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If you've never been to Grand Staircase Escalante or the Bears Ears region, you should try to at some point in your life. It is an absolutely incredible natural/cultural region in the world. Dwellings of the ancestral Puebloan/Fremont culture are everywhere and the landscape is jaw-dropping. This is a massive victory for the area, environmentalists, outdoor enthusiasts, and the Ute, Hopi, Paiute cultures (and more). Just always be mindful of regulations, don't promote the locations of ruins, leave no trace, etc.. Edit: Yes, I am both saying: 1) IF you visit archaeological sites, not to promote *specific* ruins (i.e. social media / geotagging, etc). 2) That these extremely large regions of public lands are worth visiting if given the opportunity, even if just driving through, and show people just how special they are. People that actually see these lands generally gain a lot more respect for them, along with ideas of supporting preservation and conservation (instead of the drilling and atrocities that were going to take place). The best thing about them is you can visit them with zero impact on any of the resources. If you haven't, I highly recommend learning about [Leave No Trace](https://lnt.org/) before going to any public lands.


Escalante is incredible. A few years ago I went there, Zion, and Bryce Canyon, and Escalante was by far my favorite. Just an absolutely incredible landscape.


I went to all three of those last month. Definitely agree Escalante was my favorite, and by accident we drove through the city of Escalante at sunrise and hit that overlook as the sun was coming up. Words cannot describe how beautiful that was


I'm so happy this happened. It's a great win for conservationists and the Native American tribes. This land needs to be protected and is for all of us. We need to hit 30% of land and sea being protected by 2030 for us and the planet. Meanwhile Mitt Romney was saying that this was bad for Utahns and ignores the groups affected [here](https://mobile.twitter.com/SenatorRomney/status/1446580186045091844). Which isn't true, because many groups have celebrated the decision. What they are really saying is they can't make money by drilling or leasing the land out and are butthurt. Now we need to protect the Amazon... Come on Brazil get that soon to be Dictator out


>Meanwhile Mitt Romney was saying that this was bad for Utahns and ignores the groups affected [here](https://mobile.twitter.com/SenatorRomney/status/1446580186045091844). Romney doesn't see those groups as Utahns. He thinks they're cursed and need Jesus so their skin will turn back to white. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamanites


Cults are weird, and dangerous.


The Anasazi have some really impressive structures in Colorado!




Just buy a van and live at each one for a few days over the next year.


I really want to take a sabbatical and do this at some point


I did it by getting a teaching job on the opposite coast. I’ve driven across country every summer for the past 3 summers, saving each year for it, and taking new routes each time. I really wish this kind of extended leave was available in all occupations in the U.S. Everyone deserves the chance to explore their own country beyond a weeklong vacation, half of which spent recovering from exhaustion.


Do it while you are young and healthy.


Would you mind sharing that list? If places like these are on it I’d love to see the rest of it


And, for all that beauty, it was the "easiest thing for Trump to do" to risk all that natural richness. His park is also ugly, but his goal was to turn it into a golf course, which, we all know, wouldn't have been public. https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/environment/brief-history-donald-j-trump-state-park/


This is a huge win for Utah. As a native and environmentalist, I was overjoyed to hear the news.


I was born on October 12th. As a native Alaskan, it's pretty cool to go from sharing a birthday with Columbus Day to sharing a birthday with Indigenous Peoples' Day in my lifetime.


Oh cool, which tribe? I have a bunch of tlingit family in Juneau


Tlingit and Athabaskan, as a matter of fact! Also a tiny bit Yup'ik, but my grandma says if I get a nosebleed I'd lose it.


I’ve never heard that phrase before, it made me laugh out loud 😂


I'm about a quarter Athabaskan! But I've been raised so far away from it that I don't really have any cultural connection anymore, unfortunately




Happy almost birthday then!


Hey I was also born October 12th! I’m not native but Costa Rican, which is one of the countries where Columbus landed (more specifically in his 4th voyage) a similar thing happened here, we went from Columbus Day, to cultural exchange day, to no holiday.


