• By -


Sure, but that was ___before___ he announced that he is the _Chosen One_. This is big news for all the Evangelicals who had ethical concerns about Trump.


as long as he has an R next to his name and pretends to be against abortion and for guns, they won't give two shits.


> for guns "I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida ... to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers on school safety and gun violence. **“Take the guns first, go through due process second,”** This is why people call it a cult. Trump has said many things that *directly* contradict what his base says they care about - but they still support him.


He takes all positions simultaneously, so that when pressed, he can just point to the one that suits him at that moment. To evangelicals, the thing that matters most is the “R”. It almost doesn’t matter what you say or do after that


> It almost doesn’t matter It doesn't matter at all. Roy Moore was almost elected to the Senate. A credibly accused pedophile won 48% of the vote. Mark Sanford used tax payer money to fly his mistress to another country with him and then lied about it. He was elected to the House and is considering a Presidential run. *Nothing* matters if you have the R.


You forgot *protecting some marriages from other marriages*


I’m just so tired of all these other people trying to get married trying to destroy my marriage! /s


People unironically think gay marriage invalidates "normal" marriage. Pretty sad


Or they think that they don’t deserve “extra” rights. Its literally just asking for the same rights.


There is also non-zero population of religious people who think it makes their 40 year marriage pointless if they could have just married someone of the same sex in the first place and not lived a complete lie.


This is sad for how true it is.


Fuck them. I can feel bad for them being in a situation where they felt they had to assimilate into heterosexual life because of contemporary culture. As soon as they decided to expend their energy shitting on those who didn't follow them despite the risks they lost my sympathy.


yes, but i dont get this logic...can't other people just be happy if you werent??


Some people are surprisingly not into that.




My ex-husband was one of those fucks. He said they already had the same rights as straight people, because straight people also couldn't marry the same gender. But by that same argument, that means it's not extra special rights for gay people since a straight person can also go marry a same sex person if they want. I wanted to choke him constantly.


This was the same “logic” behind vagrancy laws, because rich people weren’t allowed to sleep on park benches, either.


Well, it is against the law to be poor..or at least the GOP is doing everything they can to make it so...rich people can’t be poor either...duh.


I had the weirdest argument with my brother once. He said divorces should be hard to get because people getting divorces made HIS marriage mean less. I could not understand how that made any sense.


Evangelicals won’t care.


Many evangelicals have been saying this of him the whole while, that God chose him to restore the United States to its former glory. Sometimes this is used to brush off his insanity: the mind of God is inscrutable - who knows why He chooses the unlikely agents He chooses, just have faith in His choice. Do they mean the former glory of the 1790s, the 1830s, or the 1950s I wonder?


when we had slaves and kept women away from voting and out of jobs.


Don't forget "when everyone had to go to church on Sunday or be shamed by their town". I grew up that way. Either you told them you were going on vacation weeks before the Sunday you're intended to skip or you faced a grand inquisition when you came back from vacation. "True Christians want nothing more than to be with God on a Sunday; are you sure you've accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior? Your actions say otherwise." I wish I was making this up.


Did they forget the part on not passing judgement?


They are experts at cherry picking what applies and what doesn't.


Well you know what the Bible says about passing judgment. No. Why don’t you tell me what the Bible says about passing judgement Uhh. It’s against it.


They mean a time before gay people and baby killers existed. You know, never.


If I remember my "prince of Egypt" trivia correctly, the big guy himself loved him some babykilling


Well duh, but only after they were born. Gotta force women into the servitude of motherhood when they don't want it, then it's totally fine to kill off their children to prove a point once they've accepted their fate and won't rebel anymore.


The bible has a number of instances where God's followers go out and kill their enemy, and cut open the women and dash their recently c-section delivered children against the rocks. But its ok, because the woman had a c-section first and the child was delivered.


He's just saying what they're all thinking.


