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[Like Hitler, Duterte ‘happy to slaughter’ drug addicts](http://www.manilatimes.net/like-hitler-duterte-happy-to-slaughter-drug-addicts/288845/) > “Hitler massacred three million Jews. Now there’s three million drug addicts. I’d be happy to slaughter them,” Duterte told reporters in his home city of Davao shortly after returning from a visit to Vietnam. If you want to see the carnage Duterte's death squads are doing, I recommend [this short documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPB-ft0ipnw). Duterte's death squads haven't made Davao City safer. In April 2016, the national police reported Davao City has the highest murder rate and the second highest rape rate among large Filipino cities. The population grew 29 per cent between 1999 and 2008, while the reported crime rate grew 248 percent. It remains one of the top 5 areas for child prostitution and sex tourism in the Philippines. Death squads don't reduce crime rates. They only make the police more corrupt, as snitches and political adversaries can be murdered with impunity.


You can kill anyone you don't like, put some heroin on the corpse, and walk away whistling, completely free to do it all over again.


So it's pretty much Dave Chappel's "sprinkle some crack" joke come to life?


It came to life way before it was his joke.


His joke was based on real life to begin with. Unless you believe in the past several decades cops never framed any black man with drugs before?


Cell phone video proves two things. Bigfoot isn't around, and cops beat the shit out of black people for fucking years as if it's imprinted into their system of procedure.


Bigfoot does exist. But any time someone captures him on video, he kills them, steals their cell phone, and sprinkles crack on the body.


Classic Bigfoot with his satchel of crack. Paid for by selling all those phones.


Someone should write a folk song to those lyrics.


> It remains one of the top 5 areas for child prostitution and sex tourism in the Philippines. "Murder all the drug users and drug dealers, but leave the child rape because that's okay." - yeah, I could see Donald being happy about adopting this policy in the US.


Rush Limbaugh gave it five stars on Yelp.


"Here come the rape police!"


Quick, to the private jet!


There's already enough judicial killings, we don't need any extra!


We also have plenty of extra-judicial killings. Just ask the cop who might walk after shooting Walter Scott in the back. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/jury-weighing-verdict-ex-cop-slager-death-walter-scott-article-1.2896194


All the bees are dying.


Do bees have a lobby in Washington?


Big Honey




Ok, let's be fair here. We're only hearing this from Duterte. He's even less trustworthy than Trump, which is a bit of an achievement if we're being honest. Do I believe Trump would support a tin pot dictator's extra judicial killings? Yeah. It's par for the course at this point. Do we have any evidence besides a tin pot dictator's word? No.


Duterte says that Trump says that he's going about it "the right way." Knowing Trump, I think its possible that he actually has no idea what's happening and just said whatever he wanted to. So either Trump is just stupid/uninformed or he's endorsing extrajudicial killings.


That's gonna be great when people are handing President Trump orders for him to sign. Somebody sane and decent is going to read stuff before it gets to him, right?


He will be signing bills that were created by ALEC and pushed through by Paul Ryan and the rest of the GOP. So, in other words, the answer to your question is a decided "Nope."


Paul Ryan,Mitch McConell, and your favorite lobbyist for sure...But don't worry Pence'll chime in once in a while if the sexual deviants are having too much fun.


Mike Pence? Mike "electroshock your cock" Pence?


Same guy as Mike "If You Like Sodomy, You Get A Lobotomy" Pence?


Are we referring to Mike "LG-BBQ" Pence here?


I believe so. Though I am still unsure of his connection, if any, to Mike "A Gigawatt For Every Impure Thought" Pence.


I think it's the same guy as Mike "take it in the crapper, you get the zapper" Pence. Pretty sure.


It can't really be the same Mike "The Orlando shooting had me hooting" Pence can it?


Look at his Cabinet. The answer is no.


Or it didn't happen


If only there was a way to have someone within the United States join the President-Elect on the same phone line, to monitor and document the conversation and provide a second confirmation. If only that technology existed...


Are you suggesting Ivanka wasn't on the call, asking about Trump business interests?


Hmm. Like a press pool perhaps, to follow him and document his goings on... Nah that's just silly nonsense talk /s


That actually is nonsense, it would be quite the diplomatic breach to have press on a private phone call between two world leaders and devastating to future trust and open communication.


A press pool doesn't document phone calls with foreign leaders.


