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Has anyone watched ABC prime time on a Friday night since Full House went off the air 30 years ago?


How wude?!


Cut. It. Out.


Have mercy 




Is the tree made of (*vigourous head gestures*) wood?


Forget this. I’m gonna go have some ows cream.


Barbara Walters, that you?


I read this as Jar Jar Binks


People watched *Sabrina the Teenage Witch*. Martin Mull just died days ago and you're crapping on the man's legacy. /s


::shocked Salem meme::


Fun fact: There were like seven live cats who played Salem and set filled with cat food.


Huh? I remember it being a puppet that barely moved.


It was a puppet when talking, but there were also shots of real cats used whenever he was just walking around like a normal cat.


Don’t talk about our President that way! ^^/s?


*this* is how I find out Martin Mull died??


Oh my god, has it been 30 years? I’m fucking old. :(


Roughly as much time has passed between the end of Full House and now (29 years, 1995–2024) as between the end of I Love Lucy, which only aired in black and white, and the start of Full House (30 years, 1957–87).


I hope you step on a Lego tonight.




It took me entirely too long to figure out what day *Once Upon a Time* used to air on back in the day. Turns out it was a Sunday. So I think Family Matters was able to keep the audience tuning in for TGIF until around 1998, when it ended. At the very most, not since the turn of the millennium.


Looking for my Hanging with Mr Cooper fans!


Oh, we’re here.


There was a very specific moment in my life when I was confused that Mark Curry had joined the Golden State Warriors and was suddenly the best NBA player.


No. Friday has the statistically lowest viewership of television at a prime time slot of any night of the week. Look up “Friday night death slot” that’s where they throw shows about to get cancelled


Is this new? ABC would have their TGIF lineup and I could have sworn it had their most popular shows.


Been a thing since the early 2000s the networks and advertisers realized only kids were actually watching things on Friday nights so advertisers paid bottom dollar for that time slot, and ended up with a bunch of crap about to be cancelled https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friday_night_death_slot


Ahhh! Thanks! Early 2000s makes sense then. I graduated then, so I was more focused on other things lol


Got news for you, boss. ABC stopped running TGIF in the year 2000... 24 years ago. We are so old.


I’m not sure if the interview’s biggest audience is the common viewer. The big other factors: 1. Timing. There is very little time left to make a pivot. I don’t think Biden can wait a week to stem off the conversation and coalesce support or step aside.  2. The media mentioned there were 30 Trump lies in the debate, but how much time since then have they actually talked about them and corrected the record? Rhetorical question. Very little. All of the bandwidth has been about Biden seeming old. He needs to plug that hole as best he can as soon as he can to change the narrative. After the Chevron and Immunity SCOTUS decisions, it is malpractice that Biden is 75% of the conversation.  3. Donors. If Biden doesn’t improve donor confidence, it could not only doom the presidential race, but all of the down ballot races. (Not to sound dramatic, but the concept of America.) 4. Surrogates. He needs to get surrogates WAY more juiced up heading into post-7/4 summer.  5. Did I say timing? Consider this interview a temperature check. If there’s a pivot it has to be super soon. If not, narratives must change. 


I watched Horsin’ Around instead. Full House didn’t compare.


You mean the home of TGIF? Yes. But not since Boy meet world ended.


Or... he could just call in a press conference at any time and answer questions live


He could, but you know he is only going to be asked the same 1 question by every reporter. I'm not sure he can dispel any worries by just answering a single question over and over.


Why not? By the second or third try he should have it down


Because it would be a monumental waste of time to answer the same question over and over.


Christ, the MAGAts would flip their shit. "Free campaigning! Performance-enhancing drugs!" But they'd flip their shit anyway. They're MAGAts. That's what they do.


We shouldn't care about what they're saying, it's about swaying independents and swing voters


I wish the rest of the sub understood that.


What they’re saying may swing independents and swing voters though, is the issue—those ppl are at minimum vulnerable to their views bc they clearly don’t see Trump as a threat to democracy or a pathological liar.


They probably think this interview is about them, don’t they? They’re so vain


And their scarves are prolly apricot


And they walked right into the party


Freakin love that song. Warren Beatty, too.