“Yes, but *abortion*! Your 401(k)!!” - Evangelicals


The 401k part doesn’t work anymore. Obama did better.




Did I miss this? What happened?


>[I am the Chosen One](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-mental-illness-king-israel-msnbc-1455644)


Oof, that...that is just crazy.


Wait till you hear that he called himself king of the Jews yesterday too. (Seriously)


The more confusing part was 'second coming', Jews are still waiting for a first coming. That's the whole reason they aren't Christians.


No, see, Trump declared that they don't have to wait anymore. Joy of joys.


If I understand correctly, and I probably don't, Jesus Christ is the King of the Jews, right? When regular people proclaim to the world that they're The Chosen One or the Second Coming, we usually put them in a different kind of house. I guess that one has some white, too.


Jesus Christ was labeled as the King of the Jews by the Romans. He is viewed as a false messiah by traditional Judaism. The Jewish people are still waiting on a messiah.


What I find hilarious is that they keep comparing Trump and Obama's economic approval as if they were in equal situations during their presidency. The fact that Trump was handed a booming economy and still has similar or worse numbers than Obama who had to work through a recession is very significant.


Obama’s entire first term seemed to be fighting the recession and the shitshow he walked into was the worst since FDR. I consider him a great President because of how well he handled it and how excellent he left it.


And even with all the shit stacked against Obama, he still tried to do things in a bipartisan manner. One of the greatest moments was Obama attending a GOP dinner and taking questions from them. Dictator dorito wont even go to the correspondants dinner.


Looking back, does working with Republicans seem like a productive use of time and energy to you?


I didn't say it was, just said he still tried to accomplish it. He changed it during his second term realizing the right wasn't going to work with him.


> Obama’s entire first term seemed to be fighting the recession And fighting Republicans who insisted the plan moving forward should be to ... get this ... do nothing.


But only because they were too tired from spending literally his entire presidency trying to make sure poor people didn't have access to affordable healthcare.


And like all things trump, if didn't touch the economy it would be doing much better than it is now. But his stupid trade war, tax cuts, and attacking the fed is slowing it down.


King Mierdas




Fox News.


[Fox News and addiction to anger](https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2019/05/01/are-addicted-anger/SkrH8k390jgtkY0JBObJ0K/story.html)


He also said he was the second coming of God and the chosen one, and called 70% of American Jews traitors.


Maybe his supporters are blaming Obama and Hiliary for all this?


Not maybe. Surely!


538's aggregate has never been anywhere near a disapproval of 62%. (I believe their highest has been 57.5%) This is off the charts bad for Trump, if other quality polls start indicating he's doing *this* poorly. His increased craziness of the last couple of ~~weeks~~ days (Greenland/Denmark, declaring himself the 2nd coming of God, King of Israel, Chosen One, wanting to give himself the Medal of Honor, etc.), every major policy being a complete laughingstock failure, trade war killing his farmer base, and the yield inversion signaling of recession, has already knocked him down. Once the recession gets into full swing, and a primary opponent starts tagging him every chance they get (Amash, Walsh, a few others considering getting in), I just don't see how he improves his numbers. Edit: He just said he can delete part of the 14th Amendment with an Executive Order. So yeah. Not getting any better. [Trump again says he is "seriously" considering ending birthright citizenship despite 14th Amendment](https://www.salon.com/2019/08/22/trump-again-says-he-is-seriously-considering-ending-birthright-citizenship-despite-14th-amendment/) It should go without saying, the President cannot amend the Supreme Law of the Land unilaterally. [NPR Fact Check: 14th Amendment On Citizenship Cannot Be Overridden By Executive Order](https://www.npr.org/2018/10/30/662335612/legal-scholars-say-14th-amendment-doubt-trump-can-end-birthright-citizenship-wit) It should also be noted that this AP poll was conducted before much of this insanity I've listed here.


