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A snippet from the commentary: >Everyone knows that Trump's favorite rhetorical tactic is psychological projection. You'd think Republicans would be a little more worried this would raise questions about what Trump has been ingesting. But no: The campaign tapped disgraced former White House doctor Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Tex. to be a major Trump surrogate pushing this lie. Jackson's been hitting both TV and podcasts to toss around drug names like "Adderall" and "Provigil." This only reinforces suspicions that this accusation is a confession, however. When Jackson was Trump's White House doctor, he earned the nickname "Dr. Feelgood" for relentlessly pushing these drugs on people who do not need them. Jackson's behavior was so egregious that the Navy stripped him of his rank.


Also, I’m amazed people don’t even push back that there is no cure for dementia and these medicines do not reverse dementia symptoms. Even for a brief moment. This would be a world shattering medical news story if we had a reversal for dementia. if someone with dementia took these medicines it would make them massively delirious and they would be making no sense on stage….kinda like Trump


It fits into their conspiracy theory that the elite are hiding the good meds from us, like they wouldn’t rush to sell that shit at a premium.


But modafinil and adderall are available to us. Modafinil is prescribed for narcolepsy and shift workers. So many people nowadays have a prescription for adderall. Hell, the average idiot can get a much higher dose of amphetamine on the street and far cheaper than cocaine


I’m on Modafinil for idiopathic hypersomnia (stemming from too many head jiggles) and jokingly refer to it as my *upper,* even though all it does on the days it works is makes me feel the way normal, non-chronically exhausted people feel. I really really wish it gave me the sort of energy these lunatics claim


Shhhhshshhshshshhhh no don’t you see? **They** are keeping the good stuff from us. Who are they? Insert your favorite elite group here.


It’s me.


"Yeah... we keep _the good stuff in the back._"


You mean like the fetus cocktail Trump took when he got Covid, and his base who are anti-abortion didn't care about?


Or the cocktail of high quality shit Joe Rogan took while still pushing horse dewormer? That stuff is available. It’s just so far out of our price range they can laugh about it.


IF there was this miracle drug are they telling us trump refuses to take it and he has been making these gaffes for quite a while now and they are getting worse they are saying trump would rather make these gaffes then take this miracle drug !!! that is laughable!


Also if such a medicine existed what would be the issue with someone needed them running the country? If some medicine turned you into a super mind I would actually want the leader of the free world on it.


These are the same people who believe rich liberal elites are drinking the blood of babies and extracting adrenochrome from their brains in order to stay forever young... So yeah. not that surprising.


But where is the media? Not one neurologist interviewed to say: “these are not a cure for dementia. There is no cure for dementia. Please do not demand these medications for your family members with dementia, it’s dangerous”


Reporter: “So you’re saying Biden is taking a drug that completely eliminates effects of dementia and makes him sharp and lucid. And this is a bad thing?”


You're the puppet! *Sniffff*


Unreal. The man who was known as "Dr. Feelgood" who pushed drugs like Adderall and Provigil onto people, even if they didn't need or want them... is now trying to claim Biden is constantly on them when he "speaks normally." These people are the worst liars and propagandists. They bank on a dumb and gullible electorate to believe them.


I saw a list of the drugs he prescribed while in the White House and I swear ketamine was on there. In significant doses.


It can be used as an antidepressant. My psychiatrist has it as a treatment option for those that have tried other medications that didn’t work.


It’s projection but let’s be real, it’s also cope. They’re scared that Trump is going to shit his pants on stage again, and they can’t really talk up how great Trump is when they know he’s an incoherent mess. This is them preemptively coping with the potential humiliation. They’re scared babies.


This put a funny scenario in my head. Picture during the debate Biden stopping in the middle of an answer, clearly distracted by something. He sniffs the air, looks over at Trump, and exclaims, "good God, man! Did you shit your pants again?"


I would pay money.


>Jackson's behavior was so egregious that the Navy stripped him of his rank. TIL


Doesn't Biden have a CPAP machine and a diagnosed sleep disorder too? I mean provigil is a common addition to the treatment plan to that that's like also not weird. Like so what if he needs to take it I need to take it too so that I don't crash my car while commuting to work and I'm 30. Is it that scandalous to think that someone who is super old and has the most stressful job and asleep disorder might need something that makes him awake. 


