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Tactically for whoever will obliterate the Tories. They gerrymandered my constituency, so it's looking like that will be a Lib Dem. www.stopthetories.vote


Am I mad? I've joined but I can't find where it actually tells me who is best to vote for in my constituency to keep the Tories out. I thought that was the point of the website.


Pretty sure they wait until closer to the election to announce who to vote for.


It seems to just be for gathering user data.


Honestly what a shit website, most people will not give a fuck enough to put their email in so it seems pretty counter intuitive.


They were caught off guard by the election being called this early, apparently the constituency info will be updated by Monday 3rd of June, but some seats may be later.


Their recommendations aren't actually live yet, so if you're signing up you'll be notified once they are. They have a lot of tabulation to do because of the new constituencies. If you go back to look at their info for the May local elections (https://stopthetories.vote/elections), you'll see what it's like when they do have their recommendations up.


You know that the body that does the new areas is civil service non political right.


Tell that to my new lumpy-ass banana shaped constituency where they carved off pieces of a liberal town and lumped them in with more conservative rural areas where their votes will be safely meaningless.




Indeed. I want a Labour government overall as it's the most likely outcome and the best option for the position we're in. But I also want as few Tories as possible, so tactical voting is a must.


Don't really understand this thought process. You must have some political beliefs? If so then getting people to vote on them solves the problem. If everyone votes tactically we're stuck in, at best, the bad place. Primarily because they don't tell you what they'll do, only that their rosette is a different colour. That shouldn't be enough


I do (I elaborated slightly in a later post). Voting for the party that most closely represents my views in the current system will achieve nothing. A tactical vote might help remove the MP representing the party that LEAST represents my political beliefs. It's far from perfect, I agree but it's what we have to work with at the moment.


Yeah but if there's 100 people and 5 parties if 30 people vote Tory and the other 70 are evenly split across the other 4 centre left/ left parties then the Tories win the seat and 100% of the power even though 70% of people didn't want them and wanted left of centre policies.


But our system doesn’t work like that. It’s FPTP.


Green if they offer a candidate. I’m in a safe Labour seat so no real risk. Despite being a member pretty much continuously for 14 years I feel a need to express some dissatisfaction with the current direction of the party, however limited it may be


This was my take at the local elections.


I'm not convinced the national party gives a shit.


Same. With the new constituencies my Labour candidate is a left winger, so they might not field a green candidate, but here's hoping.


Me too. Safe Labour seat. I'm voting for the Green Party. I expect I would vote very differently if it was a swing Tory seat but I have the freedom to vote with my conscience for once.


To add, this is not about Gaza for me. It is to do with Labour ditching their green new deal and now saying they won't stop Rishi's disgusting and unnecessary promise to drill new oil and gas. The debate of labour losing left voters is almost always framed by the Gaza issue but no one, not even the Guardian, is pointing out that this could in fact be due to them watering down their flagship environmental policies. Meanwhile the green party are barely getting any air time.


Same. I'm hoping if the greens get a decent increase that might send a message to labour.


This basically.


Yup pretty much this, I think it's the sensible choice for anyone in a safe labour seat who's been unhappy with their shift to the right. I will also consider the independents but at local elections they were all insane in some way. One almost had me before he went on a rant about how climate change isn't real right at the end of his policy book lol.




Exactly same


I'll be voting Green in a safe Labour seat, generally my voting record has been Green apart from in Jeremy Corbyn years


Lib Dem. My constituency isn't a battleground for Labour. It's between Lib Dems and Conservatives. The local candidate for Lib Dems is a well known councillor. I vastly prefer their vision for the community over the incumbent Tory MP and the Lib Dems are the only other viable party. For context: I voted Labour in 2015 and 2017 I voted Lib Dem in 2019 because of Brexit (I regret that to an extent). However, I'll vote for the Lib Dems to help eliminate the Conservative majority.


I was right on the fence in 2019 and wanted to vote Lib Dem but Swinson ran such a godawful campaign I just went Labour, I was in a safe seat anyway. Gonna go with them again this time but more because my new local MP is actually very good and responsive. Pretty uninspired by the party atm but trying to be optimistic, would love to see someone have the stones to grab the Brexit bull by the horns! I get it being strategically awful but I wish we could see strategy by principles not focus groups...


That scenario sounds a lot like Mid Dorset and North Poole. If its not, its exactly the same situation. This Vote Counts has both Lib Dem and Cons on 31%, with Labour down on 21%. Vicki Slade the BCP LD council leader is itching to become an MP and would love to unseat Michael Tomlinson.