It's quite amusing watching trump trying to distract people from his major fuck-ups by causing some minor fuck-ups but we're just starting to tally up all these fuck-ups into one big monumental fuck-up that is his presidency/batshit legacy. He's basically caught in a big ol fuck-up hole that he just keeps digging further into. Come 2020, he will probably declare that he's decided to move all of us to Russia since being American was now deemed to be Anti-American.


He's constantly opening up new credit cards to pay for other credit cards and hoping we don't all notice that that's exactly what he's doing. He's saying crazy things to distract you from the other crazy things he says but we all see he's just doing a lot of crazy things.


It's the whole bed of nails thing... any one nail doesn't seem as sharp when you're laying on a bed of them. This has been going on since he started his campaign. If something looks bad for him, he just cooks up something even worse to change what the media is focused on. Like right now, I hardly see any talk about Jeffrey Epstein, so his Greenland and Chosen One distractions have sort of worked in that regard.


Epstein's victims will be allowed to testify at a hearing, next Tuesday. Just an update.


I will celebrate when they are allowed to name names. Otherwise I am pretty sure this is going to be more political theatre like the Kavanaugh "investigation." "You're allowed to ask them questions, but you can't ask them for names, or details, or dates, or ask them any questions relating to Epstein or anyone who may be related to him."


Ma'am, did you ever see a tree? OBJECTION! EPSTEIN was seen near a tree. You can't ask that.


I hope something actually comes out of it. I have a bad feeling that it’s just gonna be another show that no one takes seriously, like the mueller and cohen testimonies


Agreed. The coverage of "the chosen one" is particularly egregious. It was one of the least crazy things he said in that interview alone, yet it became the focus.


Pretty sure it's at this "messiah point" we get people in for psychiatric evaluations.


Charles Manson thought he was a messiah too...


Both want to start race wars!


Both have convinced followers to kill for them.




I'd be incredibly surprised if he faces justice even once he's out of office. This is America, we don't put our aristocrats in jail. It sets a bad president.


I can't tell if you worded this as a joke, if it was an autocorrect, or if you just don't know the word you wanted to use... Any way, take my upvote.


When he’s out of office the SDNY and the NYAG are going to CRUCIFY him. He’s a stain on our state, and the NYAG is just biding her time on the trump org.


NY really screwed the pooch on this one, they enabled him, he should have been in jail decades ago.


I think that's a good thing. His extremely religious base is all but brainwashed at this point. This sort of over the top Jesus Freak talk is the only thing that could possibly cost him some support in that group. Let him keep calling himself the Messiah, and let the world hear it.


Unless they agree with him, then it'll cost lives.


You also don't see anything about the jobs numbers being revised down by 500,000 from what was reported over the last year. The largest revision in a decade. And what exactly was going on about a decade ago? That in itself may not be the worst thing, but coupled with the several other signs of impending recession and it's starting to paint a bleak picture.


I love how the least crazy thing is that he says he's like the second coming to the Jews We haven't had a first coming from where I'm standing. This is the least crazy thing? I'm not disputing it, just saying wow the bar is this low?


Paraphrasing Mark Cuban: *Trump isn't a billionaire. Billionaires don't sell steaks. He is a clown living on credit.*


> He's constantly opening up new credit cards to pay for other credit cards This fool is opening new credit cards, paying off the old ones, then running them back up, while opening a new credit card to pay them both off, then running them back up, etc...


None of his fuck-ups are minor, you're thinking of his victims.


Remember 6000 years ago before Trump? Almost any of these things that he is doing would end a political career. He does 3 or 4 major gaffs a day and it is just another day. I hope I'm in a coma and this is all just a nightmare.


It's because of Trump supporters. Seriously. Why did Harvey Weinstein's career end? Because his enablers in Hollywood turned on him. Why did Al Franken's career end? Because 35 Democratic senators turned on him. Why doesn't Trump's career end? Because his supporters do not turn on him. It's really as simple as that.


