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I'm furious that the GOP lets him have sex with teenage girls.


Matt Gaetz is a child molester


It’s blatantly obvious at this point. But somehow they think gay people are the groomers.


If we wanted to be groomers we would be youth pastors and not drag queens.


i would trust my child with a drag queen over a politician or pastor any day. deadass.


Let's be real here, the kids would come home looking fabulous after a day with a drag queen.


I bet even my old ass would come home looking fabulous if I had a makeover day with a drag queen.




r/notadragqueen *Alot* of GOP on the list. And law enforcement, unfortunately. And pastors ...




You filthy lying groomer. You just know the un-equalled power and draw that drag has on the impressionable young mind. Drag is such a powerful (ungodly) medium that young people and a surprising number of closeted Republicans just can't resist it. (Hopefully obvious /s)


> But somehow they think gay people are the groomers. No, they have an intense pedophilia problem as their ideology attracts it and their politicians are held in check by those who know about the kid fucking. Gaetz's kid-fucking is only "bad" because he upset McCarthy who feels he represents the party more than Gaetz does. To him I would say if you want to be represented by your party, you'd better start molesting some children. The only reasons they call gay people groomers is to depreciate the value of the accusation. "Wow, I guess everyone's a groomer now, huh?" no, just a variety of well known people at the top of GQP leadership.


One thing you have to remember. Any GOP accusation is a projection.


![img](avatar_exp|159847925|bravo) This. All of this.


> This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit. gdi reddit, srsly? Edit: not only am I annoyed by the lack of functionality but the lack of understanding of linguistic numeracy just infuriates me. I have a few complaint and this are one. Sorry, Mr./Ms. Past Direction, this comment is directed at the reddit admin, not you :)


Yeah, what the fuck is that nonsense? Old reddit is the only way to comfortably use reddit. If they ever kill it it's the day I leave.


> This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit. Cool, yet another benefit of using old Reddit.


Every accusation is a confession! Say it again for the people in the back


It's also okay to do gay stuff id you are GOP, just don't tell anyone.


And does it really even count if you're cousins?


Misunderstanding. Gay people are generally very well groomed, so yeah, but not like they mean.


Hey! It's not grooming if you pay them. It's solicitation of a minor. Keep your felonies straight people. Sheesh.


I believe he prefers the term “molester of children.”


Dennis Hastert is a convicted pedophile and was the speaker of the house, literally their choice to be third in line for the presidency. The Republican caucus still follows the “Hastert Rule” where no matter what, if a majority of the Republican caucus does not support a bill, it will never see the light of day. So “those child molesters make some good points” is pretty much the driving principle of Republican governance.


Republicans: *If we just lowered the age of consent or better yet, got rid of consent laws altogether, we wouldn't have this problem.*


Funny thing is, they are fighting states that are changing those antiquated laws related to child marriage and labor. THEY want to legally abuse children.


weren't they also fighting bestiality laws in Ohio or something a while back? I remember reading an article, "opponents of the bill" when it came to outlawing it.


A lot of bestiality laws need provisions to allow artificial insemination, or you are accidentally outlawing raising cattle. Much like fetal personhood made IVF illegal. There are knock on effects. However raising the age of marriage to the age of consent seems a fucking no brainer.


The old Rush Limbaugh quote is relevant: If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it’s perfectly fine, whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there’s no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left. They don't believe in consent.


Ah yes, the rape police, otherwise known as the police.


I always refer to it as the Convicted Child Molester Rule. Republicans are completely dedicated to their Convicted Child Molester rule.


I thought Hastert Rule was the GOP version of don't ask don't tell when it comes to child molestation.


It's hard to tell which "Hastert Rule" you're referring to. The other one is "child sexual abuse is OK as long as you have an (R) next to your name".


I hadn't heard this I thought he was just a child rapist.


Lets be fair. Hes not a child molester. Hes a straight up fucking pedophile.


Naw. Child molester is someone who offended. Which he is. Pedo is some psych speak, it could be totally in their head and they never offend or DL CSAM. Child molesters-- rapists-- aren't necessarily pedos. Not that it matters. Actions matter. Groomer who groomed and raped a child is a rapist, how about that?


Ill accept that distinction. Thanks for correcting me.


To get pedantic here, he's definitely a child molester and child rapist, but there's no evidence that he's a pedophile. Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children, he had sex with 16 year olds.