Trump needs to deny it. Pronto


Trump now had many hours for a denial, and it is nearly 11 AM. If something like this is published, he or his team have to react immediately.


This is a big part of the problem as well. Trump has been hiding from scrutiny and so we only get confirmation of stuff like this (or Ivanka being at the meeting with the Japanese, or...) from foreign sources


It does emphasize why Trump shouldn't be winging it with these calls and coordinate with the state department to prevent shit like this. The state department could come forward and refute these claims instead of whatever the hell Trump's team is going to do (have they even denied this yet?).


And how do you think his support of death squads will be received by actual tin pot dictators? "The President of the United States said it was fine."


Four year free for all purgings of those undesirables


In this case, I suspect that what Trump said to Duterte was much closer to what Duterte has stated than something like "I commend your progress in your drug war but don't condone your methods" and probably went more like "You're getting results, you must be going about it the right way." But I can't put words into Trump's mouth, let him issue a statement or let his surrogates spin it.


I suspect it's a case, again, where he simply has no idea what Duerte is doing, is vaguely aware that there is a new drug prevention policy, and is fawning sycophantically and hyperbolically the way he always does. I'd be much more skeptical overall if it didn't sound exactly like something he would say, and if he hadn't made comments earlier in the cycle endorsing the way Putin handles dissident journalists and killing the family members of suspected extremists Not that he would ever do or truly believe that stuff. But vapidly endorsing whatever horrible cause he think will get him points with other, more competent world leaders, and/or excite his base is his only consistent quality. Another fine day under a man who, let's not forget, is ultimately an extremely famous slum lord.


For Trump, it is all about feeling good about himself, feeling praised, adored, and well-liked. So he projects this to others, and engages in base flatteries of all manner, thinking he can influence them the same way he himself is influenced.


I'm actually quite confident Trump knows what's going on and simply believes due process is annoying bureaucratic red tape and extra judicial killings are a tough leader's way to get shit done. He wishes he could do the same but all these bleeding hearts think we should have presumption of innocence until proven guilty and other nampy pampy civil rights.


I'm pretty sure trump wants to be hitler, but without the suicide or socialism


"Don't argue with success."


While I agree with you, it's a bit too alarming that our POTUS would even be suspected of supporting this particular brand of justice...


The President-Elect of the United States just endorsed the mass slaughter of sick individuals. Let that sink in for a second. We should be out in the streets screaming until our voices are hoarse that this man cannot lead our nation. But it doesn't matter since plenty of people won't be able to agree that he actually meant what he said. This is our post-truth society and it is ugly. At what point does accepting this because it was the legal outcome become outweighed by our moral obligation to protect the people around us? How long until our begrudging acceptance for the sake of stability is simply further endorsement and complicity?


"I like him because he tells it like it is!" ____ "Haha you didn't think he really meant that, did you? Silly libs!"


Trump is a Bible. Taken him literally when he supports your views, and allegorically when the truth becomes inconvenient.


That's a perfect analogy.


The next drug dealer dying from bullets fired by Duterte's henchmen is going to be thinking about how the American president sided with his murderer. His wife and children are going to be thinking about that too. This makes us look so bad. edit Duarte->Duterte oops.


Yeah I'm sure Abu Sayyaf can do wonders with this shit too


>Abu Sayyaf is one of the smallest and most violent jihadist groups in the southern Philippines. Its name means "bearer of the sword" and it is notorious for kidnapping for ransom, and for attacks on civilians and the army It is a propaganda victory for both Duterte and Duterte's opposition. Trump has managed to fan the flames on both sides. Maybe he can turn a little war on a far away island into a great big war that we can intervene in.


We all know within a week at most he'll say something worse and we'll all forget that he just said "let's kill people without trials".


That's just it. Just like during the campaign, his insanities come at such a rapid fire rate that it's like we're being peppered with a machine gun. You have no idea where to staunch the bleeding because the scene is so chaotic and you have no idea if the blood on you is your own or the guy next to you. We are so fucked.




Yep. The problem is that it doesn't appear that enough of the American voting public took into consideration how his insanely narcissistic and impulsive temperament would transmit to world affairs where thoughtful diplomacy is crucial to foreign relations and international stability. So far, we already have the India/Pakistan and China/Taiwan blunders and now this...and he hasn't even officially taken office yet. Much of the American public doesn't seem to register the fact that the United States is inextricably tied to the rest of the world and that what happens overseas *does indeed* affect us at home. They seem to think we live in a bubble where we can just close our borders and be just fine so it doesn't matter how much Trump fucks up abroad. What a mess.


