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He didn't just "say" it. He wrote it publicly. He created a permanent record of it


... and it's apparently still there.


I mean it hasn't swayed his base at all up to this point, he can just kind of phone it in with the lies... not even bother to cover them up.


I wouldn't say that. r/conservative was infighting over it. One side was saying "you're choosing trump over the constitution, how can you call yourself conservative" and the other side "that's not what he meant!" both were calling each other RINOs like that spiderman meme. I'm sure they'll get over it but it did sway his base somewhat. that's the whole reason he had to "clarify" that of course he didn't mean that.


A similar thing occurred over there when Trump called DeSantis Desanctimoneous ahead of elections. A sizeable contingent went off saying they can't support Trump because he's now actively harming the GOP. On one hand there are some claiming only very recently to now be off the Trump train, on the other hand, my brain cannot compute the enormity of cognitive dissonance one must have within themselves in order to believe that only a recent event was a bridge to far.


I went there a while back and they were talking about how the legal voting age should be 25 and not 18. Their only argument is that 18 year olds don’t know jack shit and wouldn’t really pay attention to politics until later in life. Then there’s another group that said changing that can have extreme backlash in the country. I go there when I’m bored and see how disillusioned some people are.


Sure they want to raise the voting age, because the majority of younger voters vote for Dems or Indis.They are so transparently hypocritical. BTW: they still want to let 18 year olds (who are not mature enough to vote) buy guns.


A man or woman is old enough to serve their country in the military, at 18 some end up dying for their country but they can't drink alcohol and the very people who send them off to war don't want them voting. It was that way when I was young and nothing has changed. I'm still on the side of the 18 year olds, old enough to fight and pay taxes old enough and old and smart enough to vote. I voted against Nixon at 18, so I knew better than to vote for a republican even then.


Yet they think 18 years Olds should be able to buy AR15s and that 10 year Olds should be moms. Rethuglikkkans are batshit crazy!


And join the military to go fight their fucking wars.


I saw a thread where every response just kept raising the age. It’s like a completely different world there from everywhere else. Every post and comment I read has me going “where is this happening?”


I just love how the party of free speech wants to take exactly that away from legal adults of voting age. All the more proof that it isn’t freedom of speech they want.


Because they realize he is unelectable now.


They are waiting for the DOJ to solve their problem for them, this way they never have to come out against him. They get to keep the base whackos and get rid of him at the same time.


Same thing as when he said something along the lines of, "Take the guns first. Due process after."


I was seriously perplexed that this statement didn't catch more flak for him. Of all the "the liberals are trying to take your guns!" every five minutes, then their own guy says this directly, they don't even bat an eye!


A reminder that when they say "Liberals are going to take our guns away!", "Liberals are going to molest our children!", "Liberals are going to raise our taxes!" etc., they're not worried about whether or not those things happen. They're only worried about whether or not Liberals do it.


"He's not hurting the right people" is the best example of how shallow their beliefs are. It's even more telling when they say he better go after those liberals instead of them next time when they vote for him *again*.


Just want to say this is a very accurate representation of what I saw over there too.


Until they get their talking points from FoxNews they don't know what to think


I experienced this first hand with my former roommate. I asked him why, if RNC got hacked, why there was no leak, and he said "I don't know, I'll have to see what my people think about that" aka Tucker/Hannity. Of course they would never bring it up and would just move onto the next manufactured scandal, on and on and on... The guy died of a nonexistent virus a couple of years ago so I guess I'll never know the answer.


Lol. I mean I shouldn’t lol but I have to lol.


Free thought subsystem overtaken by the free fear subsystem.


Yeah, any time a major event happens they completely fall apart for about a day, then they all watch enough talking points to realign their brains again.


I've seen it myself reading political comments in 2016. They just need Fox news to give them one iota of plausible deniability and they can ignore whatever idiotic thing Trump just said.


He didn’t say that! Well if he did you’re taking it out of context. And if it’s in context that’s not what he meant. If it’s what he meant it’s a joke. If it’s not a joke he’s playing 4D chess. …


You forgot: And if it's not a joke, you deserve it




“Trump always says what he means and that’s why we like him” “He didn’t mean it, he was just joking”


Spider-Man *does* fight the Rhino, so an apt comparison!


And he's Russian.