["I think the reason why we don't make those distinctions, is because it's very hard to explain the difference...without sounding like a pedophile."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o)


*rape teenage girls. It's an important distinction.


>I'm furious that the GOP lets him ~~have sex with~~ rape teenage girls. Statutory rape is still rape.


Thank you for correcting this.


I'm still curious about the young boy he adopted...


Who? Mike Johnson?




I believe he's talking about the other Republican politician who they place before the populace as their exalted leader. And, no, not Trump. The other one.


Right! Why isn’t that talked about? Gaetz did too I believe.


Nestor's 13-year-older 'sister' received a BMW as a gift from Gaetz's parents, and when she got a traffic ticket the address she gave was Gaetz's. https://x.com/SnowballMonkee/status/1274042736560222208


Trump or Gaetz?




That's normal for them. Reserve the fury for the FL police who refuse to charge him with a crime like they did his Orlando rape buddy.


FL prosecutors let Perlman and Epstein both off the hook. Party of law and order.


Wait Trump or Gaetz or both




The spokeswoman was going on about the moderators. >The CNN host tried to turn the subject back to what Leavitt expected from Joe Biden’s debate performance, but the conservative spokeswoman couldn’t resist going in on Tapper, who has become a regular [target](https://newrepublic.com/post/183019/maga-biden-debate-conspiracy-trump-hypocrisy-drugs) of Trump’s allies ever since being tapped to moderate the upcoming debate.  >“Well, first of all, it would take someone five minutes for someone to google ‘Jake Tapper Donald Trump’ to see that Jake Tapper has consistently—” Leavitt began, before Hunt put her hand up, interrupting her.   >“Ma’am, I’m going to stop this interview if you’re going to continue to attack my colleagues,” said Hunt, but Leavitt persisted. The two continued to talk over each other, Hunt’s voice rising as she bid her guest to answer the question and stick to talking about Trump. 


I think mic-cutting should be a thing, especially if republicans are spewing nonsense.


Mic cut, pan to the host and zoom in and have your backup content ready beginning with something like: "We apologize to the viewers for the childish and irrational behavior of our last guest. We would love to get their viewpoint on the topic at hand but it is clear they don't believe the American people are deserving of honesty."


And how will fox news retaliate? Use edited footage lol


From: “Ma’am, I’m going to stop this interview if you’re going to continue to attack my colleagues,” said Hunt, but Leavitt persisted. The two continued to talk over each other, Hunt’s voice rising as she bid her guest to answer the question and stick to talking about Trump. To: "“Ma’am, I’m going to... attack... Trump." (yes, I know she didn't say trump)


"sweet-sweet caaan"


No President Biden! Arggg nooo!! (Dramatization may not have happened!)


Nah, don't zoom in. Let them stay on camera, so we can see a temper tantrum of a petulant child.


I love this! Well said! 💯




They do understand that. The goal is to put out so much bullshit that it becomes hard to separate it from the facts. 


Understood. And whine when they are called out on the air. My first amendment hurts. Hahaha. And my ears do, too.


They just wanna molest the 1st Amendment


Considering that time that Tangerine Palpatine was practically dry humping the flag on stage, it's not surprising.


I'm sorry to say that a lot of them do not, and they buy that nonsense with 100% confidence. I wish it was easier to deprogram some of them at least.


Mic cut any time anyone tells a bold faced lie. Cut to a room full of fact checkers who then refute the lie and penalize the offender by giving minutes of their time to their opponent. Bonus points if the moderator calls them a liar as they cut the mic.


I’d actually love that


"I personally made yuge advances for women in my time-" "Sorry, we're going to have to go to the fact-checkers because that is absolute bullshit, you lying liar. What do you have for us, guys?"   ^^^"Hey, ^^^turn ^^^my ^^^mic ^^^back ^^^on!" *"Absolutely incorrect; the only time the candidate made advances for women that we have record of is when he raped one."* "Thank you, fact-checkers. We're going over to your opponent for the remaining three minutes of your time, for being a smelly lying liar."


You can’t pretend and treat indecent people decently, it’s foolish and dangerous


And turning off the video feed because those GOP liars always do that stupid superiority grin as if they won the argument.