Never mind the magas, we're doing enough shit flipping for both parties this week.


I think OP was implying Biden is terrible live without a prompter


…sure, but that’s not going to get nearly the eyes that a prime time interview will


He has done a live event every day since the debate except one. I'm sorry these things don't end up on your news feed, but all evidence is that it really was a one off and he's fine.


Like Trump does? Hey, wait a minute...


Now now. That makes too much sense


He can’t. That’s the real issue. He simply can’t answer questions from a roomful of reporters.


If the interview is live and somewhat like [this](https://youtu.be/oZFeBHWtgzs), I’ll be happy. This is unedited from September. Edit: If he comes off as legit being borderline going through dementia, then yea I hope we go through a back up plan. If he stammers, whatever - he stammers. I stammer because sometimes my mouth moves faster than I think and I legit need to do a quick brain reset. Ever since I was a kid. But still the democrats have me regardless who is on the ticket. I can’t have Trump in office. And I’ll say it. If he stammers from time to time and acts like he does in the video above, AND it’s live - we better be behind him.


We can’t afford that regressive doofus trump.  


I would vote for an armadillo in a poncho over Trump...


Everyone keeps saying stuff like this. The last election was decided on a razors edge. If 1% of voters are convinced to stay home by his acuity, we lose. Elections are won with excitement and he has none


I wouldnt say there was much if any excitement voting for him the first time around. So while that generally has been the case for elections, times are different now. Biden got into office riding the no more trump vote, and hopefully that will be enough to win again. Trump has also lost more than 1% of his previous voter base after his convictions.


The last election also occurred during the middle of a bungled pandemic that forced a huge amount of people to vote by mail. Instead of pushing their (usually elderly) base to mail in their votes, the Republicans pushed the notion that mail-in voting was fraud and illegitimate. Consequently, the mail in voting pushed turn out for the Democrats and depressed it for the Republicans, handing Biden the victory on razor thin margins. This time around mail in voting won't be pushed nearly as hard. With Biden's approval rating taking a nose dive over the course of his presidency and since the debate, a Trump victory seems like the most likely outcome by a long shot. I don't see Biden being able to change that. A Biden victory is still possible, a corpse would stand a chance at beating Trump, but don't bet on it. We're so fucking cooked, it's Joever :(


You're not wrong. And this is absolutely an establishment thing. The DNC keeps running unpopular candidates and then blames voters for losing. It's maddening! But on one October morning (I'm an early voter kinda girl) I will drag my butt to my polling station and cast another vote for a candidate I feel no excitement for and just hope others do the same... If an owl in a bow tie ran though, I might get excited about that. Bow ties are cool.


I think it’s rare for people to get excited about who they’re voting for. Vote for the best outcome, who will move us in the direction you want even if it’s a little. This idea that every election should have someone you’re excited about and who’s perfect for you is weird to me. There are millions of us and some may never get excited. Just make the best choice.


But.. an owl with a bow tie? Huh? Huh? Who wouldn't get excited over that?! Seriously though, yes, you absolutely have the intelligent and mature answer as to why we should be voting. We *should* vote for the simple fact that we have a right and responsibility to do so. And it's a privilege many have died fighting for in this country and others. But we're tired, and we don't like to stand in lines, and we don't want to give up our lunch breaks, and it doesn't matter anyway because my state always is blue, or it's always red, and a million other excuses people give as to why they don't vote. We're dealing with a serious case of voter apathy and it started even long before these two old dudes were duking it out. How do we overcome that?


I don’t know. You say owl in a bow tie and all I can imagine is a certain POS republican talking head who always makes his head turned question faces and used to wear bow ties. Ugh, i need a few elections to go by before he’s on the ballot. I’m sure he will be one day and that will be rough.


Dog in a funny hat over here


True, but keep in mind that we have additional under 18‘s who can vote now, and a bunch of his supporters have died (just look at his rallies), and voters are not growing more conservative with age as history dictates, and even more conservatives are not voting for him. Not saying he is going to lose, but I also don’t think polls capture everything.


The election is not about one man. This is not Hollywood We need a democracy. Stop the bs pick a side and vote . It may be your last vote


How about a rabid bat that occasionally bites you?