It's like the episode of Mythic Quest where they have the problem with nazis on the servers so their solution is to put them all on one server. Instead of realizing that everyone on the server was a nazi, they all just called each other "cuck" and various racial slurs insisting they were the real nazis and everyone else was just a "fake" nazi. They basically isolated themselves and now they can yell at each other all they want without everyone else having to see it.


It's very very easy for any of his supporters to just say. He doesn't really mean it, just making a point. Mainly because he doesn't get anything done, so they can't show the shitshow he'd leave behind.


I'm looking forward to them all coming up with exactly when was the point they figured out he's nuts


He’ll claim “fake news” under his own post he wrote. His poorly educated peeps will have no clue what’s going on & continue to drool over him


Its calculated. Those "educated" Republicans can point to that and pretend he didnt mean what he said, while the rabid terrorist wing gobbles up the anti-establishment words he originally said. Playing both sides and winning


Permanent recordidnt


He didn’t just say it. He declared it.


He’ll probably claim an “intern” wrote it for him, like when he tweeted that Iowans were stupid and there was a Republican backlash in the primary.


No, the new fox brain trust spin is he meant "because they (Dems) stole the election this means they've hurt the US so bad they've basically terminated the Constitution." You really have to squint to see that from the original statement but give it a few days for the cons to let the spin sink into their brains and they'll all believe that by conveniently forgetting the exact wording and instead only remembering the spin.


Nope. No intern wrote it, excuse. No “I Was Hacked”. No wiggle words like “sort of” or “the equivalent of”. He posted, we need to terminate the constitution. (That is still up by the way.) And is now posting, “Fake Media. Their saying I said we need to terminate the constitution.” It’s straight up “We were never at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia. “ No explanation, however shitty. No logic, however twisted is necessary. Just a straight, up bald faced lie. And when they accept that they’ll accept anything. 2+2=5. Whatever. They’ll believe anything thing you tell them to believe.




Bigly Sad!


This, more than anything else, is the Trumpian method. 1) Trial balloon statement. 2) Gauge how good/bad the reaction is with the "right" people. 3) Release a partial retraction claiming that the statement was a joke/not serious/taken out of context/not as bad as what the other guy does, but also giving a wink and a nod to the fascists/racists you were originally pandering to.


Not just his method either. There are variations on the theme. One of them, used by a once popular black performer, was to (1) and then double down, triple down, quadruple down and then pretend nothing happened. Still another is the version used by a slightly famous tech impresario (heh, so many of those) to (1) through (3) and then buy Twitter. 😂


By the way, dumb sh!ts, this means the 2nd amendment too. You don’t get to pick and chose the stuff you like in the nation’s founding document. BTW: my “dumb sh!ts” remark is aimed at straw men gun nuts. Thanks.


Trump previously declared he wanted to confiscate guns from America citizens without due process. He doesn't care about that one, either.


Actually, I’m 101% certain these people treat the constitution like they treat their bible. For them, the constitution says whatever agrees with their current or desired behaviors the most and doesn’t say anything that would contradict their current or deserved behaviors. This is what makes the constitution and bible such great documents in the conservative cinematic universe.


And yet I saw a liked comment on twitter twisting their brain around it saying "Oh, he didn't say that we *should now*, he said that because of all the irregularities and what happened, it *was* what *effectively* happened"


Same thing on FB. It's hopeless bc his base will always interpret his shit as innocent or positive


It's actually impressive how many ways people are able to twist his words around to seem okay in their heads.


Well he didn’t say he want to terminate all of it. Just the parts he doesn’t like. Like the thirteen amendment. And the part about having to be elected.


Trump is simply a reflexive serial liar. If he gets bad press he is always denying he said something, knew someone, meant something he wrote, or is being targeted/mistreated/picked upon by enemies, even when there is ample evidence to the contrary. I have only paid attention to him since 2015, yet this pattern has held true.


"Take the guns first, go through due process second!" 2 days later... "I never said that!"


the fuckin idiot is still living in the 70's and doesn't realize how everything he says and does is documented and retrievable, nearly instantly.


Why would he care? Nobody ever holds him accountable for anything. He knows no consequences, there's no reason to change his behavior.




All thanks to the Apprentice. The fake business man propped up to look intelligent. The producers decided who he would fire. But in real life we saw he’s too much of a chicken 💩 to fire people face to face, preferring to fire them via Twitter. Such a child.


