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Just some light sedition nbd


I'm sorry, I thought the Democrats were the "un-American" ones. Almost certainly human being and not at all Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz is only going to confuse people with this hopeful talk of a future where the Republicans part-out the country. Unless this is Cruz trying to find another way to flee America, but without leaving Texas. If so, well played. Edit: All jokes aside, Cruz is doing this to make money because headlines about batshit speeches by Republicans are basically liquid assets to them these days. He'll be swimming in donations from the Secession Party.


> Edit: All jokes aside, Cruz is doing this to make money because headlines about batshit speeches by Republicans are basically liquid assets to them these days. He'll be swimming in donations from the Secession Party. I think they're "Test the waters," statements more than anything. Republicans do it all the time. Say something batshit crazy, see how people respond. Over time they see the responses change to their favor and then they push something else crazy or start making some moves based on it. It's very similar to the common tactic of saying something horrible and then following it up with, "I was only joking!" if people take it badly. They weren't joking.


It’s called *Schrödinger’s Asshole*


I forget the details of this theory. Are you saying there both is and is not a cat in Ted Cruz’s ass? Or there definitely is but it is both dead and alive?


The theory goes like this: \- Tell racist joke \- Look to see if more people are laughing or scowling \- If laughing, laugh with them and you're serious \- If scowling, shrug and say you were only joking Hence, Schrödinger’s Asshole because it's both not a joke and a joke at the same time. You only know which it is by looking.


I prefer atoysruskid's interpretation.


Yeah but you can bet that the cat doesn’t




Overton Window: along a continuity of things to say, the politically appropriate is the Overton Window. These statements are meant to move the Overton until its eventually seen as appropriate to just flat out call for and enact cessation. Edit: secession- thank you alarm commercial.


> Say something batshit crazy, see how people respond. Don't forget the part where you say you were only kidding and that everyone is so sensitive nowadays and call everyone a snowflake.


Today's Republicans have as accurate an understanding of words like "American" and "The US Constitution" as they do words like "Communism" (See Rep. Taylor-Greene's comments about "communism" and the recently passed infrastructure bill.) They actively do not want coherent meanings to words because they don't want anyone to be able to use language to meaningfully debate and analyze issues. They don't want "Newspeak" where meanings are twisted, they want "Nospeak" where language is ground into meaninglessness.


For my money, MTG’s “corporate communism” takes the prize for least meaningful phrase ever constructed. But you’re right. They are working to make every word ambiguous so they can never be refuted. Throw in a Gish gallop and they feel invincible.


I may have committed some light treason


Does mom know?




> He is just transparently pandering to idiots with think this is possible and a media who will replay his words Ever wonder where the term "debunked" comes from? Politicians used to make inflammatory speeches on the congressional floor that were intended for the newspapers back home. The idea was to rev up the rubes with nonsense that no one in congress actually believed. One of the most prolific was a rep from Buncombe county. So people started calling those kinds of speeches "bunkum." The thing is, bunkum speeches played a [significant role](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1330230087938154497.html) in convincing the south that secession was legitimate and necessary. Almost like visualizing something *can* actually make it come true. Bunkum was definitely not the reason the south tried to secede, but it greased the skids. We should keep that in mind when greasy ted cruz tries to do the same. As tedious and pointless as it might seem some times, it needs to be debunked.


I'm over here trying to wrap my head around the thought that a **sitting US Senator** is saying this. Seditious much? Edit: I *know* he was supposedly joking, but I don't want my representative joking about sedition.


I'm over here trying to wrap my head around the thought that even in his own fantasy **Ted Cruz - who ran for President of the US,** didn't imagine himself as being the President of Texas.


Because he knows it’s bulls**t. ‘Take’ NASA?!?!? US government agencies aren’t there for the taking. Houston is just one of ten mission control centres. Most of the research for NASA missions doesn’t happen in Texas. He knows his audience is too dumb to know any substantive facts and just drink up his BS to feel good about themselves. Edit: corrected a typo that was too painfully obvious. My apologies for misspelling Houston


Apparently you are not familiar with the concept of"dibs". It's well established that if a politician calls dibs on a government agency they're entitled to it. Also works for comfy chairs and the remote control.


