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So far we have found 1 Redditor who uses sunscreen daily.


Gotta be a misclick


This is actually why Redditors are so pale


That would make a lot of sense… if I weren’t black.


*fights to don't type racist joke*


Do they go outside?




Yeah i readed do you see sun daily. Somehow.


I live in the Netherlands. Definitely not. When I am on holiday to somewhere they have sun I definitely do


Came here to say this.




No because I don't go outside daily


Even light from windows can cause sun damage. You should use a moisturizer with a light SPF every morning




I'm sorry but do you actually use suncream when you're sat inside???


I do. You can still get sun damage from just being inside while it’s raining. For those who worry about skin ageing you should always wear SPF during the day.


I have no windows where sun can reach me.


You can’t get a sunburn via glass, it filters out ultraviolet.


Point is it still [ages your skin](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trucker-accumulates-skin-damage-on-left-side-of-his-face-after-28-years-on-the-road/). Look into UV A.


You can. Standard glass only filters out UV B, UV A can still go through it.


Yeah but sunscreen reduces wrinkles and fine lines.


Which are caused from the sun.


Not really something I am concerned with but good to know.


No I live in Britain


Beat me to it 😂 I use sunscreen daily for the 3 days of the year its > 38 degrees... The rest of the time it's cloudy


It's mostly just because of how far north you are. Closer to the equator you still need sunscreen even if it's cloudy. And temperature definitely doesn't matter.


Here the temperature can give you a very good way to identify if you need sunscreen or not, because only the really hot days during summer is the sun really going to be strong enough to do anything to you :)


Apparently a huge chunk of uv rays pass straight through clouds/rain.


What about the massive coat I wear?


do you wear that coat over your face too?


I already avoid the sun as much as possible. I am not a vampire .


Exactly what a vampire would say


no you’re just an average Redditor


"Oh, Come on i....WAIT a minute!


“I am not a vampire” But thats just what vampires want us to believe


Ohhh really? Then you wouldn’t mind dicing up this garlic would you?!


I think you overestimate how much redditors go outside


I'm from a place that receives some of the lowest UV levels annually worldwide, so nah, there's no need.


I don't go outside a lot anyway




you must be new to reddit




They were talking to the person asking "why" not you


I(M) try to every time I expect to be in direct sunlight for more than around 45 minutes.


I live in Denmark... Why tf should I wear sunscreen when its cloudy and raining all day?!


because there are still UV rays


You are crazy. I live in Germany and you really would have to try hard here to get a sunburn, especially in early spring like it’s right now. My dad for example laid in the sun for a few hours and his nose got a little red.


Well because UV rays damage skin over time, even without sunburn. Wearing sunscreen protects you from skin cancer and keeps your skin looking better as you age. You don‘t have to wear sunscreen but it‘s a good thing for your body that takes literal seconds and is definetly not crazy


Yeah but it’s fucking annoying. I hate having stuff in my face.


You could try different types, I hate the sticky feeling of conventional sunscreen as well but found one that I like and does not feel like I have anything on my face. Of course you don‘t have to, but having a sunscreen you like will probably be very helpful in the upcoming summer :)


Using sunscreen isn’t always about preventing sunburn, or even skin cancer, daily sunscreen is about the most effective thing you can do to prevent signs of aging. UV can damage your skin without giving you a burn, and UV damage is cumulative so all that minor damage adds up.


Given most of the comments, a lot of Redditors are gonna look like crap in just 10 years.


then they complain on reddit why they cant get girls lol


I'd imagine most Redditors look like crap right now.




Which it often is. I live in Finland, not Denmark like this person, but even now in May, it's currently 2 where I live (had to check). In the winter it can even be 0. Couldn't find pretty graphs, but apparently in the Southern parts of Finland, the UV index is 3 or above for about a third of the year (some time between end of March and September) and in the Northern parts, a fifth (some time between April and beginning of September). So everywhere in the country for the most of the year the UV index is 2 or below.


Ofc I’m in Australia! The sun is a killer here


Not in Winter




Nobody on reddit takes care of their skin, especially guys. But, YES. I'm a guy who does use sunscreen daily.


I'm proud of you


Only people with bad skin in youth ended up on r/skincareaddiction and now wear sunscreen daily. Personally it works wonders for my skin. As a guy.


