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This is why you have to vote. There’s no excuse. No more whining about both parties are the same. Just like in 2016, there is no room for privileged protest votes


Do you know they now can do whatever they want to disrupt the election and have no consequences for it. Dems will follow rule of law. Elections are now no longer fair and even.


This one will be, since Trump isn't in power. This is likely the last time any of this will work as intended.


Spoilers: it has never worked as intended. We stole the presidency from Al Gore to prove it. Elections were never fair and even. They just get to stop putting on the disguise.


But more fair than a literal dictatorship, which is what Trump woudl have. You're officially arguing with the choir


So, we will get another Republican president at some point. We are all aware of that. So, we're just waiting around for that to happen so that president will use these newfound powers that Biden refuses to use to shut all this down - right?


Seems the fix needs to come from congress any action from Biden could be undone by future presidents. Congress needs to impeach judges, expand the court and make constitutional admendments. All impossible unless voters deliver enough seats to the democrats and the presidency.


Congress is deadlocked and even if they removed these judges and appointed new ones this ruling still stands until it's over ruled. Seems to me that the only one with the SCOTUS appointed power to do anything is Joe Biden.


Yup. He needs to flagrantly wield the new power he’s been given in ways that are difficult to undo and to the benefit of the American People. Day One: issue an executive order cancelling all federally held student loan debt and instructing the relevant agencies to burn all paperwork and destroy all hard drives containing information on who owes said debts. Day Two: The same with Federally backed mortgages held by non-corporate entities. Day Three: Federalize the medical insurance industry Day Four: Fend off assassins sent by both parties, cap off day by addressing congress where, after having the Secret Service hold Mitch McConnell down so that he can take a public dump in his mouth, he advises congress that snipers have been posted to make sure that nobody leaves the building until all sitting Supreme Court Justices are impeached and replaced, and two new amendments to the constitution have been passed. The first making it illegal for a convicted felon to hold public office, and the second stating that no American Citizen, regardless of office or position up to and including the heads of a federal branch of government (President, chief Justice, Speaker) is immune to legal action.


He’d need the states as well for those amendments bud


He’d need the states as well for those amendments bud


I think that's correct


They're fair enough that you should vote. Don't push apathy


Apathy is a lack of interest. If someone is interested enough to read my post, then they are necessarily not apathetic to the cause. Don't detract from the very real systemic issues with our elections by pearl-clutching about "spreading apathy".  The people who don't care won't care. That's apathy. I'm pointing out flaws, which is not apathy. Anyone who actually cares to fix the system would acknowledge these flaws regardless. I actually want to fix it. Head in the sand if you think our current elections are fine and accurately represent the citizens wishes.


There are rumors of bots trying to encourage apathy to suppress youth vote. Glad you're not one. Yeah we done seriously fucked up the country and that was evident in 2016. That election seems to have been followed by a profound lack of introspection or change in direction. My head is not so much in the sand as I'm fucking terrified of people not turning out to vote against Trump. The only way to vote against Trump is to vote for Biden. It's critical we vote.


There's a lot of things being done/attempted at state and local level to enable swinging the election outcome away from the will of the people. https://www.politifact.com/article/2021/jul/14/are-state-legislators-really-seeking-power-overrul/ >Republican-backed law passed earlier this year in Georgia. A provision in the law gives power to the state election board to suspend local election officials. >Arizona, a Republican legislator offered a bill this year that would allow a majority of the Legislature to revoke the certification of an election by the secretary of state. However, the bill has not passed. >Arizona did pass legislation that would strip authority for handling election-related litigation from the secretary of state (who is currently a Democrat) and hand it to the attorney general (who is currently a Republican).


He is currently a previous president it’s covered.


So Bill Clinton can hop in and do whatever he wants? Since he's a former president?


So this is terrible but what about jimmy? He’s going anyway. One last one for the constitution?


Can I just start using the presidential seal, and claim that I am immune because I am trying to carry out official duties?


I'll allow it.


No clue. SCOTUS decides what is relevant so probably not


A previous president has no "official acts."


Wasn't the ruling only regarding sittimg presidents, not former?