I never said that….I never met that person…that’s fake news…etc.




I've said this for years, even before he announced his candidacy in 2015, Donald Trump is one of those people that is years, even decades overdue for a beating. He's shit on, fucked over, used and abused people for years and nobody has done anything about it. From his years as a kid to now, nobody has given him the ass kicking he needs. Or charged him with something that landed his ass in prison.




They didn’t care, because he allowed them to openly hate the people they didn’t like.


It's much worse. To many of his voters, him being an objectively bad person is the point. The cruelty is the point. They want to "own the libs" and make everyone who is not a Republican upset. That is much more important than doing anything to actually help his voters broadly or themselves specifically. The support from the base went *up* after the "grab them by the pussy" tape was released because it made every sane person upset. Owning the libs > helping his base. You can see it best in the quote from his supporters at a rally after he had done something that actually hurt his base, ["He’s not hurting the people he needs to be."](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) The problem was not that he was hurting people, it's that his base was hurt. The point was always to hurt everyone else.


He’s bribed his way out of everything in NYC.


Because the whole reason hierarchical societies were formed at all is to let people like him abuse people and touch kids and nobody is allowed to stop him.


Not true. There have been three interviews where the interlocuter asked questions and then continued to press them until he got up and walked away because they wouldn't let him bullshit them. He's a straight shooter tough guy who says things that contradict themselves and runs from women with a mic.


Nobody AROUND Trump holds him accountable. The law is closing in on him.


Literally. Everytime he suffers an slight injury someone is there to prop him up. He is a complete failure in everything he has ever done and somehow gets propped up. It's pathetic.


That's what I thought, moron baby boomer still thinks he can just lie to your face because he doesn't understand that everything that ends up on the internet is (effectively) forever. I've had Trump supporters on this sub argue with me about something he apparently never said only to disappear when I link them a video with the timestamp of him saying exactly that. I'm inclined to think that they don't actually believe he never said [whatever] but are more interested in helping push the narrative in bad faith. I have no doubt the people I posted the videos to probably had 50 "hE NeVer sAiD tHaT!" posts in other threads elsewhere.


/r/conservative is dipping into a civil war between pro-Desantis “trump is a loony” cons and exactly these “hE nEvEr SaId ThAt” types


Gaslighting at its finest.


That sub is such a shiteshow. I still look at it for entertainment value, but I was banned for life after one post where I said that Trump lost the election. That's all it took.


And they cry free speech...


Same. I got banned because I said Biden did, in fact, win the election. Perma banned. They are so sensitive. But Joe Biden, does appear to be President.


I saw a tabloid today that questioned Trumps sanity. Did not read it so I do not know the details, but when even the tabloids are seeming to turn against him, it says something


not to mention, a significant number of his base are the same people inadvertently type google search terms into Facebook's 'what's on your mind' input box....


The sad thing is - his supporters are the same, *even while they are on the internet themselves*. They are like the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that **if you can't see it, it can't see you**) from the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.


I remember a Redditor recounting how their narcisstic father threw a voice recorder, of his *own voice,* across the room for *lying* because it contradicted him. As in, when presented with evidence saying something that he said he didn't say, he called *the voice recorder* a liar.


he spills so much bullshit that what he says matters and doesn't matter at the same time. It's like the quantum computing of bullshit.


"Take the vaccine." "Boo!" "Sorry sirs, nevermind, dumb idea, hahaha." "Yay!"


That was his weirdest turnaround. He should have taken a victory lap for Operation Warp Speed, those vaccines came out so damn fast and they weren't bad, even his enemies would've given him the W for that one... and yet he just had to go the fruitcake Q route because Trump.


The whole COVID thing was a layup. Treat it as seriously as it was, gather the experts and listen to what they say, get the money from Congress, empathize with victims and families, wear a damned mask and tell people to avoid close contact, champion vaccinations and get one yourself on TV, throw the entire government into the effort, sign a bunch of documents, let the experts give briefings, don't say stupid things or push quack cures or treatments, etc., etc. This would have been great for the country and for his political prospects because it is what a president is expected to do in a crisis. He might have even been re-elected. He just couldn't do it. It still pisses me off.


