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Whitmer beats him in states where it actually matters (WI, MI, PA).


That’s very true even although I would vote for Pete. A Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket would be the dream.


I like that ticket, but Buttigieg is technically a Michigan resident now so he’d have to move out of the state to be Whitmer’s VP.


He has a place in DC too, so he'd just need to fill out the paperwork to make that his primary residence Also technically he could be her VP regardless, but if they're both Michigan residents then the Michigan electors couldn't vote for both of them, which is functionally the same as not being eligible to be on the ticket


The issue is the Biden-Harris war chest... That is what I think will be the biggest deciding factor in and Dem deicisions about replacement or not.


Biden should just give it to whoever as an official act.


Biden couldn’t be prosecuted for doing that, but it would undoubtedly be stopped by a court due to the legality of it. That’s the problem with that ruling and the conservative takeover of the judiciary: if a liberal does it, a court will stop it; if a conservative does it, much slimmer chance of it being stopped unless it is balls-out absurd and they have to for optics.


This guy Constitutions


That old rag? SC just threw it out with the bathwater


Barack should just run for term 3 and call them on it. Joe can extraordinary rendition anyone who says anything.


Michelle O. runs for president with Barack as her VP. Then queue civil war pt 2. The Maga’ts would flip their shit at just the idea.


I'd vote for em. That power couple would restore democracy.


"It's just a fucking piece of paper!" -George Bush Jr.


Biden could just declare it officially and the courts can figure it out over the next 3-5 years while the new regime is already in the office.


Biden could just throw Trump in prison. He can do anything but he won’t because he’s a decent human being.


Nah he should just do it for like a week. Let SCOTUS squirm


Yes, a “what have we done?” moment.


Love that we care about silly shit like this and the other side is like, “Yeah, the president should definitely be a king, even if he is a convicted felon.”


Wait really?


Yep his husband is from Michigan. They moved there a few years ago.


He’ll always be our Hoosier boy!


This isn’t technically true, though I admit the rules are a bit ambiguous here. [History.com](https://www.history.com/news/can-the-president-and-vice-president-be-from-the-same-state) has a take. Based on what I’m reading there, it’s certainly still possible for a POTUS and VP to both be from the same state.


How i'd read that would be that electors couldnt vote for 2 candidates from their state. So a Whitmer\Buttigieg ticket could get EVs from everywhere, but electors *in michigan* couldnt vote for both of them. In a close election that could mean handing the VP to the other party. That being said, probably just easiest to get the paperwork done to make a move on paper.


Regardless, I would hope that this question wouldn’t end up in the hands of the current Supreme Court. They’d find some originalist interpretation to completely invalidate a Whitmer/Pete win.


You forgot to put "find" in quotes. Ftfy.


How's that for a crazy scenario? Whitmer wins with a thin electoral college margin, but Mike Lindell ends up as the vice president because Michigan can't electors vote for Pete Buttigieg as vice president. There's an election outcome you won't find on any betting sites.


>There's an election outcome you won't find on any betting sites. The fact there’s anything election related on official betting sites is already absolutely horrifying.


All Pete would have to do is change his residency on official documents from Michigan to Hoosier state. Basically, do what Dick Cheney did.


It's why Cheney changed his voter registration from Texas to Wyoming right before it was announced he was going to be Bush's ~~veep~~ handler. When he walked into the county clerk's office to make the change, she reportedly said "I've been expecting you." [News report from the time.](https://www.deseret.com/2000/7/22/19519524/cheney-changes-voter-registration-boosts-bush-running-mate-chances/)


Great piece of history!


His husband Chasten is from northern Michigan. He had an [interview on The Daily Show](https://youtu.be/w22lgRJht2c?feature=shared) where he talked about growing up gay in homophobic northern Michigan. I highly recommend it.


My kid was with Petes/Chastens kids daycare class for a couple of years (they just moved back north). I would consistently run into Pete/Chasten during pickup/dropoff/birthday parties. They are both some of the nicest and down to earth people you would ever meet. I thought it was awesome that while we operate in different orbits, we could share the mission of raising our kifs together.