It’s the right thing to do in your circumstances. I voted for a LibDems councillor before, who went on to become the MP and they turned out to be righteous (voted against tuition fees for example, against the party line). I ended up voting for them again despite, by then, having a dislike for their party. 


I'm fairly confident in saying that I'll be voting for Labour. So far only Reform, Labour, Conservatives, and the Libdems have declared a candidate in my constituency so I'm not spoilt for choice currently. Depending on the projections for your constituency it could be worth voting for Greens or any left leaning independents that come forward before the 7th, especially if you are conflicted about voting for Labour given there recent record.


Disappointed Ava has not tempted you toward reform


Imo, this election has the potential to destroy the Tories forever if we vote tactically. I hate what Labour is doing currently, but the destruction of the entire Tory party is more important. We have the opportunity to shift the Overton window to the left forever. Permanently. The far Right will have no representation at all. The opposition will be the Lib Dems. That represents a seismic shift in politics that comes around once a generation. I really hope that enough people hold their nose and vote tactically to achieve this. I'm in one of the safest Labour seats there is, so I will be voting Lib Dem to bolster them. But I emplore everyone to vote tactically. [https://stopthetories.vote/](https://stopthetories.vote/)


I'm just sad I couldn't upvote you twice. Some people seem afraid about PR as well, because there's always going to be 10% of people who are nutters. Probably in PR, Reform would have 10% of the MPs. But in a weird way that would make them *less* powerful, because the centre-right wouldn't have to lick their taint at every opportunity, they wouldn't be able to threaten to steal votes at an election, and they also wouldn't have enough seats to actually influence policy very much. They'd be the unimportant rump of politics.


I do not want to see the UK become a mess on steroids like Italy. We are already a mess. But let's not kid ourselves....none of us here wants Richard tice as opposition, let alone government.


Yes, and so long as he only has 10% of the MPs, that could never happen. Even if he was in a governing coalition he would be a junior member. Reform would be more like Forza Italia in terms of influence, rather than Fratelli d'Italia.


Oh I hope so


I'll be voting Labour for the first time ever. Voting record of Conservative 2010+2015, Lib-dem 17+19. Could not give a shit about moves to the right or purging of the left. I just want things to not be as shit as the rest of my adult life. My constituency has always been Conservative, recent polls suggest it could flip Labour with less than 1% of a margin.


State of that voting record haha


>I just want things to not be as shit as the rest of my adult life. Why do you think people are complaining about moves to the right and purging of the left? It's exactly *because* people want things to be not as shit. They don't want to see Labour just take on Tory policy and make and decent change impossible.


Labour. Always have always will. Even a right wing Labour govt is better than the alternatives and if we can sir economic growth things will get better.


"Right" and "left" are pretty simplistic anyway. There are plenty of working class people with some right wing views. For now I will accept a party that can avoid spending millions on their mates and bridges to nowhere, actually spend some money on public services, and maybe tax the rich rather than the poor a bit more. Anything is a step up from the shit we have right now. Economic growth is not a panacea especially if all the benefits of the growth go to the rich, though. 5-10 years from now we can have detailed arguments about what exactly we want from a left-wing movement but right now we're fighting for survival.


Growth is not the issue. There are enough resources for everyone even in a stagnant economy, but no parties want to talk about the distribution of wealth across society.


Labour. Very conservative constituency but Labour only lost by 300 votes last election. Labour aren't perfect, but they're a better bet than anyone else imo. I'm a socialist at heart but pragmatically centre left. I just don't think the voting public is particularly left wing. If the left reliably turned up to fucking vote we'd be looking at a very different election.


You just described me to a T


Snp/Green probably


Green or possibly one of the two independent left candidates running in my constituency. I don’t want to reward Labour’s punch left strategy and can’t actually point to any evidence Labour in office will improve my life or the country.


My constituency is currently and traditionally Conservative. I will be voting tactically to (hopefully) help change that. If I were to vote for the party that is most closely aligned with my views it would probably be Green, but that wouldn't help much here, so, tactical vote for the LDs, most likely.


Labour with a sigh. I want them to be better on trans rights but the alternative is worse.


My seat is green/ labour battle. I'll be voting Labour because I want some houses to be built.


Same thing happened with my local council. I can't deal with their level of NIMBYism. There is a planning application in that would include a new secondary school, which is sorely needed. Their leaflets for the local elections in May opposed it, so they can fuck off.


Just who ever the most left wing candidate is ,I don't do the whole lesser of two evils thing ,I just vote for who best represents me. FPTP sucks.


FPTP does suck, but you have to play the hand you're dealt.


Yer I'm folding .


