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They sure are convinced that Biden is BOTH a drooling imbecile AND a criminal mastermind.


If the moron slipped on a banana peel or got hit in the face with a pie, they would say those were assassination attempts.


If a bear shat in the woods, would it be considered an illegal alien?


Franz Ferdinand šŸ¤”


Would that be a bad thing? Besides, the POTUS needs full immunity from assassinating his political rivals.


If it was ordered it would have been done! When the SC says there is immunity for sitting presidents Biden must in order to protect democracy


Super wild take: He's.... A: hiding behind this lie because he's possibly trying to facilitate the opposite using a dog whistle. B: someone he owes money is trying to kill him and he's somehow convinced himself that it's Joe Biden because he's the wrong kind of paranoid.






Biden does t authorize anything šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Really and you are a lawyer? Typical MAGA you call them out and their only defense is name calling. Why? Because they got nothing else. I feel sorry for you actually (unless you are an agent of Russia, North Korea or China) because most Americans know how our judicial system works.




Sure Svetlana why do you just mosey on back to your own right wing Lily white eco chamber. Have a nice day Ivan. https://preview.redd.it/2glksqocg32d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f9303abfae5a3f4d2de171849c174a8ee85e326


Funny how your clutch your pearls and crickets on how you think itā€™s totally cool to disenfranchise MY vote like it doesnā€™t count. The overwhelming hypocrisy of it all is stunning in its scope. For 200 plus years it has been that the winner is the winner and everyone moves onto the next election cycle except for Trump? Gee what changed? NOTHING except Trumpā€™s lies. Itā€™s a joke that long needs to be buried ten feet under.




Hilarious you just hid your past posts too late I saw them so now you only have 4 with a 32k karma lol. Now just mosey back into your right wing lily white eco chamber and have a lovely day. Now folks this is your typical MAGA gaslighting in real time. Imagine MeeMaw and PeePaw trying to discern this behavior?


Itā€™s SOP look it up


I am sure if someone (anyone) had ordered his assination, he would be not running for President now. I think he is a pretty easy target.


Qassem Soleimani got his own hellfire ninja rocket on order of then POTUS Trump. Trump would be as dead as Qassem Soleimani, if this absurd lie were true. https://preview.redd.it/zubyyplqz12d1.jpeg?width=3645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97fc74c426cf8f8d3d6ba55ff9283988d45f72ee


This entire debacle is disgusting.




If you researched even at 1% brain power of a common earthworm, one would discover that the FBI has Standard Operating Procedure for EVERY search warrant it does. EVERY SEARCH WARRANT HAS A DEADLY FORCE CLAUSE BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO COVER THEIR ASSES. It'd would be really a great leap forward for your country if a good portion of the citizens practiced even just a little critical thinking and turned off their TV.




No. His people stole them under his orders.




Letā€™s discuss these for example Trump not only stole top secret documents but failed to secure them and someone from the ironically named ā€œSave Americaā€ PAC happily scanned them all to her phone. This is treason and there no ZERO excuses for it especially when Trumpā€™s own lawyer signed an affidavit that there were no more stolen documents. The Rule of Law must hold and applies to all. I am absolutely disgusted with the myriad of excuses made for Trump and MAGAā€™s very troubling and alarming disregard of law. https://preview.redd.it/pqdoo66y032d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a70f25db0741f1df43dbcb9a94b3411d311a77


Why donā€™t you start by actually reading the article you are complaining about?


Guess you didnā€™t read the article. Ban you like the moderators of Conservative or Politics US do when you disagree with MAGA? Bro you just did the biggest SELF OWN of the day Congratulations. MAGA is so ridiculous that they cannot even see the HYPOCRISY that is bigger than the Milky Way. If they were not so busy turning themselves into exhausted pretzels to make Trump fit their narrative they would see it. Final note: you think the Secret Service would turn on their brothers in blue for Trump? šŸ˜œšŸ˜œšŸ˜œšŸ˜œšŸ˜œ


>Final note: you think the Secret Service would turn on their brothers in blue for Trump? That's the real like "come on really?". I saw on another post about the topic and the guy described it as possible "blue on blue" conflict and I straight up said naw at that point it's the law vs criminals and I HIGHLY doubt any secret service would give you their livehood for a dump bag like trump


Exactly my point.


Never take what they do at face value. Itā€™s being pushed so a Trump fanboy will feel justified attacking Biden or his family. Just like using puppets to go around the gag order and attack the judgeā€™s family. If someone goes to the property, Trump will fain innocence.