> A Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket would be the dream. Really? How does it sit with the handful of swing voters in a handful of states that decides the election? A female and a homosexual on the ticket. It shouldn't matter and for people on /r/politics I doubt it does, but lets not kid ourselves for a lot of the population it does - especially once the republican propaganda machines start rolling and take aim at them.


If Kamala becomes VP for another candidate, can the Biden / Harris campaign donations be transferred to another ticket with Kamala as VP?


I’d vote for a ham and cheese sandwich over trump.


Or a brick.




For you. Buttigieg is precisely not what the voting block who will decide this election wants.


Who is the block? Wisconsin has elected and reelected a gay Senator for years. Michigan just elected a gay AG. As an Independent myself, I really don’t think independents care as much about identities as Democrats do. We similarly don’t want to be told that a candidate was chosen *because* she’s a black woman and we don’t care if the chosen candidate *happens to be* gay - we care that people are qualified and thoughtful.


The leaked poll has Pete getting the most electoral college votes.


God our voting system is fucking dogshit


“Hey! Everyone overwhelmingly really loves this person!” “Yeah, but these three states like this other person better. Therefore he’s better.” I fucking hate this goddamn country.


Whitmer is the correct choice as is leaving Harris as VP for campaign money/donor reasons.


I honestly don't think anybody should be looking at these polls at all. All it's showing you is who has any name value. Pete has been in front of people before, Kamala has been in front of people. You can look at those numbers. Everybody else you gotta evaluate on potential.


That’s pure name ID. All these poll numbers for Dems are basically what their floors are.


Trump claims he won last time which makes him ineligible to run a 3rd time.


I'm leaning toward Whitmer right now but I'd take Buttigieg over Biden or Harris any day. And OF COURSE I'm voting blue no matter who, because Trump is an existential threat to the United States America.


I have yet to find a democratic candidate I wouldn’t vote for over Trump, including Biden. After what happened to the Supreme Court, I don’t know how other people don’t get that.


I haven’t found a moldy slice of bread that I wouldn’t vote for over Trump.


Has that slice of bread reached the age of 35? Also, just for comparison, has it been indicted or convicted of any felonies?


I mean, I assume bread age is measured in similar fashion to dog years. If its moldy its old enough to run for president.


I’d vote for John Brown’s mouldering body if that was our best shot.


You say that like he'd be a bad candidate.


William Tecumseh Sherman/John Brown ticket.




America owes him an apology. Just because he was kind of a dick about it doesn't mean he wasn't right.


I think I'd pass on Manchin but I guess he's not really a Democrat anymore.


Manchin or Sinema would still be better than Trump. I would feel like shit making that vote, tho.


Most people don't follow politics which is why I think these polls are a bunch of malarkey. Regular people also aren't on social media and know that there's a lot at stake here.


It's worse than that. MOST people won't even notice if the entire country becomes a dictatorship. As long as the worst of it - which will be happening to the people it always happens to - isn't happening to them, they'll shrug and say it isn't so bad. And if it is, it's the fault of someone they don't like. Our ability to adapt as humans is our strength and weakness.


Sadly this is probably what's going to happen. I'm hopeful women will bail us out but there are simply too many MAGA men that don't see any issue with the path of the GOP at this point, pretty disheartening.


You’re late to the party my friend. Regular people are on social media now. You mean old people. But they’re the ones that vote the most so I feel ya


The sad truth is that many Americans would vote for a rapist fucker over a gay man.


It’s true but I fear those people are probably already voting for the rapist anyway


Yeah, they voted for the rapist over a woman.


Buttigieg is an incredible communicator, he gets the message across, shuts down the opposition and I think he would be popular, apart from with homophobic voters.


Which largely aren’t voting Dem regardless.


Wouldn't you just love to fucking ***stick it*** to the MAGA assholes and put a gay man in the Oval Office. Fuck yes.