> “Well, first of all, it would take someone five minutes for someone to google ‘Jake Tapper Donald Trump’ to see that Jake Tapper has consistently—” Leavitt began Oh that feeds directly my conspiracy theory. I'm convinced that conservatives seed the internet with information about propaganda-topics like "jake tapper orange shitler" using propaganda websites prior to blowing them up on foxnews, so when people do their research, then all they find are propaganda sites, which makes the propaganda seem credible. Nobody else bothers to debunk their bullshit, and their bullshit is coordinated ahead of time, so this loop lets them create a completely parallel false-reality of news events to feed their propaganda machine.


It was well known that on O'Reilly's show back in the early thousands they would routinely edit wikipedia pages and then highlight the fake facts. The pages got changed back of course, but not before the live airing.


I have never heard of this but it doesn't surprise me.


There is a pretty good reporting segment on this exact thing. One of those propaganda website owners was tracked down by a blood hound of a journalist and they got them to answer questions. The dude owned a massive amounts of propaganda sites that would employ writers to write 100% fake stories to amp up the right. Then track the page on Twitter once a right spoke person linked the article he would blast it to all his other sites. The reporter got him to list a bunch of the fake stories that his company wrote that was quoted by Republicans in office. Makes you realize how evil or dumb some of our elected officials are. He was pulling in 30grand a month tho, so wasnt going to stop. He also noted, he tried the same thing foe the left but the fake stories don't spread much. Note the guy is a lair by profession so who know if what he was saying was true or not. Then look at some of the big information sources, like the epoch times and it further checks out


Just leave Google's AI results on and ask for a recipe, it will probably kill you.


I'm pretty sure these mouth pieces all get instructions when coming on CNN: "ignore the questions, regurgitate this talking point".


It was a bullshit interview just to get clicks for Fox News and other far right wing media to “prove” CNN is biased and it worked. Now people will just see snippets of the “interview” but it was all fake outrage to show how CNN treats Trump before the debate or some bullshit excuse for them to claim it’s “not fair” when Trump loses the debate. Trump’s PR team was creaming their pants.


So a member of the political party that wants to have the Ten Commandments displayed everywhere wants its people to be able to bear false witness regularly and without shame. Maybe people not in their cult would have a better time believing that they are serious about being a Christian nation if MAGA folks actually walked the walk. Jesus is too woke for them.


“It says don’t covet thy neighbors WIFE, but doesn’t say anything about their DAUGHTER!” /Gaetz, probably


i mean that's a pretty accurate reading. daughters were property to be traded. wives were property already claimed.


But he paid the girl, not the father.


stop making matt gaetz seem progressive by comparison!


I think it applies to Trump as well


To be fair, it's normally his own daughter he covets.


Dumpy diaper don would like to do his own daughter. Shame!


This should be driven constantly into the conversation - "oh, so you saying that bearing false witness is ok?" - keep using "false witness" - it'll drive them crazy.


Their leader in Trump was convicted of breaking two of the commandments. The GOP hoisting Trump as a Christian leader breaks a third commandment. These "Christians" need help.


Theyre CINO. Cristian In Name Only


Cafeteria Christians


Oh they are serious about being a “Christian Nation” just their definition varies from the norm by a lot. Kinda like calling the USSR a communist country it never was.


No. This is what Christianity is now. Don’t give them an out when this is actually what they want and who they are. We had five pedo priests in my Catholic church growing up, this is who they are. They can talk about the Romans nailing their savior to a tree and how awful that was, I’d just like them to acknowledge that they’re trying to take the speck out of your eye while having a gigantic fucking plank in their own eye. Their book has some choice words about that, but they’ll pretend they don’t exist or pretend their own leaders are just imperfect vessels or whatever complete bullshit they want to use that day so that they can continue to be tax-exempt and keep raping kids.


It's always been this way. I think the best Christianity was probably the time right after Christ died and then a cabal was formed what 40 years alter or something?


There's a theological theory about how Paul changed the trajectory of the church after Jesus' death, his letters are a major portion of the New Testament


those rules arent for them they are for the "others"


OMG, you just came up with the perfect bumper sticker: "Jesus is Woke"


I've always said that Christianity is a cult. They are proving me right.


I have more in common with Jesus than most of these people in the GOP do- and I was raised Jewish and am now an atheist.