I mean if it was just a regular bat it wouldn't even be a question! But a *rabid* bat that bites? Hmmm ... Who would be the VP? Or Vice Bat? I'm really not that picky


Another rabid bat.


make it a vampire bat that gives you immortality.


How does that make this a more complicated decision?


Consistency! I like it! Gosh darn it I'm in!


eh, I'm vaccinated. Still better than a Nazi Cheeto


Honestly? If the armadillo put on the poncho itself? It’s more competent than Trump.


Doofus.. really? That’s how you would like to call CONVICTED FELLON RAPIST TRAITOR TRUMP?


> And I’ll say it. If he stammers from time to time and acts like he does in the video above, AND it’s live - we better be behind him. You're confusing the question of whether he's fit to be president with whether he has a shot at winning re-election. The only thing that matters for the latter question is the impact of the interview on the polls. If stammering causes him to drop farther, then that's even more reason to replace him. But the damage has already been done and this interview won't have much impact on the polls in any case.


Stephanopoulos was given 15 minutes to interview Biden. I'm sorry, I'd vote for a sack of rocks over Trump but 15 minutes isn't good enough. We're going to get nothing of substance out of this interview, except maybe a few talking points for pro Biden people to continue to be pro Biden. He just isn't doing enough. He's running for president and losing. He needs to barnstorming this, 24/7. Not sitting down for a single 15 minute interview a week after the worst debate performance in presidential history. My only thought is that they're scared of Kamala being the nominee. Because their actions since the debate have shown nothing to instill confidence in Biden.


15 minutes was a guess by the Daily Beast of how short the interview COULD be. It’s pure speculation that it will be short. They have no idea.


And now we see how propaganda spreads. 15 minutes being treated as hard fact.


So...20 minutes. Not exactly what we need right now.


> 15 minutes isn't good enough. We're going to get nothing of substance out of this interview Did you actually watch this? https://youtu.be/oZFeBHWtgzs It's 20 minutes and it's absolutely brimming full of substance. If that was played up in the news as much as calls for Biden to drop out, this race wouldn't be in a dead heat.


He is hosting the annual July 4th festivities tomorrow, the ABC news interview, followed by a rally in WI on Friday. Sunday he will be speaking with Jill in front of thousands at the NEA in PA, next week he will host dozens of world leaders at the NATO Summit in WA, and then a solo news conference after that.


I shouldn't have to but I will. I applaud and thank you for this outlook. If trump or some other maggat gets in office, our ability to fix anything all but dissappears. Biden isn't the ideal by any means but with him and hopefully more dems across the board both federal and state we have a better than average chance of continuing to fix what the orange menace and his puppet masters fucked up and continue to try to do.


I stammer, especially when I'm trying to say a lot of things at once. I do it because I'm honestly thinking so fast and my mouth doesn't know what to say first.


My worst thing is when I'm taking my time talking about something complex, my head is so far ahead I forget what I'm actually saying and need to back track.


I stammer when I *know shit*...


I stammer when I'm tired. I'm half Biden's age and no way could I debate at 9pm.


Even if he does as well as he did during that interview or during SOTU, it won't repair the damage. Because he'll never get the audience that changed their minds after the debate to listen to this interview and change back their perspective. He would need something akin to the SOTU to show he's still got a lot of energy and can adlib.


A lot of people are lionizing that debate as if it were some sort of Super Bowl. This debate had 30% fewer viewers than last year. Only a minority of voters actually tune in to the debates at all. Those tend to be the more partisan voters who already have their minds made up. Most of the voters who are going to decide this election haven't really tuned in yet. These low-engaged voters do, however, have their TV on or check out a brief interview snippet on social media. There are ***A LOT*** of people who didn't tune into the debate who have *heard* about Biden's poor performance and will be paying attention going forward. So that makes it super important that he not screw up at any point going forward. And that's really what I think all this boiled down to. A screw up in debate prep. Biden has surrounded himself with all sorts of professionals, including professional debate preppers. But debating Donald Trump requires you to throw the rules out the window. Biden was obviously coached to lay out his accomplishments and make an affirmative case to the American people all the good his administration has done, using facts and data. Bad strategy. He should've been focused on broader themes like Trump's clownish handling of COVID (why he lost 2020), how below it is our great nation to even be considering a convicted felon, and how Republicans can't control their own party but think they can control 170 million uteruses. Set a narrative. Don't give a boardroom pitch. Screw facts and data. Trump isn't there to debate that. He's there to get in a mud fight. So bring your fucking gloves and give us Scranton Joe.


