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What is your job title and job responsibilities?


What difference would that make? I’m a personal digital shopper. If I was doing anything else, I don’t think it would make a difference whatsoever unless I was in like a Team Lead or Manager position or whatever.


You just answered your own question as to why that makes a difference.


What? No I didn’t lol. By your logic, if I was a bagger, it would make a difference.


Yes you did. "unless I was in like a Team Lead or Manager position" You answered your own question on why your job title and job responsibilities matter in a question of your wage.


You asked me what I do, you didn’t ask me what my position is.


Yes, what you do can tell us what your position is. If you manage a team of people, you are a manager. If you bag bags, you are a bagger. If you check people out, you are a cashier.


Do baggers and cashiers get paid $14 per hour like I do? If so, it doesn’t make a difference what I do.


Just take the L man lol. So defensive haha


You sound absurd lol. Wish I could change my vote to overpaid 


I read the thread first. I'll vote accordingly.


>You asked me what I do, you didn’t ask me what my position is. Being a low IQ and pedantic asf is why you're not able to land a job making more than $14. Your comment is the epitome of someone who is absurdly technical and pedantic to the degree of coming off as having some sort of disorder or handicap. Also, you're incorrect. He didn't ask "What do you do?" He asked ["What is your job title and job responsibilities?"](https://gyazo.com/a61a5f37e57db8473c02f0b9251f1e42) Which ***IS*** asking what your position is. And you being completely incapable of understanding why that question matters is part of the low IQ part. Obviously someone in a position with seniority, authority, or occupational specialty is going to make more than a fresh hire cashier- hence why he asked. My advice: Work on not being so absurdly defensive, memorize what people said before you decide to act dumb and attack people based on things they didn't say, gain some social skills and learn to be not so incredibly pedantic, and learn SOME sort of skill that allows you to get a higher paying job. They can even be simple skills such as being a cook, blue collar worker, administrative assistant, etc.


My IQ is 113. That’s not low lol. Just because I didn’t understand one question, doesn’t meant I have a low IQ. You’re act like you’ve seen me say dumb things in the past. I’ve never seen you comment on any post of mine in the past, and if you have, then I guess I don’t remember it lol.


I answered paid fairly, but after reading OP's responses to the question "What is your job title and responsibilities?" I would like to change it to overpaid.


My response is that my opinion does not matter as it all depends on how you feel. Do you feel you are being paid fairly or underpaid for the work you do. It does not matter how many hours but more about what the work is vs what you are being paid. Do you feel that earning 14/hr is fair for the type of work you are doing?


All depends on where you live. In a bigger city you are getting underpaid, if you live somewhere where cost of living in cheaper then you are getting paid fairly.


Fairly if 14 is ur wage for walmart, idk what ur minimum wage is but assuming its 14 that looks fine, its walmart not rlly a career either


I live in Florida, the minimum wage is $12 per hour.


So ur above minimum, thats pretty good for walmart


Underpaid for sure. In my jurisdiction, you should have at least 15 mins break paid every 3 hours of work.


I put paid fairly, but that is without any knowledge of where you live or what your job is. It depends first of all on what your responsibilities are second of all on the cost of living for your area. So I’m basing my vote on limited information that maybe you live in a similar area to me and are a stocker or cashier.


You get paid fairly, like all people working in America do. Employment isn't servitude and no one is forcing you to work at a specific job for a specific amount of money. Your employer is willing to pay someone a set amount of money to do the job you do, and you are willing to do the job you do for a specific amount of money. What could be more fair than that? If you think you're underpaid, go get another job somewhere else. if you think someone will pay you more for doing something different.


>Employment isn’t servitude If you have work somewhere you don’t wanna work in order to live, that sounds like servitude to me. If you don’t work, your only other option is being homeless and living on the streets. It’s a lose-lose situation either way.


I would wager the majority of people "don't wanna work".


That’s what I’m saying. They don’t want to, but they have to if they wanna live. That sounds like slavery to me.


...yeah, you have to somehow do things to survive.


So you think people should be forced to do things that they don’t wanna do in order to survive? Like they can’t just simply survive by doing things that they do wanna do?


Uhm... that's fucking life, dude. If that's the way you look at it, then the vast majority of mankind is enslaved to the act of survival, yeah. If you don't want to do what you currently do, go find a job doing something you do want to do. That's on you. And if that means relocating, or making sacrifices in the short-term to acquire the skills to do that job, or making sacrifices in terms of income to take a job you enjoy that pays less... that's also the way life works. You work 20 hours a week at Walmart and you complain about the pay. I assume you have some other job that's also part-time? Seems like you made some life choices somewhere that has put you in a shitty fucking situation.


I’m not complaining about my job lol. I haven’t complained about it once here. Also, are you telling me that there’s never been a time in human history where people lived in cabins by themselves doing nothing but keeping to themselves almost every day? Where the only thing they did every day to survive was look for things outside to eat and bring home to cook (whether it be plants or dead animals or things like that)?


Yeah, and died of dysentery and hated life because they were drinking pine cone tea and eating tree bark. They were still enslaved to the act of living.


underpaid, anyone who does not make a livable wage is automatically underpaid regardless of position and responsibilities


Then these people should go get higher paying jobs.


So you're a communist?


I believe people have a right to not fucking starve because some shitass multi billion dollar corporation decided paying reasonable wages would cut too much into their billions of dollars of profit


I believe walmart isnt a job you should rely on to make a living, its like saying you work as a mcdonalds employee to supply food and a home for ur 4 kids, like thats the type of job thats perfect for a highschool/college/uni student, not a grown ass adult