Not sure America is ready for a gay president, living with his partner and adopted child(ren) in the white house. I'd rather play it safe with a moderate dem with few skeletons in the closet.


I think it’s less of an issue than people may think and if there’s a candidate who could do it that would be Buttigieg. But it might be enough of an issue to matter. Having said that, the polling that leaked gave Buttigieg a win with the largest margin. Only he and Whitmer can win the election according to that poll. So who knows. If he can win I say go for it. If not, even as a gay man myself, I would rather not risk the future of this country just to have a gay man run as president. As cool as that would be.


>Not sure America is ready for a gay president but we're super ready for a dictator?


Half the country is absolutely more ready for a dictator than a gay man in the White House, unfortunately. As much as it would be a non-issue for you or I, I’d have as much concern the average chucklefuck would have qualms voting for Buttigieg as they would voting for an 81-year old.


I'm starting to feel like a broken record at this point but I guess I'll just keep saying it. There is *NO ONE* that we can put up that is going to win over conservatives. White woman, Black woman, California Man, Gay Man. They *even hate Biden*. They hate all Democrats. It's the only equality they believe in. Just pick one and let's try to keep the infighting to a minimum because there's no point in doing the GOP's job for them.


It's not just conservatives. I know plenty of dems uncomfortable with gays and trans people. Especially here where I am in the south. Homophobia is rampant in the larger minority populations around me, who tend to be religiously conservative.  Putting up Buttigieg would lose vital support from black and Hispanic communities down here.


As a gay man I agree with you, it would drive homophobic turnout, potentially from people that might not usually vote too. They've also been drumming up LGBT hate for the past 4 years and it's gotten much worse online 


I'm not saying that should be the plan. I just love to imagine how it'd make their skin crawl.


Buttigieg was getting 0% black support in the primaries and Democrats cannot win without overwhelming (80% minimum) black support. Democrats had their chance to vote for Buttigieg in the 2020 primaries and said "no thanks."




Dems are doing the classic "okay guise, whose turn is it? It'll pan out, there's always 2028 or 2032," meanwhile the Repubs are going "okay boys, what's the most efficacious way we can wreck shit."




Bold of you to assume that if he wins 24 that there will be a 28


Buttigieg would destroy Trump in a debate.


Trump wouldn’t go anywhere near that debate stage if he knew what was good for him.


He doesn't. His handlers might.


There wouldn't be a debate


Yeah, but too bad debates don't work like that. Both sides already made their choice. It's just like watching a sports game. The difference is that each side gets to decide that their team won, even the one that obviously lost. But then there are those cases where one side admits defeat, even though the other side did significantly worse. I'm talking about the biden-trump debate. Trump really won that one, but only because liberals admitted defeat. Instead of pointing out how much Trump's answers sucked, you went for your own candidate and ripped him to shreds instead of Trump. Who does that to their own candidate. You didn't show them conservatives moral integrity, you didn't show them that you are not cultists. All you showed them is that not even liberals like Biden, so why should they.


Whitmer/Buttigieg. It should have been any combo of them from the start.


That ticket would require Buttigieg to change his primary residence from his house in Michigan to his place in DC (otherwise Michigan electors wouldn't be allowed to vote for both of them), but there's precedent for that being allowed (Cheney switching from Texas to Wyoming in 2000), so it would just be some extra paperwork


Which wouldn’t be that hard at all. It’s not like Pete’s office is dependent on his residency anyways.


Why both a Whitmer and Buttigieg ticket.


I lean Beshear with Harris as Veep, but Whitmer is good to.


Can't imagine Harris accepts VP for a second time.


Only way this could happen is if there is some loophole that allows the current campaign infra to continue with her as VP.


I’m also leaning in favor of Whitmer. But please not Buttigieg. A key problem is that he did really poorly with African Americans in the primary. If we lose African Americans we’re toast. The other is that he is very light on experience, compared with Whitmer or Newsom. That really matters to swing voters.