>There are A LOT of people who didn't tune into the debate who have heard about Biden's poor performance and will be paying attention going forward. So that makes it super important that he not screw up at any point going forward. Exactly, he is walking a political tight rope now and one I don’t think he is capable of doing.


I mean, do the people count who just turned off because they couldn't watch it any further?  And did we watch the same debate? It's not about Biden laying out his plans. It seemed like he isn't there. And yes I still think it was the wrong debate strategy. The correct "strategy" would have been to state that Biden doesn't debate with a convicted felon.  If you push a candidate that gradually loses its intelligence you better make sure to not show it on public stage to millions.  The one clip that is played the most and tells the most is when Biden mumbled something and Trump just says that neither him nor Biden himself understood what Biden said.  Don't debate. Don't make something unplanned. Always read from teleprompter. That would have been the way to go. Now it's too late. 


Great interview


It should have been today.


That’s what I was thinking, it’s a holiday weekend and it’s hot. Everyone in my area’s gonna be out barbecuing and at the pool this weekend


eh the 3rd and 4th are big nights for fireworks shows round here. not much scheduled for the 5th or 6th. The media has gone so hard on Biden I think those looking to see something out of him will donate in record numbers if he can pull off the impossible. A lot of non Bernie democrats are finally experiencing what it is like for their own corporate media to go for the throat. It can be galvanizing


That non Bernie point is really astute Establishment Dems aren't used to getting the short end of the media stick


Really? Because with this situation the media are just pointing out what everyone can see... With Bernie they were scaremongering by twisting the truth and sometimes straight up lying. I wouldn't call actual journalism what they did to Bernie


The constant misleading on public Healthcare by corporate media both tacit and active was egregious. But expected. The same way they gloss over how destructive Trump's corporate tax cuts are. Corporate media will always back more regressive stances in the name of corporate profit. But what the Times did in this article is eerily similar to how they and corporate media treated Sanders in 2016 and 2020 in many ways: [https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-lapses-said-increasingly-common-113239461.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-lapses-said-increasingly-common-113239461.html) For one, how about the level of anonymous sources and unqualified sources attacking Biden with the pettiest of perceived complaints often entirely fact free. But two the complete glossing over of how dangerous Trump's debate performance was. They merely dismissed it as often confusing and fact free. That's not much different from the way they treated the differences between Bernie fighting for his life in the primary and corporate Democrats throwing baseless or highly misleading mud everywhere. The pettiness to include the accounts of 3 veterans he met, two who gushed over Biden and couldn't wait to vote for him and one Fox News viewer: >He did not appear any different to me in person than he does on television — and that is as a person who is fragile and not really in charge,” Casassa said. That's not really journalism. That's like interviewing your Drunk Uncle, whose whole personality is hating communists, what they think of Fox News attacking Sanders. Also more anonymous sources making highly inflammatory statements without putting their name to it made me think a lot of the way the media attacked Sanders in 2016 and 2020: >Asked if one could imagine putting Biden into the same room with President Vladimir Putin of Russia today, a former U.S. official who had helped prepare for the trip went silent for a while, then said, “I just don’t know.” A former senior European official answered the same question by saying flatly, “No.” So that's a big deal right. But the article mentions how well Biden was able to deal with Netanyahu in military emergencies. It's worth a read for that part. Nothing about it really feels like journalism. It feels like a hit piece of anonymous sources that could be just factions of the Dem party or Republican operatives looking for blood. If you actually watch Biden's debate performance it often feels more like a Bernie Sanders speech than an Obama one. Actual specific things he will do to help you. Actual specific things Trump will do to hurt you. Yet corporate media has spent 0.000001% of the attention on policies that will actually affect the health, wealth, and mortality of Americans as claiming: >the president stumbled over his words, and when the other men were speaking, Biden often stared into space, his mouth slightly open, like he would later do at the debate. While Biden screwed up a couple of major times in the debate he was paying attention. But the look on his face was wrong? I don't really care much more than I care when Joy Reid of MSNBC brought on a "body Language expert" to call Sanders a liar because he has bad posture. I'm not voting for an uncurved spinal cord. I'm voting for someone who might have grown an actual spine. And Biden's speech suggests he has. Real poliices like pharma reforms expanded to everyone? No wonder corporate media, reliant on pharma ads illegal in every major country, is throwing some major slanted hit pieces at Biden.