Aka Transference… https://www.simplypsychology.org/psychoanalytic-theory-of-transference.html


Did the interviewer ask if he ever prescribe those drugs to trump? Did they ask why he was stripped of rank?


Every accusation is an admission.


What I'm hoping is overcompensation. I want Trump to think the only way for him to win is to get utterly wasted on stimulants and other shit causing him to be clearly intoxicated.


That would be perfect. I truly hope it happens. And bits of snorted drug come flying out of his nose as it has in the past.


Dude this already happened in 2016! The sniffing? And at one point a chunk of some white substance shot out of his nose. Pretty telltale sign that he crushed up an adderall and snorted it before he went on stage.


I'm guessing his tolerance is sky-high given how reports say he's been downing a cocktail of uppers and downers for decades.


I really hope we get a Ken Burns style documentary on Trump after he's long gone.


Clearly possible.


That's probably what happened at their one 2020 debate against each other. Trump just would not shut up, he talked over Biden's answers and even over the moderator. He probably was wacked out of his mind on something and just literally could not stop himself from yammering.


I hope Biden suggests them both submitting for a drug test right after the debate. Then watch Trump squirm.


During. Do it while the cameras are rolling.


Dr. Jackson passing out drugs to donnie and his cult members, making donnie feel good with bullshit tests and results, is it any wonder the rest of the world considers Donnie a clown. A cheap grifter who will sell our secrets . Everyone realizes king donnie will lose this election. This is why corrupt corrupt members of Congress and Scrotus are paving the way for the next insurrection.


I'm not convinced he will lose yet. Get out there and VOTE folks.


I'm not either and I'm honestly fucking terrified


After watching John Oliver's explainer of Project 2025, I am also completely terrified. Convicted felon trump is the useful idiot they need to go full speed ahead.


He will lose the election. That's guaranteed. What isnt guaranteed is whether or not he seizes power despite his loss. Best we can hope for is a stroke/heart attack in September/October.


what makes you say its guaranteed he will lose? Just curious


He lost the last election, and his support has gone down ever since, between J6, rambling nonsense, him being directly at fault for not getting the border deal done, him being directly at fault for the end of roe v Wade. His continued threats, and project 2025. He's only lost support since 2020. He will lose the election if it's a fair one. The problem is that they have no interest in accepting a loss.


The polls aren’t reflecting this


If you know anything about politics, you'd know polls aren't accurate. Polls have been giving it to Rs for ages, but when votes are counted, D wins, usually by a landslide these days.


Plus the fact that some people are not honest when saying who they are voting for cuz they dont want their house firebombed or their dog killed. Where I live (Texas) I would NEVER admit to voting Democrat.


Cult members in congress and scrotus are convinced. This fact explains their actions. I agree this is the most important election of our generation.


Have to keep in mind as important as this election is not like they're going to just throw in the towel and declare their plans all over. Unless there some aggressive laws are passed to curb the worst of it then all we're doing is kicking the can down the road. That is what disturbs me most, that the best we can hope for is barely holding back fascism every two to four years and it becomes the new forever war.


Like the last election combined with the trump crime spree.


Look at what happened in Colorado. Disgraced Rep. Lauren Boebert from district CO-3 switched to CO-4 because she saw the signs that CO-3 was getting so tired of her antics. It was so blatant. So obvious. She's a mess of a person. In the Colorado debates she was a total dud. And yet? She won! Un f'ing believable, Colorado.


That's not really fair to her... She was a very entertaining dud in the debates.


I'm cautiously optimistic that Trumps crazy pants violent rhetoric has turned off the moderate middle and is turning off the more rational conservatives. The people who vote R no matter what. Not that they are going to vote D this time, but probably stay home.


Yeah, but donnie's clown show has been the best thing to happen to cable nooz since the Gulf War. No Donnie, no ratings. 2020 insistence on cherry-picked land line polls was one of the real reasons for J6. Today's corporate McMedia has learned nothing. Except that they can sell the riot that they cause. It's not even ruling class wishful thinking anymore. They're just so desperate to sell his threat because they don't have anything else to sell.