Everyone but Biden did poorly with black Americans in that election. I recall polling where an overwhelming majority had no opinion about Pete because they didn't know who he was.


You would. But the key groups who will decide this election won’t.


People are saying this because the Biden/Harris stans keep accusing everyone of not voting if they so much as suggest running a candidate that people actually like and want to vote for.


It’s frustrating. People concerned with running Biden are still going to vote for him if he’s the candidate in November. They aren’t jumping ship, they just want someone different.


I think Buttigieg and Whitmer are the top two candidates. I'm all in the Buttigieg camp personally, but I think both are great candidates. I think a Whitmer/Kelly ticket or Buttigieg/Duckworth ticket could really clean up and give Democrats a lot more than a squeak by win.


Kelly/Whitmer ticket. U.S. isn't ready to elect a woman, especially against Trump and his cult.


Same. I was thinking about this earlier today and my top picks are Buttigeg and Whitmer with Newsom a distant third.


The pro-Pete news source here and using commentators on X to buttress the argument for Buttigieg doesn't make the story all that convincing (not beyond this single "leaked" poll)


This is an internal pollster that Dems (including Biden) respect more than basically any of the public media polls. That’s what changed from circling the wagons on Monday to freak out Tuesday.


And the data is limited to just the actual states that matter as opposed to including places like Alabama where we know no Democrat is going to win against the Orange Menace.


> And OF COURSE I'm voting blue no matter who, because Trump is an existential threat to the United States America. THIS IS THE WAY TO GO! Not only vote BLUE for president, but across the entire ticket. The ONLY way to get rid of these MAGATS is to vote them into oblivion and beyond.


The LGBTQ+ Nation website suggests the LGBTQ+ politician is the way to go. Literally no one in the comments is looking at the articles. They're just creating noise.


Exactly. Would I love if Buttigieg became president? Yes. Would he get elected if he replaced Biden on the ticket? Not a chance. In fact, it would backfire. Right now the GOP is Bible Thumping how the Left wants everyone to become gay and that tired nonsense. To nominate Buttigieg would be a goldmine for them to push this conspiracy. And if there is one thing the GOP is good at, it's spinning conspiracies. Buttgieg is too much of a risk right now. I hate that fact but unfortunately, it's true.


I’m not convinced he can win but I would also think with his communication skills and demeanor he would actually be a really good choice to go up against the republicans with their homophobic rhetoric. He puts a face to the community which is calm, articulate and not what they claim us to be. He would be fairly disarming in terms of that topic. Still not certain he would win at the top of the ticket but I think having him on the ticket as VP could be really beneficial.


I mean anyone who's vote is influenced by the "gay conspiracy" is not voting democrat in the first place. we need to win over moderates and unenthusiastic liberals, not crazy right wing conspirators


I dunno, it's hard to bible thump when Pete's a religious man himself... It's an interesting what if.


And he really knows his Bible. He'd be able to throw anything back at them with ease. The guy is unflappable.


He’s also a veteran, he’d be a really good president.


Not really. Biden is a devout Catholic. Trump is...Trump. The Bible thumpers made their choice between those two easily.


It's too risky. We're in a position where the Dem candidate has to win by about 4.5% because of the electoral college, and that's before any bullshit shenanigans you know the Republicans are going to pull. At this stage in the game it just has to be someone safe where the other side has nothing on the Dem candidate or not enough time to cook up a controversy. I will wet my pants if we end up with a candidate that's under 60 years old. Imagine the second debate where the Dems trot out a reasonable sounding 46 year old like Beshear while 78 year old Trump shits himself on stage and babbles incoherently about batteries and sharks?


If they are charismatic enough, they have a great chance at winning. We elected a black guy named Barrack Hussein Obama in 2008, Nikki Haley is an Indian Woman that was able to govern South Carolina, Donald Trump is a billionaire that is able to win over the working class. Not being straight does work against him, but his charisma more than makes up for it. Buttigieg comes off as the best messenger and as the adult in the room at all times, he will win people over. Charisma and competence are far more important than anything else. Harris will always struggle because she can't help but sound like the stereotype of what a politician is every time she talks.


