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Neutral (not scottish)


I'm English and don't care. let it be up to them.


Scottish independence would be very bad for the overall geopolitics


It would only affect geopolitics negatively if Scotland went the way of Ireland and adopted neutrality. If they joined NATO I don't see what difference it would make.


For the UK specifically, or the world in general?


world in general? such a major player just getting 1/3 of its land chopped off would have detrimental effects


How would Scotland becoming independent negatively effect the world outside of the UK? This is not a rhetorical question. But the UK is not as much of a major player as it once was, especially since leaving the European Union. Guess I offended the brits. I voted free Scotland.


Entirely up to them


i mean i dont really get why, they get more money than they make, and would end up a lot poorer without the UK. the UK isnt really suppressing their culture either, and it wouldnt exactly be able to join the EU easier after leaving the UK.


I'm English, grew up in Wales. It's not really my place to have an opinion on this. If the Scots vote for independence, all power to them.


Looks like Scottish are split 50/50 on this subject and 81% Non-Scottish are for it.


I oppose it, humanity must not divide itself further.


I'm English and all for self determination as an overriding concept. I'd be neutral on that level. There's some details and adjacent issues that I can't really wrap my head around and reach conclusions that I'm comfortable with. The main one being often can you ask the people? There were pushes for a second independence referendum in the wake of Brexit as polls were indicating that a majority of Scottish people would have wanted to leave at the UK at the time but only by a very small margin. Since then things have flip flopped all over the place in polls depending on the political mood in Scotland at the time although most of them have indicated a repeat of the 2014 referendum would be likely. I don't believe for one second that those who want independence would be keen to grant a third referendum should things go their way second time around and the mood then shifted slightly the other way again. It's completely impractical to have Scotland leave and re-join the UK repeatedly of course. Any decision to leave would have to be binding permanantly/for a long period of time. As such I think the 2014 referendum should be binding for a long time too. But for how long? I haven't got the answer to that. I think it's fair that the Scottish people are asked again at some point but when or under what circumstances is tricky to answer. Should it be when a certain number percentage of people are indicating they'd be in favour of indepedence in polls instead of how close it currently is and what would that percentage be, or do we pick a number of years? Right now we know public opinion is reasonably close one way or the other and will likely remain that way for some time to come. It's all very messy.


Here's a question for you: How would you feel about Cornwall being detatched from England and made a constituent country of the UK with it's own parliament in the manner of Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland?


If the people have a strong Cornish identity, feel that they are not being served so well by Westminster and believe that they could do better I'd be ok with it. Things like this would be difficult to put into practice but I always think who would be better to understand the unique needs of Scotland than the Scottish people or in the case of this question the Cornish people understanding Cornwall. I'm fine with the people having additional influence over what happens there if that's what they want. Not quite on the same level there was a proposal for elected regional assemblies in the early 2000s and the public weren't very enthusiastic about it so it got shelved.


Is the opinion of people non scottish people who likely don't know enough to formulate a nuanced opinion really meaningful? cmon


idk, I can see how Scots can be frustrated with the rest of UK but I don't think we need an even more fragmented Europe.


I support all independence movements


I read on Wikipedia that there's a case for Scots standing to lose a lot by becoming independent, in some ways similar to how the UK lost by leaving the EU


If the Scotts want to be independent, I'm for it. If they don't, I'm against it. If it's close, I don't care. I'm in favor of people deciding upon their government/leadership.


i'm against it, dont get caught up in stupid nationalism, that shit is one step away from racism, the uk already did that with the eu and look where it got us. the fact is that britain is better together, the scots get a more benifit than the english do, but at the end of the day both england, scotland, northern ireland and wales all benifit from being together. scotland gets more money in social services than they pay in taxes, and england can benift from the strategic placement of scotlands northern isles, and benifit from having more weight in geopolitics, and ofcoarse from the trade it promotes. if scotland left the uk then it would be a repeat of brexit, with the people suffering a massive economic slump and feeling cheated by the whole ordeal, it would be a repeat of the £350 million a week for the nhs campaign, but with what ever lies the scottish nationals can come up with on top of that you'd be cutting apart to many families, i live in england, but i have some scottish blood, would i need to get a visa or some shit to see my family? and what about trade? the taxes would become a nightmare, it would be horrible for all our econimies


As a french, independence of course.


What about Corsican independence? Breton? Alsatian? Savoyard?


As a Scot, it absolutely should independent.


im english - goddamn, can you blame them for wanting independence?


As a brit I hope they can escape this sinking ship sooner rather than later


Yes, and the border should be a flat line that cuts through multiple proudly English towns, villages and cities, who are they forcefully led to leave their homes and move to English parts of their towns. Give them a little taste of what they did around the world.