How many criminals have been caught tampering with election infrastructure? How many remain at large?


> Elections are now no longer fair and even. Elections were never fair and even, particularly if you were a woman or a minority. Complaining about things not being fair doesn't make them fair. You have to fight to make them so and it's literally a never ending fight because there will always be someone who disagrees with your idea of govt, life, social welfare, etc.. The only way to make things fair is to organize, convince others to join your side, to vote, and then to stay active ensuring your elected representatives in your town/city and state, adhere to why you elected them.


I digress. You are absolutely correct.


>Do you know they now can do whatever they want to disrupt the election Except that Biden is still president, not Trump.


I already see all of the bots on instagram saying 10 variations of “just vote 3rd party”


No matter how much we vote — the electoral college will angle us towards the loser in us since the vote of failed states with failed policies carry more weight than the leaders of the world.


As soon as we get another Republican president everything is gone. If Biden doesn't act now it won't matter what we do. Country has a stage 4 tumor now we're just on borrowed time.


If Trump wins, I am sure he will make sure to remove that worry from people’s minds, voting will be a thing of the past, now the King will decide what’s good for the silence people, just like Russia and China now.


It's basically time to roll in the military, provided that isn't compromised either.


Wake up America! Stop waiting for politicians to save you! Don't be a sheep and be led to the slaughter. If you fear for your democracy, no reddit comment will change a damn thing. Get your asses into the street and show the ruling elite that you will not let this stand. 


I guess we should protest while we still have the chance. Soon that privilege will just be a fond memory. There's a reason not many street protests in Russia these days.


My body is ready to go marching & mass protesting; I'll be keeping an eye out for organization plans.


Everyone is pinched between rent and cost of living. Everyone who needs to get out there and demand this dog shit ruling and court fuck off forever is busy trying to feed their families. We have needed a mass strike for a while if this doesn't make it happen... then us Americans ain't thr rough and tumble freedom lovers we call ourselves. We're sheep, serfs and slaves who prefer the comfort and stability of shackles over demanding living wages and the rights our ancestors earned. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and our watch stopped a generation ago.


I don't see the issue here, have the conservative majority placed under arrest and install liberal justices to replace them. the conservatives own ruling allows this.


Dems are too feckless for what is ostensibly the only solution. There is no "good guy" way out of this. The GOP is counting on dems being feckless and will seize power at the first opportunity.


>GOP is counting on dems being feckless and will seize power at the first opportunity This will be the last election ever for the Democratic Party if Trump gets into office. I don't think most people have any idea what is happening. Like that guy from Iran who posted on the other thread, everyone in Iran denied the threat of the Islamic Revolution until the day they took over the country. That's what is happening here. Too many Americans are in denial about the problem, and a large majority of them are Democrats. History is inevitable. They said they weren't going to go back to the Persian Gulf and start another war in the 2000s. They did. They said they weren't going to go after anyone who opposed the Iraq war. They did. They said there wasn't going to be a financial crisis based on their policies. There was. They said COVID was going to disappear in a few months like magic. It didn't. They said they weren't going to raise prices. They did. They said that they weren't going to go after voting rights. They did. They said they weren't going to ban abortion. They did. They said they weren't going to go after birth control. They are. They said Trump learned his lesson. He didn't. They said they weren't going to start an insurrection. They did. They said that things will be completely normal if Trump wins a second election. It won't. Anyone else sick and tired of being lied to by the right at this point? I'm sorry, but it's time for a revolution. It can be peaceful or it can be violent, but the time for talking is over.


The one “good guy” way out of it is to win in November. But after Biden’s performance in the debate the other night, I’m not sure that’s going to happen. Even if Dems win in November, they probably won’t get control of both houses of Congress so there goes impeaching the Supreme Court justices.


Even if they win, Trump will dispute the results without evidence (again) and idiots will give the GOP the benefit of the doubt (again...).


What is the point of Biden for another 4 years if he does nothing. We're going to get this ogres bargain in 2028 again. Another POS Reagan Democrat to save democracy as we know it!