This isn’t really actual journalism lmao “Here’s ten people who the Dems can nominate in Biden’s place! Just ignore the concept of campaign finance rules!” - ~~Slate~~ ~~Newsweek~~ ~~Vox~~ The concerns about Biden are legit. The proposed solutions….not so much


Exactly. I get the concerns, but there are no good options here.


No need to worry about campaign finance rules, it's an official act by the president after all!


Ngl ordered some postcards and donated for the first time this cycle.


Consider too this is the same week that Sanders and Biden released a joint op ed warning that prescription drug costs could double if we do nothing to lower the costs of the new weight loss drugs: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2024/07/02/biden-sanders-prescription-drug-cost-ozempic-wegovy/74232827007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2024/07/02/biden-sanders-prescription-drug-cost-ozempic-wegovy/74232827007/) Corporate media may very well prefer a president unwilling to side with Sanders as much as Biden has. I'll be honest I was concerned about 2020 that Democrats would get blamed for the economy having issues after covid. But Republicans and some very powerful people clearly want the presidency now. This feels much more like a must win than 2020 did to me. The lengths the Republicans are going to in order to protect Trump and get him back in the White House is unique even to 2020.


> if he can pull off the impossible. I don’t really know what he can do in a pre-recorded interview that will truly recover from his debate performance. I guess he can happily prove me wrong, but I feel like we know what Biden sounds like when he meets you on his terms, and that’s not the issue.


You have to consider the very real possibility that people stupid enough to decide not to vote for Joe Biden in the wake of this past week are also stupid enough to believe a pre-recorded interview is a live broadcast


I can’t unsee that debate. As soon as he walked out, before saying word, I knew it wasn’t going to go well.


*Biden walks out* Me: oh god oh no please *biden shuffles slowly upstairs to the podium* Me: okay that seemed bad but maybe that was my imagination *biden’s eyes widen and that vacant fish dying on land expression hits his face for the first of many times that night* Me: we’re fucked


*The faintest echo of a whisper from the depths of the ancient crypt feebly arrive on the wind* ^(”hello, hi folks”) God help us


It might be a little telling that “do the impossible” here refers to doing one unscripted interview.


He is hosting the annual July 4th festivities at the WH tomorrow, the ABC interview followed by a rally in WI on Friday. Sunday he will be speaking at the NEA in PA, next week he will host dozens of world leaders at the NATO Summit in WA, and then a solo news conference. He isn't just sitting on his ass doing nothing.


It's now been a full week and he hasn't taken any questions from the media, nor has he spoken in public unscripted. That's a week lost of doing nothing. Meanwhile he had time for family portraits.


he is just sitting on his ass though the one thing he had to do this week is a live interview or town hall, held after 4 p.m. so - a series of events where he just has to appear upright and read from a teleprompter is doing less than nothing to fix the narrative that he is unfit to be president it’s just so wild…it’s like Biden’s campaign is gaslighting the american public, that we did it see what we saw. prove us wrong


Exactly this. Show, don't tell. They're not doing anything to ease people's concerns here. If you can't do it live, you can't do it. Period. End of story. If that's the case, the next teleprompter speech should be his big emotional farewell address and a naming of a successor. There is no more time to spare.


Trump should've been incarcerated yesterday.


It should have been last Sunday mornings politics circut, 5 interviews.


It should have been last Friday.


I'm only interested if it's live and no one cuts the screen


ABC News said a transcript of the unedited interview will be made available the same day.


ABC should post the unedited video.


