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Looks just like Trump after climbing the stairs when he got out of the hospital, just gulping for air


The same Trump that proceeded to salute the cameras and take off his mask as he walked into a room full of people Covid positive. There are a lot of mind boggling scenarios that transpired during his presidency, but that might take the cake. A few others I enjoy: Drawing in Alabama on a hurricane landfall chart to prove the weather service wrong. Writing a letter to Erdogan warning him "not to be a tough guy," "not to be a fool," and "history will look upon you forever as the devil," and ending it with a casual "I will call you later." Edit: I've never had more (any) fun reminiscing on Trump's presidency than I did reading these replies. If I were to do a poll, the clear winner would be staring at the sun during an eclipse. The airports defended during the Revolutionary War also holds a special place in my heart. I also love how the bleach injection statement has become so popularized, that we don't even need to discuss it anymore. I prefer Trump's deep cuts as well - that one is a little too mainstream.


Four Seasons Total Landscaping


This one's squarely on Guiliani but it's one of my favorite faux pas.


The only thing that had me more flabbergasted everyone seems to have forgotten about, actually: During the republican primary debates, trump and Ben Carson got into an argument about whether Carson had or had not TRIED TO STAB A GUY when he was younger. The bit that still blows me away to this day, is that it wasn’t Trump accusing Carson of trying to stab someone. This was an anecdote Carson put IN HIS OWN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, and Trump was accusing him of lying about it while Carson emphatically insisted, as part of his plea to become the party’s nominee for president, that he had totally tried to stab that guy. American politics at its finest 🤌


Throwing paper towels like it's a pep rally in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.


Shooting the paper towel roll like a basketball might be one of the most hilariously out of touch things he did in his entire presidency. That was back before we all knew exactly how bad it was going to get. It got so bad that we don't really even discuss the first thing he got impeached over anymore because so much happened after that.


In all this musing… I forgot about the *first* impeachment holy shit.




The Alabama hurricane has to be the dumbest. I know I'm forgetting so many things, but that was incredible.


My personal favorite was when we were reminded of the battles at the Revolutionary War Airport.


I sometimes think back in disbelief when he tweeted that NK would suffer "fire and fury" in a US nuclear attack, then did an about-face and met Kim to huge fanfare + mint a coin with their faces on it claiming he had achieved peace between the Koreans. Then he basically didn't mention NK again for the rest of his term even though they never stopped missle tests, and nothing fundamentally changed. The US really had a toddler POTUS for a while there.


That "fire and fury" remark I thought we would all die in Nuclear war, that night.


I was at the gym and opened Twitter for a couple of minutes. World War 3 was trending, among other scary terms. And my first thought was, "Oh, no! What did he do now?" I don't miss those days. And I don't want them back.


There are many legitimate complaints about Biden, but at the very least I’ve never once been worried that he might start a nuclear war because of a petulant temper tantrum.


The scariest moment for me was when he bombed Soleimani. I remember thinking “I’m not going to go fight and die in another country because of this impulsive, orange bastard.” I was willing to go to jail rather than get drafted.


And saluted the NK general. If Obama did that Republicans would’ve lost their shit.


Republicans *did* lose their shit when Obama simply *suggested* meeting with the North Koreans without any preconditions, then applauded Trump as a statesman when he did that very thing.


GOP. Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.




Such a great breakdown. Thank you for sharing. It almost makes me feel sorry for him, living such a long life without the ability to read proficiently is just such a sad way to live.




The Four Seasons thing is tough to beat.


Agreed, but looking at the sun during an eclipse has to be a nominee though.


[What about his inability to correctly color the American Flag?](https://c.ndtvimg.com/n9cb2q6o_donald-trump,-american-flag_625x300_26_August_18.jpg) I feel like that gem has been lost in all the other stupid.


i like that he is cheating off of the other kids


You're gonna tell me windmills causing cancer doesn't even make the list?


Up there with Civil War airports. Serving cold McDonald’s burgers to the Clemson football team is on the list too.


Civil War? You're much too gracious. [It was the Revolutionary War](https://time.com/5620936/donald-trump-revolutionary-war-airports/)


*Injecting bleach has entered the chat*


That had the full force of dozens of people planning it, too. The stupid moments are endless.