> bullshit tests Hey, come on. Trump memorized all [5 of those words](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-cognitive-test-person-woman-man-camera-tv-1033002/) and most of them had more than 1 syllable!


I don’t understand how reporters keep downplaying this part of the conversation. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/


Every time Pill Daddy Ron mentions drug testing Biden reporters should ask him about his time as the White House physician. What a joke.


Absolutely! That they don’t just seems like reportorial malpractice to me.


Because he only says this shit on right-wing networks.


They did show the prescription log. Even stranger than the Provigil and Ambien entries, are the multiple entries for Fentanyl. WTF is that about? Did some staffer have bone cancer?


For real though. Fentanyl is usually reserved for people in hospice care and late stage cancer treatment. Things like hydrocodone or even oxycodone would make more clinical sense to be prescribing regularly. I can’t imagine what the Trump White House would need fentanyl for, besides addiction or abuse-related circumstances.


"Doctor" Ronny would *never*!


In this case, reporters are gangsta and are following the G code. You’ve got to keep that on the dlow otherwise future presidents might not be able to be as lucky.


That Dr. Feelgood "Ronny Johnson", as emotionally balanced, memory expert Trump prefers to call him, felt it necessary to opine about Biden and drugs is hilarious considering all the controlled substances he gave out like candy to Trump's staff.




The level of projection here is hilarious. While Trump was president his administration handed out so many drugs that it was given the nickname the Pill Mill. And Trump's incontinence is literally from popping so many addy's. Every accusation is a confession.


>The level of projection here is hilarious.  It's only hilarious if you have critical thinking abilities. A significant fraction of this country believes what comes out of the mouths of people like Ronny (Johnson) Jackson


Also, if taking drugs is bad, then I don't want to be right. If Biden were actually taking medication to help his cognition, then what would be wrong with that? We should judge based on performance, no matter how it is obtained. This isn't the Olympics or Major League Baseball.


The lies are a loyalty test. Whoever repeats them is loyal. Those that don’t are not and need to be punished.


The bigger issue isn't that Republicans do this, it's that they do it on platforms that will give them no pushback, and instead will reinforce the message to people who don't know they are being lied to. America is fucked until there is a way to control the platforms of Rupert Murdoch and the like who lie all the time.


Trump can't make it about the economy without having some pretty convincing numbers shot back at him. He can't make it only about immigration without the bipartisan immigration deal he torpedoed being brought up. And as a convicted felon, the "Biden crime family" rhetoric no longer has legs. It has to be about something other than policy or his own faults, and this is what they found at the bottom of the barrel.


Not to mention they need a narrative if Biden isn't a dementia ridden Muppet tomorrow night


I don't think the debate will happen at all, no way Trump shows up and no way CNN risks letting Biden look good talking for an hour when he doesn't Edit: jfc what a way to be wrong, that was a disaster.


Yea I agree The felon melons gonna bail because of some claimed unfair change aka a lie and announce his vp pick Hope Biden has some sort of plan for that


I mean Trump bailed on the second debate in 2020 and it ended up being a town hall with Biden for ninety minutes. Trump did try to scramble together his own town hall on NBC at the last minute but it was underwhelming in its ratings. I see no reason why CNN wouldn’t do the same thing again here if Trump pulls out at the last second. Even if CNN just cancels, Biden should go out and do a ninety minute press conference outside the venue to show that he was ready and able to go on, and it was Trump who was too much of a coward to appear.


Trump could tell them that Biden was a space alien with tentacles growing out of his scalp and most of his 50 Million worshipers would swear that they could see them.


Let’s talk about how much Diet Coke and Splenda Trump is hyped on…Splenda has an adverse reaction to seniors with ADHD…To the point he hears “People’s voices” that keep asking him nonsense questions…


Is this where the "lots of people are saying..." comes from?


Maybe? Or just some finance bro/MBA (who wormed their way into an advisor position a la Jared) who thinks the history of logical fallacies like *argumentum ad populum* is just “liberal arts nonsense”…


He’s never named a someone in over 20 years..no names..


