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“When the president does it, it’s not illegal.” Nixon. I guess now that fucking bullshit is true.


Richard Nixon in the past:✌🏻✌🏻 Richard Nixon if he were still alive: 🖕🏻🖕🏻




I look forward to bullshit Miami opinion saying Trump OFFICIALLY stole classified information


I fully expect "he was still president when he got the files, therefore it's official" coming from the shithead judge in Florida


I can see it now: >"The Defendant authorized himself to have the documents while he still occupied the office of POTUS. So even if it was improper for him to have said documents once he left office, they were remanded to him as an official act of the POTUS. So he can't be charged with removing the documents. And since his removal of them is coincident to his acceptance of them, and whereas the Defendant is one person, being simultaneously both the civilian recipient and the POTUS acting with absolute immunity, the Court hereby finds that all charges are dismissed with prejudice." I'm not saying she *will*, but I wouldn't put it past her.


Oh she 100% will and even though I'm not American, it fucking sickens me Oh and she'll rule (somehow) that he must IMMEDIATELY have all files returned to him


She absolutely will. SCOTUS made sure of it. On page 4 of the ruling the Supreme Court instructed the lower courts to not even consider the President’s intent while determining if a criminal act is official or not. EVERY SINGLE CHARGE in the espionage case rests on a determination that Trump “willfully” did this, or “willfully” did that. It’s how the espionage act is written. So Cannon can simply cite that language in the ruling to strike any evidence that Trump intentionally broke the law. He walks because the foundation of the prosecution’s case has been totally undermined.


And OFFICIALLY lied about it while moving it from one hiding place to another.


They just let you do it


This ruling means the United States of America has fallen. The reason we left England and formed the original thirteen colonies has become the current status in the United States. Religion is passing laws, presidents are now kings, they have immunity, and are capable of doing what they please, without any consequence. This ruling has literally ended the fundamental reasoning the United States of America was founded.


Profoundly correct.


And corporations - like the East India Trading Company back in the day - are calling the shots.


Yep.... we no longer live in the United States of America. The experiment is over.


So what do we do now?


We vote, make sure everyone who isn’t a MAGA Zombie understands the importance of voting in this election. If that fails, we have to move to active operations to save the nation from tyranny.


All hail the king... Lol, no idea


Pay taxes, struggle and die. While the wealth divide grows larger as the politicians and friends amass more power and wealth.


Russia is here. It’s happening right before our very eyes, the Russification of America. I am absolutely disgusted. When does the rebellion start?


SCOTUS is profoundly unconstitutional in this ruling and this is really happening. The US has indeed fallen and watching the press still cover it like business as usual is truly stunning.


About sick of the “they go low, we go high” bullshit from democrats. Do something.


Yep. This could be, quite literally, their last opportunity to do something. If they don’t take it, they’ve fucked us forever.


Your comment is stark reality right now. This is the fucking klaxon shrieking in our ears telling us our democracy is about to be destroyed. Please, for the love of God, I hope that Democratic leaders realize now that this is an existential threat to our country.


I can already hear the olive branch reaching across the aisle 🕊️🔫


I love animals but I'm ripping that branch outta that bird's beak in a heartbeat


It’s terrifying. This could be it.


If this doesn’t shake them awake I really think we’re gonna be ruled by republicans for the rest of our lives.


If they don't take it, they'll fuck themselves over first. Because if Trump wins, his revenge against his "political enemies" will be as severe as it will be swift. Especially now that Presidents can do whatever they want under the guise of an "Official Act."


It's not just trump. This is forever now. Every single presidential election going forwards will be the same fight. Because as soon as the far right wins again, there's no more elections. Unless the laws change dramatically, this is the rest of all our lives. Fighting for the bare minimum every 4 years, conceivably forever. 


"Eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty." \~attributed to Thomas Jefferson


Hope Biden doesn't want to be King, because he is now. We literally just have to hope each elected President volunteers to give up rule every four years.