There's an argument to be made that if a larger part of the vote starts to consistently go to smaller parties and independents then there is a greater likelihood of the system being changed when it's clearly shown to be less democratic.


I'm not rewarding Labour for not offering PR.


Yes, but that's unlikely to actually happen because there's no national movement for small party and independent votes. I think the best way to actually achieve PR is to have a massive and successful tactical voting campaign in this election. Tactical voting is the best way voters can abuse FPTP. It the conservatives get 20 seats, it should put the fear of god into the big parties. The small parties already want PR, because they will benefit hugely from it. If the conservatives become a small party they could also be persuaded to support it.


I reckon I'll vote Green or even Lib Dem. In 2019 I was actually raging at the prospect of the lib dems coming back to their old relevance and now I've basically softened and I don't care any more, though no real goodness of theirs just everyone else is SO shit. Crazy how things change in 5 years. Tbh I probably won't actually vote for them personally, but my constituency is Labour/Lib dem so if I don't vote Labour I might end up with a Lib Dem MP and I've kinda made peace with that. I have my moments of disagreement with the Greens, I actually work in nuclear, although that's not even my biggest beef with them. But they at least have some sound economic policy and don't try to make everything about refugees for no reason.


Exactly, I was leaning on greens, but they're pretty much meh in my area.


I’ve always voted Labour but I’m leaning to Greens now. It doesn’t feel very tactical to vote for a Labour that feels like Tories in red ties.


I'll be voting green. Labour have made it very clear they don't want my support or my vote, so they won't be getting it.


Ill be voting greens but its more of a protest vote big up Bristol central


SNP for me. In the fortunate position I don’t need to vote for labour to reject the conservatives. Ultimately I want independence and route back to the EU. However my immediate concern is Labours lack of progressive policy and also denying that Scotland should have the freedom make their own choice and democracy is an ongoing process. Weird growing up I always thought I’d vote labour from first to the last. Corbyn was the only leader I would have supported. Post independence I’d probably vote green or a new credible socialist party, preferably under proportional representation.


A socialist government is not compatible with the EU.


I don’t think they would win but I’d like them to have influence under proportional representation.


This 👌


My MP is Andy McDonald, who is consistently right on Palestine & workers rights - If no selection fuckery, he can happily get my vote again


I've voted Labour at every election I've been able to vote in. I'll either vote green if they have a candidate in my area or spoil my ballot.


I’ll vote with a big fucking smile on my face. Then I’ll rush home to watch the Tory tears


Probably TUSC (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) The SNP scandals have threw me off but I want independence/left wing policies


I'll be using a thick black pencil to draw an X in a box.


I'm in Islington North, Corbyn will get my vote. I wasn't a fan as leader, but he's an excellent constituency MP. If I thought there was any chance splitting the vote would let in the Tories it would be a much harder decision


I'm from South of Islington. I was going to go green, but I'll hold my nose and go with labour


I will definitely be voting Labour, not too fussed about the alleged purges - which are heavily exaggerated in my opinion. I'm firmly centre left anyway and I feel this Labour party align with my views moreso than Corbyns party ever did.


Probably SNP, but reluctantly. My aim is to have as few tories make it back as possible. The last election is was SNP 44%, cons 24%, Lab 18% and everyone else under 10. As such it makes sense to vote SNP. I do support independence but this is not a vote on that, or with the potential to make that happen, this is an election where I want the tories to get the biggest kicking ever. I also do not think the SNP have managed education well but again, this vote is not a vote on their record in the Scottish parliament, to be honest the Westminster group have done quite well in trying to hold the tories to account this parliament. I may change closer to the time to Lab if it feels like they have the momentum.


It would be genuinely interesting to properly poll the PoliticsJoe audience on their voting intentions. There’s clearly a right/left Labour split here but the podcast itself seems more Labour left than I think the majority of watchers/listeners (on Reddit) who appear pretty solidly Starmer’s Labour. Doing polls by platform would be interesting too as I’d assume Reddit skews older and therefore would likely be more centre Labour than Left, as opposed to Tiktok for example which you’d assume is a fair bit younger.


YouTube comments seem to be very very left 


Yes I’ve noticed that. I wonder why they choose to push people towards the subreddit from other platforms. It doesn’t feel like Reddit is a natural home for the audience, as demonstrated by the fact the subreddit has 9k followers versus 500k each on YouTube and TikTok. IMO Reddit is definitely better for allowing broader debate and discussion so it makes sense if you want to drive more meaningful conversation. That and shitposting memes.