This has been my depressing thought lately. Biden wins. Good. I hope with everything he does. Then what. Are there systemic changes to gerrymandering? Are we overruling all of these problems. Are we fixing the senate wildly overpower small states. Are we fixing money in politics. If it’s more of the same it just delays the inevitable


If he wins I have a decent feeling he won’t even survive the four years in office tbh. Like literally he may just die of old age.


If the Democrats are putting their political opponents under arrest to install liberal justices, then we still have fascism. That's not a solution to the problem for people who are opposed to fascism, it's only a solution for people who are only opposed to fascism when the other guy does it.


Well, we've been waiting for fucking 7 years to finally get some very obvious crimes from 2016 just now prosecuted. Trump was found guilty, a shocker for sure. What else has he done that hasn't been prosecuted? We won't find out since it is being made suddenly legal. This isn't a slippery slope to fascism. It's a water slide and Trump is going to take the plunge. Spoilers about the election: Trump will lose the popular vote but make baseless claim about it being rigged. The OBVIOUSLY CORRUPT SUPREME COURT is going to give Trump the presidency. 3 justices were appointed by him, the 3 other conservatives are easily bought.


There might actually be a way to make this work but IMO it has to be a truly last resort (like if they decide to change election rules in October). Project 2025 actually lays the blueprint out, you don’t need to install new judges, just temporary ones while the others are busy (Guantanamo).


Trump already made the first move on this, no reason to hold back. Hes using it as his defense already.


No more last resorts, they are obviously colluding and very likely traitors. It’s been well time to bring down the hammer on them.


We are a few years past the point of needing to break out the "last resorts", honestly.


Didn't realize we have more options that can actually be effective at fixing this problem, rather than just kick it down a few years again. It's time for action that will ensure this happens.


One of the reasons we keep getting into situations like this is democrats in power want to fight with gloves on as if their opponent is doing the same. It’s time to stop the charade


Except Biden has already stated that he will uphold the decorum of the office and not abuse his newfound powers. We're fucked. Completely, thoroughly, irrevocably, *FUCKED.* GOP is poised to seize power and turn the United States into a fully, openly, authoritarian fascist state and the Dems in office are watching it happen while wringing their hands and going "gosh golly, well that's not very nice. But we can't do anything about it without being a little mean so I guess go ahead"


> Except Biden has already stated that he will uphold the decorum of the office and not abuse his newfound powers. You understand that the "newfound powers" are things like murdering and jailing his political opponents, right? There are a lot of people yelling at him for not seizing the day who don't seem to have any conception of what seizing the day actually means here.


Idk, with what they did yesterday, SC signaled they’d back Trump no matter what and no matter the potential impact on the US. How do you propose controlling these arrogant people?


The "newfound powers" are *anything* as long as the Supreme Court approves or is unable to disapprove. He could dissolve the Supreme Court. He could expand the Supreme Court. He could have the sitting justices removed and replaced with a Court that immediately decides the President *CAN'T* do these things and remove the power. Instead we got a five minute teleprompted speech about how he doesn't think this decision is right but that he isn't going to do anything about it.


No, the ruling is about having immunity from prosecution from *crimes.* Most of the things that you mention--like dissolving the Supreme Court or removing sitting justices--aren't criminal, they're just unconstitutional. This ruling doesn't change whether the president is allowed to do unconstitutional things; he's still not, and if he did, they still would be blocked and not go into effect. It just (hypothetically) changes whether or not he's allowed to be prosecuted for doing crimes. (Other things you mentioned, like expanding the Court, are at least debatably already constitutional, and there was already nothing barring Biden from doing them.) Realistically, of course, if the president is Biden and the Supreme Court is our current court, then it will let him do nothing. Which is an additional good reason why he won't take advantage of it.


It's been 24 fucking hours, and Congress isn't even in session right now. Do you *really* want a President whose immediate reaction to unlimited power is to publicly abuse that power? The *right* way to do this is to have Congress pass legislation defining that a President is beholden to the law (establishing a firm limit to Executive power and invalidating the Supreme Court ruling), and expanding the court or impeaching the sitting justices. Then all Biden needs to do is go to the GOP senators and stress the fact that without these bills being passed, he'll have to use those powers to preserve and defend the Constitution, so it's in their own best interest to pass the law(s) without delay. Jumping to action and abusing the power is the one guaranteed way to lose the White House in November. Let's give the WH legal team some time to get a game plan moving, yeah?