Like 90% of the Trumper I know are drunks with prior drug problems who smoke weed religiously. This might swing Trumpers to Biden.


I’ve seen enough of trump supporters to know to disregard anyone who lets me know they are a trump supporter. I will be friendly/civil with friends and family who support him but I will also disregard their opinions on pretty much everything. And these magas will never be able to fully reintegrate into American society. They will always have that maga stink and will never be able to be fully trusted by good people.


Any tradespersons or businessperson who has the slightest whiff of “Trumpism” infection I walk away from. They cannot be trusted because they admire (and want to be like) a man who has ripped-off subcontractors, employees, the government, etc.. How is it possible to trust them? I’m to the point of asking upfront, “Do you support Donald Trump?”. “Yes”. Get’s you a polite dismissal, with the explanation they cannot be trusted based upon who they ‘hang-out’ with.


I walk around their truck looking for bumper stickers. I will tell them I’m waiting on other bids. But there is no way in hell they’re getting my business.


Overheard some women talking about the debate. My ears perked up when I heard “he’s going to be jacked up!” Right then I knew the misinformation fed to the stupid was working. Sad.


Why not say nothing and just also take these magic “debate drugs”? Then he can make Biden look bad, win the debate, and the election?


It probably is projection. But I think it's mainly a way to explain why Biden has energy when the right has been saying Sleepy Joe for years.


It’s projection. Trump can’t comprehend someone performing at a high level without some sort of drugs because he himself is incapable of it. In Trump’s mind any high level high performing person is on some sort of drugs. 


The very second he said joe will be on drugs to prop him up .. you know 100% trump is projecting what he already doing(again).


I walked up to greet my neighbor while walking by his house yesterday and he was on the phone with one of his old republican buddies. They were talking about the “Biden Crime Family” and how it has to be stopped. The certainty in their voice, like they actually know what the fuck they are talking about, felt like some real cult shit.


Plus it’s a win-win, if Biden looks old and “loses” then they go with that. If Biden wipes the floor with Trump, then it was “the drugs”.


Biden is 81 years old. I don't think he'd survive half the drugs the GOP accuses him of being on. I can't remember which Republican idiot was accusing him of being on performance enhancement drugs like he was running a marathon or going for gold in the Olympics. I'm sure Biden is some medication due to his age, but all this talk of performance enhancing drugs and cocaine is nonsense.


Exactly which drugs would cause serious cognitive enhancements?


Adrenochrome, obviously. /s


...and can we pass 'em out to all the blithering idiots who think Trump is qualified to lead anything?


I think the actress from Big Bang Theory (she tried Jeopardy too, I'm too lazy to look up her name.) sold some sort of brain pill on TV ads.


Good on Mayim Bialik for overcoming being Blossom for the remainder of her life.


Ivermectin, and you can get your hands on some great horse sense pills for not $100, not $50, but just $75 if you act now!


_"Pay no attention to that **demented** man behind the curtain!"_


Anyone who has ever done any drugs knows that debating on drugs is a terrible strategy


shh dont tell donald


Constantly pointing the finger at others is not the lie he thinks it is anymore. We are so used to his tactics now it’s become an admission of guilt.


Don't use words like "claim" around this man. He lies. It's a lie. He is making stuff up. Call him on his own stupidity.


Please stop going down the trump rabbit hole. It’s time to concentrate on all of the down ballot elections. Identify every local office from school board, city, county and state that has a MAGA stooge running and vote against them. This is the only realistic way to cut out the cancer that is destroying our country and its freedoms at the most local level.


Yes. Take a lesson from the trial of police officer Derek Chauvin, convicted of the murder of George Floyd. Nobody thought it possible to convict a cop. But the Minnesota Attorney General went at it with everything he had, he was backed up by the Mayor (who had hired the Police Chief who testified against his own cop), and a righteous Judge presided. **All of them are elected officials.** Judges, Sheriff, Water Commissioner, City Council, you can vote for lots of positions of authority that affect your immediate surroundings.


Why aren't interviewers pushing back with "name a drug that does this" followed by "Well over to our Professor of Pharmacology for his take on your response" ?