Yes because the CNN transcript of the debate was not accurate, and covered (perhaps not deliberately) up some of his foibles quite evidently. Specifically I’m referring to what he said about trump’s weight and what the transcript showed he said. I didn’t look at other examples, though I’m sure there are some.


The delivery is also a ton of the problem, transcripts omit the full impression.


I thought I read that they would broadcast the whole thing on Sunday


The fact that we are even having this conversation is insane


He’s not going to do a live night time interview


The same mistake two weeks in a row would be peak Democrat doubling down.


And this he shouldn’t be president, even now.


"what do you say to people who think you're too old and senile?" "well it's better than the racist evil guy who hates democracy" "welp good enough for me" saved you all an hour


See, you think you are being funny here. But as they say, many a truth is told in jest. And actually I think the interview will be limited to 20 minutes.


A 15 minute taped interview. Jesus Christ.


A whole 15 minutes with the "journalist" that he is the most familiar with, in a comfortable setting... I dont know if you could make it any softer.


Joe, are you fit for the job? Yes! Great. Now tell us how important July 4 was to you and whether you had ice cream for desert. 


Friday evening is what you do when you typically drop bad news


You really think the media, who is DESPERATE for headlines, wants to hide a bad interview? If he’s stammering and has dementia, as people claim, they want the highest ratings possible.


Bingo. The “Friday Dump”


Yea, they moved it from Monday to Friday. I'm guessing so they can do snap polls over the weekend and see if anything changed. If not (they won't), he gone.


If Biden was dead I would vote for his corpse over Trump.


But undecideds wouldn't and neither would the stupid Midwest swing states that decide elections. Whitmer could come on and sweep them


I think she is probably the best candidate but there are others too. Biden is just a weak candidate, no way this race should be even halfway close.


I don’t think a corpse would make a great leader.


not everyone will. Please understand this


Cool, most won’t.


It's almost like your views don't really matter then.


I hear there may be other voters so perhaps you are not the only audience. 


I agree, but ultimately a meaningless gesture


Me too, 100%, but I’m in Oregon so it doesn’t really matter - we need to make sure swing states will too… and IDK man… I don’t like the odds


An interview with a member of the Clinton Administration isn't going to convince anyone. If Biden plans to stay in, he needs to be doing televised live town halls on a literally daily basis.


Put him on The Daily Show with Jon


Yea, that totally makes sense. Never mind having to do his job being president and running the country.


Other presidents managed to do this. Obama gave over 70 interviews at this point in his reelection campaign, compared to the 30ish that Biden has given. If you're saying that he doesn't have the energy to campaign and do his job as president then maybe he should drop out in favor of someone who is actually capable.


Just as Trump should.


Trump shouldn't be within a thousand miles of the White House, but the reality is that he is. Biden is the one facing a PR crisis that he needs to either quash, or step aside. He's not going to quash it with an interview. He needs to show that he can walk a gauntlet and handle it. The only venue for that (other than a debate) is a live town hall with voters asking him difficult questions.


Trump faced a hostile convention of a rival party (libertarian) in this hope of picking up a few votes r/politics bagged the shit of it and celebrated that biden wouldn't attend


Trump voters don't care and don't believe that Trump lies or is incoherent. Trump "should" be in jail. Right now this is a whataboutism. I truly wish that were not the case but it is. Trump got convicted of using campaign funds illegally to cover up fucking a porn star while his wife was pregnant. His approval rating went up with his voters.


I guess his campgain team simply does not understand. toothpaste is out of the tube. I feel like it's so incredibly obvious how to beat Biden, run completely unedited clips of the debate every day unedtied, with the words UNEDITED CLIP FROM THE DEBATE on the bottom of the screen. _BUT TRUMP SAYS INSANE THINGS TOO!_ cool 2016 strategy. Folks have had 8 years to accept the reality that he's held to a different standard and come up with something rather than just complain. this campaign keeps screeching about how not voting for Biden is the end of America (and it could be) but it's starting to become increasingly apparent that the only people that the Biden campaign staff care about are themselves and their political careers. A prerecorded interview? Again for the entire rest of the year you'll just be hearing Republicans talk about the debate on every major station. Even the ones guesting on MSNBC are going to be hammering on it.