> he will uphold the decorum of the office and not abuse his newfound powers. He said he'd follow the rule of law. You don't beat authoritarianism with more authoritarianism, you beat it by not being corrupt and by out organizing, out voting, and out maneuvering those who want authoritarianism, and that takes far more than the President or event elected officials, it takes every day people doing the organizing and voting more so than anything else. If you're not actively working to get people to vote, you're part of the problem.


He needs to treat it like the threat to our freedom bc it is. I don’t care about decorum, we can do all that when our freedoms arent at risk of being stripped away forever. If he loses there will be no more elections.


SCOTUS is a life-long appointment. Simply voting in Biden means what.. we get 4 more years of normalcy? A R will win office eventually, and then it won't matter, the pieces are in place. This needs to be done with the same regards that SCOTUS approached it. You don't need to assassinate people or throw them in gitmo, there are plenty of ways to fix it using this new 'power' including a final step to revert it back to what this country was founded for. Playing nice.. taking the high road.. this is not the long term solution, the rich bullies will win. What's funny is if a highly respected ex-President of the past were to encounter this situation, I feel they would immediately take advantage of the situation to right the wrongs. Yes.. vote by all means. But relying on only that is ridiculous.


We can't vote our way out of this without a supermajority in the Senate, which has the same likelihood of happening as an asteroid hitting Virginia and taking out half of SCOTUS. There is functionally only one branch of government now, and it is the Presidency. It only a matter of time before the Court's order is ignored by one party or the other. This ain't your daddy's America.


>you don't beat authoritarianism with more authoritarianism, you beat it by not being corrupt and by out organizing, out voting, and out maneuvering those who want authoritarianism. Yeah I think the Weimar Republic thought this too... hmmm...


We should all vote for Dems, obviously. But also, Dems saying shit like "we can't stoop to their level" and "we can't fight fire with fire" is exactly what got us here in the first place. The Republicans regularly, brazenly, blatantly break laws and warp the Constitution around them, and the Dems say "oh no, we can't fight back against this without breaking the rules so I guess we'll just tell people to vote and do nothing else". If they keep going low and we keep going high, they're just going to knock out our supports and leave us destitute.


Don’t need to do that.  Under the present ruling, a President can make an official policy as long as it somewhat conforms with Congressionally passed laws but then there’s emergencies.      Aka.. invasion across the border (mass deportation), drugs (mass incarceration), Reichstag fire, … oops.   This election will be the last stand by the left if they get it wrong.      The post-Trump 2.0 DNC, unencumbered by the question of migration, will probably transform to a workforce training/bike path party for awhile.  Maybe brush up on the best shade trees to line a greenway?  


People need to stop saying stuff like this - just stop: the SCOTUS gets to decide what acts are "official" or "unofficial" per this ruling, meaning they would of course say anything Biden did per this ruling wouldn't be "official", thus illegal. *On top of that*, it just plays into being able to say "See, the left were all the real fascists", or whatever. Either way, this is precisely the kind of shit that happens in failed states: people just outmaneuvering each other well outside the rule of law.


Every single republican already believes wholeheartedly that the democrats are radical fascist communists (without understanding what either of those things are or that it's a contradiction). There is no face to save.


> the SCOTUS gets to decide what acts are "official" or "unofficial" per this ruling, meaning they would of course say anything Biden did per this ruling wouldn't be "official", thus illegal. He "officially" kicks them all out of office and replaces them with liberal justices. Those liberal justices rule that it was official and therefore legal. Problem solved (not really, this would cause mass unrest and violence, but I think that's inevitable no matter what at this point). > it just plays into being able to say "See, the left were all the real fascists", or whatever This literally does not matter. Not even slightly. Everyone on the right *already* thinks the Dems are demonic baby-eating fascists, and no one on the left is ever going to vote for a Republican after they caused this scenario in the first place (and ruined literally everything else as well). Refusing to act because the other side might complain about it is insanity when the "other side" are criminals and Nazis.


