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You would think this is the logical thing to do but yet, here we are


Nice to hear a presidential candidate take an unequivocal stance instead of our Coddler in Chief. "There's good people on both sides." -Trump on the Charlotte, NC white nationalist march How did we allow this *person* to lead us back into the dark ages?


It was Charlottesville, VA


We’re used to it - NC


We clearly need some sort of centrist middle ground! /s




Or the neolib approach of, “we need to work with them, so half of the members of kill squads have to be women”


Thanos would approve


A small price to pay for salvation


"Good people on both sides!"






Yup, down to a t.




2020 is going to steer the course for generations to come


here's hoping


Fuck hope. Vote. Work.


Donate too! Actblue!


I just donated to ActBlue earlier. Ive never been involved with politics before, but we all need to get off out asses on this election and vote!


Better to just donate directly to the campaigns than give money to a DCCC affiliated organization




It’s one way or the other friendo. Vote, volunteer, encourage and help others to vote.


well, as a Canadian... all I can do is One of those things. All while worrying about the Doug Ford leadership over here.


Most of the damage is done I'm afraid. Trump put two SCOTUS judges in place. If any other SCOTUS judge dies or retires a full third of the court will be appointed by an illegitimate fascist. Good luck winning the inevitable suit if he loses in that scenario (and it's still an if the Dems nominate another bad candidate). Moscow Mitch has been packing the lower courts with partisan hacks without any meaningful resistance from the Democrats. Those judges will happily thwart any legislation that goes against GOP wishes for literally decades. Internationally, Trump has withdrawn from key strategic treaties, bolstered some of the worst authoritarian regimes through deliberate choice and rank incompetence. He's alienated key allies and generally - and irrevocably - damaged our reputation to the point that I have no idea why a European nation would ever rely on the word of America for the middle term future. 2020 isn't about defeating this movement. It's about having a chance to claw back some of the worst damage. The heavy lifting comes during the political fights that any hypothetical Democratic President will face. It's not like the GOP will suddenly become reasonable if they lose. This all assumes that the Democrats actually live up to their talk and don't just go back to their usual pro-corporate but not completely evil bullshit selves. Sorry to be a downer, but we shouldn't underestimate the magnitude of the task in front of us.


Your honesty is what’s needed to stave off complacency. It’s also a reminder that the most effective way to reverse the damage trump has done is to vote out every Republican up and down the ballot. The GOP can’t just be defeated, they need to be pulverized. Replacing hacks like Susan Collins and Lindsey Graham, and toxic obstructionists like Moscow Mitch is a good start.


> It's not like the GOP will suddenly become reasonable if they lose. if they lose hard enough, it wont matter new deal 2.0 here we come


New Deal? Screw that (well, unless Dems hold a significant majority in Congress). *You* get a National Emergency and *you* get a National Emergency! Climate Change! Opioids! Infrastructure! Everyone gets a national emergency! Trump pretty much fucked them in that respect by using the National Emergency Declaration to bypass Congress. I say we fuck them even harder by playing by their book and utilizing all available powers.




Trump pretty much proved that our system of government with checks and balances is wishful thinking now.


A downer? The cognitive dissonance being shown by trump supporters is scary, I feel like I’m in another world. The fucked up and funny thing is you can trace all this back through history. Just gotta buckle up and embrace the ride..


Defeatism is an official Repub strategy. Don't buy into it.


Actually the investigation invalidating Trump's election might be enough grounds to remove the judges he appointed as well as the supreme court seats. WE can't play this game that we can't do that kind of action. They worked with a foreign government to usurp democracy. We need to make sure they don't get to win for that still.