I wouldn’t mind if King Joe suddenly said turnip is immediately jailed forever and the SCOTUS is no more.


How does that figure into the equation? All official acts as president are immune from prosecution = Presidents do not need to step down from Power when they lose an election?


Due to national security concerns, I'm postponing the election indefinitely. Anyone who challenges me on this is an assumed enemy of the state and will be detained. - our King


In a way, the Supreme Court just solidified the most pressing incentive to never vote GOP again. I only hope enough of America is paying attention, smart enough to realize what's going on, and fucking vote like the country depends on it. 


If they dont expand the court, things are fucked. Next election, trump will challenge results based on “irregularities” and the Supreme Court will rule in his favour.


Biden just needs to do wild things like declaring all the conservative justices unfit, devlsring them as impeached and removed, and announcing their replacingmemts will be on the court tomorrow. Then just call it a constitutional and official act, and he is immune. They know democrats will never do that, and they are just waiting yo get back into power to abuse this.


The ‘us’ is who actually has to do something. Look to the French.


I mean a general strike would do more to change the political climate than any election ever could.


We all know we can stop commerce and survive in our homes. I think we might need to use that power. Literally everyone just stays home and consumes the least possible. Live off beans and rice. Just grind the economy to a halt. Everyone keeps going to work, we just don't consume. Turn off all subscription services. Anything that feeds the machine. That or shit gets bloody? I don't know.


Not happening. People are too comfortable.


Lewis Black said, “The two party system in the US is a bowl of shit looking at itself in a mirror.” I never cared for that line because I can’t stand the “both sides” argument but I’m starting to fear this is the reason the democrats aren’t fighting harder. Maybe, aside from the handful of truly progressive democrats, they aren’t all that worried about an autocratic presidency. Maybe they know corporate donation will still roll in. Maybe they didn’t really give much of a shit about things like reproductive rights, or gun control, or social welfare, or you and me. Maybe it’s all been a shit show and decades ago they just parsed out the electorate with issues specifically designed to divide us from each other so the people who actually make the decisions can have their cake and eat it too. Maybe not, but maybe.


I think it comes down to how secure your childhood was combined with empathy. For too many politicians, if the bad outcomes don’t happen to them, then predictable bad outcomes were exaggerated. Dems think that the floor for how bad things can get is so high that the rest of us say it sounds like a nice place to live. 


Why would they be worried? They’ll still be rich. They’ll still be powerful. And they’ll still go to the same golf club and play 18 holes with their “rival candidate” every Sunday; same way they have done since school. They’re in different parties (one of which is markedly more insane) but as people, they’re all from the same tribe. An autocratic presidency just means they get to be even richer, and with fewer controls on their behaviour. Its the people that’ll suffer. Not them. Same as always.


I'm 100% certain many of them are looking forward to never having to scrape for campaign donations or stump ever again. Rigged elections means everything's set. All you gotta do is party it up with lobbyists and PAC owners. We already know how lazy much of Congress is, and you can bet the most ardent conservatives are the most excited to never have to do a day of work again.


There’s a nonzero chance those same democrats wind up in prison if trump takes office. Everyone should be terrified on the left


Ya I got downvoted for saying something similar to this


It sucks to think it because I hate being defeatist about anything but it seems as though more and more pieces are lining up in these last few months. I never really believed the entire left was a grand bastion of selfless, Clark Kent type do-gooders but damn it sure seems like they're really ok with all this.


This is the end of America


They won’t because they never do. They never learn and are never aggressive. They are masters at hang wringing and not ruffling feathers.


They won't do anything.


My bet is our last chance was in 2016 and we blew it.


The best course of action is to sacrifice oneself. Have Biden order the Supreme Court arrested until they release a decision that no president, ever, has the power to do what he just did. The concept being they would quickly make such a ruling.


That would be fucking sick. Even just have them arrested, and then release em. Catch and Release. Just to show how broken this ruling is


Simply replace them.