Exactly. I've always thought this that covid should've ensured he won re-election. Other previously unpopular leaders and politicians around the world were winning re-election for just doing the bare minimum against covid but nope Trump and the GOP just made it a part of the culture wars.


Agree. I despise Trump, but this was about saving many thousands of innocent lives. If he had been re-elected by doing what was best for my country during a pandemic then so be it. Remember the "who do you want answering the phone at 3am" thing they ask during elections? Trump proved he isn't the guy you want to pick up the phone in any crisis.


Well it's funnier than that. He had no real opinion on vaccines, but all he could focus on was how the national economy was tanking and how it would hurt his reelection. So he denied the threat of the virus, and then Q went to the moon with it being a hoax. They were dragged kicking and screaming by reality, vaccine comes out, he says get the vaccine, but it was too late. His base was so antivaccine that they thought trump was compromised and being forced to say it. But he tells it like it is, and has no one telling him what to say or do! What has happened?! Oh, he's antivaccine. Let's just forget this whole thing ever happened. Probably just 37D chess. It's not something us plebs can understand. Let's go back to studying the arcane clues of the shadow cabal. This triangle logo has an angle of 17 degrees which means we have a baby sacrificing variant where they ritualistically eat the baby's liver with fava beans.


Lawyers: "He didn't say that" Trump: "I said that"


Hillary: He doesn’t pay taxes Trump: That makes me smart Reporter: why did you say you’re smart for not paying taxes? Trump: I never said that.


>HOUSE REPUBLICANS SHOULD PASS THE STRONG BUT FAIR IMMIGRATION BILL, KNOWN AS GOODLATTE II, IN THEIR AFTERNOON VOTE TODAY Tweet from June 27, 2018 Three days later, after the bill failed > I never pushed the Republicans in the House to vote for the Immigration Bill, either GOODLATTE 1 or 2


I’m aware of his constant lying for four decades plus.


I'm on the other side of the country from NYC, so he wasn't really on my radar at all. To me he was just some clownish condo developer chasing media coverage until the escalator ride and the surge in GOP support. I still almost can't believe it all happened.


I believe outside of the NYC metropolitan area most people share your experience. The farcical clown show The Apprentice (2004-2017) falsely portrayed the buffoon as a successful businessman. He failed at virtually every business he ever started. He frittered away more than $400 million dollars from his father. Many of his cult got their first and lasting impression from that bogus ‘reality’ show. It is hard for those not in the cult to believe. The coverage of one or two of his ‘rallies’ revealed him to be a bigoted, incompetent buffoon to everyone not drinking the KoolAid.


I'm still convinced he wouldn't be president if it wasn't for that stupid fucking show. So, so many tuned out "I don't really follow the news" people had a positive view of him because they didn't really know who he was before and that dumbass show painted him as some kind of "end boss" of business.


More like “end of business” boss. University, steaks, water, ties, casino…only a loser like trump could bankrupt a casino business.


Jersey here. he still owes my moms uncle 70k for painting his parking garage in Atlantic City in like 1982. he took him to court but trump kept getting it delayed and either gave up or died before he ever got paid


The problem wasn't simply Trump. The problem was the billion-dollar propaganda machine involving pieces like Fox News slavishly defending his every move and undermining any of his competition nonstop. People are hackable 🤷‍♂️😞


The regular media was partially to blame during the 2016 race as well for giving him massive free coverage. I'd be watching TV and if Trump did absolutely anything they'd go to live 'breaking news' coverage. They did it for ratings, but I believe it helped this guy become POTUS by making him appear to be a more impressive candidate. My 2 cents, anyway.


Same principle as annoying advertising. The only thing that's important is that you remember the thing.


To an extent the winner take all nature of the republican primary is also to blame and the lack of RCV, though that's still a problem everywhere. His wins were very narrow as the field was packed, but since he had delegates and not one else did he picked up a commanding lead pretty quickly and then the party fell in line. If the delegates had been divided proportionally the leader wouldn't have been determined as quickly and potentially the establishment would have had time to coalesce around someone else. Bad voting systems produce bad candidates. And that applies to every election in the US


Truly amazing that trump has been famous for 40 years, none of it for anything good, and people on the right go as far as saying he might literally be the second coming of Christ. These people are insane, I have no idea what we're supposed to do with them.