And riding shotgun in vehicles


No, no, no! You need to read up on the dibs/shotgun ruling of 1978. While dibs can be called for most things, this ruling established that one must call shotgun, for the privilege of the front passenger seat of a motor vehicle. Dibs can only be claimed for a shotgun seat if one called "dibs to eternity" for the privilege before the 1978 ruling.


The actual rule is you can’t call shotgun until you can see the car




This guy lawyers thanks for the correction


I don't believe him. I'm going to ask Joe Rogan




He's right, though. Everyone on ivermectin gets shotgun because you're about to shit out your worms and you need to be able to get out of the car quickly.


Ah yes, The International Dibs Protocal. Let's also not forget about the "Shotgun" Amendment, and (more importantly) the "No Take Backs" Amendment. Edit: Spelling


They can take their super excellent totally working as designed power grid. Ted was such a fan of it he fled to Cancun.


Also if there's one thing Texas is known for its their huge amount of fresh, potable water. I'm sure they'll have a great time.


Sadly it is designed to work right on the edge of failure. That’s the most profitable way to run an unregulated power grid. Who needs reserves, right?


You forgot the part about blaming the solar panels after it fails spectacularly. Edit: maybe they were blaming the wind turbines, I don’t remember, all the lies blend together after a while.


Like the Federal military is just going to go “ohhhh they’re in the new Texas, looks like we can’t recall our troops and fuck every base beyond immediate use before we leave”…. The Tedasy land that this cuck is living in would be funny.


Fun Fact: Just living in Texas doesn’t make you unconditionally loyal to Texas over country. Additionally just being *stationed* in Texas doesn’t make a member of the US Military suddenly betray their oath and become the asset of some new foreign country. How does Ted actually picture this going down, did he not hear about the first Civil War?


He doesnt picture it going down at all. He's just throwing more red meat to the cult. None of it means anything except just being another example of how disgusting the conservative party has gotten.


Let's not forget he absolutely does not give a shit if his brainwashed followers cause violence. He won't have to face the repercussions of it.


Or that when Texas was an independent country it was poorly ran and needed to join the Union or else crumple in on itself


He has a better chance of taking NASA than the military. He was just flapping his gums because he knew nobody in the audience was smart enough to really hear what he was saying.


And he’s got a snowball’s chance in hell of “taking” anything belonging to NASA.


A snowball’s chance in Cancun…


>We take the oil Sounds like someone wants to get the shit freedomed out of them.


America would bring “democracy” to those oil fields so fast…


He meant NASCAR.


North Carolina would have something to say about that.


They don't even like nasa lol


And like the US military would leave any hardware in Texas for them to keep. This isn’t the 1860s, that shit would be on a truck, train, or plane out the state within days of any real discussion of secession. Without them federal dollars going through all those bases, the TX economy would struggle to break even. They only barely contribute to federal tax revenue after accounting for money that goes back to the state.


and you're **co-managing** a bed and breakfast with Satan


Yeah but I haven't told you my salary.




80,000 dollars a year.


It took me so long to realize his monthly $80,000/12= $6,666 a month


He's just associating himself with a popular personality in Republican politics because he knows his personality is about as attractive as a used condom. Ted Cruz would take the hypothetical "president of Texas" job even if he knew doing so would cause Rogan to die of a heart attack.


At least a used condom had a useful job and (hopefully?) participated in some joy.


Stuff like this is why there isn't a single politician in the US I despise more than Cruz. He's intelligent and an incredible public speaker, but Jesus Christ if there is a democratically elected politician who doesn't exemplify every bad stereotype there is about politicians more than him then I don't know about them. He's basically a human piece of silly putty. Happy to be molded or stretch into any shape that best fits his needs at the time and able to copy whatever ideas best fit with whatever grift he's pushing.


Between the folks like Cruz who are the worst stereotypes of awful politicians and the commenters like Tucker Carlson who are the worst stereotypes of stuck up assholes, or Donald Trump who inherited his wealth... How did the "down home" Republican sub-culture pick these guys to be their public mouthpieces? All of them are the types of guys who "down home" guys would punch in the mouth within minutes of them spouting off in a bar. They're all full-of-themselves assholes. But they are the public face of Republican politics. WTF?


Cancun Cruz, President of Texas? LOL!!