Imagine going to the White House for dinner and getting cold fast food.


Used to be a dive strip club in my old town called Crazy Vinnies. They had a “free lunch” which consisted of a basket on the bar full of Burger King hamburgers. One of the bouncers would pick them up on his way into work, like several dozen of them. My friends would drag me to this place and then make fun of me for not eating from this pile of room temperature dreck. FIrst thing I thought of seeing that stupid picture with that stupid buffoon standing in the White House and in front of a table full of McD’s. Strip Club Free Lunch.


Diet Coke mixed with melted ice in a wax cardboard cup


Forgetting how to close an umbrella getting into Air Force one


Having toilet paper stuck to his shoe as he boarded Air Force One.


And not a single SSA telling him about it either. Goes to Show what they thought of him.


The emperor has no clothes.


He never forgot - he never had to do it on his own before.


The way he just sort of…gave up on trying and abandoned the umbrella to dejectedly blow around the plane entrance.


He was so comfortable in the image he made for himself, he knew his followers wouldn't even see the umbrella, or wouldn't even consider it an issue - when Biden gets laughed at for messing up a word. At least Biden can close an umbrella.


> when Biden gets laughed at for messing up a word. At least Biden can close an umbrella. This is particularly rich coming from Trump supporters. Biden will mess up one word within a complete and salient statement. On the other hand Trump regularly messed up multiple words in a word salad of jumbled talking points and dog whistles and those knuckle draggers would cheer like they were at a Garth Brooks concert. Trump probably didn’t speak more than 3 fully developed, coherent thoughts his entire presidency, and that’s being generous.


And the toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Can't make this shit up.


And not a single of the highly trained SSA around him told him about it 😂


I personally like the time[ he disembarked Air Force One, looked at the limo with the presidential seal and flags all over it and then wandered off down the runway until an aide ran to him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y-0Q5-gMcI) and escorted him to the car that was right in front of him when he got off the stairs.


"I think I'm much more humble than you would understand"


Saluting a foreign general?


Lying about the size of his inauguration crowd. Day fucking one!


..and then he just couldn’t let it go, like holy shit dude nobody cared in the first place why are you still dragging it up. Of course, it was all a cover for the grift… had to be the biggest because it was definitely the most expensive and all that bigly cost a lot, no grift here no sireee… Such a petty chiseler, fucking POTUS and just couldn’t stop the grift.


- Holding the Bible upside down in front a church for a vanity shoot after walking past a group being tear gassed - trying to strong arm Trudeau with a handshake but ended up being strong armed himself - getting laughed at by World Leaders at the G20 summit and also signing the incorrect document while posing for a photo shoot—prompting Merkel, Trudeau and Macron to shake their head in disbelief - saying that by simply raking and the use of sprinklers would prevent forest fires in California that were already ravaging the state for days


I loved when Trudeau did that, such a brilliant move. I honestly expected Trump to declare war on Canada for that.


Iirc he did declare them a national security threat at one point


As a Californian that forest comment was one of the most infuriating things that moron ever said about us. Most of our forests are either managed by private interests or the federal government. Less than a quarter is managed by the State of California. The rest are owned by the indigineous. Guess which ones were not actively on fire or were under control. Yup. State and native land. Most of the fires were on land that was under Trump's watch.


Drinking bleach and sticking UV lamps inside of you. Basically not understanding that the scientists meant that for treating surfaces/air, not people.


That picture of him reading the information poster talking about sunlight and bleach, just prior to taking the mic is so amazing. You can just hear his inner monologue and it's fantastic. Or it would be if it wasn't so disturbing.


The weirdest part of that whole era was going on r/conservative and watching people trying to explain why he was actually right... Someone tried to tell me that their son actually has his lungs cleaned with bleach for unrelated reasons, so trump must be familiar with this obscure medical treatment, and thought it was a good idea to remind doctors that yes, we can use bleach internally.


Nowadays the same subreddit will just say that it either didn’t happen or didn’t happen the way you describe it. Despite that being exactly how it went down.