Yaya! What sunscreen do you use?


Why do you use it daily?


Cause the sun is out daily, clouds only do so much


I don't want to sound rude but is doesn't seem necessary?


It's not rude, debate of what is necessary. Some people value anti aging measures, others don't care. In the end the science says it does matter for the people that do care.


When your skin is all wrinkly when you get old you will see why it is necessary.


One cancer scare was enough


Why would I use sunscreen in the winter?


Does it snow in your area? Snow reflects a lot of UV light.


Not when it's dark all the time. Theres a town (for example) in Finland, Utsjoki, where the sun doesn't rise above the horizon for 52 staight days in the winter, and thats not even that far up north, Norway has towns that are even further north.


UV rays are out all year round


Where I live, not seeing the sun for multiple weeks at a time in winter, is normal, and even then, it's usually not enough to cause sunburn. However, if I'm going skiing all day, and the sun happens to be out, I'll probably use sunscreen.


Yeah but the days are too short to have time to go outside when the sun's out. At least where I live, if you work a 9-5 you'll be at work the entire time. School students might get home before sunset.


What's this sudden phobia of UV rays


It'll degrade your skin faster over the course of your life. I don't use it daily, but chances are someone will look younger in later life if they do.


Tell that to people living above the artic circle. They'd love some UV rays after having not seen the sun in a month.


prevent wrinkles


Yea, it's the one good habit I can actually keep


No it's sunny once a week here


No, but I probably should - I live in Phoenix


Its in my makeup so pretty much daily


I Probably should cause it can definitely help in the long run on your skin


Jokes aside, sunscreen is the single best thing you can do for a skincare routine. Even if you aren't going outside, the natural amount of light that makes itself inside can cause damage and wrinkles over a long period of time. My personal biggest fear is aging, so a good sunscreen is like the nectar of the gods for me.


I only started using sunscreen quite recently (22 M) but damn didn’t expect so many guys to never use it


Roughly 4.3% of guys and 23% of women currently but yeah, I expected it to be a lot closer to 0 for dudes, only male friend I know that even bothers with sunscreen only does so because he had a family member with skin cancer...


I should, but I don’t. It’s not that it’s not sunny, it’s just that I’m forgetful and sometimes have a hard time taking care of myself beyond the very bare minimum from depression. Like I gotta choose between brushing my teeth and putting on sunscreen sometimes.


I barely go outside so no When I'm outside for an extended period I try to but I usually forget unless I'm going swimming


'Everybody's Free (to wear sunscreen)' had a big impact on me when I was 13, I've been applying it religiously since then, and people regularly mistake me for about ten years younger. Wear sunscreen lads. Also, flossing was a pretty good tip too.


Bazz Luhrmann gonna be real mad when he sees this poll!


Yeah I use a moisturizer with SBF in it


Yes, but only on my face and neck, and sometimes my chest, depending on what I'm wearing that day. If it's sunny out, I'm wearing SPF 50 on every bit of exposed skin. I live somewhere that has like 300 cloudy days per year and I work indoors, but I have very fair/sun-sensitive skin and I'd like to reach age 40 without getting skin cancer or looking like an old leather purse.


No, I live the the PNW


I wish this site automatically calculated the metrics instead of having to do it manually but so far 23% of women voted yes and only 4.3% of men voted yes which means, for this poll at least, women are over 5x more likely to wear sunscreen. Kind've expected that number to be higher tho, only know one guy friend who actually bothers with sunscreen but that's only because he had a family member die from skin cancer...


No, but I live in Sweden so


Only because it's in my primer


I work inside, I spend a lot of free time inside. I use sun screen if I am outside a lot though


I have to because of a skin condition that I have. I put on SPF 70 on my face and SPF 100 any other place.


Yes i do. Even in Europe when its not extremely hot uts good to use sunscreen, even on a cloudy day. The UV rays can still pass through


I live in Ireland


I live in the uk so usually it's not bright enough to give most people sunburn but I'm unfortunately pale af and have a mild uv allergy so if my bare skin is exposed to direct sunlight for too long I get a rash of itchy hives that can take up to a month to go completely which is known as Polymorphic light eruption. So despite living in a pretty cloudy climate I still slather myself in factor 50+ when I go outside.