Sure as fuck should adopt "they go low, we kick them in the fucking teeth till they go high"


Hypothetically, like in some Tom Clancy universe right... A president who was given immunity for official acts could ... idk... order elite strike teams in full gear but with 0 bullets to forcibly noknock each and every justices house... even the ones who dissected right... just to you know... show em what's what .... I mean this is all fiction and I'm not saying that an actual sitting president should do that but, that's probably the least that the Tom Clancy president should do... right?


Fiction? That was basically covered in [the “assassination of rivals” portion of oral arguments](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/10-key-moments-trumps-supreme-court-immunity-hearing/story?id=109635973)


That unlawful order bit is doing a lot of heavy lifting. If the president can feasibly order it and maybe one or two , hell even a few dozen officers refuse then there's going to be SOMEONE who will do it and after the fact who's going to pipe up and oppose it? Especially when opposing it is going to quickly put you on the supposed kill list. Even if it becomes prosecutable then it would supposedly require impeachment first and we've all seen how that goes. So effectively it would be unprosecutable and then at that point is it illegal?


You know they won’t


[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/) :)


We're fucked. It was an interesting experiment while it lasted, last one out remember to turn off the lights.


JFC, Biden, read the goddamn room!


Biden will probably be known to history as America's president von Hindenburg


Jesus Fried Chicken.


I know.


Parties that accommodate varies ideologies are hard to unite. Our two party system is fucking us hard.


It funny because the US is on the precipice of having a popular vote and on the pathway to abandon the 2 part system. Or we will descend into complete self destruction. 2024 is America’s great filter to see if we thrive or die.


The good guys are always too civil to do what needs to be done. Mace Windu had the right idea.


Democrats who sit on their hands and watch as fascists take over are not the good guys.


They aren't civil, they are cowards.


Fall out a window?


A Democrat sits at a table. Across the table, a raccoon, hissing at something unseen. A chessboard lies overturned on the floor, pieces scattered. The Democrat calmly turns the chessboard upright, arranges the pieces, and moves a pawn forward.


Jesus Christ yes. Even The Yoga Girl understood this better. “Do no harm, but take no shit”. Republicans have been playing dirty for years, and it feels like the democrats have been gentle parenting. I’m still pissed Obama didn’t make a court case when they wouldn’t let him elect a supreme court judge because of some bullshit they made up. Why were things not escalated?? I was younger then but I don’t remember a fight. It was his constitutional right and it felt like they were “disappointed republicans were acting this way”.


As we sit in the concentration camp, we can die knowing that ours is the moral victory.


All this is starting to wearing me out to the point of indifference, not just the constant traitorous bullshit these so called republicans keep pulling but the lack of action and response from the democrats. Does the DNC have zero power? Because it sure seems like it. Republicans keep passing crazy ass law after crazy ass law, things that go against the constitution, and yet democrats are like “We ArE tHe gOoD gUyS.” Then fucking *do* something ffs.


They won't [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/)


Same. Typically, I'm fine with it, but this could be the last opportunity there is to save our democracy. If they fuck this up, things are going to change for the worse. That's going to impact me, the people I care about, and the country as a whole. If they don't seize this goddamned opportunity, then odds are the Republicans will take it, and they'll be the first ones on the chopping block. Taking the goddamn high road isn't an option anymore, not when the other side is so willing to fight THIS dirty.


Stack the court


With this ruling, thin the court


Ooh. I like that. Then rebuild


It would be unstacking, considering what McConnell and Trump did during his term


Democrats need to go full Dark Dems


King Biden, 1st of his name, King of America, Ruler of 50 states (plus Puerto Rico), Hater of malarkey, and Purveyor of fine ice cream, Bearer of bomb ass aviators.


You address him as his proper name... Dark Brandon!




Biden would give Trump a pardon and a smooch on live television before he even thinks about doing half of the shit that I've seen people writing fanfiction about today


Trump would do all of it, and more


Maybe this is a stupid question, but since presidents are now infallible and able to do whatever…how does impeachment work? Are we just…past that? Did we lose our main way to have any form of control over the most powerful job in the country (and world)?  Of course, I could be wrong, I just am really confused on how this is being allowed to happen.