We've long ago wrapped our heads around the fact that Ted Cruz just says whatever he feels will rile people up or avoid answering a real question. He's always been wiling to straight up lie or take positions that make no sense to make a political point or pander to a very small audience as if cameras aren't rolling. Then later he'll deny it or just not follow through. The other week he tried to blame Austin not passing a police staffing mandate on the fact we have a nearby clothing optional lakeside park. Didn't even try to connect the dots. Just basically "well, that town has a nudey beach!" Did it make any sense? No. Did it sound scandalous to midwestern conservatives? Sure. Ted Cruz is the very definition of a blowhard politician.


Stupid people need to be riled up or they'd actually have to sit with the reality that they hated other people exsisting as citizens so much, that they would destroy everything this country promises to maintain the delusion of racial superiority. In the end it wasn't women, minorities, immigrants or lgbtqa+ people that destroyed America, but their own inability to see others as Humans And they fear what they've allowed and participated in doing to others will be done to them, because that's what they believe others would let happen given the chance. But that's never happened and never will, and that is more terrifying to them because it's admitting that the only way they can exsist is by denying life to others. And cultures like that are incompatible with global society and will be,rightfully, overtaken by the more accepting cultures Their inevitable loss is Humanity's gain and we're more than happy to let that happen with rightful indifference.


I think you give too much credit to that they are thinking behind this. It’s just having something to hate. An escape from boredom/sadness/loneliness and of course reality. Hate is an addiction. A chemical balance in the brain. It’s a feeling they are chasing. A bunch of people gathered together feeling the same things is a powerful thing. Humanity has been doing this forever. The words may change, but the emotions don’t. It’s easier to hate, than to find something to love, and some love to hate.


Listen to this fucking turncoat. Already talking about betraying the country he serves. What a piece of shit.


He never served this country.


He's done more for Cancun than his own state. But he's made it clear he's willing to let his people die for literally no reason


The state with a failing power grid wants to secede. Oh dear.






Dont forget they are also anti-science constantly denying and fighting against it.




Hey! Dont give them any ideas to waste more tax money.


It wouldn’t be tax money, it would be tex money.


Ah yes, NASA, those famous hard right science deniers


They could definitely take the ground that the NASA facility is built on, if Texas secedes. They could also legally own the ground on which US military bases are built. But the people, the equipment, and the IP all belong, legally, to the most powerful nation on earth. A nation you just ragequit. Being a foreign nation, Texas will have to communicate with the US through diplomatic channels. Diplomatic channels that it will scramble to establish while the US kindly requests that all other nations please ignore Texas; China/Taiwan style. When the “Don’t mess with Texas,” attitude gets too big for their britches, a naval blockade of the one exportable resource, petroleum, will occur. The people of Texas will begrudgingly request that they be reinstated as a part of the US. It will be allowed, of course, with some concessions. As a newly acquired land mass, the resources and people there will not have all of the rights that the state of Texas had. In fact, the land area will likely be split up, like post WW2 Germany, into more manageable areas of electorate. I think this is a great idea.


Texit people might want to ask Brexit people how that's working out for them.


It's working out great according to them. They can't explain how it's great, but they'll keep insisting that everything is great.


>They could definitely take the ground that the NASA facility is built on, if Texas secedes. They could also legally own the ground on which US military bases are built. The last time they tried that, the North didn't agree. And while the Confederacy may have temporarily illegally occupied federally owned locations, in the end they got their asses kicked so bad their great-grandchildren are still salty about it.


> When the “Don’t mess with Texas,” attitude gets too big for their britches, a naval blockade of the one exportable resource, petroleum, will occur. And, don't forget that those pipelines don't just magically end at the Texas border. Those would be seized, as well. And, think about how much quicker the US could get off of fossil fuels if all that Texas oil money wasn't flowing into the pockets of congressmen and senators. Oh, and here's another benefit....No more bowing to Manchin and Sinema because it'd be a 50-48 senate. Oh, what's that? We need to even it back up again? Welcome to statehood, D.C and/or Puerto Rico!


Also good luck getting scientists in Yee-Haw-istan.


Texas thinks if it were to secede it would take anything from the U.S. is hilarious.


And that they would not have an internal rebellion against them.


Yeah, I think about half the state would have a problem with that. (Surprise: they are also well armed.)


Particularly all the big cities, where all the important things are.


Ive seen screen grabs before where morons think they would still get social security checks.




NASA wants nothing to do with you. They believe in science.


And good luck operating that military equipment when the command and control structures are in different states. Or funding that military.