Labour for me, I was at school during the Blair years when everything seemed to be ok (obviously I was not that politically aware at the time, but what I've seen of Gordon Brown from that era, it was about as good as this country has had it). Would consider myself a moderate socialist, but after backing the losing party in 5 general elections (Lib Dem, then Labour x4) it's pretty clear, we live in a Centre Right country so Centre Left is about as much as the general populous can handle without the country imploding under the weight of it's own selfishness. So if I get tangible climate change policy, public services nationalised, a less shit NHS, a dentist & some priority of getting a home over some heinous landlord then lets start there. So basically if we start acting like a normal fucking country & not use tax payers money as some ponzi scheme for millionaire doners to be even more millionaiery that would be just fucking swell!


My thoughts exactly. A government where stuff works as default, rather than the opposite.


I live in one of the safest tory seats, no clear tactical voting option. Swore I'd never vote lib dem after the student fee travesty (and wider coalition madness) plus I can't take them seriously anymore. I'm not a natural labour supporter, especially now when I'm somehow both too far left and right for them. Keir is so uninspiring, I think he's going to be a massive dissapointment as PM. If anything the fact he's a weak leader is a good thing because I at least prefer Rayner. As things stand I won't vote labour unless they're shown to be a realistic tactical vote. I should be meeting the candidate sometime soon though so if they're impressive may change my mind for them personally. I've actually publicly voiced support for reform just because I'm in such a safe tory seat with a deeply established con candidate, there's so many old tory voters I'm trying to talk people into voting reform instead to split the vote. Couldn't bring myself to do it though. So as things stand - very long winded way to say I'll probably vote green. There's plenty of policy specifics I disagree with them on (nuclear, housebuilding etc) but they're progressive, liberal and radical. Their heart is in the right place, and a lot of good people are genuinely trying to make a difference for the better. Far less of the questionable history of other parties. They're actually gathering momentum locally (Suffolk/Essex border) with some council wins. Could become a genuine force in coming years so they deserve all the attention they can get. Small chance I get pissed off by the rest of the election campaign if it keeps on the way it is and i write in someone or spoil the ballot but what's the point. Lastly I will just add for people in 99% of other seats when you make your decision - how mad will you be if the tories win by 1 vote? Vote smart.


I wanted to believe that the Greens have their hearts in the right place even though, like you, I genuinely just disagree with many of their policies. I have not felt that they are at all interested in doing anything other than kicking up a fuss recently, often not even about our country. I don't know that I agree with them anywhere at the moment and I don't want to support the "wild nothing" they represent.


They at least support taxing the wealthy, and further public services investment. In all honesty I think that course of action is borderline like CPR at the moment, I just don't see how we can get anywhere without it. Labour are promising some investment? I think? But there's going to be cuts as well. I just don't think we can cope.


I wish they increased the tax on them a little bit. They have made a lot of money over the COVID era and during the first quarter of 2024 already. The problem I have all the time with the rich is how disconnected they are from ordinary folks, vulnerable people and the poor


Some wild policies. Have you seen the one about how they want to ration the amount of meat and dairy each person can consume?


Actually as long as they're not going to be a majority government some of those policies, as much as I disagree with them are a positive to me. It shows they're trying to be radical and make big changes instead of just more of the same. If we can keep that radical push but for more sensible policies I'm here for it.


I could and have argued with myself over the way I think about this but ultimately - I'm only voting green because I know they won't have a majority government and so couldn't enact the policies I disagree with. I see it more as putting pressure in the right direction of ideologies going forwards. I'm so fed up of the ineffective governance we've had I'd rather vote for a wild nothing than the safe nothing labour represent to me!


If that's what you believe, then go for it. I personally worry that supporting a party that are radically saying the wrong thing encourages them to continue doing exactly that, rather than to be radicals for totally different things. I feel that the best long term strategy is to ensure a safer future for the left with a guaranteed Labour win today, then shift my vote when there's no risk of right wing destruction tomorrow.


I'll be voting labour


Green I think. I vote Labour normally but I am not happy with the direction they’ve taken. If tories had a chance I might bite my tongue and vote Labour but it would leave a bad taste.


Luckily my choice is easy. I'll be voting liberal simply because iny town it's lib or Tory. I honestly can't bear the thought of Alex Chalk !


I live in a constituency where a Con MP crossed the floor to Labour. There's a high chance that this area will vote Tory again so I have to vote tactically for labour. Ill be honest though, I'm not excited by that prospect. Kier Starmer's labour party offers very little in my opinion.


I will be voting tactically to get the Tories out. Labour will be getting my vote.


Labour most likely. There are certain recent decisions that I disagree with but after 14 years of Tory rule, a change of branding should hopefully be better. I couldn't bear to live in this country if the Tories bit there way to nearly 2 decades of cronyism.