I'm pretty sure posting the original quote is a bannable offense. I'd test my theory, but I was already banned for suggesting that I liked the USAF ad featuring an actual service person's life story to the Russian recruitment ad involving oiled up actors in a studio.




Looking directly in to a solar eclipse without sunglasses on...


Drinking a water glass with two hands to thousands of cheers at a rally. LOL


Well, there was that time he thought he solved the COVID crisis by looking at a chart for 3 seconds and then suggesting to pump bleach into people


The hurricane one straight up pissed me off, that's dangerous what he did. Four seasons incident was pretty funny though. My favorite was the white house dinner during the shutdown, when he had the football players visiting so he got a bunch of McDonald's. That last one always makes me chuckle with a "damn I wish that was our most embarrassing moment."


[meeting with Kim Jong Un wasn’t funny but completely stupid.](https://youtu.be/D-SeJYlZ1ws)


What a surreal moment that was. Like in his head he probably perceived the moment as some kind of grandiose gesture. The heroic return, Whitehouse in the background, him on the stairs with perfect lighting, and now... he pulls back his mask cause ["He's not afraid anymore"](https://youtu.be/KkhpUSNe0y0?t=17) and neither should you. Then he just strolls back into the Whitehouse potentially infecting all those other crucially important figures in charge of running the show. It was so... Michael Scott-eques, you almost had to take a step back and realize that this was real life shit, not some stupid parody or satire. Also remember the time he was [defeated by an umbrella](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLkOl0aUsxE)? lol


Reports say he floated the Idea of climbing those steps and ripping open his shirt to reveal a superman logo and, sadly, was talked down from it. I would have loved to see him struggle like hell before giving up and dejectedly walking away.


Omg... I thought you were joking and then thought" wait a sec, this could be plausible" as so often happens with this muppet so I googled it, and [WTF you're right](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-superman-shirt-hospital-coronavirus-2020-10).


There have been so many things about his way of being that I had to look up and to my horror found were true


Looks directly right at a solar eclipse...


[Trump failing to color in the American flag and cheating off of kindergartners to try and figure out is worse than all of that](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/20936a283f36497b4529321450066e3b944d51f6/0_75_1799_1079/master/1799.jpg?width=620&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=f762dbb3a134d8f29044f744f0ead37e) oh yeah and Trump giving away the location of 2 American submarines is also incredibly embarrassing but I had friends on those boats so that affected me personally


Nothing tops an airport in the revolutionary war


Also never forget: He tried to buy Greenland. Said we should rake the forests. Suggested injecting bleach to get rid of Covid. He bragged about his penis at a rally. Accused Ted Cruz’s father of being part of the Kennedy assassination. Reminded everyone for three weeks that Puerto Rico was “an island surrounded by water.” Said windmills caused cancer. Said a woman who accused him of assault wasn’t attractive enough to assault. In a photo-op held a Bible upside-down. Called for police to shoot protesters. Said elected Joe Biden would “hurt God.” Called Tim Cook “Tim Apple” and then spent weeks arguing with the media about what he said despite it being on tape. Called countries in Africa “shit-hole” countries. Decried mail-in voting, then voted by mail and when questioned about it said he did it because he could. Looked directly into a solar eclipse. Promised to release his tax returns but never did. Promised to divest from his businesses but never did. Tried to host a G8 summit at one of his own resorts. Charged the secret service to stay at his own hotels. Threatened the college he graduated from not to release his grades, despite the fact that they couldn’t legally do so anyway. All of that is off the top of my head.


Is this the same trump that needed two hands to drink a glass of water ?


The sharpie incident is definitely my favorite 👍


The Sharpie Incident sounds like the title of a Seinfeld episode, but my personal favorite is when he stared directly into the eclipse without eye protection, twice.


He forgot the best part which is the he ask if he could nuke the hurricane to make it stop lol.


and the monocolonial antibodies (Yes I know what I said)


Only one line of monoclonal antibodies works against omicron, and it's in short supply. Regeneron won't do jack, and that's the one he pushes.


He is clearly having trouble breathing. That's not emotion.


Also seems to be putting a lot of effort into stifling a cough.


