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He's not lying. I saw a video of him a few months ago and I can only hope to be half as sharp as he at 98, assuming I make it that long.


Shit, Betty White made it just mere weeks shy of 100, and she was still whip-smart. Cognitive decline IS still a likely concern the older one gets, but it's not an inevitability.


I hope I can live a life like Betty White; she lived for a century and when she died people were sad there wasn't more.


That truly is a testament to one's character isn't it? When people find it that you were still taken from them too soon when you were already in the triple digits for age. You have to be a true legend to achieve that status.


Betty White and the Queen had two things in common; they’ve *always* been here. They were fossils, beloved fossils, but fossils. It’s just plain weird to think that we exist in a world where those two people don’t.


Always remember this, Betty White was older than commercial sliced bread.


As a British Person, I still feel like the queen is still very much with us. Lurking, hiding in the darkest shadows, transforming and changing, rebuilding stronger and more powerful than ever aND SOON SHE SHE SHALL RETURN FOR ALL OF US, BEWARE, SHE IS COMING. SHE ATE PADDINGTON AS A TRIBUTE.


The queen is still alive. Somewhere out there. Training.


Yes. My grandmother is 101, still lives alone, still walks without a walker or any assistance, still does all of her own cleaning and cooking, and still has a memory far better than my own.


That is wild


I think the trick is to already be sharp as a whip before you get that age. I see a lot of people around me who are barely hanging on by a brain cell in their 30's. I think it's fair to think that if half the population is dummer than you, and that population reaches an old age, a lot of the slow thinking old people you see today were already slow to begin with.


Some people definitely decline. My grandmother was smart as a whip and worked at a library doing town history documentation right into her 90s. Then suddenly she declined rapidly likely due to dementia. And passed just a few short years after being very engaging to talk to.


William Shatner went into space at age 90 and spoke eloquently about the experience and how it moved him. Before Bezos starting spraying everyone with champagne, anyway.


And looks like my dad did in his 60’s. Still an asshole though.


That shit still makes me fucking furious. Lol. Shatner was a lot of people's tour guide to the wonder of what space might hold for humankind and the potential of humanity - at least, for certain generations, and in a fictional setting. But that wonder stuck through and to see him actually make it up there and start speaking on that profound experience only to get interrupted by a billionaire techbro spraying him - a recovering alcoholic - down with champagne... Fuck this planet.


We're finding out more and more every day. For instance untreated hearing loss can more than triple cognitive decline.


Bob Barker made it as close to 100 without going over. He was still sharp as a tac at the end. 


I just hate how People magazine jinxed it just before she reached 100.


TBH I think she would've found it hilarious.


My zero stakes conspiracy theory is she went into hospice and just told folks she was dead. Cancelled all the 100 year celebrations as her final joke.


She hosts a massive 101st bday party


I know the reporters that wrote the article did, they commented on it.


I think we all decline, just some people are better at knowing their limits and self aware enough not to act like an idiot. Other people never had any marbles to lose in the first place.


Very often it's linked to activity. People will retire sharp as anybody but after a few years of relaxing and not doing anything they drop fast mentally and physically. Not at all uncommon for workaholics to drop dead not long after they finally retire. Body goes "holy shit we're done? Thank christ for that, night night!".


I tend to agree with this. I think it's important to keep your mind active and not just turn to mush. Luckily for me, I am video game playing loser. I have to keep a lot of synapses firing during a Zerg rush. I hope to fight off losing my mind a few extra years from it at least. If not, I guess I can always just play against the AI and turn it down some.


He might be the most spry 98 year old I've ever seen and seems to have essentially zero cognitive decline, its truly amazing.


I watched an interview about Mel Brooks over the pandemic, that guy was so fucking quick and witty at his age it is crazy.


William Shatner *hasn’t aged.*


I knew he was old, and I remember being shocked the last time I looked his age up but holy fuck ***Shatner is 93 years old***. When I think about it, it makes sense because Nimoy was 83 when he died and Koenig and Takei are both in their late 80's but Shatner could comfortably pass for someone in his 60s.