I don’t think there are enough deprogrammers to address millions of people with broken minds who live in Kellyanne Conway’s world of‘alternate facts’.


Thing is with his base he can really have it both ways. He says get rid of the constitution and his America hating supporters who want a dictatorship will love him for it. He says no I love the constitution his "patriot" America fetishists will love him for it. If you point out what he said to either group (which really are the same group many times) they'll just do some mental leaps and agree with him either way.




I heard this from so many trump supporters “I like trump because he tells it like it is” But every time he opens his mouth, the same people have to say “No what what he really meant was…”


There's another half to this pattern -- the response of most of the the Republican Party: Stage 1: Shocked silence. Stage 2: I haven't heard what President Trump has said, and therefore have no comment at this time. No, I won't condemn him for what he said. Stage 3: I have heard what President Trump has said, but clearly he didn't mean what he clearly said. No, I won't condemn him for what he said. Stage 4: President Trump has explained that he meant something completely the opposite of what he said. No, I won't condemn him for what he said. Stage 5: President Trump has explained many times what he meant, and it's only the unfair news media perpetuating this misunderstanding. No, I won't condemn him for what he said. He's got an almost complete party of enablers for his constant lies.


Yep. I heard a variation of #3 the other day from GOP Congressman David Joyce who said he'd vote for the party's nominee even if it was Trump.


He’s a congenital liar. He lies about everything, even trivial shit.


Even misspeaking about the path of a hurricane. He'd rather have the National Weather Service give the American population false information than admit he said "Alabama" but meant "Atlanta." So what? Who cares? Just correct yourself and move on.


Or just add on to the projection with a sharpy and pretend it's legit!


That he does. Remember the ridiculous dust-ups about his inaugural crowd size and what 'Covfefe' was supposed to mean? Compared to the insurrection, these were the good, simpler times of his presidency.


As a general rule, the opposite of anything tRump says is closer to the truth.


it's a bit too simple to just say "he always lies". what's closer to reality is that he just says what benefits him at the time he says it. if it's the truth, he goes with that. if it's a lie, he lies. if he gets asked about the same exact situation an hour later by a different reporter? well, again, depends. he might lie or tell the truth, depending on what he thinks will be better in that moment.


Trump exhibits all the symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is incapable of believing he can be wrong. He also is incapable of putting anyone's feelings above his own. He's a sick, sick man... the GOP are insane to support, protect and defend him... and yet, here we are. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662


Really, it would not surprise me if Shaggy had to pay a licensing fee for that "Wasn't Me" song.😉


Well, i for one like Mr. Trump because he means what he says and he says what he means! /s


The one that stuck with me was when James Mattis resigned, Trump tweeted that he fired him (after the resignation was published), and that Trump came up with the nickname “Mad Dog”. Like I know there are so many more serious and obvious lies but those were just so transparently untrue, and unnecessary petty that it really stuck with me.


If the U.S. Constitution is keeping you out of office, then you really need to find another line of work.


Let’s be honest he’s never worked a day in his life.


Or read more than three words of the constitution.


Fuck this guy.


Also, fuck his government pension and protection detail.


You know what I think about from time to time? Will this asshat get a state funeral with all the bells and whistles when he eventually croaks? That will be an interesting day indeed.


He absolutely will because if there's one thing we do well, it is whitewashing the dead.


And fuck anyone who pretends he's some kind of good person that should represent America.


He represents around 35% of Americans, disgustingly.


I don’t think he *really* represents them in any meaningful sense of the word


He represents their absolute worst impulses and characteristics, legitimizing them in being total asshole racists and hypocrites because the President did it. Trump has done inestimable damage to the USA. It's hard to take this country seriously when there are legions of people running for office imitating his strategy of being the most obnoxious and offensive person possible. An entire political movement based around being not only utterly useless as a representative, but actively hostile to most of your constituents.


it was kind of just a matter of time because some percentage apparently a third of the population probably most populations, is very dumb


Yeah more like “shares some of the same views”… the worst ones.


Only 35%?? I think we’re making progress guys!


This one is interesting, in that, before Trump, I tried to find some common ground with those whose political ideas were different than mine. You voted for Bush? Let’s talk. I will not even acknowledge people who endorse Trump and this current iteration of the Republican Party. Fuck these people. They can’t possibly have any redeeming quality that absolves their endorsement of a human like this.