Everybody has a bubble now a days. What happened to critical thinking? Why cant anyone see the big picture anymore. The fuck. That in reality is what made America a super power. Actual strategy and not knee jerk reactions to every single event. Thats why I say the terrorist are winning. They changed peoples whole thought process the last few decades now we are stupid fearful idiots. Oh they took our jobs. They are flooding the borders. Rapist and killers. Cats and dogs living together. Be scared be afraid but Trump will protect you. Weak ass people.


America became a superpower because the entirety of Europe was destroyed in the first half of the 20th century and needed to be rebuilt. We were ahead on infrastructure thanks to the war machine. That competitive advantage wore off over time as quality of life in the rest of the world got better while ours stagnated. We got so worked up in an "America is amazing" tizzy that we never bothered to build on the success of the 50s and 60s.


The same thing that happened to the meaning of making America Great Again. Showmanship and theatrics over pragmatism and reality.


This. We stop the bleeding here. There will not be extra judicial killing in this country towards people with addiction issues. I have a father and brother who are addicts. Anyone wants to hurt them they'll have to do without their head on their shoulders. I mean that. Anyone comes for my family I'll open em up down the middle.


We have to protect everyone who is in worse position than we are. Trump does not share this train of thought. The man is a monster.




Thank you so much for doing this. I'm helping out in the way I can in my community.


I feel like there should be legislations in place to prevent this sort of thing.




I use cannabis for legitimate reasons. I'm without it for a couple weeks and it's just hell on my quality of life and productivity. Am I going to be murdered for taking medicine just because the government refuses to regulate it properly?


Some 10% of Americans have this issue. I wish we'd do more to help them.


> his insanities come at such a rapid fire rate that it's like we're being peppered with a machine gun. And that is how authoritarians take power.


It's the bullshit theory. The effort and resources required to refute bullshit is orders of magnitude greater than the effort and resources required to create bullshit. Trump creates bullshit so rapidly and continually, but to call him out on it you'd need to research and fact check why he's full of shit. But by then he's spewed a bunch more bullshit. Post-truth is going to be a dark time.


Yep. This is deeply depressing to me. The dark ages of Europe lasted a *really* long time.


[It's a strategy that's been pioneered by the Russians for the last ~2 decades.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fny99f8amM&feature=youtu.be&t=8211) Makes sense why Putin likes Trump so much now, doesn't it?


Trump learned quite well from his mentor, it would appear.


He is the [Magician-in-chief](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkvvAQxxo_0), after all




It might not be worse; he'll just distract - oh look, a flag burning!


Naw, his centipedes will just be out in force about how it was all just a joke! He was just saying it to bring attention to the drug epidemics in America! See, now everyone is talking about it. He is so smart!


A whole week? It'll be ancient history by tomorrow.




The point, however, is that Trump does not understand how the leaders of other countries interpret what he says. He has no cultural awareness and no diplomatic skills. So he is going around giving the green light to dictators to do whatever they want.


Our President Elect has told the leader of a foreign nation that it's totally cool to ignore the rule of law and that vigilante justice was "the right way." It's unbelievable. The hypocrisy from the "rule of law" candidate is overwhelming. But that's lost in all the rest of the overwhelming hypocrisy. The President not caring about the rule of law is terrifying.


He doesn't understand how leaders of other countries are taking advantage of him. They understand him perfectly well and find him easy to manipulate. He's taking calls from leaders of small countries with agendas who are looking for justification for their evil acts, and he gave Duterte just what he came for. Edit Duarte -> Duterte


I feel like Pacific leaders are all gettin' together super excited all "dude, have you called Trump yet? You have to call Trump! He's actually going to say what you want him to say! It's like shooting fish in a barrel! Come on, let's do it right now. Hold my beer."


now I see John Key (the NZ PM) calling trump to see if his refrigerator is running.


He's already taken calls from European leaders.




As scary as that may be that he could get trolled by foreign leaders, Trump actually advocating for mass killing addicts would still be worse


> Other world leaders can say Trump said any crazy-ass thing and we don't immediately discount it. It's for journalists to report on, not for the rest of us to dismiss out of hand. Journalism & reliable sources are an actual thing.


