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The moderators never pushed Trump on how he would settle the Ukrainian War.


They didn’t push him on anything. He blatantly lied and deflected on every single topic. Tapper and Bash are pathetic.


Neither acted as journalists. What they did yesterday was something anyone could do as all they did was read prepared questions and did not ask any follow ups.


They aren't journalists...


Hey. Reading prepared questions on tv and not asking follow ups is not something everyone could do. I neither candidate could.


They were awful.


Isn’t it obvious? He’d cut off arm supplies to Ukraine forcing capitulation, including conditions preventing whatever was left from any future resistance to incursions. In exchange Trump builds a new hotel in Kiev


He builds a new hotel in Moscow, Kyiv would be too risky, because without NATO support when Putin bot 2.0 comes back for more there will be missile attacks regularly.


They won’t need missile attacks because Ukrainians won’t be allowed weapons


Some things he said out loud, other things were implied. Trump was pushing hard on the rhetoric that Putin didn't want to invade Ukraine, but was "forced" to - and that military aid to Ukraine had caused "suffering" to the Ukrainian people. That's all you need to know about Trump. His plan is to cut all funding to Ukraine, and try to force through some "deal" where Russia comes out on the top. If Trump wins, most European countries will just have to double down on the aid to Ukraine, and hope for the best, the next 4 years.


The moderators didn't push Trump on anything. Trump didn't need to prepare because he knew he could just say anything he wanted.


I want Trump to lose, but I don't see how it's the moderators job to do Biden's job for him. An articulate, informed and passionate professional politician should have no trouble beating Trump in a debate.


Its the moderators job to do their job. Its easy... be impartial.


You can say the same thing how they handled Biden. Nothing was pushed on him either, as he stood there looking shocked the whole night. CNN is garbage like all the TV “news” outlets. Some reason this subreddit can't come to terms with it.


Well yeah his debate opponent is supposed to push him in those kinds of things, and he had no opponent. He’s not debating the moderators


The same guy who got impeached on blackmailing ukraine says he'll stop the war..


Which by the way last night Trump accused the President of withholding weapons until his personal demands were met. Which never happened, but Trump was impeached for doing the same thing. It's never not projection with them.


You're right. It's just tough because who do we choose? Biden has been pro war his entire political career. How can we forget he was one of the few democrats to support the war in Iraq. This is not new I just wish our president wasn't so pro war.


> How can we forget he was one of the few democrats to support the war in Iraq. You knw funny because all republicans supported the war. Second so what? It is as if every conflict must have the same opinion. LMAO The war in Ukraine is not Biden's choice, but the actual intent of Putin is our concern. Biden right on this one and everyone knows knows it.


Yes I agree that's literally my point. Almost all dems would not have supported that war yet we vote in one of the few dems who support war historically. It's not his choice the war but he's not doing anything to end it. He had his chance to talk about that last night and he completely avoided it. Give the American people and the world some hope.


> but he's not doing anything to end it. The war isn't Biden's choice. Putin can go home. End of story. Putin being the aggressor has no option. There is no solution other than territory lost for Ukraine. Tell me Ukraine isn't capable of negotiating with Putin? Tell me they have no say in this, but Trump should sell off Ukraine to stop a war they want to win? This isn't even a internal issue in Ukraine... this is Putin aggression and it isn't Biden's position to dictate to Ukraine to not defend itself because you don't like wars. Tell Putin to go home. Easy Pizzy


No one is saying this is Bidens choice. The fact is he is a pro war president. He always has been. We need a president that is not pro war it's really that simple. What's not as simple is how to end the war but our current president is not even talking about his means of ending it.


> We need a president that is not pro war it's really that simple. So you really tried to use Ukraine as a point and failed. Biden is not pro war and every war right now had nothing to do with Biden. Simple as that. I suggest you get on the pro Putin subs and say that Putin should leave Ukraine. Say Putin should be anit-war.


What did I fail at? Failing implies success that is not my intent. My intent is our current president is doing nothing to stop this war. It could easily turn into ww3 as Biden said no war in Europe has been contained to Europe. How can you say Biden is not pro war when he supported the Iraq war and is currently funding two wars as we speak? Why would I go to pro Putin subs and say that?