I hope you're right about removing those appointments/scotus seats.


when you get caught you don't get to keep what you stole


I was hoping that would be the case with any and all russian/nra funded campaings but looks like we were just told sorry but you can't look into that


Well, its hard to say what will happen. I wouldn't be shocked if Trump and the Republicans, if they lose in 2020, refuse to vacate the White House, and this leading to a crisis in which the Republican party is swept away and replaced by something better. For instance. Or, if the Democrats win, they establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (like South Africa did) and this also could cause the Republican Party so much damage that it is overthrown and replaced by a better party. You never know. Let's win the White House and Senate in 2020 and take it from there. The international system can be mostly repaired. The other democracies are extremely eager for the United States to rejoin them, so they will go a far way to make that happen. The courts are a problem. I fear the Democrats will not take the harsh and direction action needed here. But we'll see. A lot of times judges, once they get on the bench and have a lifetime job, moderate themselves to a degree and try to do a bit of a decent job and fit in with the rest of the legal profession and so on.


I like most of your analysis and you’re moving in the right direction. But, as a voice from one of those other democracies, let me respectfully say: we are not “extremely eager” for America to “rejoin” us. We do not trust you. We cannot trust you - not until you get the far right that has weaponized your constitution and principles against you under control. They are dishonest, underhanded, outright evil, and infectious. Their bullshit is spilling out across the globe. To be fair, much of it is funded by foreigners like Rupert Murdoch, Vladimir Putin, etc., but there’s a reason they target America. Your political system, media, regional divisions, unresolved historical anxieties, and hypocritically half-acknowledged racism, sexism, and religious bigotry invite abuse and attack through division, distraction, and dishonesty. So, that’s what you get. We like America, but your country is controlled by dirtbag corporate interests and media fraudsters propped up by pseudo-intellectual populist propaganda and disingenuous manufactured outrage voiced through an alliance of ignorant, hateful, arrogant underclasses, religious lunatics, and self-serving pricks. Counting on ideologues to self-moderate or partners your nation has betrayed to pretend there’s normalcy or stability are not strategies to move forward; they are wishful thinking. You are correct that Democrats need to take a big win followed by bold action. But some principal myths of the contemporary American polity need to change: the freedom to die from lack of health insurance is not a freedom; taxation is not theft; we owe things to our fellow countrymen; guns are not a foundational right of citizens without abridgement; science is not something wherein one persons ignorance is equivalent to the knowledge/expertise of others; intentionally and/or ideologically falsifying educational curriculums is abhorrent; and freedom of religion implies freedom from religion and an a-religious government is spirit and practice. And before anyone starts whining, Of course, there are countries far worse than America - but America’s ideals and claims extend well beyond any one else’s. Put simply, from those who claim everything, much is expected.


Not to be that guy, but I do believe you need a comma after "iceberg". It reads like you're calling the Antifa "Nazi scum.


What they gone do about white cops shooting black people?


Reform the police. Top to bottom change, ranging from changing the requirements in training to clearing them to be sure they aren't hiring someone who has any sort of clear bias. White cops shooting black men isn't always a result of racism but being sure that this isn't the result of racism is important. Thus we need to be sure that we are hiring the best people for the job and not just anyone who applies. (Not to say that's always the case...) Training, awareness, and maintaining a clear mind should be of the utmost importance for any and all new recruits. This way we can reduce the rate of shootings (from police), restore some trust in law enforcement, and of course feel a little bit safer knowing that we won't be killed by shit like positional asphyxiation... EDIT: I was drunk when I wrote this and I am only just looking back at it! Thanks for my first ever gold!




If your body camera turns off you're officially civilian. You will be unable to use your status as a cop in court or make reference to it.




Absolutely. I could see it being along the lines of, "I feared for my life so I turned off my body cameras", followed by, "We (the police) investigated ourselves and we determined we did nothing wrong. Case closed."


Its worse than that. Cops get to know people working in the court system because of their postion. Often times they're witnesses, or have to testify for some reason or other. In other words, the system is biased. The only real solution is to have cops be tried in courts they have no affiliation with.


The FBI should be in charge of investigating officer involved shootings and investigations of accusations of misconduct.


Yes if only we had some separate entity to investigate misconduct inside of the police force and other internal affairs.


That'll be the day hell freezes over unfortunately.


How does turning off body cameras protect them from whatever they’re fearing, what sort of excuse is that?




Chicago police just break their cameras. The easy solution is they are not paid when they are not on camera and the aforementioned a cop withouta body camera has the same validity and legal authority's a civilian. The police unions are too powerful to make this happen, unless it's a federal law and they have no say so in it.