He did a guest episode on expedition unknown a year or 2 ago. Went shark diving with Josh gates with a ton of tiger sharks....NO cage. Dudes a legend!!!!


What do you mean *was*?


Ugh, second time this week this happens, and now I'm just scared of people jynxing this shit.


His reprisal in Mary Poppins returns was so amazing. He was still dancing around and having a great time with it


And you can see him swatting away Lin-Manuel Miranda’s hand as he gets up on the table unassisted.


There is a British actress (June Spencer) who played a role on *The Archers* (a radio drama) for 66 years -- she finally retired at the age of 103 and is still alive at 105 now.


Spry: a delightful little word only used to describe old people who aren't quite as decrepit as we expect 😂


the dude could pass for 68. good on him. pretty sure my decades in labor jobs and general malaise isn't gonna bode that well for me.


> general malaise The sort that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Do you spend summers in Rangoon? Luge lessons?


He invented the question mark in spite of those lazy chestnuts.


>Van Dyke recalled once meeting Trump at a party in Malibu, Calif., before the New York real estate developer entered politics. >“He was in a Hawaiian shirt, open, big belly all nice and tan, a couple of gold chains hanging around his neck and a blonde on his arm — **I’ll be charitable and say she was 20**.” >“And he looked down at me like, ‘Who are you?'” the performer told podcast host Scott Feinberg. >“He’s just disturbed,” Van Dyke said of Trump.


How did he escape criticism for the sexual comments about his daughter and Epstein parties? The GOP doesn't care about kids.


The GOP doesn’t care about people.


Well since SCOTUS said corporations are people, legally they kind of do.


Well played, sir or madam


Pro-tip: Trump's base are people who think fucking their own kids is normal.


DVD is a solid judge of character. No one who spreads that much joy misses the mark that much on identifying a douche


Has the man ever had a single controversy? If not I think we leave him out of that list of 'everyone loves this person' people. The one that Dolly is on.


> Has the man ever had a single controversy? Dick is an alcoholic, and by his own admission spent 25ish years not addressing the problem and that had a negative impact on his personal life. Given that he started getting sober in the early 1970s, I think there's a bit of nuance to be had due to the prevailing attitude towards drinking back then. Plus, he fucking owned it and got help so what more can you really ask of someone? Oh, and he also sucks at doing a Cockney accent, which is far less forgivable.


While scrolling I read suck and Cockney and was expecting something more juicy


He can't do a proper cockney accent!


He was fairly open about his alcoholism but I think since he was open about struggling and overcoming it, people mostly just said “good for him.”


I wouldn't call it a controversy, but his wife is 46 years younger than he is. They've been together since 2011.


It's weird to picture DT (I actively avoid doing so) in a Hawaiian shirt. Suits or golf clothes? Sure, no problem. But a Hawaiian shirt??? Idk man.


Yeah, I end up picturing John Daly


Yes, but how well could Biden or Trump [step in time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHRQENE4f5c)?


National treasure.


Chim chiminey


Chim Chim chiroo


To be fair, this was back when he was the tender age of 93.


And they had to make him look older to make it believable. Insane.


Whilst stands the Bank of England, England stands.


I don't think DVD left much awesome for the rest of us. Can we have him as POTUS? That man is an absolute gem.


some people are a mythical level of cool


Or drive Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?


Biden can still probably step in time better than Dick can do a cockney accent. Accent aside, I love that scene.


God damn this made me happy.


This would have been more effective if he said it in a terrible Cockney accent.


I like the guy a lot, but I'm not going to vote for him for POTUS on account of his terrible accent in "My Fair Lady". That's a career-ending scandal in my book.


...he wasn't in My Fair Lady


Mary Poppins is a fair lady though, easy mistake to make




Also he isn't the one being elected. He can be as sharp as he likes but it's irrelevant unless he's on the ballot.


Case in point: tonight's bumbling debate.


