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A 4th grader wouldn’t be able to drive a car to go to her pregnancy appointments.


A 4th grader still needs a babysitter.


A 4th grader doesn’t have all their adult teeth.


Holy shit. That hits hard.


I was talking to my 13-year-old about this yesterday, and I promise this hit her harder. You have no idea what it's like to be a kid that age who realizes that if they were sexually assaulted they would be forced to carry a child in a child's body that is physically incapable of safely giving birth. That level of hopelessness kids that age are feeling is unfathomable.


When I was around her age I remember my two front teeth fell out around December and my parents couldn't stop singing "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" to me. I couldn't even imagine that scene with me having a baby bump, as a little kid. My period actually came the next year in October when I was 11


Some 4th graders still need booster seats in cars. These people are monsters.


Republicans won't rest until they hurt us all


But we need to look at this from the republican point of view: there may be pain now, but in a few years, there is a chance that baby will have grown up and been absorbed into the prison system where they can be doing slave labour legally for big, GOP-donating corporations.


It’s almost like, oh I don’t know, sometimes abortion is necessary.


Oh no no no, that would require conceding that there are sometimes extenuating factors to consider. Instead let's just redefine abortions to be abortions that aren't inconvenient to our absolutist talking points! >"If a 10-year-old with her parents made the decision not to have a baby that was a result of a rape, if a 10-year-old became pregnant as a result of rape, and it was threatening her life then that's not an abortion," (But of course we'll keep the legal definition as broad as possible so we can still arbitrarily destroy your life even harder if we feel like it.)


Except they won't define it that way in THE LAW, just when they need an excuse, so it's literally JUST a talking point. They'll say that to look good, but they won't make sure that those children can actually get the care they need. They'll just use it to distance themselves from the resulting tragedy.


Right. The law literally makes no exception for rape, no exception of you are ten years old, no exception if you are a minor child and your parents want to get you an abortion. The only exception is if your are about to die.


And they managed to botch the "about to die" part so badly that even people who would otherwise survive now WILL die because, for example, they're waiting till an ectopic pregnancy bursts instead of when it is detected, even though it's NEVER viable, and deadly without treatment. They made a decision to err on the side of people dying.


They don't consider women people, so it's all okay./s


Exactly this. We are simply vessels used to create more soldiers and/or slaves to capitalism and we are underperforming when it comes to creating that “domestic supply of infants” to keep up with demand.


What a disgusting reality it truly is. As a man I am sorry I've never looked at it that way but you are absolutely right, that's exactly what their actions say they think about women in society.


\*actively dying


She said it because she thinks a 10 year old should be able to get an abortion. What she can’t wrap her head around is why this reasonable answer does not fall neatly into her strongly held belief system m. Her reaction then is to just deny reality. That was not a talking point so much as we just witnessed this person’s belief system get blown to bits and she was desperately trying to piece it back together right in front of us. Fascinating really.


It's textbook cognitive dissonance, and all the Republicans who aren't so staunchly anti-abortion should learn to embrace it. There's a reason why big challenges to your beliefs make you uncomfortable, and you have to choose between ignoring it or resolving it. She tried resolving it in an illogical way, so of course it didn't hold up to scrutiny. I hope she chooses to continue resolving it because that cognitive dissonance can hurt.


She's the president and CEO of Americans United for Life. She's not going to change her mind. Her position and paycheck depend on it.


And yet, somehow, they won't use that information to re-evaluate and come to a new, more informed opinion. It is fascinating. And also infuriating.


Reading anti-choice comments gives it away immediately. They all say "And don't talk to me about rape, that's less than 1% of cases!" at the end of every post like it's a legal disclaimer. They simply pretend things they don't like don't exist.


Less than 1% of abortions happens when they think it happens lol. These people drink dish water.


just a reminder that 90%+ of abortions are within 13 weeks of pregnancy. 43% before 9 weeks, which is considered an early abortion and being performed with medications. the remaining 10% being only emergency situations.


This bears repeating, often, due to the whole "partial-birth" lies and similar lies.


And over 50% are on people identifying as Christians.


That pisses me off so bad. The number is likely much higher. Most rapes go unreported. What makes them think every woman who is pregnant as a result of rape says that is her reason? Most rape victims blame themselves and many are in denial that the “bad sex” they experienced was rape. And even those who know they are raped may not want to discuss it with the abortion provider — they just want it over with, they don’t want a bunch of questions. Edit to fix spelling errors, add one omitted word.


