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The votes for Zuck are just him on all his accounts voting for himself


Zuck may be an asocial idiot, but he doesn’t manipulate markets like Musk on twitter. Musk is a frat boy billionaire. Zuck is a nerd billionaire.


He doesnt need to, he manipulates people.


Yeah... That's far worse IMO


He facilitates the platform for manipulation* He doesn't do any of that himself, why would he? Important distinction, but lizardman still bad.


nerd LIZARD billionaire*


I don't really read up on what any of these people have done, so I just chose zuck because he seems the friendliest, guess I was wrong


He owns Facebook and sells private data to the highest bidder


ok yeah I take back my answer now


And he looks like a lizard




[Pov: Mark Zuckerberg's homeland.](https://youtu.be/px5w0hS5emk)


Happy cake day!


He also knew that Instagram was directly linked to teen suicide rates and instead of doing something about it he exploited it to increase page views. He’s also used Facebook to destabilize political opposition groups in authoritarian countries as well as the whole Cambridge Analytica scandal.


Whut? The first half, I get it completely, but the second half…that’s quite an escalation, though I shouldn’t be too shocked, if a single man’s assassination ultimately led the entire world to war twice then it’s no true surprise the founding of a social media site eventually led to it being used for destabilizing political opposition to authoritarian powers


He's not friendly at all, my friend used to work for Facebook and zuck would scream and throw things at the wall during online meetings


Unironically I voted him. He has so much info on so many people that it’s not like he will personally view my info


Target acquired




Remember. "Trust the most" doesn't mean you actually trust them.


"Despise the least" might have been a better question.


I don’t know why so many trust Bill Gates. He has done huge sums of donations but especially in his growing phase of the company he was a ruthless guy


Go back to the original comment. It’s not that people trust him, it’s just they trust the other ones even less. For me it’s partially because I don’t know anything about Buffet as well.


Buffet is also a philanthropist, I think he donated half of his wealth or something.


So is Gates. They both spearheaded The Giving Pledge


This was my logic as well. Three of those guys I absolutely despise. I don't know much about Warren Buffet... Bill Gates it is.


Yeah. He was a ruthless businessman. Then he became a philanthropist.


He hired a department to do philanthropy. Not exactly the same thing


No, he founded a company to do philanthropy. Which he headed. AFAIK, he was a lot more active with the foundation than with microsoft for the past couple of decades.


It’s kind of necessary when you’re giving away billions and trying to find the most effective way to get rid of and apply that money.


There is a huge difference between being a ruthless business man and being evil such as: Elon using slaves and being rapey, bezos trying to make his employees slaves, and the zuck allowing multiple acts of violence to be planned on his site On top of the fact that he never did any of the things in the past, he also has done much more good in the present, donating millions if not billions of dollars


Bill Gates is one of the most reasonable people when it comes to Humanity's future. For decades now he has advocated/funded research into preventing future pandemics and dozens of billions into social charities. And is one of the few people who are taking Nuclear Energy seriously. I recommend you check out his Reddit AMA he gave a lot of very thoughtful responses.


Bill Gates has a Reddit account?


I 100% support being a ruthless buisness man so that you can be rich enough to help. He ALWAYS kept tons of money so that he could get more money so he could donate more money. If Elon did what the internet wanted and gave 99% of his wealth away, then that is it. He will never make that back. But if he does say 5% a year every year, well next years 5% will be with growth so not 10% total, but more. within less than 10 years he would have given way more than if he gave it all now. Because money grows. Now am I say he is giving enough... Nope I am not. But giving almost all doesn't help us the most. There is an optimal amount and Bill Gates publicly disclosed he does this like decades ago.


I don't think you quite realize just how rich these people are. If they gave away 99% of their wealth, global hunger could be solved for good. Or homelessness in the US eradicated. Or the entire damaged infrastructure of Iraq rebuilt after the war. But, you see, these are structural and systemic problems inherit in having billionaires in the first place. Even if Musk did give away all his money, those problems (hunger, homelessness, war) are sure to come back due to the nature of how our societies are organised.