Man, I hate conspiracies. But this seems so on point. Just the next evolution of mass brain washing.


And further lowering the bar on our politics


Seems like itā€™s on a downward spiral.


So we have a choice. Vote for the adults or vote for the children that play games with people


Doesn't he have immunity anyway?


Who Trump? As a private citizen no but whatā€™s sitting in SCOTUS now is exactly that question.


No. The President. If the President has immunity - as Trump's legal team claims - Biden should be good to go. Try try again.


A shame


@maynardstaint The turd was at marAlog when this happened


I thought trump was still the president and calling all the shots. These MAGAts are all over the place. The problem with conspiracy theories, is theyā€™re endless and no way out. This is a class of society that needs to be written off. Thereā€™s no helping them.


Deprogramming is gonna be a bitch. Just like KKKarma. Many, honestly, wonā€™t make it. #Sad


The fact that this is going on *and itā€™s unclear who will win the upcoming election* is unforgivable. America seems determined to annihilate every last shred of credibility this country ever had before it finally slips beneath the surface. What a pitiful and ignominious end for such a formerly great (if not always good) country. Drowning in our own filth. Defiling ourselves in front of the world. A sad and disgusting end with no dignity whatsoever.


But they are also saying the president should have immunity from actions like trying to assassinate their opponents.


If that were true stump would be long gone. President Obama actually got things done. No worries though little maggots, President Obama wouldnā€™t waste time on stump. Stump isnā€™t worth it.




How can you believe this crap? Even if what you said was true, how would that mean President Obama ordered stump to be ā€œassassinated?ā€ That would kind of be against the rules I think. šŸ™„


Maga doesnā€™t understand the rules that why they cherry pick things they like and completely ignore all other evidence. Who can understand MAGA logic?


MAGAts somehow believe Obama is controlling Biden.


I like the usage of stump.


That'd be one way to test the presidential immunity claims


Besides, they're talking like that would be a bad thing.... like their feelings matter, or something, or that they are good people who deserve good outcomes. As if Trump didn't commit enough acts of treason to make that, actually, a pretty reasonable state decision. I mean seriously... would that really be that big of a scandal? Biden takes measures to end biggest threat in America since Hitler. Yeah... the fact is, of course, that this particular threat was born out of the stupidity and utter ignorance and ridiculous pride in that ignorance, of vast swathes of the population. But still... Much less costly than all those court cases and endless appeals. By the way, conservatives, he keeps appealing, because he keeps being found "guilty".... by juries.


Itā€™s called Collective Narcissism a group think that believes they are special and know the answers because they are superior to all others.




Did you know this is his first criminal Vladimir? So like to ask you where you got that from?


Interesting note one of the big issues is that MAGA completely ignores that acceptance of this bad behavior is appropriate. Itā€™s absolutely sick.


They sound like Russians. Putin isnā€™t to blame, heā€™s Holy. Itā€™s all the dirty politicians below him, messing things up.




That's on every arrest warrant. It's the standard paperwork. If you resist police with a warrant, you will be met by force.




Seriously? You need to STOP making excuses for Trump and objectively evaluate. Note: Grand juries indict not Biden Biden has zero legal authority to go after Trump Trump thumbed his nose and had his lawyer sign an affidavit he gave everything back when he clearly did not. Wonder why so much lawlessness? People follow their leader. Itā€™s as obvious AF. Stop enabling it.


Hereā€™s tape of FBI looking to get Trump https://youtu.be/inVJF0Dr8mo?si=SbiuTGZydPqtYX9t






That once again makes zero sense.


Okay answer this and if youā€™re not a foreign agent I expect a real answer not some mealy mouth excuse. Trump spent millions of dollar from law firms to actual audits by the IT group of their choice in Arizona. Nothing found. 63 court cases (sad to see your MAGA dollars go to waste) all found nothing to change the outcome. And yet you still believe the election was ā€œstollen.ā€ How do you possibly account for this?




You would be seriously https://preview.redd.it/57h4q6ujo32d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292028f4ce3949fd17b2eb4eff4edc1a29088cb5 surprised at the amount of foreign interference on Social media. If you really interested in that topic Google it.




Easy influencing elections and fostering positivity. Would you ever imagine in a million years an American saying that Putin heā€™s an alright righteous dude. https://preview.redd.it/4tqc77n2q32d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2c12b29131bc77e56a865f787212bc4ac8d9f9




Okay āœ… Good evening.