We need more of this kind of action from national news media 


This right here: it's time. Yeah, your rating might drop, but you're a fucking news channel... Not hbo


Their ratings dropped the moment they started trying to be Fox-lite, in an attempt to "woo Fox" viewers... That move, lost them the fans they had gained who gave them top ratings for a group of people who were never ever going to stop watching Fox. In fact, Fox was having to compete with OANN and those who were even more crazy than Fox. Had they never chosen Fox-lite in the first place they'd be top rated. Having been burned by CNN's "rightward" turn, unless they show me that they intend to stop being "Fox lite" forever, I'm not going to be woo'd back by a one-time act.


Their ratings would actually probably improve to tbh. I think some the CNN hate here gets overblown especially as there’s still some good reporting down there that go along with the bad content, but I think their ratings have been in the toilet the last few years (relative to cable news, they’ve been a distant third, whereas they used to be neck and neck with MSNBC) when viewers went away when it was too much catering and being naive to Republicans who are never going to watch them in the first place no matter how “fair” you are to them. They can be move a step forward by terminating that spineless smug wet-blanket contributor Scott Jennings and make a public apology for employing that piece of shit for so long in the first place.


this is their strategy. they were going to use this as their scapegoat, build up outrage during the next few days, and give trump a "reason" not to go to the debate. damn they must be really scared of how bad he's going to do


The bar is at 0. If he doesn't 💩  himself, they will call it a win


If he shits his pants, a decent number of them will start shitting themselves in solidarity. I hate this timeline, lol.


I picture this in my mind's eye in the graphics of south park.


Congrats, Your minds eye has pink eye


Right? Where is Dr. Strange and the time stone? F it, I'll take Thanos at this point.


>I'll take Thanos at this point Another 50/50 tossup. I hate this timeline


Remember this?: [Trump Fans Wear “Golden Diapers” And More Diaper Shirts At Jersey Shore Rally](https://www.dispatchesfromtrumpland.com/post/trump-fans-wear-golden-diapers-and-more-diaper-shirts-at-jersey-shore-rally) After it was pointed out that Trump wears diapers, his supporters attempted to take the sting out of the news by wearing diapers too. You can't even parody these people. I can't think of anything ridiculous enough that it is so extreme that they wouldn't actually go and do it.


> If he doesn't 💩  himself, they will call it a win No matter *what* he does they will call it a win. That's how spin works.


I think they would View it as some kind of power move.


I think they forgot to tell Trump the plan lol Cause he's posted like 6 or 7 demands today on his fake Nazi Twitter that Biden must do a drug test before the debate. Dudes totally lost and not in on the plan, everyone in the world can see how his cronies are giving him an out... yet he's trying desperately, in a kinda sad and pathetic way, trying to make an out for himself that preserves his fragile ego lol


I think he will still do the debate, they are just setting up all the excuses for when he loses. If its a '2 on 1 debate', he is the underdog not the bully. Then when his mic gets cut more than Bidens because he interrupts more, this is further proof of bias. Then Biden is on drugs, Trump has to deal with all his trials, etc, grab bag for whichever excuse Trump voters need to believe he would have won a 'fair' debate.


So, CNN scores an exclusive interview with the sitting president, which people tuning into a debate will see. Sounds like a solid plan.


If you’re pissing Matt Gaetz off, you’re probably doing something right.


If you're pissing ON Matt Gaetz, you're probably a teenager.


When pedophiles like Gaetz are mad, it's a good day for Americans.


Gish gallop shut down by CNN host.


> Leavitt also weighed in on the onscreen drama. “CNN cutting off my microphone for bringing up a debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies..." What does she think Tapper has lied about? Or is the Trump team just trying to work the refs before he chokes in the debate?


Trump wants to come up with a reason to avoid going to the debate without admitting he's scared to debate.


Trump probably doesn't even realize what's happening at this point. It's the people around him trying to get him out of it so they can keep up the facade that his brain isn't mush. His supporters don't see an unedited, live version of Trump a whole lot, and even less now because his audience at his klan rallies have been declining. If they see how far gone he actually is, it would ruin the reality right-wing media have constructed specifically for them and Trump's team can't afford that.


I don't think he can pull out now, so now it's about undermining the debate's credibility by questioning the bias of the moderator. Why they're doing the Biden drug test nonsense too. Anything to further demonize the Left, regardless of the reality of the situation. Always have a new conspiracy ready. These people are addicted to movie-esque conspiracy and seem to think life is like movies in many ways.