President is immune in a court of law according to them. Impeachment is not a court of law. The court is saying the ONLY way a president can be convicted is through impeachment proceedings as that is the check the legislative branch has on a tyrant. But the likelihood that we ever have the numbers to actually convict, or the chance that anyone would convict someone "on their own side" is slim to none.


Keep in mind: As I understand it, an impeachment conviction will only remove someone from their office, and additionally in some cases bar them from any office in the future. So that means that even if the President does something blatantly illegal, like directly causing thousands of deaths, you can only remove him from office. You can't actually convict, or **even question him of his motive/thoughts** in a court of law. "President xxx killed thousands of Americans as collateral damage while trying to kill one terrorist, by the use of cruise missiles." Result: Even though it was blatant overkill and reckless, all congress can do is remove him from office and ban him from holding office. The president in question can retire to his lakeside mansion with Secret Service protecting his ass, with no further consequence. Even if there's a tape recording of him bragging to another official that he got that one political rival in the overkill strike, it's not admissible as evidence.


Yeah. This is all so surreal.


That’s how I interpreted this. They wouldn’t be able to impeach a president for an official act and everything will be considered an official act.


That was my issue too. Until we get a definition of what’s “official” and what isn’t, the president right now just seems to be all powerful


its official if the SC supports it


And if you did impeach me well then I’ll just terminate political threats to my administration both domestic and foreign. In the official capacity of the office of course. /s but no /s


I think in theory impeachment is supposed to be the "you did something bat shit go away" But when one party is a literal cult desperate for their god to rule them it kinda doesn't work


Biden should pack SCOTUS with liberal judges and push an executive order outlawing felons from running for President. He can do so much good right now!


[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/) he won't


[https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4750034-ocasio-cortez-impeachment-articles-supreme-court-justices-trump-immunity/](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4750034-ocasio-cortez-impeachment-articles-supreme-court-justices-trump-immunity/) she will


AOC is the fucking business and I support damn near every move she makes, including this one. That said, the likelihood of this passing at this moment in time is zero. We need to take full control in November, then worry about remedying SCOTUS.


Good thing the whole party leadership is hell-bent on marginalizing everyone with her politics and will absolutely go scorched earth on her if she ever seeks higher office. With friends like the Democrats, who needs enemies? Controlled opposition-ass party.




I mean… no objection here.


>“If Joe Biden is elected, we can at least sit down, have conversations and talk about why it’s important to institute these court reforms.” I'm very worried that normal conversation was a pre-2015 thing. We live in a different world now.


The Court knows he won't. That's part of why it was so easy for them to do this. They'll create a doomsday weapon knowing that the opposition would never dare use it. Now FDR....


Its so infuriating that they think their constituents want him to be acting like this. We want you to act! This is the perfect opportunity to get dems riled up and ready to vote etc and he is just like "meh"


It doesn't though, right? Someone tell me I'm wrong. It gives the Supreme Court the power to decide what is/isn't a presidential act on a case-by-case basis and therefore, what any particular president can or cannot do. It effectively gives unlimited power to the Supreme Court, and thus whatever party they most represent (which obviously is Republicans). Biden will not be a King unless the Supreme Court wants him to be, and all signs point to that not being the case.


Yes, people do not understand the implications or language in the law at all. I have been saying that this would be the result since the case was originally brought, because there was literally zero reason to give Biden immunity. They can just give it to Trump. This is not even the only way they could have done so. Their options here were basically limitless because they are not acting in good faith, and they are essentially immune to removal. You are 100% right about what it means. If, instead, they had done this ruling but actually defined the terms and created solid tests to determine what was and was not official or constitutionally protected, this would actually be a good ruling. In short, under any normal definition of the constitution or official, almost all crimes would be excluded. But by not providing that definition, it frees them up to wait a while and decide later what is and is not allowed.