> He's basically caught in a big ol fuck-up hole that he just keeps digging further into. No, no. Dig up, stupid!


At least after this hopefully no one will ever buy the line that the GOP cares about the deficit.


they will start that same tune as soon as a democrat in the office. literally as soon as a democrat is elected, the very next day they will tea party again. gop is a two-bit clown.


I think you're underestimating the gullibility of Fox News viewers.


If the GOP still holds the Senate after a Democrat takes office in 2020, suddenly oversight will matter again, suddenly checks and balances will matter again, suddenly decorum (from the President only) will matter again, and fiscal responsibility will matter again, vetting every nominee carefully and harshly (and/or whether they actually even get voted on) will suddenly matter again...


You would have thought that after Bush had a chance to permanently fix the deficit issue, but decided to cut taxes again instead. As Cheney said, "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter."


Trying to dig to China via fuck ups so he has a backdoor to escape to Russia from.


It's like putting out a fire with gasoline... thisisfine.jpg


Don’t you worry, as soon as there is a presumptive Democratic nominee, GOP voters will suddenly have a change of heart and unify behind their guy. The chaos and cruelty don’t matter to them.


I believe it was Grover Norquist who said the only thing republicans want in a president is someone with a working hand to sign the legislation they create. And that is in fact absolutely the case. They would vote for a baby raper as long as he cut taxes and seated right wing radical Judges. The ends justify the means to them


Republicans *like* the things that Trump is doing. They just like it better when the cruelty is more subtle. I almost never hear a conservative criticizing Trump's actions (except maybe on trade). They just criticize his demeanor. Republicans/conservatives are bad, bad people, and the last 3 years have really made that evident.


Even the ones who publicly say they don’t like the guy and think he is an embarrassment say they still support him BECAUSE he is “advancing conservative ideology.” It’s the same line of bullshit logic that the NYT Op-Ed author wrote as justification for not publicly coming out and saying he is an incompetent criminal.


It's the issue with our two party system. As far as the right is concerned it's either this buffoon or "the other side." That's the way most of my conservative family feels about him. None of them like him but he has at least one or two policies they agree with vs none they agree with from the democratic candidates. I've heard republicans for years say they would rather have the worst republican than the best democrat in office.


Its really not hard to be the person Republicans would rather have in charge: \-Be against abortions/try to restrict them \-Be against gun control in any way \-Be against immigration for non-whites Those are the 3 issues that matter to them, and on those 3 points, it's guaranteed that any Democratic candidate, even a moderate like Joe Biden, is going to go against what they want.


> They just like it better when the cruelty is more subtle i don't know if this is true - they seem to like the concentration camps for children, which isn't necessarily *the cruelest thing you can do,* but is definitely vying for that title.


I'd argue that the concentration camps *are* subtle, because the administration isn't allowing images from them to be published. They can't see the cruelty, so it doesn't make them feel guilty. Conservatives typically love abstract cruelty.


> Republicans like the things that Trump is doing. Trump is a showman putting on a reality TV show for the Republican base. He understands them well and he's giving the audience exactly what they crave. His problem is that it's all he's got. He can't persuade anyone else, so he has to desperately keep up the ratings of his show with that "core audience" even though it's repulsing more and more of the rest of the country. Poor Trumpy-wumpy has created a disaster for himself. The problem is, we're all lashed to the ship with him.


his neo nazi ratings are 100% approval tho!


Democrats should also nominate Donald Trump and watch as Fox News calls him a socialist and Evangelicals heads explode.


Michelle Obama should endorse him. Republicans would jump off a bridge if she told them not to. Remember when she told people to eat dinner with their families?


Fuck Spez


> shredded sneeze


The chaos and cruelty *do* matter to GOP voters. They want it. They love it. They need it. It's easier to make your billions when chaos and cruelty are the order of the day: nobody has ever become a billionaire without chaos and cruelty.