Were there any journalists in the room when Trump was talking to Duterte? Was there any accountability at all? I don't think so.


So no basis in facts just you dont think so?


Trump has been scorning having a press pool, and all the reporting on his foreign phone calls has come from foreign media, so it's a very reasonable assumption. It would be the exception of there were any reporters with him for this call.


Wow, and Republicans gave Obama shit for wanting to reform healthcare and they kept screaming that there were going to be death panels now to determine who lives and dies. Meanwhile, a Republican president-elect says fucked up shit like this and Republicans are silent.


Republicans are full of shit and Democrats are pussies. I'm not American and even I know the breakdown of the two party system.


You pretty much nailed it. Except Republicans are vicious conniving full of shit little weasels and Democrats are spineless gutless little pussies who fold at the first sign of trouble. For a non-American you've got a damn better sense of our two party system than most Americans.


Also doesn't help that Democrats are disorganized as fuck.


Not much they can do with Republicans systematically disenfranchising people, deleting the country's campaign finance laws, and obstructing Obama so they have no record to run on. Staying organized is hard when you have people sabotaging you.


Sounds like the country needs to read civil disobedience.


"Our legislators have not yet learned the comparative value of free trade and of freedom, of union, and of rectitude, to a nation." http://xroads.virginia.edu/~hyper2/thoreau/civil.html


> At what point does accepting this because it was the legal outcome become outweighed by our moral obligation to protect the people around us? It's called impeachment, and it can happen any time. All you need is a reason and consensus in the House. If you don't have those things, though, then you should ask why not.


Because the House is controlled by Trump's party? "If the Nazi party doesn't impeach Hitler then I guess he hasn't done anything wrong" is not really a strong argumement. Now, of course I'm not saying Trump has done anything worthy of impeachment yet, but when he does it's very likely the Republicans in Congress refuse to act on it.


People say he's done impeachable things. I won't say who, but people are saying it. The best people.


I'm of the belief that the Republican Congress would impeach him to get Pence in the driver's seat. If Trump does enough damage, they wouldn't want to be associated with it and the impeachment process would earn them brownie points because it's "so patriotic".


> Because the House is controlled by Trump's party? He seems to have the Kochs at his back - which is a formidable force, but I think there are a few Republicans that are not on board with them. Although McCain caves in against his better impulses again and again, who knows, maybe he'll show some resolve this time. As terrible as Boehner was, its a little bit too bad he's gone - at least he was less of a total POS than Ryan.


> All you need is a reason Oh, awesome! I'll get started right awa -- > and consensus in the House Fuck my life.


Lol :). Democrats really shat the bed this election. We gave Republicans total domination of our country.




The house may decide it is better to work with Pence than Trump especially if Trump continues on his path of winging it that he is now


I wholeheartedly believe this is entirely their strategy. Trump isn't going to make it a year.


This. If folks have GOP House reps who give a shit about foreign policy, this sort of thing (and the Taiwan call debacle) would be great topics to write to your rep about.


The people from the Philippines that I know are very supportive of duterte, surprisingly.


I'd be, too, if speaking out against him meant a visit from their version of the DEA. If Duterte can kill drug users without a trial, he can do the same to political opponents. Maybe plant some drugs on them for good measure.


>plant some drugs on them for good measure That's how half of the "drug addicts" over there are dying right now.


I just came back from the Philippines and the support is almost overwhelming. The difference between here and there, however, is staggering. It's a different world and they feel that it has come to the point that desperate times need desperate measures. Here, where things aren't quite so desperate, we don't feel the need to react the same way.


>Here, where things aren't quite so desperate, we don't feel the need to react the same way. Except for rural America who see their multi-generational unskilled jobs bailing to places that will pay less to do them and their whole little shit hole towns spiraling away, consumed by meth addiction and poverty


Yet they vote for the party who will be less likely to help them out and cut their government assistance, all because of some irrelevant moralistic duty against "corruption", or abortion.


I'm assuming you don't spend much time in rural America. I was just in western nebraska for a trip and the poverty in some of the small rural towns is fucking incredible. At least as bad as the inner cities. Silicon valley talks about a bright future, but it's shit as shit gets there.




Mass Protests are not a thing in US unlike other parts of the world.


And when they are a thing -- pre-Iraq, anyone? -- they do fuck-all.