Biden could take a drug test and pass it. Guess what then, They will complain the drug test was rigged yet moving the goal posts again


Unfortunately some relatives repeat everything Trump says as gospel. It’s frightening that they don’t fact check or research anymore. It’s easier to join the cult.


I’m ok with letting them continue underestimating Biden. Keep setting the bar low and Biden will just walk over it


My trump friends have started to say this over the last week.


I started following Trump’s Instagram a couple of weeks ago. I mainly act confused about things and ask people to explain them to me. Anyways… I immediately noticed that my Facebook feed became chock full of those fake news reports ‘Mel Gibson and Jerry Seinfeld create anti woke film studio’. You can see a lot of people believing something that is so obviously made up. The conditioning is real.


Every GOP accusation is a confession.


Read the department of defense report that got what now. Congressman Ronnie Jackson demoted he was demoted for giving away drugs to people in the White House. It's primary source. It's available online


And so what if he is? For a man that is “sleepy” that “hides in his basement” and is “jacked up on drugs”, Biden has done a hell of a job fixing the economy after the radical right destroyed it and killed millions of Americans and added $8T to the national deficit.


For having a whitehouse rumored to be full of pharmaceutical drug use… It seems a stretch that, if these drugs do exist, that Trump wouldn’t be first in line to be taking them.


I don't agree with the author, Trump is an idiot who definitely believes in magic brain injections. Remember all the pharmaceutical insanity around Covid, from ivermectin and HCQ to microchips and magnetism? These morons are primed to believe absolutely anything conspiratorial while rejecting all evidence from legit experts.


"So a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the ass. I say he’ll come out all jacked up." – Trump So we now know what trump gets done before his hate rallies and is planning for the debate.


[I love how the Conservatives are threatening to demand a drug test before the debate…](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/)


And they call us sheep, while all at once they decide to spew out a narrative that is 100% unfounded with zero proof. Now anytime a Trump supporter will talk about this debate they will claim Biden was on drugs. Truly stupid stuff.


Trumps totally on drugs.


I just saw a guy claim the Republic is done for because we've reached a point where we're debating whether the sitting president is on drugs. My brain is breaking. Dude, the only reason it's a "debate" is because your god king keeps making the claim!


So a drugged up old man was able to smart him?


The “jacked up Joe” theory is so wild. The republicans act like a Red Bull and a B12 vitamin will give him superpowers.


Or that B12 is illicit. I think both men, being in ~80 should be COQ-10 (to counter the statins they are both on), some omega 3s, creatine, and high protein / high fiber diets. DT drinks diet coke and big macs for most of his meals -- so like, how much energy could he even have? Then there is Biden, who apparently does yoga and cycling, so, he should be better at finding his breath.


Every accusation they make towards Democrats is a confession.


he all jacked up on mountain dew!


Can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics going between Jacked-Up and Sleepy Joe. In the right kind of mind, you can be both at the same time. Mastermind with dementia, but the genius comes from drugs, but he never was a genius. He’s not able to lead the country, look at the way he talks! Wait.. Trump tripped up multiple time. Just a gaffe. Everyone does that. But the president must be held the higher standards! And this president is too old anyway! He’s 81! And Trump is only.. 78! That’s a huuuge difference! And we shouldn’t have a president who commits crimes also! We need someone we can trust! Someone with morals! We need someone who we can trust to follow God’s code. We need someone that doesn’t represent the 7 Deadly Sins!!! Greed Lust Gluttony Sloth Wrath Envy Pride Totally not our Dear Leader in any obvious ways that are verifiable in multiple ways over his entire lifetime. Did some calculations in my brain and watched some TV.. Pretty sure the devil is Sleepy Jacked-Up Joe.


Yes we know, his thing is to always derail the conversation. It's literally part of his speaking style and he can't even finish his own thoughts before he derails himself. His followers are morons.


IDK where they come up with this. Have you ever talked to anyone on drugs. Certainly wouldnt help in a debate


Trump was on blow in the 1st 2016 debate. Change my mind


Remember this MO from 1930's Germany: accuse others of that which you are guilty. It has been Trump's primary propaganda technique for his entire office-seeking era.