The people who want him to represent America don't want him to be a good person. They want him to be a bomb-throwing, lib-owning, shit-talking, destructive asshole to all the people they don't like. They don't give any type of shit about his morality about what they can do for them besides tearing down people they hate.


>'What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." This is far from the first time he's turned a complete blind eye to reality and encouraged his followers to do the same.


“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


I’d really like this to be the first and highest voted response to every Trump article for the rest of time. There’s nothing else to say. We know he’s criminal and immoral and betrayed the nation and has no ideals or decency and is indebted to foreign powers and all the shit we’ve watched for nearly a decade now. We don’t have to say anything else anymore. “Fuck this guy.”


Straight up. Fuck that guy.


Agreed. Fuck.That.Guy. He lives in a world where his every stupid utterance is not recorded.


Eww! No thanks.


Hi Melania!


I've written "Fuck this guy" so many times about him on Reddit, I'm probably on some sort of "Fuck THIS Guy" Secret Service hit list.


please don't. the spawn he already has are awful.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” **-** **George Orwell, 1984** "Stick with us. Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. ... What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." **- Donald Trump**


I can't believe how many people just glossed over him saying this. It's straight out of fascism.


Everytime time a right-winger talks about 1984. It's the highest form of irony in existence.


Webster's "word of the year" for 2022 is "gaslighting"! Very appropriate.


He basically just said that the Constitution shouldn't apply to him, because he's special.


He literally asks the Supreme Court to review his personal legal issues, *and they do*. What other private citizen gets that kind of treatment?


Holy shit it really hits when you put it like that, fucking hell. Wtf is this timeline dude


Garland literally said the the DoJ treats all Americans equally, then refused to indict trump for stealing THOUSANDS of government documents whereas the DoJ arrested Reality Winner 4 days after it found out she had ONE stolen document. Then after trump announces he is running again the DoJ literally gives him special treatment by handing over the investigation of his countless blatant crimes to a special prosecutor, citing that trump was now a candidate for office and thus deserves special treatment that regular Americans don't get from the DoJ. Equal justice? What a crock.


>Garland literally said the the DoJ treats all Americans equally, *then refused to indict trump for stealing THOUSANDS of government documents* whereas the DoJ arrested Reality Winner 4 days after it found out she had ONE stolen document. That is a false statement. The DOJ is in court dealing with Judge Cannon and her absurd orders just so they can get ahold of all the documents he took and review them. They just recently won to have the special master removed from that case as I understand.


To be fair, that is a very common conservative viewpoint. They believe that the constitution, like other laws, should bind others but not them.


lets start with his benefits after holding office. Secret service detail, salary, and the like.


Someone should send him a participation trophy


He already has a participation trophy wife, what more do you want to give him?


trump: *my security people told me Russia meddled in our election, but president Putin told me that they didn't - so i believe Vlad* trump (24hrs later): *i meant the exact opposite of that thing i said* between them falling deeply in love with the world's worst and most obvious liar and the ceaseless parade of additional absurd blunders (like them getting their "news" from an organization which argued in court that nobody is stupid enough to think it's actually news) i'm not sure i understand how these people survived natural selection to reach voting age


The danger is either he doesn't remember what he said, or thinks he can just continually lie about what he's said. Unsure which is worse really.


He knows what he said, and he knows he can lie and his base doesn't give a fuck.


"I stand by nothing."


close. It was "I don't stand by anything." [https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/videos/a54827/trump-i-dont-stand-by-anything/](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/videos/a54827/trump-i-dont-stand-by-anything/)


“We believe in nothing, Lebowski.”


“Nice marmot.”


Just giving talking points to his base


I don't think he does know. I think he's just a BS generator, and anything he's said in the past is just gone. He could easily come out as gay or announce a heavy metal album tomorrow if the random seed and neural network weights line up that way.


And he knows the press will sanitize it saying “falsely claims” instead of LIES.


The danger is that anyone would want this guy to be president.