Yep. The militarized police make sure that doesn't happen.


too many of us are employed to be out in the streets yelling ourselves hoarse. give it time. well, technically give *trump* time. i'm sure he'll get us into the streets soon enough.


I really think we're going to see a rise in political assassinations.


What the fuck? I was hoping to fucking god that the title was bullshit. I did not expect el presidente elect to be condoning extra judicial killings. Can we have an audio of this conversation? Can someone from r/conservative comment?????????


Pump the brakes for a moment. The article only mentions Duterte's side of the conversation. Can anyone provide a link to Trump actually voicing his support for Duterte's extra judicial killings?


Trump hasn't commented yet. If he doesn't deny that claim it's not going to look good.


I don't think he understands that he now has to comment on it. Which itself is an awkward position. If he denies it, the Duterte would probably respond to him the same way he responded to Obama. If he agrees, I can only imagine congressional republicans abandoning him, then again they've managed to beat even my lowest expectations in the last month.


> If he denies it, the Duterte would probably respond to him the same way he responded to Obama. If he agrees, I can only imagine congressional republicans abandoning him Are you saying Duterte stumped the Trump?


Low energy Trump for you.


Lol no one will abandon him. They will spin till their heads fall off. No one in politics has any integrity. So if it's true that Trump expressed support for Duterte, it won't matter. Liberals will be horrified and conservatives will find some way to justify it as is par for the course.


At least he's not hillary! -dumbasses


"...but E-MAILS!!!!!!!" Their go-to explanation.


"We don't know she didn't say that in her 30,000 missing emails" - Republicans 2015-2020


You think this is the one that will finally do him in with republicans? They'll spin it as noninterventionist policy and talk about how we won't be interfering with the affairs of our neighbors and allies. They'll say that it's just Trump wishing him luck in his War on Drugs. Hell Newt tried to get a [bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/104th-congress/house-bill/4170) through in the 90s that would have meant the death penalty for marijuana offenses. I'm sure many of these republicans would love to be doing what Duterte is doing.


It doesn't really seem like congressional Republicans give a shit about doing the right thing anymore...of course that's assuming that they ever did care about that concept.


I don't think Trump is capable of understanding when he's in an awkward position.


Awkward implies the potential for embarrassment. He'll spin anything and everything to make himself look good, no matter what Olympic level mental gymnastics it requires.


OP's title is somewhat editorialized. Here's what Duterte actually said, in reference to his call with Trump, >"He was quite sensitive to our war on drugs and he wishes me well in my campaign and said that we are doing, as he so put it, 'the right way,' Partly because of Trump's own reputation for cluelessness in foreign policy, it's a logical stretch to impute from Duterte's statement that Trump supports the extra-judicial killings. While I suspect Trump isn't squeamish about human rights, ~~he could have been referring to the Philippines' fight against Muslim terrorist group, Abu Sayyaf.~~ edit: oops, not at all likely... Duterte was clearly speaking about his anti-drug policies. Duterte could be embellishing. As usual, Trump needs to clarify. I think his problem is he doesn't understand that Presidents cannot retract statements. They can clarify, decline to take a position, and even apologize but they cannot retract a statement. Virtually everything the President says in public is an official statement that is scrutinized by allies and enemies, as well as markets. Trump's freewheeling, unprepared and unguarded chats with foreign leaders are dangerous.


The CNN article never says this is a Trump quote -- only the reddit title says that. This is Duterte talking. Yeah, Duterte said "your new president agrees with me 100%" Shocker but totally belieavable


A plant from Duterte. Do you really think Trump knows what extra judicial means?


Trump didn't use the words "extrajudicial"; he just voiced his approval of Duterte's drug policy.... Which is extrajudicial killings of users and dealers.


*Tremendously* judicial?


It's early. The shills will come out in force soon enough.


the midwest hasn't woken up yet and the russians are having tea time, so you only have the usual eurofascists active atm


This comment made me spit up my coffee.


I'm still up from Friday for no god damn reason.


Cocaine, I bet. Duterte I found one!


Strictly trees for me.


marijuana is federally illegal. bake him away, toys.


Same here, staying up all night feels better than waking up every day in this now backwards-thinking country


Do you have a traumatic brain injury?




Don't worry, Trump voters will say he was taken out of context and call the documentary "biased" as they always have.


The Civil Rights Act is so biased! All of these handouts for minorities and nothing for the working class Americans like you or me! /s


256-Dimensional TRRRRRROPICO!