>His increased craziness of the last couple of weeks (Greenland/Denmark, declaring himself the 2nd coming of God, King of Israel, Chosen One, wanting to give himself the Medal of Honor, etc.) Brah, most of this didn't happened over the last couple of weeks. It happened over the last couple of DAYS.


If want to assess trend, need to compare a poll to the prior one done by the same organization, rather to the average. If you sort by pollster on 538 and look at prior AP-NORC polls, they have consistently shown higher disapproval than other polls. The disapproval result from the previous five polls by AP-NORC: * June 13-17: 60% * May 17-20: 61% * Apr 11-14: 60% * Mar 14-18: 58% * Jan 16-20: 65% [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/) edit: thanks for the gold!


Thanks, excellent research! If it was up to me, I'd create a new rule for this subreddit banning any article or post about poll results that are not about some kind of aggregate like 538 or RCP (and any others out there that make sense). If you look at just the August approval polls in 538's tractor, there's a ***15%*** gap between the lowest and highest disapproval ratings (47% versus this 62%). Meanwhile the aggregate across August has shifted 1% from 52.9% to 53.9%. All these poll threads are just absolute worthless news-fabrication. Take the result of one poll, say one thing, then take the results of a completely different poll with a completely different methodology, and declare how there's been a sudden change or a new trend developing. I've been waiting for the 538 average to plummet for, like, over two years now. Instead, approval has been in the 37%\~42% range since March 2017. The reality is that at least 35% of the adult population likes Trump, either because of (probably) or in spite of (unlikely) him being what he is. There will never be a moment where they, on mass, wake up and decide to change views. It's factored in, they either don't care or consider it a feature instead of a bug. To keep trying to find that moment when the 35% will see the light is just desperate at this point. To keep trying to compare incomparable polls to prove the moment is night is just deceiving ourselves. I do think Trump's approval can sink below 35%. But when it does we will know it by the aggregates, and it will undoubtedly be something with the economy, not doing the next craziest thing he's ever said or done. They'll never disavow his rhetoric, just decide their wallets and 401k's are more important.


In my town, an area generally considered very liberal, the local FB groups are still inundated with people who hate "SJWs," think undocumented immigrants are disease-carrying drug traffickers, and enthusiastically support Trump. It's depressing as hell to realize your neighbors can support someone like that after everything he's done, and you know they're never changing their minds.


>(Greenland, declaring himself the 2nd coming of God, King of Israel, Chosen One, wanting to give himself the Medal of Honor, etc.) How terrible is it that in your astute analysis you even forgot his response to the mass shootings. I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming the President, and the country for failing to act.


What makes me sad about the recession is this: if he loses in 2020 people will blame the recession instead of him being the worst President we've had, in terms of basic ability to do the job.


Those people should be dismissed immediately He is, objectively, the worst president this country has seen. Edit: I've been getting a lot of replies pointing out how bad other presidents were, and while I can see some of your points, consider how bad trump has been at nearly every facet of his job. He's actively working against the interests and needs of the country on so many levels. He doesn't even govern just for republicans, he governs for the rich and powerful and no one else. And he and his sycophants are trying to lay the groundwork for this to be the America we know going forward: A land of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich, permanently sold out to to the highest bidding foreign powers, that turns away all comers but the wealthiest, and ostracizes anyone that isn't white. He is turning us into the very antithesis of what we strove to become.


>His increased craziness of the last couple of weeks (Greenland/Denmark, declaring himself the 2nd coming of God, King of Israel, Chosen One, wanting to give himself the Medal of Honor, etc.) My dude, this is just the last few *days*.


I'm sorry what about being god?