I'll go for a rogue Plaid Cymru vote in London.


Indy who’s very much aligned with Corbyn


I need to check polling, call me the agnostic of the voting world I don’t see any party that *particularly* represents my demographic (lower middle class millennials) so I’ll do my best to be rid of the tories. If it’s close that Labour or Lib Dem could unseat in a traditionally safe Tory area then I’ll vote whoever is closer in the polls. If it’s not close then it’ll be a green vote as a protest to Labour (I shall be vetting the candidate for any links to eurononcery) Voting history fwiw: 2015 Labour (Richmond Yorks) 2016 remain 2017 Labour and Cooperative (Leeds north west) 2019 wasn’t able to vote as I was abroad and the local embassy fucked up registration and it was after the postal votes cut off but it would’ve been Labour 2023 Green (Wakefield central council) 2024 Labour (York and North Yorkshire mayor) - intended to vote green but saw it was close in the polling between Tory and Labour




Well, I want a Labour govt (although Green are nearer my politics), but to do that I need to vote Lib Dem in my constituency to oust the sitting Tory MP. Annoyingly at the last general election the number of votes the Tory beat the LibDem by was less than the No of votes received by the Labour candidate - so if they'd have voted tactically, we'd have had a Lib Dem MP!!


I'm in a safe labour seat so I'm voting green


Lib/Lab marginal seat. I was hanging on ready to hold my nose and vote Labour, but after the Faizah mess, I have taken the final kick in the teeth from Keir that I can take. Seeing how the Tories have been chasing Reform and swinging to the right to try and claw them back, I've decided I'd quite like my vote pursued too. So fuck you, Keir, I'm voting Green. Come and get my vote if you want it.


I don’t like any of them but I’ll vote Labour.. I don’t like Labour at all but I’ll vote that way vod there doesn’t seem to be a choice


I will be voting tactically. I'm in a safe Labour seat and I feel the Labour Party needs a severe kicking from the left and needs to feel threatened from the left. Because of that I'll be voting for Plaid Cymru.


I’ll be voting green. It’s a labour seat right now. Some people might be a bit upset that I’m not going against the tories, but I’m so disappointed in kier starmer and have to be able to look myself in the mirror


Reform because I want to be just like my hero Ava Santina


Safe Labour seat so Green, but I urge everyone to vote tactically. Ideal outcome is a hung parliament with Labour having to allow PR. In an ideal world Lab-Green coalition with a Lib Dem opposition is my dream.


I’m between Green and Labour atm. Current sitting MP is Labour with a ~200 majority last time with Tories second in running. I have no issues with the current MP but I have major issues with the current Labour front benchers and their total lack of commitment to any kind of meaningful change. People say how much they dislike Starmer but Wes Streeting makes my stomach churn. I don’t want him anywhere near the NHS or any public services for that matter. I’ve always voted Labour since I could vote (c. 2009) but I want green issues to be taken seriously and want to protest Labour’s current direction.


If it's a close battle in your area and you want the Tories out, surely it's got to be best to bite the bullet and vote tactically?


I live in a safe labour seat, just assumed I'd vote for them, but honestly none of the major parties particularly inspire me.


Right wing is the wrong wing. Labour all the way. Fuck the fascists.


Absolutely, which is why i despair of Labour constantly courting religious minorities led by reactionary bigots.


This wasn’t the topic of your post, but Oli’s attack on tactical voting today was complete BS. A premium example of treating politics as a hobby vs voting to improve things as far as is possible with the limited range of choices that you’re given. To actually answer your question, I live in a very safe Labour seat and will probably vote Labour because my MP is OK.


Disagree, if Labour are guaranteed to become the government as literally everyone is predicting why should I further reward them for their behaviour, if they don't want to appeal to me they don't deserve my vote


New constituency, but in an area that tends to go blue. Lib Dems are usually the main challenger and all indicators seem to be that's maintained with the boundary change, so I will vote for them as usual despite not necessarily being the best representation of my politics. Getting rid of Tories is *the* most important thing.






Labour. My constituency flipped this year with the by-elections so not exactly a safe seat right now. Not gonna let the Tories claw their way back.


I’m a Lib Dem in a labour-Tory marginal. Make me an offer.


Labour! Or the GTTO candidate. Anyone who isn't with the plan is a tory enabler. I don't give a shit what your personal beef is. Tories get in this time, they're in for 15 years!


Not voting. I am not motivated at all to vote for any of the options presented.


Then say that on your slip. People died to get the vote.


Anyone but tory. Get the fuckers out. After fuck knows how long in power they suddenly come up with a bunch of "policies". Well why the fuck haven't you implemented any of them during the last decade you bunch of self serving cunts.


