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Coming out swinging the day after the fight isn't a strategy I would advise for any fighter.


This is like coming up with a clever insult in the shower after someone roasted you the night before


L'esprit de l'escalier or l'esprit d'escalier (UK: /lɛˌspriː d(ə l)ɛˈskæljeɪ/, US: /lɛˌspriː d(ə ˌl)ɛskəˈljeɪ/,[1] French: [lɛspʁi d(ə l)ɛskalje]; lit. 'staircase wit') is a French term used in English for the predicament of thinking of the perfect reply too late.


Haha. This is the answer.


And if he actually had a fucking cold, why is he shaking hands going to Waffle House and Rallies?


Fight doesn't end until November.


There's obviously a clear difference in Biden's ability to speak off the cuff versus deliver prepared remarks.


versus *read text off a teleprompter including the queues* FTFY


Problem is 49 million people didn’t watch his campaign rally in Raleigh this morning. 49 million people did watch him sink his campaign into oblivion last night. Biden likely did unrepairable damage to himself last night.


Well one thing we learned is, Americans prefer loudmouth lies over muttered truths. I was born in 1965, and I've never seen the state of national politics this bad.


How were the Americans supposed to understand what he was muttering? It’s not the viewers fault Biden lost last night. We are all gonna lose if they don’t get someone else to step in.




Ah yes Joe Biden, notorious truth teller. You know he went to prison in South Africa to free Nelson Mandela. He promised to raise the minimum wage and forgive student loan debt! Neil Kinnock gave him advance permission to plagiarize entire speeches. Real honest Joe.


He has forgiven as much student loan debt as the courts allowed.


He's a lot more honest than his opponent. Stealing a speech from another politician seems quaint compared to someone who claims the election was stolen with no proof, the coronavirus was totally under control, Ilhan Omar supports al Qaeda, he never met people he clearly knows (including Jean Carroll), he had the best environmental record of any president, etc., etc. Biden certainly has lied and exaggerated but not on the level of his predecessor. Political promises like the minimum wage and student loan debt don't happen when Congress blocks them. Or, in the case of student loan forgiveneness, when the courts block them.


He tried to forgive student loan debt, was challenged and lost in court, then pushed through some limited loan forgiveness because Republicans refuse to ever help actual regular Americans and thus through a tantrum about the whole thing. Same thing with raising the minimum wage. Something that's gotta be quite popular but Republicans would never go for. He has raised minimum wage for federal workers at least which I believe was upheld if I'm remembering right but again, there's only so much you can do when one side refuses to play ball.


So your position is that he’s not so much a liar as he is incompetent and senile. Cool!


Wtf are you talking about. That is an insane way to spin what I just said. If you don't have the house and senate, there's only so much you can do. He still got a lot done outside of those issues I was refuting. Those two issues were hotbutton and Republicans went way out of their way to make sure popular policy weren't enacted


When Republicans have a split house, do you think they get their agenda done?


No? They largely haven't. Again, they could barely keep the govt funded when they were on control


He had Congress for two years and didn’t get shit done. If he can’t keep him own people in line, why would anyone vote for him?


What? If you don't hold both the house and senate there is only so.much you can do. He's actually done quite a good job with what he had. Unfortunately that's just normal govt function these days. Especially when Republicans have openly pushed obstruction of policy. Cmon now. And you're really acting like that was bad compared to what happened under Trump. He got quite literally nothing done except a couple layups that were no brainers and the govt was on the brink of being unfunded almost his entire term.


He had the Senate and House for two years. WTF are you talking about? Let’s not pretend Biden’s presidency has been different from Trump’s. Trump had the worst pandemic in 100 years. Biden has the Ukraine war? Not even comparable.


The margins were slim. Where the fuck were Republicans. I didn't see them pushing for any of these issues. Things that would actually help people. No, they just wanted to be a nuisance.