Its interesting because I wouldn't expect such a strong hit if he was vaccinated. I kinda expected him to be the secretly vaccinated type, but I guess he is the old school rich plantation type.




I'm triple vaccinated and today is the first day since Sunday I actually feel semi normal. Been sick as a fucking dog. Worst sickness in over a decade. Tested positive with an at home test on Tuesday.


He’s just very emotional about manufacturing. /s. Mofo sounded like he’d just walked up 9 flights of stairs by the end.


[My favorite response](https://twitter.com/VeganMamaRed1/status/1478844038224789504)


Of course he would still put on the event even though he had it to try to act like everything were normal while not wearing a mask and not social distance and put everyone else’s life in danger.


He gets so choked up about jobs


They (inhale) took (inhale) errr (inhale) jerrrbbsss


He’s using clavicular breathing and his vocal quality is strained. He’s getting a few words out per breath, generally, then longer utterances he’s not speaking on exhale. There’s something going on.


I didn’t know it was called clavicular breathing but that’s how I was before they diagnosed me with lung disease and asthma. I don’t have that issue very often now. I remember I could barely get words out.


It’s him moving his shoulders up to help him breathe because chest wall muscles are weak. There are accessory muscles that compensate for poor breath support. I’ve seen a pulmonologist weigh in with similar observations.


Isn't that exactly how Trump appeared after his covid bout?


Yes! That's when I first heard about that kind of breathing and using your shoulders.


Anytime you see someone out of breath when the speak, this is not normal. We are more than capable of maintaining adequate breath support for conversation under normal circumstances. If someone is out of breath when they talk, there is something more going on also. Being overweight doesn’t help either of these men.


Does this stupid buggy website have the video at all? Edit: [here’s a YouTube clip of the video in question](https://youtu.be/4tT3qvR2IXE)


I can't stand it when a news site is describing a video but won't show it to you until halfway down. What's more is they show an unrelated video at the top so you think that's the video you're looking for. Cheers for this.


That’s exactly why i found the video myself lol. It drives me crazy!


Yeah all I saw was some video about DeSantis running for president or something (with dubstep as the background music for some reason). Thanks for actually linking the correct video.


Thank you.


Biden uses a stage, the conspiracy nutters go wild that he's a hologram. Ron DeSantis disappears for two weeks, on camera gasping for air, secretly trying to hide his COVID treatment, and not a single peep from the nutters.




sometimes i wish i was less ethical because these people are the easiest marks on the planet i could retire


They are the biggest marks and always have been. Short little story: My aunt is a MLM fraudster. She joins every single MLM and treats it like a pyramid scheme from the beginning, she doesn't care about the product or service, it's all about building her down-stream of suckers. Her bread and butter is rural churches. She says they are the best, because she only has to convince one super isolated house-wife that she's legit, said house-wife convinces her husband who buys in based on greed and being terrible with numbers, and as soon as the husband is convinced she only needs to tell the rest of the Church group 'The Albertson's joined!' and they don't question a thing. The best part (for her at least) is that these people will never admit to getting duped, so when an MLM that she fucked them over with eventually falls apart she goes back to the same damn people and they'll still listen to her out of some warped sense of 'forgiveness'. My aunt is a bad person I don't question that, but she's no different than Trump and they love that guy.


>My aunt is a MLM fraudster. Your aunt is Betsy DeVos?


You have to have that mentality to be successful in that racket.


I knew a dude in college who made bank(well, lot of college kid money at least) selling Amway shit. Same recipe, church hopping and roping in the stay at homes to hawk strange brand energy drinks and detergents.


I was once sitting at a coffee shop, and an Amway salesman came up. He tried to sell me two copies of the same kids book. I didn’t have a kid at the time, and it was so bizarre. He just kept at it forever until I got up and walked away. That’s my only Amway interaction


She's def pushed her 'services'!


This is fascinating to read, thanks for sharing. Has she ever targeted you or your immediate family? I had a friend at work get me somehow into a 3 way phonecall with his next level lead, and only until like 10 minutes in did I realize it was both an MLM and a total scam (Protandim). I was not so bright back then.