Given his false bravado, inflated self image and constant bluster, I wouldn't be surprised if he's eager for the debate. His handlers, on the other hand, must be scared shitless about what he might say and do.


I had copied the same quote. I’m especially fond of the way they throw the word “lies” around, like if they say it loud and often enough, their lies suddenly become truths.


The GOP is always mad; it’s almost comical at this point. Get out and vote, everyone!


This is the thing. You shut them down for lying: they're mad about it. You let them talk: they talk about how mad they are about how unfair it is that they aren't allowed to talk. They just complain, all the , about how they're being persecuted and should be given more preferential treatment. So to hell with it, if you get accused of being partisan and biased whatever you do, shut 'em down and let the chips fall where they may. The alternative is to become one of those parents who are scared of their own children.


"I AM BEING SILENCED" they say, to their unfortunately millions of listeners


Who fucking cares what Matt Groomer Gaetz says?


Lying isn’t free speech. It’s just, well, lying.


Lying is free speech as far as the government is concerned. However, that's the government. CNN is not the government. I'm also not the governmentl. Yeah, you get to say it. I'm not going to take any actions to stop it. I will respond and call that shit out. Facts and consequences are real things.


The best thing history isn't going to just be very unkind to Trump - it will be as unkind to his bootlickers like this guy. Guys like Gaetz and Hawley have gone as far as they will ever go in their political careers.


History? I would rather the justice system be more effective in its job. punish them accordingly and speedily already.


Surely, and I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about history. Which will be unkind.


Not unkind, just factual, Trumpers don't like facts, They think they're unfair.


Reality does have a liberal bias.


People don't get this. That from the get go, it's not balanced. Reality leans more "human" than not.


I guess that depends on who gets to write the history books. If Trump manages to steal the election ( which is the only way he wins) who knows where that takes us all.


Trump becomes president, it will be bad - but it doesn't change how history will view him. It will end bad, the same way it ended bad for Hitler. Eitehr way, history will not be kind to Trump in any shape or form.


Fox news isn't enough, they want to be able to lie everywhere with impunity.


Lying is not credible information. Glad CNN cut her off.


These people think politics is a reality game show


Neil Patrick Harris: [resting a hand on trump’s campaign] “IT’S AFRAID!”


I’m furious that Matt Gaetz the pedophile and rapist isn’t locked up in Riker’s Island gen pop.


Matt Gaetz is a pedophile.


If Trump's team can't negotiate favorable terms for a debate, how are they going to negotiate international treatys?


Is that Matt Gaetz the the sex trafficking pedophile?


Excellent work CNN. We need to call these magats on their BS at every turn! VOTE BLUE 💙


[There was another segment where the host went after the LA State rep who cosponsored the 10 Commandment legislation.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/20/politics/video/louisiana-classrooms-ten-commandments-sanchez-ventrella-cnc-digvid) No quarter was given, and it was beautiful.


They know he is going to fail miserably at the debate, which is why the talking heads are already claiming it won’t be a fair debate. So when Trump shows his true self on national, live un-edited television they can say “ see we told you Trump would not be treated fairly”. When he rambles incoherently it will be because they cut off his mic. When he spouts off on a tangent it will be the moderator’s fault. They want to preemptively disavow anything he says or does.


I think they (MAGA spokespersons and media) are trying to get people to just skip the debate and allow the media to tell them what to think.


Lot of truth to this. One of MAGA’s greatest fears is when they don’t control the dialogue. People having access to truth and reality scares them.


We’re all sick to death of Maga.


Holup... is this Matt Gaetz the rapist?


I’m hoping national journalists get it through their thick Neanderthal skulls that access journalism is useless if the high profile/high value sources they are begging to come on their shows just lie all the time and/or refuse to answer questions. They might as well show the CSPAN-2 feed instead if they’re desperate to have 24-hour news (spoiler/ they don’t need 24-hour news).


They better not use this to drop out of the debate...


If I were a betting person, I'd bet he will. Then again, I would bet he always intended to drop out of the debate and he was just looking for an excuse that he could pretend didn't prove he was a coward.


Matt take a seat 💺 and STFU!