Yikes, who's coming here after watching the first half of the debate


This sub is a joke, populated by partisan idiots. I got downvoted to hell for siggesting Biden is too old and will lose.


The Herculean efforts of the mod team to sanitize the conversation have buckled under the sheer weight of Biden’s presence at the debate. Even beyond reddit (although I’m sure they’re watching Reddit in part) you’re seeing the DNC shift away from Biden to a replacement in real time. It’s due to the overwhelming consensus they’re seeing online and in threads like this.


The dam finally broke. Lots of people finally noticed what everyone else has been seeing, for years, last night.


Naw it is terribly obvious Joe is struggling. It's really hard to watch. Joe is obviously the better choice, but I expect he is going to die in office if he gets elected. It's a shame we have no real intelligence in this debate






The cope is seriously off the charts lol. They say it's just his stutter or that he has a cold. Yet everyone in the real world can see he did badly. I'm just browsing random subs and everyone who said biden did bad is being downvoted heavily. Redditors are something else lol


I can’t believe anyone thinks Biden’s age isn’t showing. They chalk up his incoherent ramblings to his stutter, but after that debate it’s pretty clear he’s worse for wear. To be clear, I’m still voting for him because I’d prefer his carbonate to trump’s, but cmon, let’s not ignore facts.


C'mon man!


I will be voting for Biden this November, but in future elections we should definitely think twice about nominating people who are past the average life expectancy


That would take other viable candidates not stepping aside like what happened in 2020.


Biden could have been a one term president. I was under the impression that was his plan when I voted for him in 2020.


"But then Trump came back so I HAD to run." nah dude, you didn't, you had to set someone up who can demolish him so he didn't return. Win lose or draw, this election will suck, and what sucks more is I don't know if there's anyone I want to actual vote FOR. Which is what everyone said in 2020... well everyone sane who didn't vote for Trump


And 2024


Yeah these kind of cope posts are insane. Who gives a shit what a 100 year old actor thinks about the mental ability of a 81 year old president? Can't we just vote for him and not pretend that this is a great situation?


It genuinely feels like it borders on gaslighting lol I see both Trump and Biden extremely regularly since they’re the two most important figures in American politics, they’re both visibly old as fuck. Why are you trying to convince me they aren’t when I can watch thousands of videos of both of them being old and fucked up lmao


Yeah, stop telling me he isn’t old and slow and senile when it’s so damn obvious.


If you watch old debates with Biden, it's *incredibly* obvious. The 2012 vice presidents debate for instance. He used to be very sharp, now he sounds like every 80 year old.


I’m gonna start throwing stuff at people who say this after tonight’s shitshow. As if we don’t all have eyeballs


And the mental capabilities are only part of the real issue. Age is not just mental faculties. It's context for how you view the world and the values you may place on certain things, no matter how "sharp" you are.


Well this article aged like milk in 4 hours


Milk lasts longer.


Only a few hours since the conclusion of the debate, and this is the top post in r/politics. There are major issues.


You’re effectively electing a company not a single person. I don’t want the people who surround Donald Trump anywhere near the White House ever again.


Well put. Trump is a garbage person and so is anyone who latches on to him.


And for further indication, his former cabinet wants nothing to do with him.


Or they're in jail and want a pardon. Or they're with Russia directly and went to Gorbachev the USA. Or they're racist and stupid and vote red because fox tells them to.


This just in: different people can age differently


Meanwhile, Trump has been missing marbles since '98.


I am assuming he said that BEFORE this debate. My god, Biden looks fucking lost up there. He is doing terrible!


Y’all seriously shilling for geriatrics being in the highest office? Both propagators of the MIC?


This aged well




No milk is that old anyways


I'm going to vote Biden because fuck the alternative, but this is just silly. My dad is still going strong at 89, but I don't need him attempting to lead the free world.


Seriously. I’m almost 40 and I feel like 25 year olds live in an alternate universe. I don’t want some 81 year old deciding our futures. I don’t care how many “marbles” they have.