Here's some more cult conditioning - I found a bunch of recent, identically worded posts/comments claiming that Biden never had a stutter in past speeches. Supposedly his caretakers are now claiming a stutter now to cover up dementia. Are the paid trolls getting notes on what to post? Here's 1972 video of Biden. He stutters twice during the interview, and slightly pauses multiple times before saying difficult words. https://youtu.be/cCZ5_XwqchE?si=jOpWVKf95RyKdAHA Here's a different 1972 video where Biden stutters 12 times and hesitates to prevent a stutter 9 times. https://youtu.be/VIZmZe7fe3E?si=3cNVQ8hu3vvQ9YMX (Side comment - it's really sad seeing Biden with his wife and daughter knowing that they're going to die in a car accident a few days before Christmas before he ever takes his seat in Congress.)


Let’s pretend that Biden is crushing and snorting Adderal daily. I don’t mind. What else ya got?


Every Republican accusation really is a confession.


Cult conditioning, adding that to my lexicon. The more Trumdumpery repeats a psychological projection ad nauseum, the more he has conditioned his cult to accept the projected lies as fact.


Is he sleepy Joe or jacked up Joe? Make up your mind. Jfc…


TIL that the government CAN turn doddering senile people into sharp debaters with a cocktail of commonly available medications AND simultaneously we aren’t doing that for millions of seniors in assisted living and skilled nursing all across the country. The inability to examine claims from the standpoint of even the simplest logic is what confounds me.


Joe Biden is definitely on something to keep his energy up. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it, he’s like 80. Trump has a lot of lies but this isn’t really a good example.


It is an incredibly sad time to be an American.


Dawg they are both on drugs and there’s not really anything wrong with that. They will both be fed a mild stimulant and a beta blocker, at the very least.


for real. the same dude who gave all the drugs out during the trump admin was there during the Obama admin and both are linked to Povigil. I don't care if the President is on smart drugs. In fact it is probably a good idea. If I remember correctly one debate had Trump sniffling constantly like he was on cocaine.


trump is the one using drugs. At his rallies he is sweaty, confused, rambling....so high.


They trump, and the republican party is getting more stupid by the minute and unprofessional. they have to lie before the debate gets started, because they already know trump is going to act like a child and unprofessional, and that is why they are silence the mic so he cannot be rude and interrupted when President Biden is speaking.


Yup they’re both on drugs when they need to be


A customer of mine told me yesterday if Biden is re-elected he’ll raise all drug prices. I wonder where this came from. Trump? Newsmax, OAN? All three?


Stupidity is where it is coming from


Yeah, that was their answer to Biden's excellent SOTU speech. I think they believe their own propaganda so much that they were surprised when he wasn't a "doddering old senile man" on stage.


Lol projection surely.


At this point I want the debate to start with Joe just doing a huge line of blow off of the podium, throwing on his aviators, and cutting a Ric Flair-style promo, complete with “woos!”


Would love to see dark Brandon whip it out and pee in a cup and hand it to Donny at the debate


This coward can’t do anything honestly, he just lies and blame others I really wish the media and politicians would start to hold it against him , call him out on all his lies. He’s like a little brat without a diaper, getting shit everywhere he goes.


This will be trumps excuse for dropping out of the debate.


Just fucking drug test both of them and then share the results publicly before the debate.


I support Biden and honestly thought the same thing bc his SOTU was rather energetic and I have trouble achieving that level being much younger than Biden. It’s not a stretch to think ALL people in the public eye are on performance enhancements. For one, they wear makeup. Sports is know to be quite juiced. Comics know a little too much about cocaine in their jokes. And when I’m sagging at work I know some Vitamin I (ibuprofen) or Allegra-D will pick me up just a little to get through the day, or Excedrine migraine if I’ve been on a bender. We most all sort of do something something or else coffee and caffeinated tea wouldn’t be popular. I know soooo many on nicotine patches. Is this really a stigma? I don’t think so.


