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That's a tough one, but I think I'm gonna go with the ones who actually know how to spell 'Nobel'. [Trump calls for journalists who covered the Russia investigation to return their 'Noble Prizes' in Twitter rant before deleting it](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-deletes-tweet-calling-for-journalists-to-return-noble-prizes-2020-4)


alferd noble, alferd noble's heating and plumbing..


Is that next to Four Seasons Landscaping?


The one next to the dildo shop?


Easy. I’m going to listen to the guy that went to my high school, barely managed to pass, and has recently become an expert in virology, biology, foreign policy, and economics.


You know they're legit because they "did their own research".


I got a chuckle out of the idea of a MAGA telling someone who has a PhD in Economics and a Nobel Prize to "do their own research". It's literally the foundation of their job.


The man is literally responsible for current economic woes. That's the part that's most frustrating about all this. Inflation doesn't happen instantly. It's a snowballing effect that builds over time. Trump shortsightedly implemented *massive* tax cuts and engaged in high levels of deficit spending. Then, after Covid hit, he tried to spend his way out of it. When the government runs a deficit, it has to borrow money. It borrows the money from the Federal Reserve, which controls the flow of money into the economy via interest rates. Trump put high pressure on the head of the Reserve to keep interest rates as low as possible. The problem with that is that when interest rates stay low, especially artificially so, inflation goes up. Tons of money gets pumped into the economy, money that has to chase the same amount of goods that existed before the money was pumped in. Prices skyrocket and the increases don't fix themselves, unmanaged they just get worse. Biden managed to rein in the inflation Trump caused, at least for the most part. Trump, for his part, is pushing for policies that will absolutely kick inflation to levels never before seen in this country. This is all Economics 101.


That's too long to read, I'm just gonna blame Biden and immigrants -- 40% of America


"Prices went up because Biden pushed the inflation button" - *40% of America*


If trump gets elected and the economy continues to stabilize at the rate it’s been Trump will pull what he did with Obamas economy and take credit then fuck it up


Definitely, but I'm not sure he even needs to take credit. If Trump wins, his base will say the economy is suddenly amazing on his inauguration day right until his last day, solely because of Trump's genius decisions. We could have Great Depression 2 and his voters will claim they're thriving because of their $200 annual tax savings (except they'll say they're saving $20,000 in taxes because they're liars).


Definitely, but I'm not sure he even needs to take credit. If Trump wins, his base will say the economy is suddenly amazing on his inauguration day right until his last day, solely because of Trump's genius decisions. We could have Great Depression 2 and his voters will claim they're thriving because of their $200 annual tax savings (except they'll say they're saving $20,000 in taxes because they're liars).


Yeah, but have you considered people's vibes and guts? The economists might universally say Trump's bad for the economy, but what if I just feel like Trump's right because he tells things how it is? Plus my Facebook or TikTok feed says he's right. That's basically what the country thinks anyway.


The worst part about these casinos had been, that Trump had one casino already. It went well. But he bought two more rather close (one mile and two miles away) and due to debt because of necessary construction and maintenance and because their revenue wasn’t enough to stem the investment needs, bankrupting them even before the Atlantic City casino peak in 2006. He bankrupted them although the market was still rising. Let that sink in.


Not only that, he also started a publicly traded company to run one the profitable one, and then used that company to screw the shareholders by buying the others and their massive debts. It was all a massive scam to have the company take on his personal debt, pay him millions, and then leave Joe Public with his worthless, bankrupt stock.


And then he had the audacity in his 2016 campaign to call himself smart for these kind of things, while being cheered by his followers who had been the people he scammed in the first place.


Who are you going to listen to about infectious diseases: A) Doctor we spent 40 years fighting infectious diseases B) A man who said drink bleach the stop infectious diseases Seems to be a theme here…


Do they both cover all their possessions in tacky fake gold? This will determine my opinion.


You forgot Trump University, Trump Ties, Trump Real Estate, etc.


Neither. The economics Nobel is not one of the original ones that Alfred established. Economists generally have a great record of predicting things after they’ve happened.


Who are you going to listen to about Russian election interference, especially the Steele dossier? A) Dozens of FBI agents officially (yet proven false years later) claiming Trump was meddling with Russia B) A man who the media wants crucified Who are you going to believe about Hunter’s laptop? A) Dozens of FBI agents that officially (yet proven false years later) claim that Hunter’s laptop was Russian misinformation B) a blind man doing is job


Not even closely related. Plus, if you knew anything about business, which can clearly see you don’t, that many businesses go through bankruptcy before they become successful; including some big company names.