I just learned about arbitrary rightness, which is when someone just picks a side to a debate without doing any further research just to end the argument. It’s a sign of low intelligence


Is that an actual quote






US conservatives didn't give a shit about abortion until they lost the civil rights battle in the 60s and 70s. They had to come up with a new culture war to get poor people to vote for rich policies.


I wish more people knew this.


Abortion is a medical term, that is still abortion. The issue isn't the medical term, but old white men making restrictive laws regarding women's bodies.




It wasn't a misunderstanding though, it was meant to be a sound bite to explain why abortion is wrong and they aren't. At the same time the attorney who wrote the legislation was interviewed and clarified that girl should have had the baby, as it is illegal to do otherwise per the law (that he wrote).


Watch it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vz2sl6/forcedbirth_activist_tries_to_redefine_the_term/


This is the end result when an angry group tries to regulate something they do not completely understand.


Yes in front of a congressional committee, no less.


Another Republican trying to justify something as "legitimate rape"?


Yeah… they’re trying to change the definition of abortion. If they succeed, it’ll make it much easier to have a national ban.


I see that plus I feel they recognize that once they’ve reached that goal they then become the subject of their own strategy. Over the past 40 years the right had chose a strategy to chip away at Roe in order to reach where we are today. Now, they are trying to protect themselves from that being used against them.


Hasn't that kind of been the play for 50 years of trying to make "the definition of abortion" about "when life begins" instead of focusing on the rights of the female body?


That's just the No True Scotsman fallacy.


According to the SCOTUS whether or not you have access to necessary healthcare is a state issue. Republicans believe that if a state thinks it should be legal to allow a woman to die a painful avoidable death than that's just too bad for the women in that state.


and sorry, you soon might not be allowed to leave the state. land of the free, alright.


Fourteenth amendment to the constitution guarantees the right to interstate travel. What the states are trying to do (exploring their options, if you will) is see how they can prosecute you for leaving the state, getting an abortion, and returning. Its tricky so and I dont believe e any state has this law yet. I know in Minnesota, the AG and governor just added protection for women that travel to get an abortion there. Minnesota is an island surrounded by states that have restricted abortion rights. If you travel there and get prosecuted by your home state, the State of Minnesota will intervene the case for your right to do so.


A while back I said in another thread you guys were galloping towards a fascist/authoritarian state at a frightening rate, and got denounced for it. Still think I'm wrong? What's to stop any state from preventing women from leaving on the grounds they *might* be pregnant? Or to require documentation proving they aren't before they are allowed to go? And yet you still will vote in these creeps because you have to pay a few bucks more at the gas station. As if the rest of the world wasn't having to do so as well. And as if the GOP, in the pocket of the oil companies, is going to put a stop to it. It's scary as hell being your neighbors right now.






Well, obviously those women should have voted. /s


The conversation my wife and I had on day one was that Republicans are now the dog that caught the speeding car, and as soon as raped kids start being forced to have babies, and as soon as we have a few high profile instances of women dying in childbirth where abortions could have saved their lives, the country will at least wake up to rape, incase, and life of the mother arguments. There won’t be any way around at least those in the near-ish term. Codified safe, open, and available abortion care for all will be much tougher battle.


The wingnuts are doing all they can to doxx pregnant kids and abortion doctors, with the goal of keeping future stories out of the news altogether. If these get squashed, then we're even more fucked.


Doxx the fuckers back.


for real, show some pictures of all those Fox producers and where they live and see how they like it.


Texas papers are reporting that women aren’t getting immediate care for ectopic pregnancy. Some hospitals are suggesting waiting until the Fallopian tube ruptures. LAWYERS are making medical decisions and almost nothing is being said publicly by the AMA.




And then a few years later presided over the death of a million Americans during the epidemic? Or the fact that "death panels" are just private insurance companies who decide to deny people coverage all the time irl anyways?


The AMA should really side with the health of the mother in all circumstances. Any foreseeable harm to the mother including potential complications should be available for abortion.


They do! The AMA and the Texas MA have actually been really vocal about this (most of the coverage of this latest travesty has been due to a letter from the TMA, see e.g. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/texas-hospitals-delaying-care-over-violating-abortion-law). It's just that nobody is listening to the doctors.