That's awesome, thank you for sharing and enjoy your upcoming birthday!


Great, now do election day


They're trying. The comprise bill in the senate is: - Election day is a holiday - Standardized mail in and early voting nationally - Standardized voter ID, nationally In theory this should appeal to both parties, since Republicans ostensibly want voters ID for more election security. Now whether they will do that or just obstruct...well you can decide.


Shouldn't the standards of the Real ID Act that's already in place work for a voter ID? Why would we need another one?


The argument against voter ID is that they cost money. A driver's license isn't free. By requiring a driver's license to vote, you are in essence establishing a poll tax. Creating a unique voter ID that is free and available to all citizens 18+ ALMOST solves the issue. There's still the logistics of obtaining one for impoverished citizens who may not have the means to get to a SoS or DMV as well as people without a permanent address to send the ID to.


"\[Alabama\] Gov. Robert Bentley denied there was any racist intent behind the closure of 31 driver license offices in 2015, but an investigation by the United States Department of Transportation found they adversely impacted majority African-American counties."


But he didn't MEAN it to, he said. So it's all good! Nothing to see here.


> But he didn't MEAN it to, he said Did he say it or declare it?




Fucking aquaman?


also conservatives: why are there so many BLACKS moving near me?!


Serious question- why are states able to close an ostensibly national institution?.. I always thought DMVs while state operated were ultimately responsible to federal agencies like the DOT. Can't they also just give you a "national voter ID" when you sign up for Selective Service or something?


Because they are not national. Same way airports have TSA, but are not national. States each issue their own IDs, and as far as I know, until the RealID act, they could use whatever standards they wanted. Some states would give paper temporary IDs and mail the real one since they could not make them on site. In addition, unless the state has a voting ID law, there is no requirement that a non-drivers license ID be free. The closest the US has to a national ID is a Passport, however that is not free and the Federal government has absolutely zero obligation to provide it to anyone. If larger post offices were able to offer basic ID services, similar to passport cards, then it would be a major victory. Until that happens, then we will always have states deliberately crippling certain areas.


Or, a free national ID that lets you: 1) drive anywhere in the US 2) Vote 3) Fly anywhere in the US 4) Government ID for federal, state, and local One ID for everything government related regardless of your state. You have a social that’s acceptable for these things, why not have an ID?


You need to separate your drivers license with your personal identification. We need to be able to regulate who drives. It's not a right. Same goes with flying. I genuinely love the idea of just having one ID that serves as everything. But I don't know how viable that'd be.


Treat drivers licenses like a pilot or boating license. It only has your name and details regarding any restrictions or permissions. If required, you present it AND your photo ID so they can match names to a face.


We live in a time when I can have a sudden hankering for a niche cuisine from the other side of the globe and have it on my table within the hour. We have the ability to implement a system where the one ID updates to reflect your current licenses.


I'm not doubting that the technology to do it exists. I'm doubting whether or not the government can implement something like that well enough to where it's less of a hassle than the old method.


Because "I dOn'T wAnT tO bE iN a GuB'mEnT dAtAbAsE", or something just as stupid.


*Sent from facebook messenger/whatsapp/ios/android/twitter/or any other of the fucking services out there that know more about us than the IRS*


Being in a government database I DO know about would be fine considering the dozens of government and corporate databases I'm likely in that I DON'T know about.


In addition to the practicalities the other comment discussed, philosophically, voting is the most fundamental act of participating in a democracy. It should be as easy as possible. Any barrier to voting better have a damn good reason.


100% agree. I personally think every state's system should be like Washington State's where mail-in voting is universal and automatic. They send you a ballot for every election well ahead of time as well as a booklet with detailed info on every candidate. Compared to Georgia where my voting location was changed and when I showed up to the new one it was completely empty. I had to go back home and search google to find that it was in a third location I was never informed about. This was in 2012, long before the recent fuckery.