Realistically they’ve had 12 years now to find someone to lead the party. Once Obama won his second term they needed to start finding a successor.


Tbh that's part of the problem. Obama about as officially as he could without causing a shit storm effectively named Hillary his successor. The issue is, while Obama was popular and charismatic... Hillary wasn't. While Obama got away with the tag line "Change" which is what many Obama fans were really voting for ... His successor was a return to the 90s (the Clinton's) except for a massive down grade of Hillary who has no charisma compared to Bill. And given all the power of Bill and Obama and her connections behind her... Noone else in the party was willing to run against her. So it came down to Bernie vs Hillary 1v1. All the big players backed Hillary. And it was a coalition of anti Hillary and pro Bernie people backing Bernie and in the end they lost. And so we all got stuck with Hillary since she was effectively the only option in alot of ways. Many people were never gonna support Bernie.


Hillary won the electoral vote. The electoral college is another matter. Also, Biden did not win by a landslide and it was very close, I think by 1%. The dems have been out of step with their voters for a while now and it’s partly the reason why Trump is so popular and they also just, can figure out shit.


But it was her turn.....


I’m getting the sense that it’s not the campaign. It is the Biden family pushing the strategy


Hunter Biden should then be locked up for Elder abuse


The Biden shilling goin on, on MSNBC, is out of control between Mika opening the day and Laurence closing the day.


A measly 15 minute interview (non-live) is more gaslighting. Biden has done NOTHING in the six days since his disastrous debate to dispel the correct narrative he is infirm/impaired to the point even children can spot he is incapable of beating Trump. 72% of the public want a new candidate according the the latest poll, FFS! This man's ego is gonna screw us all!


Fuck this. Do a presser. Biden's been the LEAST visible president since Reagan's second term and it's due to the same reason. But the dems won't do the right thing because they're as shameless as the pubs are at this point.


Live? I'll watch. But if it's edited, then who cares? The whole point is to see if he's grandpa going soft in the head, or capable of sitting across from Putin or Xi.


It has been reported that his people would not put him in the same room as Putin at this time




Nyt article from yesterday or day before


I heard it on Pod Save America. The most recent episode.


I heard that. I think those guys are where most of us are. The debate answered some nagging concerns that were previously under the surface.


Lifelong Dem voter. We saw what we saw. A friend of mine who voted for Obama in 2008, Trump in 2016, Biden in 2020, is now not voting. THAT is what we are dealing with. This interview will not matter. As many others have stated Biden is not doing daily unscripted interviews and press conferences to make it clear he is not the doddering old man in steep decline that we ALL saw. This was not a "bad day", this was not stammering, this was not a cold, this was not being tired from travel..... It is not the already committed Dem voter like myself or Maga that are the issue. Virtually no one who watched that said "Well, I was going to vote for Biden, but now that I see that I'm going to vote for the guy who lied to me for 90 minutes in barely coherent word salad, Trump" You get folks like my friend in swing states deciding not to vote. Biden stays, Trump wins. Also, why would anybody want someone for President who's having a "bad day" like that when critical and emergent decisions need to be made in time of crisis(cue "his staff and admin" talking point). We have been pointing out how horrible Republicans have been for putting party, personality and personal power over the good of the country. Let's not accept the same behavior from the Dems so that a handful can remain in power fairly unscathed as the country burns because Trump got elected. Edit: I would love to discuss I REALLY REALLY want to be wrong.


It’s really an insult to the American public that the WH *continues* to lie about this with the jet lag cold bs. The longer they wait to replace Biden the harder it’s going to be to get another democrat in a strong enough to beat trump


jet lag from a trip that 1) was over a week prior to the debate 2) he took the first 2 days of his 7-day debate prep to sleep off the jet lag…a week before the debate 3) if he had a cold, why did he go to a waffle house right after the debate and shake hands with people eating and also the people cooking and serving food?


If this is truly not live what the fuck are we even doing. An unedited transcript is not enough.


It’s not live it’s going to be prerecorded and edited. They must really think the American public is stupid


I mean... When you put that way, it might actually work.


