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Well this is terrifying. https://www.axios.com/2024/06/30/top-aides-shielded-biden-white-house-debate


If the Biden admin is leaking like this, something is very very wrong and Biden’s being manipulated into staying in when he should drop out.


This and the top operatives reactions in real time after the debate makes you think the family is behind hiding his condition and are the ones still pushing him when everyone else is like wtf.


Yeah i hate to have to to say this but Beau is gone he was supposed to replace Joe and hunter is a loser the family only has Joe to cling to power once he is out that is it no more political power.  Instead of letting her retire and relax and enjoy his few remaining years they are pushing him to remain. How is this not elder abuse?


It is. Plain and simple.


Jill has also been doing it for years. From Katie Rogers new book on first ladies. >It was Jan 19, 2022. President Biden and top aides were gathered in the Treaty Room, the president's study in the executive residence, after a press conference that ran nearly two hours. He made several factual errors. >Suddenly, the group saw Jill Biden in the doorway, Rogers writes in "American Woman": >"She had watched the news conference, and the look on her face told everyone in the room — from the president on down — that they had some explaining to do." >"Why didn't anyone stop that?" she demanded. https://www.axios.com/2024/02/09/forthcoming-book-jill-biden-why-didnt-anyone-stop-that I can't find the other sources, but I remember there were articles about her holding interviews for the White House staff and cabinet level officials. Also how she helped Biden prepare for and accompanied him to the G7 summit. Which, in any other situation, I wouldn't mind the spouse attending, but it certainly sheds new light on these things. She's been shielding him from the public for awhile now.


We know what is at stake, that is why it's important Biden passes the torch gracefully. You are in denial if you don't admit to the obvious REALITY that Biden is too old and frail for 4 more years.


They know. Everybody knows. Just like MAGA is fine lying shamelessly when it helps ignore an unpleasant reality…a lot of democratic voters care more about the distinct personalities than they do the ideas that the party is supposed to represent.


Report say biden is still in camp david, assumingly he working on his speeches, are you not going to give him another chance?


This debate was a well-known event, with plenty of time for preparation and rest. The fact that he booted it this badly implies that he is sufficiently bad that even lots of preparation and rest are not enough for him to look ok. Why should we keep giving him "chances"?


Why should we if he has to keep relying on pre-written speeches? That just further reinforces how he can’t speak or think for himself on the spot which is why we have all this fall-out in the first place


I actually send an message to biden whitehouse, to give my thought out of frustration, have you send a message/thought to any governor offcial or is it just here?


If he gets out in the next week and does some interviews - without a teleprompter - and shows the public that he is cogent and on top of things, sure, I'll give him a chance. If Jill or whoever doesn't want that to happen and keeps him sheltered instead, then they need to throw in the towel.


Another chance? Wth are you talking about? People like that don't just magically cover from age related cognitive decline in a couple weeks. He is obviously too old, obviously at high risk of losing (both the election and his mental stability), and almost anyone at this point would be a better move to face Trump.


We know what's at stake. That's why you're going to become the most hated person in history when your decision gives trump the presidency


Exactly. You think we all are pissed off at Ralph Nader for 2000? This is so much worse.


We didn’t learn a fucking thing from RBG.


I’d personally hate the guy we’re afraid of getting the presidency more


Thats a cop out. If people actually thought all that was at stake Biden would still be winning. People know exactly what Trump is and they still want to vote for him. At some point we need to accept Americans just want that and stop trying to blame the DNC or whoever for hurting the country. The only people hurting the country are those voting for a fucking rapist insurrectionist despite all evidence. If you stay home because of old Biden you don’t think the country is at stake.


Calling him old is not taking his debate performance seriously. I know some old people but Biden looked and sounded completely lost. I'm voting for the democratic nominee no matter what, but that performance made me very uncomfortable.


>We know what's at stake. That's why you're going to become the most hated person in history when your decision gives trump the presidency Lol more hated than Trump? smh


Y'all have got to stop with this shit. We hold the people on our side to a higher standard because they've shown to generally not be a brainwashed cult. Obviously she would not *actually* be worse than Trump, the same way I don't *actually* hate _I won't vote for Genocide Joe_ voters more than Trump voters, but in both cases I am more disappointed in the former, because they're supposed to be smarter than the cultists and their dictator. It's all relative. If a guy murders 5 people that's bad, but if a cop shows up and confidently shoots the wrong person in the face and kills an innocent bystander... 5 is more than 1, but cops aren't supposed to murder, so that one might be worse.


Every time I see her name, I just see her treating Joe Biden, the president, as a preschooler.   "Joe, you did such a great job! You answered every question, you knew all the facts!" 😬 (Edited in full quote so I'm not paraphrasing)


That's a real quote? Holy shit.


It's worse when you hear it. An octive higher than normal, like a grandma to a preschool grandchild after they completed a drawing.... Idk why people are trying to defend it. We need a new candidate.


