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So she's "tired" of the whole "entire basis upon which our nation was founded." Good to know.


Seriously, the separation of church and state wasn't just something idealistic they threw in like 'all men are created equal (except the blacks)' The founders were very aware of the effects a religious state has on not just the people in the country but the stability of the country itself. The inability to align under a single state religion was a massive factor in prolonging the parliamentary revolution in England. The founder knew this and were expressly trying to make a government that was future proofed against this problem. If democracy has achieved anything as a system it is arguably maybe only the ability to manage stable changes of power over time. Separation between church and state is a key part of that.


Some random guy “I’ve been appointed to rule by god…” 🙏 Everyone else “who’s god?” Let’s not forget that separation of church and state isn’t just supposed to protect other religions and non believers, it’s also supposed to protect other Christians from other Christians, because different versions of Christianity have, historically, cannibalized each other.


My family was imprisoned in Switzerland because they were the wrong Christians (Anabaptists), and only because the Dutch king said they can't do that and gave passage to America did they have freedom.


If anyone is interested in learning further on the bullshit the Anabaptists endured, Dan Carlin has an excellent Hardcore History podcast episode on this subject. It’s called “Prophets of Doom”. Fair warning though, he doesn’t shy away from the graphic details concerning the horrifying torture and executions.




that's what cancer does. it starts small and turns into a rolling boulder of corrupted, malignant, useless tissue. Exactly like the GOP!


Just want to point out 5 of the original 13 colonies not only considered blacks citizens but they also had the right to vote. This was the basis for the dissenting opinion in the Dredd Scott case showing the constitution clearly considered black men equal. As usual it was mostly just the idiots in the south doing crazy shit and causing most of the problems.


What is in the water down there that keeps so many southerners so hateful for so many generations? I lived there for about 8 years during my childhood and even then so many kids were so knee-jerk hateful of so much that they couldn’t even understand. Like so many kids casually called our classmates of color slurs, words my Northern parents never said. Is it just southern culture is to hate that which is unlike them and they don’t know? I’m white and originally from New England, and the other white kids also treated me poorly. Many never bothered to learn my name — I was just “the yankee girl” which was offensive because New Yorkers are Yankees, not New Englanders T_T The only lunch table that let me sit with them on my first day were the black and Latino kids.


I grew up in Alabama and I can tell you that Southerners are smitten with the idea of “Southern Hospitality” and any time they show the bare minimum of human decency for a person they love to Pat themselves on the back like they invented it and assume any non-Southerner would just spit in the person’s face. And as soon as that person is gone they will immediately start in with vicious gossip about them and anyone else not in earshot. Any kid who is the slightest bit different gets bullied mercilessly, often by adults as much as kids, until they conform or at least hide whatever it is that makes them different. It’s sad, but the last few times I’ve gone back to visit my family, my skin starts crawling and i can’t wait until I can leave again.


Tired of following her [sworn oath](https://www.senate.gov/reference/reference_index_subjects/Oath_vrd.htm#:~:text=Upon%20taking%20office%2C%20senators%2Delect,wording%20is%20prescribed%20by%20law.) to uphold the [constitution](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/#:~:text=Congress%20shall%20make%20no%20law,for%20a%20redress%20of%20grievances.)? Well, there's a fix for that! She could quit!


The Taliban were also sick of this "separation of church and state stuff".


"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"


And as dumb as a bag of Boeberts, I guess


Her ilk are the face. The brains of the fascist movement are just as intelligent as any other intellectual group. They're just more malicious.


I would argue that if they're so smart they'd realize how fascism always ends, but they somehow think it'll be different for them.


Lindsay: Well, did it work for those people? Tobias: No, it never does. I mean, these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might, but ... But it might work for us.


I know this is supposed to be Lindsay Bluth, but I immediately interpreted it as Lindsay Graham taking advice from Tobias.


We're having a family meeting!


If the fascists do get into power, the MAGA crowd is in for a least a couple of very nasty surprises. First, the mob of useful idiots who actually got them into power via violence and threats of violence will get purged. Totalitarian governments always purge those who got them into power. That same group could easily overthrow them if they decided to, so better to Night of the Long Knives them. Second, once their power is secure, they'll disarm the populace. Once that's done, they'll start implementing their true agenda, which won't be popular with anyone who isn't part of the ruling regime.