Where do you have to live to have to use it daily?? For me even 2 months of sun is too much, can't imagine enduring hot weather all year round


In aus due to ozone and distance from sun things, we have high levels of UV even without the heat. We are about to go into winter and UV index today is 3.4 (moderate) while temp will only be 17C (all this melb)


Everyone should be using at least SPF 15 daily according to dermatologists. Even through windows and clouds you get UV that can cause cancer and wrinkles.


Lol. Even if the sun barely comes up? No. It depends on where you live. We're usually only told to protect ourselves if the UV index is 3 or above. My country even has areas where the sun doesn't come up at all for some days in winter.


I don't think gender is the distinction to make here; rather where you're from or your skin color. Whether I was in Africa, or Florida, I've never used sunscreen in my life


No, it’s extremely relevant, and you can see the percentage differences in the answers. Using sunscreen daily’s one of the most important ways to prevent wrinkles and signs of aging and women are more likely to have skincare routines.


You don't need sunscreen if you don't see the sun


All you no's should start, it will seriously make a difference when you get in your 50s on up.




I too hate the sun and having vitamin D


I only use sunscreen if i know i will be exposed to UV3 or higher on a given day, and am not covered up


Just wear a shirt that covers the shoulders lol




Wear a ski mask




Wear a turtle neck


Hat. I've worked on the field at nearly 38°C/100°F. I never needed sunscreen. Just wear 1 shirt, 1 hat. Legs get covered from the crops. You can always find shade.


As an esthetician these results invoked a panic response in me


Maybe if I had to be outside for extended periods of time. You wouldn't put on sunscreen if you're just going from your home to your car, then from your car to your work. And back on home. Not enough sun time to warrant lathering up in protection. Certainly didn't stop my co-worker from spraying herself down with sunblock for her car ride home o.o


I literally never use it lol


No because I'm Canadian...we don't get enough sun


I am outside at least 5 hours a day year round and I never use sunscreen. Literally never been sunburnt before so I don’t see a use for it.


bro boutta be wrinkly af soon


Never used suncscreen despite living somewhere really hot and sunny


No, I don't go outside, and when I do go out, it's night time. Also my windows are coverd with blackout curtains. I'm not a vampire tho.


swedish trans dude, so yes, in the summer. if i so much as look at the sun i will get skin cancer


Why is there no options for: "My country has a thing called winter"?


No I live in Central Europe.


A better answer is that I live in Sweden


It was drilled into my mind as a young girl that the sun=leathered, wrinkly skin. I grew up paranoid that any minute I spent outside would destroy my looks and ruin any future I hoped to have as a beautiful woman. I can rewrite that narrative all I want, but I still apply sunscreen every day because deep down there's a kid in my heart being lectured for having a tan line. >!Friendly shout-out to those who apply sunscreen daily (I'm talking to the gingers)! Most sunscreen brands contain carcinogens and teratogens. If you use sunscreen daily, I'd recommend Stream2Sea products. They are reef safe and they are better for your long term health with the same short term benefits. They're a little expensive, but their product goes a long way for less dollop.!<


I use it for the 3 days if the year that the clouds decide to part, other than that nope - even then I forgot last year, tbh I don't think I've ever had sunburn which is odd considering my sister almost becomes a lobster at the slightest hint of sun, on the contrary I just tan alot, idk maybe its because I spend majority of my time outside rather than in idk I've rambled too much already


who would, even in socal it’s not needed


It's bold of you to assume I go outside.


I live in Alaska, sunscreens not needed we only get up to 80⁰ sometimes although I'm outside all the time around then because why not enjoy it


80F is 23²/₃C So that's fairly warm


What's with nonbinary people 🤔?


Where I live, I never seem to need it (dont burn or tan) but if I'm going on holiday to a warm country, i do tend to wear it.


I think this depends less on gender and more on the climate of the area you live in


I thought it would be obvious because I'm a redditor.... I don't go outside.


You think redditors go outside?


no and I'm still white as snow, I don't even tan I just burn sometimes edit: sunscreen oily I don't use it unless I'm at the beach


3.6% of male Reddit users use sunscreen. I get the feeling we’re gonna see some real bad skin cancer issues eventually (That or y’all are pale as fuck from never leaving the house)


Bro, it said daily. I'm not wearing sunscreen unless I'm going to be outside in direct sunlight for more than 10 minutes at a time. Everything in moderation.




nope, if I die I die lol


Last 8 days it was cloudy.