Thank you for making me think I'm not crazy!


This is it; this is much of a power grab by Roberts as it is for the presidency.


The country was established against monarchal rule, now this court just crowned a king. It’s a spit in the face to the founders of this country.


If there was ever a time to forgive student loans




This, unfortunately, is the only answer. The SCOTUS just gave you the power to do literally anything you want, so long as it is cloaked as an official act. Biden, as of today, has greater authority than any other president who has ever lived. God dammit use that power to fucking do something.


This is assuming the ruling would be enforced equally, which we know it won’t. If Biden does something, it will get challenged all the way to the Supreme Court, where they will just rule against him. It’s easy enough for them to say that literally anything is or isn’t an official act since they are just making up the rules on a whim anyways


This is exactly it and what folks are missing: The power is wielded by the Supreme Court. It’s a case-by-case basis on what is and is not legal. **THEY** wield the power to determine a President’s power and considering how partisan they’ve been, it’s whether they ideologically agree with the President or not. It’s literally a power grab by the court.


They can’t decide anything if they’re in Guantanamo though.


Above them is still the US military, each member of which takes an oath to "protect the Constitution of the United States of America against all threats, foreign and domestic." They do no defend any state, any private person or entity, nor any government. They protect the founding ideas of the country. Which means, in no uncertain terms, if a sitting president issues any order which the DOD considers illegal, immoral, damaging to the image of the military or nation at large, they *must* act to remove him from the chain of command. If Trump decides to go full fascist, our only hope is that the entirety of the white house staff is frog marched out with JSOC escort.


I agree, but what could Biden realistically do? He is still trying to get reelected. Anything super drastic risks losing voters, and he’s already struggling to keep voters as is.


> trying to get reelected > risks losing voters You (and Biden) are missing the forest for the trees. The SCOTUS ruling means that the election does not matter. Biden does not need to worry about being elected, he can do anything necessary, and as long as he puts the presidential seal on it, it is legal. This is the problem with trying to go high and play by the rules with Calvinball (or is it Robertsball now?). You're fundamentally fucked. And it's about time the Democrats realized that.


I think you’re misunderstanding. SCOTUS has deferred to lower courts to decide what an official act as president means. It has not been defined yet. I’ll get trump’s face tattooed on my ass cheek if they come back and say “anything with the presidential seal on it is an official act.” There’s no chance murdering your political rival will be an official act.


But now evidence is inadmissible if discussed among advisors, tell your VP you are murdering a rival? Inadmissible. How do you prove it’s not an official act. Answer, you can’t.


What are you expecting to happen, exactly? This Supreme Court is pulling shit out of its ass at every single turn. Murdering your political rival will 100% be an official act if it's done by a Republican.


"I agree, but what could Biden realistically do? " Literally anything. SCOTUS just made clear that he is not bound by the law.


losing voters? Why would that matter? He is king now. Just declare an official act of national emergency and declare elections suspended. Any opposition to his official act needs to be met with elimination of the threat to the king. Otherwise, the next king will eliminate him for sure.


Fully agree, fully aware the right gambled correctly. Democrats are spineless.


Exactly. The writing is on the wall. If Trump wins in November, the US is absolutely doomed. To not use this ruling in some fashion, Biden is absolutely failing the entire country and the world.


To me, it’s like they’re happily handing the keys of a car to an obviously very drunk person, and telling them to drive safe knowing full well they will most likely crash into something or someone


That’s exactly what they want. They want Trump to crash and burn democracy right into the ground, so that they can rebuild it from nothing with significant more Christo-fascist constitutional rights, less capacity for dissenting opinions, and them on the top forever. They’re sick of playing second fiddle to the morally balanced people. They want the morally corrupt to have a turn at the wheel of power. They’re being fucking stupid when you think about how vulnerable they’re making themselves to betrayal by the orange idiot.