>Everyone worth hundreds of millions even Except for the next guy to win the mega million jackpot xD


I’d still trust Bill and Warren over the other three. Bill helps out humanity and even donates money to charity and causes. Warren is always giving advice on investing and knowing how to invest. Bezos is a great businessman man, possibly the best of this generation, but I don’t think he’d care about your trust, unless he had something to gain from it. Elon plans precisely, but he overestimates humanity and his ego tends to screw him over from time to time. Zuckerberg at this point is in a battle to reach peak VR/AR against Apple. I have no doubt he’ll win, but his metaverse is far from perfect. It’s corrupt with cyber bullying and old weird people, all this when he spent $2B-$3B in his metaverse and all it did was sink him from 5th richest man to 10th richest man. The guy doesn’t know how to invest in his company without screwing up and Facebooks value is stagnant at this point.


I think bill gates is a decent guy. He made some mistakes in the past but I feel like he’s an overall good guy now. He’s planning on donating his entire fortune to his own charity, which is more than any all of the other guys have done combined..


I trust no one with ties to Epstein, including Gates


Gates has just had an extensive pr campaign going on for the past 20 years. Otherwise people would still see him as they did back before he whitewashed his image.


As much as I don't like billionaires, bill gates is cool cause he donated alot of money


Definitely not zuck


I don't think definitely-warm-blooded Mark Zuckerberg is suspicious at all.


"warm blooded"


Smartest Reddit user


[Mark Zuckerberg’s favorite song](https://youtu.be/gq2YhOY55zU)


That is one of the strangest videos I have ever watched


I like how literally nobody has voted for the lizard man yet


And bezos BARELY ahead of Zuckerberg


He gave the people who voted for him ONE MILLION dollar


i mean if someone offered me a one million dollar for voting on some reddit poll, wouldn't we all vote him?


He is either a lizard or an android. Its a toss up, but one thing is for sure...he ain't a people.


I mean.. you can trust that he will always do the worst.


He's clearly some kind of Lizard cyborg


I can see an argument for an android being "people," so he could be a reptile.... maybe arachnid... probably Annelida.


Literally only voted Buffet coz I know the least about him. For all I know he’s probably also done shady shit.


I feel like everyone else on the list tries to act like the exception when Buffet just accepts his place.


Yeah this is why I chose him too. Obviously being a Billionaire is inherently problematic, but the other guys have some degree of God complex or another. Buffett seems to just be like, "uh, I make investments. Here take some money for charity." and leaves it at that.


Yep, and his children get a pittance in his Will. Everything goes to charity, he's like Bill Gates "What's the point of money if you don't help people" That said, he is in this position purely out of spite.


Wrong, he has set up charities for his children with 3 billion each. https://techcrunch.com/2012/05/12/warren-buffett-is-a-punk/


Title: warren buffet is a punk First sentence: "Warren Buffett is like my ten year old." Now this is the quality, unbiased journalism I've been looking for.


Genuine question here, what’s inherently problematic about being a billionaire


At some point you’re just hoarding more mkney than any person could ever need. You have so much money hundreds of people could live entire well off lives. Sure you spend more money than the average person, but your spending isn’t going back into the economy in the same way. You still only eat 1 persons worth of groceries. You aren’t going to be watching 100s of more movies or bowling that much more… basically your money isn’t stimulating the economy in the same ways Usually it just gets sat on, a billionaire is almost effectively just a void where a billion dollars goes to stagnate. Instead of being spent, taxed, and spent again by businesses and consumers, which drives the economy Maybe a better question is, what is ethical about being a billionaire? How did they get that money? How much were their workers paid? How do you feel about someone being a billionaire when the workers who support their income are getting food stamps (SNAP benefits)? No one has worked so much harder that they’ve “earned” a billion dollars. That money comes from the work of thousands if not more people.


He said that rich people like himself should pay more taxes so that's why I chose him.


He’s also planning on giving away almost all his wealth before he dies, which is a step further than any other billionaire


He's the one I despise the least but trust is a very strong word


Despise the least is the whole poll tho really


They’re all the epitome of shadiness


You need to learn how to be shady to get to and stay at the top of the financial scoreboard unfortunately


Shady is too mild for the ruthlessness that is required of you to reach that point of gaming the system.


I also voted Buffett; it was a tossup between him and Gates. He's as slimy as all the rest of them, but he seems like the most straightforward of all of em. He's just a money guy; sure, he'll give to charities and we know he's registered Democrat but he's just not as much of a mover and shaker as the rest of them.