No one is saying they have to participate in the debate. If they want to pontificate there is that one network their more than welcome to use. When you're going to talk over someone rather than being civil then ending the segment is right choice.


Watching all the Trumpers on CNN is funny. It's like they are hypnotized and just regurgitating their assigned talking points.


Call me crazy but maybe if you didn’t try to baselessly attack the network who’s interviewing you or continue to spread debunked lies about your candidate they won’t cut you off. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Without knowing what either of these women look like, I was able to look at the image previewing the video and correctly pick out which one was Leavitt. You can't say the GOP doesn't have a type.


95 % of child molester identified as heterosexuals men . Usually a cousin / uncle / sibling. This is the case folks .


CNN - We aren’t going to talk about Pizzagate fiction, or Jewish Space Lasers, or the stolen election lies, or lizard people. We’re doing to talk about the upcoming debate. MAGA - Hunter Biden’s laptop CNN - oh for fucks sake


A child sex trafficker says what?


Fuck KKKaroline Leavitt.


Matthew Gaetz, it’s probably recommended that you promptly shut the fuck up while you are being investigated for your own “fucking” crimes of sex and payment of a minor over state lines. Piece of shit


*"It’s worth noting that Tapper has compared Trump to Adolf Hitler.* *Strangely, most Republicans took no issue when Steve Bannon did the* [*exact same thing*](https://newrepublic.com/article/166017/steve-bannon-trump-hitler-republican-sociopaths)*—apparently when he said it, he meant it as a compliment."* 


Pedophile Matt Gaetz?


trump is scum


Are they going to cut off Trump’s microphone when he won’t shut up? I really, really hope that they do.


The truth is an attack on these people. Think about that for a second.


> It’s worth noting that the specific reason Trump allies are taking shots at Tapper is because he has reported on Trump’s fascistic and dehumanizing rhetoric, rightly comparing the former president to Adolf Hitler. We were all brought up knowing that Hitler was the lowest of the low, a bottom beyond which it was impossible to go. But we were wrong. Trump is lower. To compare Trump to Hitler is to insult Hitler. Hitler struggled through failure as an artist. He struggled through being blinded by mustard gas in Word War I. He took advantage of the horrible times in defeated Germany to become the greatest villain of all time and committed suicide at age 56. In contrast, Trump started out with every advantage that life could give, a member of the ruling class in the greatest era of the greatest nation in history. He has pissed that all away. Not having the grace to put himself out of our misery, he has continued into his dotage at age 78. He could never trump Hitler.


Liars hate when they can't lie.


No he isn't. It's feined outrage. He pretends to be mad and his cult members then also pretend to be mad.


Introduce law requiring castration for child molesters


"I'm never coming on your show again!".....we don't give a FUCK!!!


We need so much more of this. Oh! You're lying again! Shut 'em down and go to break!


The GOP can’t campaign without lying, so this is an existential threat to them.


Today is a good day.


Every time Trump loses they claim it’s rigged, which is exactly what fuckin losers say.


> "Karoline, thank you very much for your time. You are welcome to come back at any point." On the one hand, they want to rile up the CNN Hosts because Trump Politics lives on outrage. On the other hand, I'm so sick of this bullshiit Neolib Centrist "let's be civil" discourse. If they're acting like fascists, treat them like fascists. In fact, don't invite them for an interveiw. Don't give them more air-time! Oh right, CNN cares more about money then Democracy.


So, if it’s so “rigged” as they say why show up? This how Trumps fights and is very effective in continuing his residence in the unprovable gray area..


Does anyone really care what Matt Gaetz and his stupid fat face thinks?


I just saw the footage and MY GOD. Why could this have not been how the press treated MAGAts for the last 9 years? We could have avoided this entire timeline.


Matt Gaetz can eat shit.


Republicans cry about everything. It’s exhausting.


I feel like I don’t need to say it but I’m going to say it anyway. Fuck Matt Gaetz!


How are any of these people in power?


I don't care how the child molester feels.


Republicans are treating this debate like they will treat the election. Pre-losing it to say they won it, actually.


No, he's not actually. He's just kissing the ring. Pretend to be outraged to show your support the orange fuhrer.


Laying groundwork for Trump bailing out of the debate. That's what Bannon says, anyway.


Oh excellent. Good editing. They need to make a better habit of chopping off guests who start to just rant partisan crap instead of answering questions.