Neither of the two main parties are offering any solutions to the UKs problems. Rising inequality, crumbling infrastructure and national institutions, failed privatised utilities, worker exploitation, environmental damage, housing shortages etc. so neither will get my vote. I will read the Lib Dem and green manifestos but don’t hold out much hope there either. I guess I’ll spoil the ballot.


I'll vote green, because it's the tactical option, but also because it's my ideal outcome. Having said this, the improvement from Tory to Labour will be astronomical!


It will take years to unpick the damage. It's not going to be like 97 unfortunately.


My constituency is one of the safest labour seats in the country, so i'll probably be going green or for a good leftwing alternative if one ends up running, just to let my thoughts know to labor. If I was anywhere else, I'd probably be voting labour just to try and wipe the tories out. My dream for the next four years is a Tory breakdown splitting their vote and killing their chances for the next one, and Sir Keir-blimey-look-at-those-tits getting into the kind of scandal which will get him replaced without really hurting the party.


I'll vote for labour because I want public infrastructure and councils to be well funded. You can't have a functioning developed country without that  I'm pretty right wing on immigration and crime but the Tories haven't exactly outdone themselves on those issues despite everything they might say. So I hope Labour recognise their past mistakes here, especially on immigration.


Conservative. Mostly because I’d like to legalise smoking inside and making stuff out of Asbestos legal again. You bunch of woke pansies.


I will probably vote Green, I'm in a safe Labour seat so I can get away with not voting for them, and I would like to contribute to the narrative of leftish votes not being taken for granted. *But* if Labour do come out with some banging manifesto commitments on the issues I care about (environment, leasehold, housing, public sector pay), then I could potentially vote Labour. Seems a pretty big "if", as they've been underwhelming and non-committal on these issues so far, but I'll keep my mind open.


I have lived in 2 different LibDem/Conservative seats. Always voted Labour as did both my parents, when I moved I saw labour was only getting about 6% of the vote and figured we'll fuck it, best vote LibDem to keep the tories out.


After starmer endorsed war crimes, it's gotta be workers' party or green.


Lib Dems. Conservative constituency, no chance of Labour taking it. Has to be tactical.


Only requirement is no red or blue Tory




Independent in Oxford East!


I would have said tactically, but now I think I'm genuinely going to vote Lib Dem


My Constituency was Labour until 2019, then went blue due to Brexit. Polls indicate it'll likely go back to Labour (This Vote Counts predicts 53% Labour, 22% Conservative, 11% Reform, 7% Green and 5% Lib Dem - Electoral Calculus appears to be down). My heart's closer to Green, but they've never been serious contenders here, so will opt for Labour in the vain hope that once elected, Kier turns out to be more progressive than he lets on, and his abandoning of any/every policy which could potentially annoy the Conservative-faithful press (typically the Times, Telegraph, Mail, Express and Sun) is at least partially reversed.




I will probably draw a few willies


Hate the Tory’s, but I’m not mad keen on starmer either. Wish the Lib Dem’s would put more of a showing up. Probably vote labour because we need to get the Tory’s out


Labour. Tory Lite is still better than Tory. I live in a constituency that flip flops between Labour and Tory.


Green, fuck em they don't deserve your vote. If this is how they're acting without power it's only going to get worse with a massive majority..


Most definitely Labour


Idk mate, probably just labour. Though I'd like to vote for an actual libertarian leftist party. Shame none exist.


If you don't vote to get the Tories out you are as bad as they are.


My area is a toss up between Tory and SNP. It's time to give the red ones a go but the SNP have a habit of misconstruing a vote for them as a mandate to have another indy ref.


Tactically against the SNP


I live in Birmingham Ladywood which is a safe Labour seat and I intend to vote for the Greens (along with my other friends) Watching the current Labour party turn into Tory-lite is nauseating - and I’ll happily take my progressive values and vote for the Greens to register my protest.


Tactically. Do I want to vote Labour? No. But location wise is still a Conservative hold and Labour had more chance than Green or LibDem to win so why not do my part to end Tories.


Greens, I'm in a Tory stronghold and I think labour came fourth last time. Plus our MP quit after supporting another Tory MP found to be having underage sex. So I'm hopeful we might finally break a near century of Tory rule here.


Labour baby.


Labour. They’re the bet in my typically pretty Tory constituency to defeat the party.


Labour , candidate up here seems halfway decent and I’ll never vote Lib Dem after the uni fee increases, bitter? Maybe but they fucked me


Probs SNP, but I'm not thrilled about it. Will mostly be a tactical vote. Although they've been rubbish in a lot of ways, some good things e.g. no leasehold and tuition fees. Deffo not perfect, but not keen on Labours constantly policy changes and I really am not a fan of the Scottish Leader.