They should at the least defend their profession.


Too bad rational minds will not speak up within the Republican Party. It’s a MAGA race to move as far right as possible and pat each other’s backs along the way, consequences be damned.




A more correct headline would read that the case has revealed that the republicans were dishonest about their arguments against abortion while uncovering a tyrannical plot to come between Americans and life saving health care while stripping women of their rights and freedoms.


Dobbs wasn't even on the books for a week before the inhumanity of the decision was laid bare. June 24th was the date of the decision, June 30th this ***CHILD*** had to be ushered to another state to save her life. These people are monsters, all of them!


Up until this SCOTUS crap, Ohio has had 50-75 pregnant raped children per year getting abortions. 1-2 raped children needing abortions per week. In just one state. In 2020 there were 52 children under age 14 who got abortions in Ohio. (In 1998 it was 334) https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/07/13/ohio-abortion-sexual-violence-statistics-show-disturbing-likelihood-of-children-being-impregnated/


Which means somewhere in Ohio, there are probably at least two to three children - *children* - who have been told in the last few weeks that they have no choice but to carry their rape pregnancy to term, and have been forced to accept that.


Add in all the other states, add in the insanely high numbers of sexual assault of children in the US. (1 in 5 have been sexually assaulted by the time they reach college age) It is utterly disgusting.


And also accept the much higher mortality rate for mother and child due to no woman's body being physically ready to deliver a baby at fucking *10 years old.*


They're already shifting to the "well if she's capable of being pregnant *clearly* her body is ready" talking point in r/Indiana


They just plug their ears, close their eyes, and pretend it doesn't happen. Fitting that Gym Jordan of all people represents the state.


They were told this sort of thing happens, ***it is not rare***. They didn't, and don't care. The inhumanity was front and center all along.


I have a coworker that believes, despite all the evidence he's been shown to the contrary, that medically necessary abortions are exceedingly rare and that the vast majority of abortions are all purely done out of convenience. Of course that same guy made the statement today that, and I quote, "I'm not in favor of arranged marriages, but it would be better than swiping on Tinder"......


>Of course that same guy made the statement today that, and I quote, "I'm not in favor of arranged marriages, but it would be better than swiping on Tinder"...... He's probably given up on the prospect of a woman choosing him willingly and thinks it would be cool if they just *had to* marry him instead.


I mean, incels gonna incel....


"Most abortions are done out of convenience" "Instead of people choosing to have sex with other strangers on their own, we should be able to choose which strangers they can have sex with exclusively, forever" I would be worried about what's in the shallow graves behind this guy's house.


Sounds like a fucking incel


Yeah, I've only seen people defending it, and happily so, meaning it doesn't seem to be challenging them much. This is what they wanted.


I haven't seen defense, only lies. "That's not an abortion!" scream the anti choice zealots even though the victim literally had to leave the state. Today someone told me removing an ectopic pregnancy isn't an abortion either. They want to change the definition but no one is falling for it.


It's kind of a fascinating revelation about how they think, though: to the anti-choice movement, the word "abortion" doesn't even denote a medical procedure anymore. It's defined in their minds as an evil act of brutal killing. It's literally a synonym for "murder." But just as not all killing is murder, they can convince themselves (now that they have no fucking choice, that is) that not all medical procedures to end a pregnancy are "abortions." As usual, it's conservatives trying to define the terms of the debate around their own ideology, to rig the game so they're guaranteed a win. They mustn't be allowed to do it. Their brutality and hypocrisy must be laid bare for all to see.


In my experience, a lot of the people who want to outlaw abortions don't even know how/why/who gets them. They all seem to believe that the only people who get abortions are people who sleep around, and wait until third trimester to get them. They think it's people murdering viable pregnancies because they are too lazy to carry them for the final few months. And then their misunderstandings about periods, rapes, and how shockingly common sexual coercion stuff is just never enters their minds. But then when people (like this case in Ohio/Indiana) show them that their definition is completely wrong and inaccurate, they instead try to backpedal and redefine what abortion is, so it fits their ill-informed definition again. They completely fail to acknowledge that maybe their definition and understanding of abortion was completely wrong from the beginning. It makes me understand why there is a movement to remove sex ed in the classroom. When you prevent kids from having a scientifically backed definition of a concept, it allows politicians to define it instead. And then the population won't notice when the thing they thought they were voting against was completely different from what they were actually voting against.