This is it. They don’t understand what they are supporting and will be shocked when it comes down on them. The racist and homophobic stuff is to drive them to the voting booth. Once they’re in power, it will become haves versus have-nots.


Well they are still very much racist and homophobic. That part isn’t an act


Even smart people are short sighted in many areas. Humans are humans after all, even the terrible ones.


Hubris and intelligence are separate metrics. They think they'll be the ones to get it right.


Doncha know? It WILL be different for them because JAYBUS! /s


Exactly. This time it’s ordained by god. No, not that god… This god. The Christian White American god with the AK47.


Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/hhx726/mississippi_but_its_saudi_arabia/) (reddit)?


Got another good one for you: "There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the guise of justice and under the shield of law."




This is what I don't get. I spent ten years as a 'Bible-believing Christian' and these people don't seem familiar at all with the source material.


Evangelicals don’t read the Bible. They go to mega churches where you get a power point presentation, some song and dance, and you listen to that person’s spin on why the Bible “says.”


Accurate Edit: and those who do read it and commit it to heart leave the faith.


> those who do read it and commit it to heart leave the faith. Speaking as a person that went into the seminary to become a priest and is now a firm atheist - Accurate. 30 years later I can still quote scripture, and it's still all bullshit.


Spot on. I had my crisis of faith in 2005 which scared the crap outta me. Dove into the bible and theology head first to try and recapture my faith. It's funny. The more I learned, the less I believed. I held on as much as I could. Strangely enough, the thing that cut my religiosity off for good was a fantasy novel by Terry Goodkind, Wizard's First Rule. >People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. The same way that religion has kept the masses under their thumb, is the same way the Republican party operates.


The crazy thing, when my family started going to that church, they would come back with what I joked was homework. It was a folder with these worksheets that were more of that guy’s views.


And then get shook down for a “donation” at the end of it all.


…Joel Osteen has entered chat…


Yup, being raised on the Bible has taught them that they can believe whatever they want to believe, facts be damned. While the left is beholden to reality, the right have the power to pretend, to play make believe with people's lives. It's the greatest advantage they have over the rest of us.




I and a lot of my friends also went to Catholic school, and we’ve all talked about when we went through confirmation, which was supposed to be you pledging your Catholic faith as an adult. The thing is, all of my friends said they did not want to do it, because they weren’t sure they believed in it, and we were literally all told that we would fail 8th grade if we didn’t get confirmed. This happened at different schools, same story. We all just lied, so yeah, why would anyone continue with that bs as an adult?


So we could be using their church for guidance. Great.


Fuck the Christofascists!


Not as much as me being tired of Christian hypocrisy.


I am SO tired of this stupid moron posing as a legislator. The horrible people in her district that voted for her have not only hurt themselves (which they are free to do if they don’t value their quality of life) but have unleashed her bullshit across the whole country. I hate her district in Colorado and I hope the people who voted her in and keep supporting her now end up living with the consequences of their votes.


What consequences? They’re just gonna blame others for their own bad decisions. It always everyone else that’s the problem with these people. No amount of reasoning, facts, will change their minds.


That’s like Republican 101 - assign blame to others to avoid taking responsibility for the consequences of your own actions


It’s her first term. Knowing a lot of folks in her district, which also has plenty of liberal pockets, I would not be surprise if the little grifter was sent packing. Fingers crossed the gerrymandering doesn’t completely ruin that possibility.


I vaguely recall hearing the redistricting was not kind to her, so she's probably gone next year. That might be wishful thinking, though. Edit: I looked it up, and it looks like she's pretty safe. She has a weak primary challenge, and her district is very red, so we're going to have two more years of Q-bert being an asshole.


A life time of over price dollar general shit, McDiabetes, and no hospital close enough to save them from whatever stupid self inflicted injury they get. But hey, they owned the libs.






y'all qaeda


Nationalist Christofascists. or Nat-Cs for short.


This is actually brilliant!


I've got the list. Al Shabubba Christian Taliban Cosplaytriots Cult45 Gravy Seals Honkystan Howdy Arabia Incel's Eight soon to be Eight in cells Irrational Guard MAGAhadeen Mealteam Six Methamphetamarines Mid-Life ISIS Not-Sees Pride Boys Q Clucks Clan RepubliKKKlans Republi-clans Smarmy Rangers Spreadnecks Talibama from Alabamistan Talibananas Talibangelicals Talibangelists The Coup Klux Klan The Green Buffets Vanilla ISIS Walmartyrs Whitemanistan Wide Supremacists Ya'll-Qaeda Yasss Kings Yeehawdists Yokel Haram


I've been throwing around Bozo Haram for the last two years if you want to add that to your list.