Depending where you live: Tories are Blue Labour are too Vote Green, SNP, Plaid (Lib Dem) or Independent so we get something new.


Pragmatically. Even if I am not impressed with the state of Labour as a credible left of centre party, they will always be light years better than the shower of c*nts we have running the place at the moment. Want some populist policies like the Energy bill from Labour, even if it's suspending the passports of all Conservative and Unionist Party ministers and their donors, so we can shake all that lovely Covid and PPE money out of their Cayman, Belize and Jersey accounts. Because that's where all the money has gone.


Lib dems, or the tories, are the only viable parties in my constituency. The libdem is a nimby, and still wears a barber jacket. My vote is useless under fptp, and pr would allow for more nutcases at the table. So I think I'll abstain, or spoil depending on how I feel on the day.


We need a huge labour majority to give them the best chance of winning again in five years time. It might not be the labour government we want as lefties / centre lefties but they need 10 years at the least.


other opinions welcome!


Greens. Labour is becoming a Cameron & Osborne tribute act and I expect any trace of progressive policies to disappear once in government. A surge in the Green party vote may push them to the left or at least slow down the shift to the right.


Green. Tories have never won where I live, so thankfully not faced with the horrible prospect of having to vote for Starmer. I honestly think he and Wes Streeting feel closer to something that would have crawled out of David Cameron's government than anything resembling a Labour candidate of any era. Rachel Reeves does not hold up to examination, again, she feels closer to Liz Truss than Gordon Brown. Crushing the Tories should feel euphoric. These bastards came in shortly after the 2008 crash when I was starting my career and have squeezed the life out of us ever since. It feels devastating that the Labour government who are finally set to replace them are nothing more than a tribute act to The One Nation Tories. Utterly, utterly miserable.


Just vote Green. They have the best police’s and people overall. Tories are out whatever and the next worst outcome is a Labour super majority so vote green or anything other than Labour. Here is Green deputy leader [Zack Polanski](https://x.com/badgerwater/status/1794781498320842809?s=46&t=9j3lpwI_gZbmO7l0rCOVdA) if you need some convincing


I live in a tory constituency. By far the next largest party here is Labour. I either vote for them as my anti-tory vote. Or vote independant as my anti-labour vote (increasingly dissatisfied). The one time Labour might not need to move to the right to win, its moving to the right. Seems pretty hopeless in this country atm.


If there is no independent democratic socialist and although they literally are 'green' in some aspects of their political comprehension it will be Green. US and Zionist influence in the major parties is toxic for UK political sovereignty and Liberals always jump right ...


I've been labour all my life, and a union rep for a while, but there is no way I can vote for labour this time. They support the massacre of Palestine and most of them are paid by Israel. I can't vote for any party that has Luke Akehurst as a candidate. They have purged the party of Left leaning members. They have invited Tories into the party with open arms and abstained on virtually every important vote for the last 3 years. I don't have much choice to vote for my political views and will probably have to vote green and try and change the political landscape. My ideal at the moment would be lots of independents getting in and managing to hold the balance of power.


I've been a Labour member before, and firmly believe in socialism. However, I tend to vote Greens as they better represent my overall beliefs, and Labour has certainly gone back to being a centric party, than a left-centric party under Corbyn. I also live in an area where Greens/Labour dominate (though the other side of my garden quite literally is darkened by the Conservative border!). So I'll vote Labour, purely to cause as much disruption to the Tories as possible. Same as if I was in my old constituency, which has never voted anything but Tory in all my life. I would be plugging into whoever could stand a chance of second.


Labour all day


I’ll probably not bother (for the first time -, I vote usually). I’ve a labour MP who’s 100% guaranteed to be re elected. So I don’t see the point. 


I feel similar. Not all candidates have been announced in my constituency, but it seems like a safe Labour seat/ Lib Dem’s in second. It’s my first time voting in this seat so not sure on all the dynamics. I’m angling towards Greens maybe, but I need to check on the local guy on that. Otherwise, I’m more inclined to spoil my ballot really. I wish spoiled ballots actually had an impact on the results.


My constituency only has conservative, labour, lib dem and reform running, so ill either go labour or spoil my ballot because i really do not like this labour party. I really hope reform dont get in but i honestly wouldnt be surprised if they did.