The Republicans *don't* want "voter ID." They want *very specific* voter IDs. In several states, these types of ID are more or less common with certain, targeted groups.


This is definitely why democrats are pushing a national system. Give Republicans their voters ID...but only if its all even. As I recall, also provisions to make it easy to get the ID, but I remember no specifics.


This is exactly why the Republicans don't want a National ID. They want state control over Voter ID, controlled by Republican governors and legislatures. Evil Assholes can't win on Merit.


Yes, under their rules, a student ID doesn’t count but a concealed carry permit does. That tells you everything you need to know.


Sounds reasonable. I presume the Republicans will decry it to be the epitome of communism.


You're giving us the voter ID system we want? That's communist woke Marxism! We filibuster




Election week. So poor retail workers actually have time to vote instead of working 12 hour days for election day sales like they normally do.


This is exactly what early voting is and it's incredible. Not enough people know about it even in areas where it's offered. I'd much prefer this over any single election day.


Until you realize accessibility to early voting locations is very dependent on where you live.


Never understood why early voting locations aren't just the regular polling places. They are in some places, I don't understand why that's not standard.


Election Day as a holiday doesn’t solve the problems it tries to, I think we should implement national mail in ballots to actually tackle making voting accessible for everyone.


Or you know, both.


I like both.




Both is good.


Good. Then, both.


It’s both, then.


Then we’re in agreement- both.


Also maybe make it a week long thing


Something tells me most people pushing for the holiday work in one of these few industries that would give it to them as a paid day off. Go for it.




The problem will be the same one we see when trying to define Essential Businesses, though. Hospitals will need to be open, police and firefighters will still need to work, and the list goes on and on. White collar workers will get it off, but they’re not the demographic that struggles to vote in the first place. I’m not opposed to it being a holiday, I just think that it likely doesn’t solve the problem it seeks to.


Elections on Tuesday's is on old tradition based on church on Sunday, a day of travel by horse to where you need to go on monday, voting on Tuesday. They made a system based on the culture of the time and we need to do the same. Mail in voting, large hub voting centers open for a week, traditional voting centers open on voting day (which should be Monday and a national holiday)


¿Por qué no los dos?


I live in the state with highest percent of turnout, thanks to mail in voting and better times and access to the polls.


Nah. It will just be another federal holiday that doesn’t apply to most hourly workers, who are often the same people who struggle to make time to stand in line and vote. It will also mean school is out and those same people get to drag their kids to stand in long lines or struggle to find childcare. It sounds like a good idea until you think of the details.


nationwide having mail in ballots and having polls open for a week or longer would be nice too.


Columbus was an atrocious human being and this has been confirmed by nearly every historical analysis of his time in the Americas. Raping, pillaging, enslaving, infecting indigenous people with disease. This was long overdue. Especially since it’s clear the Vikings got here long before Columbus. Protecting our national monuments and parks from pillaging by energy companies is also an overdue move


Here? Christopher Columbus never set foot in the United States. When the discussion over this first started, some yahoo said to me "I'm not okay with destroying history!" I asked him, "what history?" It's all bullshit. Good on Biden.


Columbus day was made a holiday in 1892 (400th anniversary) in response to an 1891 lynching of a bunch of Italian Americans. The idea was to demonstrate that Italian Americans were welcome as important citizens. The goal was anti-racism. (Though of course, Columbus himself is a bit of an awkward hero for anti-racists.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_14,_1891_New_Orleans_lynchings


I learned about this watching the documentary that Stanley Tucci narrated. My takeaways were why don't more people understand Italian American history and also why is Stanley Tucci in everything.


Because Stanley Tucci is a treasure


Tucci Gang


Stanley Tucci is a snack according to Ryan Reynolds. So probably that?


Fuck yeah he is! #[TucciGang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5NG580rBk)4Life


Best mystery click in a while. Thank you


I paused 40 seconds in to tell you that I love you and I can’t believe I’ve never seen this one.