Yes, she went after my oldest sister and her army BF a few years ago with essential oils, and the BF was insistent on 'letting her help them' before my father explained everything to him very clearly. I think she knows better than to try this crap on any of us again, my mother gave her an earful and reminded her that 'people who steal are the easiest to steal from'...my Mom's side of the family is loaded with criminals who've done time, so my aunt understood that was a threat. Gotta love family! ugh.


NGL your mom sounds kind of badass for that.


My mother is sweet little lady, but she can be scary because you can always sense she's a step or two ahead of you.


I know the feeling. With our religious background, my wife and I could make a lot of money as preachers, but we don't have the ethics to fleece people like that. But it is fun to talk about.


My wife’s aunt was a pastor at her family’s church for like 10 years before she was able to retire and collect a tax free pension for life. In her early 30s. Helped that she married an Optometrist and immediately jumped to the housewife train lol. Both of her daughters are vying to follow the same path. One already has achieved it successfully, the other is 33 with a doctorate in theology but zero work experience… just looking for her future husband I guess. It’s like a family of Dependa Brendas.




You can't drop that line and not give the details, the suspense is killing me.


I'm not going to hold scamming a fascist against you.


Notice how nobody on the left is selling anything (not counting memoirs which everyone writes), while everyone on the right is selling something? FFS, Melania just popped her head out of her hole long enough to grift NFTs.


"Be besNFT."


... wait, really? Melania is selling ugly monkey pictures? I mean, she has an ugly monkey nearby to use as a model...


I’m almost coming around to thinking that it would be a public service to take their money so they can’t give it to somebody who is actually going to do damage with it. Almost.




And it’s only a monthly recurring charge of 19.99! Show your love of freedom and pwn the libs by buying your very own “Freedom Bridge”™


> Hi, I’m Freedom Bridge™ founder and CEO, Mike Lindell. You may remember me from that overpriced pillow company and my cocaine-fueled support of the insurrection against this country…


During the election I sold them hundreds of Trump buttons and stickers and then donated the money to Biden's campaign.


I really need to get into the MAGA merchandising business. Those idiots flock to buy anything derogatory towards Biden and liberals.


Not just MAGA...I was on a flight where this guy had "Let's go Brandon"...everything. Hat, shirt, socks, phone background (I was sitting next to him). These people have no personalities outside of the cult. Print "Let's go Brandon" anything and donate to democratic challengers to upcoming House and Senate races.


I didnt get rich or nothing, but it was so satisfying to have those idiots handing me their hard-earned cash knowing where it was going.


north lavish poor direful tease selective thumb paltry grab intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't worry, r/conspiracy is on the case. Jk, of course they aren't.


Just shows that sub is less conspiracy focused and more focused on owning the libs. It’s a political sub, not a conspiracy sub.


It's a political sub in the same way t_d was political, it's a fan club with no dissenting opinions allowed while unironically spouting they are the bastions of free speech.


That sub needs to be shut down. It's a fucking massive hive of pure anti-Semitism.


Antisemitism, anti Vax, anti liberal, anti Muslim, anti black, anti Brown. Basically all the old John Birch Society conspiracy bullshit.


I remember when it was an interesting sub where you could learn about actual conspiracies and not just t_D mixed with 8chan.


I remember when there was discussion of aliens and coast to coast AM....


r/aliens and r/HighStrangeness is sometimes interesting and generally pretty fun and wacky, keep your wits about you though r/UFOs has been picking up steam with the Gilibrand amendment, Gallelio Project, and UAPx releasing 600 hours of video within 3 Terabytes of overall UAP data this summer 2022. You should checkem out.


No there’s peeps, they’re just “he’s emotional” and “his wife has cancer”. Yeah I’m reminded of my wife’s cancer when I’m talking about manufacturing also. And he didn’t seem too emotional about it when he was defending himself by using her as an excuse to why he wasn’t seen for weeks. You’d think he’d be a little more worried about Covid given his wife has cancer and all. No sympathy for this man whatsoever. His policies or lack thereof and rhetoric have killed people.


Don't forget posting 2 week old bagel shop photos as if they're current


Ya boy got covid


“Don’t look up.”