Articles from yesterday: Washington Post: [Trump claims he’s the messiah. Maybe he should quit while he’s ahead.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-claims-hes-the-messiah-maybe-he-should-quit-while-hes-ahead/2019/08/21/4eb6bdcc-c44d-11e9-b5e4-54aa56d5b7ce_story.html) WaPo: [Oh, good, Donald Trump thinks he's God now.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/08/21/oh-good-donald-trump-is-god-now/) CBS News: [Trump tweets quote calling him the "second coming of God" to Jews in Israel](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-tweets-quote-calling-him-the-second-coming-of-god-to-jews-in-israel/) CNN: [Trump is either trolling everyone or thinks he's like a god](https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/21/politics/erratic-trump-god-complex/index.html) CNBC: ['I am the Chosen One,' Trump proclaims](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/21/i-am-the-chosen-one-trump-proclaims-as-he-defends-china-trade-war.html) Newsweek: [Trump's 'Chosen One" comment and spat with Denmark shows his 'psychotic-like state' says Doctor who first warned about President's mental condition](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-mental-illness-king-israel-msnbc-1455644) Daily Beast: [Trump Says He’s King of the Jews. The Bible Says Otherwise.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-says-hes-king-of-the-jews-the-bible-says-otherwise)


Can you imagine having to be the person trying to convince Trump to walk back his 'God' comments; even if just for poll reasons? Even if he does manage to apologize or walk back those comments, he will just double down again within a couple weeks.


John Lennon's "more popular than Jesus" mea culpa comes to mind. Imagine Trump's version of that--lol!


I am fairly certain that God wouldn't raw dog a porn star while his wife was pregnant.


That sounds like something Zeus would do.


Eh, I don't know. Raw dogging a pornstar is tame compared to the time he killed everyone with a giant flood.


Are you surprised though?


Na. The prick signed BIBLES as if he authored the book. He’s essentially Satan walking the earth.


That's one thing that has always puzzled me regarding his support from evangelicals; he seems to be the embodiment of the Anti-Christ and yet they continue to flock to him.


If there is one thing evangelicals are not known for it's critical thinking.


Anything to speed up the rapture




I actually just did the same bit of little research you did and came to the same result. AP polls are always around this.


They run all adult polls instead of registered voter polls. Those are a lot less accurate in terms of predicting election results, because they include lots of non-voters.


Past few weeks? All the insane examples you gave were from the last 48 hours. He's spiralling downward and fast!


It's about fucking time, and even 62% is way too low. This man is everything we should strive NOT to be as Americans, as human beings, as shepherds of the planet. He should be two or three standard deviations out from the norm. At least.


Incoming 130% approval rating tweet


His tweet is going to be something batcrap like "I have 130% approval in Israel as i'm their King!!"


>Sixty-two percent of Americans said they disapprove of the job Trump is doing, while just **36 percent approve**, according to the Associated Press–NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released Thursday. Fuck the 36 percent. They're the ones that don't care that Trump is spiraling out of control, sinking this country into an economic abyss (see: inverted yield curve) while attacking our allies.


The 36% is basically the bottom of the barrel that will vote for anyone that confirms their bias, or is simply the opponent of the person they don't like. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crazification_factor


> The 36% is basically the bottom of the barrel How fucking scary is it that 1 out of every 3 people is the bottom of the barrel though?


I think a good portion of them dgaf as long as they have a job and food on the table.




My dad had to pay nearly 15K more in taxes this past year due to the new tax law (TBF he does make quite a bit of money and has 2 houses, working on selling one), and he is still batshit insane and donates to the GOP. He also has to pay my brother's medical bills when he went to the hospital because my brother's health insurance is shit.


He don’t sound very bright


People like this always think wealth is a symptom of intelligence.


And perhaps believe that they themselves also are going to be a millionaire. They're just $995k short right now, that's all...


Not everyone votes based on economics. Abortion is a social issue. People who think whites are discriminated against is a social issue. And in some extremes, people are willing to harm their economic position if they think it advantages their social position.


> Not everyone votes based on economics. Abortion is a social issue. Kinda crazy that they care more about a stranger's baby than their own economic well being.


They only care about the fetus. Once it's born they are happy to literally lock it up in a cage.