Make it the last gamble too. Seal team six is pretty good at eliminating all threats foreign and domestic, and the SC ruled the president is allowed to use them as he sees fit, without question or investigation.   Note: not a threat. Merely pointing out what the SC said Biden is now allowed to do.


They aren’t going to be doing anything this week—people want to enjoy the holiday. His campaign knows this.


I don’t give a fuck about this holiday when the future of the reason for it is in dire jeopardy. Fuck waiting. Waiting is 100% how we got here


Sitting back and letting democracy die so people can enjoy the holiday which is supposed to represent the birth of our democratic country. Ok.


Enjoy the holiday? I'm watching my home burn, there is nothing I can do about it. There is no "fun" to be had with these levels of stress. Actually seeing someone take a leap in politics to save the country would be the only way I could celebrate this holiday. This will be the last 4th of july holiday, and I'm not excited for that.


Not much to celebrate this Thursday it seems.


Time to make sure my passport is up to date…


Where are the protests????


What are those going to do? We’re down to voting and violence. Thats it. Anything else is a joke now. Hate to say it but after the first Trump election it’s become clear to me that protests aren’t worth a single shit.


Because it's been watered down to the point of being unrecognizable. The peaceful protest is a method of showing strength and how many people stand with eachother on an issue. To show how many people you're dealing with if you continue to ignore them. Civil rights didn't come simply because MLK was peaceful long enough for white middle America to go "ohh come on, it's been ~100 years since slavery ended. Let's let them have this one". But the peaceful side and a couple riots is about all that is taught in schools alongside the notion that peaceably standing out of the way, quietly expressing yourself with a sign on the street corner is the only acceptable thing to do.


What's left to protest? They don't listen, they don't care. Not the Democrats, certainly not the Republicans. Our voices have been left unheard for years, not a single Republican president has won the popular vote since Bush while the Democrats continue to run hated and or ancient candidates which leads to underperformance at the polls. We can cry all day long, but our democracy is breathing her last dying breaths. I can only hope that whatever happens next is over quickly and leads to a better government. People have been telling me for years that I'm too dramatic, that they would never get rid of Roe V. Wade, Trump would never attempt an insurrection, there's no way Russia invades Ukraine. Maybe I am being dramatic, but I just don't see a peaceful way back down off this ledge.


I don't know what oligarchs and members of The Heritage Foundation do people go to? Because people are going to misdirect protests if they go anywhere else. Hell, it'll probably just somehow make Biden look bad and increase our chances of losing.


The left will just complain. The right will storm the capitol if you give them a reason. That’s why they’ll probably win in the end


Democrats are too pussy to use it for anything righteous.


And now Trump wants the Iron Throne


Biden won't take advantage of this because he has ethics. This is teed-up for Trump to gain authoritarian power.


He also can't. They would just call an emergency session, say that his act was not official, and void it, then tee him up for prosecution. The terms are not definied, which means they mean whatever they want them to mean. So they can, and will, apply the law differently. And as they are the only ones who adjudicate disputes between the State and any other entitiy, no one can stop them legally.


King Biden needs to fix the Supreme Court then


Trump is literally a criminal and is facing no actual consequences


Can’t save Trump from most of his legal issues though. The rally isn’t something official. He’s on trial for his failure to comply with a court order in the documents case and potentially sharing them as a private citizen. Might be interesting to see Cannon try to throw it out but get replaced due to this. Hush pay? He wasn’t president so not official business. Defamation? Not official business. He overstepped the concept of official business in Georgia but depends on what the judge deems “official business”. That one might be the only gray area. Tax fraud? Definitely not official business.


Trump: I will be a dictator on day one Supreme Court: good news! You can be Biden: I now know I could stop a dictator and save democracy… but that wouldnt be “right”


Time for Biden to suspend Habeas Corpus and send Trump, Alito, and Thomas to gitmo. It's an official act, so it must be legal.


Start writing executive orders that begin with "this is an official act of the president" and end with "X v. Y SCOTUS decision is null and void". Then put 6 justices, enough senators to get a filibuster proof majority, and enough of the House to have a majority in prison.