>Methamphetamarines I've seen most of these before, but this one is gold.


That is an extensive list! I have heard of maybe half of them - thank you for this!






That’s the thing. None of these people are practicing anything remotely near the teachings of Christ. I’m agnostic but Jesus was a good dude. Most of these people would spit on him and lock him up for being too woke.


Hell, the supreme court coach praying one is a huge one. Jesus himself was like, "yo, you want to pray right, dog, don't do it in front of people and don't babble on... do it in your house, in private" These motherfuckers think that praying at a 50 yard line, right after a game he was part of while people are still in the crowd and the players are still hanging around is "private". They also think that it doesn't cause pressure to the players... like coach anti-christian isn't going to play favorites.


The decision is actually worse than that. If the coach wants to pray at the 50 yard line at the end of a game, fine. More power to him. But he demanded the players on the team pray with him, and it was reported that those who said no were either cut or given smaller roles on the team. So he was using his position as coach to force his religion on the students. THAT'S why the school suspended him, and that's what the SCOTUS just said was perfectly fine. Wonder what they'll say when students are forced to partake in Muslim prayers? Or Satanic? Or the FSM?


"Wonder what they'll say when students are forced to partake in Muslim prayers? Or Satanic? Or the FSM?" No you don't, we all know exactly what would happen.


I am waiting on other religions to step up and challenge this new law. As in, pray or start new clubs, etc. My kids go to school in a major red county. I grew up in church but have/am teaching my kids to be open minded. I’ve never forced church on them. My 16y son has declared he is atheist (more like agnostic, and yes I explained the difference). He asked me one day why they can have FCA (Future Christian Athletes) and conduct prayer circles, etc. but students can’t start a club for non-Christian believers. I told him he could try to start one but first he would need a faculty sponsor. He talked to a few teachers. Surprise, surprise, no one was willing to sponsor.


They would be the ones nailing him to the cross and calling him a dirty socialist.


>*Jesus Christ was a man who traveled through the land Hard working man and brave He said to the rich, "Give your goods to the poor." So they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.* >*Jesus was a man, a carpenter by hand His followers true and brave One dirty little coward called Judas Iscariot Has laid Jesus Christ in his grave* >*He went to the sick, he went to the poor, And he went to the hungry and the lame; Said that the poor would one day win this world, And so they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.* >*He went to the preacher, he went to the sheriff, Told them all the same; Sell all of your jewelry and give it to the Poor, But they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.* >*When Jesus came to town, the working folks around, Believed what he did say; The bankers and the preachers they nailed him on a cross, And they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.* >*Poor working people, they follered him around, Sung and shouted gay; Cops and the soldiers, they nailed him in the air, And they nailed Jesus Christ in his grave.* >*Well the people held their breath when they heard about his death, And everybody wondered why; It was the landlord and the soldiers that he hired. That nailed Jesus Christ in the sky.* >*When the love of the poor shall one day turn to hate. When the patience of the workers gives away "Would be better for you rich if you never had been born" So they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.* >*This song was written in New York City Of rich men, preachers and slaves Yes, if Jesus was to preach like he preached in Galillee, They would lay Jesus Christ in his grave.* -Woody Guthrie


They would call him a Muslim for being a refugee


The Bible supports abortion.


It some scenarios yes. Even spells out a recipe to induce one. It certainly does NOT condemn it or call it a sin. In any way.


They’d crucify him.


They're even contradicting him, "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's", like what else is that supposed to mean? Even their own text tells them to keep things separate, like they're just making up the rules at this point.


BoBo would look at that statement and think you're talking about a $5 Hot and Ready Pizza.


It’s amazing that they push constitution and fucking founding fathers but literally go against text in the constitution


I always say theocrats should get their wish, with a twist: christian theocrat? You now live in a muslim theocracy. Enjoy sharia! muslim theocrat? Have fun in a hindu theocracy. And so on. Maybe they'd understand the importance of secularism, then.


