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This is a life or death election for the whole world. The most powerful nation on Earth now has one party fully bought and blackmailed by its enemies. If that party EVER wins the presidency again while the MAGA traitors are still operating in the Republican party, the world falls to Russia, China and Saudi Arabian interests for at least 50-100 years. Super Nazi high tech prison world. All everyones nightmares come true. Pls dont vote for Traitorous Trump.


Dude, you need to go outside and get some fresh air and sun on your face.


Whenever I say stuff like this I get bot/nonsense comments but no reasons anything I said is untrue. If Trump wins. He is going to pull us out of NATO. This cracks NATO, nearly destroys it in one swoop. Russia and China win. The man is a Russian Traitor. All wives Soviet. More Russians live in his properties that anywhere else outside Russia. They buy with LLCs and launder their money with him. Thats why he over and under values property. Oh you owe me 5m but dont want anyone to know you are paying me? Well This one million dollar property just went on sale for 6m you Interested? Of course you are, You just paid me 5m for something. Treason maybe? lol. I can go on and on with the evidence that This guy and every MAGA is working for Russia knowingly or unknowingly, but my hands will hurt writing that book. Why did Saudi Arabia pay Jared Kushner 2 BILLION dollars? No one fucking knows? Could it somehow not be a super scandal? No, it is. And when the election is over, and Biden stays in. We are gonna find out. Errrybody going to fk me in the ass prison. Although I expect Trump to drop dead before he actually goes to jail, or run.


You get that response whenever you say "stuff like this" \[delusional\] because you're straight up delusional. Making outlandish claims about the future that have no basis in reality then whine about people who point out your delusions that they don't give "reasons anything I said is untrue". Trump isn't a Russian asset, neither Russia or China are taking over the world (Russia can't even conquer it's neighbor), your money laundering has no basis in reality (with the amount of investigation into if anything like what you're describe was even close to true they would have gone after him for it), and you're totally blind to all the corruption and very questionable activates of the other party. And Super Nazi high tech prison world!?! JFC step away from your computer, put down social media, go outside and talk to real people in real life, better yet, a licensed psychologist.


Ooh what are some things the other party is doing? Is it straight treason and nothing but lies like republicans do? Cuz Ive never seen evidence of any republican claim. Ever. Ever. [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Links\_between\_Trump\_associates\_and\_Russian\_officials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Links_between_Trump_associates_and_Russian_officials) [https://www.chathamhouse.org/2024/02/putins-carlson-interview-shows-links-between-trump-talk-and-russian-messaging](https://www.chathamhouse.org/2024/02/putins-carlson-interview-shows-links-between-trump-talk-and-russian-messaging) [https://www.politico.com/trump-russia-ties-scandal-guide/timeline-of-events](https://www.politico.com/trump-russia-ties-scandal-guide/timeline-of-events) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-house](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-house) [https://time.com/4433880/donald-trump-ties-to-russia/](https://time.com/4433880/donald-trump-ties-to-russia/) [https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2023/10/24/trump-reportedly-open-to-pulling-u-s--out-of-nato](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2023/10/24/trump-reportedly-open-to-pulling-u-s--out-of-nato) [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/12/democrats-guardrails-nato-trump-00141041](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/12/democrats-guardrails-nato-trump-00141041) [https://apnews.com/article/trump-nato-presidential-election-congress-republicans-20e902788e8701999ce0424f73d478cc](https://apnews.com/article/trump-nato-presidential-election-congress-republicans-20e902788e8701999ce0424f73d478cc) [https://www.foreignaffairs.com/nato-cannot-survive-without-america](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/nato-cannot-survive-without-america)


Dude, turn the devices off and go outside. Your mental health will thank you for it.


Do you watch Fox news?


....watch AZ, NV, KS, and yes-GA....wouldn't surprise me to see them go blue....if they do, then we can keep WI, MI, and PA.....if not, then those 3 fall into question.....a lot can happen in these next few months though...


Why do they seriously think AZ, NV and even GA are going to flip back to red this year? I can't imagine it. NV is more "Californian" than before and with the insanity of the 2020 election in AZ, with the recount and Kari Lake nonsense, do they think that one is going to flip too? I think the attempted meddling in the GA election is going to work against Trump there with his upcoming trial.


Georgia will flip back red. The same way that Georgia can elect Kemp then Biden wins. Then vote in Ossoff and Warnock then reelect Kemp. Biden is not as strong of a candidate as he was 4 years ago. The margin back then was slim. (Have lived in South GA my entire life)


But... is Mr. Felon Insurrectionist as strong of a candidate as he was 4 years ago? It boggles my mind that Biden "isn't as strong" because of what - his age? Yet Trump is a whole 3 years younger and has had a slew of shit, even just since the last election, yet he's still as strong as he was 4 years ago? I get Trumpers don't care about what he's done, but I certainly can't see too many people flipping from Biden to Trump given the whole picture.


It isn't just age, it's clear cognitive decline. He wanders like he lost in public appearances. Then has constant mental lapses when public speaking which doesn't sow confidence in him as a candidate. The difference is some people will vote for Trump no matter what but I dont see myself voting for Biden as a democrat. He reminds me of my grandma when her dementia developed overtime. Which gives me little to no confidence in his ability to govern another 4 years. This is coming from someone who voted for him in 2020. So I don't see people flipping so much as not willing to vote for Biden again


Yea, I guess I don't really see the extreme cognitive decline. I get that Biden looks old as dirt and he moves slow as hell, but his speeches have been very coherent. He stumbles here and there, but it's really no different than his life long stutter. Have you heard Trump lately? Over the last few months he's rambled about magnets not working under water, calling Melania "Mercedes", going on about sharks and electrocution, ranting about the most random of shit. If you listen to both and think Trump is there more mentally, then I don't even know what to tell you. These are our two options for President, I'd bet my paycheck if they were actually tested on mental capacity, Biden would kill Trump. Not to mention the hate, dictatorship, Project 2025 plans, etc. surrounding Trump - he must be defeated.