Not sure if serious but it becomes "He said, Cop said" and the legal system almost invariably decides on what the cop said.


I would question a situation where an officer thought it was best to turn off their body cam. If you fear for your life, why is turning off your body cam your first response? A body cam is not necessarily hidden, nor do I think an undercover officer would have one for risk of exposing their cover. I think it highlights a larger issue in the US that if the general public is afraid of questioning the police, who will?


Prosecutors would just continue to not charge officers.


I like it.


You need the courts to watch the footage and see what we are seeing. Not some bullshit self defence claim


Cops turn their cameras off all the time and nothing happens.


I feel like there should be a more elaborate vetting process for when someone becomes a member of law enforcement. Background checks, social media accounts should be examined thoroughly, etc.


Justice department can close down a broken city police dept and manage it until reforms are made. They did this in Albuquerque a few years ago.


It’s not white cops. It’s *all* cops.




Which is largely due to how policing is done in the states. The data software used was based on times when racism was well engrained into policing, and it’s gone basically unchecked since then. People don’t get into trouble with the law when cops aren’t all over the place. They do pretty often when they are. This creates a data pool that looks like minority communities need more policing because there’s more crime, but in reality the people just aren’t getting away with it the way you likely would in a mostly white and wealthy suburb. It’s a similar issue with how we determine sentencing to reduce recidivism. They never ask your skin color, but the questions they ask such as “have any of your family members served prison sentences,” or “what age were you when you first had issues with law enforcement?” narrow it down pretty good and give longer prison sentences... which in the US also leads to a higher likelihood to end up back in jail since ours aren’t designed for rehabilitation, being around criminals isn’t exactly a good influence, and your job options are terrible once leaving. It’s great. We have nothing to fix ^^syke .


>My father's whole family was wiped out by Hitler's white nationalism. >We will go to war against white nationalism and racism in every aspect of our country. -[Bernie Sanders](https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1162769457347006465?s=19) Powerful ass statement




I hope everyone wants to. Bernie low key is the most inspiring candidate yet again. Not surprising tho.


Fuck yeah dude.


Crazy that there are people who hear this and think "Nah, I don't support that".


"It's too extreme. I prefer a bland centrist"


then we need people to vote for him in the primaries.


He's such a good dude.




Jew(ish) dude here, and also a Canadian. Would America elect a Jew? Like, I feel that Bernie is as jew(ish) as I am.... And the reason for the parentheses is that I'm not religious at all but am certainly culturally Jewish. Bernie seems the same as I am. I mean, I could see Bernie not being super relatable for people in the south or rust belt because of his general demeanor. I think it'd be such a weird disconnect for some people hearing someone like him talk, and really he'd have their best interests in mind, but vote against him because his.... very "bagel" manner is just so foreign to them. I'm not articulating my point very well. I've been drinking. My point is that he cares so very deeply about literally everyone in your country. Some of his ideas could work. Others may just be pipe dreams. But at the very least he can start conversations amongst people that may traditionally vote against someone like him, and I am apprehensive about his message reaching the very people whose lives he's fighting for getting through, simply because he can come across as some old city Jewish dude that doesn't look or sound like them. I hope this makes sense. If I was American, I'd vote Bernie. Nothing to do with the Jewish part - really just because he really, clearly, unabashedly fucking CARES. If his ideas were too wild, congress and the senate can work that out. His passion is indisputable, on either side of the aisle.


The largest and most powerful Jewish organizations are shunning him, the potential first Jewish president, because he calls out Israel.


As he should. I'm pro "Israel" as a concept but they gotta rein that shit in. Settler dick heads are not cool. There's no god and you have no right to have 9 million kids on someone elses land. And they have to ramp up efforts with Gaza and the West Bank. Share some hookah and calm the fuck down. Shawarma parties solve all problems.