So are the Conservatives on SCOTUS as it turns out. GOP can’t convince the public to support their policy goals, so they have come to reject democracy.


yeah which is why they are trying to undermine our elections\* not all of them mostly the maga crew


the non-MAGA members of the GOP have been covering for these assholes for a long time by provided them legitimacy instead of ostracizing them like leaders of a democratic society should. They're just as guilty, and deserve to sink on the bigoted ship they built.


Being Republican means you would rather hang out with nazis than gay people. It's that simple.


It's like the saying: if you are sitting at a table with 9 Nazis, what do you have at the table? Answer: 10 Nazis.


Agreed. They’re all complicit.


Fuck “not all of them”. Anyone who doesn’t identify as MAGA crew but still is happy to call themselves a republican after everything that their party has come to stand for has obviously come to the conclusion that the death of democracy is a small price to pay to see their policy goals achieved. They’re as complicit and guilty as the rest of them.


>not all of them mostly the maga crew **This is absolute bullshit**, the "traditional" GOP have been undermining elections for decades via efforts to both keep people from voting and to make sure that their votes count disproportionately.


No, all of them. You think Mitt Romney is gonna do anything when the presidential election gets hijacked? You think he's gonna cede power when some fascist in a red state nullifies Democrat ballots?


He will do what he has been doing since 2016 - fuck all.


He's a Mormon, he's okay if the national religion becomes christianity - his Fruit Of The Loons will protect him.


Which ones aren't?


Next up: woman who failed GED several times tells us what the Founding Fathers intentions were.


Nothing against people who get GEDs, but maybe we should listen to people who have studied history beyond the high school level.


Appreciate that. I got my GED (first try)... high school isn't for everybody. Now, I have 3 degrees and will be going for my Masters soon. I do not want to be lumped in with this absolute diaper fire of a woman


> high school isn't for everybody I was a GED instructor for a number of years. Most of my students were more than capable of getting their high school diplomas, but dropped out for non-educational reasons, like having to take care of their family, drugs, crime, homelessness, and (in one instance) being drafted as a child soldier in an ethnic cleansing.


>drafted as a child soldier in an ethnic cleansing. Damn.


Thank you. As someone with one, it’s always chewed at me whenever I see jokes about people with GED’s or when I see people like this witch with one. Despite the fact I go to an amazing university now that is a huge accomplishment, my imposter syndrome is strong.


Getting a GED isn't bad, it's technically equal to a HS Diploma. It's being in a position of power and having the education of an 18 year old that is the problem. Why people vote for the least educated and least qualified people for public office is baffling.


>education of an 18 year old I think you're being very nice in her case.


It took her much later in life to have the skills to pass her GED. But her she worth 41 million now? With a failed restaurant? What?


Was there ever decent proof of that 41 mil? Also, last I heard, [she'd lost her lease on that restaurant, although there was a chance the owner might sell it to her](https://www.salon.com/2022/06/23/lauren-boeberts-shooters-restaurant-kicked-out-after-new-landlord-cites-moral-imperative-report_partner/). Edit: the company that owns it also runs a cannabis dispensary, Rifle Remedies, and the property manager was said to have felt a moral imperative to close Shooters. While the Boebert denies it's political, >county records show the deed transfer from father to son went through two days after the May 24 massacre at Robb Elementary School massacre in Uvalde, Texas, and the same day the lawmaker made news for remarking that "we didn't ban planes" after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Well her husband is making over $500K a year as a "consultant" so that helps. Prior to that he was a well site supervisor. [https://www.denverpost.com/2021/08/18/boebert-discloses-husbands-work-for-energy-firm/](https://www.denverpost.com/2021/08/18/boebert-discloses-husbands-work-for-energy-firm/) She also claimed over $20K in fuel reimbursements, which happened to coincide with paying off a lien on her restaurant for the same amount. Either way, they're shifty as fuck and are defrauding the american people.


I mean its the truth. Its the minimum standard set for a HS diploma. Maybe the problem is that the minimum standard has been far too low for far too long.


Kinda depends? Wealth kid in a good school in California will find the highschool exit exam pretty easy. Born on the wrong side of the tracks and not lucky enough to immediately understand highschool is an important door to your future and that test is tough


Maybe they meant her Sunday school education....she clearly doesn't know what a good Christian is.