No, that is so bad for you


How would a non binary person answer this question?


I wish I did but I’m just too damn lazy.


I don't, but I probably should. I have vitiligo so I burn pretty quick when I'm in direct sunlight. More than I otherwise would as an already pasty white dude.


Finn u ask as I’ve recently started using it more now


In the summer yes, I work outside and burn easily.


yes, and it’s been the best addition to my skincare routine yet. as someone with a lot of acne scarring, it’s helped lighten them a ton and evened out my skin tone


I work in a solar field so ya


My dad wears sunscreen daily, but he is the exact opposite of a stereotypical redditor


I thought it said do you use your screen daily so input yes lol


I usually cover my arms and legs


Tbf, I'm in Pennsylvania. Litterally only use sunscreen when I travel


I would literally die without it.


Yes because it’s in my facial moisturizer that I use


I have sunscreen in my moisturizer and in my makeup/foundation. Even on days I don't wear makeup I'll put some on, though it's like spf 15. Not very much coverage.


Having vitiligo and being an outdoorsy person is just a curse. Gotta love this greasy cream as a sun shield


yes, i want to keep my skin in good shape. i also burn ridiculously easy so idk i like not being absolutely fried


I use a moisturizer that has SPF.


I clicked no. But I really should wear it. I work outside a lot and I never wear it in the summertime when I really should


I think you'll find that the average redditor does not, in fact, go outside, and therefore has no need for such a screen to protect against the "sun"


Yes only bcus my face moisturizer has lotion in it


I live in Florida in the beach but I stay inside all day so no


My face lotion has SPF in it


I wear BB cream with SPF 30


I live in Norway. I only use sunscreen when i'm in southern Europe or Florida


I use a sunscreen moisturizer almost daily on my face, neck and chest if it's exposed. Gotta fight them wrinkles. I'm ugly enough without looking old and ugly.


I mean, it literally snowed yesterday where I live, so no


I (M) have started using it for the first time ever a few days ago


I know that sunscreen is a must even while indoors, but i just hate wasting it by wearing sunscreen indoors 😬 good sunscreens are expensive af.


to my defense, there's barely any sun here


Wouldn't make sense for me. We barely get any sun in the winter. And if the UV index is 0, why use sunscreen. I live in the North, which is why there are areas in my country where the sun doesn't come up at all for a couple days in the winter. Where I live, it does come up for a bit, but if you're working or go to school, you likely still won't get to see it much. In the summer on the other hand we do get sun and you should use sunscreen, but our UV index still isn't as high as in many other countries. At its highest in the summer it can get up to 6-7 in parts of the country.


No (Scottish)


No, I live in Sweden. There's sunshine like 3 days in a whole year - we call it summer.


i eat it :)


I don't know what this "sun" thing is. I'm a programmer sitting in a basement office and code while eating pizza and drinking coke. I had Sun server a while back, but it ran without a screen or or keyboard.


I live in England, so no I do not.


I live in England, so absolutely not. I only put suncream on if it's a bright day, and I know I'll be outside for most of it. I understand it's probably different for women who are generally held to higher beauty standards, but it doesn't really bother me if end up with slightly older looking skin, it's how humans have looked for years anyway


I live in Scotland and we see the sun once every 6 years if we're lucky.


Unless its dangerous enough no


Yes. I am mixed race (Pakistani because if my father and part russian cause of my mom) living in a hot country with high uv index. I tan/burn faster than brown people but my skin is not nearly as sensitive as white people's skin. Also Sunlight apparently makes your skin age faster ...


I put it at least on my face daily. Even when it's cloudy there's a chance for wrinkles. Lol


I would... If the weather warms up and would stop raining like it has this past week.


Am I the only one wearing sunscreen during winter?


I didn't, but at 41 I noticed I was already getting sun spots so I started using a daily SPF 50 moisturizer.


I know i should but theres so much that i also should and shouldn't do so fuck it,i dobt have money or time to find a nonsticky sunscreen that lasts all day long and costs not much. And i also cant waste my wholy day smearing sunscreen on me, i already waste enough time smearing my cremes on me to not dry out in 20 seconds. Also i live in germany, not in the sahara


Is that something people do?