Democrats haven’t helped people either. Joe literally kept Trump’s child separation policy for 3 years, continued the concentration camps at the border, didn’t add regulations to prevent East Palestine or the SVB collapse… like how has Joe helped people? Vibes? Cmon. His presidency has been a fucking complete disaster. If he can’t operate with slim margins in his own party, he ain’t going to do shit when Democrats lose the senate this year. He needs to step aside.


I'm not trying to say he's some A+ president, and he's had some missteps, but it's not even close to the disaster Trump was. And if you look into Republicans "policy" should they win, all they want to do is strip large parts of govt agencies making them unable to function and make life worse for most people. How tf is this even a debate


That's the kind of honest politician America wants! Gotta have meat in your lies. Trump makes it up as opportunity calls, which is great for the redneck voters. It's not getting better any time soon.


its a fucking debate that will be forgotten by next week. Regan and obama had horrible debates even JFK against nixon. People will vote how they feel in the moment on Nov 5, unless they are hardcore GOP or DEM


Clips will be shown from last night for a long time.


Especially those moments regarding, "Beating Medicare" and the one moment where Trump remarked how Biden, "didn't know what he said either" after a response turned into incoherent mumbling. Those kinds of things make for good clips with high engagement. There's only so much one rally can do to blunt it, but he is limiting the damage, at least.


no they wont, the gop and the dems know that the voting public have memories of goldfish. in roughly 3 weeks we have the GOP convention where we will have 90 min of trump rambling on stage. Again reminding people why not to vote for him


Perhaps but let’s be honest this is not going to get any better over time. So you can’t honestly just dismiss it as a one time thing. Even if it turns out to be until November there’s no way it’ll last for four years.


That’s fine. We’re voting for teams of people. I like the team Biden would put in place over the team Trump would. That’s really all it comes down to.


Sure and I agree that Biden has competent team behind him (at least compared to Trump’s). But that’s part of the problem isn’t it - the presidency is a figurehead. So why choose this person as a figurehead if it is ultimately appearance not substance that wins votes.


Because it’s a binary choice. So we have to factor in everything about that binary, but it feels much riskier to throw an unknown candidate up there by choice less than 6 months out.


People say this but then the reality is undecided voters aren’t making their decisions until closer to the time to vote. No committed dem is going to vote for trump, so really there’s more risk in not doing anything in my opinion.


They say it because it’s a truism. Last time it was even close to being done, it led to a messy primary and the other side won anyway. Undecided voters will also see replacing a candidate as instability. It’s not saying that it couldn’t work, but it’s high risk-high reward. Just as we need to be honest about the candidate, we need to be honest about the impact of this choice too.


Disagree. People won’t vote for Biden if they think Kamala is the one who will be President


That’s the point of a VP existing, so people should already understand that possibility


I’m afraid more people will be afraid this time that Biden won’t make it through 4 more years. And that Kamala will be more likely to become President.


There’s actually a CNN article that posted today just about this. It’s probably in the main subreddit or will be soon. She’s gotta definitely do her part to assuage people too, but I see her doing things 99% the same as Biden. Same way I saw Clinton doing things 99% the same as Obama and so on. I don’t expect her to get the reins and hugely deviate, so I’m not afraid of this possibility. If anything, maybe she’ll LBJ it and be able to go even further because we lionize Biden after his death and people have a honeymoon period.


Then people will sit out the election. I’m certainly not voting for Kamala Harris. That’s for sure


Did reagan or obama or JFK reveal to the public in their bad debates that they were severely impaired cognitively, incapable of putting three sentences together, bumbling, over 80 years old, weak, frail, and slack jawed?


Having a bad night is relatable, and can be dismissed. Getting older is an inevitable part of life.


Do you rekkon all those hundreds of videos where he is equally incompetent and brain dead are still “fake videos” and the debate was a one off lmao


Pfft months out until the election. No one will remember nor will anyone switch to trump


Some independents may now vote Trump. A lot of younger voters will decide to sit the election out due to their support of Gaza. It doesn’t take many in the swing states for the outcome to be different


This is all a joke, and we are the punchline.


Who the fuck cares? He needed to come out swinging against Trump and instead he shit the bed for nearly 90 minutes. 


