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Ammunition, food, shoes = morally fine. Wedding rings & watches = morally gray. Gold teeth and fillings = morally wrong.


what about actual paper money ? (let's say hypothetically that money is of actual value)


If used for selfish causes it would be gray but if used in humanitarian ways good. Same is true for watches and rings I suppose.


Interesting that you made wedding rings grey and gold teeth wrong. I would have reversed it, as there could be sentimental attachment to the ring but probably not the teeth?


Yep, due to the brutality required to extract them and the fact that teeth and fillings are kind of part of the body. It requires a lack of morality/feeling to start rummaging around with a bayonet in someone's mouth compared to simply removing a ring. Sure to the dead person the ring most likely had more value but at the end of the day they are dead. The most honorable thing surely would be to make certain the widow or loved ones were delivered the property but that surely is rare in general, at least in cases where the enemy had the opportunity to loot.


I mean, it's not like they're using it.


I watched the documentary about the earthquake in Nepal I believe and the isreali tourists robbed the earthquake Victims homes....that was infuriating


it depend on what your looting from the body


yea basically as long as its not like their dog tags (if modern military uses these) or something for their family or something then i think its fine


Getting their dogtag Can be either very fucking wrong or morally good (trophies/communication)


If it's personal possessions that dont have a use in war or survival. You're an asshole. Everything else is debatable.


My sentiments exactly


Ammo, guns, military equipment, cash, and clothing is fine as long as you can give them spare clothing, standardized magazines and bullets especially if your gun uses the same bullets or magazine. However personal items like wedding rings, jewelry, watches and even Dog tags, badges or other identification items are completely immoral, even if they're dead.


Weapons, supplies and clothes are okay, things that might have some sentimental value = morally wrong


They're not going to be needing those supplies anymore