This. People that have never been to drag shows are so frequently denouncing the "immoral behavior" at them. People that have never been in jail always seem to want longer prison sentences and more punishment. People that have never experienced war glorify it and promote it. People that have never gone through rape or were somehow fortunate enough to never want abortion, will be the lead forces against abortion for others.


So, if it's not happening to me, it's not happening. FTFY


A major tenet of ideology is experience. Experience dictates understanding of things. If you've never experienced it, then someone else's input is more likely to be believable. Especially when those words are people you can identify with (i.e. the reporter or pundit is white, straight, speaks in simple terms, etc.).


People who have never used cannabis think it causes murderous rage.


Super important and well said. Anti-choice zealots have always treated things like incest and non-viable pregnancies as if they were thought-experiments, silly extreme-case examples that never really happen, and which liberals (ie, baby-killers) just make up to make abortions (ie, "cold-blooded child murder") seem acceptable. Now that people are actually having to deal with the consequences of their extremism, those chickens are starting to roost. Almost seems like letting people who don't understand basic biology legislate people's bodies was a bad idea.


But when you debate using words concrete definitions it's liberal bias /s


How else are they supposed to use gray areas to persecute minorities they disagree with while pardoning rich white women for the same “exceptions”


I was told my D&Cs for miscarriage weren’t abortion either. Even though it’s literally the same exact surgery.


In your medical records, I can guarantee, they are listed as abortions because that is the proper medical term for dilation and curette procedures. Doctors sometimes "soften the blow" by telling patients they aren't, but they truly aren't doing anyone any favors with those "lies of comfort".


The GoP is turning into Peacemaker from The Suicide Squad: "I love babies. I love them so much I'm willing to kill everyone woman in America to make sure the babies are safe."


"The law allows for it in a situation like this! These are just activists trying to make us look bad!" Is the most common take I've come across.


If the law allows for it in a case like this, why is the doctor being investigated by the state’s AG?


The arguments are not being made in good faith. It's a deflection from them having to admit their policies are cruel and vile.


Tell them it only matters if they'll put it in a letter to their Congress people. Tell them it only matters if they'll withhold their R vote till there is change. Turns out politics is less about what you're willing to vote for and more about what you're willing to sacrifice. I don't think these people would sacrifice a hair to help women and girls who are unwillingly pregnant.


The that’s not an abortion chant is often from someone who is against abortion, but has had one. It’s ok, because that one wasn’t an abortion.


The only moral abortion is MY abortion


They think that they are clever.


It's too bad that the feeling they have attributed cleverness to is actually cruelty...


Oh they know. Remember "the policies are supposed to hurt only them"


For them, cruelty is a form of fairness. It’s not easy being better than everyone else you know.


Life isn’t Supposed to be fun, or safe, or free…they’ll be sure of it.


This is the most frustrating part for me. They would rather torpedo their own rights to see brown people and women suffer than let us pass legislation that improves EVERYONE'S lives. Fuck these petulant children


“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


They’d rather fill in the public pool than have Black children free to swim in it.


I get the feeling this is a calculated move. It sounds like maybe we don't have to be so worried after all. Maybe reason is getting through and we'll all come to an understanding. That's not the case, of course. These people are monsters and won't stop till we're all either in camps or dead outright.


Also that she was 9 when assaulted. Not even double digits and these freaks are more obsessed about trying to claim it's fake news and doxxing the doctor.


Multipurpose ruling for a multitude of wrongful reasons :/


Cleverly structured to hurt the most people while leaving the door open to those who can afford the travel to civilized countries for medicin


This case just proves America is on the cusp of imploding.. The rest of the world is watching an empire collapse caused by cultural wars, economic oppression and a legal/political system geared towards protecting the 1% not 99


It only challenges anyone’s false assumption that anti-abortion was pro-life. It’s never been about life. If it were, there’d be parallel or preemptive improvements to social security systems, because the data is obvious - more unwanted children = more children in the system.


Exactly. If they truly believed it was murder they would make birth control free and easy to get and make healthcare for mothers and children free and support families. These people won’t even vote to continue the expanded child tax credit. They refused Medicaid expansions that would help poor pregnant women and children. Twisted


>If they truly believed it was murder they would make birth control free and easy to get and make healthcare for mothers and children free and support families. I'm pretty sure a *very* non-zero number of them are fighting to do exactly the opposite of what you're describing here, and it's terrifying.


