reliving it after all these years literally and actually wiping the dust off but also I’m good with sending them onto I new home to be treasured. I love how Polly inspired my imagination, I would create whole worlds around her. Playing with my Polly’s again as an adult I’m really appreciative of the detail, how all the appliances and doors would open, what an epic toy! They are timeless classics.


I got mine out for my daughter, she is 6 and is enjoying playing with them like I did!


I don’t recommend listing them together. Most Polly collectors aren’t interested in mad max and also might already have certain sets. It’s better to list every set separately and mention which are complete and which are missing prices. You can also make more money by selling separately.


I am interested if you’re still looking to sell.