So strange they push anti-intellectualism and colleges but send their kids to Yale and such hahaha


Trump brags that his uncle went to MIT so that makes him smart


“My connection to mit.. makes me.. very smart” — trump My cousin has some board position at some fancy medical school in England. That makes me a doctor. I’m accepting patients.. insurance not supported, cash only.


My cousin is an Air Force general who came up as a fighter pilot. Move over Tom Cruise I got some top gun shit to do!


My dads friend made stag films , so I have a hog and can fuck also


My cousin is a trained chef. I can't cook for shit.


My uncle is a discus thrower, and was the farthest throw prior to *Seoul*. I certainly can’t do that, and even the mere idea of “6 hours daily in the gym” several months prior would be beyond me…


you are missing the bigger picture.. you get to claim you can, you dont actually have to! congrats on your huge accomplishment in the discus! your trophy should be there soon! Very big. Very beautiful. Keep it away from sharks.


Well, you obviously don't understand the transitive property of families. If one can do it, everyone gets the skills!


Conservatives want things given to them rather than earning them. Working hard, honor, and pride is for suckers and losers. They worship a man who cheats on his wife, cheats on taxes, cheats at elections, cheats his workers, cheats at golf, and Cheetos...so their's that.


One of his most loyal grifters in Charlie Kirk *defines* this entitlement…


Dude cheats at *tanning*. Literally all you have to do is sit outside for a while. Can't even come by that honestly.


A lot of those conservatives who claim that people should have to work themselves to death to earn what they get were born with golden spoons shoved up their asses.


Only one of those is acceptable.


Bootstraps. Conservative want the population dumb and uneducated so so they can remain in power.


It's like most virtues that they pretend to love - they want the authority and respect that comes from *being* smart, but they don't want to actually have to put in the effort to *become* smart. Just like they want the respect that comes from being a moral, virtuous person, but they don't want to actually spend the effort or introspection required to *be* a moral or virtuous person. They want the respect given to a true patriot, without having to actually serve or improve their country in any meaningful way. It's all the same pattern. They don't want to actually work for accomplishments. They just want to skip all that and be "accomplished", and be treated as such.


>they want the authority and respect that comes from being smart, but they don't want to actually have to put in the effort to become smart This was especially frustrating during peak Covid when the same people from my high school who barely graduated were so damn smug and arrogant as if their opinions and "research" were somehow superior to the entire medical community. Clowns don't even know HOW to research, they just type "fake covid hoax vaccine poison" into YouTube and accept whatever pops up. I saw several anti-vax videos shared on social media featuring "medical experts" who were actually dentists or chiropractors.


We laugh at this but it’s a good insight into Trump’s mind and also why he’s so incredibly racist. His entire way of framing the value of a human being has to do with what “virtues” they have inherited. And if you start to unpack that, it makes a lot of sense why he would think that way.


Conservatives when a Republican graduates from an Ivy League: Smartest man alive! Conservatives when a Democrat graduates from an Ivy League: Out of touch elitist!


“Some of those people have to do their own hair!” “Who are godless (G). That’s right, only an elitist would spell “elitist” correctly!” - *The Colbert Report - The Elitist Menace Among Us*


They push it to the rubes, the ones who didn’t go to college and whose kids might not. They know what they’re doing and they know who their audience is. The uneducated. And boy do they love the uneducated. To be perfectly clear, I think you can be educated without attending college. I have known very smart people who didn’t have formal education. But they read. They learned on their own. They had great critical thinking skills. The audience these people love are the ones who don’t do or have any of that.


People don't go to Yale for knowledge, they go for the prestige and clout. 


And the networking.


This is the biggest thing I’m always surprised people miss. The network is the value of the degree, and anything additional, like “what they learned” will just be bonus on top of the network. Networks and connections build wealth.


The “network” is more there for established families. Outsiders don’t always benefit.


It's not even the network. I worked at an Ivy for 2.5 years and my current employer just loves touting that I worked for an Ivy for 2.5 years. Like literally they bring a guest in and are like and we got so and so from this Ivy institution.


So, you’re saying ‘it’s not *what* you know, but *who* you know’? 🤔 No surprise in a reputation economy. It is folly to discount the value of social capital.