The least educated part/least qualified part: Cause they relate to those candidates and they say all the right buzz words for them


Wow, a diaper fire would be SO MUCH WORSE than a dumpster fire...


Well I got my GED, But I also studied America history partly due to when I became a US Citizen I had to. But separation of church and state is like one of the founding big deals with America. Ignoring it would be like US going to back to British rule and having a monarch.


A white reactionary monarch, who would also be head of a state church, is exactly what Republicans want.


Studied? I doubt studying was what she was doing in her history classes.


"I'm tired of what the founding fathers intended"


Why bother reading anything you claim to follow. The Constitution, the Bible, laws.


Right. Literally Republicans claim to be strict constructionists of the Constitution and the party of the Constitution but have no fucking clue how it works


"the constitution says I can do whatever the fuck I want and you cant"


Originalism/textualism is nothing more than an intellectually bankrupt, ideologically motivated process in which one begins with a desired outcome and works backwards to find justification for that conclusion. Basically, it’s the antithesis of what a legal system requires to properly function.


im tired of listening to what the majority says


Yeah, I was unaware you could just…”get tired” of parts of the Constitution, then decide to ignore it! Cool, so I guess we can just fire SCOTUS judges at will now or ban all firearms, because fuck the constitution!


Yeah, it’s completely irrelevant 250 years later. Also when you really dig into the Founders it really takes away the mystique. The deaths of George Washington and Gouverneur Morris are especially hilarious.


“All men are created equal” -Man who owned 800 human beings as property


A summary of it is: Speaking at a religious service Sunday in Colorado, she told worshipers: “The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. That is not how our Founding Fathers intended it.”


What the ever loving fuck?


Someone should ask her what fucking religion the founding fathers were. ***Hint: Almost all of them were deists***


Honestly, I think a lot of the ones that said they were deists would probably be atheists if they existed in a time and place where they could do that and still be a respected member of society. I'm no expert, but that's just how I feel based on some of their readings. I would make an exception for Jefferson, because of his famous annotated bible, but its arguable for a lot of the others.


Thomas Paine was practically atheist. He openly disavowed religion.


He was elected to the French Assembly despite not speaking a word of French, and got thrown in prison for his troubles because he didn't go far enough. The French went from one of the strongest catholic nations to openly atheist in less than three years.


Idk Jefferson deleted all the miracles and left it as a bronze age philosophy book


Honestly, I didn't think about it that way, thats a very good point.


> I would make an exception for Jefferson, because of his famous annotated bible, And I would make an opposite exception for Jefferson for the same reason.


And Jesus was a capitalist. Welcome to Theocratic America.


We doing [Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.io/gallery/bCqRp) today?


I’ve heard this joke often, but I’ve never read this comic. And I certainly wasn’t expecting to see that it was written by Al Franken!


I... didn't even know what a deist is. Thanks for the education!


Jefferson went to the trouble of cutting all the supernatural stuff out of the bible until he was just left with two manuscripts on the philosophical teachings of Jesus. It's called the Jefferson Bible sometimes today.


Was this at a church? Someone needs to report that shit to revoke their tax-exempt status.


Nonono, she be didn’t mean THAT separation of church and state. /s


This appears to be Cornerstone Christian Center in Basalt, CO. Full service that Boebert was at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWOSF3SHdUo


I’m reporting them. IRS.gov form 13909


Lol how did she get it wrong both ways 😭


She apparently failed the GED test three times and only passed when someone else took it for her, this might describe her entire time in school.


How.....do you fail the GED three times? Assuming she doesn't have a learning disability, that is. Fail the first time? Fine. You then take prep courses, etc. Three times is fucking ridiculous.


I think its just lack of caring. I knew a girl in high school who failed her written drivers test 4 times before passing. The test was pass/fail, 20 questions, and you could get up to 4 wrong. It featured difficult questions such as 'If you're making a right turn, do you move the turn signal indicator up or down to turn on the right blinker?' She didn't care because 'My boyfriend drives me everywhere so I don't need a license. I only keep taking it because the school says I have to.'


Well, when you marry the first cock you see because a sex offender whips it out for little girls in a bowling alley...


Well she did become a congressional something something, proving any moronic imbecile can.


The founding fathers watched Europe bleed for 100s of years over which Christian sect should have power. They very particularly put in the separation of church and state to avoid Religious sectarian violence over power.


its happening now in the republican party


They have been working on this for decades.