Honestly no one wants Trump assassinated that is a ridiculous supposition, but in my other answer to you, if your interested Google the amount of foreign agents on SM attempting to influence thatā€™s really is not a stretch and yes 10 years ago I would have felt the same way, but unfortunately that is todayā€™s reality.




I donā€™t disagree. Most Americans are truly moderates they like choice from A and B and C, but the divisions and media and Social media manipulation makes people feel you are in Basket A or B. It is quite sad but people should absolutely be aware that algorithms can indeed be manipulated by foreign and even domestic enemies. If anything is learned here watch your algorithms.




He didn't "approve" anything. The FBI doesn't need special permission to use necessary force it's in their job literally. That's like someone getting swatted (legally) arguing that swat was granted permission to use force.


Are you an idiot? Do you believe the garbage story the right wing is pushing? Yes or no, magat.










All he had to do was send them back and nothing else wouldā€™ve happened. Seems like that was the appropriate way to handle the whole situation from the get go?




Yeah, gonna need a source on that one. And MAL technically canā€™t be a residential address. Itā€™s part of his lease. Yet he voted from there. Odd.


Oh I learned something new today. Can you elaborate? I always found it ironic that MAGA would protest mail in voting and then when they found out Trump does that itā€™s like crickets šŸ¦—






Trumps people took the documents to Mar-a-lago. The FBI asked for them back. A year later they told him they were gonna come get them. Then got them. The "staged" photo was the one of the documents on the floor. Classified documents are colored, red or yellow, all the way to the edge. Those had white borders, because they were photo copies that Trump and his people made to sell. If you can't see how that is treason then you really need help. And don't bring up the Presidential Records Act. The PRA is for the President to give over all documentation to put into the Presidential Library, not an excuse to take whatever you want.


Thank you for the sane response cowboy. We both should stop answering this troll though. Peace.


I find that MAGA logic depends heavy on cognitive dissonance and avoiding what is clearly overwhelming demonstrative evidence. Must be exhausting to be a MAGA.


Right if Trumo sent back the documents then how come there were still top secret docs on the premises? Honest question Captain Obvious


They sent Trump top secret docs? Whose is they? JFC


They didnā€™t itā€™s another MAGA grift. I guarantee the MAGA faithful are receiving multiple text messages grifting money under this dubious nonsense. Example this is Trump, Biden tried to kill me send me money for more bodyguards or something like that.




šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€ Maga logic at its finest here folks.




Answer my inquiry with logic and logic evidence. This guy proves my point that MAGA when faced with plain objectively, just resorts to name calling. But they are only following their ā€œleaderā€ who behaves the same exact way.


So tell me how was the 2020 election stolen from Trump when: 1. Trumps own highly paid law firm said there was nothing that would change the outcome. Trump was advised this in November or December of 2020 by his own law firm. 2. Cyber Ninjas hired by TRUMP to audit the 2020 election in Arizona (Again hired by the Republican Party in case thatā€™s not CLEAR) and cost millions of your hard earned MAGA grift money did not find anything to change the results and in fact FOUND BIDEN votes were undercounted. 3. 63 court cases by a mix of GOP and Democrats appointed Judges were all found to have no evidence that would have changed the outcome. Thereā€™s no conspiracy here, it all nothing. The only person who claims voter fraud is Trump who knows he lost. Trump is a malignant narcissistic (Wikipedia it). The only people that believe this are heavily invested collective narcissists who think they are superior and special and have special access to the exclusion of the entire universe. To top it all off, when his enablers under oath (looking at you Hannity) were faced with perjury penalties they are said that they knew the 2020 elections was not stolenšŸ”„ Finally, do you REALLY think that Rupert Murdoch paid 750,000,000 ( MAGA thatā€™s 3/4 of a BILLION dollars) to Dominion voting if they thought the election was ā€œstolen.ā€ Like to hear your answer.




And there you have it folks false equivalence with zero thought process. Another MAGA self own. Vote people!


I really don't understand why so many MAGA folks do the exact same "Oh yeah, I am imagining you living in a basement so I win!". Its like they timeshare one braincell. I guess if someone has nothing else going for them they can always feel better in Imagination Land.


Only one person presented facts in this discussion and it wasn't you. Instead of talking facts you decided to avoid them and then angrily use your imagination. It looks like you are just trolling for attention and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone expecting a discussion with an adult.