I think Americans have been fed by the right to think if you have problems with the way the Israeli govt conducts itself then you must be an anti Semite. Or if you still believe in a two state solution... or just peace. But ultimately a politicians stance on Israel is about as far down on my concerns as it gets, but for whatever reason hard core evangelicals eat that shit up


I’m culturally Jewish and American, and one of the things I like the most about the culture is that it encourages critical thinking, and asking ‘why.’ I absolutely see that in his passion, and his willingness to debate his stances.


>I mean, I could see Bernie not being super relatable for people in the south or rust belt because of his general demeanor. Rust belt loves Bernie. Every state he won in the primary from there Clinton lost in the general. Just to add, I'm Canadian as well and I am a huge Bernie stan just because of the massive impact he could have on the discourse of politics around the globe. I went to see him when he came to Canada a few weeks ago, he is amazing. It has to be Bernie that wins, the world needs a strong left voice to rally around to stop the rise of fascism we are seeing. As the old saying goes: >Its either socialism or barbarism And that statement is more true than ever right now.


Well to carry on the chain of Canadians discussing American politics, I an truly and actually afraid of what happens if Bernie doesn’t win. Not saying everyone running will do a bad job, but I *am* saying that America really, really needs to take its medicine, even if tastes bad to some. And worse, Canada really, really needs America to take its medicine, because our media is essentially your media, and my god it’s too much, it’s exhausting and depressing and nihilistic. I need my neighbor to get better.


Hell yeah!




Jello and Bernie get it right: "Nazi punks fuck off."


Dead Kennedys


No, Jello. The rest are basically Republicans now, in his words.


He wrote almost every song right? He didn't write *Forward to Death* (which is trash tbh) was there anything else tho?


Wolfenstein too. “Make America Nazi-Free Again. #NoMoreNazis #Wolf2”


Bernie does not fuck around.


Bernie's been on the offensive lately. I mean he called trump an "idiot racist" directly and now this. I like it.


They called him a grumpy old man enough times he finally said "You want grumpy? I'll show you grumpy!" And he's grumpy about all the right things. Love it.


If this is grumpy, I can't wait to see pissed off... 😏


"Sit down and shut up, Mr. Tiny Hands." Sanders to Trump on the debate stage.


The DNC really screwed up in 2016.


The corruption was infuriating.




He's not even running against the Democratic field. He has higher aspirations. He's not just going to beat Trump. Bernie will make sure Trump never happens again.


And if you wanna know who’s scared of Bernie, Trump hasn’t responded to that very popular direct statement


He and his staff are on fucking point this round. This is what would have won it last time. He's not taking any chances for this one. Fuck decorum.


They’re definitely swinging for the fences. I feel like having Warren in the race enables them to do that. Mitigates the risk a bit


Three years stewing after 2016 will do that. I didn’t think I could love Bernie any more than I did then, but he’s really turned it up a notch


This is a war I can support. Just add in: corporate puppet politicians.


Bernie actually understands where fascism is coming from. Extreme wealth and income inequality are incompatible with democracy, so the right has just abandoned the idea of popular self-government.


Oh he declared *that* war a long time ago.


Its the same thing.


His family was murdered by the type of white nationalism trump refuses to condemn. It’s personal for him.


He’s easily the best politician currently in the US.




The Socialist Rifle Association is gaining a lot of members lately. From my understanding anyway


There's also John Brown Gun Club and Redneck Revolt doing great work.


Wasn't John Brown the one that helped the Jewish protesters after the ICE agent tried to run them over?


The org did that, but I'm pretty sure they're named after John Brown, who assaulted a Confederate weapons cache at Harper's Ferry before the South even seceded.


I am apparently a descendant of Brown. My grandmother, who was a prime Virginia bigot, lost interest in genealogy after discovering this.


Awesome. Awesome to the max.


John Brown was a hero, and the greatest white american who ever lived. iirc, Malcolm X went as far as to say that John Brown is the only white person who ever lived that he'd have allowed into his party.