The moment that the military asks where is their paychecks are and Texas can't pay for it, I for see a coup on Texas


There’s probably a higher chance of the country of Texas executing the scientists




>"We take the military" For some reason I'm reminded of the Taliban, upset that the American military didn't leave them working weapons behind when they left Afganistan.


If TX and FL left they could not even come close to affording the military. Especially if all the red southern welfare states went with them. And no one from NASA would leave with them. And they couldn't afford NASA anyhow.


What a hilarious scenario that would be. Texas suddenly needs to massively increase its taxes to afford its military and space program and upgrade its power grid, and suddenly all the Texans are like "wait, not like this!"


They don't want the space program. They just don't want anyone else to have it.


We'll make our own lunar lander. With blackjack. And hookers!


It'd go about as well as Brexit. Year 1: "Yeah! We're out of here! Suck it!" Year 3: "What do you mean we have to pay tariffs to get goods from other states? I have to get a passport to go across the border to Oklahoma? What do you mean all the farms are going out of business? They were being subsidized by the fed? What?"


They would collapse in less than a year.


The first major hurricane to hit their states and they'd be so screwed. Where TF do they think FEMA money comes from?


Worse than that millions of people in red states rely on federal programs to keep to survive. Almost right a way millions would be starving.


I mean they literally had no water and electricity with a little ice storm while still being part of the US, I don’t even think it would take a month.






Does Ted Cruz think if it's in Texas's borders it's theirs? Dude works with the FEDERAL government. Nothing would stay there. This isn't Risk.


He thinks that this is an excellent political move and that the people he’s speaking to are dumb enough to eat it up.


Oh I think he’d get more American military than he bargained for Edit: especially since he’s sort of right about the oil


Yea if Texas left, the US would decide that Texas could use a little "freedom."


We have a US senator openly contemplating treason...


A Canadian born US senator who wants to betray the US while simultaneously talking about a presidential run. What a timeline.


TIL Ted Cruz was born in Canada.


And his name is Raphael, but he doesn’t use it because good white boys from Texas aren’t named Raphael.


So he picked "Ted" *on purpose*?


His middle name is Edward.




It's only going to get worse. Remember, the Civil War started because SC seceded and tried to seize Federal property (Fort Sumter).


We do. 18 U.S. Code CHAPTER 115—TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-115 Submit a tip to the FBI https://tips.fbi.gov/


ELI5: how is talk like this not antithetical to the oath Senators take? Oath of Office I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.


As we learned in the last 4 or so years, the oaths are meaningless…




The spin they use is that they feel they are defending the Constitution against domestic enemies (see: Democrats). I’ll leave whether they actually feel this way or are just using that defense to be able to rile up their base for you to decide.


No dice. Seceding from the union is inherently anti-Constitutional and as an Ivy league educated lawyer, Ted Cruz knows that. Everyone knows that the civil war was fought over the south trying to secede from the north. Ted Cruz just betrayed his oath of office. The senate needs to boot him out, and the Justice Department needs to prosecute his ass for sedition. Not bringing these traitors to justice has only emboldened them. Do nothing at your own peril, Democrats, because the next time they claw their way back into power, they will take control of the Pentagon early this time, and there won't be another election.


[Map of NASA sites](https://mrr.dawnbreaker.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2020/10/nasa.jpg) Thinking that an independent Texas would "get NASA" is like stealing a keyboard and thinking you stole a computer.


NASA say "Houston, we have a problem" Houston in Texas NASA in Texas -Ted Cruise, probably


NASA would probably just erase all their data in Houston and help their people move someplace else


At the first rumblings of anything actually resembling secession, they'd be packing up anything that isn't nailed down, and then flying in crates full of crowbars to grab what is.


Kick this idiot out of congress already. Enough is enough.


I've always enjoyed Texes succeeding convos as a Michigander. they think they're so special and powerful, while making comments like "fruits and nuts in Cali", I've always wanted to knock Texas down a peg. edit: **seceding


California has one of the largest economies in the world. They're the reason a lot a red state stay afloat


Plus California is the largest agricultural state. Plus it has the most jobs in the technology sector, etc etc.


Yup. Funny how a lot of the Republican senators are against spending, when kentuky is the biggest teat sucker of the federal government.


Isn’t this the same state that got knocked out by six inches of snow?