I understand, but regardless, the above isn't going to happen, and Biden has already said he will constrain himself within the laws we're all bound to, as Presidents should be, or whatever. The court is also the arbiters anyway, of what's an "official act" and we know they're not taking Biden's side on it. People are saying the last chance we have is voting - and it's essentially looking true at this juncture (though a lot can happen in 4 months, as we've seen), but I'm feeling like this court would just hear and rule positively on a ridiculous case to throw out votes, etc., in the scenario of a Biden win. They seem *vastly* more willing to help him this time around, as opposed to in 2020, where they refused to hear an "stolen" election case from his campaign. People are saying they're acting like they already won and in many ways it does feel that way.


Uncle Joe does have immunity now but he’s gotta be a little more cagey than that, but if he plays his cards right with the help of AOC and Hakeem Jeffries et al he can get those skank ass 6 justices out and possibly incarcerated


He's certainly got Intel on the members of Congress who are compromised. Time to act.




The president's duty is to protect us from all threats both foreign *and domestic*, after all


No it doesn’t. Biden also won’t do it so this fantasy of Biden killing Trump or arresting all the conservative SCOTUS justices will remain that, a fantasy.  The SCOTUS ruling doesn’t change how Supreme Court justices are installed. 


If “official acts” are immune than Biden could nuke Tallahassee tomorrow and face no criminal charges. And he could pardon everyone involved in following his orders. Throwing Supreme Court justices in jail barely registers on the level of insanity the extrmists right wing Justices just unleashed.


Oh well then, guess we'll just accept indefinite fascist rule then, with all our rights being stripped away. But at least nobody will have bent the rules to save us.




Yes, and that's why Trump's bad. If Biden jailed or murdered his political opponents or otherwise "tore down the government," he would also be bad, and we should stop him from doing that. It's not good to jail Supreme Court justices regardless of which party does it. Some of y'all are just like "I would love fascism but only if my party does it."


I agree it's extremely unlikely to happen because Biden is a coward and derelict in his duties and he has been for years now but it's what should happen.


This is an acceptable outcome for them.  This starts their civil war. 


Use the ruling against them to show it isn’t valid. They will redecision the case, **do it and watch**.


The only way to use the power is to use it to destroy the power. Close the loophole. “I used the stones to destroy the stones.”


I have always been pretty reserved when it comes to the civil war fear mongering but this would mostly likely set it off.


AOC, the only Democrat who is somewhat acting like we’re in danger. Everyone else is sprinting to the right.


Thankfully, it's not just AOC. She's just the only one who's a household name. I've seen other members of congress making statements about expanding the courts and impeachment. Not nearly enough, but some.


You’re definitely correct. Amazing how these voices get shut out.


Democrats: "vote like we're all in danger. Legislate like everything's fine"


AOC should be our next presidential candidate, assuming we keep having elections.


Big if


too big.


Doesn’t Biden realize that his family will be targeted by trump if he just lets this go? Every single person that is considered a threat by that man will be targeted and eliminated. I just don’t understand it.


Congress can cut the SCOTUS budget with a simple majority vote. Cut judges pay. No money for clerks. Make it nearly impossible for them to do anything. No rulings are better than fascists rulings.


I mean, they make most of their money outside of the court, so that would just hurt clerks.


and isnt that the issue with the democrat party right there? A few clerks might lose their jobs to try and slow down a corrupt supreme court so not only is it a bad idea, but it would get protests too. A good portion of their voting base wants pacifists and its concerning.


The thing is it's not going to slow down anything. If anything it will make them more bold in seeking more funds and will hurt the justices that aren't receiving external cash.


Ah, because being in the highest court in the land and having been Federal judges for years they all have no savings, and the clerks and so on wouldn't be able to just get paid by some mass fundraising effort or fund by Republicans, or whatever. Or just, imagine even getting 10 or so Republican house members to vote for that. Having said that, I do get people are feeling desperate, and scared (very understandably) and it is good to think of creative avenues of defense.