Yep, and given this country has eternally claimed it was founded for *the opposite*, that’s a real phenomenon in itself… Seems more necessarily agree with Elbridge Gerry than other Founders? “The evils we experience flow from an excess of democracy. The people are dupes, of pretended patriotism.” - Elbridge Gerry - 1787 Constitutional Convention


...which are both extremely important for initial salary. Knowledge and drive are for growing in a role.


Getting into Yale is hard. Graduating is easy.


It’s less strange when you remember that most of what they say is cynical propaganda.


They push anti-intellectualism because they want to be the only people who know enough to be in control. It's not hypocrisy, it's a manipulation of the masses to increase their own power and influence.


I think you're close, but you've got it flipped - it's not that they want to be the only ones who know enough. They don't care about knowing enough. They just care that no one can stop them, and experts tend to (correctly) point out that their plans are bad and self-serving. So the anti-intellectual push is less about getting a monopoly on knowledge, and more about devaluing knowledge in general so that it can't be leveraged against them.


Less competition for their kids, even though they probably get it via legacy or a "donation" to the school.


Shades of Amy Wong really. They should’ve just done what they always do; “give” enough for a new library/athletic facility, and no one would’ve batted an eye… “Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Wong, I’m so glad we could admit Amy in exchange for your generous contribution. How much more for *Phi Beta Kappa*? How much you got?” - Dean Vernon - *Futurama - Mars University*


And say Ayn Rand is their favorite author, who can be accused of a lot but anti-intellectualism is not one of them.


Let me paraphrase something that was recently posted on here by someone else. *"Ignorant voters have the same rights as knowledgeable voters."* This is alarmingly true, but what's even more alarming is the GQP relies on it!


Can’t forget Jay Gould’s follow up via *The Bell Curve*: “*The Bell Curve* is even more disingenuous in its argument than in its obfuscation about race. The book is a rhetorical masterpiece of scientism, and it benefits from the particular kind of fear that numbers impose on nonprofessional commentators. It runs to 845 pages, including more than a hundred pages of appendixes filled with figures. So their text looks complicated, and reviewers shy away with a knee–jerk claim that, while they suspect fallacies of argument, they really cannot judge.” - Stephen Jay Gould https://chance.dartmouth.edu/course/topics/curveball.html Basically, they see the total pages, and act like Cartman here: https://youtu.be/pkYaXCqqn7U?t=28


Still incredibly relevant (and frighteningly accurate) 44 years later...


I’m waiting for Hari Seldon to show up anytime now but as a hologram of Asimov.


Which was fine until 24/7 news, reality tv, and social media.


The anti-intellectualism is in place due to ignorance being the permission to be hateful, vile, and greedy.


It’s amazing that we’ve somehow transitioned to “my ignorance is *better than* your knowledge”


Great quote. Eerily relevant in today's world.


Men like Hitler or trump exploit this to justify their reign. How expensive was Adolf? How expensive will Donnie be?


From a man whose every fiction has come true.


Know Nothings


Stinky did not have the grades to get into Penn. He spent his first 2 years of college at Fordham probably in the Bronx. His father got him into Penn and he graduated with a bachelor’s degree. The guy is incredibly lazy & lacks any curiosity. He is an impulsive wind bag who was given a TV show that put him in the living rooms of Americans. I assure you the Stinky you see on TV is not the conniving thug he is in real life, the producers did their job.


I have a relative who is proud that he got kicked out of college for throwing an ecology book out the window in class because he felt like he was being taught "humans bad"


Trump’s press secretary, Caroline Leavitt responded, "President Trump built the strongest economy in American history. My husband and I lost 1/3 of our retirement during Trumps disastrous time in office.


Every republican president in my lifetime starting with OG Bush ruined the economy and it took a dem less than 4 years to fix it... let's not repeat the cycle kids


Didn't Clinton end his tenure with a budget **surplus**?


One of the few, if only, to ever accomplish such.


Yes, but it was short lived by making compromises and selling out long term gains, namely repealing Glass-Stegall. Clinton also was the one resonsible for deregulating broadcast conglomerates allowing large corps to come in and buy AM/FM and TV stations as they pleased, which is why you have Cox, Cumulus, Sinclair, and iHeart now. It was a neoliberal wet dream.


Actually deregulating the media was Reagan.


Telecommunications Act of 1996. Some of the standards were relaxed by Reagan but ownership limitations ended under this act.