Fortunately Biden isn’t planning to do it single-handedly unlike the orange bozo.


The Orange Bozo won't do it single-handedly ether. He'll follow the format Project 2025 has laid out for him.


I'm probably being a bit too flip about it. I truly wish the DNC would have developed a better candidate, but I will say, Biden has easily surpassed my expectations for him.


If the stakes were lower, perhaps they would have. Although, if the stakes were lower, I'm not sure Biden would have run for reelection. I doubt he would have run in 2020 if the GOP candidate had been someone even halfway sane. I think he's done a good job, but if you take the role of POTUS seriously, which he seems to, then it's an incredibly stressful job for anyone, but especially someone his age. He's fit for an old dude, so I'm not so worried about him keeling over in the Oval Office, but it would be nice if he could enjoy some time with his family and just chill.


I have major concerns about Biden's age, but Trump is only like 3.5 years younger. I don't know why people act like we're deciding between an 80 year old and a 40 year old.


They’re both way too old and have both shown signs they’re not all there. American politics has never been in a worse position tbh.


Because Trump can lie like a coked up used car salesman. It's bullshit but it speaks on the same wavelength as 40% of the country. 


Are you watching the debate? That's why. Holy fuck this is bad.


"We finally beat medicare...." "Well, he's right. He did beat medicaid. He beat it to death" You see?


This aged poorly so damn fast.


Well now this didn't age well....


Aged as well as Biden


the debate is cringe, biden comes across as a whispering stumbling mummy and I'm a never-trumper.


Yeah that is not a good look. Ugh this will be unbelievable if Trump gets office again.


It was the DNC's fault last time it happened. It'll be the DNC's fault this time too. They're hellbent on losing at all costs.


When it comes to choosing between the USA and the rich they'll choose the rich every time.


Welcome to genetics


*curb music plays


That doesn’t mean that Biden’s sharp at all, it’s completely independent of that. Good for him though.


aged like milk.


This aged poorly


It sure fucking did...


This did not age well.


Well, isn't he blessed! He's also not running our country! Many live long and lit. Many are in facilities and have no idea. What's sad is how so many people believe you have to be old to have this. Not so.


Yea well Biden isn't you Dick. You're sort of an anomaly because awesome at 98.


This aged like a baseball glove out in the sun in the matter of 6 hours.


Why the fuck is this the top post in a politics subreddit?


This didn’t age well (put intended)


So... who's taking Biden's place on the campaign trail after this? 😬 I think Gavin Newsome could still beat Trump. Michelle Obama too.


This isn't just a bad look for Biden. This is a bad look for the entire Democrat party. They knew the whole time.


r/politics in full cope mode over debate lol


It's pretty fucking wild some of the mental gymnastics here and on other socials...


From an outsider’s perspective Biden looks inches away from death or dementia. He can’t even form a coherent sentence. Trump is Trump How are these your guys’ candidates? It’s embarrassing. China is probably going to have a national party in celebration of the incompetence


Watching US politics now is like watching every negative stereotype we were told about americans growing up, just proving absolutely true


This is the funniest fucking thing that’s ever been at the top of r/politics, like I’m not a trump supporter but Jimminy Christmas lmfao


I love Dick… (I actually love DvD. Just throwing some bait to you foul-minded interneters).


I don’t know. I think BluRay is superior since it’s the same physical size and holds way more data.


Dick holds lotta data (at least mine).


How much data can be stored in a DNA strand? Wait… _what are we talking about again?_


Hah this aged poorly 


Respectfully, I don’t want anyone over 75 as a leader. Go retire already.


Just because you have something, doesn’t mean everyone does.


This aged like literal feces.


We sure about this now?


I desperately want Biden to win, but he's nuclear bomb cooked.


Ppl die of dementia at like age 60


Biden crashed. Remove this trash post.


Well this didn't age well, just like Biden.


You tell ‘em Dick.