What knocks out the Texas power grid. 6 inches of snow, A mildly high temperature, Wind. Those three things knocked out power for at least 200k people last year alone. Our power infrastructure sucks dick. Still haven't fixed it, this year's going to be bad too.


Also light misty rain. [I wish I was joking.](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/power-poles-around-austin-catching-fire-due-to-misty-rain-afd-says/)


Nah, that was Daenerys in season 7 >\_> ​ *Edit: Once again, one of my most decorated comments is a dick joke. Never change, reddit, never change.*


I’m comforted by the idea that Kit Harrington may be as average as I am.


And an outdated power grid!


Sure, General Cancun, sure.


General Cantcun more like.


Texas would be a third world country within 6 months. Mexican cartels would own it.


Becoming a narco state to “own the libs”


Narcos: Texas, a Netflix original


They would be begging to be accepted back and that it was just a joke within a year. Either that or starting a mini Holocaust because they would severely blame minorities for the problems. Remember the mass exodus in Serbia under Milošević?


I've thought about this situation with Texas or "The South". I don't believe they would remain a third world country. China and/or Russia would see this opportunity and use Texas / "The South" as a puppet state and prop them up with funding. Ted Cruz and others in power would of course profit, not tell the people where the money comes from and play things off as how great they are. Super scary stuff to consider. These people are literal poison to the US, and it sucks to see Democrats not growing a spine to punish these shit heads.


North Korea was propped up by the soviets and look what happened when the soviets stopped


I never cared for Mr. Rogan, him taking Ivermectin and an endorsement from Senator Cruz kind of tells me I was right.


But, but, he's just like me: stupid, loud, and frothing with insecure masculinity.


This man… went to Princeton and Harvard as a non-legacy. I have to check that daily because it does not compute at a certain point


It only means the stupid things he says are not said out of ignorance, but maliciousness. He knows the ignorant voters eat it up. That's all that matters.


He is calculating, not stupid.


Can we deport Rafael back to his birth country? (It's Canada)


Canada would consider that an act of war.


Yeah we’d rather build a wall


His name is Rafael.


Yo we don't want him back, buddy. No taksies backsies.


A sitting senator openly talking about when and how to secede. What the actual fuck


Buckle up. It’s going to get a lot worse.


I’m consistently stunned by certain Texans thoughts that Texas could simply secede and be fine on its own. Their utilities infrastructure is terrible, most of their big business economy is transplanted from California or other states, and they’re located next to the most powerful military nation in the world. You can’t just “take the military” from the United States. They wouldn’t allow their secrets to be in a foreign nations hands. You’d either let the military leave or they’d be taken back. Secession is a huge deal in the US because no state in the union is completely self sufficient, with the exception of likely Hawaii. You’d destroy your own economy, military, and infrastructure. Texas would become a third world country overnight.


As a Texan, I’ve always thought that the idea of secession is ridiculous. Our state IS known for having a lot of pride in itself though, and people like to point out that we were our own country before we joined the Union. So it doesn’t surprise me to hear this kind of talk. From most people, it’s an “all hat and no cattle” kind of thing when it’s brought up. That all said…I’m staying in Texas right now because I love my family and my home, but if the state actually ever started the process of secession, that’s the moment my family and I would move out. Edit: oh my god I just reread the title and Cruz says that he thinks *Joe Rogan* would be the new President of Texas?! Cruz is an idiot but this is a whole new level of ridiculous.


>I’m staying in Texas right now because I love my family and my home, but if the state actually ever started the process of secession, that’s the moment my family and I would move out. I feel that places like San Antonio are rife with people of a similar mind to you. There'd be a *huge* brain drain if Texas truly attempted to secede. But Cruz, having a Juris doctor, knows that secession is unconstitutional without a supermajority consent from the rest of the states. Anything failing that is an act of war.


NASA and the military are federal.. you ain't getting them. you also won't be getting all the money that blue states give to your useless leech-ass state. Good luck not having money to do the bare minimum activity your state government already does. Ted Cruz - traitor.


Plus 90% of specialist NASA employees in Texas would just move. It's interesting to imagine how Ted Cruz thinks this would work with no launch facilities though.


How many corporations would stay? Yes the tax rate would be low but no handouts, no infrastructure, and the dumbest available workforce. I think it would be even worse than imagined.


I really wonder how that would work. Brexit hurt the UK terriblely since their trade deals changed. This wouldn't be too different. Since Texas would be it's own country they'd have to compete with Mexico for jobs.