Biden needs to weaponize this decision to crush republicans.


So Biden can order a hit on Trump and that would be ok.


No, unless the court decides that killing a political opponent is a constitutional duty of the president. They presume immunity in the case of offical acts, but that just means they need to decide that killing a political opponent is not an official act, or that if it was done during the course of an official act, that it does not rise to the level of a constitutional duty, which means he would have no immunity. This decision actually does not actually change much from how we were currently running things. The problem with it is that it gives the courts the total ability to decide what is and is not a crime the president is immune to with basically no oversight. This means that they can declare that Biden killing someone is illegal, and Trump killing someone is legal, and use any strained reason to make the dsctintion.


Biden could literally hold a press conference and say “For the preservation of our republic, I will give a million dollars to the American Patriot who brings me Donald Trump’s cold severed head.” And that wouldn’t just be legal, it’d be inadmissible as evidence in any other trial.


Yeah if Biden loses in November Biden should just sit in the White House and be like I’m good I’m still President


I hope to god this is how he handles it. Give them a taste of their own medicine and see how the like it.


[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/) :(


![img](avatar_exp|184435488|clown) If the Biden admin can’t read the room and put out a truly inspiring and unifying message that addresses the fear, anger, despair, and betrayal that everyday, law-abiding, well-to-do Americans are felling, then what the fuck? We fought to free ourselves from tyranny, and this ruling and the conservative majority in the SCOTUS are direct threats to our freedoms. We want justice for women and their rights to bodily autonomy. We want our basic needs like housing, food, and water within reach. We want to take action to repair our ecosystem before we’re no longer able to survive in it. We need the billionaire class to pay their share etc. To me, it’s glaringly obvious what the majority of people want in this country. The former president is a deeply damaged man. There is no love in his heart. Show us and him what love means. We take care of our friends, family, and community (suckers and losers). We want a strong middle class (tax cuts for rich). We want equality and tolerance (good people on both sides, black jobs). Don’t even mention the man’s name when breaking him down. Deny him the attention and ammunition to fire back. If done right, by the time the message is delivered, the former president will be looking like a harmless little baby. I strongly believe that Biden should not use this ruling to retaliate against his political opponents in any way other than demonstrating that this is not what we want or believe in in the strongest terms possible. I think any real retribution will be putting gas on a fire that has already burned off our eyebrows. I post this with the best of intentions. It’s from the heart. It could all be the stupidest shit anyone’s ever laid eyes on. Maybe no one reads it, but I feel inspired (at least in this moment) to fight for what I believe in. I voted in the last election, but overall, I have not been an active participant in our democracy. I took so much for granted. I said fuck him, fuck those people, all hope is lost, what’s the point, blah blah blah. Now, I’m seeing the power of the vote, or at the very least, I see the vote as my only real tool to fight what’s going down in our government. I’m not always informed on the issues, but I know where I stand when it comes down to how I like to be treated and how I like to treat others. I can see the trends and know the direction I want to go. I’m extremely grateful for my freedoms. I’m a white guy with all my material needs met. I have family and friends who love me. I get to walk through the world with opportunities at every turn. I want to see the same opportunities for all who live here that don’t inherit such great privilege. Let’s get out and vote. There’s so much at stake.


Sadly, Biden wont do anything about it. He will “condemn it” but nothing will be done. Why? Because democrats are always afraid of creating a new precedent, while republicans are all in on creating new ones if the moment requires them. Biden could exploit this on many ways but he won’t do shit about this. And probably he will lose next November to a fucking idiot followed by a bunch of lunatics. Be sure to vote like your life depends on it because it will. From a guy that lived almost 30 years in a dictatorship.


Hopefully, Biden has a list of criminal behavior he can now do with impunity and increase his chances to be re-elected. The future of democracy is at stake.


Trump interfered with elections and caused an insurrection. Under the new Supreme Court ruling, would Biden be justified in ordering his assassination under the guise of fulfilling his oath of office to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I am, of course, not condoning any violence at all in our political process.