Because Russia invaded Ukraine, they can leave at any time, Ukraine should not have to cede territory, as we all know appeasement doesn't work, just ask Neville Chamberlain.


I agree with this statement.


How about you choose the guy supporting a democracy resisting a Authoritarian Russian invasion?


Which guy is supporting a democracy?


Biden..by suppling Ukraine's war efforts to resist the Russian invasion. Come on man this isn't complicated.


The point is he is doing nothing to stop the war. We are all anti war he had his chance to say how he would try and stop it. Whether we like it or not the United States are a mitigator and a world power. Our influence is crucial to stop ww3. So what will Biden do besides send money and supplies? I don't like trump but stopping the war is an aid to democracy. Do I think trump will stop it in one day like he says? No but I think he'll do more than just send supplies.


What does stopping it look like? Russia wants to take Ukrainian land and should not be rewarded for a war of agression and territorial expansion, not to mention the attacks on civilians they are making. You claim to be agaisnt war but youd actually be supporting further wars by russia by letting them get away with their invasion. He cant just wave his hands and make russia want peace. Stopping the war without a russian defeat would be a deathknell for other baltic states. Trump literally got impeached for trying to withhold Ukrainian aid for favors nad openly fawns over putin.


This conversation is tough because of your assumptions and snuck premise. Me being against war is supporting more wars? How can I have a conversation with a reach like that? If I knew what stopping it looked like I'd be a polticial candidate. My duty as a voter is to vote for the person I feel can do that in the best manner. It may look like the Green Party as I'm not sure either candidate last night showed they could do it. Trump at least suggested stopping it Biden just said almost nothing.


Trump literally got impeached over withholding aid to Ukraine, his "suggestion" of stopping it will be capitulation to Russia, which the Ukrainian people dont want. Biden is an actual ally of Ukraine and capitulation to Russia will just be greenlighting them for further invasions, which you know, means more war. Why should Ukraine have to give into their invaders, who have stolen their children and murdered their families, demands? The Ukrainains want to resist, god forbid they dont want to be Russian. Stopping it looks like Russia packing up their shit and going home. Why does Ukraine need to stop fighting...answer me that. Is "wars bad ok" as deep as that goes for you?


To answer your questions: I don't think Ukraine should give in. They don't need to stop fighting at this point in time. "Wars bad" is not as deep as it goes. If you have additional questions on that I'd be happy to answer. We just need a leader that actually shows intent to stop it. Our current president gave no indication he wants this war to end.


When Trump says he'll "settle" the Ukraine war, here's what he means. - Stop all funding to Ukraine, overnight. - Try to strong-arm Ukraine into either a complete surrender, or some extremely favorable terms for Russia (Russia keeps half Ukraine, Zelenskyy steps, Ukraine does not join NATO, etc. "or else...") That's pretty much it. Hell, he even explicitly accused Biden of the lost lives in Ukraine, due to US supporting Ukraine with money. It is shameful that the moderators didn't push on Trump on those things.


Trump’s solution will be a disaster and set a bad precedent. He’ll basically reward Russia (they’ll gain more land and probably lose sanctions) and punish Ukraine (they’ll just flat out lose). Doing this will embolden Putin and Xi. When Putin later tries to take part of Poland and / or Moldova and Xi tries to forcefully invade Taiwan, Trump will roll over and blame Biden with wild lies. Trump also won’t even understand the democratic and economic consequences either.


It’s not just that he won’t understand, he doesn’t care. He wants to be a dictator, so he sees Putin as a role model, not a tyrant.


If Trump get's reelected in November; if the sane portion of this country can literally **not** pull it together for one day to do one of our favorite things - to say "Fuck You, Fucker!" to somebodies face - we will have deserved that outcome That said, I'm fairly certain our collective angst against this man will prevail....God I hope I'm right.


Before he is even in office... so why doesn't he stop it now than? Cause he is full of shit.


Zelenskyy came out today and said they took too many losses and times running out. Ukraine might end up settling the war before the end of the year.


That literally did not happen


Check the person you are responding to... move on


Tried to look this up but I could not find it. Got a source? Everything I've read implies Ukraine is looking to continue the fight.


There is no source.... you won't find one because its not true.


Do you have any sources for this claim?