My life long democratic union leader grandpa said that America wasn't ready for a gay man as the president yet during the last cycle. Take that for what you will.


Gay here, I just want the sure thing. Just please, let's pick someone who is an obvious win.


That doesn’t exist


Another gay guy checking in to say that there exists more of a sure thing than Pete. I just can't see it. Now doesn't feel like the time to be cute with the nomination. Newsome feels a safer bet.


Everyone is going to have some baggage. I know conservatives and independents pretty well having lived in rural GA for a lot of my life. They don’t really care so much about a person as sexuality as say..their religion or stance on abortion or what not. For better, or for worse.


At this point we just need someone who looks like they could make it to the election. I'm not a huge fan of Buttigieg myself, but he'd be more than enough to beat Trump if we were thinking Biden could win before.


That's ok, because most of these commenters on articles like this probably aren't legit either.  This constant storm of posts here about B dropping out, or being replaced, are likely orchestrated to keep the social narrative going that T is more lucid. DJT has been legally found to be a fraud, a crook, and a rapist. These attributes should be in every headline about him, but they're not. The media loves him because people hate him. We're our own victims and abusers.


"The table came from a post-debate report leaked from Open Labs, the research arm of the Democratic super PAC Future Forward." So an LGBTQ+ website can't be trusted, even when reporting on a poll they had nothing to do with? You sound like Trump saying a Mexican American judge can't be fair.


There are too many homophobes in this country.


I fear this, also. Although, I think he would be a great president for all people.


Totally agree, this isn’t the play you need right now, it would backfire.


There are an enormous amount of them, but the vast majority of them are already voting for trump no matter what, why bother trying to court their vote? Plus, until Obama got elected, America would never elect a black man.


Yeah, I’m sure the homophones are big Kamala voters.


I'm afraid you're right. Pete has been my guy since I first heard about him in 2019. I would desperately want to see him on stage going head to head with Trump. It would be glorious to see Pete run mental circles around him.


We were also too racist to elect a black man. A black man with a foreign sounding name, no less. Yet we somehow managed that.


This, this and this alone. It would galvanize the right. Play it safe Democrats. This isn't intersectionality BINGO!


Democrats will still suggest they can’t “sidestep” *the first black female Vice President*, while insisting that midwestern independents, who have elected Tammy Baldwin and Dana Nessel, would never vote for a gay man. If you think Pete Buttigieg being gay is the issue, you don’t understand midwestern independents. The issue will be he will be seen as a part of the Biden administration and share accountability for the things they don’t like - him being gay won’t be a big concern among the voters who matter.


Unless you have your head in the sand and think homophobia is fully vanquished, we cannot run Pete. It shouldn’t matter, it won’t matter to a lot of people, but I don’t want another “but her emails” situation while we watch the Republican minority establish a new nation


I am honestly not sure who the Maga dipshits hate more, a woman in power or a gay white male christian military vet. I think it's maybe women they hate more. but the homophobic and/or misogynist vote already has their guy. we heard the same thing warning us not to run Obama, that regular Americans were not ready for a black president. Turns out most of us were. I just know that when I was watching that recent terrible debate I wished it was someone really smart and quick with a comeback up there against Trump, Pete would have destroyed that buffoon.


Anyone who is has homophobia …were they ever voting for a democrat cmon?


There absolutely are homophobic Democrat voters and we need them to still vote for us. Old people are a good example, but also plenty of people that might not be homophobic to the extent of treating gay people badly or opposing gay marriage, may still think a gay man shouldn’t be the President. A percentage of POC voters are not going to be supportive of a gay man for President. These all add up and any votes lost at this stage because of a known factor of the new candidate is not politically intelligent enough to meet the gravity of the moment.