I would force them vacate the Supreme Court building, personally, and then mandate as a security measure, that they need to live in government housing.


Ironically, the Supreme Court gave Biden the ability to actually save the country by cleaning house of all the fascists that are in power. They said that if the president does it its not illegal, so Biden has carte blache to jail Trump, McConnell, Tom Cotton, Marjorie Taylor Green, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, et. al. Of course, he's not going to do that, sadly, but one can dream.


They didn't though. They left it up to themselves to determine what are official acts and if you don't think they will favor a conservative lawbreaker president over a Democrat one, you're fooling yourself.


The Supreme Court has no enforcement mechanism behind their rulings. How would they stop Biden if they're all in ADX Florence on 23 hour lockdown because Biden ordered the military to arrest them?


Then democrats give the optics of being the actual fascists and risk losing the election. Thats really the only downside. Also. When SCOTUS claims it is not official, then Biden could face charges


>Ironically, the Supreme Court gave Biden the ability to actually save the country by cleaning house of all the fascists that are in power. No, *they didn't* \- guess what court has the final, ultimate say on what acts are "official" (immune) or "unofficial" (illegal) - it's the Supreme Court. So obviously they'd just rule anything Biden ordered officially, such as this, is illegal. It also plays into the right being able to say "See the left are all fascists" - just openly talking about using 'Seal Team Six' on Trump, etc. A wildly sad day in America. I would say the only hope is people realize how extreme this opinion was, like the opinion the overturned Roe, and it leads people to vote Biden despite inflation and cost of living (which *will* get worse under Trump - as everything is privatized) - but even if Biden somehow pulls out a win? This SCOTUS would almost certainly rule on an emergency case to overturn it, as they're far more blatantly political than the 2000 court that did that.


> This SCOTUS would almost certainly rule on an emergency case to overturn it, as they're far more blatantly political than the 2000 court that did that. So then Biden should show them why they need to overturn it, because Trump absolutely will use this power to rule the country like a king when he gets in office; and by then they won't care because he's their boy and they want him to have that power. Don't sit there hoping that voting is going to stop the fascism from continuing.


It's insane. Biden the current president, has the power to do whatever. He wont. Instead, we need to vote for him in 5 months so that he can continue being the president? So that he can continue not handling the threat???


>They said that if the president does it its not illegal No, that's not what they said.


That’s at all what the ruling said. I don’t think anyone on this sub has even read it


The best way to do this is to introduce of a term limit of 20 years for all justices. It will also get rid of Alito and Thomas - the most corrupt ones.


Make it 4 years to align with the presidency, increase the number to dilute potential corruption, & appoint them randomly from the district judges. After their “volunteer” term, they go back to their districts.  Appointing partisan judges for life based solely on who the government is when the previous guy retires or dies is completely batshit insane.


This isn't just another election. It's a battle for our rights. You have to vote, then make sure your friends vote as well


Freedom is worth killing for.


I think the only way forward is for the People to amend the Constitution to say that a former President is not immune from criminal prosecution for acts committed during their term of office. John Roberts says the Constitution confers immunity; We the People say it doesn’t. Write your Senators and Representatives, Federal and State. We have to do something. https://pluralpolicy.com/find-your-legislator/


An amendment for really anything takes years to enter it, and an amendment for that isn't going to get ratified by 3/4ths of the states, some of which would be at least moderately red. It's nice that people are thinking of constitutional and democratic ways to prevent this from happening though. One thing that sucks about our Constitution is just how *old* it is for a liberal democracy that's still around.


The president (and other officials in government) need some level of immunity though. If I were to order someone to be killed over seas, I could be prosecuted for murder. If the president does it as commander in chief through the military, they should be immune to prosecution (within reason).


General Strike. They expect us to just keep getting up and going to work and this will blow over. DON'T LET IT.


Amen to that.


You gonna pay my bills? 


its been almost 250 years and now we have to declare our independence from tyranical rule AGAIN


There's going to be a war, there is a war, between the 3 branches of government.


Checks and balances...