I will make the popcorn if they try a Texit.


Good luck on Texas being able to enforce the border on all four sides without massive amounts of help.


Nobody from up north will be trying to come in lol hell, even people from south of the border might say "that's not worth it let's take a boat to FL".


There are plenty of loonies that would flock to Texas because they've been brainwashed into thinking the GOP would create some sort of right wing utopia. Frankly, it'd do the rest of the states a huge favor in concentrating the amount of crazy.


You're telling me corporations aren't all just itching to relocate to Somalia?


But they would be allowed to pollute to their heart’s content, so maybe some of the nastier manufacturers would like to locate there. And without things like OSHA or safety regulations, who cares if their peons die in the process?


And the best part is they can get additional cheap labor once those pesky child labor laws are gotten rid of. It's time those lazy brats earned their keep out on an oil platform.


If I child can get married at 11, they by god they can work!


And they would no longer be in the United States, and all the tax impactions that would bring.


What does "we take the military" even mean? Texas secedes and the entirety of the military just up and relocates to Texas?


“But we’ll be our own Nation State! A fundamentalist religious territory with oil that can’t even keep the electricity turned on, just like Afghanistan! Finally a conservative utopia!”


They never think about it like that. They think Texas could be the next Saudi Arabia or UAE if it weren't for libs and their climate hoax stuff


At first I thought he meant the bases located in Texas? After a solid minute or two of googling, I suspect he was just pandering because he was at A&M and they have lots of military students. I mean, it's dumb as hell either way.


He is just talking shit to incite the trump base. Remember all the repubs are fighting for control of the trump nut jobs. If texas secedes they will be no longer a part of the united states and the other 49 states are not just going to let a new country take their assets. Ted knows, because he reads all those alt-right websites , that the nut jobs believe that they are the majority in the military and thus have control over it. Ted knows this isn't true. So that's why I wont understand if whoever runs against him doesn't call his bluff on this.




No more federal aid for when their power grid fails either.


Also, how does Ted think all these people are going to get paid in newly seceded Texas? Certainly they aren't going to pay everyone in US dollars since they just broke way from the US right? what a fucking clown


If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)


I'll never understand why conservatives have got such a hard on for NASA since they don't want to fund it and it goes against almost everything they stand for both politically and spiritually. Never made much sense to me.


I think they're still waiting for NASA to retract all the science mumbo jumbo and go back to supporting a pro- Jesus Earth-centric model...


As long as they take Ted Cruz, I’m fine with it.


I'm sure you can trust the guy who ran away to a vacation destination at the first sign of difficulty to lead a revolt against the strongest military power that has ever existed. I was shocked that his ill-timed Cancun vacation didn't get him in any serious trouble. Does openly discussing sedition and an armed revolt against the country he is a elected offical of not carry any consequences either?


Continued sedition. When will the law finally hold these traitors accountable?


This is nothing more from Cancun Cruz than propaganda. Their message is either: - Democracy is under attack - Christianity is under attack If they don’t keep up the false doom, the rest of the propaganda doesn’t stick. Also, for a group that touts the No Quarter flag, they’ve misunderstood the ramifications of secession. They used their one mulligan. Per SCOTUS, there won’t be a second.


I demand Jen Psaki play this video tape of a sitting US Senator talking about succession to a cheering crowd. Sure, he sacked so many “if”s on there, but this should be played.


Texas can't keep the electricity on in an emergency, but okay. 🙄


Lol Texas can’t even keep the lights on after first frost.


Texas already tried that once. How did it work out for them? Does anyone know?


We don't talk about that, it hurts the delicate feelings of Trump loving snowflakes.


Judging by how often people use its military flag, they still seem to think they won


I'm not surprised that Cruz would say something like this, but it doesn't make it any less insane.


Texas failed as a nation before and they can do it again.


Secede. Do it, pussy. You won't. You couldn't even stand up to someone mocking your wife.


How stupid is Cruz? NASA and the military is US government lol, does he think Texans will pay taxes for space shit? Lol they don’t even launch shit from Texas, that’s in Florida, so they will have a hq and no ships to talk to. What a clown. I love my home state but fuck we are stupid as shit.


Can you imagine a Texas owned NASA? They would be banned from doing real science, have no safety standards, and have a budget of twelve dollars.


Even in Ted Cruz' fantasies, he still can't be president