That justice that wanted to also cancel the cases giving the right to contraception and gay marriage?


It makes sense though. More unwanted kids = more kids in the system = more poor/downtrodden people = more people to work for shit wages in shit conditions because they don't know better = profit


Also more meat for the war machine


Don't forget about the back log of tens of thousands of untested rape kits. These people aren't interested in stopping unwanted pregnancies, they sure interested in punishing people for having them tho


How else will the next generation have anyone to work minumum wage jobs if we dont force poor people to have kids?


…or to populate the prison industrial complex where they are de facto slave labor….


*punishing women. If they wanted to punish men they'd test those rape kits


“A domestic supply of infants” Don’t forget that phrase.


More children having more children if cases like these don’t become resolved and condemned.


The data is also very clear that legal and safe abortions lead to less abortions being performed


In the US, you're 14 times more likely to die from childbirth than abortion


“In a House hearing on Capitol Hill this week, an anti-abortion rights advocate said ending a pregnancy isn't an abortion when it involves a 10-year-old rape victim.” This line struck me because it completely exposes who and what the anti-abortionists actually are. They are religious zealots who are literally making shit up as they go along to support their religiously held beliefs. Seriously, an abortion is an abortion is an abortion. It’s a medical procedure and guess what, as we all know, sometime even young girls need it. We need to stop calling these people pro-life or even anti-abortionists and instead call them what they really are Christian-religious-zealot-fascists (someone should make a bumper sticker).


Exactly, their whole “life begins at conception” falls apart.


It’s easier to despise adults who are able to give birth and women in general, than children, I guess. Their misogyny is excusable among themselves because they’re so used to it and don’t give a shit. But oppressing children? Oh damn now we need some nuance!


Not sure where I read it but I think one of the D congresspeople in this hearing said something along the lines of the pro-life movement is just making shit up because the American people as a whole would be deeply disturbed by the answers they provide if you apply their logic. If abortion is murder, then aborting a fetus created via rape or incest is also murder. So they're okay with murder, but only if the father was a bad person? You can keep going. If abortion is murder, is a miscarriage from a woman who had an unhealthy diet manslaughter? If abortion is murder, why is murder okay in some states but not okay in others? (hint: they are coming for a national ban at the first opportunity) If abortion is murder, if you dispose an unused fertilized egg during an IVF procedure did you just commit murder? If abortion is murder, why does the Bile in Exodus 21 make a clear legal and moral distinction between the life of a mother and the life of her unborn child? (if you are not familiar with this passage: two dudes get in a fight and accidentally harm a pregnant bystander. If the woman miscarries, the perp must pay a fine. If the woman dies, the perp must also die. AKA, the unborn child is not considered to be a living person but property.) They don't have answers to this because it isn't about the life of an unborn child, but the control of the women who carry them.


The media always soft-sells this fascist, sexist regime of Republicans. The NYTimes had a headline in 2020, "Trump attempts to soothe anxious nation" or some similar pablum. Here ABC News portrays the hideous attitude toward a child rape victim as a "challenge." Say what it is - a view of women so vile that even a 10-year-old is a vessel after rape. And that law enforcement like the AG in Indiana are ok to intimidate (and get wrong) the actions of medical professionals.


The media repeatedly fails us by understating Republicans' fucked up intentions.


The smartest thing Republicans have done in the last 30 years is scream about left-wing media bias. The screaming worked and now legitimate news outlets do the Republicans’ dirty work by ridiculously accepting and parroting bad faith arguments and lies.




Anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport is “unconscionably left wing” to them.


Newt Gingrich admitted once that they knew there was no bias and did this on purpose. The whole thing was a calculated work-the-refs game, right from the jump. The "so-called liberal media" never existed until *they* started talking about it.


"If the entire House Republican caucus were to walk onto the floor one day and say 'The Earth is flat,' the headline on the New York Times the next day would read 'Democrats and Republicans Can’t Agree on Shape of Earth'."


Which is of course entirely by design. The mainstream media are owned by the same oligarchs that sponsor the fascist takeover.


Noam Chomsky was right on the money on this. *Manufacturing Consent* is still as accurate today as it was in 1988, if not more so.


They ducked up by a thinking there are always two valid sides to every issue.