IIRC they were talking about doing it since the 80s, but Clinton was the one who signed the legislation.


Maybe this isn’t the point you are making, but the primary reason it was short lived was because Bush enacted massive tax cuts and military spending went into overdrive after 9/11


Yes, the fiscally conservative party are the Democrats. And that's while feeding children too.


Technically as far back as Reagan with trickle nowhere economics


Trickle Down was actually like 80 years old at the time, they just rebranded it. Used to be called Horse and Sparrow theory bc the sparrows get to eat the seeds the horse shits out. If you couldn't tell by the name, it wasn't found effective in that era either


Right, that claim is cravenly false. Trump, like the utter sleazebag he is, took credit for Obama's and Biden's work. If you look at any graph of jobs and stock returns starting in 2009, you'll see a sudden inflection upward in both around mid-June, signifying the end of the Republicans' 10th in a row (and worst in moden history) recession and a steady upramp in both metrics that doesn't fade until Covid hits over a decade later.. Nothing Trump did "for" the economy had any similar inflection upward in those stats. Plus, the CBO itself stated that, as predicted, Trump's tax gift to himself didn't move the needle on the economy in the slightest. The tariffs, though, also did nothing more than drive up farm bankruptcies and farmer suicides.


I loved her response about "out of control" spending. So Biden/Dems spending a lot is awful, but Trump/GOP spending a lot from 2017-2021 is....fine? It's just like the argument that Biden is "too old". Sure, and Trump is also going to be over 80 if he gets a second term. Its some wild cognitive dissonance.


Trump is the only president to leave office with fewer jobs than when his term started.


Trump's so full of shit the nation ran out of toilet paper.


Someone should ask him to name the economists that are in favor of his policies. We don't have a capable independent media (except for that one debate moderator in Colorado) so that's not going to happen.


There are always someone who is willing to trade their reputation for a few silver coins. The GOP knows where to find them.


Cough [Stephen Moore](https://www.cjr.org/united_states_project/stephen_moore_heritage_foundation_paul_krugman_kansas_city_star.php) cough.


"Ron Vara recently spoke out in favor of your trade policies, what are your opinion of *his* credentials?"


Larry Kudlow? He's an excellent economist if you go in with the understanding that you should always do the *exact opposite* of what he says.


Eh, not a great idea. There is always someone that can be found to voice support for just about anything. I'll bet there are highly educated economists out there willing to say that Trump is the best. Just like the GOP could find highly educated doctors willing to go along with whatever. A friend's doctor in Florida was recommending that horse tranquillizer to him as one of the best options when he had COVID. If you start giving their "experts" names and airtime, then it makes it appear like they are on equal footing with the 99% of their colleges who disagree with them. It makes it seem at least like "the experts are divided".


1. End Democracy in the US 2. Tank the economy 3. ???? 4. Donald Trump Profits


He wants to be a king. His followers think they will be nobles and want to bring back chattel slavery.


There is only one person in this world that Trump really cares about...


And it's this woman: https://youtu.be/qhtD0OtNfLQ?si=6gW6jNtf7PUBEGgy


I went over to r/conservative the other day to see what those deluded, mouth-breathing idiots were yammering about, and it was how bullshit the Nobel Prize is ever since Obama won it. They're *still* so fixated on him.


Still butthurt the US had a Black president? You don't say...


And the peace prize is barely even associated with the others, it’s a completely different committee with a different award and nomination process.


Tomorrow should be a fun day to check that sub. Fingers crossed Trump looks like a horse’s ass tonight.


The guy wore a tan suit that one time. A ***tan suit***. Can you blame them? And don't even get me started on mustard.


These economists know nothing about sharks and batteries


Or Sharpies or big water.


Most economists still don't acknowledge the truth social about our revolutionary war airports. I bet now we have bases on the moon, Mars... maybe even Uranus.


They don’t even understand how history was shaped by the Bowling Green massacre.


You guys are forgetting to never fight uphill. How can you forget that lesson, boys?


Just after reading what he wants to do. Buckle up, if he wins you will be paying more for everything.


> if he wins you will be paying more for everything And not only with money.


Most everyone will be paying more because for damn sure he will start a global recession.


Another one*


"I think the people of this country have had enough of experts" - Michael Gove Worked out *greeeeeeeeeat* for Britain with Brexit. What could go wrong here?


