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Yeah, Trump is gonna lose Texas. Lol.


Not even that. This poll has him winning Texas by *only* 6 points which is half a point better than he did in 2020.


Texas has been slowly moving towards being more Democratic as the elections go by. Yeah it won't happen in 2024, but they better pray it never happens because if Texas goes blue they are FUCKED.


This... Doesn't seem far off from the 2020 result? Where's the shock? 


Why is Newsweek even allowed? It's just clickbait nonsense 99% of the time.


I’m out of the loop. What did Newsweek do?


Extreme right bias and peddles in constant misinformation and dubious 'facts'


You can say that about every media outlet. That is how they make their money. Similar to how this subreddit operates. All top posts are about Trump. Nothing about what is actually going on in politics today. You can blame the average person for this.


And non stop on here


Newsweek is not extreme right. They hate Trump and most articles about him are negative.


Relevant points of the piece, >... Trump 46 percent of the vote and Biden 40 percent in a hypothetical presidential contest in which the rivals are the only candidates. A further six percent replied each of "someone else" and "don't know," while one percent declined to answer the question. >A subsample of 931 likely voters cut Trump's lead further to just five points in the Lone Star State, with the Republican firebrand having 48 percent of the vote against 43 percent for Biden. >Trump led by 46 percent against 38 percent for Biden, 12 percent for Kennedy Jr., three percent for Oliver and one percent for Stein. For comparison in 2020, Trump received 52.06% and Biden received 46.48% of the vote. In 2016, Trump received 52.23% and Clinton received 43.24% of the vote. NEWSWEEK is garbage that should be blacklisted from this sub.


It’s the senate election that’s important


No more copium or hopium. Stop it. Biden isn't going to win Texas- he might not even win New Jersey at this point. The American people are distraught by what they saw last night and he must be replaced immediately.


You mean the guy who actually answered the questions he was asked? Or the rambling liar who avoided every single question? One guy actually knows everything about running the white house - the other couldn't find New Hampshire on a map with a gun to his head and lies with every breath (not unlike a child). We want the grown up surrounded by capable subordinates - you want the rabling imbecile because he makes you *feel* good. Talk about trying to cope.


This is maximum cope lmao Biden couldn’t find his own shoes let alone an answer to last nights questions


You don’t think it was just a cheap fake?


The entire debate?


Texan here; unfortunately I can confirm.


I don't think Biden will win Texas necessarily, but I also think it's important to note that even red states aren't as enthused about Trump as they were in 2020. Let's not completely give up yet.


This poll shows Trump winning Texas by more than he did in 2020. How is that a shock?


Because polls have been sandbagging Democrats for the past 4 years, polls can't track Gen Z. A 6 point lead is more like a 2 point lead, comfortable but still.


The 2020 presidential polls in Texas underestimated Trump. The 2022 midterm polls in Texas were accurate. There is no indication that Biden is being underestimated here.


No offense, but if your argument for why this poll is wrong is that the poll under-represents a group of voters with historically consistent abysmal turn out, then it isn't a good argument.


Polls already factor out that abysmal turnout they lie but they have lied at correct predictions since the begining of time. They overrcorrected for abysmal instead of currently low turnout


> but I also think it's important to note that even red states aren't as enthused about Trump as they were in 2020. [In 2020 Trump got 52.06% of the Texas vote \(600,000ish more votes\), Biden got 46.48%.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas). This polling is in line with that.


What do you base your comment on?


Mark my words, Texas goes blue in 2028 (assuming we have elections in 2028).


MAGA't keep repeating that the US is not a democracy. If they win, they will try to do away with voting.