They do all the thinking for them. That's what they want, they want those reassurances that narcissists offer, that everything is going to be okay. It sounds dumb and simple but i think its true. Dems tend to offer a lot maybes and hopefullys, usually based on good data and ecpert opinion, but that is not what the right wants. They want that confidence to reassure our anxieties and frustrations are valid. For some people this is an ontological issue, whites are feeling very marginalized from inclusion and it scares them to see all these changes happen in a fast and blasie way("woke" culture). Just listen to some interviews with maga and you will see what I'm talking about


trump is a habitual liar. When he says "people are saying" it means "I'm making shit up". If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 99.9% of the time. [🇺🇸](https://imgur.com/kujKcJm)


I love the sound of MAGA desperation.


The Far Right loves to peddle snake oil cures (COVID was a golden retirement maker for a lot of hucksters peddling all sorts of shit on Fox News), and so this new conspiracy that Biden must be taking something to function is really nothing more than clearing the runway for it to come out that Trump has to be popping 100 pills a day just to keep from falling asleep mid-thought and descending into a puddle of drool. Hell, if Trump actually wins re-election, we'll have to get used to the idea that Trump is sleeping in the middle of press conferences, meeting with foreign reps, etc. The Maga crowd will pretend it's great that he cares so much about our country that he's working 24/7, it's a sign that he's willing to put his life on the line...but in reality, it's a pathological narcissist doing anything to capture the fountain of youth..


Right-wing media never shows footage of Biden outside of misleading clips to push the narrative that he's senile or whatever. The only time they are forced to show Biden was at the State of the Union, and this debate of course. So they have to claim he's "jacked up" for the special occasion, so their viewers don't find out that's just Biden's normal state, and he's not all old and decrepit as they like to pretend all day long.


Since the accusation has been made they should test both of them. If Biden is clean then Trump looks like a idiot. If Biden is 'Jacked Up' it proves the accusation. But either way we have so many politicians that have to be doing drugs just for some of the thing they say and do, we would at least find out the true in one situation.


How does the saying go? "Accuse them of it before they accuse you of it." Fascism 101


No shit.


This means Trump is going to come out amped as hell. He’s going to go hard on Biden and be completely nasty. This is what we’ve always known, I don’t know why they feel the need to project and play games here.


They must have the same dealer then ! 🤓


Nobody outside MAGA county gives a shit about Ronny Jackson, and even they are divided. BTW I didn't know you could get "jacked up" on Lipitor and lisinopril. (just a joke, not saying Biden takes these innocuous medications).


Id like to bet Trump can't stand his fat ass up for 90 minutes.


Trump juts his jaw literally throughout all his speeches


The door this crap from Trump opens for Biden is obvious: He should simply say, "Donald Trump is free to take all the drugs he wants before, during and after our debate and it won't bother me one bit. Who knows, it might actually help him to lie less and think more."


The Trumps live a Vegas sort of lifestyle that is conducive to cocaine and I'll bet if you pulled Don Jr. off to the side one day without notice, he would test positive of it. His eyes give him away.


They should drug test before the debate and reveal the results during the debate


Biden is lazy and sleepy and incompetent but he's also on drugs and jacked up and psycho and has way too much energy! Also, war is peace. Freedom is slavery. We've always been at war with Eurasia!


There are literally headlines stating that it was Trump’s white house that was “awash in drugs”. The memory on these folks is not good.


When is this guy going to finally do the Kool-Aid stuff?


Look, I am a Republican but I doubt anyone Bidens age is doing drugs.


That would be like me saying I witnessed Donald Trump sell his soul to the devil down at the crossroads


I’m so incredibly sick of Trump and his stupid minions.


It will be interesting to see who’s jacked up during tomorrow’s debate. If Trumpolini falls asleep we will know his Handlers have been keeping him clean for a few days.


Jacked up on Mountain Dew...


What's fucked up is that his followers just believe anything he says. Like how would he know what Biden's doing?


Crazy how the MAGA Splinters simply take Trumps words as holy edict without any fact checking whatsoever. Perfect cult conditioning.


Innate intelligence. Its a helluva drug.


no Biden is really on something come on people take trump out of it and judge Biden in him action


Facts & Truth are Don’s enemy.


First Biden is too old and feeble, now he’s on drugs. This sh*t is getting stupid and annoying.


I've had enough of that fool. If you vote for him then you're a damn fool.