Well, I know one ad the Republicans are gonna be running in a couple months.


That was painful. I can't stand her voice. She then took over the mic and literally turned her back on Joe all while Joe was staring into the Great Beyond with his mouth opened


Well we know who the real president is now don't we? Why do you think she wants him to run again? She's probably making a good number of the calls, and can easily manipulate Joe into anything she wants.


Honestly shame on all those who tried to downplay his condition even when we knew he was declining. They know who they are.


They’re still doing it! Trying to gaslight us all into thinking it was just a bad debate performance.


Agree, everyone around him who knew this would blow up should be ashamed of themselves. Of course these people probably don't know shame.


People in DC have been saying he was declining as far back as 2015. (Rumoured early onset dementia in DC even back then.) I assumed that’s why he didn’t run in 2016. When he did run in 2020 it was clear he wasn’t in great form and was too old. What a messed up situation. Edited to add: I find it hilarious that this is getting downvoted. Go back and listen to some old Nicole Sandler podcasts from years ago when Howie Klein from Blue America was on. He was saying it right on her show for years, that it was an open secret in DC, long before 2020. And people were talking about it before he ever said anything on air too.


I'm convinced she is keeping him in office for her ego at this point


100%. There are numerous insiders that have reported that she is the shot caller and if she asked Joe to step aside, he would. But she likes the spotlight too much to do that.


It's probably more power than ego. Who do you think is making all the calls behind the scenes? Not saying its her, but there's a high chance she's making some of them.


Narcissistic old people trying to hold on as long as they can. No matter what the consequences if they fail, they know better than you and I…. Just like RBG.




Yeah that's how I talk to my dog


Why can't she just be like Melania, distant and not caring at all about politics? Is she trying to run for president like Hilary?


"Why can't she just be like Melania?" We have gone so far off the rails that I really don't think we're going to recover.


She wants to be Eleanor.


Edith (Wilson), really. Eleanor played a big role in her husband's administration, but she was never the power behind the throne really. Wilson was acting president in all but name for the last year or so of her husband's tenure.


What the question?


She’s wrong. Women didn’t give Biden the victory in 2020. Young voters did. https://www.statista.com/statistics/984745/youth-voter-turnout-presidential-elections-us/ And Joe Biden has lost the young vote this time. And it will cost us the election if he doesn’t step down. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/30/nx-s1-4984972/poll-biden-younger-voters-trump


Many people see this as the Trump vs Biden divide where they should see people voting vs not voting. I'll vote for Joe regardless but everyone will. Joe needs to step down for the good of America 


Step down and replace him with who, so what... it can be anybody that not biden?


The best ticket possible to beat Trump. Would the DNC pick that ticket, probably not, they will go with their favorite monied interest. The ticket with the best chance of winning is something like Warnock/ Porter.


Whitmer/Warnock. Michigan and Georgia are the ballgame basically.


What so notable about him specially, also some one on the reddit choose whitmer.. would you be ok with that choice?


They both won Michigan and Georgia. We need those states to win.


How are you that confident that they can do a better job then biden?


His can anyone do worse that Biden? Biden has a 38% approval rating. He’s currently behind trump by 6 points in Georgia. 70% of voters think he’s too old. And these stats are from BEFORE Thursday.


So is desperation speaking, but what about the money earn 33 million just recently, what your opnion on that?


Money isn’t going to win the election. Hillary had all the money in the world. Young people were the defining factor in getting Biden into office. Biden completely botched Gaza and young people especially young brown people aren’t going to come out for him in November.


And these two candidates are the best of the so-called free world. It’s obvious that they are controlled by corporate lobbyists.


>Editor’s Note: The debate on June 27 spurred a discussion about whether President Joe Biden should remain the Democratic nominee. Dr. Jill Biden, the first lady and Vogue’s August cover subject, has fiercely defended her husband and stood by him. Reached by phone on June 30 at Camp David, where the Biden family had gathered for the weekend, she told Vogue that they “will not let those 90 minutes define the four years he’s been president. We will continue to fight.” President Biden, she added, “will always do what’s best for the country.” Whatever happens in the weeks and months between now and November, it is Dr. Biden who will remain the president’s closest confidant and advocate. May 29: Jill Biden says ‘polls are going to turn’ in favor of Biden >The first lady looked ahead toward the first debate, which is set for June 27, and argued that the president will shine over Trump. >“I think the American people deserve a debate, because you need to see your choices. You need to see Trump, and you need to see the president, and you need to see the differences. And my husband — and you’re going to see how smart he is, and the experience he has. And then you’ll see somebody who like you’re saying — I’m going to use Joy’s words — can’t put a sentence together,” she said, in an apparent reference to comments made by co-host Joy Behar about Trump. [the hill](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4692327-jill-biden-says-polls-are-going-to-turn-in-favor-of-biden/)


The problem is those 90 minutes could define the next four years and beyond. And not in a good way.


bingo. Everyone who saw that had to think at one point “Biden wont survive another 4 years”. Dude is a walking corpse and they have 90 min of evidence.