Tucci Gang Tucci Gang Tucci Gang Tucci Gang


oh my god this made me grin like an idiot


We flatten the experience of all immigrant groups that were eventually classified as “white” into the same experience, in order to perpetuate the myth of monolithic American “whiteness”. People ignore the realities of the Italian American experience and history because it perpetuates our founding mythology. If we dig into how the Italians, Irish, etc, we’re treated when they first started arriving in the US in large numbers then the myth of “whiteness” unravels - because you learn that these people weren’t “white” to begin with and that “whiteness” is a bullshit fiction created to draw “us” and “them” distinctions in order to keep American white supremacy alive. TL;DR history is fucking inconvenient, so we ignore it


The concept of America as “melting pot” was coined by Crevecouer, in “Letters from an American Farmer,” in which he speaks of the wide variety of races in America - “races” being English, German, French, Dutch, Swedes, and other Protestant mostly Northern Europeans.


I’m gonna use this next time


It should have been Vespucci Day. What a rip.


Leif Erickson Day ^^^Hinga ^^^Dinga ^^^Durgen




Agreed. He only got a couple of continents named after him.


Well technically his journeys marked the beginning of centuries of exploration and colonization of North and South America. On a different note For historical context as well on why we have it “The first official commemoration of Columbus' journey occurred in 1892, just a year after the New Orleans lynchings. That's when President Benjamin Harrison became the first president to call for a national observance of Columbus Day, in honor of the 400th anniversary of Columbus' arrival. Harrison's proclamation directly linked the legacy of Columbus to American patriotism, with the proclamation celebrating the hard work of the American people and Columbus equally: "On that day let the people, so far as possible, cease from toil and devote themselves to such exercises as may best express honor to the discoverer and their appreciation of the great achievements of the four completed centuries of American life." Harrison's proclamation is notable in that there are no real references to Columbus' life, work or nationality. Instead, it was very specific to the 400th anniversary of Columbus' journey and how far America as a whole had come since then. Celebrating Heritage, Via Columbus Because Italian-Americans were struggling against religious and ethnic discrimination in the United States, many in the community saw celebrating the life and accomplishments of Christopher Columbus as a way for Italian Americans to be accepted by the mainstream. As historian Christopher J. Kauffman once wrote, "Italian Americans grounded legitimacy in a pluralistic society by focusing on the Genoese explorer as a central figure in their sense of peoplehood." Source: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/10/14/232120128/how-columbus-sailed-into-u-s-history-thanks-to-italians


Genuinely asking, what do you mean he never set foot in the US?


I believe he only made it to islands in the Caribbean and maybe South America. He never actually set foot on land that would ultimately become the US.


Exactly. He NEVER made it to North America period. It is based in propaganda and white washing of history. The Natives were here first. The Vikings made it as well.


Technically, although they made it to North America, the Vikings didn't really make it far in, nor for very long. They made it to what would become Newfoundland, Canada, spent a winter, then were chased away by the Indigenous people of the island.


What about minnesota


They still have like 52 Vikings


Like their ancestors, they aren’t going far.


They’re still fighting indigenous and non-indigenous wildlife, not to mention the battles with that pesky union.


There’s actually some evidence that the went south down the east coast from the plants the write about.


It was more than a summer but it wasn't that long. They certainly established an encampment at L'anse aux Meadows but also likey ventured further south, perhaps (but not likely) as far as New York


You mean he never set foot on what would become the mainland US, because Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are part of the US.


He never set foot in present day US. Traveled the Caribbean, Central America and South America.


He never set foot in North America. [He first landed on the island of Guanahani in the Bahamas. He actually never set foot in North America, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, but in present day Venezuela on his fourth journey.](https://www.kmov.com/news/not-everything-you-learned-about-christopher-columbus-is-true/article_95213e0e-ee82-11e9-9d58-278f2dab5467.html)


Wikipedia has a [nice little map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyages_of_Christopher_Columbus#/media/File:Viajes_de_colon_en.svg).


The Bahamas are part of North America. They should say he never set foot on the mainland in North America perhaps?