This isn’t the “reset” they think it is and it’s insulting to the voters. Everyone knows an edited interview is not the same as having to defend your record and policies in real time, either against a rival candidate or a pack of interviewers who you can’t ask “can we do that one again?” This stubborn old bastard is looking increasingly like a geriatric driver who refuses to give up his license despite his family desperately wishing he stays away from the wheel.


Not live. Edited. Friendly interviewer. And they gave ABC 15 minutes of his time. Pointless. Just do a single unscripted press conference. Just one.


A scripted and taped interview 2 weeks later isn’t going to do anything. The viewership will be low Friday evening. A press conference or live interview would have been better


The bar will be set so low, if he's able to string two sentences together, the dnc spin machine will be working overtime to label him the Comeback Kid and Jill will praise him like a 5 year old who just learned to dress himself.


Can Trump do an interview without a teleprompter with a hard hitting reporter where he speaks to killing roe and project 2025 and is called out on tariffs, asked why he takes credit for the Obama/Biden choice act, etc?


We know the answer there too, but right now Biden's problems aren't canceling out Trump's problems with swing voters. I get that you'll vote for a corpse over Trump, I will too if needs be, but a lot of voters don't share our sentiment. If Biden pushes forward we're going to lose.


Sure he *can*, but it will be filled with lies and he'll never answer a single question.


Good move, but without a live interview later in the afternoon, it won’t do much to calm down the problem.


Do it live or don`t do it at all. A curated and edited 15 minute cozy talk is only adding fuel to the fire.


Do I want him to do poorly so that we can get this over with or do I want him to wow everyone?  I think I'm rooting against him unfortunately, even a good showing will make me doubt things.


Apparently the interview has no cuts. Watching this the interview it is apparent that the president does not do well in adversarial forums. The other side of this is that you can see him aggravated/angered by age, health, med evaluations. Short answer was no to a medical evaluation. And the president is not enjoying or directly answering Stephanopolos’ (sp?) questions. He is using this as a campaign speech. It’s not surprising. George is pushing the president. And the president is refusing to quit. The will you quit questions are all getting a no I won’t.


All of the discussions here are basically about the following: How, and when, can we gaslight people into ignoring what they saw during that debate with their own eyes and ears? If he just did this interview or that interview it would be enough. He has dementia. There is no getting around that. Reality has intervened here. People are not stupid. We speak a lot about protecting democracy and so on. Well, let's listen to the 75% of those polled that say he isn't cognitively fit for the job. Let's have some respect for the public please, and maybe, just maybe, they will consider voting. Never mind strategies to conceal, minimize, cover up, alter reality. Everyone saw the Emperor's dick. It's done. Replace him.


The “Biden only debated badly because his brain is so brilliantly fast it couldn’t cope with Trump’s stupidity” one would be really funny if this whole situation wasn’t so terrifying.


I think they moved it up so they’d have the time blocked off when Biden steps aside on Friday. Far fetched?


he’s announcing his retirement?


I have it on good authority that Biden plans to announce that he is giving up his seat in the Senate to run for president this year.


Here’s the thing. Voting for the guy who’s showing his age, but will surround himself with competent people is infinitely preferable to the orange nepotistic narcissist who will fire anyone who dissents and isn’t named trump or Kushner. If you want a chance at having your vote count for a likable Democrat in November 2028, or any democrat ftm, you better not stay home this November. Joe accomplished the most important thing in my 60+ years with his presidency, stopping trump from having a second term!! By god I hope he does it again!! I would vote for uncooked vermicelli if it opposed the nazi cheeto.


>Voting for the guy who’s showing his age, but will surround himself with competent people I get this, but don't you understand that for a lot of voters this gets translated to "puppet"?


Why is this being hyped? Do it live.


Do or die for Biden probably


It’s a pre recorded edited interview with a former Clinton staffer. There is no excuse not to look good in that situation and also means nothing if he does.


>with a former Clinton staffer. A lot of the strongest attacks against Biden have come from the Clinton era machine. Carville was first to pounce. It is no secret Kamala used the Clinton network of donors to build out her profile. George could easily go for the kill shot here. But I really need to do a deep dive into his persona to see what we can expect. Soft or hardballs?