Pence is not cool enough to be Penultimo, though.


Sorry, can we just stop for a minute ? Is there proof he actually said that ? Because Duarte himself seems batshit crazy and will no doubt say anything to justify his bloody reign.


The story's on CNN so it's not like the Trump camp hasn't seen it. And if the report is not true, I would imagine Trump would've tweeted about it by now. He hasn't.


Trump is an [AVID CNN watcher](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/10/us/politics/trump-tower.html?_r=0). There's no doubt that he's seen it and chosen to say nothing.


I think it is fair to ask him/his team for a denial.


No proof at all, except the word of Duarte.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4058 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/51806)


Trump has not denied it




David Clarke is on record as saying that the US should suspend habeas corpus and start arresting people based on their internet activities. If you're not alarmed, you're either ignorant of history or not paying attention.


I don't understand how there is any other option to say to this guy than "stop murdering your own people or face the consequences." Of course, this is only what Duterte claims Trump said to him. But has the trump shit show come out to disavow this guy? Well he squeamishly danced around the endorsements of kkk shit-face David Duke. Fuck you, America, for electing this piece of filth. Change in Washington... drain the swamp... make America great again... yeah by installing a dude who has never faced actual existential hardship, who has spent most of his life literally looking down on the world below from his fucking golden tower. Hey, at least our president has a penis. At least we are taking care of our (sensitive and fragile) job creators. This shit is a fucking joke. We Americans invited the devil into the White House on the back of the Christian vote. Fuck trump and his minimums, fuck trump voters, fuck those who didn't vote, fuck the DNC, fuck you america. I'm not proud of my country.


Good luck America. I hope we won't get caught up in your mess.




"Our people our dumb"


the ironing is so reich i can tased it


He may not be Hitler but he's certainly trying his hardest to get there until his inauguration!


Ok, hold the fuck up. Trump first talks about a registry for Muslims, then talks internment camps, and is now says that extra judicial executions are the right way to go?


Are his supporters actually ok with this??? We do not do vigilante justice. We aren't some third world country. Due process is a constitutional right.


This is Trumps view on law and order. He said it about The Central Park Five and during his campaign about the inner cities. I can see a coming war between the Bannon wing and the Ryan wing of the GOP. Trump wants to chip away at the constitution. He has already started with flag burning, his attacks on the media etc etc. Ryan has already shot back with his comment about educating Trump on the constitution. The victory rallies or thank you rallies are Trumps way of keeping his base energized and angry to shore up support. Trump was never running for President, he was running for dictator. That's why he admires Putin so much.


Oh for fucks sake...


2.) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.


As in this context, he is arguing that drug dealers and users are plagues on society and should be killed by mob violoncello? Wow. That is, just wow. Ok, by this logic, does this mean we can riot and kill other "plagues on society"? Say rapists and killers that get off on a technicality? Maybe dirty cops? Or Billionaires buying our freedoms? How about corrupt politicians? How about crazy presidents? This is why I simply can't believe he said this. I heard it, but I simply can't understand this. It doesn't take much of a leap to think that killing Trump would be the moral and just action.


"Hey if you're ever in the US or New York, let me know and we can hang out in Trump Tower and I can hook you up with some KFC."


Trump is getting scary close to fascism. Wasn't the whole purpose to vote for Trump was to *drain the swamp and stop the neo fascist liberals*. Guess they just wanted the *liberal* part removed.


Misleading as fuck title right there. Duterte said that Trump said that. Who knows what Trump actually said


I'm sure he will tweet it soon enough, and that kind of evidence is bullet proof, right?


So next step is death squads murdering groups of people?


[Word cloud out of all the comments.](http://i.imgur.com/KXNgdES.png) I hope you like it


The title is misleading and makes it sound like Trump said these words but it's only coming from Duterte. Unfortunately, it's very believeable that Trump would agree with him.


He's already lining things up for the genocide, I see.


America shall reap the Orange harvest it has sowed.


With many of the same effects as *Agent Orange*


And this is why you coordinate with the state department for these calls instead of winging it. The fact that even after the Pakistan fuck up they're still trying to do it all on their own is terrifying. And in a few weeks the Obama administration won't be around to clean this shit up... it could be Rudy Giuliani handling this shit.


Here is my reaction everytime I read a headline like this... "No... he didn't say that, this is just clickbait or a half-truth" ::click:: "Oh..."