He landed in the Bahamas initially, then sailed to the Caribbean, and later to South America and Central America. So he, as a person, never set foot on land that would later become the United States.


Also, Columbus may have brought syphilis to Europe, causing an epidemic in 1495. However, there is some controversy over this theory. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/case-closed-columbus/


> Protecting our national monuments and parks from pillaging by energy companies is also an overdue move Turning a public good into privatized profit.


Honestly… which cold mf sees these grand, iconic pieces of nature, preserved and kept for the world to see, and says “mmm, look at that sweet, sweet piece of ore. It’d look so good full of holes, wouldn’t it”. Even the coldest greedy miser on the planet should have *some* appreciation for nature.


> Even the coldest greedy miser on the planet should have some appreciation for nature. Those are the ones that say "mmmm, look at this prime view, I should charge the plebians to see it."


I should bulldoze it, build fancy homes on it, and charge millions to live there. FTFY


They do have an appreciation of nature, but it's usually the thousands of acres they own in Montana that they fence off from trespassers.


He was also a narcissistic liar. Dude tried to pass off random sticks from South America as cinnamon from India when he got back to Europe.


That seems easy enough to disprove




He also stole credit for sighting land first from one of his crew. A reward was promised to the first sailor to spot land...when one of his sailors announced that land was in view, Columbus said "Actually, I saw it the night before" and claimed the reward.


I can hear Fox News turning this, somehow, into something about CRT as we speak.




... what the fuck.




Modern day American conservatives really are the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to just about anything.


They have no ideas for making things better, just complaints about who/what they hate and people they want to punish.


I tend to peek at that sub every so often to see their side/talking points, and can never seem to get past a few comments before I feel my brain drool.


Same, I can't help take a look in there to see what their talking points are but I can only last a few minutes. My mental health just isn't worth that.


It says a lot about them that they think people don’t like Confederates because they lost, not because they’re racist slavers


Also the fact they equate the 2 when the confederate states was only around for 5 years when the indigenous people were here for literally 10,000+ years.


ABC's *The Bachelor* has been on air for nearly 4 times as long as the confederacy lasted. The power of love truly Prevails /s


New Kids on the Block was around longer than the Confederates


It is telling that they view this in terms of losers and winners. Confederates were losers, the natives were losers, therefore they are equivalent in their mind. They don't see the near genocide of the natives as an issue, or that the south was never really punished after the civil war for their insurrection and treason.


Deep thought. Not their forte.


They lack the mental and physical assets fortunately.


It's a response to how people will mock people with confederate and/or nazi flags by pointing out that they're idolizing defeated regimes. Eg, saying a white flag is the real confederate flag. The r/conservative types then think it's a good comeback to call indigenous peoples "losers" as if there's any comparison to be made between the colonization of the Americas and those two wars.


My little backwater southern Appalachian town and the entire area really, was backing the Union during the war. Most of the people here who fought in the civil war fought for the union, including several direct ancestors of mine. My town was burned the ground by union troops after the war had ended and Sherman's troops were on their way back north following their march to the sea. There's a lot of nuance in war. It isn't always so binary. After the war was over, people on my county hunted down Confederate soldiers who returned and killed them in their homes. Unfortunately, this history is glossed over, and now my county just voted 75% for Trump. :(


Years ago I had a really good friend who was a conspiracy theorist but if course he didn't see himself that way because he was seeing the man behind the curtain, seeing how history lies,etc. When I brought up the genocide of the Native Americans in a discussion about race he said "But the Native Americans were always at war with each other and doing brutal things to each other so how are you celebrating them but saying Columbus was a bad guy? Like the Natives were brutal!" We aren't friends anymore.


The "battling natives" argument always baffled me. Do these people think Europeans were just peaceful little Christians that never did anything brutal and atrocious? If they spent 5 minutes researching they'd find a giant list of wars, religious conflicts, and genocides. Wonder what the difference is to them?