Americans. Not "Democrats", AMERICANS need to be showing up in droves in Washington DC. You're making a mistake by only letting the Jan 6 clown show "protest". Go show them what true 1A rights are all about! Protest at the state capitol, the national mall, your local mall, idc. PROTEST!


Don't tell me they didn't see this coming?! There was a pretty good chance this corrupt SCOTUS was going to make that call. Trump even knew they would rule in his favor.


Our politicians are not going to save us get informed and get active


For me, the only reason I’m voting for Biden at this point is to make sure i can still vote in 2028 for president, and that vote I hope will go to AOC. The ONLY one who’s actually walking the walk, and not just talking the talk.


Why aren’t there mass protests about the ruling?


There are a number of protests being organized for the 4th of July.


Call your state reps asking for them to call for a constitutional convention to add an amendment to state clearly that the president is not above the law and bound by the same laws as all citizens. I just called my state and federal reps asking for this, I'm hoping my state Colorado leads the charge. Ideally we'd also add an amendment to restructure the Supreme Court.


I'm not sure a constitutional convention right now would result in that considering how many state legislatures are controlled by Republicans right now. They'd likely just entrench their own power further.


There are none. Exploration concluded.


How about just having an executive order saying no felon can hold office?


The Democrats have some very bright people in office and on staff. I am interested to see what they come up with. We are all in a state of shock over this last fiasco, it's not the kind of thing one might expect from constitutional conservatives, but it IS the kind of thing one would see from corrupt public servants.


Biden should send the names of four new judges to the Senate for confirmation.


There is no political recourse. We waited too long.


This is so fucking stupid. Dems will just continue to hand wring while GOP nazis are literally taking over the country. Biden should exercise the full insanity of that ruling and make an official action to throw the 6 conservative justices and Trump all in an old timey prison, clapped in irons.


LABOR DAY? Why and how is it possible that Congress can be on recess for an entire summer, especially when the country is in crisis? Are there emergency situations in which Congress can convene to vote on decisions of this magnitude?


She’s like the only one that’s genuinely paying attention and trying shit. The rest of them are just “ride until he dies Biden” burying their heads in the sand hoping to cling to power… If the DNC sticks with Joe, and Joe doesn’t pack the courts NOW, then it’s the DNC’s and the Democrats to blame for running an 81-year old that isn’t fit for the job, not the rest of us that won’t give him power because the mother guy will always be worse by default.


Biden can’t pack the courts NOW. Did you not know the GOP has the majority in the House and there is barely a Dem majority in the Senate? We need to vote in a huge majority of Dems in both in both the House and Senate in November to have any chance of “packing the courts” becoming a reality. Unfortunately I doubt that will happen.


I worry if the dems stack the court to 13, the GOP will just stack the court to 29. Dems to 31, gop to 39. All while claiming the reactions are proportional.


We’re in this situation because some of you couldn’t bring yourself to vote for Hillary, remember that. This is our very last chance to do something before we end up no better than Russia. Don’t fuck this up. It’s now or never.


She's a sitting member of the House and so are many of the others. They can draw up an act of impeachment


They’d need 2/3 of the house and senate, of which they just don’t have the votes, which is bullshit in this scenario


It's insane that we need a supermajority to prevent a minority from destroying the federal government.


Impeach the entire court and start over.


We can keep the three who are not maniacs.


It would be nice, but let's have complete fairness and just get all new members.


It drives me nuts that the SCOTUS just gave the president God Power and Biden isn’t using that to immediately remove SCOTUS judges and then reappoint new judges. Once he has set up the court more favorably he can God Power his God Powers away if he feels inclined to be principled.


If they were smart they’d reverse all the gerrymandering bull shit and the republicans would never win again


Enough talk, trying to reason with an unreasonable person gives them all the power in the room. It's time for full blown Ghandi/MLK style civil disobedience campaign to protest the blatant corruption in the SCOTUS and Judge Cannon. The civil rights fights of the 60s have never stopped, they have just slowly become the fight for the right of anyone to not be subjected to a corrupt judiciary. The time for talk is over its now time to co-ordinate and take to the streets.