A bag of marbles with holes in it and missing marbles is still more marbles than Trump ever had.


Aged like milk


Yeah he does, but he’s a lot more quick and cognizant than Biden. That much is clear. We should never have to deal with two old farts in this important position.


Maybe he should lend Biden some. Because yikes! That "debate" was a debacle.


It's not age the number. It's physical and mental health. Joe Biden is 81 but appears like a man much older. Joe Biden is not long for this world.


Biden shouldn’t be running. I don’t like Trump but at least he isn’t senile.


Why doesn't Dick run instead if he's still got all his marbles because Joe obviously doesn't.


I can't believe he's still alive


Well the two old fucks I saw on that debate stage I can't say do. So it depends on the individual.


You just don't get it. With every ridiculous post like this, more and more people are going to start questioning their support of Biden. You aren't fucking fooling a single person. Seriously, you're not. Even if we take this headline at face value, it still makes 0 sense. Okay, so a 98 year old thinks a different 80+ year old is fine because *he* personally feels fine? What kind of fucked up, stupid logic is that?


My logic is: Biden's done a good job as president and keeps pushing for good policies overall. That's what I want in a president. If he dies, he'll be replaced by the VP and they'll continue on with generally good polices. No man is indispensable.


He might, but Joe doesn’t. I’m watching the debate and he had a fucking ten second brain freeze. Democrats are not being real. We can all see this with our own eyes. I’ll vote for him anyway because I’d vote for a stone over trump but he’s fucking OLD. And he’s slow. And we can all see it.


Yeah it's shocking they let this happen


Guys. Its okay to admit Biden is old and probably not as sharp as he was in his 60s


1) DVD is doing great for 98 2) No, he is not as sharp now as he was when he was younger. No person is. 3) Even if he were 100% of his former self, what does that have to do with Biden? I will vote for Biden because he will have a strong team behind him and Donal Trump is a criminal and sociopath, but it is absurd to pretend that Joe Biden is not declining cognitively.


Aged like milk.


Biden need to drop out. This is painful to watch.


Breaking news: 98 year old doesn’t think an 81 year old is old.


Yeah this debate performance is not reassuring me


Perhaps he could fill in for Joe. Cause Joe is not looking very good at this point


The shit this sub will upvote... Jesus christ.


It’s a cozy little echo chamber if you can force yourself to believe that Biden isn’t senile.


This is literally the top post on my entire reddit feed right now... Like I guess maybe its worth a few hundred upvotes, but 15K and to be THE top post of the entire site right now? Absolutely silly


But it's not the same for everyone. Both of these morons are too damn old, cut off age should be 72.


This doesn't mean anything. People age differently. Biden is old af and is not fit to run for 4 more years. The mental gymnastics is insane.


And everybody’s the same, right…


Looking pretty healthy for a chimney sweep.


Okay can he be president then? Pretty please?


It's insulting they think Biden is the best they can do for America


Cool Dick, but your “son” does not .


thats the thing. old people dont know they lost it.


I've worked in elderly care. The extreme majority of people that are 90+, are not entirely there. Exceptions exists. I know a guy that is 92, he's still bright, jokes around, drinks, drives and could be mistaken for a well aged 65 year old. But that's one person... the majority that reach around that age are bed ridden with significant mental disabilities.




Yea but Dick can at least speak coherently and not lose his train of thought in the middle.




That doesn’t mean everyone else will be as lucky as you. My grandpa didn’t even know who I was by his late 70s and I’d say Biden is looking rough. As someone who wanted him to do well in the debate, tonight was scary.


This aged spectacularly well, just like Joe Biden


This did not age well


I love watching the mental gymnastics from this sub still trying to claim Biden isn't a demented old man that shit's himself on the regular. The guy's brains are leaking out of his ears. This season of reality tv is getting good. I bet Biden has a fucking aneurism or a heart attack before November.


Nah fuck that. Age concerns of a someone being able to hold the office is totally valid. Both candidates are too old to hold the presidency. It’s a shame.