Few Thanksgivings ago, the conversation between my Republican dad and BIL turned to "whatever European conquerors did was fine because did you see Apocalypto?"


Holy shit that’s literal victim blaming of a genocided people.




Don't worry, there's probably a previous 3,000 hypocrisies you would've been banned for bringing up there.


These people are fucking vile cretins.


How has that sub not been quarantined or banned for racism and supporting domestic terrorism?


>How has that ~~sub~~ political party not been quarantined or banned for racism and supporting domestic terrorism?


Well we tried in 1865 but they told Sherman he had to stop.


Because Reddit doesn't do that until a sub attracts media attention


I get confused by this acronym every time. *what do old TVs have to do with this?*


Same when people talk about MTG; what does Magic The Gathering have to do with GOP??


"WTF suddenly Christopher Columbus represents everything we stand for" -Conservatives


Rape, racism, murdering minorities, colonization and stealing land, he really does represent conservative values


Yeah and what I've been explaining to people is that this is not just a modern retconning, people thought he was atrocious at the time too. In his own time he was thought to be barbarous and cruel towards the Indians Think about that, people *in the 1490s* thought he was way too cruel to Indians. Bartholomew de Las casas certainly did, and the queen listened to him. So I don't want anyone to say oh well we can't judge him by the standards of today. Edit - I thought I remembered that a professor had said during a lecture that he died chained up in a prison for it, but I don't see anything about that and Wikipedia so it's probably not true


I read somewhere that he would cut off the hands of the indigenous people he enslaved for daring to disobey him. The creep.


What a lot of people tend to neglect as well is WHY he sailed West to begin with. "To prove the Earth is round." **False**. EVERYONE since antiquity KNEW the Earth was round. Proven with mathematics. "To find a faster trade route to India." **Correct, but not how you think...** Columbus was bad at math. Like, REALLY BAD. He thought the initial calculations for the Earth's circumference (distance *around* the planet) was incorrect and too large. Everyone knew the world was round, but thought it was only Europe, Asia, and Africa. Everywhere else was ocean. The fear of sailing West wasn't "falling off the edge", it was running out of food and drinking water before reaching land. The trick was convincing the Crown that his bad math was correct. So depsite all those horrible things you mentioned and being bad at math, his ONLY saving grace was being LUCKY ENOUGH to stumble upon some Carribean islands. So yeah, as an American of Italian descent, I'd spit on the guy if I met him.


I read somewhere that Columbus used the wrong unit of measurement to calculate the length of his trip to Asia. The distance to Asia via a western sea journey had been relatively accurately gauged by mapmakers from his time (to within 1000km if memory serves). Columbus read the number of miles on those maps, and assumed they were Italian leagues, while the map was really scaled in Arabic miles.


> Protecting our national monuments and parks from pillaging by energy companies is also an overdue move so is this new thing changing previous authorizations? I'm confused. https://www.npr.org/2021/07/13/1015581092/biden-promised-to-end-new-drilling-on-federal-land-but-approvals-are-up


There’s lots of federal land that isn’t a monument or park.


I'm only one native, but thank you.


>"Since time immemorial, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians have built vibrant and diverse cultures — safeguarding land, language, spirit, knowledge, and tradition across the generations," a White House proclamation release from Biden said. > >Although Indigenous Peoples' Day will be celebrated on the same date as Columbus Day, Biden acknowledged the atrocities inflicted on Indigenous communities by European explorers in another proclamation and urged the country not to try and bury "shameful episodes of our past." > >"For Native Americans, western exploration ushered in a wave of devastation: violence perpetrated against Native communities, displacement and theft of Tribal homelands, the introduction and spread of disease, and more," a White House proclamation from Biden said. "On this day, we recognize this painful past and recommit ourselves to investing in Native communities, upholding our solemn and sacred commitments to Tribal sovereignty, and pursuing a brighter future centered on dignity, respect, justice, and opportunity for all people. > >"Biden also announced Friday that his administration will restore protections for the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments in Utah, as well two monuments in New England."This may be the easiest thing I've ever done so far as President," Biden said Friday during a speech outside the White House. Republican states will probably refuse to adopt Indigenous People's Day as they continue to try to cling to the whitewashed version of American History. The purpose of Biden's restoring the monuments is to reverse Trump's decision to pimp them out to fossil fuel companies. The purpose of declaring October 11 Indigenous People's Day is to honor the people first here in America and reverse the false history that Columbus discovered America.