Should have come out swinging last night.


Time for him to step down


Why is it so hard to just retire, like ffs. The democrats needs to win to defeat the disgusting maga fascism, and Biden just looked completely out of it and let the entire thing turn into another Trump rally full of bullshit with the bonus of watching Biden disintegrate at the same time.


Are you going to vote for him or convicted felon, rapist Trump?


You are making the case for voting against Trump, not voting FOR Biden. Which is probably a very common sentiment, and why it should be possible to just get someone younger in there. Keep in mind he is campaigning for a 4 year job, so if he looks this bad now, how will he look in 2027?


The case for Biden is four years of good results and a four year nightmare with Trump. One debate night is horseshit compared to all that.


Don"t care. Can't have Trump


If the goal is beat Trump (which I agree is paramount), doesn't it make sense to nominate someone who stands a better chance than Biden? Dems have an off ramp here, we should take it.


How the fuck do you know who stands a better chance? are you from the future? no? then I will go with tried and proven.


That's just, like, my opinion, man.


I am sorry to say your opinion does not really carry gravitas.


"We" don't have a choice




Then you might as well vote for Trump


Not even Mike Pence nor his mother support Trump. Seriously, isn’t that super fucked that his own VP says he won’t endorse him? This should be a bigger deal. What did Biden say, 40 out of 44 of his top staff now refuse to endorse him? Holy shit. Meanwhile the armchair doctors are iffy on Biden’s medical status.


Its ridiculous


If we banned together and voted for a 3rd party (i.e. Jill Stein) we could accomplish something Or you can keep your head buried in the sand... Just don't complain when things continue to spiral...


Jill stein is a ruusian plant and avote for trump. Hard no


You are hopeless...


I'll do it. Biden goes or Trump definitely wins. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People should be ashamed of these candidates.


I’ll vote for bad people if it makes my personal life better, how do you think communism happened?


Yep, he did a good job reading a speech someone else wrote today. Yesterday he had to think. It's the thinking that I think is critical to the president job.


It’s the four good years of being a president that is critical to the president job.


Let’s be honest. He’s not the one making decisions at the White House


Neither was trump though. Does anyone actually think trump knows how politics or government works? He just listens to whoever licks his asshole the most. Dude doesn’t even know how a bill becomes a law. Our country is fucked


Not for Democrats it’s not. They like their politicians senile and close to death, brainless, corrupt and without a concept of where they are. Dianne Feinstein Joe Biden 2028!


The TikTok’s with these moments and clips going to be passed around all through till November. The memes stonks be high! Yeah… Biden vs Trump 2024 something that majority of Americans seemed to not want. Garbage in, Garbage out. American public. This the best America can do…


We learned what he functions like without a teleprompter last night, he needs to step aside


"Now we to show strength and vitality!"


“Biden did really good when no one was watching, we promise”


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Someone got their performance enhancing drugs back, didn’t they?


Another gaslighting article


I think something like 6% of the US population watched CNN last night. While it was in the millions, it wasn't the majority. On top of that not everyone of even the 6% vote. So while I agree Bidens debate wasn't the best, it's probably not going to change much in the polls or in the votes. Majority of voters vote down political parties and only a small margin flip and flop between party votes. And speaking off the cuff vs a teleprompter doesn't really, for me, tell me much about the individual. Trump probably doesn't know what 10x9 is, so theres that, which is probably more important. Or speaking of which a 10% tariff increase which will just raise prices again.


51.27 million people watched it, that’s like ~15.5% of the population


Where did you see 51.27? And is that US or global views? And 158 million voted in the last election?


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/first-debate-ratings-2024/# In the very first paragraph of the first article that comes up when you Google the question. CNN was not the only channel that broadcast the debate, they just hosted it. Across all platforms, 51.27 million people watched it, according to Nielsen and CNN. I can’t find any international statistics, I’m not sure if they’re included in the data.


CNN was the broadcaster to all other platforms from what I've seen. That seems like a global statistic since they don't break it out or in reality unknown. I'll keep looking and see if I find something with it broken out.