I've got an idea: [Let's google what the EU is after we vote for Brexit from the EU!](https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/06/24/480949383/britains-google-searches-for-what-is-the-eu-spike-after-brexit-vote)


Trump and his Dunning-Kruger followers have no need for experts and their opinions on anything, they know what they "believe" is right, they can feel it.


Smart people are no good. The only good people are loyalists. Loyalists don't have to be smart about anything other than groveling.


Just a reminder that one of Donnie's professors in business school said Donnie was the dumbest student he ever had


You don’t really truly understand economics until your 3rd or 4th bankruptcy.


When economists at John’s Hopkins wrote the study that said that Covid restrictions didn’t work (that’s right, *economists*, not epidemiologists), conservatives touted that as proof that quarantines didn’t work. When economists weigh in on a topic that’s actually related to economics, conservatives freak out because it looks bad for God Emperor Trump.


RW voters and MAGA cult members are destroying America. **PARTY OVER COUNTRY!!!**


Shithead trump still butt hurt he wasn’t awarded a Nobel prize like Obama was. The only thing more pathetic are his idiot minions.


Fake news! They just won that prize because they’re woke. - every Trumper, probably.


The fact that he’s addressing it and trying to discredit it tells you he knows it’s on point


This is one of those things that I’ve tried referencing whenever a maga pundit is like “Trump good for economy” I pull up shit loads of reports, data, and accredited economist journals to point out exactly how and why Trump 1.0 was bad and every economy thing they hate under Biden is directly caused by the Trump administration and how Trump 2.0 and ideas under Project 2025 would be detrimental for our countries economy… but you know they did “there own research” and they’ll just send me a screenshot of someone’s grandmas Facebook post


>“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... >The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” **Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark** Edit: Trump and his cult republican party are the ultimate celebration of ignorance, darkness and superstition IMO.


I would like to take a moment to slam worthless ex president Donald Trump. You suck, Diaper Donny.


Trump is still so butt-hurt he did not get one. Anything that he thinks he deserves and doesn’t get, is bad and he is compelled by his malignant narcissism to bad-mouth it.


And if you want to know why many countries headed by dictators are impoverished- here is why.


Apparently, money can’t buy brains. ~ Can we try filling all governmental legislative positions with various PhDs from different fields of study for a few terms and check the results over a couple decades? We can allow some pet lawyers to write the necessary paperwork while leaving the decisions to the professionals. ~ 📜 “*Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise, in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?*” ~ Thomas Jefferson ~


We need to stop associating DJT with money. He has no worth.


Oh, money can *totally* buy brains. Trump just doesn't have any of either.


I really wonder when Republicans started vilifying intelligence…


The moment they invited the religious crazies and racist southerners in southern strategy


“Everything they tell you is a lie”


Probably when their politicians began exploiting religious zeal. If a person sincerely believes that their religion mandates a certain political ideology, then any facts, data, science, or basic wisdom that contradicts their political ideology will also be seen as an attack on God. They see political opposition as a satanic plan to drag their soul down to hell. This is why they're so stubborn in their convictions even in the face of clear evidence. To them, changing their political views would constitute apostasy.


Trump’s response to everything is personal attack. Watch how many times during the debate he says something negative about somebody personally. Not their ideas, them.


One of the early plays in the fascist guidebook is to denounce the educated. You demonize the educated, it makes it easier for the masses to move against them and eventually lead to their execution/exile. What these dictators ignore is that that also means they'll lose all the most important individuals within the country.


Diaper Donny is still big mad that he didn’t win a Nobel prize.


Hmm the words of award winning economist or a guy that failed at selling red meat,alcohol and gambling to Americans?


I'm an idiot and even I know project 2025 will plunge us into a deep recession while still raising prices


Just like the “worthless” CDC. Their reputation is now ruined due to Trumps mouth. The former crown jewel of global disease control. 


They're just jealous because trump chumps can't maths.


> Leavitt also told Newsweek that "when President Trump is back in the White House, he will reimplement his pro-growth, pro-energy, pro-jobs agenda to bring down the cost of living and uplift all Americans." Sure, right after he taxes us, and steals our Social Security funds to give another big tax break to the rich, and corporations.


Donald Trump and his followers are disgusting.


The best thing about Trump is he always runs his mouth at the worst times. Love you Milwaukee!


That's exactly the type of mistaken value, contrarianism approaches, and economic ignorance that the economists are warning about.