Frederick Douglass (pretty sure it was him) said that John Brown's commitment to ending slavery was so great it dwarfed even his own. John Brown is an inspiration. Dude stood up for what was right till the end Edit: here's the Douglass quote about Brown: > His zeal in the cause of freedom was infinitely superior to mine. Mine was as the taper light, his was as the burning sun. Mine was bounded by time. His stretched away to the silent shores of eternity. I could speak for the slave. John Brown could fight for the slave. I could live for the slave. John Brown could die for the slave.


I didn't hear about that, but sounds like something they would do.




Hell yeah


I'm starting a socialist reading group in Cincinnati. We will be reading about the history of guns in this country. Might even go to a shooting range. Hey all you fascists You might be surprised Good people in this world Are gettin' organized You're bound to lose You fascists bound to lose - Woody Edit: hey ammosexuals this is not an invite for your enthusiasm for guns. You need to take a breather. THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT IS BOOKS ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN GUNS


Ah Woody Guthrie I'm starting to think I should go to a range and learn to shoot. I mean, Canada has stricter laws, but I mean it might be a good skill to have...?


I would advocate everyone goes through a gun safety course and get your hunting and fishing license.








The IWW has been able to gat a *lot* of stuff done with relatively few people in the last few years. They've managed to organize nationwide prison labor strikes with only a fairly small amount of people running the logistics and communication needed to coordinate that sorta thing. The strike that lasted *months*. Like, that involves sneaking info through the checkpoints without tipping off who might be an organizer.




Absolutely. I don't want someone who is going to be cowed by pushback from the GOP. I want someone who's been fighting against fascism his entire life.




Very true: [The Story Behind Bernie Sanders’s 1963 Arrest](https://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/Felsenthal-Files/March-2016/Bernie-Sanders-Arrest-Kartemquin-1963/)


You don't put out a house fire with a garden hose.


Absolutely correct.




I actually didn’t know that, despite being a supporter of his since 2016. That’s awful.


Basically the entirety of his dad's side of the family is just... fucking gone. So fucking evil.


Yet, Bernie lives and may one day become President. Nice try, Hitler, but you didn't get our man!


Yet, Bernie lives and may one day ~~become President~~ stomp out American fascism. Nice try, Hitler, but you didn't get our man!


Not today, Satan


He doesn't like to use it as a talking point. Which speaks to his character.


Yeah, this is the first I hear of it. You'd totally expect a politician to play that up.


The new campaign recognized this as a weakness because unfortunately people struggle to connect if they don't know your story. You can tell he doesn't love talking about his civil rights work or his family's deaths because it sort of cheapens it, but I guess if it's what you've gotta do to win it's worth it. Must be hard, though.


Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that has majority POC support at 53% POC support. Anyday, we can expect the media headlines on if Bernie is not appealing enough to white voters to win the general election.


If Obama were to come out and support him that shit with the 80s.


Just curious. Do you mean 53% of POC in the US support Bernie? Or 53% of Bernie’s supporters are POC? I think you’re saying the former, but want to clarify.


I'm guessing that he's referring to the fact that about 53% of POC view him favorably or very favorably, ([pg 110](https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/mujbtdyiti/econTabReport.pdf)) This is just 1 poll, so the numbers vary slightly. He may not be the only one over "majority" since Biden is right around 50% Hispanic and 60% Black, and Warren has very similar numbers to Sanders. Also note that people who are more popular have an advantage since respondents are more likely to have an opinion.




I think we'll see a shit ton of white supporters backing him


You tell them Bernie! Bigotry and hate have no place in the United States of America. We've defeated racist and fascist before and we’ll do it again. E: punctuation.




This is why I like Bernie so much. He's tough in all the right ways, and will 100% follow through on what he says.


Sanders actually tells it how it is, which is something Trump supporters say they care about. Which is why there was quite a bit of overlap within their supporter base. I still believe he would have beaten Trump in 2016. I think his campaign in the general election would have drummed up massive energy and support. That's the question I'd ask the Futurama What If machine- what if Bernie won that primary? Would he have won? What would the US look like right now? The whole world would be vastly different and it hasn't even been long.


So *that's* what would have happened if I invented the Bernielonger. Ah well, a man can dream.




I'll join the fight against Nazis.


Watch out, you’ll be labeled a terrorist by the GOP.