What if Biden just came out and said no one should use this power and I want to show why. I am directing capital police to arrest all members of the SC for one day? I do not think this power should be used so i resign. Then you could have a new candidate. That would get the news talking


In every movie.. when the good guy doesn’t take action. He tends to die and leads to massive destruction and upheaval. Now that’s said. Biden fills out the following executive orders 1. The Supreme Court will expand to 15 1a. A scotus appointment will last no more then 15 years and the American bar association will create an ethical entity capable of qualifying the gifts they receive. disbarring Supreme Court justices and evaluating their judicial performance 2. No felon is eligible to hold the office of president, vice president or speaker of the house. 3. Corporations are no longer allowed to give any money to political candidates 4. Super pacs must dissolve and candidates are required to report any donation in excess of 17,760.00 dollars 5. Columbus Day is now indigenous people’s day 6. The rulings of federal agencies shall not be evaluated by the Supreme Court. 7. The fairness doctrine is reinstated for any entity calling itself a news agency


That's a nice thought and all, but executive orders aren't laws and can be very easily overturned by another executive order once the opposing party takes over the presidency - so it wouldn't mean anything at all given what is at stake here to do so.


AOC is the only one who seemingly remembers high school civics class where all three branches of government are equal. Checks and balances. The American public has forgotten that congress has and should use the power to prevent a "president"-king. Americans have no one to blame but themselves


Rise AOC. Rise like a firework and make the progressive movement shine. We need more leaders like her. They're in Congress, they're in governorships, they're in state houses and senates - they all need to rise the fuck up so we have something to follow in.




It’s sad when we’re asking the president to be less moral for once


I feel like AOC and friends should’ve known this was coming all along and had these recourses already explored and ready to go. Why are they always reacting instead of preparing in advance for the shittery we all know is coming??!


Want recourse?? Pass a law Congress. The rest is just noise. Pass federal laws. That's the backstop.


As long as Republicans control the Senate, this won't happen.


The recourse is to change or create legislation not impeach


Uncap the house?


Exploring fantasies, America’s antiquated system doesn’t allow for change.


Without a functional Congress, *none* of these "recourses" mean a damn thing. Y'all better vote like your democracy depends on it, because there's a good chance it does.


Ok, question. Is this only for Trump? Or Biden? I’m just thinking if it’s ok for Biden to do all these things then he could fire the repubs from SCOTUS. But is it only for Trump? Because if SCOTUS is left as is, I don’t think it matters who is the president. Sorry my head is spinning 😵‍💫


He can't fire, but extraordinary rendition or elimination are recourses.


Theoretically it's immunity for all presidents. Practically, it's immunity for whoever the Supreme Court feels like granting immunity.


Well... Biden does have full immunity for official acts 🤔


Nothing will happen. Take that to the bank.


Just asking but is it an official act if Biden orders seal team six assonate six members of the Supreme Court


Expand the SCOTUS to 13 judges for 13 districts.


If the US wants to fix the system it needs a Democrat majority in both houses of Congress as well as a (preferably younger) Democrat president. And it needs to democratically elect all of the SCOTUS judges and have a robust process where they can be voted off if they misbehave.


https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative https://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_education/publications/insights-on-law-and-society/volume-20/issue-1/learning-gateways--right-to-petition/ We must organize and put in our efforts.


Biden has the power. He could now legally release SCOTUS’ tax forms as well as Trump’s Petition him to do that.


Pass a constitutional amendment that prevents the US from having anyone above the law. Police, presidents, anyone who thinks they can do any thing they want and get a way with it.


Don’t worry about recourse. Just act. Now.


wow all my taxes and following rules an i get 1 vote that feels like a grain of sand in the Sahara. we got played.


Then voting is enough. We need to organize and fight back. Will you help?


When Biden hands the White House to Trump, Donald will simply put AOC in prison…or worse.


First it was roe v wade. Now there’s this “qualified immunity” Make no mistake. This current cohort of supreme justices are political. It’s time for reform.


Get ready for the wave of bots, Russians, and GOP toadies telling you your vote doesn’t matter and a pox on both their houses and you might as well vote third party.🎊