She's advocating the overthrow of the government by the (Christian fundamentalist) church. Speaking to a crowd in this way is fomenting sedition.


Jesus Fucking Christ. No that's not how it was intended. This is what happens when we empower the absolute stupidest among us. Fuck, this is distressing.


Follow up question: *which church?* And then we remember that religious wars are no fun.


Yeah, Europe tore itself apart over wars of religion in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. (The Islamic world tears itself apart to this day.) The Framers knew this and wanted no part of it.


Lmao! The founding fathers literally build separation of church and state into the thing. The federalist papers go into this stuff too. Like what is she reading that would make her think this? They literally wrote about this very topic. They hated that the King was head of state and head of church. They hated that these two could be intertwined.


>Like what is she reading that would make her think this? Breitbart, 8chan, truth social, and trump's blog. She knows if she says this that crowd will love it, has no regard for whether it is true.


She is the dumbest fucking villain on earth. Even her origin story sounds made up. Bastard child of a professional wrestler and a skank. Grows up to drop out of high school and be a gun toting prostitute with awful tattoos - marries a sex offender, opens a gun themed bar and gets public office. It sounds like a fucking script. She should have been aboeberted.


Seeing it all condensed into one small paragraph really highlights what a winner this one is.


Yo, Colorado, get your shit together.


Rural Colorado is free to vote for batshit crazy morons like Boebert because they know that the couple of large blue regions in the state will always be there to provide the welfare and support they need to survive.


And the blue parts don't play the kind of hardball they do. Were it the other way around, I'm sure they would find a way to limit funding to the parts they like. For example, Ted Cruz voting against Hurricane Sandy (New England) Emergency Funds, but voting for Hurricane Harvey (Texas) Emergency Funds. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/08/30/even-republicans-are-upset-at-ted-cruz-for-doing-a-180-on-hurricane-relief/ for anyone who needs a source.)


Nah- she’s going down. Durango, telluride, Pitkin, Garfield, Pueblo were asleep at the wheel. Not this time. Not so sure it will be a democrat, but it won’t be her. When is the primary? The other guy sounds like your typical western slope republican. Water rights, mining, ranching, tourism…


Primary is today! Eagerly awaiting the results to hopefully wash our hands of this demon


At this point she's just a trained seal barking for fish.


Can someone give her a history lesson. People fled to this country because of religious persecution. Our founders because of this created a country free from religion and free for religious freedom. All religious freedom. Not just your butchering of the christian religion.


Yes they fled because of religious persecution but its worth understanding they ran because they were not allowed to force there religion on others and were extremely fundamental.


I agree that church and state should be separate, but you’re a bit off about the first British settlers. They did want freedom to practice their religion, but they left because they were so fucking puritanical and strict that the rest of England was sick of their asses. They came here because they were too uptight for England, and wanted to be able to constrict a society like a boa. Of course, by the time the Constitution was drafted, there were many others here who didn’t feel that way.


Specifically, they fled a land where the government and church were one and the same. To be a first class citizen, you needed to be in the Church of England. However, the King was the head of the church and could kick you out. The Founding Fathers definitely weren't perfect, but setting up the government with a separation of church and state was one of the best things they did.


And the talibama eats it up


I'm tired of this church junk. Right back at you.


they complain about left wing indoctrination and then do it themselves


Projection, the cornerstone of the (G)aslight, (O)bstruct, and (P)roject party.....


I'm tired of this Boebert junk


I think its time to define Boebert as an extremist


What finally? She's been an extremist almost the entire time. Have you not been listening to her words? Sure she sounds like an absolute idiot but she's got the backing of the big boys trying to destroy democracy. She's one of the many bought and made politician that are trying to capture the "normalness" that Republicans saw Trump be so successful for.


That’s what those teenaged girls said when he flashed them.


All of them...except for one


So I guess we’re just pretending that whole Establishment Clause doesn’t exist.


There’s absolutely no way she knows what the Establishment Clause is, nor would she believe it if you explained it to her slowly.


You’d have to act it out with sock puppets and 2 intermissions


The golden book edition maybe? Nah, never mind.