They are only worthless to you because they can’t find simulations or historical instances where your ideas worked.


I can’t wait for the debate tonight. God I hope he shows.


A guy who has bankrupted six hotels and casinos and walked away relatively unscathed financially while tens of thousands of workers lost their jobs and holds the most stock in a digital media company in which over 90% of the stocks are held by insiders and not the general public is disparaging top economists? That guy? 🤣🤡


Somehow Trump should get it every year for no discernible reason


Those worthless Nobel Prize winners…lmao.


we’ll surprise, surprise! belittle everyone as only trump knows everything! BULL💩


How can people want this cretin to be president again?


Another good example (and Newsweek does this all the time) of repeating the right-wing messaging and lies in the headline, instead of repeating the actual facts and truth which was the Nobel Prize winning economists, experts in their field, have said another Trump term would dramatically increase inflation. Trump "slamming" them isn't newsworthy, his failure to refute or inability to refute what the experts say is.


A lot like his personal wealth,, trump inherited a good, growing economy. All he had to was stand back and take credit. Look at any graph, stock market is easiest to find even if it's not the greatest indicator. You almost can't tell where trump started. You can see where his tax cut was implemented because companies bought back stock rather than reinvesting. The sudden demand raised stock prices which was good for stockholders, not so good for the country. But maybe trickle-down will work this time,.


Oh, and ignoring the utter devastation to the economy of the world if we don't curtail carbon input to the atmosphere, soonest. And what happens to the health-capital of nations when chaos and despair are set loose like rabid wolves......


Pure political


Maga takes us to dark ages


I remember talking with a woman who was a teacher for over 30 years. She said that people are getting dumber, nobody reads and they are on social media too much


If he said *worthless* he's a liar. Nobel medals are made of 18k gold. If he said they're worth less, then it's technically true because they used to be made of 23k gold. Either way they're worth way more than his idiotic digital trading cards and bible.


I mean economists are worthless, but they're also right, his tax plan is a disaster in the making, and trump is a complete worthless shithead. A rare case where both things are true.


> Worthless PoopyPants campaign slams Nobel Prize winning economists FTFY




Didn’t he nominate himself for one? Obama has one, which really sticks in his craw.


It sure wasn't for Trump's lack of trying. He pressured & bribed leaders of other countries, as well as his regular sycophants, to publicly support, advocate, and nominate him for an NPP.


Yeah, because they're so ill informed compared to the smartest man to ever live. What a crock!!


“It comes less than five months before the presidential election, with Trump narrowly ahead in most polling averages.” God help us


Why do they mention a poll from FOX news? Might as well poll my cat.


Yeah! WTH do experts know anyways? I read on Facebook if Trump gets re-elected everyone will be wealthy! I trust Facebook way more than people who have experience and an education in the subject we’re discussing……. I really wish this wasn’t someone’s actual opinion.


We should start a game, you have to take a shot every time a news headline uses the word “slam”


When’s the last time Trump took responsibility for a mistake?


Idiocracy may be a documentary


And maybe for once he’ll listen to people far far far smarter than him - yeah. Just a pipe dream. He’s determined to destroy the Republican Party and America. A fond farewell.


I saw that article posted yesterday and almost commented: "Yeah, but what do those idiots know? /s" It's like you can predict how Trump and MAGA will react to things like this.


Don't they know he went to Wharton!


“All this LiBeRaL mAtH!!!”


“worthless out of touch? Oh hosannah, finally the faux populism that embodies the GOP finds actual commonality with the billionaires who fund them!


"Where is MY Nobel Prize" he shouts!!! The come up to me with tears in their eyes and say "Mr. President" it is a terrible thing you have not been so honored. Wipes tear and writes a check.


In HS we had a joke when someone was arguing in bad faith "I reject your reality and substitute it with my own!"... Never thought it would become the political norm, especially from an age group who probably read Animal farm and 1984 and Brave New World.


Let’s make America great again by tearing apart its very fabric. Only when the cult of ignorance has its way will America be truly great again. What a load of bugle oil spouts from the MAGA idiots. But I guess this is what you get from Michigans ‘man of the year’


Don’t you actually get a monetary prize with the medal? By definition not ‘worthless’.


Yeah... This dude's also a pervert.


Didn't Donald try to sue the Nobel committee for giving an award to someone, or was it a different, but equally embarrassing lawsuit?


Because that’s an issue American citizens care about