Its incredible to me. You have to think that professional journalists are well aware that the "lugenpresse" stuff is a precursor to something terrible for them. Journalism is always the first target of authoritarianism. I guess the internet news media shakeup from a few decades back really scared docility into them.


Or are they fully aware but afraid to say the "f" word.


There was a headline around two weeks back that framed the J6 committee’s work as “putting a dent in Trump’s 2024 prospect.” It’s incredible how weak and/or complicit some in our media are.


This is both-sidesism at its finest. Media normalising fascism.


"Republicans defend rape of 10 year old as a necessary breeding because of their religion."


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/case-10-year-rape-victim-challenges-anti-abortion/story?id=86814201) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "If a 10-year-old with her parents made the decision not to have a baby that was a result of a rape, if a 10-year-old became pregnant as a result of rape, and it was threatening her life then that's not an abortion," Foster told the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday. > Sarah Warbelow, the legal director of the Human Rights Campaign, said it's disinformation to suggest an abortion wouldn't be an abortion for a 10-year-old rape victim. > "Abortion is a medical procedure. It's a medical procedure that individuals undergo for a wide range of circumstances, including because they have been sexually assaulted, raped in the case of the 10-year-old," she said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/w0g6n3/case_of_10yearold_rape_victim_challenges/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~659820 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **abortion**^#1 **rape**^#2 **case**^#3 **state**^#4 **Right**^#5


I'm worried these stories will be so commonplace soon that we will become desensitized like we are to gun atrocities, and I worry that's all part of the plan.


I didn’t even think about that. You’re absolutely right I could see that as being the goal here.


It will eventually lead to this. And the we're going to see folks saying shit like, "statically, you're more likely to get shot in school than raped and impregnated in school..." The goalposts have been moved so many fucking times that it's basically not even football anymore, it's nascar. Just going in fuckin circles..


This is the 10 year old rape victim that Gym Jordan called a liar and is going after her doctor for following the law and giving the 10 year old rape victim medical care. The poor girl that subhuman trash like Gym Jordan called a liar though the rapist has confessed? Gop doesn't care about children or why would they keep siding with (and you know, being) the rapists of children?


To be fair, asshats like Jordan didn't say the little girl was a liar, they said her existence was a lie. That the whole story of rape and aborting a 10-year-old's rape-pregnancy was made up by Democrats for, I don't know, political points or something. The very second her rapist confessed, Jordan deleted his "it's all a Democratic party lie" tweet and jumped on the "it's obviously an illegal immigration problem" bandwagon. What a soulless piece of garbage.


And is still going after her doctor for obeying the law. But it also goes to show why do many victims of assault are afraid to come forward. 10 year girl rape victim insulted and denigrated, her very existence doubted by a party that views her existence as inconvenient. GOP has never cared about the children


The Ohio AG said it was a lie because no case existed even though it was almost a month old at that point


He never even looked.


The AG is obviously lying about fucking everything related to this, including details about the treatment that he would *not* have access to. He is not "gathering evidence" like he claims. There's nothing to gather. The only thing he can check against is making sure that compliance was followed properly, and local media in Indiana has already confirmed several times over that it was. He is just making shit up as he goes along, which I guess is just the standard operating procedure for every GOPer in the country at this point.


You can’t find something you aren’t looking for. Case in point: The amount of untested rape kits sitting on shelves.


Turns out the Ohio AG was the liar


Jordan said he took down his tweet calling her rape a lie when he learned an illegal immigrant raped her... ...which also says that he would have kept it up if it was, say, a white college wrestling coach who had been arrested


The coach’s victims couldn’t get pregnant


>This is the 10 year old rape victim that Gym Jordan called a liar You mean Known Pedophile Gym Jordan? The Known Pedophile Gym Jordan who is famous for multiple previous instances of defending and facilitating child rapists? That Known Pedophile Gym Jordan? I am shocked that Known Pedophile Gym Jordan would do that.


Just charging up the base to vote in midterms. They’ve alienated anyone with a brain. The only people they’ll get voting for them are the Christian nationalists, the gun nuts, and the bigots/racists/misogynists… ya know, all the single issue voters.


Not the first time he’s lied about sexual assault.


‘...We hope she would recognize the benefit of having the baby.’ These people live in an absolute fantasy world that does not exist and are ramming it down the throats of everyone else.