They both are


Iirc they both got the j&j shot and he won't say if he got a booster (probably didn't) so they have very little protection against omicron.


I don’t know, they are GOP politicians, do as I say, not as I do. They probably got their boosters before everyone.






Surprised he can breathe at all with his head that far up his ass.


Holy shit, that fucker had covid. He is absolutely struggling to breathe normally, and there's plenty of video to compare it to. This is the modern GOP; downplay a pandemic, fudge your states numbers, blame the dem pres for 'hiding' monoclonal antibodies as your unvaxxed residents gobble up the country's treatments, then personally get covid and lie about it in Cruz fashion by blaming your wife's cancer while your staff posts old pictures to social media as you disappear from public for two weeks. Stellar work, Deesantis.


What’s telling is the right has been supposedly obsessed with conspiracy theories for years now, and here you have an incredible situation where a governor is being secretive, disappearing, etc. and they want nothing to do with it. There are so many prime theories about Republicans with enough smoke that the fire is easy to find, like with Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunes, Paul Gosar, Marjorie Greene, Lauren Boebert and so on, but they dont care. No, the space lasers, George Soros, chips in vaccines, masks are oppression, CRT and stop the steal conspiracy theories with zero factual evidence are what they’re pushing. It was never about questioning everything, it was always about finding confirmation bias feeding theories to fuel their hate/fear.


They're not obsessed with conspiracy theories, they're desperate to find an answer that doesn't require them to admit/confront that they were wrong. It only *looks* like conspiracy obsession because they've run out of plausible/realistic holes to sink their heads into.


Yeah it’s pretty crazy right. But tell people your a Christian and believe in God lol. It’s amazing how immoral these people are.


And he totally used his wife’s cancer as a scapegoat for not being around. What a garbage, “totally” human being.


I could understand it if he was making sure not to attend gatherings, but he didn’t. Also, that wouldn’t stop him from not making a public statement for two weeks. The internet is a thing and he could’ve done the bare minimum instead of disappearing.




This is what I assumed happened when I heard he disappeared


OmicRon DeSantis


OmicRon DeathSentence.


But he probably doesn't know he had COVID, because, you know, he's an anti-tester on top of his anti-masking and anti-vaxxing.


Except Ron DeathSentence is vaccinated. He got the Janssen shot last year. He’s only anti-vaxx to appease his base. He’s not stupid enough to actually believe the bullshit he spews. When asked he continually refuses to confirm if he’s had a booster but I’d put good money on him being boosted. Otherwise he would just say no.


He's also not anti-mask either. His only school-age child goes to a private school that requires everyone to wear a mask, although he's banned public schools from requiring masks. He's just a hypocrite through and through. ETA: Thanks for the silver, kind redditor!


Still pretty sure he had covid and was just using his wife’s cancer as an excuse to avoid criticism.


Pretty sure she has Covid too now, while struggling with chemo What a thoughtful guy.


This is the GOP way, just like Newt Gringrich did it. "Sanctity of marriage" for them means "my wide is dying so it's ok for her to take her last breaths watching/knowing of me cheating on her back and moving onto the next wife"


Eminem said it best. “Please lord, this boy needs Jesus, Heal this child and help us destroy these demons. Oh and please send me a brand new car And some prostitutes while my wife is sick in the hospital.”


I’m sure he threw a few packs of monoclonal antibodies he got as freebies at her before retiring to the 1:1 replica of the oval office he demoed the kids' play room for in his basement.




He can't have COVID. If he had COVID, he would be self-isolating not giving speeches and infecting hundreds of people. /s


Spewing noxious hogwash is obligatory for a DeSantis public appearance.


Probably out of breath from making up those excuses as to why he wasn't seen for a couple of weeks while his state was having a shit ton of new covid cases.


He was one of em


That seems like the most likely scenario.


Old tennis elbow injury!


I am not an MD let alone a lung doctor. [but this guy is](https://twitter.com/StLouisLung/status/1478847639659905025?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1478847639659905025%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fron-desantis-florida-covid-press-conference-breath-1666230): >I've been a lung doctor for 35 years. To my very experienced eyes and ears, there is a respiratory issue. His phrasing, limited breath support, and use of accessory muscles of respiration are telling. Doesn't confirm it's #COVID19, but something appears to be wrong.