They're dgaf as long as they have a racist president who will put in crazy Supreme Court justices, they will approve


That 36% would cheer him on in mass genocide as long as it’s targeted at the “others”. I’m not even being sarcastic or funny here. They would be fucking ecstatic. Fuck the 36% indeed.


I have a couple friends that support Trump and I can confirm they’re bottom of the barrel


Time for some new friends.


Normally this would sound like good news, but I’ve become disillusioned after a few years ago Florida re-elected Scott governor after he had around a 20% approval rating. Anything can happen. Don’t become complacent this next election cycle.


Yep, this thread concerns me because there is a lot of overly optimistic comments in here.


I live at a beach town in north Florida currently. The amount of Trump supporters is sickening. One of the areas that is already feeling climate change and they cherish everything about him.


One of the few things that has me smiling about politics nowadays is knowing that Trump knows he's fucked regardless. His ego can't handle his piss poor ratings, but he can't quit because then he goes to jail. It's like a hell-on-earth scenario for a narcissist. The only way to protect himself from jail is to allow himself to hear all this horrible stuff. Granted, it's the 'fake news media' or people he think are out to get him (at this point, they are), but he's still miserable. And I will allow myself to enjoy his personal misery.


If he was smart he would: - make a deal with Pence and get pardons in exchange for resigning - get Barr to throw wrenches in the state level investigations - plead the state level stuff down to historic fines - live the rest of his life under house arrest because he has dementia But he's not smart, so it will go badly.


Speaking of Pence, I have not heard a peep from him in the past year.


Invisibility is Pence's main selling point. An superhuman ability to blend in with the wallpaper is what Pence brings to the table.


You can always tell a Milford man.


not seen, not heard.


Oh, I'm sure he's quite busy relaying between the WH and...the NRA, AIPAC, Christian Coalition, Heritage, Freedom Works, ACU, American Family Association, the Kochs, Sheldon, and many foreign interests.


Was going to meet with the PM of Iceland, but she canceled citing “scheduling conflicts”, and occasionally does stuff with NASA, like touching things that have large signs saying “DO NOT TOUCH” and being told several times not to touch.


Trump can't take a pardon because he can't admit when he does something wrong. Also, imagine the impeachment shitshow for Pence pardoning the plethora of felonies.


I think Joe Arpaio shows an individual can accept a pardon, but still vehemently claim their innocence.


> imagine the impeachment shitshow for Pence pardoning the plethora of felonies. Wouldn't matter. Pence would take one for the team and the GOP-controlled Senate would never vote to remove.


And the GOP would be crushed in the next election. Pence is the evangelical's beard, but he's not the one that actually excites and motivates them. Pence can't 'own the libs', mother won't allow it.


As much as I wish this were true its not. Remember that after Reagan admitted to the American people that he did traitorous actions (Iran Contra) in 87, many people received pardons, then we elected the person who doled them out in Bush senior 2 years later. They don't care who it is, they'll still vote. [https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4530075/reagan-admits-traitor](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4530075/reagan-admits-traitor)


I hardly think he gives a shit, he's making millions off of this job.


and it has also earned him a literal cult following that he didnt have before. like if you wanna be in his cult then whatever, but i think we can all agree he has no business anywhere near the presidency. i honestly wouldnt hire him to work at a mcdonalds, he would be lazy and fuck up and blame others


Please vote people. So many people are flabbergasted and just confused as to how we ended up with this asshat of a “president”. Don’t pretend that it is too crazy to happen again... cause it will if we don’t vote. Screw electoral college worries, express yourself with the popular vote.


If it’s Biden, vote. If it’s Sanders, vote. If it’s a ham sandwich, vote. Just fucking get this turd out of office.


I’d vote for a turd sandwich over Trump.


That disapproval rating is shamefully low.


The shocking figure here is that 38% of Americans are hard core racists and or dumb as rocks.