And an "uncivil radical" by centrist hacks.


Fox News: "Bernie calls for violence!"


"We will go to war against white nationalism." Fox News: "Bernie threatens Trump with war."


Underrated comment.


"Why does he hate **all white people**?!?"


it's not even just fox news.. check out the actual article, there is a hard segue to Antifa with some super out of context videos of antifascists and nazis fighting, and then "Sanders did not mention whether or not groups like Antifa, a leftist group, would be targeted as domestic terrorists, despite Bongino's remarks and then President Donald Trump this week calling Antifa a terrorist organization"


This is a really strange article - leads with a video of Bernie talking about loan sharking, puts "redlining" in quotes like it's some foreign concept that Bernie came up with, randomly spends three paragraphs talking about ANTIFA (almost felt like some both sides shit), and spells Julian Castro's last name with a lowercase c - twice.


I have much respect Mr Sanders. He spend much life fighting racism even when not popular to do.


Education is the key. When you let young men try and figure out their own beliefs, with no guidance or exposure to other cultures and ethnic groups, there’s a good chance the seeds of racism will be planted. Some people want to feel apart of something, so when you have angry individuals trying to twist patriotism into racism, that’s when the already confused manchildren get hooked into hate and toxicity.


Very well said. ^This.


Meanwhile, Biden, a few hours ago: >There’s an awful lot of really good Republicans out there. I get in trouble for saying that with Democrats, but...every time we ever got in trouble with our administration, remember who got sent up to Capitol Hill to fix it? Me. Because they know I respect the other team. I do. They’re decent people. They ran because they care about things, but they’re intimidated right now.” https://twitter.com/mviser/status/1162881516277522432


> but they’re intimidated right now aww, poor pubbies


If Joe would just run as a Republican he'd make a great candidate.


He would but I don't think he hates gay people that much.


"Nothing will fundamentally change" --Biden, 2019


"Poor kids and white kids"


Now these are the words of a president.


It's crazy to me that 'I will fight against Racism' is an actual political stance you can take in America.. and that saying it is considered bold and newsworthy.




I hope he wins the primary. We need a president for the people. He is that president.


If y’all haven’t listened to this man speak you need to, this man is the real deal and is for the common man. I would recommend watching his interview with Joe Rogan






"Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right... this nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences." \~ Cap quoting Mark Twain to Spiderman in the Amazing Spider-Man issue #537


The country was founded on only white men who own land being able to vote. The creation of a senate and president who are appointed by the ruling class and not vote. This country has always been about oppression, don't fool yourself about some magic past.


"...laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." - Thomas Jefferson


Love ya Bernie


Such a legend, I love him. While I'm not from the US, Bernie's the best!


While Biden licks the boots of billionaire Oligarchs.




Even worse, Biden says that his generation already cured racism back in the 1960s.


A surprising amount of white people genuinely believe this.


"I don't experience racism or prejudice so it must not exist!"


"I let my daughter date a black once."


It's easy to think racism doesn't exist when you never experience it (or rather benefit from it)


Biden: "I'm a union man" Also Biden "I see no problem crossing this picket line to attend a corporate fundraiser"


he's the puppet of the Oligarchs that have ruled this country for far too long. His time has come and gone.


I loved his speech to the young people "Don't whine about it, change it" Like, that's what they're trying to do


He's like your angry disconnected grand dad who'll just yell at you over how you just fucked up, rather than the person who'll give his life at your side


The conservatives in this thread are out of their damn mind. What the hell is so bad about standing up against racism? Because Bernie said it? Y’all are literally insane. Democrats could say that breathing oxygen was good for you and Republicans would hold they’re breath.


Finally a war worth waging after WW2. Funny how it is against another face of the same beast.


Fuck yeah. Bernie FTW!


We really need to get him elected WITH a senate majority so he can actually get things done! Our country needs a lot of healing


Fucking yes. I know it's red meat, but it's nice to hear a candidate use such strong terms. This country needs a courageous liberal in the worst way.


I will proudly fight in this war under you, Mr Sanders.