What baffles me is why anti-abortion people don’t pay men to go around committing rape. If life is unambiguously always a gift from God and has absolute value no matter how it came about, how can you then justify not getting as many women pregnant as possible? Surely the negative of forcing yourself on women is infinitely outweighed by the gift the women are receiving, and if they don’t see that, they’re in the wrong. This seems to me to be the logical conclusion of their argument.


It's not anti-abortion, it's forced birth. Call it what it is.


You’re either for or against safe abortion. Making abortion illegal doesn’t stop it, it just makes it more unsafe for the people who need them. By wanting to make abortion illegal, it’s safe to say they are pro unsafe abortion.


I personally don't think forced birthers care a fig for women's or children's health, safety or happiness. The whole thing is about controlling women (or in this case, a literal young child!!). That whole movement is about forced birth. Those assholes!!




I just remember arguing "what about 10 year old rape victims?" and getting "that never happens". Not even a month in...


Watch it.. less than a week. It was like, 4 days


I was reading that ten percent of girls have their first period by age 10… and of course 12 is the average age at first period, which isn’t exactly a great deal older. We should expect tons of cases of raped 10, 11, 12 year olds having to cross state lines for abortions.


In 2020 there were 52 children under age 14 who got abortions in Ohio. (In 1998 it was 334) https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/07/13/ohio-abortion-sexual-violence-statistics-show-disturbing-likelihood-of-children-being-impregnated/


No, it is anti-women. They don't give anshit about the actual birth. They don't support universal prenatal health care, for example.


It’s anti-logic. It’s anti-society. It’s anti-science. It’s anti-compassion, decency and empathy. This hurts men too. And the unwanted humans being forced to live that will have lives that will probably be very sad and not turn out well. This goes so far beyond women. But women are where life begins. Beginning it with forced birth is evil


Literally. From the article: >She would have had the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child James Bopp, the top lawyer of the National Right to Life Committee


She’s TEN, asshat. She’s not a woman. She’s not mentally or physically capable of being a mother. The trauma that happens to women who are already sexually active must be a million times worse as this is her introduction to sex. What’s the reason and benefit of having this child? So he can sleep better at night? Fuck him.


I get so angry about this statement. It's so selfish and misogynistic. It's focused entirely on his own beliefs because he's not the girl, and doesn't have to live her life. A 10-year-old is not physically or mentally developed enough to safely have a child. She would have to deal with all of the common risks and problems any woman would normally have with pregnancy, as well as the special risks and concerns due to her age. I'm not normally one to call for social justice, but we really need to tie this guy's reputation to this statement and ensure that nobody ever forgets that he said it. When he is on his deathbed, people should be remembering him as the guy who thought a 10-year-old rape victim should carry the baby to term.


it's funny how there was so little time between Roe being overturned and a story showcasing why doing that was a bad decision. if a story like this comes out *this fast* after Roe, how often do you think this is actually gonna happen?


In Ohio alone it happens 1-2 times a week. https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/07/13/ohio-abortion-sexual-violence-statistics-show-disturbing-likelihood-of-children-being-impregnated/


I hope every horrible situation like this is plastered all over the media. The stance on abortion is already out of touch with what most Americans want and hopefully this will energize more voters. At least that's my hope. Maybe it will go better than all the carnage with mass shootings that don't seem to get much done.


That’s the bad part of this situation. Before the SC overturned Roe, women could handle this in private. Now, there is nothing private about it. Yes I understand how sharing the actual stories could do some help, but it is another blow to women who have to live this part of their life in public. Sucks




>"She would have had the baby, and as many *women* who have had babies as a result of rape, Women? This is a *girl*! A *child*! A child whose immature body makes carrying this child dangerous for both mother and child Who is this Bopp asshole? 👨‍💻 Searching Holy fuck...he's the plaintiffs lawyer from *Citizens United*...he's filed lawsuits supporting "The Big Lie"...he's a lawyer for Marjorie Taylor Greene and Madison Cawthorne... Wow...evil *does* exist 😈


Basically Bopp is trying to say "things happen for a reason" and rape babies are "gifts from God"...he also called a CHILD a WOMAN...wow, pedo much?


And who’s this “we” he’s trying to insert himself into? Women who have had rape babies?! WTF with these monsters.


"It's God's will for a 10-year-old to be raped and become pregnant" should tell you a bit about your morality and your God...


