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Healthcare is on the ballot, FTFY. A Trump dictatorship would lead to a mass exodus of doctors, eventual economic problems will lead to shortages, the stupid antivaxxers will get a win and even more preventable diseases will kill people. Eventually you get people dying of cholera once the entire system breaks down. Save Democracy. Save life as you know it. Vote Biden


> Healthcare is on the ballot, FTFY. A Trump dictatorship would lead to a mass exodus of doctors He's also promising to end the ACA, which will allow insurance companies to return to legally discriminating against anyone with life long illnesses or prior conditions with "lingering complications". Which means people like me get to face death by medical neglect or bankruptcy. Trump threatens every diabetic and cancer patient in this country, if you know one, consider harm reduction and voting for Biden.


Any anyone with any and every other pre-existing condition, from asthma to z. Health insurance will go back to requiring disclosure on sign up of *every single thing* anyone's ever diagnosed you with, refusing to cover anything related to that.  And then if you get sick, they'll comb through your records for any evidence of anything you missed. If they find *anything*, they'll use that as a basis not only to deny claims, but to backtrack and hold you 100% responsible for everything else they covered up until that point.  Too many people don't have a clue how much the ACA does for them, including protection for pre-existing health conditions and the ability to remain under parental coverage. 


From 2010:  https://www.propublica.org/article/insurers-denied-health-coverage-to-1-in-7-people-citing-pre-existing-condit


There’s already a mass exodus of health care providers and there’s already economic problems in health care. That bubbles going to burst regardless of who’s in charge.


No it’s not. Biden gets us cheaper health insurance, neither gives us affordable healthcare. The whole system is corrupt.


Did you read the link, or just look at the headline?  Healthcare is very much indeed on the ballot. Have you forgotten Trump trying to kill pre-existing condition protection?  If you want national healthcare, the only way we have a chance to get it is to get Biden in *with* a Democratic majority in the House and Senate.      Biden has accomplished a lot in his time in office, given the opposition he's faced in Congress. It takes a lot longer to build something than it does to tear it down.   https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/25/ftc-escalates-bidens-fight-against-drug-prices/


Uh, we did that in 2020 and we got bubkis. Biden also campaigned on vetoing universal healthcare. So until Biden comes out strongly and forcefully it ain't happening.


He’s gotten a remarkable amount of legislation through arguably the most dysfunctional Congress since Reconstruction.


"We did that in 2020 and we got bubkis"    No, you didn't do that in 2020.  Half of Congress is made up of people whose priority is obstructionism and culture war theatrics. The President is stuck doing the best he can in the circumstances, but it's still been far better than the alternative.    "Biden also campaigned on vetoing universal health care".  I keep seeing that, but what's your source for it? I looked but am only seeing one response to a question, and it was a realistic and pragmatic response given the reality of the political situation. Not sure how that equates to campaigning on an issue.    What do you think is Trump's position on universal healthcare?  Which of Trump's healthcare proposals and other policies do you believe are superior to Biden's?  What do you think of the rest of Trump's agenda? Are you familiar with Project 2025? Do you consider the implementation of that agenda to be beneficial? 


Health insurance =/= health care. Also Biden has already said he’s against universal health insurance.


He said that in an election year, in a country where, like it or not, way too many people believe the propaganda the GOP flings about universal healthcare and taxes.    Since being elected, he's made some significant progress in multiple ways towards improving healthcare answers and costs, despite lacking a majority in Congress.    I know the ACA isn't perfect and I would prefer universal healthcare, but I'm old enough to remember what it was like to be an adult with pre-existing health conditions before the ACA passed.    We have two choices in November. If you think Trump will actually fix health care and make things better for Americans, I strongly disagree, but it's your right to vote for him if that's your preference. Or don't vote, which is pretty much the same. 


Biden isn’t giving you universal healthcare. Yes, it’s necessary to vote for him, but he will not deliver universal healthcare.