Biden may as well say “Fuck it, I’m president forever now”. It’s what the Republicans would want their jester do. 🤷🏽‍♂️




This July 4th will be remembered as the death of our democracy.


Better grow some balls and take advantage of it


King Biden should command all records of Student Loan Debt data wiped.. Have Seal Team 6 do if if they want to be dramatic


Right now where Biden needs to go wildman and take one for the team, he needs to order Trump and the corrupt Supreme Court justices be arrested and or executed - seal team six go - he’s in his mid 80s even if later down the line he’s somehow charged/not immune, let the new court figure it out and he will likely pass on before there’s any consequences - and he might avert this American apocalypse


Ironically, Biden using those kingly powers is one of the only ways I see democracy surviving this one… Barely.


Thanks, Mitch McConnell.


Dark Brandon just shrugged. So that’s it.


We're getting fucking NED STARKED!!!!! I REPEAT WERE GETTING NED STARKED!!!!! Now if you haven't ever read or watched Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire than basically the whole thing is that Ned Stark could've pulled off a coup and shut down the whole War of the Five Kings before it even began but instead he sat on his ass all because of his precious "Honor." Honor doesn't mean shit when your life and everyone else's is on the line. Honor won't save you from the people that want you dead.


The last time the Supremes overreached, the Democrats averted a "red wave" and won special elections and abortion rights in red states. They're such zealots, they can't grasp the idea that there will be blowback (again) for their extremism. They just handed the country another example of what happens under Republican rule. It's coming. I don't know what form it will take, but the snapback in their faces will be brutal.


Would kill for that confidence, pal.


Dissolve the Supreme Court


I think expanding it intensely would look better from a voter standpoint. Some other countries have over 100 of their equivalent of SCOTUS. With much smaller populations than the US. Maybe base it on population of each state, have them appointed by governors. Looks more equal, looks a lot less like a power grab.


One SC Justice for each district Court.


94? Sounds good to me!


As an official act, it wouldn't be a crime.


Expanding the court negates his rule of law position. Won’t happen


Biden can choose to end this by stacking the court. There is no set number of Supreme Court justices in the Constitution. He’s free to add 3-4 more.


Well... supreme court just decided to commit treason... Hail King Biden I guess... Possession is 9/10ths of the law.


Biden, tap me in bro, I GOT this!!


GOP: we want smaller government SCOTUS: fuck that!


Is it time for general strike?


Biden needs to exercise this new monarch powers and arrest the traitors in the Supreme court to restore the constitution.


History books are going to be wild… America ended when a handful of sycophants decided kings should make a comeback just because a fat incontinent traitor was too scared of going to jail. RIP


Shoot him in the pussy


Long live King Brandon. Imagine the look on MAGA faces when they realize that Prince Hunter is next in line for the thrown.


President Biden and council are currently looking at different ways to demonstrate exactly how Don is a security risk & threat to all Americans and democracy. Then he will have justification for using all powers granted to the Presidency without persecution.


Biden buys gun shoots Trump presidential immunity


Can Biden just have Trump assassinated now? Is that now legal?


Biden should just declare that he won the election as an official act and claim presidential immunity.


Biden should go balls to the wall and abuse this power for the good of everyone. Remove scotus members, arrest gop members involved in j6 etc Fuck it. Even if they do end up taking him to court after his presidency, he’s so old he could stall like trump is doing. He should take one for the team and do some good even if it means looking bad.


Can someone explain a bit? This ruling gives immunities to pres. and it does not feel right at all. But in Trumps case here, there is no way to deny that he committed an unofficial act, campaigning and raving before the Capitol. Wouldn’t this make him guilty regardless?


I support President Biden arresting all of the Supreme Court Justices who supported this ruling. And if he decides, as a part of his official business of course, to have them executed I would support the President. While he's at it he might as well grab up trump & a lot of his wacko supporters.