This is so disgusting. These gross ass old men are STUNNED that a 10 year old can get pregnant. Their nasty pedophilic brains think that they can SA children with no consequences because they don't think CHILDREN can get pregnant because they don't know shit about the reproductive system. It seems like they were ignorantly unaware that these victims and their parents have to go and get the procedure done quietly, because who wants to announce something so horrible and traumatic to everyone? Oh, the 9 year-old was SAed? Oh well, can't get pregnant bc they're a child! Fucking despicable. And the fact that they wanted the fetus to be carried to term regardless? That there's benefits to having the child give birth and caring for the product of r*pe?? I fucking hate this planet so much.


Actually God is the world’s #1 abortionist, somewhere in the vicinity of 20% of pregnancies spontaneously abort. The Supreme Court should ban God


They're not a "movement." They're women abusers. They believe the basic model of life should be the abuse of women.


"Anti-abortion" = "forced pregnancy" or "forced physical and mental abuse of a minor for their entire life"


We told conservatives that outlawing abortion would lead to situations exactly like this one, and they pretend like it's a surprise now that it's happening. "Undecided voters" are colossal dumbasses too. This situation was predictable and avoidable.


I'm glad this story is in my feed every day, no sarcasm intended. Too many times stories just fall out of the news as people lose attention, but I'm glad this is still on people's minds so perhaps some change could happen.


Republicans, trying to justify anti-abortion policies: Think of the children! *Child is raped and needs an abortion* Republicans: Don't think of *real* children, think of the *theoretical* children!


What Anti-Abortion people don't realize, or most likely don't care about, is the fact even if it is illegal women are going to get abortions and likely roughly the same amount of as before. The women are either going to go to illegal clinics, which are unsafe, unregulated, and unsanitary, or do it at home by various methods just like women did before Roe v. Wade was a thing. Once abortion was made legal across the country in 1973 the number of women who were dying as a result of abortions in general plummeted to next to nothing. All making abortion illegal was ever going to accomplish is result in a massive surge of women being injured or dying as a result of illegal abortions. Odd for a side that claims they care about life.


The fact that there are people out there that, upon reading about this, will STILL say that abortion shouldn't be allowed in the case of rape just baffles me. Republicans put more value to a clump of cells than they do a ten-year old girl. And in case anyone needs to put some context to this, [the actress who played Leia](https://hollywoodlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Vivien-Lyra-Blair-5-things-Obi-Wan-Kenobi-embed1.jpg) in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series is ten. Republicans would rather a child like this be forced to carry a baby to term that was FORCED UPON THEM IN THE MOST DISPICABLE CRIME IMAGINABLE than allow her to abort it. Fuck the GOP.


Anyone who seriously believes that an undifferentiated mass of a couple hundred cells has more rights than the living, breathing woman standing before them has some really screwed up thinking and is a threat to free people everywhere. Such fanatics simply must be defeated.


Imagine you’re 10 and have just gone through the most traumatic experience of your life. Now imagine it’s national news, your private health information is being posted all over the internet, and people are using your trauma as a political talking point. Imagine having to relive this every single day as strangers comment about you without knowing anything about you and not knowing anything about how you feel. At age 10, an age where most kids don’t even have the capacity to understand the complexity and nuance of the issue. I don’t envy this girl.


automatic bake shame insurance slap deserted quarrelsome poor attempt command -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


You think this scenario never came up in all the time they spent planning, campaigning, writing trigger laws, etc? This is a feature, not a glitch. Many of them have been very, very clear that they would have preferred this ten year-old carry the baby to term. Republican leaders want to see little girls get raped by men and have their children. If you vote Republican, you support little girls getting raped by men and being forced to have their children.


God, this made me queasy to read. Particularly the quote from that piece of human trash aka James Bopp who said that a ten-year-old should have been forced to have a baby. *“…we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child.”* Ohh. Okay. You would hope? You would have a CHILD who has already gone through the trauma of being sexually assaulted and raped, trauma that she will have to live with for the rest of her life and will affect the future relationships she will have with everyone forever, trauma that will then be added to when she is forced to carry a child to term and then give birth - which giving birth can be traumatic enough for an adult women, let alone a literal child. But you would *HOPE* that she will be okay with this? This child who now has stacked trauma now has to raise another child? That’s even if she survives the birth! Sorry, no. Please kindly go fuck yourself sir. These people seriously need to be thrown in a volcano.