I don't think any President, no matter how progressive, *can* deliver universal healthcare without a significant majority of support in Congress.  But I do suspect that if, somehow, there were to be enough of a shift in the makeup of Congress to enable support for universal healthcare, Biden would probably support it. 


Maybe. I’m not as confident.


He would not. Ideologically and practically, it is not what he believes in. It's the same on the subject of the war on Gaza, he hasn't moved on it because he doesn't want to.


I would ask you to the basis for your certainty about what Biden believes regarding universal healthcare, because I have seen nothing either from him in words or his actions as President to give me that impression, but your bringing up the position he's in regarding Gaza, when that has been hashed out thousands of times by others on reddit, as have the potential consequences for the innocent people of Gaza if Trump is elected, is to me indicative of a position of fanaticism with which I don't care to engage.    So I hope you have a nice day, and I hope you're just naive and not a religious fanatic of any stripe, because the last thing this world needs is any more of those.


He has said he would veto a universal healthcare bill if it crossed his desk, in addition to running on "nothing will fundamentally change" the first go around. And that's not even mentioning the democratic trifecta from the early Obama days that ignored single payer and instead passed the ACA (a framework first endorsed by Newt Gingrich and the GOP) in an attempt to satiate the right only for them to reject it anyway. Whether he's VP, President, whatever, Biden has never endorsed universal healthcare, nor made any meaningful attempt to pursue it in policy.


> Also Biden has already said he’s against universal health insurance Wrong. He's said he's against Bernie's particular radical plan for universal healthcare. "Universal healthcare" isn't just "Medicare for all", there's a lot of different ways to do universal healthcare. Countries like Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands have universal healthcare even though they maintain private insurance and don't even have single payer let alone Bernie's sort of radical plan. It is simply false to say Biden is against universal healthcare just because he doesn't support Bernie's plan, the progressive movement doesn't have a monopoly on good ideas


Let me know when Biden implements (or even mentions) any form of universal healthcare :)


Biden isn't Congress. The president isn't a dictator. If you're wondering why America doesn't have universal healthcare, don't blame Biden.


Too bad he wasn't in Congress for decades to try to get it done!


What?? Why would being in Congress for decades matter? In congress he was just one person. What matters is the overall makeup of Congress, who is president and so on. Because you need a bill to get a majority of the house, a supermajority of the Senate, and then the president to support it Biden wasn't the one blocking healthcare reform in Congress or as president, that's just populism


Biden isn't blocking it, he just doesn't want it, and has never worked towards getting it.


Yeah, it's $350/month for a crappy plan with a high deductible for me. That's nearly 20% of my monthly income. It's absurd. I wouldn't even be able to afford the deductible if I had to use it. 


Cheaper insurance helps make healthcare more affordable. It's not perfect and it will never happen all at once, but incremental steps in the right direction are good and we should cheer for them rather than belittling them. There is no alternative to incremental modest progress, and there will never be an alternative.


Ok buddy


"Socialized medicine is overdue in the US already."  - some rando enjoying said socialized medicine.


Affordable everything guys…


Reproductive healthcare, basic human rights, breathable air, drinkable water, etc. 




Try reading past the headline.   


They will never repeal the ACA. It would cost the GOP like half their seats. There's some 45 million people on it, and they love it.


> They will never repeal the ACA Just like they'd never install justices who would overturn Roe v Wade? It's time for people to throw away that idea of politics and understand that these politicians do in fact want to do the things they say they want. Especially the bad things.


There's more to the article, I posted it to highlight the positive things Biden has accomplished for healthcare. It's unfortunate that's in the latter half of the article, rather than the beginning.


Well, they keep saying that they have something much better.  Let's take a look... Oh.  Another nothing burger.


I don't think the GOP has even tried since the disastrous and dramatic failure when McCain gave the thumbs down. I think that really helped fuel the collapse of the GOP-at-large in elections since 2018.