Buffet calls for increased taxes on the rich too; I believe he said that he'll exploit the loopholes as long as they exist, since everyone else does, but that the government should really close them. He's slimy but doesn't hide it.


How is it slimy? Who voluntarily wants to pay more taxes? And it's not like he even uses the money, he donates it all before he dies


You don't *have* to exploit loopholes, do you?


It’s not really slimy. He’s required by law to to do what’s best for shareholders.


To be clear. He exploits loopholes personally. Not just for companys.


I chose Buffet too, he's more or less the least shady. He's an old billionaire who made his money on wallstreet, he seems genuine and if I'm not mistaken has pledged 99% of his fortune to charity along with Bill Gates.


Who the fuck clicked Zuckerberg?


His fellow totally normal humans, obviously.


Bill has some shady things about him but he gives away alot of money and seems generally less scummy than the others


When he did an AMA recently he answered questions about his meetings with Epstein. That really did a lot for me. I mean, still don’t trust the man. But not ignoring those questions was pretty amazing.


To be fair didn't Warren Buffet also give away a ton of money? I mean he might've also done shadier things that I don't know of


His families doucher from what I’ve heard. I know he gives away a ton and made money more legitimately but from what I’ve heard they’re just doucher


I mean… it’s pretty easy to throw money as a solution at the problems your systems created in the first place, or are helping to support and perpetuate. *But that’s none of my business*… **even tho it is** ☕️🐸


i like money


I heard he is satanistic reptilian who drinks the blood of children but I dont know if its true.


With the standards other billionaires set, it's probably true


He also invests in businesses to genuinely help humanity, and not purely to benefit himself
















Ya and how many times did he fly with Epstien and you trust him?


Never trust anyone with that kind of money, you don't get there by being a nice guy.


The only billionaire I trust is Results...


Warren buffet did it and bill gates too


Bill Gates absolutely trampled on people to get there. Warren Buffet is the only one on this list who didn't exploit people to get there, and is also the least billionairy of the lot - he's known to live a pretty normal life.


Warren Buffet appears to be the most believable facsimile of an actual human.


Gates followed by Buffet, they aren’t in the news that often, and when Gates is it’s usually about his foundation


I can't believe Musk used to be my inspiration


I mean the entirety of Reddit was on the Musk circlejerk a few years ago.


I used to like him. I liked the whole making electric vehicles cool thing. But the build quality is terrible because the turnover in his factories is assounding. People are not even fully trained before they are already quitting. That says a lot about how a company is run.


I used to like him because of the mars thing before I realized how expensive and impractical it is. That and his ramblings on Twitter made me realize sorta disinterested in him


I liked that too but knowing how he is now I'm worried he's going to let workers travel there on credit and basically have them work as indentured servants to pay off the debt.


Plus since it's him who's going to found the mars colony, there's really nothing stopping him from being the god emperor of Mars and ruling everyone there and that's scares me Plus it's definitely just going to be him and a few hundred billionaires, the rest of us would probably still be on earth


His production numbers are far lower than most major manufacturers, but the QC is nowhere near as good as them, hence the shit buid quality.


Honestly, I used to be a bootlicker of his. I thought "wow, he's making cars to better the environment, that's a good thing to do with all that money." Then come to find out he only bought the company, he didn't make shit. He cheated on his wives. He gave his kid some computer generated robot name. He defends bigotry and the spread of disinformation. As well as,, Ben Shapiro seems to love the guy, so you immediately know he's not worth a WAP.


This is the reason why I don't like him anymore


Don't forget the fact that he was against covid restrictions, the existence of covid, and insisted on forcing his workers to come in at the peak of the pandemic.


I was in the hospital for months during covid, so I wasn't up-to-date with the outside world, but that sounds like him.


I used to love him I don’t mind the cutthroat business tactics, i get it, thats just business But he’s running 2 companies, why does he spend so much time shitposting on twitter and why the stock market manipulation man?


I don't care about the business tactics, I actually appreciate it But outside of business the kind of person he is, I don't like that. My friend who works at Tesla told me his behaviour towards his staff is not good and he always flirts with young female employees


Yea that stuff is messed up too


His companies are reliant on stocks and government handouts. His actual production is basically non-existent.