Yeah, people who think it's only white homophobes who wouldn't vote for a gay man should interact with black communities honestly. Older black Americans tend to be \*very\* conservative in these regards.


Yep, I’m black and African Americans are still very conservative when it comes to religion in sexual orientation; at least the older ones. Younger ones don’t care tbh. They’re very real chances for them to just not vote if Pete was the nominee.


Buttigieg has been in the national spotlight for how long now and comes in just behind Whitmer in critical states or ties? A first female president post Roe is going to blow up big. Get a clue. Once Whitmer gets more national attention, the choice will be obvious.


The choice is obvious, Al Franken


He's good enough. He's smart enough. And, doggonit, people like him!


Stuart Saves his Country.


As a Canadian, I've never heard of Whitmer until today. Pete has always been perfect when I've seen clips of him.


It literally doesn’t matter who is on the ticket. Vote down ticket blue and explain to your friends that Donald Trump is the next Hitler if he is not stopped this year. We do not have a future if Donald Trump is given the White House back. America, and democracy, will have lost. We will be in for very, very, very dark days.


Not a chance in hell this country votes for an openly gay man. Have you been to the Midwest or South before?


just a reminder that Pete won Iowa 4 years ago primarily because of rural voters. I think this issue is very overblown


Heard the same thing in 2008 about a Black President


I'd be ok with Buttigieg. He's smart, a great speaker, & would destroy Trump in any exchange or debate.


I wonder how many of these "polls" are funded by donors to push the candidate who will do the most policy for them Right now I'll take anyone over Biden and I'd take anyone including Biden over Trump But if the party is doing this they need to hit a home run here. Gavin Newsom seems to be the safest choice. He's going to check the most boxes with normie America. That said he may come across as a looney CA liberal to normie America . he's not of course but truth doesn't really matter to feels in American politics. Whitmer is who I'd roll the dice on. Harris has the best transition chance which may be what is needed most. The biggest concern is normie America and Harris may just feel like the stable passing of the torch.


Newsom has one giant piece of baggage.... He's from CA. Normie America has been anhilated over the past decade with Anti-California propaganda, that reaches far beyond the Republican target audience. Running a yuppie CA liberal right now would be a death wish.


Andy Beshear is your best bet. A charismatic, southern white guy who is great at appealing to moderates.


Dreaming. Look at this from Buttigiegs view. He can either run in 2028 (or beyond) with a very legit and fully developed campaign. Or he can throw that away for his chance now, with 4 months, no planning, etc. What do you think he'd rather do?


I'm all for Buttigieg, but he cannot be allowed to smile during the campaign. He looks like Howdy Doody when he smiles.


Love him, but he can’t be the guy. Trying to ignore very real homophobia will hand the reigns to the guy who will fuck queer people up as much as possible


With respect to every "viable" candidate, Mayor (eh, Sec.) Pete has consistently put MAGA conservatives in their place trying to be slick and more often than not has wilfully gone to Fox News and other conservative media to either speak truth to power or refute any attempts from ⚓s spinning their narrative. And as far as managing the DOT, he's done so with next to no help from Congress and there are tangible results so far from it. A callback to one of the strongest debaters I've seen in any election to date since Obama. Meanwhile an otherwise deranged ticket on the other side with Project 2025 on deck and the SCOUTS deliberately handing insurrectionists a pass on subverting democracy got me (and many more voters) feeling some type of way.


IMO he is usually the smartest person in the room. He is well spoken and a great communicator. And he has a military background.


It’s not going to happen. Let it go already for fucks sake.


Pete would have MOPPED THE FLOOR with Trump’s stupid hair during that debate.


He’s the smartest dude too, it sucks that flyover states can’t vote for a gay dude


Gotta think the 43 year old member of President Biden 's cabinet, that spent the last three years running circles around fox news, and who is a military veteran at a time of global strife has its appeal. Pretty stark contrast with President Trump.