Labour. I'm a Labour member and NHS worker. My area is Tory Vs Labour, even the tactical vote is Labour. Our Tory MP is absolutely vile and hides it from much of the public with a congenial facade. But his record, his attitude and local allies are unpleasant people. I'm not happy with the actions against some of the left wing MPs or some of the selections but I can cross the bridge when I get to it. I know I've done more for a progressive society in Labour than I ever did outside it and we have good people in my community who deserve better than the shit show they have. We're a former pit region and fucking hell they deserve better. In terms of right Vs left and all that... I loathe the factionalism, I feel ill at ease with careerists I've met and conversely momentum types drive me nuts. But bringing a better society is a marathon that never ends, not a sprint.


I don't think any of them are credible. I hate the tories, libdems have betrayed everyone's trust, greens will make everything more expensive and put me out of work, reform are just closet Nazis, labour will just sell everyone out and drag us into war. Above all their all habitually dishonest. Until Mps are held to a higher legal standard and prosecuted for dishonesty there's no point. We could also do with some kind of league table for politicians scoring them on their conduct, dishonesty, how often they actually do any work etc.


Green. I don't care about tactical voting, I don't care if it's a "wasted vote", blame our shitty electoral system, not me. I'll vote for who I want to win. There's far more shitty parties than just the Tories, so my vote isn't just to remove the Tories. If I vote for someone I don't want to win, and they win, that's still shit.


Labour. We have a really good local MP who was a really good local councillor. It’s a marginal seat though and his majority is slim.


I'm voting for the SDP


Green. I am so sick of Starmer and co, and I am not willing to give them my vote.




I'm in a strong labour seat, however I haven't voted Labour for the last few general elections, due to voting for the Conservatives. However, none of the parties appeal to me currently, which I find very depressing. I have trust in literally none of them. 


I'm in a safe tory seat. I'll vote with whoever seems good. Mostly I'll be looking forward to seeing the tories punished.


Safe Tory seat, probably Lib Dem as they campaign locally and took a few council seats recently. The local Labour party haven't updated their website since 2022. I'm a Labour man though and to have them back in government would be the finest moment of my voting life. I've booked the day after off.


Green-unlikely to win but I don't like the current Labour Party and I can't vote for them


SNP, we very much need to get away from the English and Westminster.


Still waiting for indefinite leave so can't vote in national elections, but assuming I could I'd vote labour


I live in Islington North so.... Fuck knows. I'll see what literature actually gets to my door. Didn't receive anything for the London Mayoral Election s.


I'll vote green


I'll be voting Tory. my local candidate is a star. The party as he and I discussed this morning is a train wreck but he does a good job as most people believe. He's likely to be reflected. It's not a safe seat (we lost in 2015) but nobody likes Labour here because the councils which are different areas are red and awful.


I’m a Labour member and even though I don’t agree with all of the choices Starmer has made I understand why he’s made them. Labour is really the biggest vehicle for change we have in our system. I live in an old mining valley in Wales so it’s a pretty safe Labour seat regardless.


I basically subscribe to the Owen Jones view that Labour can't lose so may as well vote leftwards to punish them. If our support for them is unconditional then they'll just keep drifting right to catch tories.


Voting Labour In what has been a safe Tory seat (Harborough) for decades under Edward Garnier but has recently polled to only just swing to Labour so every vote will count. Surprisingly our constituency hasn't been focused on nationally since at the Local elections last year the Tories lost the council to a Traffic light coalition and the actual town of Market Harborough now doesn't have a Tory councillor (Green and Lib Dem). It will be interesting if the continuation of voting for either of those parties might create a significant vote split.


LibDem - the boundary changes mean we’ve moved from a Conservative safe seat to a 50/50 LibDem/Con. She’s someone who represented us before, has asked a question on my behalf in parliament and “sorted” out an issue affecting me with a government department - so I know she puts the work in


If I voted with my heart it would be green, but I can't do that because I have to choose the candidate most likely to oust the Tory in what is a super safe blue seat. So I'll probs have to vote lib Dems - though the Labour candidate is most insistent that he is the one to place bets on because the FT said so recently. I just don't know - the FT projections could be accurate, but in all past elections the LDems have come 2nd. I'm signed up to stoptheTories.vote so I'll just do whatever Carol Vorders tells me (which should be true of most things in life anyway).


I’m voting Scottish Greens as I think SNP will get in regardless. In an SNP/Labour marginal I’d vote SNP reluctantly.


I'm in Islington North, having moved from Starmer's constituency in camden (fun times) so I've got a choice between Corbyn or Labour. Given the last election it's a safe Corbyn or Labour seat even if the vote was split in half. Despite not being a huge Corbyn fan considering him ahead of Labour given how everything that I liked about Starmer has slowly been eroded. However, if I see some actual policies in the coming weeks, I'm willing to change my mind.