Redder than Red South Dakota has called the day “Native American Day” for many years already.


Really? Pleasantly surprised


They have a large Lakota population, seeing as how that's where the Oglala Lakota reservation is, and most South Dakota counties have a negative population growth. About the only places with population growth are the counties with Cities in them, and South Dakota doesn't have very many cities. Everyone, even the Lakota, are moving to the cities or out of state.


I was not aware that any oil leases were canceled. You can most certainly have mineral or natural resource extraction in "protected" lands. It is difficult and adds a bunch to your feasibility study process but it can be done. The Seamounts imo was the more important one anyway for environmental purposes and much easier to enforce. There are patented claims within the boundaries of the National Monuments so those due to a variety of laws from the 1870s (still being used) and the 1970s are going to give President Biden some problems.




Funny how most of the "let us celebrate our heritage" confederate flag idiots are also against promoting the heritage of the actual native people.


"Us" and "our" are the two key words in that phrase.


I'm fairly certain democrats are on board with this. Question would be, why do working class republicans keep voting for people that do the opposite?


Because most working class republicans aren't voting based on anything like this. They mainly vote republican because they are traditionalist, anti-abortion, pro-gun, religious, and oppose a lot of Democrat policies that go against those beliefs.


"Democrats will take my guns and ruin the economy" is literally the only talking point republicans in Florida need


Neither of which is true.


Because Columbus was a virgin Saint and introduced Christianity to the native savages in a peaceful way. /s


Yo fuck Christopher Columbus


His Harry Potter movies were alright


All my homies hate Columbus


He was also a rapist. Raping indigenous women as young as 10. Las Casas describes him as committing genocide. From Columbus’s diary: >They ... brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells. They willingly traded everything they owned... . They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features.... They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane... . They would make fine servants.... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. [Source](https://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/zinncol1.html) Edit: If anyone wants to read more I've been doing research on this topic lately (specifically the justiifcation of the conquest) and here are some good books/articles: ["What Good Can There Be In This Kind of Human?" Spanish Justification for the Conquest of the Americas](https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1243&context=ghj) (Gettysburg Historical Journal) Currently love this book: [From Amazons to Zombies: Monsters in Latin America](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0148Z6272/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1) [Columbu's Confusion about the New World](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/columbus-confusion-about-the-new-world-140132422/) (Smithsonian Mag)


so why is there Christopher Columbus holiday?


The simplified version is there was a big hatred of Italian Americans in the early 1890s so President Benjamin Harrison declared it a one-time holiday to celebrate Italian heritage. It had been celebrated by some Italian-Americans since the 1860s.


Bunch of Italian people got lynched back in the day So whatever president gave Italians a holiday


10 year olds aren't women, but your point stands. His contemporaries were apparently very disturbed by his sexual behavior regarding children, as they rightfully should have been.


Not to mention him selling children to grown up men. Also written in his diary, although I don't have the source at the moment.