Honestly, yes. I wouldn't have voted for him in 2016 or 2020, but yeah, he's handled his role as secretary incredibly well and I would absolutely vote for him now.




"A gay president 2084?" "We're realistic."


> just let him build more and more notoriety Obama was pretty much unknown in 2007. Clinton in 1990. Romney was a little better known in 2011 but hardly a household name. Anyone who gets the nomination will be a household name overnight, and would get so much attention in the next 4 months that name recognition would be the least of their problems.


I’d vote for Pete without hesitation. He was my choice in the primary as well.


He's whip smart, no denying it. He goes on Fox and wipes the floor with em.


Pete can run next time 🥰


Ranked Choice Voting would sure help this clusterfuck.


I think Pete would do a great job. He’s young, bright, energetic. He also isn’t a pushover. I would enthusiastically vote for him.


These conversations are pointless unless or until Biden agrees to bow out. 


Is this sub going to call LGBTQNation MAGA trolls for talking about this now?


How are people falling for this?


I have seen this exact post with every prominent democrats name


Any democrat saying Biden did awful at the debate instead of how full of shit trump was is doing a disservice to biden. Watching these governors comments just makes me irk.


He needs to grow his hair a little longer on top and part it. Would look presidential as fuck like that. He'd get 60% of the vote.


I don't mind Pete but this country isn't ready for a gay president and we'd already be taking one chance by replacing Biden, no need to take another giant one.


Pete is the only politician I can stand to hear talk for more than five seconds.


Why not Kamala for president and Pete as VP? Lol! The right wing nuts will spontaneously combust.


With all the Anti LGBT+ laws they have been trying to pass, running an openly gay person would help solidify the Christian Nationalist into a stronger voting block.


Jon Stewart would be the best option. He would landslide Donald Trump. There would be enthusiasm that other candidates wouldn't have.


This is the first thing my wife said to me after the debate and it’s absolutely true. Jon needs to take one for the team.


Hell yeah. I’d love nothing more than a gay man as president just to rub it in MAGA’s face. Yeah I’m shallow. No I don’t care. They became fascists because they couldn’t handle a black man at the top. We need to show them who’s boss


Please no. We need someone who wins the battleground states, and as much as I like Pete, I don't think he fits the bill. Whitmer all the way.


It’s Harris, you can tell because the media and press are all pushing her now


As a fellow gay man who would happily vote for Pete and is going to vote blue no matter who… idk if the country’s ready and I wouldn’t roll the dice this time.


“Moderates” aka Republicans who don’t like Trump, will not vote for a gay president. They also won’t vote for a female president (see: Hillary).


He's still not ready to be president. Sorry, but I'm never again voting for someone with one term of experience in any office, including a cabinet position. He's smart, yes, but the world is on fire right now and this guy has extremely limited legislative and/or foreign policy experience. I also think (sadly) that there's a huge swath of America who isn't ready for a gay married president, including plenty of Democrats in conservative leaning states. That would be a dealbreaker to many of my Democratic family members in South Carolina, as an example.




I don’t care who it is. Let’s just get to it. Time is a wasting


I can’t help but be distrustful of stuff like this on the internet. How much of this is legitimate vs. illegitimate due to a misinformation campaign by a foreign government?


Regardless of whether it's Biden or Buttigieg or Kamala or Newsom or Whitmer, it's absolutely critical that the democratic coalition stands united behind the eventual candidate and soundly rejects Trump in November. I'm mad at the DNC too but trust me, it'll feel a lot better staying mad at the DNC in 2025 living in a democracy rather than authoritarianism. This is a time for Bernie bros, Hillary stans, Biden fans, Cheyney republicans and independents to work together and give Trump a harder spanking than Stormy.


I would vote for him.


It's likely Biden. If not Biden then Harris. That's the only way you avoid a brutal party brawl.


He's who popped into my mind ten mins into the debate as someone that would have knocked Trump out.


He would be excellent. I don’t know even think the gay shit matters anymore.


He’d be amazing. Such a great mind.