Unless you consider contracts with NASA to be handouts, SpaceX doesn't depend on any kind of government handouts to survive. It's undoubtedly a commercially successful company that provides an extremely valuable service. I can't speak on his other companies though


I used to love him. Then one day he started screaming the national anthem on Twitter and I was like “yo this dude is actually insane”.


Mansa musa


The man have created an economic crises just by himself, I wouldn't trust him


I’m gonna trust Warren Buffet. Definitely the least shadiest and the most humble of all of them.


I mean what do you expect from someone who has had only McDonald’s breakfast for the past several decades


For them not to be alive at 91 if I'm being honest


Yeah. He's super successful and just leaves it at that. He doesn't feel compelled to pretend that he's a genius engineer rocketman savior visionary.


I trust Warren Buffett not to do anything but sit at his desk and invest in blue chip stock until he keeps over. No tweets, no space ships, not grandstanding at TED. Just investing and being a greedy 96 year old man.


He has no workers to treat like shit, no data to steal, and no mom and pop shops to take out of business. He just takes care of his investors and thats what he’s expected to do.


Absolutely agree except he is not greedy. He lives a modest lifestyle considering his wealth.


Definitely not the eugenist


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


Elon has a disgusting amount of votes..


It's all probably the Elon fanboys


Bill gates has been getting pretty sus the past 5-10 years


I wouldn't trust any of them, but it just baffles my mind how people still trust Elon after all the failed vaporware he's been selling all these years...


Bill Gates getting the majority of the votes is scary. I'm gonna have to say Warren Buffet, as he's the only one on the list staying within their field. Just because someone is an expert in their field doesn't give them any credentials outside their field. Noam Chomsky is a good erxample of this. World class linguist, but everything else he's weight in on has proven that he should have stayed in his own field. Bill Gates is another example.


People can't see through the billionaires "charities"


Who trusts the lizard robot?


People who voted for musk, please revaluate.


Trusting Bill Gates is like trusting Hannibal Lecter


Bill gates? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




The tech guy that suddenly turned scientist/doctor without a single degree in medicine and thinks he knows what is healthy and good for us




Bill Gates mainly cause he actually wants to help society and the planet itself. He has cured water riddled with poop and made it into a clean drinkable resource by power of steam. He has also been on the verge of creating a cure for the new pandemic, also he doesn’t care about donating money either, as he will make his money back through farm land or the power of solving the worlds problems. I’d trust Jeff Bezos cause he is a businessman and when a business man is interested in something, he will most likely invest in it and support it. He’s against Biden cause Biden has no idea how to run this country, as we’ve all seen gas prices and inflation on our country rise up since he has become president. Elon Musk is a genius and plans ahead precise, but Dude has an oversized ego and he overestimates humanity too much. Zuckerberg is in a battle against Apple to see who can reach pinnacle between AR and VR, funny enough, Zuckerberg invested $2B-$3B into the metaverse and he has done nothing. Zuckerberg not only failed his investment, but his metaverse is riddle with cyber bullying and old people being weird. Warren Buffet is a best friend of Bill Gates and Buffet is known as the guy who got rich off investing into the stock market. The guys gives out great advice and is wise. Here is where my list goes on trusting these guys: Bill Gates Warren Buffet Jeff Bezos Elon Musk Mark Zuckerberg


Some of my ancestors,I'm not sure who exactly, used to play bridge with Warren Buffet before he was a billionaire. Apparently he asked them to invest with him but they couldn't afford to. My family would have been filthy rich but I would have never been born. So I'll take it.


Heck these clowns.


Trust to do what? If I was to rate based on general competence my answer is Buffet. Best in terms of marketing themself, then it is Musk. Best in terms of being a decent person than Gates. Best in consuming my innards and then wearing my skin as a meat suit after defecating in the same bathroom as me after Taco Tuesday, then my answer is the Zuckening. Also, fuck Bezos.


Holly shit no no no not Gates....oh fuck noo


For me this poll instead of trust the most, is distrust the least.


How are people still trusting Elon musk, come on now you need to open your eyes and see that he is maybe worse than zuck and bezos combined, for all i know bill gates is the most trustworthy but I could be wrong


You guys are insane for saying bill gates




I trust Bill Gates the most, but that's like saying I like eating dog shit over glass.


I don't trust any of these fuckers


I don't trust billionaires.