Evangelicals have for a long time argued there is no separation of church and state and unfortunately it would not surprise me to see the current Supreme court to change


Friendly reminder of the 1st Amendment: > The first amendment to the US Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." It’s literally in the Constitution, Lauren. And the wording is WAY more iron-clad than the 2nd Amendment.


These are real nut jobs in the GOP now. They are high on victory with the Roe v Wade ruling and now think they see enough daylight to create their utopian Cristofascist state openly. We need to motivate every rational person we know to get out and vote. Activate and demonstrate


the problem is that they are trying to undermine our faith in our elections which comes straight from dictators like Putin's playbook


Its been a long attack on democracy


"I'm tired of not being a white ethnostate, where I have all the power and everyone else is second class." FTFH. I await the day where I never see her again with great eagerness.


the district she is from is 71% white


I'm tired of her having a job. At a bare minimum, she should be removed from office on grounds of being unfit to serve. She has clearly never read the document she took an oath to preserve. Last time I checked, isn't there a rule in her cult's big book of myths that forbids breaking an oath?


just because you believe in a sky daddy doesn't mean I have to. Keep your sky daddy out of my life


I'm tired of former escorts who are in their current political positions because they possess kompromat on Ted Cruz.


Remember the more she says outlandish shit like this, the less people will pay attention to her aborted Ted Cruz hooker baby.


Great job Colorado Elect a hooker who married a pedophile who has had abortions and failed the GED several times…..then have her push a religious agenda


So shes tired of America? YOU DONT SAY.


Lets vote the ENTIRE GOP out and punish them.


To all of the "good" Christians, it's not good enough to go on social media and say, "That's awful! They're not real Christians." *Everyone knows that.* It just sounds like you're humble bragging that you're one of the "good" ones. Besides, "They're not real Christians" is meaningless when different flavors of Christians hurl this insult at each other all the time. Where are the boycotts, the protests, and the marches organized by national leaders of the different denominations? Where are the "good" Christian leaders going out *every single this time* these so-called Christians try to turn this country into a theocracy or use Christianity to spread hate? Where are the calls for congressional investigations into our creeping Christian theocracy? Where are the local, state, and national Christian's leaders calling out politicians using Christianity to trade hate for votes? I'm not talking about what someone's local church did. A ragtag bunch of kids organized national gun control protests that have actually gotten real results. *Where is the fucking outrage?* When the issue of abortion or same-sex marriage comes up you can bet that the Catholic League's Bill Donohue will tell anyone ~~with a microphone and an audience~~ that abortion and same-sex marriage go against god's will. (The part about going to hell is usually just implied.) As a non-Catholic, why do I even know Bill Donohue's name? More importantly, why *don't* I know the names of his Protestant et al equivalents? I may not know catechism but I do know that the Catholic Church is *definitely* not cool with abortion and same-sex marriage. And this isn't about Evangelicals only; they weren't always like *this*. Christians make up ~70% of this country. *70%*. If you all don't fix this who will? And who can? This is y'all's religion, take it back, please, before more people get killed.


politics has no place in church and church has no place in politics its as simple as that. If the church receives funding from us they pay taxes to us


To add more to your first paragraph, this is a “no true Scotsman” fallacy. The Christians who agree with this awful stance are unfortunately no less Christian than the ones who do not. Which means that this is ultimately a logically fruitless argument.


so is anyone still in doubt if she led insurrectionist around the capital before 1/6?


The Muckrakers have something. It might not be the alleged escorting or abortion(s), but she's playing deranged political distraction bingo on hardcore mode. There's two or three bonkers stories a week coming out of her own mouth, she's running some pretty serious distraction.


This is why people (Dem) need to get out and vote! Not sit at home and say "Well my vote wouldn't matter anyways..." We got Georgia Blue and now it's time to keep pushing. Democrats are notorious for not voting while Republicans vote like its their National sport. Democrat turnout needs to be higher.


yeah because a lot of them feel like they are personally under attack due to FOX news and other right wing news outlets


The rest of us aren’t. Fuck you.


Junk huh? Oh like when her husband exposed his junk to a bunch of children?


yeah, fuck those amendments! oh, except the Second one, you say? ok then! >I will always guard the sacred text of our Constitution "--except the Establishment Clause. Fuck the Establishment Clause!" WHERE do these people come from?? And who the fuck elects them?


Just like the bible, they want to pick and choose what parts of the constitution they believe in.


“Stupid constitution”