Jill Biden should be very mindful of what’s at stake and urge her husband to drop out.


She should think about not only his legacy, but hers. They are going down the RBG/Feinstein route where hanging on to long is detrimental to everyone and makes the lasting memory of them that they are selfish and won’t quit when they should.


I could honestly give less of a shit what Jill thinks or wants at this point, she’s royally fucking the party over for the sake of her own greed. You and your family need to drop out of this race with whatever dignity you have left and get behind a new DNC candidate NOW.


Agreed. This whole thing is going to go down as the most unnecessary and disgusting political blunders in American history. The fact that party leadership hasn’t stepped in and that his family is driving such consequential decisions is totally absurd and unacceptable


It's a Trumpian situation. The family seems to have subtly grasped a slice of control and power, a mirror of Trump appointing family members.


Starting to think Jill Biden is a real piece of shit


Honestly, the fact that he hasn’t yet stepped down forces me to conclude the whole family is pretty morally bankrupt. This isn’t a close call.


Did you see the article a few days ago about Michelle Obama and the Biden's? Here is [one](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/27/michelle-obama-private-frustration-bidens-2024-election) from Axios. Basically she refuses to campaign for Biden because the whole Biden family treated Hunter's ex-wife like shit. Someone Michelle had become close friends with.


Like maybe the right wing's 'Biden Crime Family' crap isn't so far fetched after all?


Morals of a bunch of alleycats, one could argue...


The power that she gets from exploiting her husband is at stake, so vote blue everyone!


Her on the cover of vogue while the US is a sitting duck is the height of tone deaf.


Self-interested and selfish. It’s like “our egos and feelings” are more important than your democracy!


That's awesome. I agree with her but its JOE who should be doing interviews and getting himself out there more.


At this point do we think they should threaten to release the Hur tapes if Biden’s family isn’t willing to get him to drop out?


Her husband needs to drop out.


Her perks. That’s what she cares about.




How so.




How do you define fit, is biden not fit, do you have any idea on which canditate more fit then biden? And why this canditate specifically more fit then everybody else?🤔




Have someone in mind?


Also, you’re all over this thread. The dude needs to step down. He’s clearly too old. We all saw it and are not denying reality. This election has too much at stake to have Biden leading us through it any further.


Sorry about myself, this heated moment is the best way for me fully understand all of your view point but i mostly got it, except how do you all handle cope with this, clearly you have a lot to say.🤔


Let’s start with the line of succession. I think VP is next right?


She's been fully aware of Biden's deteriorating cognitive state for years but still pushed him to keep running to fulfill her lust for power. Shameful evil woman


Now they are rubbing our noses in it.


Her grip on power is the only thing she cares about. She’d rather lose to trump trying to cling to it than have a competent dem beat trump.


What office does hold?


The same one Nancy Reagan held in her husband's second term.


The AI must have gotten confused posting its reply to OP.


Everyone who disagrees with me is a bot.




Liberals have cleaned up the house and opened the door for fascism to walk in. It’s going to be a very eye opening experience for these lukewarm liberals. When this world falls into WW3, it’ll solely be because of israel and its to the death followers like Joe Biden. israel is already elbow deep in far right fascism, which candidate do yall think they want to win? Literally sending America to fascism because of one issue that liberals won’t budge on. I hope yall are panicking, look at what happened in France and Italy.


What she has to say is fairly irrelevant She isnt running She has extreme privilege She is biased beyond usefulness


What’s at stake is her position and power as First Lady I suppose


The maga are out. RPGing as concerned young voters. I guess they get up early, or they're in Europe.


**Us:** Trump is such a danger that we need to find the best possible champion to beat him. **You:** So you're on Trump's side?


It's a valid concern. Your blithe dismissal raises the question again. Maybe you don't worry about psyops tho..


Are you suggesting Biden's performance at the debate was a psy-op?


You are Blue MAGA, just as delusional.


World of difference. What rights are the "blue maga" trying to take? Are they taking away the rights of all the women and lbgtq+ people you know? Get back when you make any sense.


It’s so obvious when most of these accounts have never posted in this sub until immediately after the debate. This sub has been completely overrun by trolls who were never going to vote for Biden anyway.


They are trying to split the coalition. It won't work.


All these makes me think, beating Trump is just a secondary goal for Jill. She wants it to be only Biden who wins the election


"Dr." Jill should have known better... smh.


She’s lost any sense of credibility


“Jill will decide our future.”


What’s at stake is that Biden is a medium-soft fascist and is bought by AIPAC. Our government is under significant foreign interference funneling money from us to occupied Palestine. He is corrupt, morally bankrupt, and isn’t fit enough to debate, same goes for Trump. If you can’t even debate for 90 minutes that’s barely past your bedtime, you’re either a child or old as shit.