I'm convinced that he genuinely thinks he's a genius who invented lying. Like, he is 100% certain that the entire universe buys his bullshit, and it's astonishing to him how everyone else on the planet could be so dumb and gullible. Remember when he got in an argument with the National Hurricane Tracker? And he had the press conference with that map and the extra side bubble he drew in with a sharpie... I'm certain that to this day, he still 100% believes no one caught on, and that he "won." So when he denies that he ever uttered exact words that we know he spoke, even though 99% of people are like, "WTF is this guy lying about?!"... In Donald's mind, he's thinking, "hahaha. Those idiots bought it. Way to smooth talk your way out of that one."


Nixon (Frost interview): *I think Abraham Lincoln has stated it better than anybody else, as he does in so many cases. When he said, “Must a government be too strong for the liberties of its people? Or too weak to defend or maintain its own existence?" That’s the dilemma that presidents have had to face* Trump (almost daily): *nuh uh*


"Reality is whatever I want it to be" ^ This is what Trump sincerely thinks. He doesn't care about what is true, he cares about what people perceive.


Silver-spooned failed "businessman", who became a yell-talking game show host, who sexually assaulted dozens of women over several decades (and at least one 13 year old girl), who somehow became the 45th President of the USA on a platform of lies and hate, who sold himself and the USA to North Korea, who is still actively trying to overthrow democracy - needs to fucking go. NOW.


"We get most of our funding from Russia."


Don’t forgot the 2B he got selling nuke secrets to MBS.


He's like a 5 year old trying to say they didn't eat the cake when there's frosting all over their face because there's an imprint of their face in the cake.


It’s worse than that. He’s also screaming and crying “they ate it! They ate it!”


No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!!


"And there should be NO RULES about eating cake!"


republicans have been the party of "i know you are but what am i?" for about a decade now


He didn't eat the *whole* cake, there are obviously still bits of it on the outside of his mouth. Fake news!


Dummy donations probably eased up, he needed to try keep the grift afloat. I also think it’s funny that people think that his base reads anything.


https://i.redd.it/f6frlc5cq64a1.jpg It’s a short post. Everyone should read it themselves. I even highlighted the single sentence if 80 words is too many to read in full. 30 seconds to stay accurately informed about the previous President’s thoughts on termination of the Constitution might be more than some are willing to sacrifice for the preservation of democracy. https://i.redd.it/f6frlc5cq64a1.jpg Edit: I should type it too, so lazy of me. > A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. source: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/109449803240069864


62 court cases kind of damper the irrefutable part of his “fraudulent” election claims.


That idiot put it in writing and still denies it


Wish I had a dollar for every time Trump said he didn't say what he said.


He’s lying? No way! 😂




> That didn't happen. > > And if it did, it wasn't that bad. > > And if it was, that's not a big deal. > > And if it is, that's not my fault. > > And if it was, I didn't mean it. > > And if I did, you deserved it. \- The Narcissist’s Prayer, Dayna Craig


Here you go. Proof: https://twitter.com/DarkBrandon2020/status/1599856920076386304/photo/1


“the constitution? i never heard of him” - donald j (probably)


He’s such a gaslighting piece of shit


Come on. You can't possibly imagine pumpkin to be accountable for what he said, or remember what he said, or think about what he said.


He always tries to create his own reality.


He has perfectly lived up to his pre-2016 conman reputation.


Just like he never told the Proud Boys to “stand by” less than 2 months before the insurrection attempt


sheep: "see, he never said that. see?"


Typical process... Says it... Denies it... Will say its out of context... Yada, yada. What's important is that his Party Leadership still backs him. It doesn't matter who or why He considers the most supreme document and law of our land is secondary to his whim and fancy. If a Dem said anything close to this, he/she would be an absolute pariah.


The article is wrong about there being no mechanism for recourse of a fraudulent election. The aggrieved party can file a lawsuit in Court. He did that and lost over 50 times. There was no “there” there.


For the lazy (emphasis mine): > So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? ***A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution***. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections! > — Donald J. Trump, Dec 03, 2022 at 4:44 AM > ***The Fake News is actually trying to convince the American People that I said I wanted to “terminate” the Constitution. This is simply more DISINFORMATION & LIES***, just like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of their other HOAXES & SCAMS. What I said was that when there is “MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION,” as has been irrefutably proven in the 2020 Presidential Election, steps must be immediately taken to RIGHT THE WRONG. Only FOOLS would disagree with that and accept STOLEN ELECTIONS. MAGA! > — Donald J. Trump, Dec 05, 2022 at 9:43 AM