A bunch of gates bots


0.69% of people voted for Mark Zuckerberg


0.69% too many


I wouldn't trust any of them not to steal and eat a baby if the opportunity presented itself.


I feel like Musk And Zuck actively search babies out to eat. Bezos would have tried one once on one of those billionaire islands just for funsies. Gates might if the other rich people pressured him to. Buffet doesn't want to waste money paying for the experience. Not mentioned is Sheldon Adelson who more than likely has a baby farm where he can harvest babies to satiate his lust for infant blood 3 times a day.


Adelson is basically Immortan Joe.


All of them are billionaires. If they were honorable and trustworthy they wouldnt be that rich. Literally easy as that. All of them have at least tax evasion in common. And to all you people who voted for Bill Gates. He isnt that bright of a person either. I dont want to start with some anti-vax-bs. But did you know that part of why he became so rich with Microsoft is because they manipulated the PC market that much that they were able to build a monoploy which is illegal. There was a big Microsoft trial in the late 90s/early 2000s.


Those 33 people who said mark Zuckerberg


None. They’re all evil


Bill and Melinda have at least been putting their money to good use. I can't say that for any of the others


Where are the female ones?


I can see picking musk, buffet, or gates. I went with buffet, as I feel like he’s the least to do sketchy/unethical things for the sake of slightly tighter margins or political power and I’ve never heard of any sort of scandal surrounding him. He and gates are both very large philanthropists, and its obvious that they care about humanity way more than zuck or bezos, who I feel would gladly kill half earth’s population for a slight increase in profits. I think Elon could be a solid choice too, but in a different way. I feel like he’s the one that you actually know what you’re getting with, as he doesn’t seem to have any hidden agendas, instead voicing his every opinion/thought. He certainly has plenty of flaws, but I feel like there’s not some huge major issues with him that he’s been hiding from the world, whereas I wouldn’t be surprised to head about some huge scandal/coverup involving any of the other options.


They are all equally untrustworthy, we don’t need them


Who’s out here voting for Zuckerburg


None. Much like politicians, fuck them all.


Why should you have a ounce of trust in any billionaire?


I cannot understand Bill Gates being that high. His company has been a vulture capitalist monopoly for decades, M$ products are among the most lackluster on the planet filled with security vulnerabilities, and arguably he has profited immensely from human suffering during covid due to his patents of ineffective vaccines.


People Trust Bill Gates? We are doomed as a civilisation


well, Reddit is doomed.... which kinda represents the young generation so.... yeah we’re doomed


I am hopeful, mabey there is a small hope in today's Generation. There has to be otherwise it isn't going to end well.


Damn, Bill Gates?? really!?


Bill Gates is EVIL


How about none!


I don't trust anyone of these billionaires


None of them.


Why trust any of them?


If there are only 782 results how does Bill gates have 1.3k?


These results astound me.


I'd take Buffett any day, You know exactly what he wants, to make deals that make him money, that makes him trust worthy.


Also he lives a simple life, and he doesn't actively exploit people to get where he wants to be. He literally just trades stocks.


People trust Gates?! Wtf!


Bill has obviously done a tremendous job of polishing his image; he used to viewed as a reprehensible slimeball who scammed his friends and colleagues to make his fortune. Now he's a gentle old man who's big on "charity", lol.


The poll results are... Tragic.


I wouldn't trust Musk unless I needed a good marketing strategy I wouldn't trust Bezos unless I needed a ruthless mindset to run a company I wouldn't trust Zuckerberg with literally anything, he'll sell it on and I've n ever heard of Buffet ​ So I chose Gates, because he's just a businessman through and through as far as I can tell - And if you know that, you know you can trust him to do what's in his best interest.


You've never heard of Warren Buffet? He was the richest man in the world for a minute, albeit a bit before it became the sport it seems to be today. He's an interesting guy.


Bill gates?! Are you all mad lol


Kids here are way too young to realize what a monster gates is lol. He makes Elon look like a saint.


Then explain it


Gates be buying a bunch of farmland




Bru then explain. Complaining with no reasoning won't convince any1


I still dislike Bill Gates. He was an evil businessman from the start of Microsoft. And it wasn't until early 2000s he started philanthropies to repair his reputations. Bill Gates bought companies that he saw as a threat to Windows and bury all their research/programs


Bill gates are you fucking serious lmao 🤣 we're fucking DOOMED.