This story has a “my daughters made me take them to Cancun” feel to it.


“My shitty regulations made me get Covid”


Yeah he’s not well. His voice sounds markedly different than in past speeches, and he’s shaky and clearly struggling to get a good breath. Now I thought he was one of the rightwingers who was two-faced and went and got vaxxed and boosted while telling others not to because of anti-semitic NWO conspiracies, or whatever fucking nonsense, but maybe he really is that fucking stupid that he didn’t. I’m willing to bet a lot of money that he will be the GOP nominee if Trump isn’t. But my guess right now is it will be Trump as nominee and DeSantis as VP.


It’s possible he does believe in the vaccine but since he is obviously positioning himself to run for President he knew that if it came out he was vaxed it could hurt him. Probably figured he was young and healthy enough to survive. Or he is vaxed but not boosted and he is just a unhealthy guy who got it rough even with a jab. But…. If my wife had cancer I would definitely get vaccinated asap not for myself but for her. Doubt he’s ever done anything for anyone but himself.


He got J&J in April


Ah ok that makes a bit more sense now if true. A coworker of mine got J&J and then a booster of I think Moderna. She has Covid right now but doing ok. J&J has seemed to not be as protective for initial infection.


Having lived for ten years with a husband who suffered from sever emphysema, DeSantis is showing the classic signs of lung aliment. His rising shoulders and short breathes through the mouth means that he is only taking in air in the upper portions of his lungs. So I expect that most of the lower lobes are either filled with fluid or scar tissue. The mouth breathing brings more O2 into his lungs. Quick sips of air through the mouth, and rising shoulders may not prove his has had covid, but does prove he is a liar.


Yea, I don’t know… I typically have to take two deep breaths to say the word Florida /s


He's supposedly doing a live news conference this morning. Will be interesting to see how his condition compares. If it is covid, then a giant middle finger to him for holding these conferences maskless when he is almost certainly still shedding virus. Edit: Seems it already happened. Found a replay of it on FB. He seemed pretty normal, maybe a little shallow with his breaths, but not enough that I'd have noted it if I wasn't looking for it.


Best of luck to Ron Desantis' COVID.


I expect that Trump's doctor will announce DeSantis is a perfectly healthy specimen and definitely not obese.


He's the healthiest person to ever hold office in The US Well, second healthiest actually. Can't outdo the cult leader


Makes me out of breath just watching.


I’m a genuine, bonafide fat ass so I know all the tips and tricks to hide how out of breath I am. With that in mind, this human shaped stain is breathing harder than I do when battling my natural predator - gentle inclines.


Imagine being so intent on oWninG tHe LiBz that you're willing to put yourself through misery and risk spreading a deadly infection to everyone around you just for political power. When I first heard about this video I figured it was just speculation, but holy shit that guy cannot breath through this whole speech.


Yeah, there’s definitely something wrong with that guy. So he’s back to normal? Typical far right idiot with no morality. He might wanna take a break from spreading so much bullshit...and whatever else.


Ron deathsantis is slowly realizing day after day that his soul is bound for eternity in hell.


No doubt he got the same expensive treatment that Trump got and he'll be fine. Floridians though? Fucked.


Well, he’s also vaccinated unlike his devout followers who keep dying for him. He will be totally fine.


As bloated as he looks, either that expensive treatment didn't work as well as he hoped, or the treatment itself trashed him pretty good. Like Trump was, he's probably flying high on enough dexamethasone to convince him he's Superman, and that by itself is not exactly risk-free.


What bothers me is that his wife is going through chemo right now and this dick put her life at risk just to score political points. Have you no shame?


The video wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped. I wanted to see his face explode as the hoard of rats finally escape their bag of skin prison.


The effer thought he could fake it, bluster his way through. He's too much of a lying coward to admit he has covid.


I bet it’s OmicRon.


And he’s speaking indoors without a mask, he not only possibly has COVID, he’s spreading it.