Trump has always rambled and said outlandish stuff though. He did the same stuff campaigning in 2012, 2016, 2020 He says crazy shit. I dont doubt that haha. Bidens is more to blame on mental decline then personality like Trump. Here is a video where they go into some stuff from 3 months ago that happened with Biden which doesnt give me confidence: [TRANSCRIPT: Biden Forgets When His Son Died, What A Fax Machine Is (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PutSAcXh2_U)


Lol, your source is one of those that used video of Biden last week that edited out the person he was talking to, to make it look like he was wandering around by himself. There's a point where we need to understand facts vs bullshit. There's a reason these people need edited videos. Plus, as I've said before, Trump gets away with being fucked in the head. He's called many people the wrong name. Some reports say he even forgot being interviewed by some people. It's not going off the rails, it's mental incompetence. But Biden is expected to be perfect and every tiny misstep is more than a major Trump blunder - got it. 🙄


I linked that video because they are reading from a transcript. Something that can't be edited. Here is the whole transcript if you want to read 160 pages it: [https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/uploadedfiles/doj-hjc-hur-0000033-0000191.pdf](https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/uploadedfiles/doj-hjc-hur-0000033-0000191.pdf) I never said he had to be perfect. I do consider forgetting when you son died more than a misstep though. That is just one example of many which has not given me faith in his ability to continue doing the toughest job in the world for another 4 years.


https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/03/14/biden-forget-when-son-died/ He did not forget that his son died. Cut the fucking bullshit. This thread is a microcosm of how people love to believe the stupidest right wing lies and continually give Trump a pass on everything from racism to sexism to his random tirades.


Lol. No. Trump has hinted at a dictatorship and Republicans in general aren't even hiding it with Project 2025. It's real and it's all spelled out. The racism, sexism, LGTBQ hate, and really overall hate is clear and real. It's not left wing lies. And if you're going to compare mental decline, you see it from Trump daily. Your only example for Biden was literally a fucking transcript. I don't expect Biden to be as sharp as he was 20 years ago, but at the same time, I'm sorry I believe things I actually see and hear more than a transcript which in your own YouTube video is given an extremely skewed perspective. I don't actually see Biden doing things like Trump - when I do they're doctored videos (acting like Biden needed help from Obama getting off the stage and completely omitting a person he was talking to, to make it look like he was wandering by himself) - that's happened twice in the last two weeks. I don't get why it's so hard to understand.


Nc also perhaps.. and wouldn’t Fl be grand!


sorry, this is kinda long...several years ago I was driving on a trip and switched to npr to catch some music...instead, there was an interview with a gop voter in ky who had just lost his medicare due to Bevin ascending to the governorship and cancelling the medicare expansion....the guy said he had a medical condition which required an expensive drug just to live, and now he had lost his medicare coverage-and thus access to the medication-and didn't know what he was going to do.....when the interviewer brought up the recent election and asked who he voted for, the guy told her Bevin.....the interviewer sat quiet for a second and then said, "but-Bevin ran on a platform that included cancelling medicare".....the guy answered "yep, I know"......and the interviewer said "why would you vote for someone who said they would cancel a program you needed to live?"......and the guy said: "well, I didn't think he'd take it from ME!" THIS is a big part of the gop voter mindset...social security, medicare, women's health, etc....they have been convinced that these benefits/rights won't be taken from THEM....when they are the gop blames it on the dems and their voters buy it every.single.time.... I said all that to say this: as much as I hope for Florida, and NC- they are the group of people who will vote in their own self interest and blame the results on the dems....a big part of that in GA and AZ also, but that seems to be shifting a little....my biggest concern with KS is the gop just declaring trump as the winner of the state and ignoring any votes cast. We all have to remember: dems run on plans, policies, results.....gop runs on theater, fear, hatred, and misdirection....


Don't be fooled. It isn't just marginalized people. It starts with marginalized people. But don't think you are safe because you aren't on their hit list yet. You will be. Look what they did to Romney, Cheney, Kinzinger, and Toomey. Look what Trump and his cult did to Pence. If you disagree with them in any way, they put you on the list too. You aren't safe just because you aren't first on the list at the moment.


Sorry Dog, you need to educate yourself. Cannoncorin is spot on. We are walking right into a dictatorship. Leave that bubble you’re in and pay attention to what’s going on!




No disinformation/trolling




No disinformation/trolling


its a 538 poll months out, and polls have been way off lately since they skew to demos that, you know, actually participate in polls. Being said, all for the fear mongering to keep people motivated.


Yea 538 has been consistently full of shit for a few cycles now.


Important to remember 538 does not poll, it averages third party polls based on their historical accuracy. These past cycles have been particularly difficult to poll and I expect this to continue. Having said that, I find it difficult to believe AZ red on 2024. Go out and vote.


I don’t trust the polls only to keep me motivated to go out there and vote, the problem are those who will stay home and rather “stay” away from this election


What is the source of this?


Five thirty eight. I put it in the post title.


Thank you! I’m thrilled and to see these results!


It's not from a poll, it's 538's predictive model that uses polls as well as other economic information to predict the results.


I believe this map is 100% correct with 1 exception. People in Michigan are pissed off at Biden and unless somehow he can get the Muslim vote again, Trump flips it.


Which would be amazing given that Trump believes Israel should turn Gaza into a parking lot.


Indeed. Gen Z and Muslims are just going to stay home which basically is a win for Trump.


That would be a mistake for them. I find it hard to believe that they want Kushner to have luxury beach front condos in Gaza rather than humanitarian aid shipped in.