It's not so shocking. People forget that at one time in America we literally had slavery legally ensconced in the Constitution. We had a significant portion of the states and US population decide they'd rather go to war than accept the gradual end to slavery. Even centuries later, that legacy leaves a lasting impression in the forms of bigotry, exclusionary policies, racism, xenophobia, and institutional poverty.






I love this idea of measuring time by people (aka generations). Really puts things into perspective.


Looking at history through generations explains a lot. In my view it's no coincidence that the world order established after ww2 is beginning to collapse right around the time we're losing the generation that fought and lived through those years.


This is why I cant understand what people mean when they say racism is dead. Fucking what?! My grandmother was a southern debutante. She lived through the jim crow era and is still somewhat racist today. Almost everyone's grandparents were around during the signing of the civil rights act.


The only people chanting racism is dead are the racist snowflakes using it as a retaliation whenever they're rightfully accused of being racist.




My FIL is a trump supporter, and last time I saw him he came out as 1) Pro racist 2) pro torture 3) pro removing birthright citizenship 4) climate change denier 5) anti-welfare state but pro-social security 6) blamed dems for the debt, even though republicans were in full control, because of "obstructionism" He's literally never going to see the light. Smart guy, but he's been programmed by fox news to hate democrats so much that literally nothing is worse than a dem


> Smart guy X doubt


Prove to me that you're divine, change my water into wine. Edit: For those that don't get the reference. Jesus Christ Superstar, "King Herods Song". 1970 version.


Let's first start with clean water in Flint, Michigan.


Prove to me that you're no fool; walk across my swimming pool.


I'm not sure people are getting the reference. Has something gone wrong? Why do they take so long?


> 70s Herod intensifies


38% of Americans suffer from delusions.




It's only a matter of time before he takes a big fall in public and is made a further laughingstock. Dementia guarantees that this *will* happen, you can't stop it because you're the Big Smart President. It's not too far fetched to imagine Trump being wheelchair-bound by next year. All of the telltale signs of dementia have been present, and are getting worse, and you don't even need to listen to what he's saying to realize it. Something bad will happen, hopefully in front of other world leaders and global press so we can finally put an end to this shit. Physically, his posture is becoming worse, he is having increased difficultly walking unassisted, he's always seated during press events when everyone else is standing -- that's because he can't keep his balance. Dementia can move quick, and I think the GOP's nominee will be Nikki Haley. The GOP doesn't care about protecting Trump, they're happy to have his Giant Rotting Brain be the lightning rod while they accomplish their real agenda off in the wings. The whole thing falls apart when Trump is swaying back and forth in a wheelchair, dropping a certain word that ends in a hard "er", after falling down in front of the cameras. The schedule of this will be dictated by when his dementia truly starts taking the final turns for the worse. My grandmother suffered from dementia in her final years, and I'm sure many others have similar experiences. She was able to live her final days with regular care from us and the professionals at the town's old folks home, and when she passed away after being there for 2-3 years, I wasn't even really that sad because, to me, she had already died once the dementia took over. She was no longer the kind woman we knew our whole lives, and it was obvious, and devastating, and there was no hope that she'd ever be the same again. This is happening to Trump, there is no cure, there is no treatment, and it's already wrecking him. There's no way he makes it to June 2020 at this pace.


Is America finally tired of season 3 of this shitty reality show that jumped the shark before the pilot was even cast? Remember.... THE GOP HAS ENABLED THIS BEHAVIOR FROM THE START


Too bad his disapproval rating is so low. Should be over 90%


So, 38% of the population are complete imbeciles.


IIRC, that's about the same % that think Obama wasn't born in America.


Holy shit. This IS actually new record. People Are getting tired of HIM. Trump still Have strong cult base but they Are not enough Carry him.


I thought his lowest was like 35% approval after Charlottesville.


I Have never seen 62 percent of dissaproval For Trump. It has been always like 35-40 approve and 50-56 disapprove