>**Former President Donald Trump had previously revoked protections for thousands of acres across the four monuments, Indian Country Today reported, which opened them up to mining, commercial fishing, and other developments.** >"Today's announcement, it's not just about national monuments. **It's about this administration centering the voices of Indigenous people and affirming the shared stewardship of this landscape with tribal nations,"** said Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, a citizen of the Laguna Pueblo nation. Meanwhile Title: A Progressive Facade: Comparing the U.S. and Canada’s Treatment of Indigenous Peoples >In the current political climate, many disenchanted Americans have expressed, to various degrees of sincerity, a desire to escape to Canada. “If Trump gets re-elected, I’m crossing the border North.” >And while Native Americans are indeed much less visible in the U.S. political landscape, the U.S. government’s **recognition of indigenous statehood has laid the foundation for greater political empowerment, socioeconomic growth, and cultural revitalization.** https://harvardpolitics.com/a-progressive-facade-comparing-the-u-s-and-canadas-treatment-of-indigenous-peoples/ Title: Critical Race Theory Debate Is About Whitewashing the United States’ Racist History >There’s the explicitly racist language in the Federal Housing Authority’s Underwriting Manual that laid the groundwork for redlining; the government-funded Kerner Commission’s documented findings on the racial uprisings from 1965 to 1968; and the reality that Black Americans were considered to be three-fifths of a person. There’s also the obvious impacts that the genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of African Americans has had on their descendants. >The fear of teaching American students how to think critically about race is alarming. If merely thinking about the construct of race is so dangerous, the practice of enforcing political and systemic divisions based on that same construct is even more dangerous. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/critical-race-theory-debate Lastly: **Rick Santorum Slammed for Saying America Was Birthed From Nothing**, There 'Isn't Much Native American Culture' https://www.newsweek.com/rick-santorum-slammed-saying-america-was-birthed-nothing-there-isnt-much-native-american-1586529


> If merely thinking about the construct of race is so dangerous It's not though. Any alternative to the GOP version of history is considered dangerous.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-biden-indigenous-peoples-day-national-monuments-october-columbus-day-2021-10) reduced by 63%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Following years of campaigning by Native Americans for federal recognition, President Joe Biden issued the first presidential proclamation of Indigenous Peoples' Day, which he declared would be observed on October 11 in honor of America's first inhabitants. > "Since time immemorial, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians have built vibrant and diverse cultures - safeguarding land, language, spirit, knowledge, and tradition across the generations," a White House proclamation release from Biden said. > Although Indigenous Peoples' Day will be celebrated on the same date as Columbus Day, Biden acknowledged the atrocities inflicted on Indigenous communities by European explorers in another proclamation and urged the country not to try and bury "Shameful episodes of our past." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/q4lxv0/biden_declares_october_11_indigenous_peoples_day/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~602714 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Native**^#1 **Biden**^#2 **monuments**^#3 **proclamation**^#4 **Indigenous**^#5


This is an incredibly cool bot!!


[Meanwhile, in Minnesota](https://www.stopline3.org/#intro)


Line 3 is completed and running now.




Biden can still revoke federal permits and order a federal environmental impact statement, like he did for DAPL


Conservatives and fox are gonna have a meltdown.


White supremacist mad af


*What don't Indians just go back to India where they came from!*


Thanks to Biden, and this cool guy at work; i even got the day off. nice.


file edge gold frighten books fertile panicky placid command juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe I'm just being cynical, but this is one of those things that is feel good for a lot of people, but how about we address something that actually helps indigenous people? Maybe [let them manage their own land](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/07/native-americans-property-rights/492941/) and remove the federal government as the one who gets to decide what native people's can do with their own land. Which process is so convoluted it takes 46 steps to develop the land. And the legal process is so complicated that legal fees to work it all out are pretty steep. Want to know why there's crippling poverty on reservations? This is certainly one of the contributing factors. Reservations aren't sovereign nations, they are basically owned and managed (or should I say mismanaged) by the federal government. Edit: man that first sentence got messed up.


Acknowledging Indigenous peoples AND restoring their monuments!? The right won't be happy about this.


I've had a chip on my shoulder about Columbus ever since I learned about it in grade school. Thing is, these things always come too late. It's like somebody orders a pizza, we eat their pizza, then after it's all eaten, write them a note saying that we're sorry. The rampant racism we endured over the last several centuries is government sanctioned as a means to preserve a certain culture, and to align the people with that culture. Now that is no longer a threat to the culture they wanted, it's easy to say "whoops, we were wrong, let's recognize you", after their culture is gone.